MSM9026 MOSEL VITELIC October 1996 Emulation Board for S1207 Features To emulate S1207 chip and its derivatives, see data sheet PID 247. Driven by either 1.5 V x 4 battery or 5 - 6 V power supply. A 4x1 jumper header JP1 is provided to accept power source. A pair or strengthen wire (E1 & E2) is provided to accept the power source. 2 push button switches are provided to control the power on/off. Selectable (by JP2) auto power off function (after 60" no operation)is provided. A push button switch is provided to reset this M9026 board. A red LED lamp D3 is provided to indicate the power on or off. A 32-pin textool U3 is provided to store 27C010 EPROM (access time 120 ns or faster). 5 green LED lamps are provided on EAC area. 5 red LED lamps are provided on EAC area. 19 push button switches for triggers are provided on EAC area. A 2x1 jumper header JP4 is provided on EAC area to accept wires to speaker. A 3x1 jumper header JP5 is provided on EAC area to decide source for K1,2,3,4 triggers. A 3x5 jumper header is provided on EAC area to select LED lamps for 5 output pins or not. To be continued on page 3/6. Description By storing digitized sound data and options into 27C010 and inserting it onto U3, this MSM9026 board emulates the function of S1207 chip and its derivatives. The file for 27C010 content should be prepared by running program 9026pack.exe. The demanded external components are provided on board in specific EAC (External Application Component) area. Board Layout MOSEL VITELIC INC., MSM9026 V1M1 1996 E1 Vcc U3 U2 (80C31) 9026 F/W 1.00 1.5V x4 TEXTOOL for 27010 JP1 E2 GND (Red) OS OW OX OY SW OZ JP3 DRV Vdd SNK TGA TGB TGC OS OW OX OY OZ JP4 SPK (Green) OS OW OX OY Vss K1 K2 K3 K4 RW1 RW2 RW3 RW4 Cout JP2 Auto Power Off RST OZ SN: SW4 SW8 SW12 SW16 RW4 SW3 SW7 SW11 SW15 RW3 A B C HI SW2 SW6 SW10 SW14 SEL RW2 LO A SW1 SW5 SW9 Vdd SW13 B OKY C JP5 RW1 INT SW SW RW1 K1 K2 K3 K4 TGA TGB TGC ON/OFF 1/6 D3 PID342 10/96 MSM9026 MOSEL VITELIC Block Diagram & Schematics OS OW OX OY OZ Green SNK 1 1 1 1 RST OZ OY 1 OX ON OW OS OS R31 OW OX R32 A OY R33 B OFF DRV OZ Red S1207 Equivalent Circuit Power Control Circuit JP2 INT C TGC HI TGB LO R38 A R39 B R40 C OKY TGA 32 SPK Q3 8050 JP4 One 16X2 EPROM Textool RW4 RW3 RW2 RW1 JP5 SW16 SW15 SW14 SW13 SW12 SW11 SW10 SW9 SW8 SW7 SW6 SW5 SW4 SW3 SW2 SW1 K4 K3 K2 K1 2/6 PID342 10/96 MSM9026 MOSEL VITELIC Features (continued) A 3x6 jumper header is provided on EAC area to select drive circuit for 3 trigger inputs. A transistor 8050 is provided on EAC area to drive the current running through speaker. The board's AC characteristics is not identical to chip's. The board's DC characteristics is not identical to chip's. The board's behavior is not identical to chip's. Neither identical to S1207's derivatives. DC Characteristics Symbol V iL V ih V oL V oh I iL I ih I oL I oh I co I co Parameter input low V input high V output low V output high V input low I input high I output high I output high I Current output Current output Valid TGA,B,C TGA,B,C OS,W,X,Y,Z OS,W,X,Y,Z TGA,B,C TGA,B,C OS,W,X,Y,Z OS,W,X,Y,Z Cout Cout Min Typ. 3.15 Vcc-0.1 -1 1 4 -4 2.2 2.8 Max. Unit 0.9 V V 0.1 V V uA uA mA mA mA mA Remark V0 =0.4V V0 =Vcc-0.8 5 Vdd 6 Vdd The DC characteristics of TGs input and outputs are the same as those of 74Cxx series. AC Characteristics Symbol t STP t T t T t T t T t T t T t T t T f f f f f f f f Parameter Stop pulse width Trigger pulse width Trigger pulse width Trigger pulse width Trigger pulse width Trigger pulse width Trigger pulse width Trigger pulse width Trigger pulse width Valid OS,W,X,Y,Z TGA,B,C TGA,B,C TGA,B,C TGA,B,C TGA,B,C TGA,B,C TGA,B,C TGA,B,C LED LED LED LED LED LED LED LED Min Typ. 30 10 13 15 17 20 23 25 27 198% 158% 133% 115% 100% 88% 80% 73% Max. Unit ms ms ms ms ms ms ms ms ms f led f led f led f led f led f led f led f led Remark pitch independent pitch = 0, SRI pitch = 1, SRI pitch = 2, SRI pitch = 3, SRI pitch = 4, SRI pitch = 5, SRI pitch = 6, SRI pitch = 7, SRI pitch = 0, SRI pitch = 1, SRI pitch = 2, SRI pitch = 3, SRI pitch = 4, SRI pitch = 5, SRI pitch = 6, SRI pitch = 7, SRI SRI := Sample Rate Independent. 