Component - EZI2C Slave V2.0 Datasheet.pdf

PSoC Creator™ Component Datasheet
EZI2C Slave
 Industry standard NXP® I2C bus interface
 Emulates common I2C EEPROM interface
 Only two pins (SDA and SCL) required to interface to I2C bus
 Standard data rates of 50/100/400/1000 kbps
 High level APIs require minimal user programming
 Supports one or two address decoding with independent memory buffers
 Memory buffers provide configurable Read/Write and Read Only regions
General Description
The EZI2C Slave component implements an I2C register-based slave device. It is compatible [1]
with I2C Standard-mode, Fast-mode, and Fast-mode Plus devices as defined in the NXP I2C-bus
specification. The master initiates all communication on the I2C bus and supplies the clock for all
slave devices. The EZI2C Slave supports standard data rates up to 1000 kbps and is compatible
with multiple devices on the same bus.
The EZI2C Slave is a unique implementation of an I2C slave in that all communication between
the master and slave is handled in the ISR (Interrupt Service Routine) and requires no
interaction with the main program flow. The interface appears as shared memory between the
master and slave. Once the EZI2C_Start() function is executed, there is little need to interact
with the API.
The I C peripheral is non-compliant with the NXP I C specification in the following areas: analog glitch filter, I/O
VOL/IOL, I/O hysteresis. The I C Block has a digital glitch filter (not available in sleep mode). The Fast-mode
minimum fall-time specification can be met by setting the I/Os to slow speed mode. See the I/O Electrical
Specifications in "Inputs and Outputs" section of device datasheet for details.
Cypress Semiconductor Corporation • 198 Champion Court • San Jose, CA 95134-1709 • 408-943-2600
Document Number: 001-96746 Rev. **
Revised March 24, 2015
EZI2C Slave
PSoC Creator™ Component Datasheet
When to Use an EZI2C Slave
Use this component when you want a shared memory model between the I2C Slave and I2C
Master. You may define the EZI2C Slave buffers as any variable, array, or structure in your code
without worrying about the I2C protocol. The I2C master may view any of the variables in this
buffer and modify the variables defined by the EZI2C_SetBuffer1() or EZI2C_SetBuffer2()
Input/Output Connections
This section describes the various input and output connections for EZI2C Slave.
sda – In/Out
Serial data (SDA) is the I2C data signal. It is a bidirectional data signal used to transmit or
receive all bus data.
scl – In/Out
Serial clock (SCL) is the master generated I2C clock. Although the slave never generates the
clock signal, it may hold it low stalling the bus until it is ready to send data or NAK/ACK the latest
data or address.
Schematic Macro Information
The default EZI2C Slave in the Component Catalog is a schematic macro using an EZI2C Slave
component with default settings. The EZI2C Slave component is connected to a Pins
component, which is configured as an SIO pair.
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PSoC Creator™ Component Datasheet
EZI2C Slave
Component Parameters
Drag an EZI2C component onto your design and double-click it to open the Configure dialog.
The EZI2C component provides the following parameters.
Data rate
This parameter is used to set the I2C data rate value up to 1000 kbps; the actual rate may differ,
based on available clock speed and divider range. The standard data rates are 50, 100 (default),
400, and 1000 kbps.
Number of addresses
This option determines whether 1 (default) or 2 independent I2C slave addresses are recognized.
If two addresses are recognized, address detection will be performed in software, not hardware;
therefore, the Enable wakeup from Sleep Mode option is not available.
Note If Number of address is 1, the usage of I2C repeated Start condition to join transactions to
different devices is not supported. If the I2C master accesses other I2C devices and then
generates a repeated Start to access the component, the component fails to operate properly.
The I2C transactions of this type must be avoided.
Primary slave address
This is the primary I2C slave address (default is 8). You can select a slave address between 0
and 127 (0x00 and 0x7F). This address is the 7-bit right-justified slave address and does not
include the R/W bit. You can enter the value as decimal or hexadecimal. For hexadecimal
numbers, type ‘0x’ before the address.
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EZI2C Slave
PSoC Creator™ Component Datasheet
Secondary slave address
This is the secondary I2C slave address (default is 9). It is only valid when the Number of
addresses parameter is set to 2. You can select a slave address between 0 and 127 (0x00 and
0x7F). This address is the 7-bit right-justified slave address and does not include the R/W bit.
You can enter the value as decimal or hexadecimal. For hexadecimal numbers, type ‘0x’ before
the address.
Sub-address Size
This option determines what range of data can be accessed. You can select a sub-address of 8
bits (default) or 16 bits. If you use an address size of 8 bits, the master can only access data
offsets between 0 and 255. If you select a sub-address size of 16 bits, the master can access
data offsets between 0 and 65535.
