AK632512W / AK632512Z 524,288 x 32 Bit CMOS / BiCMOS Static Random Access Memory Front View 72-Pin SIM The Accutek AK632512 SRAM Module consists of fast high performance SRAMs mounted on a low height, 72 pin SIM or ZIP Board. The module utilizes four 36 pin 512K x 8 SRAMs in 400 mil SOJ packages and four decoupling capacitors mounted on the front side of a printed circuit board. The SRAMs used have common I/O functions and single output enable functions. Also, four separate chip select (CE) connections are used to independently enable the four bytes. The modules can be supplied in a variety of access time values from 15 nSEC to 35 nSEC in CMOS or BiCMOS technology. The Accutek module is designed to have a maximum seated height of 0.640 inch SIM or 0.555 inch ZIP to provide for the lowest height off the board. Each conforms to JEDEC-standard sizes and pin-out configurations. Using four pins for module memory density identification, PD0, PD1, PD2 and PD3 minimizes interchangeability and design considerations when changing from one module size to the other in customer applications. FEATURES · 524,288 x 32 bit organization · JEDEC Standard 72 pin SIM or ZIP format · Common I/O, single OE and WE functions with four separate chip selects (CE) · Fast access times from 15 nSEC · Low height, 0.640 inch SIM or 0.555 inch ZIP maximum · Power: 720mA Max Active (20 nSEC) 760mA Max Active (15 nSEC) 800mA Max Active (12 nSEC) 200mA Max Standby · TTL-compatible inputs and outputs PIN NOMENCLATURE A0 - A18 CE1 - CE4 DQ1 - DQ32 Address Inputs Chip Enable Data In/Data Out OE Output Enable PD0 - PD3 Presence Detect Vcc 5v Supply 1 36 37 72 72-Pin ZIP 1 36 72 37 · Presence Detect, PD0, PD1, PD2 and PD3 for identifying module density · Downward compatible with 256K x 32 (AK632256), 128K x 32 (AK632128), 64K x 32 (AK63264) and 32K x 32 (AK63232), 64 pin SIM or ZIP designs · Upward compatible with 1 Meg x 32 (AK6321024) · Single 5 volt power supply - AK632512W, AK632512Z · Single 3.3 volt power supply - AK632512W/3.3, AK632512Z/3.3 · Operating free air temperature 00 to 700C ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Timing diagrams and basic electrical characteristics are those of the standard 512K x 8 SRAMs used to construct these modules. Accutek’s module design allows the flexibility of selecting industry-compatible 512K x 8 SRAMs from several SRAM manufacturers. PIN ASSIGNMENT FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM PIN # SYMBOL PIN # SYMBOL PIN # SYMBOL PIN # SYMBOL 1 NC 19 A1 37 CE4 55 A5 2 NC 20 A8 38 CE3 56 A12 3 PD2 21 A2 39 A17 57 Vcc 4 PD3 22 A9 40 A16 58 A13 A0 - A18 + 19 A0 - A18 WE + * WE OE + * OE DQ1 - DQ8 + DQ1 - DQ8 CE * DESCRIPTION Accutek Microcircuit Corporation CE1 + 5 Vss 23 DQ13 41 OE 59 A6 6 PD0 24 DQ5 42 Vss 60 DQ21 7 PD1 25 DQ14 43 DQ25 61 DQ29 8 DQ1 26 DQ6 44 DQ17 62 DQ22 Ground 9 DQ9 27 DQ15 45 DQ26 63 DQ30 WE Write Enable 10 DQ2 28 DQ7 46 DQ18 64 DQ23 11 DQ10 29 DQ16 47 DQ27 65 DQ31 12 DQ3 30 DQ8 48 DQ19 66 DQ24 13 DQ11 31 Vss 49 DQ27 67 DQ32 DQ1 - DQ8 + DQ9 - DQ16 * OE CE * Vss A0 - A18 * WE MODULE OPTIONS CE2 + A0 - A18 * WE DQ1 - DQ8 + DQ17 - DQ24 * OE Leaded SIP: AK632512G Leaded ZIP: AK632512Z DQ4 32 WE 50 DQ20 68 Vss 15 DQ12 33 A15 51 A3 69 A18 16 Vcc 34 A14 52 A10 70 NC 17 A0 35 CE2 53 A4 71 NC CE * 14 CE3 + A0 - A168 * WE 18 PD0 PD1 A7 = = 36 Open Open CE1 54 PD2 PD3 A11 = = 72 NC DQ1 - DQ8 * OE Vss Open CE * Leadless SIM: AK632512W CE4 + + DQ25 - DQ32 ORDERING INFORMATION MECHANICALDIMENSIONS Inches PART NUMBER CODING IN TER PRE TA TION Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Product AK = Accutek Mem ory Type 4 = Dy namic RAM 5 = CMOS Dy namic RAM 6 = Static RAM Or ga ni za tion/Word Width 1 = by 1 16 = by 16 4 = by 4 32 = by 32 8 = by 8 36 = by 36 9 = by 9 Size/Bits Depth 64 = 64K 4096 = 4 MEG 256 = 256K 8192 = 8 MEG 1024 = 1 MEG 16384 = 16 MEG Pack age Type G = Sin gle In-Line Pack age (SIP) S = Sin gle In-Line Mod ule (SIM) D = Dual In-Line Pack age (DIP) W = .050 inch Pitch Edge Con nect Z = Zig-Zag In-Line Pack age (ZIP) Spe cial Des ig na tion P = Page Mode N = Nib ble Mode K = Static Col umn Mode W = Write Per Bit Mode V = Video Ram Separator - = Com mer cial 0 0C to +700 C M = Mil i tary Equiv a lent Screened (-550C to +1250C) I = In dus trial Tem per a ture Tested (-450C to +85 0C) X = Burned In Speed (first two sig nif i cant dig its) DRAMS SRAMS 50 = 50 nS 8 = 8 nS 60 = 60 nS 10 = 10 nS 70 = 70 nS 12 = 25 nS 80 = 80 nS 15 = 15 nS The num bers and cod ing on this page do not in clude all vari a tions avail able but are shown as ex am ples of the most widely used vari a tions. Con tact Accutek if other in for ma tion is re quired. EXAMPLES: AK632512W-15 512K x 32, 15 nSEC SRAM Mod ule, SIM Con fig u ra tion AK632512Z-20 512K x 32, 20 nSEC SRAM Mod ule, ZIP Con fig u ra tion ACCUTEK MICRO CIR CUIT COR PO RA TION BUSI NESS CENTER at NEWBURYPORT 2 NEW PAS TURE ROAD, SUITE 1 NEWBURYPORT, MA 01950-4054 VOICE: 978-465-6200 FAX: 978-462-3396 Email: sales@accutekmicro.com Internet: www.accutekmicro.com Accutek re serves the right to make changes in spec i fi ca tions at any time and with out no tice. Accutek does not as sume any re spon si bil ity for the use of any cir cuitry de scribed; no cir cuit pat ent li censes are implied. Pre lim i nary data sheets con tain min i mum and max i mum limits based upon design objectives, which are sub ject to change upon full char ac ter iza tion over the spe cific op er at ing con di tions.