L日 日 Ⅲ 刊 魔 l≡ Co"PANΥ F^CTs ≡ ha’ s ow口 fou"dry was es臼 bⅡ shed in 1983 through CaIaogic ≡ heId company. AIρ ≡ ALPH^ seⅡliconductor is a pHˇ ateIy C0币 0口旧o"。 ≡ s design Ce"ter amd test capab"∶ tv was i"pla¤e to support the OEⅢ market∶ 88。 l" "1θ ^LPH^serniconducto卩 1θ θ 4^LPH^es臼 bIished i“ eIf h s臼 ρroducⅡ by marketing POwer"amageme"t Produc“ to sel∶ to the Wo"dw∶ de ma“ e△ ≡ 甘 "dard Ⅱ 甬 dl镄 羽 川 ≡ κ 廴 a/ lJⅢ 1刊 c。 de 刂 de"ti△ cauon 丬 ∶ 丿 1l喇 ELECTRICAL sCREENING OPTlON 』 ^LPH^Prod"ots∶ J 茁 The comρ a"y has eshb№ hed i“ recogot∶ om drect∶ y山 mugh m犭 or OEm"amufactureⅡ arou"d the wOHd. 砑 supper LDO ReguIator Contro"er Ⅲ o 喇 ℃ aIDⅢ os s"℃ h ・ Charge Pumρ ・ DuaI"ˉ Cha"mel JoFETs ● s∶ 口 ηρIe s叫 ℃ he" 羽 . u蚓 Ⅲ PmgmB,|mabIe Fη ″ "Co"tro"e" sCsIˉ ACtiˇ e Te"η i"atom 犭 Prec∶ sio"ˇ olhge Refem"ces Ⅲ shuⅡ t RegulatoⅡ {l1』 ・POmr"0sFET DdVeⅡ ・W口 debamd Ⅵ deO Buf℃ Ⅱ &^mpli们 e" ・ ρIexeⅡ ・^"aIOg sMtches&"uIt∶ ReaI Ti,1|e CIock ・VeⅢ ca∶ D"os s叫 ℃“狩 s耐 ℃ hes `D"os FFΓ ・Pmcisio"Tempemtum se"sor ・si"gIe&DuaI Opemtio"aI Amp"Ⅱ eⅡ ・Low Leakage Diodes ・EL Doˇ eⅡ ●ˇo∶ 臼 ge Detecto" LOWˉ Dropoutˇ olhge Regulato" A四 us臼 bIe 丬 ● ・ ・ ● ・ 蚤 TOday,^LPH^semico"ductors produc岱 s consist of aˇa"e饣 of diiem"t prod"ct fam"ies a"d a big eXρ ans∶ o"of"eW proJuc0 (e.g.,sⅢ tchi"g VoIhge ReguIatoⅡ )to m udhi"batte,oρ emted eq"ipment such as ceIIuhr phones&PC market.FoIlm耐 ng are some ρroductfam:I℃ s supported by^LPHA semicond"dbr mow∶ ~ 』 刂Co"duCtors headquartem,fou"dq,eXtems∶ ve desigm Ce"ter,automated“ £t∶ mg caρ abⅡ ities a"d ma"ufac“ Ⅱmg ^LPHA seⅡ fac"ities am∶ ocated i"the s"Icon Va"ey,Ca"for"ia, im the U"ited shtes. The e"tim market∶ "ga"d saIes orga"intion is Comm∶ tted to ρrovide ou“ 臼mdi"g qua∶ ∶ ~ρ roducⅡ a"d reIiabIe,mp|d serv℃ e at competiⅡ ˇeρ 冂Ces。 茁 川 丬 PACKAGE 喇 瑙 晷 甜 5■ ● 1l— 2951 d鹬 E D 耿 埔 到 仂 — 甘 Ⅶ CALG T・ Rˉ ELEc咖 ■一 〓 As some白 泗es rehfes fO Temp. J喇 彐 羽 PART NUMBER 11l 1ll≡ ALPHA SUFFlX PACκ AGE tΥ PE ∷ M3〓 L〓 Leadless CⅢ p Car汛订 肛 0由am⒗ DlP M〓 sOTˉ 23`s0Tˉ25 M1〓 sOT-89 sOT⒓ 23 V〓 PLCC N〓 To-92 s〓 s0∶ C"150mⅡ 冫 X〓 bod/ H〓 T0ˉ 78 . P=PlasⅡ C DⅡ U〓 To⒓ 20 D忆 T〓 To-0G T=TO-52,To-z63 J〓 T0ˉ gg 、 κ〓T0ˉ 3 — {— 1ggB P-r Ma哟 gnent Produds Guide 」 `・ ALPIn sθ m∶ co"ductorˉ Page1 {丿 {州 selecuon Guide Deˇ :oe I。 uT ^oo"o (m^冫 LP2950A LP2950G LP2951A LP2951C As2930 As2930A As2930C As2931 As2931A As2931C As2950A As2950C As2951A As2951C LP4950 | 100 100 1∞ 150 100 100 150 1so 1so 100 As116 LM78LO5 500 1。/o 5V,33V,30V,12to29V(ADJ) o,5(7"″ 3,33,35,4,42,45&5V,(α ψc汗 喇 o5(zOd。 o5% 5V,3,3V 5V,⒊ 3V 3To2gV lADJ),(° McFF OPm⑾ 3,33,35,4,42,45&5V,lNcFF OPn¤ 彳%,2% 500 500 1% 1% 3% 2% 2% 2% "A) I=sOdl o5(7"~扌 l=sOdl o5(zOd宦 l-sOml o5(7m~献 l=sOrAl 05(zOd吐 I=sOMl 5V,33V o2at80mA 30,32,33,3540&50V 1% 5V 5V 2 5V,12to2gv(ADJ) 5V,12to29V(ADJ) 5V112to2gv(ADJ) 5V,12to2θ V(ADJ) 035 o35 ADJ T0⒓ 20,To-zO3IsOTˉ 223 25,285,3,33,4,5V&ADJ 25,285,3,33,4,5V&ADJ 25,3,33,4,5V&ADJ s0T223,To220,s0叼 10V,25V,33V,5V&ADJ 19冶 15V,25V,3,3V,5V&ADJ 15V,25V,33V,5V&ADJ 15V,25V,33V,5V&ADJ 15V,25V,33V,5V&ADJ 1o/o 1o/o 1。/o ers a direct drop in to LP2951 sockets wkh a higher output current of 250mA & 450nnA respectiVely. To220,To263,so`赵23 33ˇ 15A The As2954&As2945o仟 To263,To⒓ 20,so-B T0-220.T0-263,sOT-223 T0⒓ 20,To⒓63,sOT⒓ 23 o6 o6 5,8,9,10,12,15V 1% 1% semiconductors LDo,s are d0signed t0add了 η0re lfe to your ba廿 ery. To263,To220,s0B,sOT223 5V,10V,12V,15V 1o/o 丨 oWest Dropout compared to industrγ standard LP2950and LP2951.ALPHA KX⒓ ,To⒓ 20!s0ˉ B,s0T⒓ 23 T0⒓ 63,Toˉ 220,s0ˉ B.s0冗923 o5 5V,12to29V(AD) 1q呢 1o/o To£ 2,TC)220.so£ ,sOTˉ g9 To⒓ 20,soˉ g sem忆 onductor Low Dropout Regulators As2950, As2951, and As2954. These deVices ¤仃er the To-g2,T0⒓20is0£ 29V(ADJ) 5V,1,2to29V(AD) 800 1q⒗ To-g2,To-z20,s∞ ,s0TB9 C● "ductor ofers the directsem∶ s∞ ond source to National ^LPHA To92,To⒓ 20,soˉ B,sOT223 5ˇ ,12t° 600 1% P DIP,s0£ ,us0lC P DIPi so-B,us0lC To-g9,To⒓ 20,s0ˉ B,s0Tˉ Bθ Toˉ g2,了 冫”0,so£ ,sOTˉ B9 To⒓ 20,s0£ T0匆 2,s0T923,To⒓ 20 To-92,sOTˉ 223,Toˉ z20 P DIP,s0ˉ B P DIP,s0£ To-g2 P DIP,s0£ Toˉ g2,sOTˉ B9 T0£ 2 To⒓ 20 T0‘⒓,To⒓ 20,s0ˉ B o5 sV,33V,12to29V(ADJ) 1o/o 12A ⒆ dI爿 攵 5V,33V,12to29V(ADJ) 5V,33V,12to29V(ADJ) 1% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% ¤⒑ 3,33,35,4,42,45&5V, 巛讣“yf OPn¤ № 3To2gV lADJ、 (cny岍 oFn⑾ o5% T0-92,To⒓ 20 Toˉ 92‘ T0⒓ 20 o45 o45 o45 3,33,35‘ 4,42,45&5V,(NOFF OPm¤ № 350 20A 30A 40A 50A 80A