Pin connections
This parameter determines which type of pin to use for SDA and SCL signal connections. This
option is supplemental for the Enable wakeup from Sleep Mode option and is available only if
single I2C address is selected in the Number of addresses option. There are three possible
values: Any (default), I2C0, and I2C1.
Any general-purpose I/O (GPIO or SIO) can be used for SCL and SDA pins.
Restricted placement: SCL = SIO pin P12[4], SDA = SIO pin P12[5]
Restricted placement: SCL = SIO pin P12[0], SDA = SIO pin P12[1]
Any means general-purpose I/O (GPIO or SIO) are used for SCL and SDA pins. This is a
general usage case when wakeup from Sleep mode on slave address match is not required.
Otherwise, select the Enable wakeup from Sleep Mode option and set Pins to I2C0 or I2C1,
depending on the placement capabilities.
Note The EZI2C component does not check the correct pin assignments.
Enable wakeup from Sleep Mode
This parameter allows the device to be awakened from sleep mode on slave address match.
This option is disabled by default. The wake up on address match option is valid if a single I2C
address is selected and the SDA and SCL signals are connected to SIO ports (pin pairs I2C0 or
Refer to the Wakeup from Sleep Mode section in this document; refer also to the Power
Management APIs section of the System Reference Guide for more information.
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PSoC Creator™ Component Datasheet
EZI2C Slave
External Electrical Connections
As Figure 1 shows, the I2C bus requires external pull-up resistors. The pull-up resistors (RP) are
primarily determined by the supply voltage, bus speed, and bus capacitance. For detailed
information on how to calculate the optimum pull-up resistor value for your design we
recommend using the UM10204 I2C-bus specification and user manual Rev. 6, available from
the NXP website at
Figure 1. Connection of Devices to the I2C Bus
SDA (Serial Data Line)
SCL (Serial Clock Line)
Device 1
Device 2
For most designs, the default values shown in the following table provide excellent performance
without any calculations. The default values were chosen to use standard resistor values
between the minimum and maximum limits.
Table 1. Recommended Default Pull-up Resistor Values
Standard Mode
(0 – 100 kbps)
Fast Mode
(0 – 400 kbps)
Fast Mode Plus
(0 – 1000 kbps)
4.7 k, 5%
1.74 k, 1%
620, 5%
These values work for designs with 1.8 V to 5.0V VDD, less than 200 pF bus capacitance (CB), up
to 25 µA of total input leakage (IIL), up to 0.4 V output voltage level (VOL), and a max VIH of 0.7 *
Standard Mode and Fast Mode can use either GPIO or SIO PSoC pins. Fast Mode Plus requires
use of SIO pins to meet the VOL spec at 20 mA. Calculation of custom pull-up resistor values is
required if; your design does not meet the default assumptions, you use series resistors (RS) to
limit injected noise, or you want to maximize the resistor value for low power consumption.
Calculation of the ideal pull-up resistor value involves finding a value between the limits set by
three equations detailed in the NXP I2C specification. These equations are:
Equation 1: RPMIN = (VDD(max) – VOL(max)) / IOL(min)
Equation 2: RPMAX = TR(max) / 0.8473 x CB(max)
Equation 3: RPMAX = VDD(min) – (VIH(min) + VNH(min)) / IIH(max)
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EZI2C Slave
PSoC Creator™ Component Datasheet
Equation parameters:
VDD = Nominal supply voltage for I2C bus
VOL = Maximum output low voltage of bus devices.
IOL= Low level output current from I2C specification
TR = Rise Time of bus from I2C specification
CB = Capacitance of each bus line including pins and PCB traces
VIH = Minimum high level input voltage of all bus devices
VNH = Minimum high level input noise margin from I2C specification
IIH = Total input leakage current of all devices on the bus
The supply voltage (VDD) limits the minimum pull-up resistor value due to bus devices maximum
low output voltage (VOL) specifications. Lower pull-up resistance increases current through the
pins and can therefore exceed the spec conditions of VOH. Equation 1 is derived using Ohm’s law
to determine the minimum resistance that will still meet the VOL specification at 3 mA for standard
and fast modes, and 20 mA for fast mode plus at the given VDD.
Equation 2 determines the maximum pull-up resistance due to bus capacitance. Total bus
capacitance is comprised of all pin, wire, and trace capacitance on the bus. The higher the bus
capacitance the lower the pull-up resistance required to meet the specified bus speeds rise time
due to RC delays. Choosing a pull-up resistance higher than allowed can result in failing timing
requirements resulting in communication errors. Most designs with five of fewer I2C devices and
up to 20 centimeters of bus trace length have less than 100 pF of bus capacitance.
A secondary effect that limits the maximum pull-up resistor value is total bus leakage calculated
in Equation 3. The primary source of leakage is I/O pins connected to the bus. If leakage is too
high, the pull-ups will have difficulty maintaining an acceptable VIH level causing communication
errors. Most designs with five or fewer I2C devices on the bus have less than 10 µA of total
leakage current.
