19-3099; Rev 1; 6/08 ೝᄰࡸၒ߲cvdl఼ᒜLj ᄋৌᔍ0ኔถ ``````````````````````````````````` ᄂቶ NBY26113ဵጙೝᄰࡸၒ߲Ă൴ࢯᒜ)QXN*Ăଢ଼ኹቯ ED.ED఼ᒜLjᎌৌᔍ0ኔถăকୈᔫᏴ6/6W ᒗ34W6W ±21&ࡼၒྜྷ࢟ኹपᆍăඛৈQXN఼ᒜభᄋ ࢅᒗ1/7Wࡼభࢯၒ߲࢟ኹਜ਼ࡉ26BࡼঌᏲ࢟ഗLj݀ ᎌᎁፊࡼঌᏲਜ਼࢟ᏎࢯᑳൈăNBY26113ऻޟး᎖ ቶถĂቃߛࡁ࢟Ꮞಯऱښă ♦ 6/6Wᒗ34W6W! ±21&ၒྜྷ࢟ኹपᆍ ୈᄋᄴݛৌᔍĂ܈ಿৌᔍጲૺၒ߲ኔࣶᒬኡᐋLj భጲোᇹᄻገཇখܤ࢟0ࣥ࢟ၿኔăNBY26113ࡼৈ QXNෝ్ݧ࢟ኹෝါ఼ᒜऱښLjᎌᅪޡݗݝLjభဣ ሚᎁፊࡼᐅဉጴᒜถೆLj݀భኡࣶᒬ࢟ঢᒋਜ਼࢟ྏಢ ቯLjᄋ೫ࡍࡼଐഉቶăৈQXNෝ్ᔫᏴሤ ᄴࡼৼࢾఎਈຫൈLjభᏴ311lI{ᒗ3/3NI{ᒄମࢯஂLj݀ భᄰਭTZODၒྜྷᎧᅪݝဟᒩቧᄴݛă291°ࡇሤᔫဟLj ৈᓞધࡼᔫຫൈࡉ3/3NI{Ljၒྜྷ࢟ྏᆬ݆ຫ ൈᄋᒗ5/5NI{Lj࠭ऎࡍࡍଢ଼ࢅ೫SNTၒྜྷᆬ݆࢟ഗਜ਼ ࣪ၒྜྷവ࢟ྏߛࡁࡼገཇă NBY26113ดᒙၒྜྷ་ኹჄࢾLjࡒᎌᒣૄĂၫᔊྟࣅ0 ྟᄫᒏถLjۣᑺඛৈᓞધᇄছཷ࢟ਜ਼ࣥ࢟ă ࢟আᆡ)RESET*࢟വᎌభࢯஂިဟᒲ໐LjభପހჅᎌೝ വၒ߲Ljࡩၒ߲࣒ࡉࡵᆮࢾ࢟ኹဟLjሶࠀಯၒ߲RESET ቧăୈࡼۣઐถ۞౪ᇄႼ৸࢟ഗሢᒜෝါጲૺ Đࡌᡅđෝါၒ߲വۣઐă ♦ ၷၒ߲Ăᄴݛcvdl఼ᒜ ♦ భኡᐋᄴሤ291°ࡇሤᔫෝါ ♦ ၒ߲࢟ኹభࢯपᆍᆐ1/7Wᒗ1/96WJO ♦ ᇄႼ৸࢟ഗଶހෝါݧSTFOTF ဣሚறཀྵࡼ৸࢟ഗ ଶހ ♦ ᅪޡݗݝLjဣሚᔢࡍࡼഉቶ ♦ ၫᔊྟࣅਜ਼ྟᄫᒏ ♦ ኔᄴݛ0܈ಿৌᔍWPVU ♦ ࣖೂࡼQHPPEၒ߲ ♦ SFTFUၒ߲Ljᎌభި߈ܠဟᒲ໐ ♦ 311lI{ᒗ3/3NI{భ߈ܠఎਈຫൈ ♦ ᅪݝຫൈᄴݛ ♦Đࡌᡅđෝါവۣઐ ♦ ஂဏహମ)7nn! y! 7nn*ࡼ51୭URGOॖᓤ NBY26113ݧஂဏహମࡼ7nn y 7nnĂ51୭URGO.FQॖ ᓤLjᔫᏴ.51°Dᒗ,236°DޱᆨࣞपᆍăᎌਈNBY26113 ࣪።ࡼྯവၒ߲ୈࡼሮᇼቧᇦLj༿ݬఠNBY26114ࡼၫ ᓾ೯ă ``````````````````````````````````` ። ``````````````````````````````` ࢾ৪ቧᇦ QDJ! Fyqsftt® ᓍ૦ᔐሣး࢟Ꮞ ᆀ0ॲᇗ࢟Ꮞ ঌᏲ࢛ED.EDᓞધ PART MAX15002ATL+ TEMP RANGE -40°C to +125°C PIN-PACKAGE 40 TQFN-EP* ,ܭာᇄ)Qc*0९SpITܪᓰࡼॖᓤă *FQ! >! ൡă ୭ᒙᏴၫᓾ೯ࡼᔢઁ߲ă QDJ! FyqsfttဵQDJ.TJHᔝᒅࡼᓖॲݿᇗܪᒔă ________________________________________________________________ Maxim Integrated Products 1 ۾ᆪဵ፞ᆪၫᓾ೯ࡼፉᆪLjᆪᒦభถࡀᏴडፉࡼݙᓰཀྵࡇᇙăྙኊጙݛཀྵཱྀLj༿Ᏼิࡼଐᒦݬఠ፞ᆪᓾ೯ă ᎌਈଥৃĂૡૺࢿ৪ቧᇦLj༿ೊNbyjnᒴሾ၉ᒦቦǖ21911!963!235:!)۱ᒦਪཌ*Lj21911!263!235:!)ฉᒦਪཌ*Lj षᆰNbyjnࡼᒦᆪᆀᐶǖdijob/nbyjn.jd/dpnă NBY26113 ``````````````````````````````````` গၤ NBY26113 ೝᄰࡸၒ߲cvdl఼ᒜLj ᄋৌᔍ0ኔถ ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS IN, LX_, CSN_ to SGND..........................................-0.3V to +30V BST_ to SGND ........................................................-0.3V to +30V BST_ to LX_ ..............................................................-0.3V to +6V REG, DREG_, SYNC, EN_, RT, CT, RESET, PHASE, SEL to SGND ...............................-0.3V to +6V ILIM_, PGOOD_, FB_, COMP_, CSP_ to SGND .......-0.3V to +6V DL_ to PGND_.......................................-0.3V to (VDREG_ + 0.3V) DH_ to LX_ ...............................................-0.3V to (VBST_ + 0.3V) PGND_ to SGND, PGND_ to Any Other PGND_.......-0.3V to +0.3V Continuous Power Dissipation (TA = +70°C) 40-Pin TQFN (derate 37mW/°C above +70°C) .............2963mW* θJA ..................................................................................27°C/W θJC .................................................................................1.4°C/W Operating Junction Temperature Range ...........-40oC to +125°C Maximum Junction Temperature .....................................+150°C Storage Temperature Range .............................-60°C to +150°C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10s) .................................+300°C *As per JEDEC51 standard (multilayer board). Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (VIN = 5.5V to 23V or VIN = VREG = 4.5V to 5.5V, VDREG_ = VREG, VPGND_ = VSYNC = VPHASE = VSEL = 0V, CREG = 2.2μF, RRT = 100kΩ, CCT = 0.1μF, RILIM_ = 60kΩ, TA = TJ = -40°C to +125°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at VIN = 12V, TA = TJ = +25°C.) (Note 1) PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS 5.5 23.0 V VIN = VREG = VDREG_ (Note 2) 4.5 5.5 V VIN rising 3.95 4.15 V SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS Input-Voltage Range Input Undervoltage Lockout Threshold VIN VUVLO Input Undervoltage Lockout Hysteresis 4.05 0.35 V Operating Supply Current VIN = 12V, VFB_ = 0.8V 4.3 6.0 mA Shutdown Supply Current VIN = 12V, EN_ = 0V, PGOOD_ unconnected 150 300 μA REG VOLTAGE REGULATOR Output-Voltage Setpoint VREG Load Regulation VIN = 5.5V to 23V 4.9 IREG = 0 to 120mA, VIN = 12V 5.2 V 0.2 V DIGITAL SOFT-START/SOFT-STOP Soft-Start/Soft-Stop Duration Reference Voltage Steps 2048 Clocks 64 Steps ERROR TRANSCONDUCTANCE AMPLIFIER FB_, TRACK_ Input Bias Current FB_ Voltage Setpoint -250 VFB +250 nA TA = TJ = 0°C to +85°C 0.593 0.600 0.605 V TA = TJ = -40°C to +125°C 0.590 0.600 0.608 V FB_ to COMP_ Transconductance COMP_ Output Swing 2.1 0.75 mS 3.50 V Open-Loop Gain 80 dB Unity-Gain Bandwidth 10 MHz 2 _______________________________________________________________________________________ ೝᄰࡸၒ߲cvdl఼ᒜLj ᄋৌᔍ0ኔถ (VIN = 5.5V to 23V or VIN = VREG = 4.5V to 5.5V, VDREG_ = VREG, VPGND_ = VSYNC = VPHASE = VSEL = 0V, CREG = 2.2μF, RRT = 100kΩ, CCT = 0.1μF, RILIM_ = 60kΩ, TA = TJ = -40°C to +125°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at VIN = 12V, TA = TJ = +25°C.) (Note 1) PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS DRIVERS DL_, DH_ Break-Before-Make Time DH1 On-Resistance DH2 On-Resistance DL1 On-Resistance DL2 On-Resistance LX_ to PGND_ On-Resistance CLOAD = 5nF 20 Low, sinking 100mA 0.9 High, sourcing 100mA 1.3 Low, sinking 100mA 0.9 High, sourcing 100mA 1.3 Low, sinking 100mA 0.9 High, sourcing 100mA 1.3 Low, sinking 100mA 0.9 High, sourcing 100mA 1.3 Sinking 10mA ns Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω 8 CURRENT-LIMIT AND HICCUP MODE Cycle-By-Cycle Valley CurrentLimit Adjustment Range VCL VCL_ = VILIM_/10 50 300 Cycle-By-Cycle Valley CurrentLimit Threshold Tolerance VILIM_ = 0.5V 44 54 VILIM_ = 3V 288 312 ILIM_ Reference Current VILIM_ = 0 to 3V, TA = TJ = +25°C ILIM_ Reference Current Temperature Coefficient CSP_, CSN_ Input Bias Current Number of Cumulative CurrentLimit Events to Hiccup Number of Consecutive NonCurrent-Limit Cycles to Clear NCL VCSP_ = 0V, VCSN_ = -0.3V mV 