V 5% 3% 3% 5% 3% 3% o.5% As2811 ★ 5V,33V,3~OV 5V,33V,30ˇ ,12to29V(ADJ) o5% As3940 As2812 1% o5% 175 250 As2941 As1115 As1117 As2810 As2815 As2820 As2830 As2840 As2850 As2880 o5% Package Tyρ e Droρ o"t "t VoItage★ 5V,33V,30V 1% LP4951 LM78MO5 As2975A As2975C AS2954A As2954B As2955 As2945 As1129 As2937 As2940 outρ sOT-z23,T0⒓ 20,s0ˉ B sOT-223,To⒓ 20.T0⒓63 to⒓ 20,T0⒓ 63 To⒓20,T0⒓ 63 T0⒓ 20,To-z63 T0彡 20,To⒓ 63 T0.220.T0⒓ 63 11 33V,5V,ADJ 33V、 5V,ADJ 33V)5V,ADJ To~aP,To22o To-sP,To-220 To£ P,To⒓ 20 Consuk factory for other flx output vo"ages 1∞ mA To-92 LP2950`LP2951 Output Currmt ・ 4sOmV Dropout Vokme at100mA 5.OV,3.3V们 Xed&A丬 ustable Vg灬 ions Error Flε g wams output dropout sIIUTDOWN L° gic contro丨 GROt1ND led electronic shutdown As2θ 3日 100mA Output Current、 ~雨 th ON`OFF s~~雨tch 60V|oad dump&-5OV remrse transient prot. 70mV dropout at50mA(λ 止put InternaltheΠ ηal⒃ rload prdection short CirCuk proteCtion Dropout250mV@sOmA 5V,3V,3.2V,3.3V,3.5V,4V,&Aq.Output。 Irnprove Pin-toˉ 犭 ALPHA sem∶Condudorˉ Page2 As28XX With FiX Output Pin LM2931 ′ 1998P-Man∞ .钅 R ement Products Guide ・ ◆ 50`As2951 ◆ ◆ 150mA Output ^s2θCurrent o.4V Dropout Vok∞ e at150mA ◆ 3.0,3.3,5。 O ◆ flXd&刈 ustable EmrFI∞ warns output dropout Logic controlIed dedronic shutdmn 250mA Output ^s2954 Current 5.OV,3,3VflXed and Aqustable1,24to29V V。 tr=Y陋 沃1+R卢 V+IAD,R犭 <450mV drop out gt250mA Eror FI∞ wams output dropout Logic controlled eledmnic shutdgwη olEpJt GND Ⅱ t ⒓OV rmrse bdⅡ 曰γ&+sOV posⅢ 屺 transk蚶 Asn9541"。 ame Din out oackage as LP2θ 5刂 As28XX w∶ th A哟 ushbIe Outρ ut As2945 sOO mA0utput Current、 Mm4sO mv drQOu 5.OVf出 ed and刈 ustabIe1.24to29V Emor Fl∞ wams output dropout Logic c° ntrolled dedronic shutdmn -20Vr-e bamgy&+sOV poski吹 v。 ,transient r… i《 ¨晋) As294s∶ n same o∶ n out Dacka口 e as LPng51 h sOO mV dmpout 1Amp0utput ^s2940`41 Current训 忙 5.OV,gv,1cⅣ ,砭 v Fk at3%Tderanc,@g00) A四 ustable1.24to29V lAs2g。 i) optional ON`oFF Intemal Thermal prdedion`short Circu"Prd. As2θ40`41same D∶ n out oackage L"2θ 40`41 VⅡ GND V。 ut 40 TAB ls PamIleIing ReguIatoo ^s3θ GND 1Amp output Current ∷ optiα lal0NrOFF5Pm To~z狗 sV,3.3,&ADJ Output at2%Tderan∞ V“ GND V【 InternaltheΠ nal酬 oad prdedion short Circu"prdedion ImprM Replacementfσ LM3⒐ ⒑ ,ut soT-223 8∞ mA Output Current ^s1117 Rgference Vdtα F Ⅲmmα!to1% 5V,3.OV,3.3V,2.85,&A例 。、k订 skns Lm Dropout u.1、′ ) Current&Therma∶ 2 L。Jt0"LOad 3 Limit∶ ng lO.3%)&Line ReguIato吖 0.2%) similar Rep|acerrlent to LT1117 ouVut InpJt ^s29s1"杜 个 】 zV@30A ‰ ψ h^刂 ustable Output SA0utput Current ^s2830 ReFeren∞ Vok∞ e Ⅱmmedto1% Three Teminal A硝 ustable&⒊ sV output 1Jcnnr Dropout(1.Ξ r、 `) m∶. ng Curremt&Thθ malL∶ Lmt0ht LOad(0.3%)&L∶ ne Reguh泅以0.2%) ⒊rnilar RepIacerrlent b LT1sgγ LT10ss t∶ → Ⅱ 个 voli申 → sA Output Current , ^s2850 Referen∞ Voltme Hmmedto1% ` Throo Terminal卢 呐ustable&3.sV output Low Dropout(1。 ⒉o Current a ThermaI Lim△ i"g ght LOad(0.3%)&Line Regu∶ aton(0.2%) LG″ Ⅱ simⅡ ar Replacerrlent to LT10Ⅲ LT1585 '亻 3 ・ ^LPHA sernico"d"Ctoro Pagθ Improˇ ing RippIe R丬 ecJ° " 1ggb P咖 Managemmt Produds Gude se∶ ection Deˇ ∶ oe :。 vT 150 LP2981 1∞ so ˇoItage 3剁 ,33V,36V,40V,45V,5V,Adl As2805FaⅡ BVP^ss` o"`oFF Gro""d Curre"t sOmV 15∞ uA Yθ srVes 120mV@BOmA aOooHA Yθ s/Yes 30V,33V,3`6ˇ ,40V,4sV,sV,Ad 10mA Yθ slYθ s 1% 30V,33V,36V,40V,45V15V,Ad 2BOmV 300mV so00灬 Vθ sJYes 4Q`97 4Qrg7 4Q/g7 4CV97 1q哈 3V,3,3,V,48V,5V(ADJ) YesrVes NorYes NOrVes Υesrves 2CV98 2Qrg8 2CV28 2Qrg8 170mV 150mV 1gOO pA 12∞ HA 19‘ 3Vi33,V,48V,5V(ADJ) 3V,33,V,4BV,5V(ADJ) 200mV 1% 3V,33,Vi4~8V,5V(ADJ) 150mV 2000uA 12∞ HA △Iy Paokage Tyρ e a"。 ^ˇ 30ˇ ,33V,3~sV,40V,45V,5V,Adl 1% LP2982 Droρ o"t fV、 2%,3% 2%,3% 1%,2%,3% As2800 As2805 As2806 As2807 LP5205 LP2980 o"tρ ut Voltago。 ^oouˉ racˇ (m^冫 Gu∶ de sOT-z3与 ,sOTˉ B9,sOT-i43 s认93s,sOTˉ Bg,sOT-J43 sOT-z3‘ ,sOT B9 sS赵3‘ ,sOTˉ B9 sOTˉ i43,sot23ˉ s sot23‘ sOT23‘ s0T泛 3-s Produc“ △ Ukra Low Dropout Regulatos:As28o5se"es is a colleCtion of ukra low dropout positiveˇ okage Regulators、 ″hich Can proˇ ide up to180mA current output、 ″ith as low as50rnV dropout at50FnA Output for As2804, The current α冫 nsumption is aIso as IOw as1500uA at50mA,which makes⒒ for baueγ operations.These Devices are offerα i in small out Ⅱne sOTˉ 235ˉ Di"DaCk臼 sOTˉ z3ˉ s Nl FF3 N ^s2804 ∞ mA0utput Cu-Mh ONrOFF咖 ch smaⅡ sOT-235Pin P娴 e 50mV dropout at sOmA Output Mac ∞ w Quiescmt Curmt,sOOIJA(Ⅱ oUTPUT oUTPUT mPuT ∶ BYPAss Capaotor is connected to pin 4the internal reference vo"age to the Ground. This W"l reduce the noise .)