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PSoC Creator™ Component Datasheet
EZI2C Slave
Application Programming Interface
Application Programming Interface (API) routines allow you to configure the component using
software. The following table lists and describes the interface to each function. The subsequent
sections cover each function in more detail.
By default, PSoC Creator assigns the instance name “EZI2C_1” to the first instance of a
component in a given design. You can rename it to any unique value that follows the syntactic
rules for identifiers. The instance name becomes the prefix of every global function name,
variable, and constant symbol. For readability, the instance name used in the following table is
Basic Functions
Starts responding to I C traffic. Enables interrupt.
Stops responding to I C traffic. Disables interrupt.
Enables component interrupt, which is required for most component
Disables component interrupt. The EZI2C_Stop() API does this
Sets the primary I C slave address.
Returns the primary I C slave address.
Sets up the data buffer to be exposed to the master on a primary slave
address request.
Checks component activity status.
Stops I C operation and saves I C configuration. Disables component
Restores I C configuration and starts I C operation. Enables component
Initializes I C registers with initial values provided from customizer.
Activates the hardware and begins component operation.
Saves the current user configuration of the EZI2C component.
Restores nonretention I C registers.
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EZI2C Slave
PSoC Creator™ Component Datasheet
void EZI2C_Start(void)
This is the preferred method to begin component operation. EZI2C_Start(), calls the
EZI2C_Init() function, and then calls the EZI2C_Enable() function. It must be executed
before I C bus operation.
This function enables the component interrupt because interrupt is required for most
component operations.
Return Value:
Side Effects:
void EZI2C_Stop(void)
Disables I C hardware and component interrupt. The I C bus is released if it was locked up
by the component.
Return Value:
Side Effects:
void EZI2C_EnableInt(void)
Enables component interrupt. Interrupts are required for most operations. Called inside
EZI2C_Start() function.
Return Value:
Side Effects:
void EZI2C_DisableInt(void)
Disables component interrupt. This function is not normally required because the
EZI2C_Stop() function calls this function.
Return Value:
Side Effects:
If the component interrupt is disabled while the EZI2C communicates with master or master
tries to access the EZI2C slave. The bus can be locked up unit component interrupt is
enabled or component is disabled calling EZI2C_Stop().
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PSoC Creator™ Component Datasheet
EZI2C Slave
void EZI2C_SetAddress1(uint8 address)
Sets the primary I C slave address. This address is used by the master to access the
primary data buffer.
uint8 address: Primary I C slave address.
This address is the 7-bit right-justified slave address and does not include the R/W bit. This
value can be any address between 0 and 127 (0x00 to 0x7F).
Return Value:
Side Effects:
uint8 EZI2C_GetAddress1(void)
Returns the primary I C slave address.
This address is the 7-bit right-justified slave address and does not include the R/W bit.
Return Value:
uint8: Primary I C slave address.
Side Effects:
void EZI2C_SetBuffer1(uint16 bufSize, uint16 rwBoundary, volatile uint8* dataPtr)
Sets up the data buffer to be exposed to the master on a primary slave address request.
uint16 bufSize: Size of the buffer in bytes.
uint16 rwBoundary: Number of data bytes starting from the beginning of the buffer with read
and write access. Data bytes located at offset rwBoundary or greater are read only.
This value must be less than or equal to the buffer size.
uint8* dataPtr: Pointer to the data buffer.
Return Value:
Side Effects:
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EZI2C Slave
PSoC Creator™ Component Datasheet
uint8 EZI2C_GetActivity(void)
Returns a non-zero value if an I C read or write cycle has occurred since the last time this
function was called. The activity flag resets to zero at the end of this function call.
The Read and Write busy flags are cleared when read, but the “BUSY” flag is only cleared
when slave is free (that is, the master finishes communication with the slave generating Stop
or repeated Start condition).
A nonzero value is returned if activity is detected.
Return Value:
Side Effects:
uint8: Status of I C activity.
Set if Read sequence is detected for first address. Cleared when
status is read.
Set if Write sequence is detected for first address. Cleared when
status is read.
Set if Read sequence is detected for second address (if enabled).
Cleared when status is read.
Set if Write sequence is detected for second address (if enabled).
Cleared when status is read.
Set when master starts communication with slave (the slave is
addressed with Start or repeated Start) and cleared when master
finishes communication (Stop or repeated Start condition is
Set when I C hardware error is detected. Cleared when status is
void EZI2C_Sleep(void)
This is the preferred method to prepare the component before device enters sleep mode.
The Enable wakeup from Sleep Mode selection influences this function implementation:
Unchecked: Checks current EZI2C component state, saves it, and disables the
component by calling EZI2C_Stop() if it is currently enabled. EZI2C_SaveConfig() is
then called to save the component nonretention configuration registers.
