锍 艹 琵 金 ^^~~它 ci。 i As7662 k由 h∞ h铷 dog power Rodu∝ s DC■ |o■DC Vρ ltage Converter m"oW hfor血 aσ on,ˉ 1Q、 97 fPⅡ Ⅱ ∶ ・.i' FEATUREs APPLICATIONs ●No ExteFnal Diode Needed over Ih△ ire Temperame Range ●Ph Compadb1e Wi曲 As7660 ●smple Conversion of+15V supply to△ 5V suppIy ●乩 叩 抬 voltage Mu1Ⅱ licadon(V。 田 〓C)nV书 ●99.9%Typ忆 al opeh Cicu“ Voltage Converson E伍 ⒍mcy ●96%Typ屺 al Power Efflc始 “汐 ●Wide oper蚀 血唱 Voltage Rang。 ⒋5V to20,QV ●Easy to Use-Requ△es Only2ExtemaI Non-C⒒ dca1Pas⒍ ve Compo【 lents ●On Board NegaⅡ ye supply for Dynamc RAMs ●Loca弦 ed u PFOcessor(sO∞ Type)Neg耐 ve supplies ・hexpensive Nega“ ve suppⅡ es ●Data Acquisidon systems ・Up toˉ 90V for op Amps ∶ PRODUCT DEsCRIPTION Ihe ALPHA s由 “conductoF As7662oa mO11o1i山 加 hghˉ voltage CMOs power suppIy crcu"ψ hch om△ s"n1que perfomance advamtages over previously avaⅡ 曲 1e devices。 ‰ As7662perfo-supply vρ ltage∞ nversion flom posi钿 e to neg热△foⅡ an加 ut range of+4∶ 5V to+20。 OV resu1血 呜 h∞ mpIementary output voltages of彳 .5V to-zOV,Only2=Lo⒈ codcal eXtemal capaciⅡ Fs are needed for dle charge punp and charge reseⅣ o△ mmd。 ns,Ihe As7662can dso nmc山 况 as a voltage doubler,and`泛 ll gmerat。 outpⅡ voltages up to+38,6V诫 曲 a+20Y output。 rto△ four output power MOs swi1“ ;hes, age h the dev忆 e and ensures that曲 e output∷ N=chamel switCh soⅡ ceˉ substate Contamed on(丿 lIi【 ,are a seoes DC power supply regulator,RC oso11ator,voltage level tanslε A unique logic element senses me most negadve vo⒒ jmctons are not forward biased.?Ⅱ s assures Iatchup free operaton. Ⅲ s flequency osci11ato△ whcn mloaded,oscill乱 es时 a nomnalflequency of10kHz for an Intput supply voltage of15,O volts。 a1or the oscⅡ Iator nny be oveⅡ 山 oven by an extema1 can be lowered by the addi犭 而 m of an externa1capac"or to the“ ‰ osCy9咖 clock。 Ihe“ LV∵ Ⅱ Ⅰ Ⅰ h扭 may be ued to GROuND to bypass the血 “mal seⅡ es regulator and hvrove low voItag。 .Ⅰ m汕 um to hgh voltages(+10to+20V),ule Lv ph deftnoa血 g to prevcnt Ⅱvice latchup. oRDERING INFORMATION Pa“ Nunlber s7662CJ As7662CP As7662Ⅱ Temoerature RanEe o° C Ph Co⒒ ⅡecⅡ oⅡs Package Type to70° C To-99 to70° C 8Ph MhiDIP o° C ˉ 55° C0o+125° C BˉI△ △surface Mou△ t Toˉ 99 源 Top Vlew 4:24 ′ c:(叩 ) (FO op∝ a蚀Ⅺ ,At 亠 As7662 酊睨 疒 ¨ ABsOLUTE MAXIMuM RATⅡ NGs supplyVoI吨 e ………………………∴.,… …¨汁22V Power Diss” a妯 n CNote勾 oⅡ matorInput Voltage mote I) As7662CTY,¨ ¨∷.