EVB71102 315/433MHz Receiver Evaluation Board Description Features ! ! ! ! ! ! Double superhet architecture for high degree of image rejection FSK for digital data and FM reception for analog signal transmission FM/FSK demodulation with phase-coincidence demodulator Low current consumption in active mode and very low standby current Switchable LNA gain for improved dynamic range RSSI allows signal strength indication and ASK detection Ordering Information Part No. EVB71102-433-FSK EVB71102-433-FM EVB71102-433-ASK EVB71102-315-FSK EVB71102-315-FM EVB71102-315-ASK Applications ! ! ! ! ! General digital and analog 315 MHz or 433 MHz ISM band usage Low-power telemetry Alarm and security systems Keyless car and central locking Pagers Technical Data Overview ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Input frequency range: 300 MHz to 450 MHz Power supply range: 2.5 V to 5.5 V Temperature range: -40 °C to +85 °C Operating current: 6.5 mA at low gain and 8.2 mA at high gain mode Standby current: < 100 nA 1) with 40 kHz second IF filter BW (incl. SAW front-end filter loss) Sensitivity: -111 dBm 2) Sensitivity: -104 dBm with 150 kHz second IF filter BW (incl. SAW front-end filter loss) Range of first IF: 10 MHz to 80 MHz Range of second IF: 455 kHz to 21.4 MHz Maximum input level: –10 dBm at ASK and 0 dBm at FSK Input impedance: 50 Ω nd Image rejection: > 65 dB (e.g. with SAW front-end filter and at 10.7 MHz 2 IF) Spurious emission: < -70 dBm Input frequency acceptance: ±50 kHz (with AFC option) RSSI range: 70 dB Frequency deviation range: ±5 kHz to ±120 kHz Maximum data rate: 80 kbit/s NRZ Maximum analog modulation frequency: 15 kHz 1) 2) at ± 8 kHz FSK deviation, BER = 3⋅10 and phase-coincidence demodulation -3 at ± 50 kHz FSK deviation, BER = 3⋅10 and phase-coincidence demodulation 390127110201 Rev. 004 -3 1 of 16 EVB Description Aug/02 EVB71102 315/433MHz Receiver Evaluation Board Description General Description The TH71102 receiver IC consists of the following building blocks: " " " " " " " " " PLL synthesizer (PLL SYNTH) for generation of the first and second local oscillator signals LO1 and LO2 Parts of the PLL SYNTH are the high-frequency VCO1, the feedback dividers DIV_8 and DIV_2, a phase-frequency detector (PFD) with charge pump (CP) and a crystal-based reference oscillator (RO) Low-noise amplifier (LNA) for high-sensitivity RF signal reception First mixer (MIX1) for down-conversion of the RF signal to the first IF (IF1) second mixer (MIX2) for down-conversion of the IF1 to the second IF (IF2) IF amplifier (IFA) to amplify and limit the IF2 signal and for RSSI generation Phase coincidence demodulator (DEMOD) with third mixer (MIX3) to demodulate the IF signal Operational amplifier (OA) for data slicing, filtering and ASK detection Bias circuitry for bandgap biasing and circuit shutdown With the TH71102 receiver chip, various circuit configurations can be arranged in order to meet a number of different customer requirements. For FM/FSK reception the IF tank used in the phase coincidence demodulator can be constituted either by a ceramic resonator or an LC tank (optionally with a varactor