® XTR501 HIGH CURRENT BRIDGE DRIVER and 4-20mA Transmitter FEATURES DESCRIPTION ● SENSOR EXCITATION OF 1W ● VARIABLE EXCITATION VOLTAGE: 1.5V to 5.0V ● SINGLE SUPPLY: 11.4V to 30VDC ● INRUSH CURRENT LIMITING The XTR501 contains a high efficiency DC/DC converter and 4-20mA three wire current transmitter. It provides regulated bridge excitation, optional half bridge, differential inputs and current transmitter necessary for the excitation and signal conditioning of low impedance bridge sensors and high integrity signal transmission. ● 4-20mA TRANSMITTER The DC/DC converter is capable of supplying 1W into a regulated bridge voltage of 1.5V to 5.0V from a supply of 11.4V to 30V. The combination of a low startup current and high efficiency current step-up allows for a combined supply line resistance of up to 100Ω when exciting low impedance sensors. APPLICATIONS ● GAS DETECTION SENSORS ● PELLISTOR CATALYTIC DETECTORS ● STRAIN GAGES ● HIGH CURRENT BRIDGES ● LOAD CELLS The instrumentation amplifier of the current transmitter can be used over a wide range of gains, accommodating a variety of input signals and sensors. ● HOT-WIRE ANEMOMETERS The XTR501 is particularly suited to excitation of high current/low impedance sensors used in bridge applications allowing the use of lighter cabling leading to considerable savings on cabling costs. RSPAN +24V GA GB +VS Long Cables XTR501 +VIN –VIN IOUT VBB 4-20mA VOUT +VB RSENSE DC/DC Com VBSET RSET International Airport Industrial Park • Mailing Address: PO Box 11400 • Tucson, AZ 85734 • Street Address: 6730 S. Tucson Blvd. • Tucson, AZ 85706 Tel: (520) 746-1111 • Twx: 910-952-1111 • Cable: BBRCORP • Telex: 066-6491 • FAX: (520) 889-1510 • Immediate Product Info: (800) 548-6132 © 1994 Burr-Brown Corporation PDS-1212 Printed in U.S.A. October, 1994 SPECIFICATIONS ELECTRICAL TA = +25°C, VS = 24V, VBRIDGE = 2V, ILOAD = 300mA unless otherwise specified. XTR501 PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN INSTRUMENTATION AMPLIFIER/CURRENT TRANSMITTER SIGNAL OUTPUT Output Current Equation RG in Ω, VIN in V Output Current Linear Operating Range Over-scale Limit Under-scale Limit ZERO Output Current Offset Error vs Temperature vs Supply Voltage SPAN Span Equation Untrimmed Error 4 ±50 0.2 0.5 VS = 11.4V to 30V G = 1, IO = 4mA to 20mA INPUT Common-Mode Range Offset Voltage vs Temperature vs Supply Voltage Common-Mode Rejection Impedance; Differential, Common-Mode DC/DC CONVERTER BRIDGE EXCITATION VOLTAGE SOURCE Output Voltage vs Temperature vs Long Term Stability Output Power Line Voltage Regulation Load Voltage Regulation Output Voltage Ripple Output Voltage Ripple Frequency Output Short-Circuit Current Input Current MAX IO = 0.004 + 0.016 [(1 + 50kΩ/RG)/4.94] VIN 4 20 25 27 0 RG in Ω,VIN in V G=1 G = 250 vs Temperature Nonlinearity TYP ±100 2 UNITS A mA mA mA mA µA µA/°C µA/V Span = 0.016[(1 + 50kΩ/RG)/4.94] ±0.2 ±2.5 ±1.5 ±10 50 ±0.025 A/V % % ppm/°C % 4.94(1) V mV µV/°C dB dB Ω || pF 5 0 16 50 75 85 1010 || 6 VIN = 0V, G= 1 1.5 200 100 VS = 11.4V to 30.0V Load Current 160mA to 340mA Load Voltage 2V Load Current 300mA Load Voltage 2V 0.25 0.25 V ppm/°C ppm/1000hrs W % % 150 mV 100 2.6 150 kHz A mA 1 Limited Duration Output Short-Circuit POWER SUPPLY Supply Voltage, VS Supply Current 11.4 TEMPERATURE Operating Storage –40 –40 24 See Typical Curve 30 V +70 +85 °C °C NOTE: (1) Common-Mode Range is based on a multiple of a bandgap reference of 1.235V. The information provided herein is believed to be reliable; however, BURR-BROWN assumes no responsibility for inaccuracies or omissions. BURR-BROWN assumes no responsibility for the use of this information, and all use of such information shall be entirely at the user’s own risk. Prices and specifications are subject to change without notice. No patent rights or licenses to any of the circuits described herein are implied or granted to any third party. BURR-BROWN does not authorize or warrant any BURR-BROWN product for use in life support devices and/or systems. ® XTR501 2 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS ORDERING INFORMATION Supply Voltage, VS ............................................................................... 