MOSEL VITELIC MSSW003 MOSEL VITELIC INC. April 1996 14" Talking Clock/Watch Features Setting alarm time in hour and minute. PM flag displayed at 12 HR format after 12:00. 12/24 HR format selectable by pressing HOUR key when in regular mode. Two independent chime sentence groups for 12 & 24 HR chime modes. A group has 24 chime sentences for 24 HR chime mode. The other group has 12 sentences. Based on the 32768 Hz quartz crystal. Current output can drive 8 ohm speaker with a transistor. Vout can drive buzzer directly. Hour and minute digit adjustable individually by pressing HR and MN key and can be repeat in fast mode. Time rolling reading in 1 Hz flash on two colon dots. Automatic ramp up and ramp down. Power on reset automatically. Automatic power down. Reset to regular mode when in other mode without any key input for 20 - 40 seconds. Voice output frequency can be tuned by external resistor. Mosel standard codes are available. MSM9203 demo board (COB) is provided. Single power can operate at 3.0V or 4.5V (LCD dependent) 3 1/2 gidits LCD display with 5 information flags, in 1/2 duty 1/2 bias. They are colon, PM, CHM, ALM, AL. 4 operation modes and easily operating : Regular mode, current time adjust mode, Alarm time adjust mode, Chime on/off & alarm on/off mode. The voice content is stored up to 14.5 seconds at 6 KHz (15400h) and can be separated up to 64 sections. The length of each section can be different and is multiples of 100h. The length of a section with mute could be up to 8000h. Report current time by each TALK key trigger, except in Alarm mode. Current time display at regular mode. Set alarm function on/off by setting ALM flag on/off. Report Alarm on/off status and display. Report Chime on/off status and display. Setting current time the dsiplay in flashing. Alarm time will report at every setting. Report Alarm sound with time when alarm time is due. General Description The Mosel SW003 is a monolithic CMOS LSI intelligent chip that is dedicated for clock/watch application with time announcing & alarm warning. 10 sentences are built-in for report and adjusting time and alarm. 3 1/2 digits LCD with 3 information flags are interfaced. With Mosel Editing system, every human language can be defined by user when manuafacturing. Pages 9, 10, 11, 14 through 17 are provided herein. Pages 1 through 8 and 12, 13 are provided by file in DOS format per request. Taiwan #1, Creation Road I, Science - based Industrial Park, Hsinchu, 30077 Taiwan, ROC "[email protected]" TEL: 886-3-5770055 FAX: 886-3-5772788 FAX: 886-3-5784732 Taipei 7F, #102 Sec. 3, Ming Chung E. Road, Taipei,105 Taiwan, ROC Hongkong #19 Dai Fu Street, Taipo Industrial Estate, Taipo, N.T. Hongkong TEL: 852-2388-8277(MKO) TEL: 852-2665-4883 FAX: 852-2664-2406 FAX: 852-2770-8011(MKO) TEL: 886-2-5451213 FAX: 886-2-5451214 U.S.A. #3910 North First Street, San Jose, CA. 65134-1501 U.S.A. TEL: 1-408-433-6000 FAX: 1-408-433-0952 Specifications subject to change without notice, contact your sales representatives for the most recent information. (1/17) (PID 249** 04/96) MOSEL VITELIC INC. MSSW003 Preliminary COB Informations Legend Copper pad for X'tal Copper pad for LCD Copper pad for LCD Through hole Alignment hole Standing hole COM2 PM/AL G2/A2 12 6 2 cm 1 11 15 16 0 COM1 CHM/ALM C3/B3 SPK BZ VDD E C B X'tal 32.768 KHz 8050 HOUR MIN TALK MODE GND MOSEL-VITELIC MSM9203- INC @ 1996 V1M1 SN: Specifications subject to change without notice, contact your sales representatives for the most recent information. 