@‰ x Curent&thermal Limking 5,3,3.3,3.6,4.7&nd⒈ outputs。 signiflcantly. This feature reduces the reguIator phasQ rnargin. The noise reduction is a key feature in ˉ △攵 soTˉ 23ˉ 5 soTˉ 23ˉ 5 Reference BΥ P^ss CapaC∶ tor ^s2805 120mA Output Current、 耐m0N`oFF s耐 ℃h In sma"sOT-235Pin Packme 70mV dropout at sOmA Output c刂 on thermal o叩 edoad p“ "臼 PaCk闸 es In smaⅡ sOTˉ 235Pin sOT-sg Interna丨 4 5 5 W,sV,3.γ ,3.sV,3.Ⅳ ,判 ,&冖 d⒈ o帅 m. 潇 I° ° 1uF Top Vneˉ soTˉ B9 soTˉ 23ˉ s ・ ㈤ ^s2806 180mA o帅 ut Current嘁 h ON`0FF s嘁 ch ∶ n smalI sOTˉ 235Pin PaCkage ∷ 70mV dropout at sOmA Ouput ∶ nternaltherml c~o耐 oad ρ“ Jn£ 刂on short Circuk p“ △ 臼C刂m sV,SV,3。n/,3.sv,3Ι nr,Ⅳ ,&刈 ,Outp吐 , As2807 soT-23ˉ 5 oN/oFF GND INPUT oN/OFF GND rNPuT ・ 囤 BYP sOT-23 and As28o6 used As2806 for scanner,CDˉ ROM,LAN,in sOTˉ 89and supporting the3.3Vo"at 180mA tO UsB contro"er appⅡ cati° nsin Toˉ 92. 120mA Output Current Mth ON′ 0FF s岫 tch ln small sOT-23旦 Pin P娴 e The As2805Fan1ily is offered in simi丨 outtO LP2980`2981`2982. 70mV dropoutatsOmA αⅡ ut ar ρin lntemalthemal o吒 爿oad pκ 忠X茁 on sh¤ t Circuk prdedk汨 sV,3V,3.Ⅳ ,3.sV,3.Ⅳ ,△ V,&A耐 .Output. LP2982 sOTˉ z3ˉ s oNrOFF GND NPUT The As2805 ideal in use with Telecom appIica刂 ons suCh as CDMA&P。 C.s,in ・ 50mA Output Current M曲 0NJOFF s训 忙 ch In smaⅡ s0Tˉ 235Pin Pack∝ F 70mV dropout at sOmA Output Interna丨 d OUTPUT therrnaI ovedoad prdedion short CircuⅡ proteCtion Ⅳ ,sV,3,Ⅳ,3.sV,3.Ⅳ ,0V,&A丬 .Output, ′ 廴培 l `・ ALPH^sem∶ Co"duCtoro Page4 ′ 1ggg P岬 Manmemmt Produds Gude seIection Gu∶ Deˇ |oe (m^冫 ^o"rracy 硐 mA 2% 2% 2% 80mA 200mA o"tρ ut Vo∶ tag● ★(V) 30V,3~3Ⅵ 40V,5V 30Ⅵ 40Ⅵ 5V 3.3吆 "ρ "t "aⅡ Vo∶ tage (Tyρ 。u^) (V) o05uA o05HA o05uA 30Ⅵ 33Ⅵ 40V.5V ∶ C"rre"t ・ LoW POwer COnsumption3uA ・ VVide Output Range Mth optional Fix outputs3V,3.3V, 4V,5V ・ Exce"ent Line IRegulation O.2o/orV Typ ・ sma"Packa¤ e of s0Tˉ 23 ˇ 。R。 P。 uT @"aⅡ Paokage Tyρ ● a"。 ^ˇ ∶ 。 lDt ‘ TVD。 mV、 70mV@40mA 120mV@80mA 〓 啷 咖 叫" 〓 〓 〓" As812XX As80 As200 s"D" o"tρ "t ˇo1tago "a" ∶ 。uT de 2sOmV@2∞ mA 3uA 3HA 3pA 1QJgB 2Q`98 3CV98 sOTˉzB-s‘ To钅 2 s0孓 235,To-g2 so`93,sOT B9,To-g2 ・ Ba⒒ ery POwer DevIces ・ Camera&POrtabIe`月 deO Equipments ・ Pager&Cellular Phones ・ Consumer Produds The As5156Ukra LOw Dropout ReguIator Controller offered as a了 nonolithic lC for high current low dropout applicaⅡ This Contfo"eruses an N-ChanneI power MOsFET as a"near pass element. ons。 J The Dropoutis detemine by the oze dFthe RDsfON,ofthe extemal MOsFET and the output Current can be as high as that MOsFET can provide.The As156output can operate bemeen3V to ss Volts. 岫 洫 ・ lnitial TOlerance output1o/。 &2%。 oVertempeΓ ature c 3.0V,3.3V,5V&Aqustable output1.3V to3sV ・ ・ 5mA tyu∞ l opera刂 ng Current ・ standby CurrentIess than1uA g⒊ ∶斟 凇 早 γ γ 思 age 骂昱 {:艹 ・ Conved5。 OV to3.3V in Computer POwer supply ● LOW Dropout SMPS post regulator`LOW noise m∶ Co"dudorˉ Pag● 5 ∥ ・ ^LPH^s● ‰ ⊥、 33ˇ lO^ 1ggg P~Man∞ ernent Produ诋 Guide Φυ“ ●内ˇ¤ O“ υoハ冖Φ∞ ㈠ハυ“冖 Φ“ “υ冖ハ丶 F一●O o㈠ ≥ハ凵 ∩■ ^LPH^sem∶ Co"dudbrˉ Page6 1998Pmer Managment Products Guide 亻 ・ Dev∶ ce As431 v旺 F. Accuracy 25V o5% 25V 25V 25V 25V 2% 19汔 As1431 As2431A,B As3431A,B As43以 ‘B IREF EXt。 Tempemtum Range TL431 As431C As431L I"nx 1%&2% o4% o5%&1% o5%&1% o5%&1% 124V ` Ava". ⒓5° C to105° C sOOnA s0ˉ g,Toˉ g2,sOTˉ B9 3Ⅳ N0W 150mA 150mA 100mA 150mA 100mA 100mA 4uA 4uA ⒓5° C to105° C 500nA 500nA 500nA sOOnA 500nA so£ ,To-g2,sOTˉ g9 37V 37V 30V N0W 100mA 25° C to105° 4uA 25° C to105° ⒈8uA C C 巧5° C To125° C 4uA soˉ B,To≤ ⒓,s0TB9 Toˉ g2,sOTˉ g9,sOT23 s0ˉ g,To£ 2,sOT B9 soˉ B,To£ 2,sOTˉ B9,sOT23 4uA 105° C 5∞ nA so-B,To£ ⒓.sOTˉ g9s0T23 6。 105° C sOonA sOB,To匆 2,sOTˉ Bθ ,sOT23-s A IMPR0VE TL031A NOW NOW ∶ MPROVE N0W 20V 20V NOW 18V 1Qrgg TL431A IMPROVE TL031A lMPROVE LT431A NOW 处 PHA DEⅥ CE,l"P~△ ” si comductor^so31 ∶ s offered for dired repla∞ mentto the most popu丨 ar A哟 ustabIe shunt Regulator ^LPH^ sem∶ ◆ Bandgap to0.4%(^s1431) Trimmed Ba"dgaD to0.5%(^s0s1) ◆ W丐 de ◆ Extended Temperature Range of105° C(As031) ◆ EXt。 ◆ ◆ LOw Temρ erature COeflcient30ppm`° lrnproved ReplacementtO TL431 ◆ ofered i"so-8,TO-92,&sOT-89 ◆ LOw Cost soluuon TL031by TeXas Instrument. Co"d"ctor provides an minimum Output designed for hoh Current Appliα Ⅲons "g Curremt1mA to150m^ Current of1mA."is ^LPH^sem∶ Tempemture Ra"ge of-55to125° C(As1431) such as sw⒒ ching POwer suppIy, Batterr ODemted EquiDmemt such as Pager & "otebook and Monitor C aρ p"cations.As431 ・ is a replacement for TL431 With many improved charade"sucs. ◆ TL431 ″ ρroVdes 。、 . a"j口 1o1JO mn,臼 口hfer ◆ "er oJf9uf cJremf or J。 fOJera"ce JOwr,fo⒍ C丁 C,a"J臼 5%.gOoom/‘ "e"deJ TemoerafJre Jo fo fOj℃ oˇ er TLo31by comp ◆ Trimmed BamdJaD to1% Ⅲ de opemti"g Current1mA to150mA ◆ ◆ Extended Temρ erature Range of105° LOw TempeΓ ature Codmcient3o ppm/° 37ˇ ∶ ndust1vˉ staⅡ dad Pin out 4。 A TⅡ mmed ODemt∶ △ 150mA ^s431`^s1431 ˉ ◆ Package Type ∶ (。 FF) κ C C ◆ Direct RepIacement to TL031 offered i"so-8 &sOT-89 BandgaD ^s2431 to0.5%&1% W"e oρ emt∶ ng Curremt1m^to100mA Extended Temperature Range of105° C LoW Temperature Coeflcient30ppmr° C ◆ Tr∶ mmod ◆ l!iustablefor shunt dired replacement to the most^S2431 popular A(∶ ^LPHA semIComductor is offemJ Regulator TL431by Texas Instrumentin sOTˉ ◆ 23. ◆ ◆ lmproved Repla∞ menttO TL431in sOT-23 ◆ offered∶ "sO~8,To-92,sOT-89, &sOT-23 As031is designed to provide the tOIerance that features a big Cost saˇ i"g and laborin power supply design.PerfoⅡ ηance ofthe POwer suppIy tOIerance are direcuy innuenced by the tolerance and perfor:η ance of As431 plus the errors in the system by other passive GOmponents,resistσ tOIerance,compador o彳 set,etc.A"these errors add uρ to the designers“ error Budget” 。The TL431、 ″ith1o/o or2%, pIy。 cation⒏ Power supply IDesignerinˉ line tri吖 the error budget Violets the power supply output speciΠ "ning into his power suρ The^s431tolerance ●fO。 5%∶ s oⅡ oVont● v"tua"yo"J,|imate the need for trIⅡ Pago8 "mimg∶ "the po凵 ’ 亻 ^LPHA seⅡ"Co"ductorˉ be su彳 :c∶ e"t to oVerc① mea"the otheⅡ er。 eⅡ rors∶ n the∷ s夕 stem to・ ∷ 1ggs P~r Ⅲanmement Produds Guide 卜 32t丿口 yo`f shu″ f Reg. regulator specifled at1.24V reference、 ″ tOIerance suitabIe for3V to3.3ˇ sWitch∶ ηode"hO.5o/o power suDDⅡ es. "g■ en to be sumcient to As432 tOIerance of O.5o/o is proˇ ^s亻 ◆ Tr∶ mmed ◆ Ba"dgaD to0.5%a1% Wlde O。 erati"g Curremt1m^to100m^ oˇ ercorη C ppm`° C ◆ Extended Temperature Range of105° ◆ LOW Temperature Coε 踊qent3o e a"the other errors in the system to eⅡ rninate the need fort"吖Wning in the power supply. ◆ lmproved Repla∞ menttO TLV431in sOTˉ 23 The As032is improˇ o repla∞ ment tO TLV431Wkh many orered i"so-8,To-92,sOT-89,&sOT-z3 advantages,such as、 ″ider output vokage up to18V Vs。 6 ・ ◆ sem∶ conductor As032 is a a哟 ustable shunt Alρ ha vo"s, output current of 100mA Vs。 15mA, ekended temperature range of 105 °C Vs.25 °C, and a tighter ◆ LOwer COst solu刂 on tolerance down to0.5%. ◆ ◆ Ⅳ Pager D屯】aI Log:c Leˇ e1 y。 rfmerer/Paner Merer Ava" Package Type lnd"strvˉ standad P∶ 山℃u田 CV out " (η o7to10V o7to10V 1IlA o gV to60V 1HA o9V to60V rh围 A⒐ 41 NOfebooVPo/fabJe Tesr加 sf`Vme刀 fs PersonaJ Compurers ◆ output Voltages Detection Range v° As440 ◆ ◆ Deˇ ∶ ce ◆ ● SW阮h加g POWer SJppfy vcR田nγⅢb洲 湫冷 AVⅡ fabfe s叫 η 卩 ● ● 3v ro3~3v sw岫 加g POwer Supplies r^S亻 3刀 Baffery Powered sysfems sOTˉ Bg.s0孓 23 2% 2% s0TB9,sOTˉ z3 RiCoh HHⅡ 囝引 m弘 r As440 "icroproCessor Batteγ Checker Reset ^ Po鸭 r Fa"ure Detedion sWi℃ hing Circu⒒ in Baueγ Backup Levd selector`Diε x⒊ 1iminator Wavefor:η shaping Circuit ● Gm soTˉ z3tM) N/C N/C Deˇ Ice s凵 1tChImg tJ‘ ^ˉ ssT211 %ur V“ 、 rd。 (。 ")Ω 70 "or Proteoted C"。 ρf ‘ max) Paokag● / 0.5 sOT-143 zθ Vss Top Vhw ’ 彳 co"dudorˉ Page9 ^LPH^se,n∶ 1998P-r Managemmt Produds Gu∶ de ≡ 稷 seIecJOn Guide Deˇ Ioe :"ρ C"rrre"t 0utρ ut V0Itage ★(V) (^) (ˇ ) As2574 As2575 As2576 As2594 As2595 As2596 sTD sw:toh oρ eΓ at1" Freq"emcy outρ ut "t ˇo:tage 40to40 40to40 40to40 45to40 45to40 45to40 g 33,5,12,15,Aq(123to37) 33,5,12,15,Aq(123to37) oρ eratI,Dg Temρ 。 Ra"ge (κ "z) "odes p-DOwn 彳O to+125° C stθ C 40to+125° C stθ 彳O to+125° 33,5,12,15,Adl(123t° 37) p-DOwn step-Down 33,5,12,15,Adl(123to37) stepˉ DOwn 丬Ok冫 +125° C 33,5,12,15,Adl (123to37) ste艹 Down 33,5,12,15,Adl(123to37) step Down 彳O to+125° C 彳O to+125oC 1∞ Poc“ age Tyρ e ∶ a"b。 ^ˇ 3Q'98 3Q`98 3Qrg8 4Qrgg 4Ql98 4CV98 s0ICˉ B,DIP solCˉ B,To⒓ 20!Toˉ zs⒊ t0ˉ 220,Ⅱ 冫263 solC£ ,DlP solC-B,To⒓ 20,To263 姒 20,1()263 The Alpha semicondudors small S嘣 tchers famiIy is single chip that contains all adive fundions required for step-down 骊 tChing Regulator。 