Checked: If a transaction intended for component is in progress during this function call,
it waits until the current transaction is completed. All subsequent I2C traffic intended for
component is NAKed until the device is put to sleep mode. The address match event
wakes up the device.
Call the EZI2C_Sleep() function before calling the CyPmSleep() or the CyPmHibernate()
function. Refer to the PSoC Creator System Reference Guide for more information about
power-management functions.
Return Value:
Side Effects:
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PSoC Creator™ Component Datasheet
EZI2C Slave
void EZI2C_Wakeup(void)
This is the preferred method to prepare the component for active mode operation (when
device exits sleep mode).
The Enable wakeup from Sleep Mode selection influences this function implementation:
Unchecked: Restores the component nonretention configuration registers by calling
EZI2C_RestoreConfig(). If the component was enabled before the EZI2C_Sleep()
function was called, EZI2C_Wakeup() re-enables it.
Checked: Disables the backup regulator of I C hardware. The incoming transaction
continues as soon as the regular EZI2C interrupt handler is set up (global interrupts
has to be enabled to service EZI2C component interrupt).
Return Value:
Side Effects:
Calling this function before EZI2C_SaveConfig() or EZI2C_Sleep() may produce
unexpected behavior.
void EZI2C_Init(void)
Initializes or restores the component according to the Configure dialog settings. It is not
necessary to call EZI2C_Init() because the EZI2C_Start() API calls this function, which is
the preferred method to begin component operation.
Return Value:
Side Effects:
void EZI2C_Enable(void)
Activates the hardware and begins component operation. Calls EZI2C_EnableInt() to
enable the component interrupt. It is not necessary to call EZI2C_Enable() because the
EZI2C_Start() API calls this function, which is the preferred method to begin component
Return Value:
Side Effects:
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EZI2C Slave
PSoC Creator™ Component Datasheet
void EZI2C_SaveConfig(void)
The Enable wakeup from Sleep Mode selection influences this function implementation:
Unchecked: Stores the component nonretention configuration registers.
Checked: Enables backup regulator of the I C hardware. If a transaction intended for
component executes during this function call, it waits until the current transaction is
completed and I C hardware is ready to enter sleep mode. All subsequent I C traffic is
NAKed until the device is put into sleep mode.
Return Value:
Side Effects:
void EZI2C_RestoreConfig(void)
The Enable wakeup from Sleep Mode selection influences this function implementation:
Unchecked: Restores the component nonretention configuration registers to the state
they were in before I2C_Sleep() or I2C_SaveConfig() was called.
Checked: Disables the backup regulator of the I C hardware. Sets up the regular
component interrupt handler and generates the component interrupt if it was wake up
source to release the bus and continue in-coming I C transaction.
Return Value:
Side Effects:
Calling this function before EZI2C_Sleep() or EZI2C_SaveConfig() may produce
unexpected behavior.
Optional Second Address APIs
These commands are present only if two I2C addresses are enabled.
Sets the secondary I C slave address.
Returns the secondary I C slave address.
Sets up the data buffer to be exposed to the master on a secondary
slave address request.
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PSoC Creator™ Component Datasheet
EZI2C Slave
void EZI2C_SetAddress2(uint8 address)
Sets the secondary I C slave address. This address is used by the master to access the
secondary data buffer.
uint8 address: Secondary I C slave address.
This address is the 7-bit right-justified slave address and does not include the R/W bit. This
value can be any address between 0 and 127 (0x00 to 0x7F).
Return Value:
Side Effects:
uint8 EZI2C_GetAddress2(void)
Returns the secondary I C slave address.
This address is the 7-bit right-justified slave address and does not include the R/W bit.
Return Value:
uint8: Secondary I C slave address.
Side Effects:
void EZI2C_SetBuffer2(uint16 bufSize, uint16 rwBoundary, volatile uint8* dataPtr)
Sets up the data buffer to be exposed to the master on a secondary slave address request.
uint8 bufSize: Size of the data buffer in bytes.
uint8 rwBoundary: Number of data bytes starting from the beginning of the buffer with read
and write access. Data bytes located at offset rwBoundary or greater are read only.
This value must be less than or equal to the buffer size.
uint8* dataPtr: Pointer to the data buffer.
Return Value:
Side Effects:
Global Variables
Knowledge of these variables is not required for normal operations.
Indicates whether the EZI2C has been initialized. The variable is initialized to 0 and set to
1 the first time EZI2C_Start() is called. This allows the component to restart without
reinitialization after the first call to the EZI2C_Start() routine.
If reinitialization of the component is required the variable should be set to 0 before the
EZI2C_Start() routine is called. Alternatively, the EZI2C can be reinitialized by calling the
EZI2C_Init() and EZI2C_Enable() functions.