3/6 PID342 10/96 MSM9026 MOSEL VITELIC LED selection by 3X5 Jumper Red LED.S is used for output OS DRV 1 OS 6 SNK SNK Red LED.W is used for output OW DRV 2 OW Red LED.X is used for output OX 3 OX Red LED.Y is used for output OY 4 OY Red LED.Z is used for output OZ 5 Green LED.Y is used for output OY 9 SNK Green LED.Z is used for output OZ 10 SNK SNK OY 1 DRV OZ OX 1 DRV SNK DRV Green LED.X is used for output OX 8 SNK OW 1 DRV SNK DRV Green LED.W is used for output OW 7 SNK OS 1 DRV SNK DRV Green LED.S is used for output OS DRV OZ 1 Auto Power off control JP2 open Power always on JP2 connected Auto power off 4/6 PID342 10/96 MSM9026 MOSEL VITELIC Trigger Drive Selection by 3X6 Jumper A B HI R S LO R S A B A B HI R S LO R S A B C R31 Use Vdd to drive TGA through 10K ohm (R31) and SW-TGA TGA C C Use Vss to drive TGA through 10K ohm (R38) and SW-TGA R38 TGA C 1 A B HI R S C Use Vdd to drive TGA through SW-TGA LO R S A B A B HI R S LO R S A B A HI TGA C C TGA Use Vss to drive TGA through SW-TGA C B C RS Similar operation as TGA's 2 LO RS A B C A B A RS B C HI C RS 3 Similar operation as TGA's LO 5/6 PID342 10/96 MSM9026 MOSEL VITELIC Before Operating 9026 To prepare voice file(s) To prepare up to 32 voice files by MES 2.0 or 3.0. These files must be 8-bit PCM file. To prepare a filled PRF To write down your demand options on PRF (product request form) is strongly recommended before you are running 9026pack.exe. To configure demanded wires Ensuring you have both 1.5Vx4 power and speaker well connected, this board are ready to work. There are push-button switches to turn on or off the power. Red LED lamp D3 tells the power on. JP2 enables the auto power off function. Operation Flow filled Product Request Form To prepare a source text Using commercial text editor on personal computer, you can set up a source text in the format defined in 9026pack software user's manual (pid 392 10/96). In this source text, you can define the both word sections and sentence tables. This source text must have the file extension .SRC. Most of mask options can be defined on the screen in 9026pack.exe. The entry dependent options could be defined inside source text. To have a compiled binary file Running 9026pack.exe and entering keystrokes as prompt, you can easily define the options and read in the source text. Completing as the screen tells, you can get a compiled binary file in your specified file name. Its file extension is always .BIN. To have 27C010 programmed Programming this .BIN file into an 27C010 chip by commercial EPROM programmer, you have it ready. To insert this 27C010 To insert this EPROM chip into textool U3 of 9026 board in right direction. To set up LED selections To set up LED connection by jumper 3x5 if needed. To set up Trigger Drive To set up trigger drive circuit as your requirement on jumper 3x6. Without the drive source (either high or low, either R or bare wire) the switch keeps floating and never be capable to activate the trigger. Without right polarity of drive source you can neither trigger the sound and you may hurt this 9026 board. Taiwan #1, Creation Road I, Science - based Industrial Park, Hsinchu, 30077 Taiwan, ROC "[email protected]" TEL: 886-3-5770055 FAX: 886-3-5772788 FAX: 886-3-5784732 Taipei 7F, #102 Sec. 3, Ming Chung E. Road, Taipei,105 Taiwan, ROC TEL: 886-2-5451213 FAX: 886-2-5451214 6/6 Source Text .SRC Voice files Run 9026PACK.EXE Get Output file filename.BIN and file filename.OPT Go EPROM programmer Get 27C010 programmed Insert onto 9026 board Warning Output pin definition restricted: If you select LED dynamic flash, then the M9026 output level will remain the same as the output level of the previous entry. Trigger pin definition restricted: M9026 performs two trigger options only, active high & pull low & low latch as well as active low & pull high & high latch. The M9026 debounce time (min. trigger pulse width) is shown as table in page 3/6, not optional as chip. Misc Fuse : Not Available Power : 1.5V x 4 (battery) or 6 VDC power supply Dimension : (LxWxH) 160x115x20 mm textool included Weight : 150 g Demonstration Kit Hongkong #19 Dai Fu Street, Taipo Industrial Estate, Taipo, N.T. Hongkong TEL: 852-2388-8277(MKO) TEL: 852-2665-4883 FAX: 852-2664-2406 FAX: 852-2770-8011(MKO) U.S.A. #3910 North First Street, San Jose, CA. 65134-1501 U.S.A. TEL: 1-408-433-6000 FAX: 1-408-433-0952 PID342 10/96