Ⅱ onIy requires rninirnurn extemaI devioes to operate. ・ sirnple to use sw∶ tcher Requi「e onIy4External ・ Components ・ ・ ● ・ FEEDBACK ″ ˉ40Vu“ rV, Requires a standard lndudors TheΠ ηal shutdown&Current Limit Protection TTL shutdown capabⅢ ty,LOw poWer standby mode REGtJLATED DC lNPUT 330,H 2 oN/oFF I33° 刂 ・ On-Card switching ReguIator ・・simple h廴 彐h-effi0ency stepˉ dOM reguIator . Emcient pre-regulator for Ⅱnear regulator As34063 汀 Dl High efficiency Deˇ :ce ↑ 跚 outp"t Desc"ptIOn Inρ Cu"o"t "t Vokago 15A 30V to0OV stoρ Down a st。 ρVρ Dcˉ Dc,9Jl otiput Abovo90%Emclencv Atfu■ EmcI● bad ∞ % "cy Package tVpe Ava" Industry~ sta"dad PIn out soˉ Q ALPHA DEVlCE opemJng fro,,13.OV ^s34063 to40V∶ nput LOW standby Current Current Lirn"ing output sWi℃ h turreⅡ t to1.sA Illustable output vdtage a1【∶ Frequency operation to100kHz step up or Step DOWn 8~6VsAⅦ R △I。 =O3/ks ・ RB ∶ Preclslon2%reference saver Circu“ ‘ or CeⅡ uIar PhoⅡ e ◆ saverfoΓ CeIIuIar Phone ◆ DcrDc cOnˇ eder Mudule ・ 亻 ALPHA sθ miCo"ductorˉ Pag● 10 1ggs Pmer Man∞ ervlent Produds Guide 1gOPA gO-A 1Ξ rv to1Ξ rV o3。 A ・ 12V to1N Ⅱog臼 tˇ oˇ o"Fiom pos"~oˇ oⅡ agθ ,+5V lmpFOv⒍ As78θ 15V to12V o.3mA 3V to18V 0哺 toˉ sV,LoW powθ 10κ Hz 10κ 彳5KHz r80HA05V" "a Booston un" 10κ Hz 10κ Hz osc Frequencv DOubⅡ ng Pin0Ⅱ lon for snlaller0utⅡ Capac1a nce As7eOOc; Packago Emc∶ ency s0ˉ B,8-P is pin ∞ mm抽 le tO LTC1{田 Tyρ e 蝌啷螂峨 Input Vol0g● As7660 As1044s As7660G As7662 osC Desc"ρ t:o" POwer supρ Iy DOV刂 Ce DlP " `With lCL7660 AS1044 internal`shut down to save power ln s0-B,8ˉP DIP so8,8-P DlP Bauerv s0-s,8-P DlP ODe田 Ⅲn臼 aoDⅡ catioms. As1044s INPLr「 COnverts+5V LOgic suppIy to± 5V system itching Boost Pin(Pin1)for Higher£ ;ˇˇ 5V FC Frequency 45kHz operauon GND^s1(M4 Emcient vo"age DoubIer CAPˉ ˉ age Range 1.2V to12V lent POwer EmCiency 98% LOW PoWer Supply 80灬 @5Vh V呐 de lnput Vo⒒ otrr -— oˇ er ∷ Ⅱ Converts+5V LOgic supply to± 5V system∷ ^ Digital, Input Vo"age Range 1.5V to12V LOW Power supply 801ヵ 吡△汛 rDOwN conveders, lnstrumenht∶ on operauonaI muⅢ ρlexers,Pager,CDˉ RAm(12v toˉ 8V【 and LCD(ˉ sn Digital-to-Analog ampliΠ ersiˇ Rs232Negauve POwer supply ciency 98% ~5V OU叮 PV叮 The As7660generates a negative voltage from a positiˇ e source with no external capacitan∞ .Many DCˉ Toˉ DC VOIhge CQmverteⅡ ,Analog-to- As7660 Excellent POwer EⅢ Ⅱ Ⅱ°PTI° NAL,FOR sHt「 L5Vfm,,i5ˇ lN4148Ⅱ F ^ Pin Compa刂 ble with improved performan∞ oN/oFF LV Exce丨 V呐 de oN Is>28V) CAP+ALPⅡ A OsC NO EXternaI Diode Required for High Voltage 7660<C1004 (oFF Is(03V, V+ a "egaJˇ e supDIv requ∶ m ˇoltage.The As7660, As10J・0, and As7660G a"ows +5V digital IOgic systems to incorporate these analog components、 ″ithout adding an additional rnain power source. `o5Vh Pin Compatible w⒒ h lCL7660 The As7660faⅡ Iy can lower tohI sVstem Cos1 0ase e"g∶ neeo"g l∶ deˇ eIOpment,a"d saˇ e space,power amd weight. NOTE⒏ +F∝ ● NO叮 Es∶ s∶ 冖 lO△ ・ 艹 ALPHA sem∶Co"dudbrˉ Page11 、 V+-10V Ⅶlues吐 C2 reasedto100ItF I IOuF . 旦 咩 T⊥ 〓 c +for15V兰 vo1刀 =ˉ nⅤ be i【lε ∶ ∶ | 1・ q sh。 uld As7660Test Circuit mple NegaJˇ e Conˇ e0er +NC凋 冂 Es∶ hrge values ofq思 f()1000pF),the fqand 。 V。trr=ˉ nv+f° r1.5V兰 V+-10V ¨ ∶ vc》 ° J亻 Increased outpⅡ tˇoI臼 ge by Cascading Devices Ⅱ 1998P-Ⅲ anage-t Produds Guide ∷ 蠃 Cu冂℃nt 跏⒅ 枷№ output Deˇ :ce "in。 ope旧 osC.Fmq。 output o"`oFF kHz Voltages optlon 30V,33Vi5V 30V,33V,5V Yes Emc1ency Package Type 85% 85% s0TB9,sOT=23 sOT-B9,sOT23 Aˇ a" Vokage "ng As3872 As3873 100mA o gv o6V 100kHz iOO mA o.gV o6Ⅳ 1∞ kHz As3872`^s3873 ∶ ndust:γ ˉ 弘 ndard Pln out RiCoh RlCoh soT-g9 ・ Single Ba仗 eγ operation ・ W旧 e lnρ ut VOI臼 ge Ra"ge O.8ˇ ● High output CurΓ ent 100mA to6V ∶ 嚣 捉 U劣 1絷 :£ 甄 e 鼍 ● osC Frequency100κ Hz ・ Fixed output VoⅡ age3.OV,3.3V,5.OV P日ger -8Vo"sfor CD-ROM ◆ Came旧 s ◆ AJD&DrA Conˇ erters ◆ Pager Cellular Phone ◆ MuⅡ ipIexes VVireless Microphones PaCket organizers Battery Backup SuppⅡ es POrtabIe lnstrumentation Instrumentation Amplriers Coln Phone Alρ ha semicomductor,As110sOIid state switches are frst part of this farniIy。 ◆ lnstrumentation These devices can load up to400voⅡ s + Mu"ipeXers`Data Acquisi刂 on AC or DC and currents up to1 Amp.lt is used as a replacement for the form A/B`C Or dua| form A/B e丨 . :ˉ ◆ -5VOIts for LCD ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ectromechanical reIays. + The As110 uses photovo"aic circuit and MOsFET sWitChing eIements for re"able bounCeˉ free switching operation。 