20 μA 3333 ppm/°C -20 +20 NCL 8 NCLR 3 Hiccup Timeout mV μA Clock periods 4096 ENABLE/PHASE/SEL EN1 Threshold VEN-TH EN1 rising 1.19 EN1 Threshold Hysteresis 1.215 1.24 0.12 EN1 Input Bias Current -1 PHASE Input High 2 PHASE Input Low +1 -1 SEL Threshold SEL Input Bias Current -1 μA V 0.8 PHASE Input Bias Current V V V +1 μA 20 %VREG +1 μA _______________________________________________________________________________________ 3 NBY26113 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) NBY26113 ೝᄰࡸၒ߲cvdl఼ᒜLj ᄋৌᔍ0ኔถ ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) (VIN = 5.5V to 23V or VIN = VREG = 4.5V to 5.5V, VDREG_ = VREG, VPGND_ = VSYNC = VPHASE = VSEL = 0V, CREG = 2.2μF, RRT = 100kΩ, CCT = 0.1μF, RILIM_ = 60kΩ, TA = TJ = -40°C to +125°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at VIN = 12V, TA = TJ = +25°C.) (Note 1) PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS 0.54 0.555 0.57 V 0.1 V +1 μA 2.2 μA 0.1 V PGOOD_, RESET OUTPUTS FB_ for PGOOD_ Threshold FB_ falling RESET, PGOOD_ Output Low Level Sinking 3mA RESET, PGOOD_ Leakage -1 CT Charging Current 1.8 CT Output Low 2 Sinking 3mA CT rising CT Threshold for RESET Delay 1.8 CT falling 2.6 1.2 V OSCILLATOR Switching Frequency Range (Each Converter) fSW Switching Frequency Accuracy (Each Converter) 200 2200 fSW ≤ 1500kHz -5 +5 fSW > 1500kHz -7 +7 VPHASE = 0V (DH1 rising to DH2 rising) Phase Delay RT Voltage VSYNC = 0V, fSW = 1.5 x 1011/RRT + 2k VRT kHz % 180 Degrees VPHASE = VREG (DH1 rising to DH2 rising) 0 Degrees 40kΩ < RRT < 500kΩ 2 V Minimum Controllable On-Time tON(MIN) 75 ns Minimum Off-Time tOFF(MIN) 150 ns SYNC High-Level Voltage 2 V SYNC Low-Level Voltage SYNC Internal Pulldown Resistor SYNC Frequency Range 50 (Note 3) 100 0.4 0.8 V 200 kΩ 4.6 MHz SYNC Minimum On-Time SYNC Minimum Off-Time 30 30 ns ns PWM Ramp Amplitude (Peak-Peak) 2 V PWM Ramp Valley 1 V Note 1: 100% production tested at TA = TJ = +25°C and TA = TJ = +125°C. Limits at other temperatures are guaranteed by design. Note 2: For 5V applications, connect REG directly to IN. Note 3: The switching frequency is 1/2 of the SYNC frequency. 4 _______________________________________________________________________________________ ೝᄰࡸၒ߲cvdl఼ᒜLj ᄋৌᔍ0ኔถ CONVERTER 2 EFFICIENCY vs. LOAD CURRENT VIN = 12V VIN = 16V 70 VOUT1 = 3.3V 70 VIN = 12V 60 VIN = 16V 50 40 30 20 VOUT1 = 3.3V fSW = 300kHz 40 1 0.1 10 0.50 0.25 0 -0.25 -0.50 -1.00 1 0.1 100 0.75 -0.75 0 10 100 0 5 15 10 LOAD CURRENT (A) LOAD CURRENT (A) LOAD CURRENT (A) CONVERTER 2 LOAD REGULATION INTERNAL VOLTAGE REGULATION (REG) CONVERTER-SWITCHING FREQUENCY vs. RRT 4.98 0.50 10,000 4.97 VREG (V) 0.25 0 4.96 4.95 4.94 -0.25 4.93 -0.50 4.92 -0.75 10 15 0 LOAD CURRENT (A) 20 40 60 80 200 0 100 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 800 fSW = 300kHz -10 350 MAX15002 toc08 8 600 VALLEY CURRENT-LIMIT THRESHOLD vs. VILIM_ MAX15002 toc07 10 400 RRT (kΩ) TEMPERATURE (°C) SWITCHING FREQUENCY ACCURACY vs. TEMPERATURE SWITCHING FREQUENCY ACCURACY (%) 100 10 4.90 5 0 1000 VIN = 12V CREG = 2.2μF 4.91 -1.00 MAX15002 toc06 4.99 SWITCHING FREQUENCY (kHz) VOUT2 = 1.8V MAX15002 toc05 5.00 MAX15002 toc04 1.00 0.75 VOUT2 = 1.8V fSW = 300kHz 10 MAX15002 toc03 1.00 MAX15002 toc02 80 60 50 OUTPUT-VOLTAGE ACCURACY (%) VIN = 6V VALLEY CURRENT-LIMIT THRESHOLD (mV) EFFICIENCY (%) 80 90 EFFICIENCY (%) VIN = 6V 90 CONVERTER 1 LOAD REGULATION 100 MAX15002 toc01 100 OUTPUT-VOLTAGE ACCURACY (%) CONVERTER 1 EFFICIENCY vs. LOAD CURRENT 300 250 200 150 100 50 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 TEMPERATURE (°C) 100 125 150 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 VILIM_ (mV) _______________________________________________________________________________________ 5 NBY26113 ````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` ࢜ቯᔫᄂቶ (VIN = 12V, referenced to Figure 8, TA = TJ = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.) ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` ࢜ቯᔫᄂቶ)ኚ* (VIN = 12V, referenced to Figure 8, TA = TJ = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.) VALLEY CURRENT-LIMIT THRESHOLD vs. TEMPERATURE SWITCHING CURRENT vs. FREQUENCY MAX15002 toc11 MAX15002 toc10 90 14 SWITCHING CURRENT (mA) RILIM_ = 25.5kΩ RATIOMETRIC STARTUP 15 MAX15002 toc09 100 VALLEY CURRENT-LIMIT THRESHOLD (mV) NBY26113 ೝᄰࡸၒ߲cvdl఼ᒜLj ᄋৌᔍ0ኔถ 80 70 60 50 40 13 12 1V/div 10 9 1V/div 8 VIN = 12V DL_, DH_ UNCONNECTED VFB_ = 0V 6 TEMP COEFFICIENT (nom.) = 3,333ppm/°C 20 0V 11 7 30 10V/div VIN 0V VOUT1, 2 VEN2 = 0V, SEL = REG 5 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 200 TEMPERATURE (°C) 700 1200 1700 2200 2ms/div FREQUENCY (kHz) CHANNEL 2 SHORT CIRCUIT (RATIOMETRIC MODE) RATIOMETRIC SHUTDOWN MAX15002 toc12 CHANNEL 1 SHORT CIRCUIT (RATIOMETRIC MODE) MAX15002 toc13 VOUT2 MAX15002 toc14 10V/div VIN 500mV/div V OUT2 0V VOUT1 10V/div VIN 0V VOUT1 1V/div 2V/div 0V 0V 500mV/div VOUT1 VOUT2 2V/div 0V 1V/div 0V VEN2 = 0V, SEL = REG VEN2 = 0V, SEL = REG 1ms/div 0V VEN2 = 0V, SEL = REG 1ms/div 1ms/div COINCIDENT STARTUP COINCIDENT SHUTDOWN MAX15002 toc15 MAX15002 toc16 VOUT1 10V/div 0V VIN 1V/div 500mV/div VOUT2 500mV/div 1V/div VOUT1, 2 0V 0V CIRCUIT OF FIGURE 8, SEL = REG 2ms/div 6 2ms/div _______________________________________________________________________________________ ೝᄰࡸၒ߲cvdl఼ᒜLj ᄋৌᔍ0ኔถ CHANNEL 2 SHORT CIRCUIT (COINCIDENT MODE) CHANNEL 1 SHORT CIRCUIT (COINCIDENT MODE) MAX15002 toc17 10V/div VIN MAX15002 toc19 10V/div VIN 10V/div VIN 0V VOUT2 SEQUENCING STARTUP MAX15002 toc18 VOUT1 0V 0V 1V/div 2V/div 0V 0V 1V/div 1V/div VOUT2 VOUT1 NBY26113 ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` ࢜ቯᔫᄂቶ)ኚ* (VIN = 12V, referenced to Figure 8, TA = TJ = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.) 