diode to create an AFC circuit). In ASK configuration, the RSSI signal is feed to an ASK detector, which is constituted by the operational amplifier. Demodulation Type of receiver FM / FSK narrow-band RX with ceramic demodulation tank FM / FSK wide-band RX with LC demodulation tank ASK RX with RSSI-based demodulation The superheterodyne configuration is double conversion where MIX1 and MIX2 are driven by the internal local oscillator signals LO1 and LO2, respectively. This allows a high degree of image rejection, achieved in conjunction with an RF frontend filter. Efficient RF frontend filtering is realized by using a SAW, ceramic or helix filter in front of the LNA and by adding an LC filter at the LNA output. A single-conversion variant, called TH71101, is also available. Both RXICs have the same die. At the TH71101 the second mixer MIX2 operates as an amplifier. 390127110201 Rev. 004 2 of 16 EVB Description Aug/02 EVB71102 315/433MHz Receiver Evaluation Board Description 18 OUT_OA 19 20 OA OAN OAP 24 23 OUTN OUTP Block Diagram 17 VCC_BIAS BIAS ENRX 28 16 MIX3 IN_DEM 22 VEE_BIAS 15 OUT_IFA 27 14 VCC_PLL VEE_RO 26 13 FPC2 RO RO IFA 21 25 RSSI 12 FBC1 11 PFD IN_IFA LF CP 29 MIX2 8 VCC_MIX LO2 9 OUT_MIX2 DIV_2 IF2 10 VEE_IF VCO1 MIX1 5 VEE_MIX LO1 6 IF1P DIV_8 IF1 7 IF1N 4 IN_MIX1 VEE_LNA GAIN_LNA VCC_LNA 32 LNA 31 1 VEE_LNAC IN_LNA 2 30 3 OUT_LNA Fig. 1: TH71102 block diagram 390127110201 Rev. 004 3 of 16 EVB Description Aug/02 EVB71102 315/433MHz Receiver Evaluation Board Description Frequency Planning Frequency planning is straightforward for single-conversion applications because there is only one IF that might be chosen, and then the only possible choice is low-side or high-side injection of the LO1 signal (which is now the one and only LO signal in the receiver). The receiver’s double-conversion architecture requires careful frequency planning. Besides the desired RF input signal, there are a number of spurious signals that may cause an undesired response at the output. Among them are the image of the RF signal (that must be suppressed by the RF front-end filter), spurious signals injected to the first IF (IF1) and their images which could be mixed down to the same second IF (IF2) as the desired RF signal (they must be suppressed by the LC filter at IF1 and/or by low-crosstalk design). By configuring the TH71102 for double conversion and using its internal PLL synthesizer with fixed feedback divider ratios of N1 = 8 (DIV_8) and N2 = 2 (DIV_2), four types of down-conversion are possible: low-side injection of LO1 and LO2 (low-low), LO1 low-side and LO2 high-side (low-high), LO1 high-side and LO2 low-side (high-low) or LO1 and LO2 high-side (high-high). The following table summarizes some equations that are useful to calculate the crystal reference frequency (REF), the first IF (IF1) and the VCO1 or first LO frequency (LO1), respectively, for a given RF and second IF (IF2). Injection type high-high low-low high-low low-high REF (RF – IF2)/14 (RF – IF2)/18 (RF + IF2)/14 (RF + IF2)/18 LO1 16•REF 16•REF 16•REF 16•REF IF1 LO1 – RF RF – LO1 LO1 – RF RF – LO1 LO2 2•REF 2•REF 2•REF 2•REF IF2 LO2 – IF1 IF1 – LO2 IF1 – LO2 LO2 – IF1 The following table depicts generated, desired, possible images and some undesired signals considering the examples of 315 MHz and 433.6 MHz RF reception at IF2 = 10.7 MHz. Signal type RF = 315 MHz RF = 315 MHz RF = 315 MHz RF = 315 MHz RF = RF = RF = RF = 433.6 MHz 433.6 MHz 433.6 MHz 433.6 MHz Injection type high-high low-low high-low low-high high-high low-low high-low low-high REF / MHz 21.73571 16.90556 23.26429 18.09444 30.20714 23.49444 31.73571 24.68333 LO1 / MHz 347.77143 270.48889 372.22857 289.51111 483.31429 375.91111 507.77143 394.93333 IF1 / MHz 32.77143 44.51111 57.22857 25.48889 49.71429 57.68889 74.17143 38.66667 LO2 / MHz 43.47143 33.81111 46.52857 36.18889 60.41429 46.98889 63.47143 49.36667 RF image/MHz 380.54286 225.97778 429.45714 264.02222 533.02857 318.22222 581.94286 356.26667 IF1 image/MHz 46.88889 54.17143 23.11111 35.82857 71.11429 36.28889 52.77143 60.06667 The selection of the reference crystal frequency is based on some assumptions. As for example: the first IF and the image frequencies should not be in a radio band where strong interfering signals might occur (because they could represent parasitic receiving signals), the LO1 signal should be in the range of 300 MHz to 430 MHz (because this is the optimum frequency range of the VCO1). Furthermore the first IF should be as high as possible to achieve highest RF image rejection. The columns in bold depict the selected frequency plans to receive at 315 MHz and 433.6 MHz, respectively. For more detailed information, please refer to the latest TH71102 data sheet revision. 390127110201 Rev. 004 4 of 16 EVB Description Aug/02 L1 VCC ENRX C4 IN_LNA GND RO SAWFIL VCC VCC C5 L2 C2 R1 CB2 C3 C1 C_RO XTAL 25 VEE CB8 CB1 32 VCC 31 IN_LNA 30 VEE 29 LF 28 ENRX 27 VCC 26 RO 1 OUTP 23 2 GAIN_LNA C15 C16 1 2 4 C7 C6 3 L3 L4 5 6 L5 C8 7 16 VEE 10 IN_IFA 11 FBC1 12 FBC2 13 VCC 14 OUT_IFA 15 CB5 CB6 CB7 8 C13 VCC CB3 OUT_MIX2 9 1 2 TH71102 VEE 22 OUT_LNA C14 RSSI 21 IN_MIX1 1 2 1 2 VEE 1 2 OUTN GND 24 1 2 OAP 20 OUTP GND VEE OAN 19 IF1P VCC 17 RSSI GND OUT_OA GND OUT_OA 18 IF1N 5 of 16 VCC 390127110201 Rev. 004 R2 C9 CB4 CP GND VCC CERFIL C10 C11 VCC CERRES R_Q L_OPT C_OPT C12 1 2 FSK output EVB71102 315/433MHz Receiver Evaluation Board Description Circuit Diagram for FSK Reception Fig. 2: Circuit diagram for FSK reception EVB Description Aug/02 EVB71102 315/433MHz Receiver Evaluation Board Description B Top View for FSK Reception VCC Evaluation Board CB6 C_OPT CERFIL R2 CP C9 C8 L3 32 1 24 25 C7 0 C6 0 CB1 L2 OUTP C3 C2 C14 OUTN 6 7 R1 C_RO L1 IN_LNA ENRX C4 Board size is 44mm x 54mm 6 of 16 RF_input VCC RO 1 SAWFIL 5 XTAL 2 TH711xx_ev03_EB_11/00_B CB2 C5 3 C1 390127110201 Rev. 004 L5 L4 0 C15 CB5 9 8 17 16 TH71102 RSSI C16 0 CB7 CB4 OUT_OA CB3 C12 R_Q CB8 CERRES C10 C11 L_OPT C13 TH7111xx Melexis Board layout data in Gerber format is available EVB Description Aug/02 EVB71102 315/433MHz Receiver Evaluation Board Description Board Component Values for FSK Part Size Value Value @ 315 MHz @ 433 MHz Tolerance Description C1 0805 15 pF 15 pF ±10% crystal series capacitor C2 0805 NIP NIP ±10% optional loop