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EZI2C Slave
PSoC Creator™ Component Datasheet
Sample Firmware Source Code
PSoC Creator provides numerous example projects that include schematics and example code
in the Find Example Project dialog. For component-specific examples, open the dialog from the
Component Catalog or an instance of the component in a schematic. For general examples,
open the dialog from the Start Page or File menu. As needed, use the Filter Options in the
dialog to narrow the list of projects available to select.
Refer to the “Find Example Project” topic in the PSoC Creator Help for more information.
MISRA Compliance
This section describes the MISRA-C:2004 compliance and deviations for the component. There
are two types of deviations defined:
project deviations – deviations that are applicable for all PSoC Creator components
specific deviations – deviations that are applicable only for this component
This section provides information on component-specific deviations. Project deviations are
described in the MISRA Compliance section of the System Reference Guide along with
information on the MISRA compliance verification environment.
The EZI2C component has the following specific deviations:
Rule Description
Description of Deviation(s)
Array indexing shall be the only
allowed form of pointer arithmetic.
Component uses array indexing operation to access
buffers. The buffer size is checked before access. It is
safe operation unless user provides incorrect buffer size.
A function should be used in
Deviated since function-like macros are used to allow
preference to a function-like macro. more efficient code.
This component has the following embedded component: Interrupt. Refer to the corresponding
component datasheet for information on their MISRA compliance and specific deviations.
Required / Advisory
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PSoC Creator™ Component Datasheet
EZI2C Slave
API Memory Usage
The component memory usage varies significantly, depending on the compiler, device, number
of APIs used and component configuration. The following table provides the memory usage for
all APIs available in the given component configuration.
The measurements have been done with associated compiler configured in Release mode with
optimization set for Size. For a specific design the map file generated by the compiler can be
analyzed to determine the memory usage.
PSoC 3 (Keil_PK51)
One address
Two addresses
Functional Description
This component supports an I2C slave device with one or two I2C addresses. Either address may
access a memory buffer defined in RAM, EEPROM, or flash data space. EEPROM and flash
memory buffers are read only, while RAM buffers may be read/write. The addresses are right
When using this component, you must enable global interrupts because the I2C hardware is
interrupt driven. Even though this component requires interrupts, you do not need to add any
code to the ISR (Interrupt Service Routine). The module services all interrupts (data transfers)
independent of your code. The memory buffers allocated for this interface look like simple dualport memory between your application and the I2C Master.
If required, you can create a higher-level interface between a master and slave by defining
semaphores and command locations in the data structure.
Memory Interface
To an I2C master, the interface looks very similar to a common I2C EEPROM. The EZI2C
interface can be configured as simple variables, arrays, or structures but the safer method is
using arrays. In a sense it acts as one or two shared memory interfaces between your program
and an I2C master through the I2C bus. The component only allows the I2C master to access the
specified area of memory and prevents any reads or writes outside that area. For example, if the
buffer for the primary slave address is configured as shown in the following code example, the
buffer representation in memory could be represented as shown in Figure 2.
uint8 ezi2cBuffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
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EZI2C Slave
PSoC Creator™ Component Datasheet
Figure 2. Memory Representation of the EZI2C Buffer Exposed to an I2C Master
Access type
Exposed Buffer
Read Only
To make whole buffer with read and write access the buffer size and read/write boundary need
to be the same size. For example:
EZI2C_SetBuffer1(BUFFER_SIZE, BUFFER_SIZE, ezi2cBuffer);
Handle structures
The EZI2C buffer can be set up as structure. The interface (I2C Master) only sees the structure
as an array of bytes, and cannot access any memory outside the defined area.
The compiler lays out structures in the memory and may add extra bytes. This is called byte
padding. The compiler will add these bytes to align the fields of the structure to match the
requirements of the Cortex-M3. When using a structure, the application must take this alignment
into account. To avoid padding bytes, the attribute “packed” should be used:
uint8 status;
uint8 data0;
uint32 data1;
} __attribute__ ((packed)) ezi2cBuffer;
SCB_EzI2CSetBuffer1(sizeof(ezi2cBuffer), sizeof(ezi2cBuffer),(uint8 *)
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PSoC Creator™ Component Datasheet
EZI2C Slave
Handling endianess
The data is transmitted in different endianess for different architectures. Therefore, extra code
must be put to send in a specific endianess. For example, the CY_GET_REGXX()/
CY_SET_REGXX() macros (XX stands for 16/24/32) can be used to match little-endian ordering
regardless of device architecture. For more information about endianess, see the Register
Access section of the System Reference Guide.