J1甘 牦 裂 哀 cuΓ m"b涮 "on an `° ◆ TelecoΠ wnunications + Telecorn sv旧 ∷ tching + 11prRing CircuⅡ s + MOdem svⅡ tchng(Laptop, NOtebook, Packet ozel . 卩 SmalI6&8Pin DIP Packages ◆ 2mW Dove POwer(LOg⒗ Compatible) ◆ NO MOVing,PaFts ◆ :亻 . LOad Up to40oV ACrDC&1Amp(1P)or170mA(2P) Expected Ⅱfe>15BⅢ ion C)perations ◆ th NO Snubbing Circuks 3750VmsinpuUOutput isOIation ^ir Free训 No EMl`RFI Generation ◆ Compatible Mth PL^110,LCB110,LH1525,LH1500 ◆ ALPHA semicomduCtorˉ Page12 i ◆ ◆ 、 Medical Equipment ◆ .secu"ty ◆ IndustriaI COntroI ◆ + Hooksn汪 Ch`DiaI Pulsing + Ringer l丬 ection 。 屮 The comp"mentary output Ⅻ °γ suppˇ 叩 Electronic SWtching + VO Subsystems ' 中 Meters(Wau~H。 ur,wator,Gas) ’ 1998P-r Man∞ ement Produds⑾ de 5obit hterⅡ aI DC】 program§ output voltage Pe⒒ tium,Pe⒒ tium I1Pe⒒ tium Pm smaⅡ sOIC pachge High● r【 cieⅡ cy85ˉ 90o/o AMD-Κ6Ⅱ 。Processor High curreⅡ t capabiIity P①werPCT。 C"FΘ suppⅡ es 86TH aⅡ d M⒓ DEC AlphaⅡ 21164 Low cost system over voItnge protectioⅡ CurreⅡ t sense aⅡ d 6x86TH,GⅡ aⅡ d power good output(As1663/65) sⅡ ① rt circuit protectioⅡ PiⅡ oTc△ PiⅡ EI● ctHcaI Eou"al● Ⅱt TO LX1662'1663/1660/1665 The As1662is the§ ma11est fuⅡ featured PeⅡ tiu1=l II soIu“ piⅡ As1664J1As1665arc idcaⅡ y ◆ PWM∞ ntrollers ◆ output Pr① graⅡ ⅡⅡable by5-bit Code。 AⅡ As1662-5have an internal DAC to decodc a4or5bit d萤 tal voltage记 enti£ caton(Ⅴ Ⅱ” code amrdng to htel’ s VRM8.1speciⅡ caton。 Output voltage can be a苟 ustable△ 50mV inσementand iom2。 0-3.5in100mV inσ the1narketiⅡ a14- soIC progmⅡ ⅡnabⅡ e swltchhg ouⅡ ut呐 th aⅡ a刂 ustabIe liⅡ ear reguIator iⅡ the same pachge Low syste1=l cost o oⅡ ly2-3capacitors required K6or Cyrk6x86or bΩ outp■ t⒏ ngle-Chip oⅡ oⅡ The As166〃65are the oⅡ ly products to orer suited tO cOstˉscns⒒ ive nexibIe mother boards are Doa1① utput shg1e(ChEp designed to use any onc of Pentium processors,AMD As1“ 2&As1663are⒏ ⅡgIe Ⅱ臼Π oP/body om1.30-2.05V in on the① utp"t Easy designˉ not over seⅡ sitiv● to layout EvaluatioⅡ b① ard avaⅡ able: cments。 As‖ ss ∶ 64 ′ˉ ' 栎 Vc1 INV Vcc c。 1+垂 TDRV RE supply VOItage GRD BDRV VIDO 、 J1D1 For CPu Core ¨ c1 工 Vcc VID2 CT VID3 LDRv 63V,1000mF xsh 6甘:‰ 16~pin V。 uT F ⒊∶ 丨 :: Two∞ paCitors for Pen刂 um Three∞ pacitors for Pen‖ um" supply Voltage ForI`o Chiρ set Narrow BOdy sOIC H∶ gh Curm"t Capab∶ I∶ Output current in exCess of o∶ 14A are possible. symchmnous or "o"sv"chm"ous DHˇ eflciencies of 85% to 90o/o are e∶ possibIe tˇ pical with synchronous recti】 cation。 The AS1664and As1665have Dual outρ an output "t toReguIator∶ d"ve a MOsFET top provide a low ∞ st Fast Looρ Resρ o"se LOwer sFtem Cost The As1662-5 farnily has 200ns loop response a"owing the use of f唧 er output Caρ acitors to achieve desired system transient response. oVP a"d Power Good Fu"Ctio"s∶ The As1663and As1665 haˇ e a POwer(3ood FIag and an output to doˇ ean Oˇer Vo"age sCR crowbar. 0rs or other low power ciΓ "near reguIator cu⒒ 冂 for powering I`o buⅡ r・ miCo"dudbrˉ Pago13 .犭 ・ ^LPHA s● 1ggs P~Man∞ errlent Produ凼 Guide VcE。 Ic HFE VcElsAT V:Els^T) PaCkage ηrpe Ava"。 ⒓2 而η A弘 ο Nw D45H2A D15H轵 15V 刚 咖 Deˇ ice lndustryˉ standaru D45H2A ALPHA DEVICE 4.75~525Vh HEATsINK V 390 1% R3 2∞ Vol】 t=6σ ⒚ I% /R3)+I)X1.23 TOLORANCE=+-⒈ 2% 鞔 ⊥⊥ ⊥ 鬟 狎 ∷ APPL∶ CATIo"s∷ ||△ ∷ ∷ :∶ ||Ⅱ Deˇ |oe Bvˇ f|n:"、 %。 (o") om,Ⅱ 2"7000 2"70● 2 Paokage lD(。 r|【 "), m 5 500 ∞ ◆ ◆ Toˉ g2 ◆ sOTˉ ⒛ ◆ ◆ | NOTEBooκ COMPUTER ° CDˉ Ro" BAΠ ERV poη 庄RED C0mPUTERs a PERlPHER^Ls DIsTRIBuT∶ o"POWER m^Ⅱ AGEmE"T HA"D HELD BAR CODE sCA""ERs ρLinear+10.OmV`° C scaIe fador APPLICAT∶ o"s ・0.5° C aCCuracy gua旧 nteed(ε 沈25° C) ・Ca"brated directIy in° Celsius ● ・ SW欣 力加g powers山 n丬。s . Personar compufer/№ febook Compufer ∶ 瞑糇留揣 i;:rI(l|;∶ in TW0I、 ″lRE 咖 ⅢNs ・NonlineaHty onIy± 1僻 ° C typical ●LOW impedance output,0.1Ω for1mA load ・Rated for fuII O° C to+70° C,-55° C to+150°C ranges ・Offered in so-8,TO彳 6&To-92 ・Direct Replacement for L"35 RE"oTE TE"PERATURE sENsOR。 2∞ 1。