filter capacitor C3 0805 1 nF 1 nF ±10% loop filter capacitor C4 0603 NIP 3.3 pF ±5% capacitor to match to SAW filter input C5 0603 NIP 3.3 pF ±5% capacitor to match to SAW filter output C6 0603 5.6 pF 4.7 pF ±5% LNA output tank capacitor C7 0603 4.7 pF 2.2 pF ±5% MIX1 input matching capacitor C8 0603 TBD 27 pF ±5% IF1 tank capacitor C9 0805 33 nF 33 nF ±10% IFA feedback capacitor C10 0603 1 nF 1 nF ±10% IFA feedback capacitor C11 0603 1 nF 1 nF ±10% IFA feedback capacitor C12 0603 1.5 pF 1.5 pF ±5% DEMOD phase-shift capacitor C13 0603 680 pF 680 pF ±10% DEMOD coupling capacitor CP 0805 10 – 12 pF 10 – 12 pF ±5% CERRES tuning capacitor C14 0805 10 – 47 pF 10 – 47 pF ±5% C15 0805 10 – 47 pF 10 – 47 pF ±5% C16 0603 330 pF 330 pF ±10% demodulator output low-pass capacitor, depending on data rate demodulator output low-pass capacitor, depending on data rate RSSI output low-pass capacitor CB1 to CB5 CB7 to CB8 CB6 0603 330 pF 330 pF ±10% blocking capacitor for VCC 0805 33 nF 33 nF ±10% blocking capacitor for VCC R1 0805 10 kΩ 10 kΩ ±10% loop filter resistor R2 0805 CERFIL output matching resistor 0603 390 Ω 33 nH ±5% L1 390 Ω 56 nH ±5% inductor to match SAW filter L2 0603 56 nH 33 nH ±5% inductor to match SAW filter L3 0603 22 nH 15 nH ±5% LNA output tank inductor L4 0805 TBD 100 nH ±5% IF1 tank inductor L5 0805 TBD ±5% IF1 tank inductor L_OPT 1006 NIP 100 nH NIP ±5% demodulator phase shift inductor, only required at FSK/FM with LC resonator C_OPT 3mm NIP NIP ±5% demodulator phase shift capacitor, only required at FSK/FM with LC resonator R_Q 0805 NIP NIP ±5% C_RO 0805 330 pF 330 pF ±5% XTAL HC49 SMD 23.26429 MHz @ RF = 315 MHz 23.49444 MHz @ RF = 433.6 MHz ±25ppm calibr. ±30ppm temp. optional lower-Q resistor, only required at FSK/FM with LC resonator optional capacitor to couple external RO signal fundamental-mode crystal, Cload = 10 pF to 15pF, C0, max = 7 pF, Rm, max = 50 Ω SAWFIL QCC8C B3555 (f0 = 433.92 MHz) ±100 kHz B3dB = 860 kHz ±175 kHz B3dB = 900 kHz B3551 (f0 = 315.00 MHz) CERFIL CERRES low-loss SAW filter from EPCOS Leaded type SFE10.7MFP @ BIF2 = 40 kHz SFE10.7MFP @ BIF2 = 40 kHz TBD SMD type SFECV10.7MJS-A @ BIF2 = 150 kHz SFECV10.7MJS-A @ BIF2 = 150 kHz ±40 kHz SMD type CDACV10.7MG18-A CDACV10.7MG18-A Murata Murata ceramic filter from Murata ceramic demodulator tank, not required at FSK/FM with LC resonator NIP – not in place, may be used optionally 390127110201 Rev. 004 7 of 16 EVB Description Aug/02 L1 VCC ENRX C4 IN_LNA GND RO SAWFIL VCC VCC C5 L2 C2 R1 CB2 C_RO C3 C1 25 VEE CB8 CB1 32 VCC 31 IN_LNA 30 VEE 29 LF 28 ENRX 27 VCC 26 RO 1 OUTP 23 2 C14 1 2 4 C7 C6 3 L3 L4 5 6 L5 C8 7 16 VEE 10 IN_IFA 11 FBC1 12 FBC2 13 VCC 14 OUT_IFA 15 CB5 CB6 CB7 8 C13 VCC CB3 C16 OUT_MIX2 9 1 2 TH71102 VEE 22 OUT_LNA XTAL 1 2 RSSI 21 IN_MIX1 1 2 1 2 VEE 1 2 R6 C15 OUTN GND 24 VEE R5 OAP 20 OUTP GND GAIN_LNA R4 R3 OAN 19 IF1P VCC 17 RSSI GND OUT_OA GND OUT_OA 18 IF1N 8 of 16 VCC 390127110201 Rev. 004 R2 C9 CB4 CP GND VCC CERFIL C10 C11 VCC CERRES R_Q L_OPT C_OPT C12 1 2 FM output EVB71102 315/433MHz Receiver Evaluation Board Description Circuit Diagram for FM Reception Fig. 3: Circuit diagram for FM