30V Input Voltage ....................................................................................... 10V Output Power ........................................................................................ 1W Operating Temperature Range ............................................. 0°C to +70°C Storage Temperature Range ............................................ –40°C to +85°C MODEL PACKAGE TEMPERATURE RANGE XTR501 24-Pin Plastic Module –40°C to +70°C PACKAGE INFORMATION PIN CONFIGURATION Top View MODEL PACKAGE PACKAGE DRAWING NUMBER(1) XTR501 24-Pin Plastic Module 902 NOTE: (1) For detailed drawing and dimension table, please see end of data sheet, or Appendix D of Burr-Brown IC Data Book. GBSET 1 24 GASET GBSENSE 2 23 GASENSE –VIN 3 22 +VIN PIN DESCRIPTION PIN NAME DESCRIPTION 1 GBSET Connect to RSPAN to set transconductance. 2 GBSENSE 3 –VIN Inverting input to transmitter. 10 IOUT Output Current connect through RSENSE to common. XTR501 18 VBB 17 –VB 16 +VB IOUT 10 15 +VBSENSE Common 11 14 VBSET VS 12 11 Common 12 VS 14 VBSET 15 +VBSENSE Sense pin for GBSET connect to GASET. Supply return for sense and VB connectors. Supply to XTR501 +11.4V to 30.0V. Single resistor to common sets the bridge excitation voltage. Positive bridge sense input connect to positive excitation voltage at bridge. 16 +VB Positive bridge excitation voltage. 17 –VB Negative bridge excitation voltage. 18 VBB Output from internal half bridge connect to –VIN. 22 +VIN Non-Inverting input to transmitter. 23 GASENSE 24 GASET Sense pin for GASET connect to GASET. Connect to RSPAN to set transconductance. ® 3 XTR501 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVES TA = +25°C, VS = 24V, VBRIDGE = 2V, ILOAD = 300mA unless otherwise specified. NON-LINEARITY (Low Gain) NON-LINEARITY (High Gain) 25 25 20 VBRIDGE = 2.0V, ILOAD = 300mA, VS = 24V 15 10 5 5 m% 10 0 0 –5 –5 –10 –10 –15 –15 –20 –20 –25 –25 0 1 2 3 4 0 5 5 10 15 20 25 VIN (V) VIN (mV) SMALL SIGNAL TRANSIENT RESPONSE LARGE SIGNAL TRANSIENT RESPONSE RLOAD = 250Ω RLOAD = 250Ω VIN IO IO VIN IO = 4-20mA, VIN = 27mV IO = 4-20mA, VIN = 5V 5ms/Div 2ms/Div OUTPUT NOISE FFT of OUTPUT NOISE NOTES: IO into 250Ω. (1) No smoothing. (2) 5µF capacitor across 250Ω. 2mV/Div 310kHz 100mV/Div m% 20 VBRIDGE = 2.0V, ILOAD = 300mA, VS = 24V 15 (1) (2) 1µs/Div 100kHz/Div ® XTR501 4 30 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVES (CONT) TA = +25°C, VS = 24V, VBRIDGE = 2V, ILOAD = 300mA unless otherwise specified. ZERO CURRENT TC (µA/°C) MAXIMUM CURRENT LOOP RESISTANCE 20 30 15 Number of Units Supply Voltage (V) Operating point must be within this region 20 Example: 24V Supply RMAX = 700Ω 10 10 5 0 0 300 400 500 600 700 800 0 900 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 Zero Current Drift (µA/°C) Average = 0.100µA/°C 3σ = 0.115µA/°C Resistance (Ω) UNTRIMMED ERROR TC G = 1 (ppm/°C) BRIDGE VOLTAGE LINE REGULATION 14 0.1 12 0.08 10 0.06 8 0.04 % Number of Units VBRIDGE = 2.0V, ILOAD = 300mA, VS = 12V - 30V 6 0.02 4 0 2 –0.02 0 0 10 20 30 40 –0.04 50 12 18 0.1 VBRIDGE = 2.0V, ILOAD = 300mA, VS = 24V 0.04 VBRIDGE = 2.0V, VS = 24V Bridge Voltage Change (%) Bridge Voltage Change (%) 30 BRIDGE VOLTAGE REGULATION vs TEMPERATURE BRIDGE VOLTAGE LOAD REGULATION 0.05 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 –0.01 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 –0.02 –0.03 0.06 24 VS (V) Untrimmed Error TC Drift (ppm/°C) Average = 21ppm/°C 3σ = 25ppm/°C 0.6 0.12 0.18 –40 0.24 –10 25 55 85 Temperature (°C) Output Current (A) ® 5 XTR501 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVES (CONT) TA = +25°C, VS = 24V, VBRIDGE = 2V, ILOAD = 300mA unless otherwise specified. SUPPLY CURRENT vs EXCITATION LOAD CURRENT 110 14 100 12 Supply Current (mA) Number of Candidates BRIDGE EXCITATION VOLTAGE TC (ppm/°C) 16 10 8 6 4 Bridge Voltage (VEX) = 2.0V 90 0V VS =3 80 4V VS 70 =2 18V VS = V 13.5 VS = 60 50 40 2 30 20 0 0 30 60 90 120 0 150 100 200 300 400 500 ILOAD (mA) Bridge Excitation Voltage Temperature Drift (ppm/°C) Average = 70ppm/°C 3σ = 70ppm/°C METHOD OF OPERATION APPLICATIONS The XTR501 consists