TN- 021 - ResearchGate

Technical Note
USA: [email protected]
Taiwan: [email protected]
Crystal manufacturer sine 1973
No.: TN- 021
Revision: 0
Date: Jan. 10, 2001
Page 1 of 6
Title: The effect of load capacitor on the crystal
Why load capacitor is needed
In early days, crystal manufacturer needed the whole equipment or at least the oscillator section
of the equipment from customers in order to correlate the oscillator frequency for that particular
equipment. Later on, additional crystal parameters such as C1 (motional capacitance), L1 (motional
inductance), Co (shunt capacitance) were introduced to define the crystal parameters. Crystal frequency
is primarily determined by its C1 and L1 . Figure 1 shows the equivalent circuit of a crystal. Co is
considered as an external load to the crystal. For more discussion of the crystal equivalent circuit
please refer to Mercury technical note TN-011. From the equivalent circuit the resonant frequency can
be expressed as
f =
---------------- Equation 1
2 π L1C1
It is clear from equation 1that infinite combinations of L1 and C1 can yield the same frequency.
This suggests crystals of same frequency do not necessarily yield the same output frequency even for
the same oscillator circuit. Different Co (for example crystals made different manufacturers) and/or
loading variations from oscillators to oscillators can cause a wide spread of output frequency. To
compromise all these variables, Load capacitor was then introduced to better describe a crystal in a
circuit. Load capacitor go t its name because it is the capacitive load that the oscillator circuit loads onto
the crystal or the capacitive load the crystal “sees” from the circuit.
To ways to use the load capacitors
Load capacitor (C L), connected with crystal either in series or in parallel, is normally used for
fine tune the oscillator output frequency. As shown in figure 1,2 and 3 the output frequency can be
pulled upward from fr (series resonant frequency of the crystal) by series load capacitor or downward
from fa (anti- resonant frequency of the crystal) by parallel load capacitor. The amount of pulling (pull
sensitivity) is determined by the CL value and the capacitance ratio (Co/C 1 ) of the crystal.
Crystal with series load capacitor
In the case of series connection, the reactance part of the crystal is zero and the crystal acts like
a pure resistor. Zero reactance means the oscillator loading does not exert much to the crystal. When
order crystals for this type of circuit please specify the loading condition as “Series”. Mercury part
number, use HC-49/U 10.000 MHz as an example, becomes H49-10.000-S. Advantage of series
crystals is good frequency correlation between user and the manufacturer and among manufacturers as
well. However, stability of an oscillator circuit using parallel resonant crystal (discussed below) seems
to be more stable than that of a comparable series oscillator circuit using series crystal.
Technical Note
Revision: 0
USA: [email protected]
Taiwan: [email protected]
Crystal manufacturer sine 1973
No.: TN- 021
Date: Jan. 10, 2001
Page 2 of 6
Fig. 1: Crystal without load capacitor
Fig. 2: Crystal with series load capacitor
- reactance
- reactance + reactance
Fig. 3: Crystal with parallel load capacitor
- reactance + reactance
+ reactance
Title: The effect of load capacitor on the crystal
Technical Note
Revision: 0
USA: [email protected]
Taiwan: [email protected]
Crystal manufacturer sine 1973
No.: TN- 021
Date: Jan. 10, 2001
Page 3 of 6
Title: The effect of load capacitor on the crystal
Crystal with parallel load capacitor
In the case of parallel connection, the reactance part of the crystal becomes inductive. This
inductive reactance parallel resonates with crystal’s shunt capacitance (Co) and operates the crystal
above its fr. To calibrate this offset, load capacitance (C L) must be specified. Mercury part number, use
HC-49/U 10.000 MHz with 20 pF load capacitance as an example, becomes H49-10.000-20P. In the
crystal manufacturing processes, manufacturer adjusts the crystal final frequency with a physical load
capacitor to simulate the customer’s circuit. Customers can predict a reasonable frequency tolerance
from the manufacturer if the load capacitance is specified correctly. The typical load capacitance of
modern oscillator circuits ranges from 8 to 32 pF. Typical values include 10, 12, 16, 18, 20, 30 and 32
pF. As seen from figure 4 higher capacitive load makes the crystal frequency go lower.
+ reactance
CL=8 pF
CL=32 pF
Series resonance
- reactance
Fig. 4: Crystal reactance vs. frequency
Series crystal does exist but there is no such a thing called “parallel crystal”. A parallel crystal is a
series crystal loaded with external capacitances and pulled away from its series resonant frequency (fs).
The parallel load resonant frequency fL is given to a good approximation by
2 (C
+ C
---------------- Equation 2
Equation 3 can be used to predict the effect of frequency change with respect to the change in load
capacitances (C L1 and CL2) for a particular crystal
− f CL
= CL 1
f CL 1
C1 
2  (C 0 + C L 1 )
(C 0 + C L 2 ) 
---------------- Equation 3
Equation 3 suggests that crystals with smaller load capacitance tend to have higher pulling sensitivity
(frequency change per pF load capacitance change). Therefore, small CL value like 8 pF or smaller is
not recommended. Equation 3 can also be expressed graphically as
Technical Note
No.: TN- 021
Revision: 0
USA: [email protected]
Taiwan: [email protected]
Crystal manufacturer sine 1973
Date: Jan. 10, 2001
Page 4 of 6
Title: The effect of load capacitor on the crystal
Zf=Rf +jXf
CL (pF)
Fig. 5: Crystal reactance vs. frequency
Pierce Oscillator
Fig. 6: IC with built-in feedback loop
Unlike in the old days one had to build his own crystal oscillators by using vacuum tubes,
transistors or even logic gates, recent ASICs if timing signal is required all have integrated amplifier
and integrated feedback resistor (Rf) inside the ICs. They are known as “on-chip oscillator”. Some
ASICs do not have the integrated Rf. The most common on-chip-oscillator is the positive reactance
type oscillator also known as Pierce oscillator as shown in figure 6. It provides economic timing signals
for the device because only a few external components required. CX1 and CX2 are two pi-network
capacitors in series. The crystal (effectively inductive and to be connected to the X1 and X2 pins of the
IC) parallel resonates with Cx1 and Cx2 in the feedback loop and provides approximately 180° phase
shift. The amplified signals from the amplifier have 180° out-of-phase with its input signals. Loop gain
greater than 1 and 0° (an integer multiple of 360°) phase shift are required to sustain oscillation. Instead
of showing X1 and X2 some devices might show OSC1 and OSC 2. One example is Motorola
MC68HC05JB4 micro controllers. This device can either take a 6 MHz parallel resonant crystal or a
CMOS compatible external clock signal input (to OSC1).