reception EVB Description Aug/02 EVB71102 315/433MHz Receiver Evaluation Board Description PCB Top View for FM Reception VCC Evaluation Board CB6 C_OPT CERFIL CP C9 CB5 9 8 C8 32 1 24 25 C15 C6 L3 C5 OUTP C3 C2 OUTN 7 L1 IN_LNA ENRX C4 Board size is 44mm x 54mm 9 of 16 RF_input VCC RO 6 R1 C_RO XTAL 1 SAWFIL 5 C1 2 TH711xx_ev03_EB_11/00_B CB2 R6 0 CB1 L2 3 390127110201 Rev. 004 L5 L4 C7 RSSI C16 R5 CB7 CB4 TH71102 R3 C14 R4 OUT_OA CB3 C12 R2 C13 R_Q CB8 CERRES C10 C11 L_OPT 17 16 TH7111xx Melexis Board layout data in Gerber format is available EVB Description Aug/02 EVB71102 315/433MHz Receiver Evaluation Board Description Board Component Values for FM Part Size Value Value @ 315 MHz @ 433 MHz Tolerance Description C1 0805 15 pF 15 pF ±10% crystal series capacitor C2 0805 NIP NIP ±10% optional loop filter capacitor C3 0805 1 nF 1 nF ±10% loop filter capacitor C4 0603 NIP 3.3 pF ±5% capacitor to match to SAW filter input C5 0603 NIP 3.3 pF ±5% capacitor to match to SAW filter output C6 0603 5,6 pF 4.7 pF ±5% LNA output tank capacitor C7 0603 4.7 pF 2.2 pF ±5% MIX1 input matching capacitor C8 0603 TBD 27 pF ±5% IF1 tank capacitor C9 0805 33 nF 33 nF ±10% IFA feedback capacitor C10 0603 1 nF 1 nF ±10% IFA feedback capacitor C11 0603 1 nF 1 nF ±10% IFA feedback capacitor C12 0603 1.5 pF 1.5 pF ±5% DEMOD phase-shift capacitor C13 0603 680 pF 680 pF ±10% DEMOD coupling capacitor CP 0805 10 –12 pF 10 –12 pF ±5% CERRES tuning capacitor C14 0805 100 pF 100 pF ±5% C15 0805 100 pF 100 pF ±5% C16 0603 330 pF 330 pF ±10% sallen-key low-pass filter capacitor, to set cut-off frequency sallen-key low-pass filter capacitor, to set cut-off frequency RSSI output low-pass capacitor CB1 to CB5 CB7 to CB8 CB6 0603 330 pF 330 pF ±10% blocking capacitor for VCC 0805 33 nF 33 nF ±10% blocking capacitor for VCC R1 0805 10 kΩ 10 kΩ ±10% loop filter resistor R2 390 Ω 390 Ω 12 kΩ 12 kΩ ±5% ±5% CERFIL output matching resistor R3 0805 0805 R4 0805 6.8 kΩ 6.8 kΩ ±5% R5 0805 33 kΩ 33 kΩ ±5% R6 0805 33 kΩ 33 kΩ ±5% L1 0603 56 nH 33 nH ±5% sallen-key filter resistor, to set desired filter characteristic sallen-key filter resistor, to set desired filter characteristic sallen-key filter resistor, to set cut-off frequency sallen-key filter resistor, to set cut-off frequency inductor to match SAW filter L2 0603 56 nH 33 nH ±5% inductor to match SAW filter L3 0603 TBD 15 nH ±5% LNA output tank inductor L4 0805 TBD 100 nH ±5% IF1 tank inductor L5 0805 TBD ±5% IF1 tank inductor L_OPT 1006 NIP 100 nH NIP ±5% demodulator phase shift inductor, only required at FSK/FM with LC resonator C_OPT 3mm NIP NIP ±5% demodulator phase shift capacitor, only required at FSK/FM with LC resonator R_Q 0805 NIP NIP ±5% C_RO 0805 330 pF 330 pF ±5% optional lower-Q resistor, only required at FSK/FM with LC resonator optional capacitor to couple external RO signal 390127110201 Rev. 004 10 of 16 EVB Description Aug/02 EVB71102 315/433MHz Receiver Evaluation Board Description Part Size XTAL HC49 SMD SAWFIL QCC8C Value Value @ 315 MHz @ 433 MHz 23.26429 MHz @ RF = 315 MHz 23.49444 MHz @ RF = 433.6 MHz ±25ppm calibr. ±30ppm temp. fundamental-mode crystal, Cload = 