9/17 PID249** 04/96 MSSW003 Preliminary MOSEL VITELIC INC. Timing Diagrams I. Mode key operation, selecting modes Mode key Status Mode 1 Mode 2 Mode 3 Sentence 10 Voice Mode 4 Sentence 10 Sentence 10 Mode 1 Sentence 10 II.a. Talk key in mode 1,2,4 Talk Sentence 1 Voice II.b. Several Talk keys in mode 1,2,4 Talk Sent. 1 Voice Sent. 1 Sentence 1 II.c. Long Talk key in mode 1,2,4 Talk Sentence 1 Voice Alarm (C4) Alarm (C4) 24 Hr. 12 Hr. II.d. Talk key in mode 3 Talk Sentence 3 Voice III.a. HR key in mode 1 2412 (HR) Hour Format 12 hr. 24 Hr. 12 Hr. III.b. HR key in mode 2,3 HR key Sent. 4 Voice Sent.4 Sent. 4 Sent. 4 Sent. 4 Sent. 4 Sent.5 Sent.5 III.c. HR key in mode 4 (initial state is OFF) CHM (HR) ON (sent. 9) Voice OFF (sent. 8) ON (sent. 9) IV.a. MN Key in mode 2,3 MN key Sent.5 Voice Sent.5 Sent.5 Sent.5 IV.b. MN key in mode 4 (initial state is OFF) ALM (MN) ON (sent.7) Voice OFF (sent.6) ON (sent.7) V.a. Talk at Alarm : (condition : Alarm time = 11:30, Alarm ON, Chime ON or OFF) Current 11:29 11:30 11:31 Talk Voice Sentence 2 Sent. 2 Sentence 1 Specifications subject to change without notice, contact your sales representatives for the most recent information. 10/17 PID249** 04/96 MSSW003 Preliminary MOSEL VITELIC INC. V.b. Alarm function (conditions as V.a.) 11:29 Current time 11:30 Sentence 2 Voice 11:31 Sentence 2 Sentence 2 V.c. Key (mode or HR or MN) at Alarm (conditions as V.a.) 11:29 Current time 11:30 11:31 Key Sentence 2 Voice Sent. 2 VI.a. Chime function : (conditions : Alarm OFF, Chime ON) XX:59 Current time XY:00 XY:01 XY:00 XY:01 Sentence 1 Voice VI.b. Talk at Chime (conditions as VI.a) XX:59 Current time Talk key Sent. 1 Voice Sentence 1 VI.c. Key (Mode or HR or MN) at Chime (conditions as VI.a) XX:59 Current time XY:00 XY:01 Key Sentence 1 Voice Application Circuits The number referred is pad number. COM2 COM2 C1 PM/AL VSS X2 32768Hz X1 6 VDD 7 V2 8 + 9 1 30 C1/ADEG1 29 D2/B1 28 E2/F2 27 G2/A2 26 C2/B2 25 D4/COL 24 E3/F3 23 G3/A3D3 L C D M O D U L E VSS T1 10 22 C3/B3 HOUR E4/F4 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 11 21 G4/A4 20 12 C4/B4 MIN CHM/ALM CHM/ALM R1 COM1 COM1 HOUR Rosc D1 MSSW003 TALK VDD 2 5 COUT Buzzer V1 VSS 4 MODE R2 VEE 3 VSS Specifications subject to change without notice, contact your sales representatives for the most recent information. 11/17 PID249** 04/96 TITLE Product Request Form A : Voice Word Definitions : There are Address MSSW003 Preliminary MOSEL VITELIC INC. Voice Description Voice Length MuteLength WordTotal < 8000h 1< <64 words defined. 33 S 00h S 00h 00h 00 S 00h S 00h 00h 34 S 00h S 00h 00h 01 S 00h S 00h 00h 35 S 00h S 00h 00h 02 S 00h S 00h 00h 36 S 00h S 00h 00h 03 S 00h S 00h 00h 37 S 00h S 00h 00h 04 S 00h S 00h 00h 38 S 00h S 00h 00h 05 S 00h S 00h 00h 39 S 00h S 00h 00h 06 S 00h S 00h 00h 40 S 00h S 00h 00h 07 S 00h S 00h 00h 41 S 00h S 00h 00h 08 S 00h S 00h 00h 42 S 00h S 00h 00h 09 S 00h S 00h 00h 43 S 00h S 00h 00h 10 S 00h S 00h 00h 44 S 00h S 00h 00h 11 S 00h S 00h 00h 45 S 00h S 00h 00h 12 S 00h S 00h 00h 46 S 00h S 00h 00h 13 S 00h S 00h 00h 47 S 00h S 00h 00h 14 S 00h S 00h 00h 48 S 00h S 00h 00h 15 S 00h S 00h 00h 49 S 00h S 00h 00h 16 S 00h S 00h 00h 50 S 00h S 00h 00h 17 S 00h S 00h 00h 51 S 00h S 00h 00h 18 S 00h S 00h 00h 52 S 00h S 00h 00h 19 S 00h S 00h 00h 53 S 00h S 00h 00h 20 S 00h S 00h 00h 54 S 00h S 00h 00h 21 S 00h S 00h 00h 55 S 00h S 00h 00h 22 S 00h S 00h 00h 56 S 00h S 00h 00h 23 S 00h S 00h 00h 57 S 00h S 00h 00h 24 S 00h S 00h 00h 58 S 00h S 00h 00h 25 S 00h S 00h 00h 59 S 