2V/div 1V/div 0V 0V 0V VOUT1, 2 SEL = REG 1ms/div 4ms/div 1ms/div CHANNEL 1 OUTPUT SHORT CIRCUIT (SEQUENCING MODE) CONVERTER 2 OUTPUT SHORT CIRCUIT (SEQUENCING MODE) SEQUENCING SHUTDOWN MAX15002 toc20 MAX15002 toc22 MAX15002 toc21 VOUT1 VIN 10V/div 500mV/div V OUT2 0V VIN 10V/div 0V VOUT1 2V/div 1V/div VOUT2 0V 0V 500mV/div VOUT1 2V/div VOUT2 1V/div 0V SEL = GND EN/TRACK2 = PGOOD1 SEL = REG 1ms/div 0V SEL = GND EN/TRACK2 = PGOOD1 0V 1ms/div 1ms/div RESET AT STARTUP (SEQUENCING MODE) RESET AT SHUTDOWN (SEQUENCING MODE) MAX15002 toc23 MAX15002 toc24 5V/div 5V/div VRESET 0V VRESET 0V 1V/div VOUT1 1V/div VOUT2 1V/div 1V/div VOUT1, 2 SEL = GND EN/TRACK2 = PGOOD1 20ms/div 0V SEL = GND EN/TRACK2 = PGOOD1 0V 1ms/div _______________________________________________________________________________________ 7 NBY26113 ೝᄰࡸၒ߲cvdl఼ᒜLj ᄋৌᔍ0ኔถ ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` ࢜ቯᔫᄂቶ)ኚ* (VIN = 12V, referenced to Figure 8, TA = TJ = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.) CONVERTER 1 SHORT-CIRCUIT CONDITION (HICCUP MODE) 180° OUT-OF-PHASE OPERATION MAX15002 toc26 MAX15002 toc25 VOUT1 500mV/div 5V/div 0V VSYNC IOUT1 10V/div 10A/div VLX1 10V/div VDL1 5V/div 1V/div VPGOOD1 VLX1 0V VLX2 0V 10V/div 1μs/div 4ms/div IN-PHASE OPERATION BREAK-BEFORE-MAKE TIMING MAX15002 toc27 MAX15002 toc28 VLX1 5V/div 5V/div 0V VSYNC 0V 10V/div 0V VLX1 VDL1 2V/div 10V/div 0V VLX2 0V 1μs/div 20ns/div LOAD-TRANSIENT RESPONSE (IOUT2 = 100mA TO 10A) LOAD-TRANSIENT RESPONSE (IOUT2 = 5A TO 10A) MAX15002 toc29 VOUT2 MAX15002 toc30 100mV/div AC-COUPLED 100mV/div AC-COUPLED VOUT2 IOUT2 IOUT2 5A/div 5A/div 0 200μs/div 8 0 200μs/div _______________________________________________________________________________________ ೝᄰࡸၒ߲cvdl఼ᒜLj ᄋৌᔍ0ኔถ ୭ ߂ ถ 1 REG 6Wᆮኹၒ߲ăݧጙৈ3/3μGჿࠣ࢟ྏവᒗTHOEă 2 SEL ৌᔍ0ኔኡᐋၒྜྷăೌTFMᒗSFHLjᏴࣅဟᒙᆐೝവৌᔍǗೌTFMᒗTHOELjᒙᆐೝവኔă ᓖፀǖࡩᒙᆐೝവኔဟLjᄰਭFO`ॊܰဧถඛጙവ࢟Ꮞă 3 PGND1 4 DL1 5 DREG1 6 LX1 ఼ᒜ2ࡼܟNPTGFUᏎೌ0ᄴݛNPTGFUധೌă࢟ঢਜ਼ᔈ࢟ྏࡼঌೌᒗMY2ă 7 DH1 ఼ᒜ2ࡼܟᐜདࣅၒ߲ăEI2དࣅܟNPTGFUࡼᐜă 8 BST1 ఼ᒜ2ࡼܟᐜདࣅ࢟ᏎăೌCTU2ਜ਼ᔈऔࡼፓጲૺᔈ࢟ྏࡼᑵă 9 CSN1 ఼ᒜ2ࡼଶഗၒྜྷঌ࣡ăೌDTO2ᒗᄴݛNPTGFUࡼധ)ೌᒗMY2*ăࡩဧଶഗ࢟ᔜဟLjೌDTO2ᒗ ࢅܟNPTGFUࡼᏎᎧଶഗ࢟ᔜࡼೌ࢛Ljݬᅄ21ă 10 CSP1 ఼ᒜ2ࡼଶഗၒྜྷᑵ࣡ăೌDTQ2ᒗᄴݛNPTGFUࡼᏎ)ೌᒗQHOE2*ăࡩဧଶഗ࢟ᔜဟLjೌDTQ2ᒗ ଶഗ࢟ᔜࡼQHOE2࣡ă 11 ILIM1 ఼ᒜ2ࡼ৸ᒋሢഗᒙၒ߲ăJMJN2ਜ਼THOEᒄମೌጙৈ36lΩᒗ261lΩࡼ࢟ᔜSJMJN2Lj৸ᒋሢഗඡሢ ᒙᏴ61nWᒗ411nWᒄମăJMJN2ሶSJMJN2 Ꮞ߲31μB࢟ഗăࡻࡵࡼ࢟ኹ߹ጲ21૾ᆐ৸ᒋሢഗඡሢăࡩဧ றමଶഗ࢟ᔜဟLjSFHਜ਼JMJN2ጲૺTHOEᒄମೌጙৈ࢟ᔜॊኹLjጲᒙ৸ᒋሢഗLjݬᅄ21ă 12 COMP1 13 EN1 ఼ᒜ2ဧถၒྜྷăQXN఼ᒜࣅၒ߲2ဟLjFO2ܘኍ᎖2/35WࡼWFO.UIă఼ᒜ2ဵᓍ૦ăᏴᄴݛৌᔍ ᒙဟLjᓍ૦ᄋᔢࡍၒ߲࢟ኹă 14 FB1 ఼ᒜ2ࡼनౣᆮኹ࢛ăೌᒗᓞધၒ߲ਜ਼THOEᒄମࡼ࢟ᔜॊኹᒦቦߥᄿLjጲᒙၒ߲࢟ኹăGC2 ࢟ኹᆮኹᒗWGC )1/7W*ă 15 PGOOD1 ఼ᒜ2ࡼ࢟Ꮞኙၒ߲ăࡩGC2᎖1/:36! y! WGC )1/666W*ဟLjఎധQHPPE2ၒ߲ܤᆐᔜზ)ျह*ă 16 PGND2 17 DL2 18 DREG2 19 LX2 ఼ᒜ2ࡼൈೌ࣡ăೌၒྜྷ݆࢟ྏࡼঌĂᄴݛNPTGFUࡼᏎਜ਼ၒ߲݆࢟ྏࡼऩૄ࣡ᒗ QHOE2ăᏴణதၒྜྷ࢟ྏऩૄ࣡ᄰਭ࢛ᅪೌݝᒗTHOEă ఼ᒜ2ࡼࢅܟᐜདࣅၒ߲ăEM2ဵᄴݛNPTGFUࡼᐜདࣅၒ߲ă ఼ᒜ2ࡼࢅܟᐜདࣅ࢟ᏎăᅪೌݝᒗSFHਜ਼ᔈऔࡼዴăESFH2ਜ਼QHOE2ᒄମೌጙৈᔢቃ ᆐ1/2μGࡼჿࠣ࢟ྏă ఼ᒜ2ᇙࡴోތहࡍၒ߲ăೌDPNQ2ᒗޡݗनౣᆀă ఼ᒜ3ࡼൈೌăೌၒྜྷ݆࢟ྏࡼঌĂᄴݛNPTGFUࡼᏎਜ਼ၒ߲݆࢟ྏࡼऩૄ࣡ᒗ QHOE3ăᏴణதၒྜྷ࢟ྏऩૄ࣡ᄰਭ࢛ᅪೌݝᒗTHOEă ఼ᒜ3ࡼࢅܟᐜདࣅၒ߲ăEM3ဵᄴݛNPTGFUࡼᐜདࣅၒ߲ă ఼ᒜ3ࡼࢅܟᐜདࣅ࢟ᏎăᅪೌݝᒗSFHਜ਼ᔈऔࡼዴăESFH3ਜ਼QHOE3ᒄମೌጙৈᔢቃ ᆐ1/2μGࡼჿࠣ࢟ྏă ఼ᒜ3ࡼܟNPTGFUᏎೌ0ᄴݛNPTGFUധೌă࢟ঢਜ਼ᔈ࢟ྏࡼঌೌᒗMY3ă _______________________________________________________________________________________ 9 NBY26113 ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` ୭ႁී NBY26113 ೝᄰࡸၒ߲cvdl఼ᒜLj ᄋৌᔍ0ኔถ ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` ୭ႁී)ኚ* ୭ ߂ ถ 20 DH2 ఼ᒜ3ࡼܟᐜདࣅၒ߲ăEI3དࣅܟNPTGFUࡼᐜă 21 BST2 ఼ᒜ3ࡼܟᐜདࣅ࢟ᏎăೌCTU3ਜ਼ᔈऔࡼፓLjጲૺᔈ࢟ྏࡼᑵă 22 CSN2 ఼ᒜ3ࡼଶഗၒྜྷঌ࣡ăೌDTO3ᒗᄴݛNPTGFUധ)ೌᒗMY3*ăࡩဧଶഗ࢟ᔜဟLjೌDTO3ᒗࢅܟ NPTGFUᏎᎧଶഗ࢟ᔜࡼೌ࢛Ljݬᅄ21ă 23 CSP2 ఼ᒜ3ࡼଶഗၒྜྷᑵ࣡ăೌDTQ3ᒗᄴݛNPTGFUᏎ)ೌᒗQHOE3*ăࡩဧଶഗ࢟ᔜဟLjೌDTQ3ᒗଶ ഗ࢟ᔜࡼQHOE3࣡ă 24 ILIM2 ఼ᒜ3ࡼ৸ᒋሢഗᒙၒ߲ăJMJN3ਜ਼THOEᒄମೌጙৈ36lΩᒗ261lΩࡼ࢟ᔜSJMJN3Lj৸ᒋሢഗඡሢ ᒙᏴ61nWᒗ411nWᒄମăJMJN3ሶSJMJN3 Ꮞ߲31μB࢟ഗăࡻࡵࡼ࢟ኹ߹ጲ21૾ᆐ৸ᒋሢഗඡሢăࡩဧ றමଶഗ࢟ᔜဟLjSFHਜ਼JMJN3ጲૺTHOEᒄମೌጙৈ࢟ᔜॊኹLjጲᒙ৸ᒋሢഗLjݬᅄ21ă 25 COMP2 ఼ᒜ3ࡼᇙࡴోތहࡍၒ߲ăDPNQ3ೌᒗޡݗनౣᆀă ఼ᒜ3ࡼဧถ0ৌᔍၒྜྷăݬᅄ3ă 26 EN/TRACK2 ኔဟLjFO0USBDL3ܘኍ᎖2/35WLjጲࣅQXN఼ᒜ3ă ᄴݛৌᔍ Ċ ݧᎧGC3ሤᄴࡼ࢟ᔜॊኹೌၒ߲2ᒗFO0USBDL3ᒗTHOEă ܈ಿৌᔍ Ċ FO0USBDL3ೌᒗෝผă ఼ᒜ3ࡼनౣࢯஂ࢛Ljೌᒗᓞધၒ߲ਜ਼THOEᒄମࡼ࢟ᔜॊኹᒦቦߥᄿLjጲᒙၒ߲࢟ኹă GC3࢟ኹᆮࢾᒗWGC )1/7W*ă 27 FB2 28 PGOOD2 29–33 N.C. 34 SYNC ᄴݛၒྜྷăདࣅকၒྜྷࡼຫൈᒗገ᎖SU୭Ⴥᒙຫൈೝ۶ࡼ31&ăఎਈຫൈဵTZODຫൈࡼऔॊᒄጙă ݙဧဟLjTZODೌᒗTHOEă 35 SGND ෝผೌăᏴణதၒྜྷവ࢟ྏऩૄ࣡ᄰਭ࢛THOEਜ਼QHOE`ೌᏴጙă 36 RT 37 PHASE ሤᆡኡᐋၒྜྷăQIBTFೌᒗTHOELjᒙᆐ఼ᒜᒄମ291°ࡇሤᔫăೌᒗSFHဟLjᒙᆐᄴሤᔫă 38 RESET RESETၒ߲ăჅᎌQHPPEျह݀༦DUᒙࡼިဟᅲ߅ઁLjျहఎധRESETၒ߲ă 39 CT RESETިဟ࢟ྏೌ࣡ăDUਜ਼ෝผᒄମೌጙৈࢾဟ࢟ྏLjጲᒙRESETዓߕăDUሶࢾဟ࢟ྏᏎ߲3μB ࢟ഗăࡩDU࢟ኹިਭ3WဟLjఎധRESETܤᆐᔜზă 40 IN ࢟Ꮞၒྜྷೌ࣡ăೌࡵ6/6Wᒗ34Wࡼᅪ࢟ݝᏎă࣪᎖5/6Wᒗ6/6Wၒྜྷ።LjJOਜ਼SFHೌᏴጙă — EP ൡăൡᒗࡍࡼTHOEຳෂă 10 ఼ᒜ3ࡼ࢟Ꮞኙၒ߲ăࡩGC3᎖1/:36! y! WGC )1/666W*ဟLjఎധQHPPE3ၒ߲ܤᆐᔜზ)ျह*ă ᇄೌLjᎌดೌݝă ᑩࢾဟ࢟ᔜೌăSUਜ਼THOEᒄମೌጙৈ861lΩᒗ79lΩࡼ࢟ᔜLjఎਈຫൈᒙᏴ311lI{ᒗ3/3NI{ ᒄମă ______________________________________________________________________________________ ೝᄰࡸၒ߲cvdl఼ᒜLj ᄋৌᔍ0ኔถ PWM CONTROLLER 1 SEL IN EN1 RESET TIMEOUT 1.24VON 1.12VOFF CONFIG SELECTOR LDO CT RESET MAX15002 REG EN 1.24V 1.12V SGND SEQ_ PGPD_ CSP1 SHDN 0.6V REF SEQ_ VREGOK EN1 CSN1 DOWN1 VREF DIGITAL SOFT-START AND STOP OVL CONFIG OVL1 VR1 IMAX1 RES OVERLOAD MANAGEMENT E/A CLK1 OVL_ CURRENTLIMIT SET CLK1 BST1 FB1 DH1 R CPWM EN OSC LX1 Q SET DOMINANT COMP1 SYNC RT PHASE ILIM1 DREG1 S RAMP DL1 LEVEL CLK1 SHIFT CLK2 PGND1 0.925 x VREF PGPD1 FB1 PGOOD1 ______________________________________________________________________________________ 11 NBY26113 ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` ถౖᅄ NBY26113 ೝᄰࡸၒ߲cvdl఼ᒜLj ᄋৌᔍ0ኔถ ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` ถౖᅄ)ኚ* PWM CONTROLLER 2 EN/TRACK2 1.24VON 1.12VOFF MAX15002 SEQ_ CSP2 SEQ_ VREF EN CONFIG DOWN2 DIGITAL SOFT-START AND STOP EN1 SHDN EN2 