The following simple example shows only a single integer (two bytes) is exposed. Both bytes are
readable and writable by the I2C master.
uint16 ezi2cVariable1;
CY_SET_REG16(&ezi2cVariable1, 0xABCD);
EZI2C_SetBuffer1(2u, 2u, (uint8 *) (&ezi2cVariable1));
Interface as Seen by External Master
The EZI2C Slave component supports basic read and write operations for the read/write area
and read-only operations for the read-only area. The two I2C address interfaces contain separate
data buffers that are addressed with separate offset data pointers. The offset data pointers are
written by the master as the first one or two data bytes of a write operation, depending on the
Sub-address size parameter. The sub-address size of 8-bits is used to access buffers up to 256
bytes and sub-address size of 16-bits is used for buffers up to 65536 bytes. For the rest of this
discussion, we will concentrate on an 8-bit sub-address size.
Figure 3. The 8-bit and 16-bit Sub-Address Size (from top to bottom)
For write operations, the first data byte is always the offset data pointer (two bytes for subaddress size = 16). The byte after the offset data pointer is written into the location pointed to by
the offset data pointer. The second data byte is written to the offset data pointer plus one, and so
on, until the write is complete. The length of a write operation is only limited by the maximum
buffer read/write region size. For write operations, the offset data pointer must always be
Read operations always begin at the offset data pointer provided by the most recent write
operation. The offset data pointer increments for each byte read, the same way as a write
operation. A new read operation will not continue from where the last read operation stopped. A
new read operation always begins to read data at the location pointed to by the last write
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PSoC Creator™ Component Datasheet
operation offset data pointer. The length of a read operation is only limited by the maximum size
of the data buffer.
Typically, a read will contain a write operation of only the offset data pointer followed by a restart
(or stop/start) and then the read operation. If the offset data pointer does not require update, as
in the case of repeatedly reading the same data, no additional write operations are required after
the first. This greatly speeds read operations by allowing them to directly follow each other.
Figure 4. Write x Bytes to I2C Slave
from slave to master
A = acknowledge (SDA LOW)
A = not acknowledge (SDA HIGH)
S = START condition
P = STOP condition
from master to slave
For example, if the offset data pointer is set to four, a read operation begins to read data at
location four and continues sequentially until the data ends or the host completes the read
operation. This is true whether single or multiple read operations are performed. The offset data
pointer is not changed until a new write operation is initiated.
If the I2C master tries to write data past the area specified by the EZI2C_SetBuffer1() or
EZI2C_SetBuffer2() functions, the data is discarded and does not affect any RAM inside or
outside the designated RAM area. Data cannot be read outside the allowed range. Any read
requests by the master outside the allowed range results in the return of invalid data.
Figure 5 illustrates the data pointer write for an 8-bit offset data pointer.
Figure 5. Set Slave Data Pointer
Figure 6 illustrates the read operation for an 8-bit offset data pointer. Remember that a data write
operation always rewrites the offset data pointer.
Figure 6. Read x Bytes from I2C Slave
At reset, or power on, the EZI2C Slave component is configured and APIs are supplied, but the
resource must be explicitly turned on using the EZI2C_Start() function.
Detailed descriptions of the I2C bus and the implementation are available in the complete I2C
specification available on the Philips website, and by referring to the device datasheet.
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PSoC Creator™ Component Datasheet
EZI2C Slave
Data Coherency
Although a data buffer may include a data structure larger than a single byte, a Master read or
write operation consists of multiple single-byte operations. This can cause a data coherency
problem, because there is no mechanism to guarantee that a multi-byte read or write will be
synchronized on both sides of the interface (Master and Slave). For example, consider a buffer
that contains a single two-byte integer. While the master is reading the two-byte integer one byte
at a time, the slave may have updated the entire integer between the time the master read the
first byte of the integer (LSB) and was about to read the second byte (MSB). The data read by
the master may be invalid, since the LSB was read from the original data and the MSB was read
from the updated value.
You must provide a mechanism on the master, slave, or both that guarantees that updates from
the master or slave do not occur while the other side is reading or writing the data. The
EZI2C_GetActivity() function can be used to develop an application-specific mechanism.
Clock Stretching
Clock stretching pauses a transaction by holding the SCL line low. The transaction cannot
continue until the line is released high again. Figure 7 shows clock stretching after an address
byte has been received. However, the clock stretching feature is optional according to the I2C
specification but the EZI2C slave component supports it. The slave can stretch the SCL line on
every received address or data byte from the master because each received byte requires
interrupt processing. When the CPU is not able to service the slave’s interrupt fast enough, the
SCL line is stretched and tied low until the CPU commands the hardware to release the bus. The
command to release the bus happens in different places of the slave’s interrupt service routine,
depending on the transfer phase (address or data byte) and direction (read or write). The CPU
has half of the SCL clock cycle period to process the slave’s interrupt before stretching occurs.
The factors that affect clock stretching include: I2C bus speed, CPU speed, compiler optimization
options, and servicing other interrupts in the device. It is recommended to use an I2C master that
supports clock stretching to communicate with the EZI2C slave component.
Figure 7. Clock Stretching After Address Byte
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EZI2C Slave
PSoC Creator™ Component Datasheet
Wakeup from Sleep Mode
The EZI2C component is able to be a wakeup source from Sleep low power mode, but it must be
configured properly.