00h S 00h 00h 26 S 00h S 00h 00h 60 S 00h S 00h 00h 27 S 00h S 00h 00h 61 S 00h S 00h 00h 28 S 00h S 00h 00h 62 S 00h S 00h 00h 29 S 00h S 00h 00h 63 S 00h S 00h 00h 30 S 00h S 00h 00h 31 S 00h S 00h 00h Signature & date 32 S 00h S 00h 00h MVI Sales & date Length summ. of above 64 words 00h must be < 15400h Specifications is subject to change without notice, contact your sales representatives for the most recent information 14/17 PID249** 04/96 MOSEL VITELIC INC. MSSW003 Preliminary TITLE Product Request Form B : Minutes Reading Definitions Table Entry Minute :31 List of Entries (addresses) Count Note 1 :00 :32 :01 :33 :02 :34 :03 :35 :04 :05 :06 :07 :08 :36 :37 :38 :39 :40 :09 :10 :41 :42 :11 :12 :13 :14 :15 :43 :44 :45 :46 :47 :16 :17 :48 :49 :18 :19 :20 :50 :51 :52 :21 :22 :23 :24 :25 :26 :27 :28 :29 :30 :53 :54 :55 :56 :57 :58 :59 :60(:00) Note 2 Entry count summation of above 61 minutes = Note 1. This minute reading is not read by sentence 5. Note 2. This minute reading is read only by sentence 5. Signature & date MVI Sales & date Specifications is subject to change without notice, contact your sales representatives for the most recent information 15/17 PID249** 04/96 MOSEL VITELIC INC. MSSW003 Preliminary TITLE Product Request Form C : Hour Reading Definitions 24 Hour Format Definition Table List of Entries (addresses) Hour 01: 12 Hour Format Definition Table Entry Count Hour List of Entries (addresses) Entry Count 01:(13:) 02:(14:) 03:(15:) 04:(16:) 05:(17:) 06:(18:) 02: 03: 04: 05: 06: 07: 08: 07:(19:) 08:(20:) 09:(21:) 10:(22:) 11:(23:) 12:(24:)(00:) 09: 10: 11: 12: Entry count summation of above 12 hours = 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: Entry count summation of above 3 tables = (must be < 512) These 3 tables are 24 hours, 12 hours and 61 minutes 18: 19: 20: 21: 22: 23: 24:(00:) Entry count summation of above 24 hours = Signature & date MVI Sales & date Specifications is subject to change without notice, contact your sales representatives for the most recent information 16/17 PID249** 04/96 MSSW003 Preliminary MOSEL VITELIC INC. TITLE Product Request Form D : Vocabulary & Sentence Definitions Definitions of Vocabularies Vocabulary Address or KeyWord C0 Hour.Table C1 C2 Minute.Table Vocabulary Address or KeyWord C4.Sound Note C5.RESET Note C6.RETURN C3.AM C3.PM C7 C8.CARRY C9 Note. C5, C6, C8 all have to have length 800h or longer. Vocabulary Address or KeyWord C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 C15 Note Definitions of Sentences SentenceIndex List of Vocabularies Sentence 1 Current Time 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C Sentence 2 Alarm is due 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C Sentence 3 Alarm time you set 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C Sentence 4 1 Adjust hour C 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C Sentence 5 Adjust minute 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C Sentence 6 Set alarm off 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C Sentence 7 Set alarm on 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C Sentence 8 Set chime off 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C Sentence 9 Set chime on 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C Sentence 10 Mode changed 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C Signature & Date MVI Sales & Date Specifications is subject to change without notice, contact your sales representatives for the most recent information 17/17 PID249** 04/96