CSN2 OVL CONFIG OVL_ CURRENTLIMIT SET CLK2 SEL_ OVL2 RES OVERLOAD IMAX2 MANAGEMENT VREF VR2 EN/ TRACK2 E/A CLK2 ILIM2 BST2 FB2 DH2 R COMP2 CPWM CLK2 RAMP LEVEL SHIFT CLK2 0.925 x VREF LX2 Q SET DOMINANT DREG2 S DL2 PGND2 PGPD2 FB2 PGOOD2 ``````````````````````````````` ሮᇼႁී NBY26113ဵጙೝᄰࡸၒ߲Ă൴ߡࣞࢯᒜ)QXN*Ăଢ଼ ኹቯED.ED఼ᒜLjᄋৌᔍ0ኔถăকୈᔫᏴ 6/6Wᒗ34W6W ±21&ࡼၒྜྷ࢟ኹपᆍดăඛৈQXN఼ᒜ భᄋࢅᒗ1/7Wࡼభࢯၒ߲࢟ኹਜ਼ࡉ26BࡼঌᏲ࢟ ഗLj݀ᎌᎁፊࡼঌᏲਜ਼࢟Ꮞࢯᑳൈă NBY26113ࡼৈQXNෝ్ݧ࢟ኹෝါ఼ᒜऱښLj ᎌᎁፊࡼᐅဉጴᒜถೆLjᄴဟݧᅪޡݗݝLjభኡᐋࣶ ᒬ࢟ঢᒋਜ਼࢟ྏಢቯLjဣሚᔢࡍࡼഉቶăୈᔫᏴ ৼࢾఎਈຫൈLjభᒙपᆍᆐ311lI{ᒗ3/3NI{Lj݀భᄰ ਭTZODၒྜྷᎧᅪݝဟᒩቧᄴݛă291°ࡇሤᔫဟLj ৈᓞધࡼᔫຫൈࡉ3/3NI{Ljၒྜྷ࢟ྏᆬ݆ຫൈ ᄋᒗ5/5NI{Lj࠭ऎࡍࡍଢ଼ࢅ೫SNTၒྜྷᆬ݆࢟ഗਜ਼࣪ ၒྜྷവ࢟ྏߛࡁࡼገཇă 12 NBY26113భᄋᄴݛৌᔍĂ܈ಿৌᔍጲૺၒ߲ኔࣶᒬ ኡᐋLjభጲোᇹᄻገཇখܤ࢟0ࣥ࢟ၿኔă NBY26113ᄰਭପ၁ᄴݛNPTGFUࡴᄰ࢟ᔜࡼኹଢ଼ଶ ࢟ހঢ࢟ഗLj࠭ऎဣሚᇄႼ৸ᒋሢഗۣઐăNBY26113 ࡼด࢟ݝഗᏎᎌᑵᆨࣞᇹၫLjభޡݗNPTGFUࡼᆨࣞᇹ ၫăࡩኊገৎறཀྵࡼሢഗဟLjభݧᅪݝॊኹăᑚጙ ॊኹஉறමࡼ݀ೊ࢟ᔜభဣሚৎறཀྵࡼሢഗă NBY26113۞౪ดݝ་ኹჄࢾLjࡒᎌᒣૄĂၫᔊྟࣅ0ྟ ᄫᒏถLjۣᑺᓞધᇄছཷ࢟ਜ਼ࣥ࢟ă࢟আᆡ )RESET*࢟വᎌభࢯஂިဟᒲ໐LjభପހჅᎌೝവၒ߲Lj ࡩჅᎌၒ߲ࡉࡵᆮࢾ࢟ኹဟLjሶࠀಯၒ߲RESETቧă ୈࡼۣઐถ۞౪ᇄႼ৸ᒋሢഗෝါጲૺĐࡌᡅđෝ ါၒ߲വۣઐă ______________________________________________________________________________________ ೝᄰࡸၒ߲cvdl఼ᒜLj ᄋৌᔍ0ኔถ Ᏼቲྀੜݷᔫᒄ༄LjWJO ܘኍިਭ෦ཱྀࡼVWMPඡሢᒋă VWMP࢟വۣߒNPTGFUདࣅĂᑩਜ਼Ⴥᎌࡼด࢟ݝ വࠀ᎖ࣥ࢟ᓨზLjጲଢ଼ࢅ࢟ഗႼăVWMPဍඡሢဵ 5/16WLjࡒᎌ461nWࡼᒣૄă ၫᔊྟࣅ0ྟᄫᒏ NBY26113ྟࣅถဧঌᏲ࢟ኹጲ၊఼ऱါᓆ୍ဍLj ܜ೫ၒ߲࢟ኹࡼਭߡăࡩWJO ިਭ་ኹჄࢾඡሢLj݀༦ ဧถၒྜྷࡍ᎖2/35WဟLjྟࣅఎဪăྟࣅ࢟വᓆ୍ဍ ᓰ࢟ኹăᑚጙऱज఼ᒜ೫ၒ߲࢟ኹࡼဍႥൈLj࠭ ऎଢ଼ࢅ೫ࣅ໐ମࡼၒྜྷ፻࢟ഗăྟࣅߒኚဟମᆐ 3159ৈဟᒩᒲ໐Ljၒ߲࢟ኹጲ75ৈࢀޠݛᐐăྟࣅ ᅲ߅ဟLjᇄ൙ၒ߲࢟ྏਜ਼ঌᏲྙੜLjၒ߲ࡉࡵᆮኹᒋă ࡩဧถၒྜྷଢ଼ᒗࢅ᎖2/23WဟLjࣅྟᄫᒏăྟᄫᒏ࢟വ ᓆݛଢ଼ࢅᓰ࢟ኹLj࠭ऎ఼ᒜၒ߲࢟ኹࡼሆଢ଼Ⴅൈăၒ ߲࢟ኹᏴ3159ৈဟᒩᒲ໐ดLjጲ75ৈࢀିޠݛă ด࠭ESFH`ᇢྜྷ୷ࡍࡼख़ᒋ࢟ഗăSFHਜ਼ESFH`ᒄମଝྜྷ ጙৈSD݆)ጙဵۅ2Ωᒗ4/4Ω࢟ᔜᎧ3/3μG݀ೊ1/2μG ჿࠣ࢟ྏ*Ljጲ߹ࡍࡼख़ᒋ࢟ഗăࠥᅪLjጐభጲESFH ೌᒗᅪ࢟ݝᏎ)W ESFH.FYU*ăᓖፀLjESFH`࢟ኹ።ᔗ৫ LjጲۣᑺࢅܟNPTGFUᅲཝࡴᄰăᆐܜNPTGFUݙᅲ ཝࡴᄰLjᄰਭFO2LjᎅWESFH.FYU ᏴᅪݝᒙVWMPă CTU`ᆐܟNPTGFUདࣅ࢟ăᏴCTU`ਜ਼ESFH`ᒄମ ೌᔈऔ)ዴೌESFH`LjፓೌCTU`*ăᏴ CTU`ਜ਼MY`ᒄମೌጙৈ1/2μGᑗৎࡍࡼᔈჿࠣ࢟ ྏăభጲᏴCTU`୭Ꭷᔈऔࡼፓᒄମࠈೊጙৈ ቃ࢟ᔜ)5/8Ωᒗ33Ω*LjጲጙݛᄋᐅဉጴᒜถೆLjࡣᑚ ݀ऻဵܘኍࡼă )ܟEI`*ਜ਼ࢅ)ܟEM`*དࣅདࣅᅪݝoࡸNPTGFUᐜă དࣅࡼ3Bख़ᒋᏎ߲ਜ਼ᇢ၃࢟ഗถೆᆐఎਈNPTGFUࡼ Ⴅဍਜ਼ሆଢ଼ဟମᄋ೫ᔗ৫ࡼདࣅăႥဍਜ਼ሆ ଢ଼ဟମଢ଼ࢅ೫ఎਈႼă ᐜདࣅ࢟വથᎌሌࣥઁဟମ)࢜ቯᒋᆐ31ot*Ljጲ ऴᒏ༤ધဟ߲ሚࠃ࢟ഗă ดݝሣቶᆮኹ)SFH* SFHဵ6W MEPࡼၒ߲࣡LjᎅJO࢟Lj᎖ሶJD࢟ă SFHᅪೌݝᒗESFH`LjᆐࢅܟNPTGFUᐜདࣅ࢟ă ݧᔢቃᆐ3/3μGࡼჿࠣ࢟ྏSFHവᒗTHOEă࢟ ྏణதNBY26113हᒙLjጲဣሚੑࡼവăSFHஞ᎖ ࣪ด࢟ݝവ࢟Ljݙถ᎖࣪ᅪݝঌᏲ࢟ă SFHᔢࡍభᏎ߲231nB࢟ഗăᑚጙ࢟ഗJSFH ۞౪ஸზ࢟ഗ )JR*ਜ਼ᐜདࣅ࢟ഗ)JESFH`*ǖ IREG = IQ + [fSW x Σ(QGHS_ + QGLS_)] ᒦLjR HIT` , R HMT` ဵ W HBUF > 6W ဟܟਜ਼ࢅܟᅪݝ NPTGFUࡼᐜᔐ࢟ăg TX ဵᓞધࡼఎਈຫൈLjJ R ဵ ୈᏴఎਈຫൈሆࡼஸზ࢟ഗă NPTGFUᐜདࣅ ESFH` ဵࢅ ܟNPTGFU དࣅࡼ࢟Ꮞၒྜྷăᅪೌݝ ESFH`ਜ਼SFHăඛࠨࢅܟNPTGFUࡴᄰဟLj્Ᏼဟମ ᑩ0ᄴݛၒྜྷ0ሤᆡୣࡇ)SUĂTZODĂQIBTF* ᏴSUೌጙৈᅪ࢟ݝᔜLjNBY26113ࡼఎਈຫൈᒙᏴ 311lI{ᒗ3/3NI{ᒄମăኡᐋးࡩࡼ࢟ᔜೌࡵSULjଐႯ Ⴥኊࡼၒ߲ఎਈຫൈ)gTX*ǖ fSW (Hz) = 1.5 x 1011/(RRT + 2000)Ω ᏴTZODೌጙৈᅪݝဟᒩLjဣሚᅪݝဟᒩᄴݛăTZOD ࡼဍဟᒩዘᆐᄴݛၒྜྷăྙਫTZODቧࣀပLjดݝᑩ ᔫఎਈဟᒩLjఎਈຫൈᎅSSU ᒙăᑚዹLj૾ဧ TZODቧࣀပLjጐถۣߒၒ߲࢟ኹᆮࢾăᆐဣሚးࡩࡼ ᄴݛLjᅪݝຫൈܘኍᒗ᎖SUၒྜྷᒙຫൈೝ۶ࡼ31&ă ఎਈຫൈဵ TZOD ຫൈࡼ 203ăݙဧဟLjೌ TZOD ਜ਼ THOEă QIBTFೌᒗTHOEဟLj఼ᒜᒄମ291°ࡇሤᔫăQIBTF ೌSFHLjᐌᄴሤᔫă ______________________________________________________________________________________ 13 NBY26113 ดݝ་ኹჄࢾ)VWMP* NBY26113 ೝᄰࡸၒ߲cvdl఼ᒜLj ᄋৌᔍ0ኔถ ᄴݛ0܈ಿৌᔍ)TFMĂFO0USBDL3* ဧถ0ৌᔍၒྜྷஉၫᔊྟࣅਜ਼ྟᄫᒏถభဣሚᄴݛ0 ܈ಿৌᔍLjݬᅄ2ăᄰਭ࢟ᔜॊኹۻৌᔍၒ߲ೌ ᒗဧถ0ৌᔍၒྜྷLjဣሚ࣪কၒ߲࢟ኹࡼৌᔍăಿྙLjWPVU3 ገᄴݛৌᔍW PVU2LjᏴPVU2ᒗFO0USBDL3ᒗTHOEᒄମ ೌጙৈਜ਼GC3ሤᄴࡼ࢟ᔜॊኹăݬᅄ3ਜ਼ ࢜ቯᔫ ᄂቶᒦࡼDpjodjefou Tubsuvqਜ਼Dpjodjefou Tivuepxoཎሣă VOUT1 VOUT2 SOFT-START ೌFO0USBDL3ᒗTHOEဣሚ܈ಿৌᔍăᑚዹLjဣሚ೫Ⴥ ᎌ఼ᒜᓰࡼྟࣅਜ਼ྟᄫᒏࡼᄴݛLj࠭ऎ܈ಿৌᔍ ᔈࡼၒ߲࢟ኹăݬᅄ3ጲૺ࢜ቯᔫᄂቶᒦࡼSbujpnfusjd Tubsuvqਜ਼Sbujpnfusjd Tivuepxoཎሣă SOFT-STOP A) COINCIDENT TRACKING OUTPUTS ೌTFMᒗSFHLjᒙᆐೝവৌᔍă VOUT1 ࡩNBY26113ᓞધۻᒙᆐৌᔍဟLj።ᔄᇼࠀಯᓍ૦ ᑗ࠭૦ၒ߲ࡼၒ߲വ৺ᑇᓨზLjཀྵۣࡩჇၒ߲ۻ വᒗဟLjᓍ૦ᑗ࠭૦ၒ߲ࡴߒ્ۣ྆ݙᄰᓨზă ࡩ࠭૦വ݀༦ྜྷĐࡌᡅđෝါဟLjᓍ૦ྟᄫᒏăࡩᓍ ૦വ݀༦ୈྜྷĐࡌᡅđෝါဟLj࠭૦܈ಿྟᄫᒏă ᅓ߲ĐࡌᡅđෝါဟLjোᔢ߱ᒙLjჅᎌၒ߲ᄴݛᑗ ܈ಿྟࣅă৺ᑇᓨზሆၒ߲༽ౚLj༿ݬ ࢜ቯᔫᄂ ቶăེਈࣥࣥ࢟ဟLjࡩၒྜྷଢ଼ࡵVWMPጲሆဟLjၒ߲࢟ ኹࡼሆଢ଼Ⴅൈན᎖࣪።ࡼၒ߲࢟ྏਜ਼ঌᏲLjݬᅄ2ă VOUT2 SOFT-START SOFT-STOP B) RATIOMETRIC TRACKING OUTPUTS VOUT1 ၒ߲࢟ኹኔ)TFMĂFO0USBDL3ĂQHPPE* ݬᅄ2dLjኔဟLjဧถ0ৌᔍၒྜྷܘኍࡍ᎖2/35WLjጲۣᑺ ৈQXN఼ᒜถᑵޟࣅăQHPPE`ၒ߲ਜ਼FO0USBDL3 ၒྜྷభݧೌLjဣሚ࢟ኔăࡩGC`ࡍ᎖QHPPE` ඡሢ)࢜ቯᒋᆐ666nW*ဟLjఎധQHPPE`ၒ߲ܤᆐᔜă ࢟Ꮞኙၒ߲ೌᒗဧถ0ৌᔍၒྜྷLjጲᒙጙৈ఼ ᒜࡼࣅဟମLjݬᅄ3ăೌTFMᒗTHOELjᒙᆐೝ വኔă 14 VOUT2 SOFTSTART SOFT-STOP C) SEQUENCED OUTPUTS ᅄ2/! ᄴݛৌᔍĂ܈ಿৌᔍਜ਼QHPPEኔာፀᅄ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ೝᄰࡸၒ߲cvdl఼ᒜLj ᄋৌᔍ0ኔถ COINCIDENT TRACKING NBY26113 RATIOMETRIC TRACKING PGOOD SEQUENCING VIN VIN VIN EN1 EN1 EN1 VOUT1 EN/TRACK2 REG RA EN/TRACK2 SEL REG PGOOD1 RB EN/TRACK2 SEL VOUT2 RA FB2 RB SEL REG ᅄ3/! ܈ಿৌᔍĂᄴݛৌᔍਜ਼QHPPEኔᒙ ᇙތहࡍ ดݝᇙࡴోތहࡍࡼၒ߲)DPNQ`*᎖ຫൈݬ)ޡݗ ޡݗଐݝॊ*ăGC`ဵनሤၒྜྷLjDPNQ`ဵၒ߲ăᇙތ हࡍᎌ91eCఎણᐐፄጲૺ21NI{ᐐፄࡒ૩ă ၒ߲വۣઐ)Đࡌᡅđෝါ* ሢഗ࢟വݧ೫৸ᒋሢഗႯजLjဧ݀ೊ࢟ᔜᑗᄴݛ NPTGFUࡼࡴᄰ࢟ᔜᔫᆐଶഗᏄୈăጙࡡܟNPTGFUਈ ࣥLjୈପހଶഗᏄୈࡼ࢟ኹăྙਫক࢟ኹᎌި ਭሢഗඡሢLjᐌᏴሆጙᒲ໐ఎဪဟLjܟNPTGFUᑵࡴޟ ᄰăྙਫᏴቤࡼQXNᒲ໐ఎဪᒄ༄Lj࢟ኹިਭሢഗඡሢLj ᐌ఼ᒜᄢਭকᒲ໐ăᏴዏᒮਭᏲᑗവᄟୈሆLj ୈఎਈຫൈଢ଼ࢅLjፐᆐࢅܟNPTGFUࡼࡴᄰဟମጯளިਭ ೫ጙৈဟᒩᒲ໐ă ྙਫࡍ᎖ሢഗඡሢࡼဟମިਭ9ৈೌኚဟᒩᒲ໐)ODM*Lj ୈਈࣥ)EIਜ਼EM࣒ۻ౯ࢅ* 51:7ৈဟᒩᒲ໐)Đࡌᡅđިဟ*Lj ઁᄰਭྟࣅᒮቤࣅăྙਫளਭ೫ྯৈೌኚᒲ໐Lj ऎᎌ߲ሚሢഗLj༹߹O DM ଐၫ)ݬᅄ4*ăĐࡌᡅđෝါ ऴᒏ߲ሚೌኚၒ߲വă ______________________________________________________________________________________ 15 ೝᄰࡸၒ߲cvdl఼ᒜLj ᄋৌᔍ0ኔถ NBY26113 ᔢቃၒྜྷ࢟ኹ၊ሢ᎖ᔢࡍᐴహ܈Ljభݧሆෂࡼࢀါ ቲଐႯǖ INITIATE HICCUP TIMEOUT NHT IN COUNT OF 8 NCL CURRENT LIMIT VIN(MIN) ≥ CLR ( VOUT 1 − t OFF(MIN) × fSW ) ᒦLjuPGG)NJO*ᄰޟᆐ261otă ࢟ঢኡᐋ IN COUNT OF 3 NCLR CLR ᅄ4/Đࡌᡅđෝါऱౖᅄ ```````````````````` QXN఼ᒜଐਭ߈ ᒙఎਈຫൈ SUਜ਼THOEᒄମೌጙৈ861lΩᒗ79lΩ࢟ᔜLjఎਈຫൈ ᒙᏴ311lI{ᒗ3/3NI{ᒄମăဧሆෂࡼࢀါଐႯఎ ਈຫൈǖ fSW (Hz) = 1.5 x 1011/(RRT + 2000)Ω ৎࡼຫൈᏤଐݧৎቃࡼ࢟ঢᒋጲૺৎቃࡼၒ߲ ࢟ྏăሤ።LjఎਈຫൈᏗLjख़ᒋ࢟ഗਜ਼J3SႼᏗ ቃLjࡣဵࠟበႼĂᐜ࢟࢟ഗጲૺఎਈႼᐐࡍă ᎌࡼၒྜྷ࢟ኹपᆍ NBY26113ᓞધࡼᔫ࢟ኹपᆍభጲᏴ6/6Wᒗ34W ᒄମLjࡣဵᏴࢾၒ߲࢟ኹሆLjNBY26113ࡼᐴహ܈ᎌ ሢᒜ೫ၒྜྷ࢟ኹपᆍăᔢቃࡴᄰဟମ)uPO)NJO**ሢᒜ೫ᔢ ࡍၒྜྷ࢟ኹǖ VIN(MAX) ≤ NBY26113ᔫဟܘኍᒎࢾੑྯৈਈ࢟ঢݬၫǖ࢟ঢᒋ )M*Ăख़ᒋ࢟ঢ࢟ഗ)JQFBL*ਜ਼࢟ঢۥਜ਼࢟ഗ)JTBU*ăᔢቃჅ ኊ࢟ঢᒋဵᔫຫൈĂၒྜྷᒗၒ߲࢟ኹތਜ਼ख़ख़ᒋ࢟ঢ ࢟ഗ)ΔJQ.Q*ࡼၫăৎࡼΔJQ.Q ᑽߒৎࢅࡼ࢟ঢᒋă୷ቃ ࡼ࢟ঢᒋଢ଼ࢅ೫࢟ঢࡍቃਜ਼߅۾Ljᄋ೫ࡍቧਜ਼ၾზ ሰ።ăࡣဵLj࣪᎖ሤᄴࡼၒ߲࢟ྏLj୷ࡍࡼख़ᒋ࢟ഗጲ ૺ୷ࡍࡼख़ख़ၒ߲࢟ኹᆬ݆Ljࡴᒘൈሆଢ଼ă୷ࡍࡼ ࢟ঢଢ଼ࢅ೫ᆬ݆࢟ഗLj࠭ऎᄋ೫ൈLjࡣဵᎅ᎖ऄᅪ ࡼླྀሣᏫၫࡴᒘᔜቶႼᐐࡍLj્ࢎሿଢ଼ࢅᆬ݆࢟ഗ࢟ ຳࡒࡼੑࠀLjᄂܰဵገཇᐐࡍ࢟ঢࡣဵݙᏤᐐଝ࢟ ঢߛࡁࡼ༽ౚă୷ੑࡼऱजဵኡᐋΔJ Q.Q ࢀ᎖൸Ᏺ࢟ഗࡼ 41&ăဧሆෂࡼါଐႯ࢟ঢǖ L = VOUT (VIN − VOUT ) VIN × fSW × ΔIP −P WJO ਜ਼WPVU ဵ࢜ቯᄟୈሆᎌᔢᎁൈࡼ࢜ቯၫᒋăభጲ Ᏼ311lI{ਜ਼3/3NI{ᒄମᒙఎਈຫൈ)ݬᑩ0ᄴݛၒ ྜྷ0ሤᆡୣࡇ)SUĂTZODĂQIBTF*ݝॊ*ă࢟ঢ࢟ഗख़ख़ᒋ न፯೫ၒ߲ᆬ݆ख़ख़ᒋLjᏴᔢࡍၒྜྷ࢟ኹဟᔢތăݬ ၒ߲࢟ྏኡᐋ ݝॊLjጲཀྵࢾဵ॥