The Number of addresses option is set to 1. The address comparison handled by
The Enable wakeup from Sleep Mode option must be selected, and the Pin connections
must be specified as I2C0 or I2C1.
The component does not control the pins assignment; therefore, make sure to place SCL
and SDA pins at the I2C0 or I2C1 position in the Design-Wide Resources Pins Editor.
The EZI2C_Sleep() function must be called before entering Sleep mode, and the
EZI2C_Wakeup() function must be called after exiting.
The device clock’s configuration must be stored before entering Sleep mode using
CyPmSaveClocks(), and it must be restored after exiting Sleep mode using
CyPmRestoreClocks() functions.
The wakeup event is the slave primary address match. The logic active in Sleep mode
performs address matching and when a matched address is detected the hardware generates an
interrupt request. The SCL line remains pulled low after address reception until device is waking
up and EZI2C_Wake() is called. The incoming transaction continues after SCL is released (the
global interrupts must be enabled to service the component interrupt).
The following code is suggested to enter and exit Sleep mode:
/* Prepares EZI2C to wake up from Sleep mode */
/* Switches to the Sleep mode */
/* Prepares EZI2C to work in Active mode */
Clock Selection
The clock is tied to the system bus clock and cannot be changed by the user.
Interrupt Service Routine
The interrupt service routine is used by the component code. Do not change it.
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PSoC Creator™ Component Datasheet
EZI2C Slave
Component Debug Window
PSoC Creator allows you to view debug information about components in your design. Each
component window lists the memory and registers for the instance. For detailed hardware
registers descriptions, refer to the appropriate device Technical Reference Manual (TRM).
To open the Component Debug window:
1. Make sure the debugger is running or in break mode.
2. Choose Windows > Components… from the Debug menu.
3. In the Component Window Selector dialog, select the component instances to view and
click OK.
The selected Component Debug window(s) will open within the debugger framework. Refer to
the "Component Debug Window" topic in the PSoC Creator Help for more information.
The fixed-function I2C block and one interrupt are used for this component.
DC and AC Electrical Characteristics
Specifications are valid for –40 °C ≤ TA ≤ 85 °C and TJ ≤ 100 °C, except where noted.
Specifications are valid for 1.71 V to 5.5 V, except where noted.
DC Specifications
Block current consumption
Enabled, configured for 100 kbps
Enabled, configured for 400 kbps
Wake from sleep mode
AC Specifications
Bit rate
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EZI2C Slave
PSoC Creator™ Component Datasheet
Component Changes
This section lists the major changes in the component from the previous version.
Description of Changes
Remove support of obsolete APIs:
Remove buffer pointer and buffer size clear
operation from EZI2C_Init() function.
Reason for Changes / Impact
These are obsolete functions. EZI2C_Sleep() and
EZI2C_Wakeup() must be used instead. Refer to
the Wakeup from Sleep Mode section for more
information about enter and exit Sleep mode.
The buffers can be configured use
EZI2C_SetBuffer1() or EZI2C_SetBuffer2() APIs
before component is enabled by calling
There is no impact on code that calls EZI2C_Start()
before buffer initialization. This was a requirement
for previous versions of the component.
Add protection from the component interruption
to the following APIs:
EZI2C operations executed by the listed functions
are atomic.
Fixed EZI2C_Stop() function to properly reset
the I C fixed-function block and restore effected
The problem described in the errata of the
component version 1.90 is fixed.
Datasheet updates.
Updated External Electrical Connections section,
and placed it closer to the top of the document.
Updated Wakeup from Sleep Mode section.
Improved description of some APIs (no functional
Added Component Debug Window and Clock
Stretching sections.
Reduced the number of global variables shown in
the Global Variables section.
Datasheet updated to add Component Errata
Refer to Cypress ID 197653.
Updated the datasheet only.
API sections were out of order. Also updated to
comply with latest template.
Updated MISRA Compliance section.
The component has specific deviations described.
The type of global variables EZI2C_bufSizeS1,
EZI2C_wrProtectS1, EZI2C_bufSizeS2 and
EZI2C_wrProtectS2 were changed from uint8 to
The buffer length equal 256 bytes is supported if the
Sub-Address Size is 8 bits.
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Document Number: 001-96746 Rev. **
PSoC Creator™ Component Datasheet
Description of Changes
EZI2C Slave
Reason for Changes / Impact
Removed mention about
EZI2C_SlaveSetSleepMode() and
These are obsolete functions. EZI2C_Sleep() and
EZI2C_Wakeup() have to be used instead of it.
Added Handle structures section
Documentation enhancement
Added MISRA Compliance section.
The component was not verified for MISRA
Added footnote about non-compliant with the
NXP I C specification in the some areas.
Documentation enhancement.