/o ^LPH^s● m∶ Co"dudorˉ Page14 1ggB P~r :JF Ⅲa哟 ement Products Guide 十t电 【左舵 selecuon Guide Deˇ Bc e o"tρ ut Vo∶ tage As5010 As8069 ‘V) 123 As REF-01 gC"rremt o05to50mA o05to⒌ O mA Asg091 As589 oρ erati" 123 10∞ 5∞ As REF-025 25orAdl As1004 As1009 As336 o Oto10mA o Oto10mA o Oto10mA To-Q2,Toˉ s2 devices are offered at in⒒ ial accuracy of references in the market,As△ O0Or0o41 ±05,± 1,± Toˉg9,To52 15% 5,10,25,50,100ρ ρmr° C 15% 1% ±3,± 5,± 1,2% ±05% ±1%,± 2% To-g2.T0与 2 To-g9,8PIN DIP1soˉ B TO gQ,8PI"DIP,soˉ B Toˉ gg,8PIN DIP,s0ˉ B 85,25,65ρ ρmr° C 85,25,65,250ppmr° C o0O to10mA 50ppmroC 50,100pρ m`° C As385 As0040 Adl A⒐ 041 123 o01to20mA o02to20mA o01to20mA o1to15mA o05to5mA As0042 250 15uA to15mA ★ ±15% lPˉ g2,To-52 250`Adl 250 ^LPH^ supp"es the most Precise"d"ctor, Voltage ±15% 125`250 250/Adl As38⒌ 2.5 acr "【 ±o5,± ±1% 50,100ppmroc 50‘ 100ppm'° C sO,100,150ppmJ° C 50,100,150ppm/° C 100,200ppm/° C To-02,To-s9 T0ˉ 92,Toˉ0s,soˉ B +o2% ±1,± 2% ±1,夕 % ±1,夕 % ±1,≌ % +05,± 1,±2% +05,± 1,± 2% ±1,田 % seⅡ Ⅱc① Paokage Tyρ e 50,100ppmroC o40to10mA o01to20mA o40to10mA As385-1.2 t∶ a∶ ^oouΓ 5,10,25,50,100pρ mr° C 10,25,sO,100ppm/° C 65pρ m尸 C 50,100pρ mroc 50,100ρ pmroc 25,35,50ρ ρmr° C 250 ∶ To⒚ 2,To彐 6 To-g2,Toˉ 0s,s0ˉ B To-gz,s0ˉ B,sOTˉ BQ To-g2,soˉ B,sOTˉ B9 To钅 2,so£ ,sOTˉ Bθ To-g2,sOT-a3,s0七 T0θ 2,s0T23,s0-B s0T-23 sub丬 ηiniature less tha"0。 5以 ALPHA (3mm× 1.3mm)sOT-23・ `i"thθ senliconductor Can offer these deviCes w沈 h temp∞ aslow as50ppm`° C.This o"● r than i"d"str" 2 timθ s ∶ s1amdard L"4040`4041Tθ mρ oo。 is ALP"A semic。 r, ofers "d"ct● to National the direct s∞ ond source serniconductor Voltage references As385 and ^s336。 As385 is a direct replacement tO LM385 and 卜⒈眸Γ卜 As REFˉ 02 As REFˉ 03 o05to50mA o05to50mA Temρ erat"re Coe彳 :c∶ emt As336 to LM336 .These Vo⒒ age References are ideal for use in app"cations such as Batt● rˇ ˉPo"θ r● d ForIoWer Temρ co consu"w"h fadory … , l"otr"m● "tatio" ma"a口 ●m● Data ^。 。 曰Ⅱd "isitiom, r口 △ E"● "t. As385 ●+1.Ⅳ ,+2.Ⅳ ,and卢d⒈ mrsion ・A丬 ustable Vdtage1,24to5。 sVoks ・o卩 Ⅺ蛐ng Current Range10uA to20mA ・In"iaI ACCuracy1° /o&2% ・Dynam⒗ lmpedance1Ω ・DireCt Replacernent for LM18引 ⒓8s/3B5 As40BOrAsHOoq ・1.zNr and2.5vdt VeⅡ 封m ●No output Capac1an∞ Required ●EXtrgndy IOw Ternpco25ppΠ V° C ・Used in Bgttery Pmered Equipment ・Used in Data Aα luoⅡ on systems ・Dired Rep丨 acerr,ent f¤ ΓLM0O00`40眸 |∶ 1 As336 ・Fk2.5Volts叫 曲 5%∧ dust ・Lm0utputlmpedance O6Ω ・o卩Ⅲ刑ng Current400ItA to10mA ●Fast Tum on . ●±1o/o lnkiaI ACcuracy .urect Replacementfσ LMSso As4040,As4041Fixθ d shuⅡ t Regulator ApplicatioⅡ ●1.2V&2.5Voks F汉 od output voltα p oLm Dynan△ c ImpedanCe O,6Ω ・Wde operating Current Range10uA to20mA ・Extremdy kw Ternpco ・Available in To-92,soˉ B&Toˉ 0s ●DⅡα△ Replacgnentfor LT1O00&LM1O00 .艹 ALPH^sem∶ Co"ductorˉ Page15 1eaB P~managemmt Products Guide ・ ■囱 F:卜 I丨 As1009 ●Fk2.5Volts Mth5%八 玎ust ・Lm DynmiCImpodance O.6Ω ・Wde operating Current Range JOOItA to10mA ・Extremdy LgJ Ternpco ●ln"ial ACcuraCy± 0.2% ・Dirct Replmgmentfor LT100g,and MC1000 ・1,23Voks Fk爿 0utput ^s8069 vokage ・Lm Dyn引 △c lmpedance O,6Ω ・Wde operating Curent Range sOuA t° ・Ddremely Lm Tgmpo ・kw Outputtderan∞ ±0.4% ・DireCt Replacerrlent for lCL8Osg 5mA As REFˉ 01`REFˉ 0γ REFˉ 03 ●+10V,+sV,+21sV Respect~dy ・A四 ustable Range± 3%REF<)1&REF-02 ・Excellent Ternperature std川 ” 85ppm`C ●VVide input Range1N to0OV ●No E,dernaI C¤ mpα lents ・short CirCuk Progf 吐 叼 "〓 ° Do8cr:ρ t|o" c D● ˇBco As0020 sing丨 As0026 Dual,High speed PoWθ r As0027 Dual,High speed POwer M0sFET Dovers with Latch-UP As0028 As0029 e,High cuΠ ent Power 掰 掀 耐 竹力 ■臼△0ρ ●Γ ˇot|a¤ o ρ|y . "a:.s"ρ CⅡ rro"t△ (m^) I M0sFET D"ˇ ers w"h Latch-uP N DuaI,High sρ oed PoWθ r MOsFET D冖 vers w"h Latch-uP single,High cuⅡ ent Power P● aⅡ C"rro"t :Ⅱ tη N MOsFET D"vers W"h LatCh-uP Precision Current so"rce l MOsFET DHvers with Latch-uP sur|tch sρ ●oJ |"ρ CL(ρ F冫 "t to0"tρ "t Do|ay("B〉 ("θ 〉 2,500 5s/55 1,000 15'32 1,000 15`32 1)000 15'32 2,500 55/55 L“ ●1.5A Peak ^s4426`4427`4428 output ●7Ω output ompedance ●4.5V to18V supply ●25ns itto1000pF ●Latch-up ProteCted ●VVithstands5V Negative swing ●surface Mount AVaⅡ bale 彡 ・6A Peak output ^s4420`4429 ・2.5Ω output ompedance ・4.5V to18V supply ・25ns itto2500pF ・Latch-up ProteCted ・VVⅡ hstands5V Negative swing ・surface MOunt Ava"bale ⊙巳 。 Direct DHve POwer MOSFET D"vers sW⒒ Ched MOde POwer supplies PuIse TransfoΠ ηer DHve ′ smaIl MOtor Controls PⅡ nt Head D"ve`LDC Pane1 e ALPHA sem∶ conduCtorˉ Page16 :¢ mgg P~r Ma哟 grIent 、 ・ products Guide se∶ ect∶ Ba"duIdth Ba"d凵 :d1h "o" 1500 12`100 1sr18 200 1or1oo 1srs Rate V`us Paokage Tyρ e Vcc,:cc V`m^ s∶ e凵 ˉ 3db(""z) o"tρ ut ±ˇ `m^ ^~m Amplfier± 15VV supρ ly Vokage Desoriρ GaI" 10ˉ To8-12 DIP,T0-78 Paokage TVρ e c^ LHO032 ±15ˇ V supρ ly Voltage,Bu矸 er Rate V`us — ±15ˇV supply VoⅡ age,Buffθ r e凵 smv L"0033 LHOo02 Deˇ |ce s∶ 。 