భጲ၊ᔢ༽ތౚࡼၒ ߲࢟ഗᆬ݆ă࢟ঢۥਜ਼࢟ഗ)JTBU*ጐऻޟᒮገLjభጲܜ ೌኚၒ߲വᓨზဟ߲ሚပ఼࢟ഗăኡᐋJTBU ݬၫࡍ᎖ ᔢࡍख़ᒋ࢟ഗࡼ࢟ঢă VOUT t ON(MIN) × fSW ᒦLjuPO)NJO*ဵ86otă 16 ______________________________________________________________________________________ ೝᄰࡸၒ߲cvdl఼ᒜLj ᄋৌᔍ0ኔถ Cvdlᓞધࡼऻೌኚၒྜྷ࢟ഗࡴᒘ୷ࡍࡼၒྜྷᆬ݆࢟ഗLj ፐࠥܘኍᔄᇼኡᐋၒྜྷ࢟ྏLjጲ൸ᔗᇹᄻ࣪ၒྜྷ࢟ഗᆬ ݆ࡼገཇLj݀ဧၒྜྷ࢟ኹᆬ݆ۣߒᏴଐገཇपᆍดă 291°ࡇሤᔫᄋ೫ၒྜྷ࢟ྏ࢟ഗᆬ݆ࡼຫൈLjဧࡉࡵ ೫ᓞધఎਈຫൈࡼೝ۶ăࡇሤᔫဟLjࡩၒ߲࢟ഗ ᔢࡍࡼᓞધࡴᄰဟLjၒྜྷ࢟ྏࡼ࢟ഗᆬ݆ᔢތă ၒྜྷ࢟ኹᆬ݆۞౪ΔWR )ᎅ࢟ྏह࢟*ਜ਼ΔWFTS )ᎅၒ ྜྷ࢟ྏࡼFTS*ăᔐ࢟ኹᆬ݆ဵΔWR ਜ਼ΔWFTS ᒄਜ਼Lj ख़ᒋ߲ሚᏴࡴᄰᒲ໐ࡼᔢઁăဧሆါଐႯਖࢾᆬ݆ᒎ ܪሆࡼၒྜྷ࢟ྏਜ਼FTSǖ ΔVESR ESR = ΔIP −P ⎞ ⎛ ⎜ ILOAD(MAX) + ⎟ ⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎛V ⎞ ILOAD(MAX) × ⎜ OUT ⎟ ⎝ VIN ⎠ CIN = ΔVQ × fSW ᒦǖ ΔIP −P = (VIN − VOUT ) × VOUT VIN × fSW × L JMPBE)NBY*ဵᔢࡍၒ߲࢟ഗLjΔJQ.Q ဵख़ख़࢟ঢ࢟ഗLjgTX ဵఎਈຫൈă ࣪᎖ᒑᎌጙৈᓞધࡴᄰࡼ༽ౚLjభဧሆါଐႯၒྜྷ ࢟ഗᆬ݆ǖ ICIN(RMS) = ILOAD _ MAX × VOUT × (VIN − VOUT ) VIN NBY26113ᄋVWMPᒣૄLjጲܜࡴᄰ໐ମభถ߲ሚࡼ ᠳăྙਫၒྜྷᏎᔜఝ୷ࡍLjభଝྜྷጙৈࡍ࢟ྏăၒྜྷ ࢟ኹ୷ࢅဟLjᐐଝၒྜྷ࢟ྏᎌᓐ᎖ܜঌᏲၾܤ໐ମ߲ ሚࢅ᎖་ኹჄࢾඡሢࡼሆߡă ၒ߲࢟ྏኡᐋ ᇹᄻᏤࡼၒ߲࢟ኹᆬ݆ጲૺঌᏲᏘဟჅᏤࡼᔢࡍၒ ߲࢟ኹܤછࢾ೫ၒ߲࢟ྏૺFTSăၒ߲ᆬ݆ᓍገ۞ ౪ΔWR )ᎅ࢟ྏह࢟*ਜ਼ΔWFTS )ᎅၒ߲࢟ྏࢀࠈೊ࢟ ᔜࡼ࢟ኹଢ଼*LjোሆࢀါଐႯၒ߲࢟ྏૺFTSǖ COUT = ESR = ΔIP −P 8 × ΔVQ × fSW 2 × ΔVESR ΔIP −P ΔWFTS ਜ਼ΔWR ݙถᒇሤଝLjፐᆐඣݙࠥ܋ᄴሤăྙਫ ဧFTS୷ࢅࡼჿࠣ࢟ྏLjᐌጲΔWR ᆐᓍăྙਫဧ࢟ஊ ࢟ྏLjᐌጲΔWFTS ᆐᓍă ঌᏲႥၾܤ໐ମLjჅᏤࡼၒ߲࢟ኹܤછጐ્፬ሰ࣪ ၒ߲࢟ྏĂFTSጲૺࢀࠈೊ࢟ঢ)FTM*ࡼገཇăঌᏲख ညᏘဟLjᏴ఼ᒜጲ୷ࡍࡼᐴహ܈ሰ።ጲ༄Ljᎅၒ߲ ࢟ྏሶঌᏲᄋ࢟ഗăሰ።ဟମ)uSFTQPOTF*ན᎖ᓞધ ࡼᐐፄࡒ)ݬޡݗଐݝॊ*ăၒ߲࢟ྏFTSࡼ࢟ኹଢ଼Ă ࢟ྏFTMࡼ࢟ኹଢ଼ጲૺ࢟ྏह࢟ࡴᒘঌᏲᏘ)JTUFQ*ဟࡼ ࢟ኹࢰൢăᔝဧࢅFTSࡼᶉ0ി࢟ஊ࢟ྏਜ਼ჿࠣ࢟ྏLj ጲဣሚৎੑࡼঌᏲၾზਜ਼࢟ኹᆬ݆ቶถăܭᄣ࢟ྏਜ਼݀ ೊ࢟ྏᎌᓐ᎖ଢ଼ࢅFTMăۣߒᔢࡍၒ߲࢟ኹܤછࢅ᎖࢟ ࢟വࡼྏሢă ဧሆෂࡼࢀါଐႯঌᏲᏘဟჅኊገࡼFTSĂFTMਜ਼࢟ ྏᒋǖ ΔVESR ISTEP I ×t COUT = STEP RESPONSE ΔVQ ESR = ESL = ΔVESL × t STEP ISTEP ᒦLjJ TUFQ ဵঌᏲᏘLju TUFQ ဵঌᏲᏘࡼဍဟମLj uSFTQPOTF ဵ఼ᒜࡼሰ።ဟମă ______________________________________________________________________________________ 17 NBY26113 ၒྜྷ࢟ྏኡᐋ ᒙሢഗᒋ NBY26113ݧ৸ᒋଶഗऱजሢᒜ࢟ഗăࢅܟNPTGFU ࡴᄰ࢟ᔜࡼኹଢ଼ۻ᎖ଶ࢟ހঢ࢟ഗă৸࢛ਜ਼JMPBE ဟ ࡼࢅܟNPTGFUࡼኹଢ଼)WWBMMFZ*ᆐǖ ΔI ⎛ ⎞ VVALLEY = RDS(ON) × ⎜ ILOAD − P −P ⎟ ⎝ 2 ⎠ SET)PO*ဵࢅܟNPTGFUࡼࡴᄰ࢟ᔜLjJMPBE ဵऄࢾঌᏲ࢟ ഗLjΔJQ.Q ဵख़ख़࢟ঢ࢟ഗă NPTGFUࡼSET)PO*ႲᆨࣞܤછăಽNPTGFUၫᓾ೯ಱ ൸ᏲဟࡼᔫஉᆨଐႯNPTGFUࡼSET)PO*ăᆐ೫ޡݗᆨࣞ ܤછLj31μBࡼJMJNᓰ࢟ഗᏎࡼᆨࣞᇹၫᆐ4444qqn0°Dă ᑚዹLjభጲဧ৸ᒋሢഗඡሢ)W DM *ৌᔍ݀ݝॊޡݗᄴݛ NPTGFU SET)PO*Ⴒᆨࣞဍऎᐐࡍࡼ༽ౚăဧሆෂ ါଐႯSJMJNǖ ΔI ⎛ ⎞ RDS(ON) × ⎜ ICL(MAX) − P −P ⎟ ×10 ⎝ 2 ⎠ RILIM_ = 20 ×10 −6 ⎡1+ 3.333 ×10 −3 (T − 25°C)⎤ ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣ ᒦLjJDM)NBY*ဵᔢࡍ࢟ഗሢᒜă ᅄ5ჅာᆐNBY26113ࡼJMJNᓰ࢟ഗᆨࣞᇹၫ࣪NPTGFU ࡼSET)PO*Ⴒᔫஉᆨܤછࡼޡݗਫă ൈNPTGFUኡᐋ ኡᐋNPTGFU ဟLj።ఠᐜᔐ࢟ĂS ET)PO* ĂĂ ᔢࡍധ.Ꮞ࢟ኹਜ਼ॖᓤེᔜăNPTGFUᐜ࢟ਜ਼ࡴᄰ࢟ ᔜࡼ߇૩ဵອᒠፐၫLjၫᒋᏗቃܭာቶถᏗੑăኡᐋ ಯࡼNPTGFUጲᎁછຫఎਈ።ăNBY26113ၒ߲ࡼຳ ᐜདࣅ࢟ഗᎧຫൈጲૺདࣅNPTGFUჅኊገࡼᐜ࢟ ߅ᑵ܈ăNBY26113ࡼᎧၒྜྷ࢟ኹጲૺຳདࣅ࢟ ഗ߅ᑵݬ)܈ݝॊ*ă 18 VALLEY CURRENT-LIMIT THRESHOLD AND RDS(ON) vs. TEMPERATURE 1.5 1.4 RDS(ON) 1.3 MAX15002 fig04 ᏴJMJN`ਜ਼THOEᒄମೌጙৈ36lΩᒗ261lΩࡼ࢟ᔜSJMJN`Lj ৸ᒋሢഗඡሢ)WDM*ᒙᏴ61nWਜ਼411nWᒄମăJMJN` ሶSJMJN` Ꮞ߲31μB࢟ഗăࡻࡵࡼ࢟ኹ߹ጲ21ဵ৸ᒋሢഗ ඡሢă VILIM_ AND RDS(ON) (NORMALIZED) NBY26113 ೝᄰࡸၒ߲cvdl఼ᒜLj ᄋৌᔍ0ኔถ 1.2 1.1 VILIM_ 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 RILIM_ = 25.5kΩ 0.5 -50 -30 -10 10 30 50 70 90 110 130 150 TEMPERATURE (°C) ᅄ5/! ሢഗඡሢ࢛ጲૺWSET)PO*Ꭷᆨࣞࡼਈᇹ ޡݗଐ NBY26113ݧৼࢾຫൈĂ࢟ኹෝါ఼ᒜऱښLjၒ߲࢟ ኹᎧৼࢾᓰቲތॊ୷܈Ljࠥࢯஂၒ߲࢟ኹăᇙތ हࡍၒ߲)DPNQ*ࡼᇙ࢟ތኹᎧดݝቓຸ࢟ኹቲ୷܈Lj ጲޘည൴ࢯᒜჅኊࡼᐴహ܈ăऔࢅᄰMD݆ሿ߹ ೫ఎਈቕ݆Lj൴ࢯᒜઁࡼቧᒇഗॊࠅ႙ࡵၒ߲ă MD݆ࡼၱିቓൈᆐ.51eC0လ۶ຫ߈LjᏴ᎖MDቕ ᑩຫൈࠀྜྷ291°ሤጤLjᑚጙሤጤଝࢯஂᔈ఼ᒜ)ঌ* नౣᇹᄻৼᎌࡼ291°ሤጤLjޘညᑵनౣăᇙތहࡍૺ ሤਈ࢟വభጲޡݗᑚᒬݙᆮࢾቶLj৩߅ᆮࢾࡼܕણᇹᄻă ஂࢯ۾ણവ۞౪࢟Ꮞࢯᒜ)۞౪ࢯஂࡼ൴ࢯᒜ ૺሤਈ࢟വLjጲૺMD݆*Ăၒ߲नౣॊኹਜ਼ᇙތ हࡍă࢟ᏎࢯᒜࡼᒇഗᐐፄᎅWJO0WSBNQ ᒙLjᒦ WSBNQ ७ࣞࡼ࢜ቯᒋᆐ3W Q.Qăၒ߲݆ࢀᆐᎌၷ ࢛ਜ਼ഃ࢛Ljᎅၒ߲࢟ঢ)M*Ăၒ߲࢟ྏ)D PVU*Ă࢟ঢ ᒇഗ࢟ᔜ)EDS*ૺࢀࠈೊ࢟ᔜ)FTS*ቲᒙă ______________________________________________________________________________________ ೝᄰࡸၒ߲cvdl఼ᒜLj ᄋৌᔍ0ኔถ 1 ≈ ⎛R +ESR ⎞ 2π L × COUT × ⎜ OUT ⎟ ⎝ ROUT +DCR ⎠ fESR = 1 2π L × COUT 1 2π ×ESR× COUT ಽSUࡼᅪ࢟ݝᔜఎਈຫൈᒙᏴ311lI{ਜ਼3/3NI{ᒄ ମăጙ༽ۅౚሆLjᆡᐐፄຫൈ)g DP*Lj૾ᇹᄻܕણᐐፄ ࢀ᎖ᆡᒋ)ࠃਭ1eCᒷ*ဟ࣪።ࡼຫൈᒋLj።কᒙᏴఎ ਈຫൈࡼလॊᒄጙ)gTX021*ࢅ᎖လॊᒄጙࠀLjጲۣߒᆮ ࢾࡼܕણሰ።ă NBY26113ดࡴోݝहࡍᄋनሤၒྜྷਜ਼ၒ߲LjᏤ ઓቲᅪݝຫൈޡݗăඛৈᓞધഉࡼᅪޡݗݝถ ᆐၒ߲݆Ꮔୈᄋ೫ࣶᒬኡᐋLjᄂܰဵၒ߲࢟ྏă࣪ ᎖߅۾ැঢࡼ።Ljၒ߲ဧി࢟ஊ࢟ྏLj࣪᎖హମැ ঢࡼ።Ljၒ߲ݧࢅFTSᶉ࢟ྏࢶށჿࠣຢ)NMDD* MAX15002 fig05a fLC Ⴥገཇ)ࡼ*ઁޡݗਦଢ଼ቓൈᆐ.31eC0လ۶ຫ߈)ሤࡩ᎖:1° ሤጤ*LjᏴᑚৈಿᔇᒦLj߲ሚᏴࡍᏖ7۶᎖ޡݗ༄ᆡᐐፄ ຫൈg DP এதăকಿᒦLjJJಢޡݗಽ೫࢟ྏFTSഃ࢛ࡼ ,31eC0လ۶ຫ߈ࡼਦଢ଼ቓൈLjᄋᆮࢾࡼܕણᔫ)ݬ ᅄ6c*ă |GMOD| ASYMPTOTE 60 < GMOD -20 0 fLC fESR -45 -40 -90 -60 -135 90 |GE/A| 20 fCO 0 10 100 1k 10k 100k 1M FREQUENCY (Hz) ᅄ6b/! ࢟Ꮞࢯᒜᐐፄਜ਼ሤᆡሰ።)୷ࡍࡼDPVU* -180 10M 45 0 -20 < GMOD fESR -45 -40 -80 180 135 < GE/A 40 |GMOD| PHASE (DEGREES) 0 MAX15002 fig05b 80 90 45 20 MAGNITUDE (dB) ᅄ6bჅာᆐᑚಢሰ።ࡼጙৈಿᔇăᏴᑚৈಿᔇᒦLj࢟Ꮞ ࢯᒜᏴޡݗ༄ࡼᆡᐐፄຫൈࡍᏖᆐჅገཇᆡᐐፄ ຫൈg DP ࡼങॊᒄጙă༿ᓖፀLjޡݗ༄1eCᐐፄࠀࡼਦଢ଼ ږᑍၷ࢛ቓൈၱିLj.51eC0လ۶ຫ߈ၱିਜ਼த291°ࡼ ሤጤLjීܭᇹᄻభถ߲ሚݙᆮࢾăஉঌनౣᇹᄻৼᎌ ࡼ291°ሤጤLjభถࡴᒘத471°ࡼሤጤᑵनౣ Ċ ࠭ऎ ࡴᒘᇹᄻࡼݙᆮࢾă POWER MODULATOR AND TYPE II COMPENSATOR GAIN AND PHASE RESPONSE WITH LOSSY BULK OUTPUT CAPACITORS (ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTICS) POWER MODULATOR GAIN AND PHASE RESPONSE WITH LOSSY BULK OUTPUT CAPACITORS (ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTICS) 40 ࢟ኹෝါࢯஂࡼܕણሰ።ਜ਼ޡݗ ࢟ᏎࢯᒜࡼMDࢅᄰ݆োMĂD )ૺညݬၫ*Lj భޘညݙᄴሰ።ă MAGNITUDE (dB) fLC = VIN V = IN 2V VRAMP PHASE (DEGREES) GMOD(DC) = -90 -60 |GMOD| -135 1M -180 10M -80 10 100 1k 10k 100k FREQUENCY (Hz) ᅄ6c/! ࢟Ꮞࢯᒜ)୷ࡍࡼDPVU*ਜ਼JJಢޡݗሰ። ______________________________________________________________________________________ 19 NBY26113 ࢟ྏăNBY26113୷ࡼఎਈຫൈᑽߒNMDDᔫᆐᓍ݆ ࢟ྏă၅ሌLjኡᐋᇄᏎਜ਼ᎌᏎൈᏄୈLjጲ൸ᔗ። ࡼၒ߲ᆬ݆ĂᏄୈߛࡁጲૺᏄୈ߅ࡼ۾ገཇăઁLjኡ ᐋቃቧޡݗᏄୈLjጲࡻჅኊࡼܕણຫൈሰ።ਜ਼ሤᆡ ᎽLjྙሆჅာă ሆါࢾፃ೫࢟Ꮞࢯᒜǖ JJಢޡݗࡼᒦຫᐐፄ)ᑚಱࡍᏖᆐ5eC*ଐ᎖ޡݗᏴ Ⴥገཇࡼᆡᐐፄຫൈg DP ࠀࡼ࢟Ꮞࢯᒜၱି)Ᏼg DP Lj HF0B , HNPE > 1eC*ăᏴᑚৈಿᔇᒦLjಽ࢟ᏎࢯᒜᏴ ᎖FTSഃ࢛)gFTS*ઁࡼৼᎌ.31eC0လ۶ຫ߈ਦଢ଼౫ᐱ࢟ኹ ࢯஂࡼᎌᏎࢯஂᐐፄࡒăྙᅄ6cჅာLjᔢᒫஉਫဧ ࢯஂᐐፄࡒᄋ೫3۶LjሤᆡᎽࡍ᎖66° )ᆡᐐፄ ຫൈgDP ࠀHF0B ਜ਼HNPE ᒄମࡼሤ*ތă Ⴧ݆ऱࡀښᏴᔈࡼᆰᄌăಿྙLjࡩኡᐋອᒠ ݆࢟ྏ)ྙNMDD*ጲૺᎌᔢቃည።ࡼ࢟ঢဟLjৼᎌ ࡼFTSഃ࢛߲ሚᏴৎࡼຫൈࠀLjྙᅄ6dჅာă ಽ༄ෂࡼಿᔇLjဣଔᐐፄጲૺሤᆡሰ።࢟ۻᏎࢯᒜ ࡼᒎၫᐐፄሰ።ঙă੪ྏጵᏴ࢟Ꮞࢯᒜሰ።ຫ࢛gMD ক࢛এதࡵފৎීመࡼᐐፄਜ਼ሤᆡၾܤLjऎᏴ༄ෂ ಿᔇᒦLjሰ።ᐌීݙመăᑚဵᎅ᎖Ꮔୈᎌ୷ቃࡼည ݬၫ)PDSਜ਼FTS*Lj࠭ऎࡴᒘৼᎌFTSഃ࢛ຫൈ୷ăᏴ ᑚৈಿᔇᒦLjჅገཇࡼᆡᐐፄຫൈ߲ሚᏴࢅ᎖ FTSഃ࢛ ຫൈࠀă ᏴᑚৈಿᔇᒦLjኊገጙৈᎌᒦຫၷഃ࢛ሰ።