10 pF to 15pF, C0, max = 7 pF, Rm, max = 50 Ω B3555 (f0 = 433.92 MHz) ±100 kHz B3dB = 860 kHz low-loss SAW filter from EPCOS CERRES Description ±175 kHz B3dB = 900 kHz B3551 (f0 = 315.00 MHz) CERFIL Tolerance Leaded type SFE10.7MFP @ BIF2 = 40 kHz SFE10.7MFP @ BIF2 = 40 kHz TBD SMD type SFECV10.7MJS-A @ BIF2 = 150 kHz SFECV10.7MJS-A @ BIF2 = 150 kHz ±40 kHz SMD type CDACV10.7MG18-A CDACV10.7MG18-A Murata Murata ceramic filter from Murata ceramic demodulator tank, not required at FSK/FM with LC resonator NIP – not in place, may be used optionally Your Notes 390127110201 Rev. 004 11 of 16 EVB Description Aug/02 L1 VCC ENRX C4 IN_LNA GND RO SAWFIL VCC VCC C5 L2 C2 R1 CB2 C3 C1 C_RO XTAL 25 VEE CB8 32 VCC 31 IN_LNA 30 VEE 29 LF 28 ENRX 27 VCC 26 RO 1 OUTP 23 2 GAIN_LNA C13 1 2 R3 4 C7 C6 3 L3 L4 5 6 C12 1 2 TH71102 VEE 22 OUT_LNA 1 2 1 2 RSSI 21 IN_MIX1 1 2 OUTN GND 24 1 2 VEE L5 C8 7 16 VCC CB3 CB6 CB7 8 CB5 OUT_MIX2 9 VEE 10 IN_IFA 11 FBC1 12 FBC2 13 VCC 14 OUT_IFA 15 VCC 17 OUTP GND VEE OAP 20 OUT_OA GND OUT_OA 18 IF1N RSSI GND OAN 19 IF1P 12 of 16 VCC 390127110201 Rev. 004 R2 C9 1 2 ASK output CB4 GND VCC CERFIL C10 C11 VCC EVB71102 315/433MHz Receiver Evaluation Board Description Circuit Diagram for ASK Reception Fig. 4: Circuit diagram for ASK reception EVB Description Aug/02 CB1 EVB71102 315/433MHz Receiver Evaluation Board Description PCB Top View for ASK Reception VCC Evaluation Board CB6 CERFIL C10 C11 TH7111xx Melexis Board layout data in Gerber format is available R2 C9 CB7 CB5 9 17 16 C6 32 1 L3 CB8 C7 L4 RSSI 24 25 C13 L5 C8 TH71102 R3 0 8 C12 CB4 OUT_OA CB3 0 CB1 CB2 L2 OUTP C3 C2 3 OUTN 5 C1 6 7 L1 C_RO C4 IN_LNA ENRX RF_input Board size is 44mm x 54mm 390127110201 Rev. 004 1 R1 VCC RO XTAL 2 SAWFIL TH711xx_ev03_EB_11/00_B C5 13 of 16 EVB Description Aug/02 EVB71102 315/433MHz Receiver Evaluation Board Description Board Component Values for ASK Part Size Value Value @ 315 MHz @ 433 MHz Tolerance Description C1 0805 TBD 15 pF ±10% crystal series capacitor C2 0805 NIP NIP ±10% optional loop filter capacitor C3 0805 1 nF 1 nF ±10% loop filter capacitor C4 0603 NIP 3.3 pF ±5% capacitor to match to SAW filter input C5 0603 NIP 3.3 pF ±5% capacitor to match to SAW filter output C6 0603 5,6 pF 4.7 pF ±5% LNA output tank capacitor C7 0603 4.7 pF 2.2 pF ±5% MIX1 input matching capacitor C8 0603 TBD 27 pF ±5% IF1 tank capacitor C9 0805 33 nF 33 nF ±10% IFA feedback capacitor C10 0603 1 nF 1 nF ±10% IFA feedback capacitor C11 0603 1 nF 1 nF ±10% IFA feedback capacitor C12 0805 1 nF to 10 nF 1 nF to 10 nF ±10% C13 0603 330 pF 330 pF ±10% ASK data slicer capacitor, depending on data rate RSSI output low-pass capacitor CB1 to CB5 CB7 to CB8 CB6 0603 330 pF 330 pF ±10% blocking capacitor for VCC 0805 33 nF 33 nF ±10% blocking capacitor for VCC R1 0805 10 kΩ 10 kΩ ±10% loop filter resistor R2 0805 0603 390 Ω 100 kΩ ±5% ±5% CERFIL output matching resistor R3 390 Ω 100 kΩ L1 0603 56 nH 33 nH ±5% ASK data slicer resistor, depending on data rate inductor to match SAW filter L2 0603 56 nH 33 nH ±5% inductor to match SAW filter L3 0603 22 nH 15 nH ±5% LNA output tank inductor L4 0805 TBD 100 nH ±5% IF1 