Ra is normally not necessary if the drive level (current flows through the crystal) is kept below
factory specified value. Depends on the crystal frequency and holder type, the drive level vary from 1
uW (for tuning fork crystal kHz range in 2x6 or 3x8 tubular can), 100 uW (for UM-1 and UM-5 in
MHz range),1 mW (for HC-49/U in MHz range) to 2 mW (for HC-51/U in MHz range). Crystal will be
degraded or even damaged if it is overdriven for a period of time. The output frequency decreases or
becomes unstable when supply voltage increases is an indication of an overdriven crystal. Decrease
power supply voltage or increase Ra value will take care of this problem. Also, it is practical in the
circuit design stage to have a way to trim the output oscillator frequency. This can be achieved by
adding series capacitor to each terminal of the crystal.
Technical Note
USA: [email protected]
Taiwan: [email protected]
Crystal manufacturer sine 1973
No.: TN- 021
Revision: 0
Date: Jan. 10, 2001
Page 5 of 6
Title: The effect of load capacitor on the crystal
To improve the oscillator performance
Most of the IC data book will give detailed crystal specifications. But because of the variations
from layout to layout and applications to applications, using the pre-defined crystals does not guarantee
the results. Different layout might have different stray capacitance. The stray capacitance is another part
of the load that crystal “sees” in the oscillator circuit.
Large stray capacitance reduces loop gain and stability. It can be kept to minimum by placing
the crystal as close to the IC as possible, keep the trace short and ground the crystal. Most of the metal
can crystals can be ordered with ground lead option. Ceramic packaged crystals such as Mercury MQ
series have four contact pads and two of the m are used for grounding purpose. Depends on the power
requirement, the conductor width of the PCBs need to be optimized so that unwanted inductance won’t
be introduced. To prevent capacitive coupling do not route any digital signal near the X1 and X2 pins.
Selection of the capacitor values
Like Ra, Cx2 reduces current to the crystal and typically ranges from 5 to 50 pF. Instead of
using a voltage regulator in the system, Cx2 value can be increased to reduce the supply voltage effect
on the frequency stability. CX1 ranges from 0 to 30 pF assuming the amplifier is an inverter. In some
applications Cx2 is a fixed capacitor while CX1 is a variable capacitor so that the oscillator frequency
can be fine tuned to the desired frequency mechanically. Higher Cx1 and Cx2 values tend to improve
the frequency stability but the increase of the current consumption, start-up time, propagation delay and
narrower trimming range all need to be considered. Normally the crystal load capacitance is selected
first (mid range such as 20 pF is a good start-up) then Cx2 is chosen and then the Cx1 can be determined
experimentally. Normally CX1 and CX2 are equal but not always true. CX1 and CX2 values control the
voltages across the crystal. Voltage swings at X1 and X2 need to be controlled at rated values so that
additional phase shift won’t be introduced and the gain won’t be attenuated at the amplifier section.
If one likes to pick CX1 and CX2 first then figure out the crystal load capacitance, the following
equations can be used to predict the CL of the crystal. The combined capacitive reactance of the CX1 and
CX2 equals to the inductance reactance of the crystal. The reactance part of the amplifier, Zf (in this case
is inductive and Xf=ωL1, ω=2πf), parallel resonates with the series combination of the Cx1 and Cx2 .
2π L1Cx
where Cx=
Cx1∗Cx 2
---------------- Equation 4
Cx1+ Cx 2
Technical Note
USA: [email protected]
Taiwan: [email protected]
Crystal manufacturer sine 1973
No.: TN- 021
Revision: 0
Date: Jan. 10, 2001
Page 6 of 6
Title: The effect of load capacitor on the crystal
For more accurate calculation any stray capacitances in parallel need to be considered. Then,
CL =
Cx1 ∗ Cx 2
+ Cstray
Cx 1 + Cx 2
---------------- Equation 5
the oscillation frequency becomes
f =
2 π L1 C L
---------------- Equation 6
For a fixed frequency, CL can be easily predicted by using equation 4, 5 and 6. Cstray is difficult to
measure but 3 pF is a good assumption value. The effective CL value is normally smaller than the
calculated CL value due to the amplifier input capacitance.
1. RCA CMOS integrated circuit s data book SSD-25C, application note ICAN-6086
“Timekeeping Advances Through COS/MOS Technology”.
2. Motorola High Speed CMOS Logic Data Book
3. Eaton, S.S. Micropower Crystal-Controlled Oscillator Design Using RCA COS/MOS Inverters,
RCA Application Note ICAN-6539.
4. Robert J. Matthys, Crystal Oscillator Circuits, Wiley-Intersciences, 1983
5. Okano Ohotaro, Quartz Crystal Devices, Hang Kuang, 1998.