ᄂቶࡼݗ ޡሿ߹݆ၷ࢛ࡼ፬ሰăJJJಢᅠແభᑽߒᑚಢ ።ă ྙᅄ6eჅာLjJJJಢᒦຫၷഃ࢛ᐐፄ)ᎌ,31eC0လ۶ຫ߈ ቓൈLjᓖፀޡݗᏴᏇ࢛ࡼ࢛*భ࢟ޡݗᏎࢯᒜᏴჅ ገཇࡼᆡᐐፄຫൈgDP )ᏴgDPLjHF0B , HNPE > 1eC*ࠀࡼ ၷ࢛.51eC0လ۶ຫ߈ၱିLjݬᅄ6eă ᏴෂಿᔇᒦLjᒦຫၷഃ࢛ࡼ,31eC0လ۶ຫ߈ᐐፄࢎሿ ೫࢟Ꮞࢯᒜৼᎌࡼ)ᒦຫ* .51eC0လ۶ຫ߈ਦଢ଼Lj౫ᐱ೫ ࢟ኹࢯஂࡼᎌᏎࢯஂᐐፄࡒăྙᅄ6eჅာLjᔢᒫஉ ਫဵLjࢯஂࡼᐐፄࡒଂઃଝ۶Ljᄴဟᄋ೫ࡍ᎖71° ࡼሤᆡᎽ)Ᏼᆡᐐፄຫ࢛gDP ࠀLjHF0B ਜ਼HNPE ᒄମࡼ ሤ*ތă ሆෂ߲೫JJಢਜ਼JJJಢޡݗࡼଐਭ߈ă POWER MODULATOR GAIN AND PHASE RESPONSE WITH LOW-PARASITIC OUTPUT CAPACITORS (MLCCs) |GMOD| 20 POWER MODULATOR AND TYPE III COMPENSATOR GAIN AND PHASE RESPONSE WITH LOW PARASITIC OUTPUT CAPACITORS (MLCCs) 90 MAX15002 fig05d 80 < GE/A 60 45 |GE/A| -20 fESR < GMOD -45 -40 -90 -60 -135 MAGNITUDE (dB) 0 fLC PHASE (DEGREES) 40 0 203 135 fLC 68 20 0 -20 fCO 0 |GMOD| -68 < GMOD -40 |GMOD| ASYMPTOTE -80 10 100 1k 10k 1M FREQUENCY (Hz) ᅄ6d/! ࢟Ꮞࢯᒜᐐፄਜ਼ሤᆡሰ።)ອᒠDPVU* 20 -135 -60 100k -180 10M 270 fESR -80 10 100 1k 10k 100k 1M FREQUENCY (Hz) ᅄ6e/! ࢟Ꮞࢯᒜ)ອᒠDPVU*ਜ਼JJJಢޡݗሰ። ______________________________________________________________________________________ -203 -270 10M PHASE (DEGREES) MAX15002 fig05c 40 MAGNITUDE (dB) NBY26113 ೝᄰࡸၒ߲cvdl఼ᒜLj ᄋৌᔍ0ኔถ ೝᄰࡸၒ߲cvdl఼ᒜLj ᄋৌᔍ0ኔถ 2* ଐႯg[FSP-FTS ਜ਼MDၷ࢛gMDǖ fESR = VOUT R1 fLC = FB - COMP gm VREF R2 1 2π ×ESR× COUT 1 2π × L × COUT 3* ଐႯᆡᐐፄຫൈǖ + f fCO ≤ SW RF CF NBY26113 JJಢǖࡩgDP ?! gFTS ဟLjቲޡݗ 10 CCF 4* ᎅሆါཀྵࢾSGǖ V (2π × fCO ×L)VOUT RF = RAMP ᅄ7b/! JJಢޡݗᆀ VOUT × VIN × gm ×ESR ᓖፀǖᆡᐐፄຫൈࠀࡼᔐણവᐐፄᒙᆐᆡᐐፄLj భጲࡻࡵSGLjࠥဟHFB)gDP* y Hn)gDP* > 2W0Wăోࡴᇙތ हࡍᐐፄᆐHFB)gDP* > hn y SGLjऎࢯஂᐐፄᆐǖ GAIN (dB) ( m CO ) = V VIN ESR × × FB VRAMP 2π × fCO ×L VOUT ᔐણവᐐፄጲ࣪ၫተါܭာᆐǖ 1ST ASYMPTOTE GMODVREFVOUT-1(ωCF)-1 2ND ASYMPTOTE GMODVREFVOUT-1RF 1ST POLE (AT ORIGIN) 1ST ZERO RFCF [ ] 20log10 gmRF + ⎡ ⎤ ESR× VIN × VFB ⎥ = 0 dB 20log10 ⎢ × × × × 2 π f L V V ⎢⎣ ( CO ) OUT RAMP ⎥⎦ 3RD ASYMPTOTE GMODVREFVOUT-1(ωCCF)-1 2ND POLE RFCCF ω (rad/sec) ᒦLjWSBNQ ဵቓຸᑩ७ख़ख़ᒋLjࢀ᎖3Wă 5* ᏴMDၷ࢛gMD ࢅ᎖ক࢛हᒙጙৈഃ࢛ǖ CF = ᅄ7c/! JJಢޡݗᆀሰ። 1 2π ×RF × fLC 6* ᏴgQ > 1/6 y gTX ࢅ᎖ক࢛हᒙጙৈຫ࢛ǖ ࡩgDP ᎖gFTS ဟLjJJಢޡݗᆀᄋჅገཇࡼܕણሰ።ă JJಢޡݗᆀᄋጙৈᒦຫࡼޡݗഃ࢛ਜ਼ຫ࢛)ݬ ᅄ7bਜ਼ᅄ7c*ă SGDG ᄋᒦຫഃ࢛ gNJE-[FSPLjSGDDG ᄋຫ࢛ gIJHI-QPMFăږᑍሆෂࡼਭ߈ଐႯޡݗᆀᏄୈă CCF = 1 π ×RF × fSW 7* ኡᐋးࡍቃࡼS 2 )ೌᏴPVU`ਜ਼GC`ᒄମLjᔢቃᆐ 21lΩ*ăጙࡡኡࢾS2LjభᎅሆါଐႯS3ǖ V FB R2 = R1 × VOUT − VFB ᒦLjWGC > 1/7Wă ______________________________________________________________________________________ 21 NBY26113 ೝᄰࡸၒ߲cvdl఼ᒜLj ᄋৌᔍ0ኔถ JJJಢǖࡩgDP =! gFTS ဟLjቲޡݗ ྙჅၤLjᏴଐޡݗᆀဟLjၒ߲࢟ྏৼᎌࡼFTSഃ࢛ ᆡᒙऻޟਈăࡩݧࢅFTSჿࠣၒ߲࢟ྏဟLjFTSഃ࢛ ຫൈ)gFTS*ᄰޟ᎖ᆡᐐፄຫൈ)gDP*ăᑚᒬ༽ౚሆLj ፇݧJJJಢޡݗᆀ)ݬᅄ8b*ă ೝৈᒦຫഃ࢛)g[2 ਜ਼g[3*ࢎሿᎅMD݆ྜྷࡼআၫ ࢛࣪ă gQ2 >! Ꮗ࢛)1I{*ă gQ2 ྜྷ೫ጙৈഃຫ࢛)૩ॊ*Ljభሿ߹ᒇഗၒ߲࢟ኹࡼ ᇙތă VOUT fP2 = CCF RI R1 CI FB R2 CF RF - VREF gQ3 భোFTSഃ࢛)gFTS*ࡼᆡᒙࢎሿLjᑗᆐຫၒ ߲ᆬ݆ᄋऄᅪࡼၱିă COMP gm 1 2π × RI × CI + fP3 = 1 1 = 2π × RF × (CF || CCF ) 2π × R × CF × CCF F CF + CCF gQ4 ᎖ၱିຫၒ߲ᆬ݆ă ᅄ8b/! JJJಢޡݗᆀ ഃ࢛ਜ਼࢛ࡼᆡᒙ።ဧሤᆡᎽࡼख़ᒋᆡ᎖gDP এதă GAIN (dB) 4TH ASYMPTOTE RFRIC 3RD ASYMPTOTE ωRFCI 5TH ASYMPTOTE ωRICCF-1 1ST ASYMPTOTE ωRICF-1 2ND ASYMPTOTE RFRI-1 1ST POLE (AT ORIGIN) 1ST ZERO 2ND POLE RFCF RICI 2ND ZERO RICI ྙᅄ8cჅာLjJJJಢޡݗᆀᏴ఼ᒜણവᒦྜྷ೫ೝৈഃ ࢛ਜ਼ྯৈ࢛ăᇙތहࡍᎌጙৈᆡ᎖Ꮗ࢛ࡼࢅຫ ࢛Ljጲૺೝৈഃ࢛ਜ਼ೝৈৎຫൈࡼ࢛ăഃ࢛ຫൈᆐǖ 1 2π × RF × CF 1 fZ2 = 2π × CI × (R1 + RI) 22 ᅎୀဧጲሆݛᒾǖ 2* ᏴఎਈຫൈࡼလॊᒄጙጲሆᆡᒙLjኡᐋᆡᐐፄຫ ൈgDPǖ f fCO ≤ SW 3RD POLE ω (rad/sec) RFCCF ᅄ8c/! JJJಢޡݗᆀሰ። fZ1 = g g ᒙgDP Ꭷg[ ᒄࢀ܈᎖gQ ᎧgDP ᒄ܈Lj૾ǖ DP > Q > 6LjభᏴ g[ gDP gDP ࡻࡍᏖ71°ሤᆡᎽăݙ൙ኡᐋᒬऱजLjᏴၷ࢛ ࢅ᎖ၷ࢛हᒙೝৈഃ࢛࣒ऻޟᒮገLjᑚዹభጲܜ ᄟୈᆮࢾᆰᄌă 10 3* ଐႯMDၷ࢛ຫൈgMDǖ fLC = 1 2π× L × COUT 4* ኡᐋSG ≥ 21lΩă 5* Ᏼၒ߲݆ࡼၷ࢛gMD ࢅ᎖gMD हᒙޡݗࡼጙ 1 ৈഃ࢛ fZ1 = ǖ 2π × RF × CF CF = 1 2π × RF × 0.5 × fLC ______________________________________________________________________________________ ೝᄰࡸၒ߲cvdl఼ᒜLj ᄋৌᔍ0ኔถ GainMOD = 4 × 1 2 (2π × fCO ) × L × COUT ᒦຫࠀᇙތहࡍࡼᐐፄ)HbjoF0B*ᆐǖ GainE/A = 2π x fCO x CI x RF ྙਫݧჿࠣ࢟ྏLj࢟ྏࡼFTSഃ࢛)gFTS*ᎌభถ᎖ ఎਈຫൈࡼጙۍLj૾g MD = g DP = g TX03 = g FTSăᑚᒬ༽ ౚሆLjऔৈ࢛)gQ3*ࡼຫൈ።ᔗ৫Lj࠭ऎ્ݙመᓎ ፬ሰᆡᐐፄຫൈࠀࡼሤᆡᎽăಿྙǖభጲ ᒙᆐ6 y gDPLjᑚዹᏴᆡᐐፄຫൈgDP ࠀࡼሤᆡႼஞ ᆐ22°ǖ fP2 = 5 x fCO ጙࡡgQ3 ཀྵࢾLjభଐႯSJǖ ᔐણവᐐፄဵgDP ࠀࡼࢯᒜᐐፄᎧᇙތहࡍᐐፄࡼ߇ ૩Ljᒋ።ࢀ᎖2LjྙሆჅာǖ GainMOD Gain ፐࠥǖ 1 4× 2 (2π × fCO ) × COUT × L ཇஊDJ ࡻǖ CI × 2π × fCO × CI × RF = (2π × fCO × L × COUT ) = 4 × RF 7* ࣪᎖gMD = gDP = gFTS = gTX03Lj݀༦ݧࢅFTSᶉ࢟ྏࡼ ༽ౚLjޡݗࡼऔৈ࢛)gQ3*።᎖ࢎሿgFTSLjᑚభ ጲᄋऄᅪࡼሤᆡᎽă࠭ᇹᄻ݆ᄂᅄభጲఘ߲LjᏴ 203ఎਈຫൈᒄ༄LjણവᐐፄۣߒᏴ,31eC0လ۶ຫ߈ࡼ ቓൈLjࡉࡵ1eCᆡᐐፄຫ࢛ઁೂ૾ࡻܤຳદăᒙǖ RI = 1 2π × fP2 × CI 8* Ᏼ1/3 y g DP g MD )ೝᑗᒄମ୷ቃᑗ*ࠀहᒙऔৈഃ࢛ )g[3*LjݧሆါଐႯS2ǖ R1 = 1 − RI 2π × fZ2 × CI 9* Ᏼఎਈຫൈࡼጙࠀۍहᒙྯৈ࢛)gQ4*LjᎅሆါଐႯ DDGǖ CCF = 1 2π × 0.5 × fSW × RF :* ဧሆါଐႯS3ǖ R2 = R1 × fP2 = fESR VFB VOUT − VFB ᒦLjWGC > 1/7Wă ______________________________________________________________________________________ 23 NBY26113 6* ࢯᒜࡼᐐፄ)HbjoNPE* —ᎅࢯஂࡼ൴ࢯᒜĂMD ݆Ăनౣॊኹጲૺሤਈ࢟വᔝ߅LjᏴᆡᐐ ፄຫൈࠀࡼᒋᆐǖ PGND CIN 100nF 100nF MAX15002 CSP2 71.5kΩ FDMS8660 DL2 FDMS8660 BST2 270μF 499kΩ 1μH DH2 SEL 10kΩ PGND2 SGND 2.2Ω 47μF LX2 PHASE 680pF 100nF 1.58kΩ 2.7nF 11.0kΩ 100kΩ EP 46.4kΩ 22.1kΩ 100pF 44.2kΩ EN/TRACK2 CT COMP2 RESET 1.8V PGOOD2 30.1kΩ PGOOD1 ILIM1 COMP1 FB1 EN1 PGND1 CSP1 DL1 CSN1 LX1 DH1 BST1 DREG1 2.7nF 100nF 47μF FDMS8660 30.1kΩ 11.0kΩ 2.2Ω 1.4μH FDMS8690 100pF (1/2) CMFSH-31 100nF 150μF SGND 200kΩ 49.1kΩ IN CSN2 SYNC ______________________________________________________________________________________ RT 560pF 47.6kΩ 24 REG ᅄ9/! ೝവᄴݛৌᔍLjݧᇄႼଶഗ 2.3μF 44.2kΩ 1.91kΩ 10kΩ ILIM2 FB2 (1/2)CMFSH-31 DREG2 IN 3.3V NBY26113 ೝᄰࡸၒ߲cvdl఼ᒜLj ᄋৌᔍ0ኔถ `````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` ࢜ቯᔫ࢟വ ೝᄰࡸၒ߲cvdl఼ᒜLj ᄋৌᔍ0ኔถ PGOOD1 ILIM1 COMP1 FB1 EN1 PGND1 CSP1 DL1 CSN1 VOUT1 LX1 DH1 BST1 DREG1 PGOOD2 ILIM2 EP RESET COMP2 FB2 CT EN/TRACK2 SGND SYNC MAX15002 RT CSP2 DL2 CSN2 LX2 PHASE DH2 SEL VOUT2 REG PGND2 BST2 DREG2 PGND CIN IN SGND IN ᅄ:/! ೝവኔLjݧᇄႼଶഗ ______________________________________________________________________________________ 25 NBY26113 ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` ࢜ቯᔫ࢟വ)ኚ* PGOOD1 ILIM1 COMP1 FB1 EN1 PGND1 CSP1 DL1 CSN1 LX1 DH1 BST1 DREG1 VOUT1 ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` ࢜ቯᔫ࢟വ)ኚ* PGOOD2 ILIM2 EP RESET COMP2 FB2 EN/TRACK2 CT PGND2 REG RT MAX15002 SGND CSP2 DL2 SYNC LX2 PHASE DH2 SEL VOUT2 CSN2 BST2 DREG2 PGND CIN IN AGND IN NBY26113 ೝᄰࡸၒ߲cvdl఼ᒜLj ᄋৌᔍ0ኔถ ᅄ21/! ೝവ܈ಿৌᔍLjݧறཀྵࡼ৸ᒋଶഗෝါ 26 ______________________________________________________________________________________ ೝᄰࡸၒ߲cvdl఼ᒜLj ᄋৌᔍ0ኔถ 4* ۣߒࢅܟఎਈNPTGFUĂ࢟ঢਜ਼ၒ߲࢟ྏ৩߅ࡼ࢟ഗ ણവᏗᏗੑă 5* ۣߒTHOEਜ਼QHOEಭLjᏴణதၒྜྷ݆࢟ྏঌ ࣡ᄰਭ࢛ೌᏴጙă 6* ଶഗೌሣDTQ`ਜ਼DTO`ࡼݚሣ።