3db(""z) v° Dogor∶ pt∶ o" 旧^ ρ Deˇ Ioe o"Guide To8ˉ 12 500 Γ÷ 刚 Coa刂 aI CabIe Ddˇ eC∶ oe Deˇ ∶ o矸sot VO1tage oPO7 oP77 oP27 oP37 D● ˇIoe B∶ ag C"rre"t ±2nA 25“V 5000V`mV 1000V'mV 1000V`mV 250V 25“V ±40nA 25。V ±40n^ o仟setˇ o∶ tage oP10 oP207 oP227 oP237 B∶ as C"rre"t 500"V 100uV ±3nA 801JV +0O nA 80ItV ±40nA Volta口 e GaI" soO V`mV 3oo VrmV 150“ V oρ 05 Instrume"taⅡ on shield`Line D"ˇ er "uit ±3nA ˇo∶ taoe Ga1m 200V`mV 200V'mV 800V`mV 800V`mV C"RR sle凵 Rate Paoka口 eTˇ De to~e2,8~PDIP,s0ˉ g Toˉ g2,⒏ PDlP,s0£ 110dB o1V'us 10O dB o1vrus o1V`us 114dB 17V`"s T0-g2,8ˉ PDlP,so8 ,,V`us To匆 2、 ⒏PDlP,so-B sle凵 Rate o1V`us Packa口 e TVoe C"RR 110dB 10s dB o1ˇ `us 17V`us 11V`us To£2,8-PDlP,s0-B 14-PDIP 14ˉ PDIP 14-PDlP 14-PDIP 丨 ・ 〓 ・Test Equipment ・P:妯sion lnstrumentation ・Data Acquiskion ・Medical lnstrumentation ・AudiO Equipment ●Vid∞ Ampli】 ers ・High-speed Current【 Buffer9AmpIifers ・signal separators ・High~Power Driˇ ers for ・CoaxiaI Cables ・Transn"ssIOn Lines e 、 ・Data Acquis"ion Circuits ●A/D COnve戌ers ALPIn se品 ℃omdudorˉ Page17 :扌 1gOg P-Ⅲ an∞ erF|ent ProduCts Guide QUALlTV`RELIABlLlTV l"FOR"AT∶ oN 鼙 CoⅡ duCtor∶ s hohIy cgmm"托 刂 to insure the qud~and ^LPH^sem∶ reli曲 iI灯 山 ll山 Mces.We are⑾ m旅 d '〓 鬈 in alIIeds gF Our operatim,such as in弦 ial ρrodud dh而 n"ion, design, fab"c臼 汀0n, assembly, testing, qualⅢ α玫im and sgⅥ cing αJrcustOmm. Quality and rel吲 Ⅲity are a pa砣 dedHcal町 αmance and cost, ⑾ (:,亻 F ALPH″ s des℃ n goals,along"h m洇 through d蚋 n to岣 intqg唧 and insure Ⅲgh qual即 。 AlI ALPH″ s analog pmduCt duHng d∞ Vn indude bas℃ tst¤ 叩旧u怔“ deslgned into each chip.The d(l:I;ll丿 iiCes paramdgs are guarantoed through de蚋 n and 1∞ %tested to those speciⅡ ed in Data shom through autOMedtst∶ mg.The Flnished packaged dθ 陀es are tsted100%bJore to quarantee quaI"y and reliabiⅢ y lml。 to gFFer qual” and rel∶ abIe deuces through thor perfomance.ALPⅢ s cu仗 ing edge analog des0n is far supenσ to trad"imal anaIog ∶ C’ s and hybric彐 products. Products mondi11hic designs provldes stable pHomance omr tkne and temperdure.ALPHA d刨 ces , designers Jer the best perfoΠ nance thmugh best qualky and l⒅ cost, F^BRlCATIoⅡ insped¤ Ⅱ TEsT PRODUCT DEFIⅡ ITIo" DEslG" ALPHA sern幽 dudor⒗ Each do⒗ dedHcally tested uong prop"dary test circu泗 that u辅 ~k叩 paradm.Assernbly,udq夕 s are su丬 eded to a旧 巾押 gf nlechan∶ cal BgFOre g¤ ng to produdion and sⅢ pmmts OF d刨 GOs,the Cornponents wⅢ go through qual掀珏 ion process,The fa"diOn and assgmbly fⅡ i11“ are audⅢ oc-ionally to"ual~.These procQdu喵 insu喵 the ALPHA sernicondudσ products high standards of n酣 ab1"and qual即 through process. D^ssE"BLV To insure the rvlesure of accuraCy in equiprflent used for qud雨 Cation and ALPHA semicondudor,due to i"1‘ :;n1:l"1ure J markd ensures reliable(:l}【 ,;lM珂 ^Ⅱ J pam t。 continued assessrrlent OF found"es estgbl⒗ hod bdh by ALPH″ s lled and ouh屺 foundHes.The fab巾 珏 im fmⅡ ~are rm涮 ¤ 刨 ∶’ produdkn procss ALPHA s圮 n雨 condudor rη a∶ nta∶ ns a caⅡ bration systgn to insure the prOm∶ sed pHomanCethrough our des℃ n。 α屮∞ ” t° sem o旧 r们 Ⅵ,Ⅱ rrls gf e陌 sting sdls and sⅢ l cuΠηn口 y,FAB ∈口ansion is gong α,for addⅢ ona丨 mfer capmio,`in α wafer at current ′ 臼fVle.AddⅢ onal Capacky1¤ ng sdd to outskb Customm. ALPHA sgmiCondudor,Real⒓ ing (【 Il、 JlI丿 I′ ConⅡ nuously 9冫 by ALP卩VVs proCess engineeong group,ALP卜 VVs FAB has F冫 AssgmbIyis pHo-d gFFshore in MalmIa,PhⅢ ppIrls,and lndonesia under carJu"y docummod and u“ 丬l cont【 ℃刂Ied 阝 cond"ions. Qud~and di曲 Ⅱ” gF dedron忆 ∝mponenh are c雨 cal沁 sues茁 the rdat℃ nship b-m眦 ustorrDers・ success and ks mn. ALP田 Vs CoFnpany policy o to maintain qualW thmughout each pmcss, from D蚋 n刚 up to Ⅱ。shod product.T"sp咖 r-sd me to Ⅱ ∶ insure the quali111丿 The mfer f启 刂D● catkn and assembIy procss undmo inˉ Ⅱne qualⅡ y insped忆 ns.Wafer are inspeCted optically to guiddines h△ Bed on ⅢIL sTD aBsc,Ⅱ △玫h° d2010, `and diabⅡ i11!丿 `gF ALPHA sgnicmdudor products. ALPHA semiConductor Product Flow WAFER FABRICATION COMMERIAL B1JILD AQLO.“ % ・ 100% 100% WAFER MOtINT,sAW AQL0,65% 髫 DIE VIsUAL 100°/o : WIRE BOND,BOND R见 10Oo/o 厶 VIsUAL AQL1.5% hⅡ E恿 100% 莺Ⅱ Ⅱ虍 1O0% AQL O,10% 氵 100% AQL0.甾 % DC πBT@ROOM1OO% 卩 、 100% EXΠ △δσ 乩 Ⅵ sUAL INsP.AQL O.10% ELECT.π ET@“ 冶C,AQL O.65% ・ Page18 亻 comductorˉ ^LPIh se,n∶ 1ggB P~r Manme-t Prod峨 G峨