of a high efficiency DC/DC converter with current and voltage mode control and a current loop transmitter. The pulse-width modulation controller monitors the current and voltage control signals and varies the conduction period to regulate the bridge excitation voltage, VB. The XTR501 is designed to be used with a wide range of pellistor catalytic gas detectors. The pellistor gas detector consists of a matched pair of elements; an active bead which is the sensing element, and an inactive bead which is the compensating element. These elements form one side of a Wheatstone bridge arrangement. The bridge serves a dual purpose: to raise the temperature of the elements to about 500°C, which is their working temperature, and to allow detection of the presence of combustible gases through imbalance of the bridge. This happens as the pellistor increases temperature due to oxidation of the flammable gas and thus increases its resistance. A soft-start feature is provided to negate problems caused by high in-rush currents and lead resistances, thus allowing the XTR501 to be driven through cables of up to 100Ω of supply line resistance with no reduction in performance. A single resistor, RSET, determines the regulated bridge excitation voltage which may be in the range 1.5V to 5.0V. The gain of the transconductance amplifier, which forms the current loop transmitter, is again determined by a single resistor RSPAN and allows input voltages from 25mV to drive the 4-20mA current loop. LEL Methane Bridge Voltage VEX RSET IO RSPAN = = = = = 5% = VIN = 50mV 2.0V 21.858kΩ 4-20mA 510Ω 470µH +24V Compensator 10kΩ 12 XTR501 16 +V B 15 +VBSENSE RT In general, pellistor catalytic gas detectors are limited in use to monitoring up to 100% of the LEL (lower explosive limit). Beyond this point ambiguous results can occur due to the inability of the pellistor to oxidize the gas as the available oxygen decreases (see Figure 3). + VS GASET 23 GASENSE 100Ω 18 VBB RSPAN SENSE (1) Detector 17 – V B 11 24 COM –VIN 3 10µF Tantalum 1 GB 100Ω 2 GBSET IO 10 14 VBSET VOUT = IO RLOAD IO = 4 to 20mA RSET VOUT RLOAD 250Ω + 5µF Tantalum +VIN 22 NOTE: (1) VQ 21 Gas Sensor - EEV Gas Sensors. FIGURE 1. Basic Connection ® XTR501 6 1V to 5V 100 RT Bridge Output (mV) 100µH Compensator For additional bridge smoothing, 100µH inductors may be inserted as shown. Note that inductors must be able to handle high bridge current. Detector 50 100µH 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 % Methane In Concentration FIGURE 3. Typical Pellistor Response. FIGURE 2. Bridge Smoothing. An interesting feature of pellistor elements, and those tested in the applications, is that they create a similar bridge output at LEL for almost all hydrocarbons. This feature allows a comparative measurement to be made of one gas when an instrument has been calibrated for another. 10 X T R 5 0 1 e.g. Instrument calibrated for Methane (K=112) measuring Hydrogen (K=85.8). Actual % of LEL will be 1.31 x meter reading. (112/85.8). This is an approximation and it is recommended that for exact conversions the instrument should be calibrated using the relevant gases. Tables of these constants can be sourced through the manufacturers of gas sensing products. An example of the XTR501 used with a pellistor catalytic gas detector is shown in Figure 1. To Calculate RSET See Figure 4. Point (a) will be maintained at 1.235V. (10kΩ ) (1. 235) = 5 ( V B – 1. 235) 1. 235 –1= R SET = Example: 11 (a) +VBSET RSET 50kΩ To Calculate RSPAN I O = 0. 004 + 0. 016 1 + 50kΩ / R SPAN V IN 4. 94 For VIN = 10mV and IO = 20mA 0. 02 = 0. 004 + 0. 016 1 + 50kΩ / R SPAN 0. 01 4. 94 1 + ( 50kΩ / R SPAN ) 0. 016 = 4. 94 ( 0. 016 ) ( 0. 01) 50kΩ + R SET R SET = 1+ 10kΩ FIGURE 4. Internal Circuit +VBSET. V B – 1. 235 1. 235 ( 50kΩ + R SET ) = 10kΩ R SET 50kΩ 50kΩ ( V B – 1. 235) +VBSENSE 50kΩ R SET 494 = 1 + 50kΩ / R SPAN R SPAN = 50kΩ R SET = 101. 4 (50kΩ ) (1. 235) 5 ( V B − 1. 235) – 1. 235 VB RSET Calculated 1.5 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 Open 21.858kΩ 7.891kΩ 4.815kΩ 3.464kΩ 50kΩ 493 i.e 4. 94 50kΩ = 1+ V IN R SPAN R SPAN = 50kΩ 4. 94 –1 V IN ® 7 XTR501