భถࠥ܋ణதLjጲ ିቃણവෂ૩ă 7* ᒦLjRH2 ᒗRH5 ဵࢅܟਜ਼ܟᅪݝNPTGFUࡼᐜᔐ࢟ LjgTX ဵᓞધࡼఎਈຫൈLjJR ဵୈᏴఎਈຫൈሆࡼ ஸზ࢟ഗă ܜSFH0ESFH`വ࢟ྏĂNBY26113དࣅၒ߲Ă NPTGFUᐜጲૺQHOEᒄମࡼޠᔓሣăିቃᎅESFH` വ࢟ྏĂᔈऔĂᔈ࢟ྏĂNBY26113ܟ དࣅၒ߲ጲૺܟNPTGFUᐜჅተ߅ࡼણവă 8* ၒ߲࢟ྏణதঌᏲहᒙă ဧሆါଐႯࢾણஹᆨࣞ)UB*ሆበຢࡼᔢࡍ)QENBY*ǖ 9* Ᏼ࢟വۇᏢहᒙൈᏄୈLjጲဣሚಯࡼྲེă PDMAX = 37 x (150 - TA)……….mW :* ᏴఎਈNPTGFUਜ਼࢟ঢএதᄋᔗ৫ࡼᄵཌᎮLjᎌ ᓐ᎖ྲེă 51୭URGOᐐ༓ྲེቯॖᓤྲེถೆࡉࡵ3/:7Xăၒྜྷ ࢟ኹਜ਼ᔐSFHၒ߲࢟ഗ)J SFH*ሤ߇భࡻࡵNBY26113ࡼ ăJSFH ۞౪ஸზ࢟ഗ)JR*ਜ਼ᐜདࣅᔐ࢟ഗ)JESFH`*ǖ PD = VIN x IREG IREG = IQ + [fSW x (QG1 + QG2 + QG3 + QG4)] QDCݚ ಽሆෂࡼᒎฉ࣪ఎਈ࢟ኹࢯஂቲۇݚă 2* JOĂSFHਜ਼ESFH`വ࢟ྏణதNBY26113हᒙă 3* ିቃ࠭ၒྜྷ࢟ྏĂܟఎਈNPTGFUĂ࢟ঢਜ਼ၒ߲࢟ ྏऩૄᒗၒྜྷ࢟ྏঌ࣡ᑚጙࡍ࢟ഗણവࡼෂ૩ਜ਼ࣞޠă 21* NBY26113ࡼൡೌᒗࡍෂ૩ᄵށLjጲᄋ ྲེถೆăൡೌᒗTHOEăݙገᏴJDሆऱᒇ ೌൡਜ਼THOE୭)46୭*ă 22* ဧ3p{ᄵށLjጲିቃሣ࢟ঢਜ਼࢟ᔜăᎅ᎖۾። ᒦᎌ୷ࡍࡼ࢟ഗLjፐࠥLj୷ۡࡼQDCᄵݙށಽ᎖ ᄋྲེൈăऎ୷ࡼᄵށถ৫ৎᎌྲེLj ࠭ऎିቃ೫ེᔜă ______________________________________________________________________________________ 27 NBY26113 ```````````````````` QXN఼ᒜ።ቧᇦ `````````````````````````````````` ୭ᒙ `````````````````````````````````` በຢቧᇦ PROCESS: BiCMOS BST2 CSN2 CSP2 ILIM2 COMP2 EN/TRACK2 FB2 PGOOD2 N.C. N.C. TOP VIEW 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 N.C. 31 20 DH2 N.C. 32 19 LX2 N.C. 33 18 DREG2 17 DL2 SYNC 34 16 PGND2 SGND 35 MAX15002 RT 36 RESET 38 EP + CT 39 ``````````````````````````````` ॖᓤቧᇦ ྙኊᔢதࡼॖᓤᅪተቧᇦਜ਼ݚLj༿އኯ china.maxim-ic. com/packagesă༿ᓖፀLjॖᓤܠ൩ᒦࡼĐ,đĂĐ$đĐ.đஞܭာ SpITᓨზăॖᓤᅄᒦభถ۞ݙᄴࡼᆘᓮᔊ९LjࡣॖᓤᅄᒑᎧॖ ᓤᎌਈLjᎧSpITᓨზᇄਈă 15 PGOOD1 PHASE 37 14 FB1 ॖᓤಢቯ ॖᓤܠ൩ ᅪተܠ ݚܠ 13 EN1 40 TQFN-EP T4066-3 21-0141 90-0054 12 COMP1 11 ILIM1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 SEL PGND1 DL1 DREG1 LX1 DH1 BST1 CSN1 CSP1 IN 40 REG NBY26113 ೝᄰࡸၒ߲cvdl఼ᒜLj ᄋৌᔍ0ኔถ THIN QFN 28 ______________________________________________________________________________________ ೝᄰࡸၒ߲cvdl఼ᒜLj ᄋৌᔍ0ኔถ ኀࢿ ኀࢿ྇໐ ႁී ኀখ 0 12/07 ᔢ߱۾ۈă — 1 6/08 ৎᑵ೫ᅄ9ă 24 Nbyjn ۱யࠀူێ ۱ய 9439ቧረ ᎆᑶܠ൩ 211194 ॅ࢟જǖ911!921!1421 ࢟જǖ121.7322 62:: ࠅᑞǖ121.7322 63:: Nbyjn࣪ݙNbyjnޘອጲᅪࡼྀੜ࢟വဧঌᐊLjጐݙᄋᓜಽభăNbyjnۣഔᏴྀੜဟମĂᎌྀੜᄰۨࡼ༄ᄋሆኀখޘອᓾ೯ਜ਼ਖৃࡼཚಽă Maxim Integrated Products, 120 San Gabriel Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 408-737-7600 ______________________ 29 © 2008 Maxim Integrated Products Nbyjn ဵ Nbyjn!Joufhsbufe!Qspevdut-!Jod/ ࡼᓖݿܪă NBY26113 ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` ኀࢿ಼ဥ MAX15002 双输出buck控制器,提供跟踪/排序功能 - 概述 ENGLISH • 简体中文 • 日本語 • 한국어 • РУССКИЙ Login | Register 最新内容 产品 方案 设计 应用 技术支持 销售联络 公司简介 我的Maxim Maxim > 产品 > 电源和电池管理 > MAX15002 MAX15002 双输出buck控制器,提供跟踪/排序功能 设计灵活的双通道控制器,每路输出可提供15A并具有排序、跟踪控制 概述 技术文档 定购信息 相关产品 用户说明 (0) 所有内容 状况 状况:生产中。 概述 数据资料 MAX15002是一款两通道输出、脉宽调制(PWM)、降压型DC-DC控制器,具有跟踪/排序功能。该器件 工作在5.5V至23V或5V ±10%的输入电压范围。每个PWM控制器可提供低至0.6V的可调输出电压和高 达15A的负载电流,并具有优异的负载和电源调整率。MAX15002非常适合用于高性能、小尺寸电源管 理方案。 完整的数据资料 英文 下载 Rev. 1 (PDF, 496kB) 中文 下载 Rev. 1 (PDF, 964kB) 器件提供同步跟踪、比例跟踪以及输出排序多种选择,可以根据系统要求改变上电/断电顺 序。MAX15002的各个PWM模块采用电压模式控制方案,具有外部补偿,可实现优异的噪声抑制能 力,并可选用多种电感值和电容类型,提供了极大的设计灵活性。各个PWM模块工作在相同的固定开 关频率,可在200kHz至2.2MHz之间调节,并可通过SYNC输入与外部时钟信号同步。180°错相工作 时,各个转换器的工作频率高达2.2MHz,将输入电容纹波频率提高至4.4MHz,从而大大降低 了RMS输入纹波电流和对输入旁路电容尺寸的要求。 MAX15002内置输入欠压锁定,带有滞回、数字软启动/软停止功能,保证每个转换器无干扰地上电和 断电。上电复位(/RESET)电路具有可调节超时周期,可监测所有两路输出,当输出都达到稳定电压 时,向处理器输出/RESET信号。MAX15002的保护功能包括无损耗谷电流限制模式以及"打嗝式"输出 短路保护。 MAX15002采用节省空间的6mm x 6mm、40引脚TQFN-EP封装,工作在-40°C至+125°C汽车级温度 范围。有关MAX15002三路输出版本的详细信息,请参考MAX15003的数据资料。 关键特性 应用/使用 5.5V至23V或5V ±10%输入电压范围 两路输出同步buck控制器 可选择的同相或180°错相工作模式 输出电压可调范围为0.6V至0.85VIN 无损谷电流限流模式或采用R SENSE 实现精确的谷电流检测 外部补偿提供最大的灵活性 数字软启动或软停止 排序或同步/比例VOUT 跟踪 独立的PGOOD输出 /RESET,具有可编程超时周期 200kHz至2.2MHz可调开关频率 外部频率同步 "打嗝式"输出短路保护 节省空间的6mm x 6mm、40引脚TQFN封装 网络/服务器电源 PCI Express®主机总线适配器电源 负载点DC-DC转换器 Key Specifications: Step-Down Switching Regulators Part Number Max. IOUT (A) Max. IOUT (A) max ≥ ≤ 18 20 20 VIN VIN VOUT VOUT (V) (V) (V) (V) min max min MAX15002 4.5 23 0.6 Output Adjust. Method Resistor DC-DC Outputs 2 Oper. Freq. (kHz) 2200 Smallest Available Pckg. Package/Pins TQFN/40 max w/pins See Notes 37.2 $6.55 @1k 查看所有Step-Down Switching Regulators (275) Pricing Notes: This pricing is BUDGETARY, for comparing similar parts. Prices are in U.S. dollars and subject to change. Quantity pricing may vary substantially and international prices may differ due to local duties, taxes, fees, and exchange rates. For volume-specific prices and delivery, please see the price and availability page or contact an authorized http://china.maxim-ic.com/datasheet/index.mvp/id/5667[2010-12-4 9:10:09] Price (mm 2 ) MAX15002 双输出buck控制器,提供跟踪/排序功能 - 概述 distributor. 图表 功能框图 没有找到你需要的产品吗? 