Changed the control flow of the wake up
sequence to avoid disabling the I C interrupt.
PSoC 5 LP requires an I C interrupt to be enabled
in order to wake up the device at the event of an
address match.
Fixed control flow behavior when master
completes reading beyond the buffer size.
The slave doesn’t complete transaction correctly
because NAK from master was not checked.
Corrected figure 5.
Added PSoC 5LP support.
Enhanced verification of the options configured
within the customizer and related to the Enable
wakeup from Sleep Mode option.
Prevents components from being configured with an
unsupported mode.
Updated EZI2C_Stop() implementation for
PSoC 3 devices.
Makes EZI2C_Stop() release the bus if it was
Updated the default I C addresses to 8 and 9 to
comply with I C bus specification requirements.
Previously used addresses are reserved according
to the I C bus specification.
Updated the component debugger tool window
Enhanced debug window support.
Added the possibility to declare every function
as reentrant for PSoC 3 by adding the function
name to the .cyre file.
Not all APIs are truly reentrant. Comments in the
component API source files indicate which functions
cannot be truly reentrant.
This change is required to eliminate compiler
warnings for functions that are used in a safe way
(protected from concurrent calls by flags or Critical
Sections) and are not reentrant.
Datasheet corrections
Updated the Pin Connections section with
information about dependencies between the
Enable wakeup from Sleep mode and Number
of addresses options.
Explained that option is supplemental for the Enable
wakeup from Sleep mode option and is also
available only if a single I C address is selected in
Number of addresses option.
Figures 2, 3, and 5 were updated to show bit
Visibility enhancement,
Clarified the method of writing portable code
regardless of the PSoC device architecture.
Documentation enhancement.
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EZI2C Slave
PSoC Creator™ Component Datasheet
Description of Changes
Reason for Changes / Impact
The method of working with the slave enable bit
was changed: EZI2C_Stop() does not clear this
bit now and setting this bit was moved from
EZI2C_Enable() to EZI2C_Init(). The I C
configuration register is now restored in
EZI2C_RestoreConfig() function.
To achieve correct result of EZI2C_Start() EZI2C_Stop() - EZI2C_Start() and EZI2C_Sleep() EZI2C_Wakeup() sequences. No functional impact
is expected.
The label I2C Bus Speed: in the customizer was Consistency between I C-Bus Specification naming
replaced with Data Rate. The Wakeup from
and I C/EZI2C components.
Sleep Mode section was added to the
Functional Description.
The label "I2C pins connected to" in customizer
was replaced with "Pin Connections"
The text was fixed for consistency with
The label "Enable wakeup from the Sleep
mode" in customizer was replaced with "Enable
wakeup from Sleep mode"
The text was fixed for consistency with
The component symbol and catalog placement
name was updated: the “EZ I2C” was renamed
to “EZI2C”.
The text was fixed for consistency with
Fixed issues when global variables used in both
code and ISR could potentially be optimized out
by compiler.
Prevents optimization issues that could lead to
unexpected result.
Added characterization data to datasheet
Minor datasheet edits and updates
Moved component into subfolders of the
component catalog
Standard data rate has been updated to support Allows setting up I C bus speed up to 1 Mbps.
up to 1 Mbps.
Keil reentrancy support was added.
Support for PSoC 3 with the Keil compiler the
capability for functions to be called from multiple
flows of control.
Added Sleep/Wakeup and Init/Enable APIs.
To support low-power modes and to provide
common interfaces to separate control of
initialization and enabling of most components.
The XML description of the component has
been added.
This allows PSoC Creator to provide a mechanism
for creating new debugger tool windows for this
Added support for the PSoC 3 Production
The required changes have been applied to support
hardware changes between PSoC 3 ES2 and
Production devices.
The default schematic template has been added Every component should have a schematic
to the component catalog.
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Document Number: 001-96746 Rev. **
PSoC Creator™ Component Datasheet
Description of Changes
EZI2C Slave
Reason for Changes / Impact
The EZI2C's bus speed generation was fixed.
Previously it was x4 greater than should be.
Added more comments in the source code to
describe bus speed calculation.
The proper I C bus speed calculation and
Optimized form height for Microsoft Windows 7.
In Windows 7 scrollbar appeared just after
customizer start.
Added tooltips for address input boxes with 'Use To inform user about possibility of hexadecimal
0x prefix for hexadecimals' text.
Moved component into subfolders of the
component catalog.
Added information to the component that
advertizes its compatibility with silicon revisions.
The tool reports an error/warning if the component
is used on incompatible silicon. If this happens,
update to a revision that supports your target
Updated the Configure dialog.
Changed Digital Port to Pins component in the
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Cypress does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit described herein. Cypress does not authorize its products for use as critical components in lifesupport systems where a malfunction or failure may reasonably be expected to result in significant injury to the user. The inclusion of Cypress’ product in a life-support systems application
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