
Bulletin #1203281B
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Bulletin Date:
Customer Contact:
Bulletin Effective Date: 3/28/2012
Si5338 Datasheet and Reference Manual Documentation Updates
Phil Callahan,
Phone: (512) 532-5853
Dept: Timing Products Timing Products
Kathy Haggar
Phone: (512) 532-5261
Dept: Sales Operations
Bulletin Details
1) The Si5338 datasheet has been updated to revision 1.1.
2) Applications Note AN411 “Configuring the Si5338 without ClockBuilder Desktop” has been
replaced with a new reference manual document, “Si5338 Reference Manual: Configuring the
Si5338 without ClockBuilder Desktop”.
1) Si5338 datasheet revision 1.1:
a) Now includes references to the new Si5338 Reference Manual, which replaces the previous
Applications Note (AN411) and associated references.
b) Expands support for use with 18 pF crystals (see Tables 8, 9, 10, 11).
2) Si5338 Reference Manual (formerly titled AN411):
a) Changed document type from application note (AN411) to reference manual (Si5338-RM
Reference Manual), to ensure documentation notifications are electronically distributed to
all registered www.silabs.com users via Silicon Labs’ Product Bulletin process.
b) Added information on device ID registers 2–5, for customers who need access to this
information for device identification.
c) The information in the Reference Manual obsoletes all previous device register information
contained in the previous “Si5338FlexClockRegMap.chm” electronic file which was available
on www.silabs.com during 2008 and 2009. Customers should not be using this file any
longer, and it has been removed from the website.
d) Corrected register 47 read-modify-write mask to allow writes to bits 7:6 (documentation
e) Corrected reset value of register 289 from 0x00 to 0x01 (documentation correction).
f) Corrected reset value of register 292 from 0x30 to 0x90 (documentation correction).
Product Identification:
All Si5338 products, including those with custom NVM codes in the part number (xxxxx = custom NVM
code assigned by Silicon Labs; where xxxxx are numbers from 00000 through 99999):
- Si5338A-A-GM, Si5338A-Axxxxx-GM
- Si5338B-A-GM, Si5338B-Axxxxx-GM
- Si5338C-A-GM, Si5338C-Axxxxx-GM
- Si5338D-A-GM, Si5338D-Axxxxx-GM
- Si5338E-A-GM, Si5338E-Axxxxx-GM
- Si5338F-A-GM, Si5338F-Axxxxx-GM
- Si5338G-A-GM, Si5338G-Axxxxx-GM
- Si5338H-A-GM, Si5338H-Axxxxx-GM
- Si5338J-A-GM, Si5338J-Axxxxx-GM
- Si5338K-A-GM, Si5338K-Axxxxx-GM
- Si5338L-A-GM, Si5338L-Axxxxx-GM
- Si5338M-A-GM, Si5338M-Axxxxx-GM
- Si5338N-A-GM, Si5338N-Axxxxx-GM
- Si5338P-A-GM, Si5338P-Axxxxx-GM
- Si5338Q-A-GM, Si5338Q-Axxxxx-GM
Customer Actions Needed:
W7206F2 Silicon Labs Bulletin rev A
The information contained in this document is PROPRIETARY to Silicon Laboratories, Inc. and shall not be reproduced or used in
part or whole without Silicon Laboratories’ written consent. The document is uncontrolled if printed or electronically saved. Pg 1
Bulletin #1203281B
Download the latest documentation from www.silabs.com:
• Si5338 Datasheet, Revision 1.1.
• Si5338 Reference Manual, revision 1.0.
W7206F2 Silicon Labs Bulletin rev A
The information contained in this document is PROPRIETARY to Silicon Laboratories, Inc. and shall not be reproduced or used in
part or whole without Silicon Laboratories’ written consent. The document is uncontrolled if printed or electronically saved. Pg 2