tank inductor L5 0805 TBD ±5% IF1 tank inductor C_RO 0805 330 pF 100 nH 330 pF ±5% XTAL HC49 SMD 23.26429 MHz @ RF = 315 MHz 23.49444 MHz @ RF = 433.6 MHz ±25ppm calibr. ±30ppm temp. optional capacitor to couple external RO signal fundamental-mode crystal, Cload = 10 pF to 15pF, C0, max = 7 pF, Rm, max = 50 Ω SAWFIL QCC8C B3555 (f0 = 433.92 MHz) ±100 kHz B3dB = 860 kHz ±175 kHz B3dB = 900 kHz B3551 (f0 = 315.00 MHz) CERFIL low-loss SAW filters from EPCOS Leaded type SFE10.7MFP @ BIF2 = 40 kHz SFE10.7MFP @ BIF2 = 40 kHz TBD SMD type SFECV10.7MJS-A @ BIF2 = 150 kHz SFECV10.7MJS-A @ BIF2 = 150 kHz ±40 kHz ceramic filters from Murata NIP – not in place, may be used optionally 390127110201 Rev. 004 14 of 16 EVB Description Aug/02 EVB71102 315/433MHz Receiver Evaluation Board Description Package Dimensions D D1 24 17 16 25 E e E1 32 9 1 A A2 b 8 A1 L Fig. 5: LQFP32 All Dimension in mm, coplanaríty < 0.1mm E1, D1 A A1 A2 e b min 0.05 1.35 0.30 7.00 0.8 max 1.60 0.15 1.45 0.45 All Dimension in inch, coplanaríty < 0.004” min 0.002 0.053 0.012 0.276 0.031 max 0.630 0.006 0.057 0.018 390127110201 Rev. 004 15 of 16 L 0.45 E, D α 0° 9.00 0.75 7° 0.018 0° 0.354 0.030 7° EVB Description Aug/02 EVB71102 315/433MHz Receiver Evaluation Board Description Disclaimer Devices sold by Melexis are covered by the warranty and patent indemnification provisions appearing in its Term of Sale. Melexis makes no warranty, express, statutory, implied, or by description regarding the information set forth herein or regarding the freedom of the described devices from patent infringement. Melexis reserves the right to change specifications and prices at any time and without notice. Therefore, prior to designing this product into a system, it is necessary to check with Melexis for current information. This product is intended for use in normal commercial applications. Applications requiring extended temperature range, unusual environmental requirements, or high reliability applications, such as military, medical lifesupport or life-sustaining equipment are specifically not recommended without additional processing by Melexis for each application. The information furnished by Melexis is believed to be correct and accurate. However, Melexis shall not be liable to recipient or any third party for any damages, including but not limited to personal injury, property damage, loss of profits, loss of use, interrupt of business or indirect, special incidental or consequential damages, of any kind, in connection with or arising out of the furnishing, performance or use of the technical data herein. No obligation or liability to recipient or any third party shall arise or flow out of Melexis’ rendering of technical or other services. © 2002 Melexis NV. All rights reserved. For the latest version of this document. Go to our website at www.melexis.com Or for additional information contact Melexis Direct: Europe and Japan: All other locations: Phone: +32 1367 0495 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +1 603 223 2362 E-mail: [email protected] QS9000, VDA6.1 and ISO14001 Certified 390127110201 Rev. 004 16 of 16 EVB Description Aug/02