¨ …¨¨¨¨¨¨∶ ・ ……¨¨¨¨… 500mW As7662CPA,¨ ¨¨¨…∶ ・ ¨……¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨……・ 300mW As7662MTY,¨ ¨¨¨¨………………∷・ ……¨¨¨¨¨……¨¨¨………・ 500mW Lead Te” peranre(solde娩 ,1ρ sec)¨ ¨ …Ⅱ¨ …30° ° q ˉ3Y to(ˇ 沙+0.3`o forˇ 汁<10V °疒△0VJ to0广 +0.3η for¢ >10V kent hω 1刀′ 1)… “ ¨¨¨ ¨ Ⅱ ¨ i¨ ¨ 20ItA for r丬 OV ¨ 。 ㈧° output shoi DⅡ哑om,¨ ¨¨¨・ ………………¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨…contL△ uous 0・ ∵Ⅲ . ’ ⒒bso1ute MmomuⅡ1Ra岱 ngs’ mny cause pe-nent dannge to thc device. These are stress m刂 ngs only and f、 nc刂 onal atthese or any othcr cmd位 ons above those hdica∞ d in the opera"on secJons ofthe specitc猁 onsis notimpⅡ ed Exposure to absdu℃ NOTE: soesses abovo those listed under‘ ~r卜 翳 〓 ‘ opⅡ |on。 fme dc呐 ce nlaximum m“ ng condi‘ ono for extended peⅡ ods tmy arect device reliability, ELECTⅡCAL CⅡ ARACTEⅢ sTICs Vt=I5V,TΛ =25°C,C。 sc=0,mIess otherw怂 o speono⒋ Test C“ u“ F坨um3, Parameter As7662 P△ suppˇ v。 lmge Rangeˉ Low sup,ly Voltage Rnngeˉ H尥 h 1¤ 忽Ω 20 ο ο 25 Ω ο 99.9 ο 97 5ο M血 町 Λ司Max W"=9V(Vosc=OV t0十 5V) 汁=15V(V。sc=+5V to+I5V) 、 ο 4 ment RL〓 ∞ 10 65 99 osciⅡ ator sLⅡ 【or sOˉ ce TA〓 25° C Mh町 A硎 ax 3ο VOItage Cmversim E伍 cⅡ㈤ cy 99 RL〓 2KΩ 5ο 8⒈ GND osc:⒒山 "Frequencv POwer EⅢ oency ・ ˉ 55° C(T▲ <125° C “㈤⒛ =3Ⅱ凵、LV〓 I认 =z0vC O° CGλ(+70° C 5ο I。 70 90 223 V+=5V output sonrcc Resktauce 6・ oo ο =3V mA ο V十 R.〓 ∞,LV=GND ο 1 1 9 I。 suppIy Guent UⅡ i“ Maz 4.5 5ο ou0ut souce Rcs灬 tance ,LV=open Mh(TA<Max R.=∞ ,LV=open T^=25° C o° C(T^(十 70° C ˉ 55° C<TA(125° C =20mA,LV=open T^=25° C o° C(T^(+70° C ˉ 55° C(T▲ (125° C RL〓 234 supply Curent RL=10ko,LV〓 GND Mh(TA(Max TvD。 vv △ VⅡ Ⅱ 150. 200 250 200 250 350 ItA Ω kHz % % ItA temlnd叩 帅 ges∶ ” atcr曲 mV+or△ ss犰 an ground唧 oause desm雨 ve latchˉ up.It必 re∞ -ended mm n。 i叩 u飞 fIom sources∷ opemmξ l∶ Conn耐 n驷 y aom ex℃ mm suppl忆 s be咖 lied"。 rω 、 m讶 叩 ”of仂 e As7“ 2 2∷ Deme lhearly above50° C by5.5mW/° C。 3,Ph∶ iga TEsT ph m讪 not∞ nnccted for no-l use。 Whcn thc TEsT pin“ connecoed to V+,and intemal tansm必 “o△ gate d必 connects any extemal pa喇 刂c c叩ⅡitanCe nom me osci!lator ψhi山 would oth涮 se Ⅱduce曲 e osc|11ator f0equency fIOm“ m耐 nal va!ue, TYPICAL APPLICATIONs 25 叩 工〓 ・ 4ˉ