应用工程师帮助选型,下个工作日回复 参数搜索 应用帮助 概述 技术文档 定购信息 相关产品 概述 关键特性 应用/ 使用 关键指标 图表 注释、注解 数据资料 应用笔记 评估板 设计指南 可靠性报告 软件/ 模型 价格与供货 样品 在线订购 封装信息 无铅信息 类似功能器件 类似应用器件 评估板 类似型号器件 配合该器件使用的产品 参考文献: 19- 3099 Rev. 1; 2010- 08- 19 本页最后一次更新: 2010- 08- 20 联络我们:信息反馈、提出问题 • 对该网页的评价 • 发送本网页 • 隐私权政策 • 法律声明 © 2010 Maxim Integrated Products版权所有 http://china.maxim-ic.com/datasheet/index.mvp/id/5667[2010-12-4 9:10:09] 19-3099; Rev 1; 6/08 Dual-Output Buck Controller with Tracking/Sequencing The MAX15002 is a dual-output, pulse-width-modulated (PWM), step-down DC-DC controller with tracking and sequencing options. The device operates over the input voltage range of 5.5V to 23V or 5V ±10%. Each PWM controller provides an adjustable output down to 0.6V and delivers at least 15A of load current with excellent load and line regulation. The MAX15002 is optimized for highperformance, small-size power management solutions. The options of Coincident Tracking, Ratiometric Tracking, and Output Sequencing allow the tailoring of the power-up/power-down sequence depending on the system requirements. Each of the MAX15002 PWM sections utilizes a voltage-mode control scheme with external compensation, allowing for good noise immunity and maximum flexibility with a wide selection of inductor values and capacitor types. Each PWM section operates at the same, fixed switching frequency that is programmable from 200kHz to 2.2MHz and can be synchronized to an external clock signal using the SYNC input. Each converter operating at up to 2.2MHz with 180° out-of-phase, increases the input capacitor ripple frequency up to 4.4MHz, thereby significantly reducing the RMS input ripple current and the size of the input bypass capacitor requirement. The MAX15002 includes internal undervoltage lockout with hysteresis, digital soft-start/soft-stop for glitch-free power-up and power-down of the converter. The poweron reset (RESET) with an adjustable timeout period monitors both outputs and provides a RESET signal to the processor when both outputs are within regulation. Protection features include lossless valley-mode current limit and hiccup mode output short-circuit protection. The MAX15002 is available in a space-saving, 6mm x 6mm, 40-pin TQFN-EP package and is specified for operation over the -40°C to +125°C automotive temperature range. See the MAX15003 data sheet for a triple version of the MAX15002. Features o 5.5V to 23V or 5V ±10% Input Voltage Range o Dual-Output Synchronous Buck Controller o Selectable In-Phase or 180° Out-of-Phase Operation o Output Voltages Adjustable from 0.6V to 0.85VIN o Lossless Valley-Mode Current Sensing or Accurate Valley Current Sensing Using RSENSE o External Compensation for Maximum Flexibility o Digital Soft-Start and Soft-Stop o Sequencing or Coincident/Ratiometric VOUT Tracking o Individual PGOOD Outputs o RESET Output with a Programmable Timeout Period o 200kHz to 2.2MHz Programmable Switching Frequency o External Frequency Synchronization o Hiccup Mode Short-Circuit Protection o Space-Saving (6mm x 6mm) 40-Pin TQFN Package Ordering Information PART MAX15002ATL+ TEMP RANGE -40°C to +125°C PIN-PACKAGE 40 TQFN-EP* +Denotes a lead(Pb)-free/RoHS-compliant package. *EP = Exposed pad. Applications PCI Express® Host Bus Adapter Power Supplies Networking/Server Power Supplies Point-of-Load DC-DC Converters Pin Configuration appears at end of data sheet. PCI Express is a registered trademark of PCI-SIG Corp. ________________________________________________________________ Maxim Integrated Products For pricing, delivery, and ordering information, please contact Maxim Direct at 1-888-629-4642, or visit Maxim’s website at www.maxim-ic.com. 1 MAX15002 General Description MAX15002 Dual-Output Buck Controller with Tracking/Sequencing ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Continuous Power Dissipation (TA = +70°C) 40-Pin TQFN (derate 37mW/°C above +70°C) .............2963mW* θJA ...................................................................................27°C/W θJc ..................................................................................1.4°C/W Operating Junction Temperature Range ...........-40oC to +125°C Maximum Junction Temperature .....................................+150°C Storage Temperature Range .............................-60°C to +150°C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10s) .................................+300°C IN, LX_, CSN_ to SGND..........................................-0.3V to +30V BST_ to SGND ........................................................-0.3V to +30V BST_ to LX_ ..............................................................-0.3V to +6V REG, DREG_, SYNC, EN_, RT, CT, RESET, PHASE, SEL to SGND ...............................-0.3V to +6V ILIM_, PGOOD_, FB_, COMP_, CSP_ to SGND .......-0.3V to +6V DL_ to PGND_.......................................-0.3V to (VDREG_ + 0.3V) DH_ to LX_ ...............................................-0.3V to (VBST_ + 0.3V) PGND_ to SGND, PGND_ to Any Other PGND_.......-0.3V to +0.3V *As per JEDEC51 standard (multilayer board). Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (VIN = 5.5V to 23V or VIN = VREG = 4.5V to 5.5V, VDREG_ = VREG, VPGND_ = VSYNC = VPHASE = VSEL = 0V, CREG = 2.2µF, RRT = 100kΩ, CCT = 0.1µF, RILIM_ = 60kΩ, TA = TJ = -40°C to +125°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at VIN = 12V, TA = TJ = +25°C.) (Note 1) PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS Input-Voltage Range Input Undervoltage Lockout Threshold VIN VUVLO 5.5 23.0 V VIN = VREG = VDREG (Note 2) 4.5 5.5 V VIN rising 3.95 4.15 V Input Undervoltage Lockout Hysteresis 4.05 0.35 V Operating Supply Current VIN = 12V, VFB_ = 0.8V 4.3 6.0 mA Shutdown Supply Current VIN = 12V, EN_ = 0V, PGOOD_ unconnected 150 300 µA REG VOLTAGE REGULATOR Output-Voltage Setpoint VREG Load Regulation VIN = 5.5V to 23V 4.9 IREG = 0 to 120mA, VIN = 12V 5.2 V 0.2 V DIGITAL SOFT-START/SOFT-STOP Soft-Start/Soft-Stop Duration Reference Voltage Steps 2048 Clocks 64 Steps ERROR TRANSCONDUCTANCE AMPLIFIER FB_, TRACK_ Input Bias Current FB_ Voltage Setpoint -250 VFB +250 nA TA = TJ = 0°C to +85°C 0.593 0.600 0.605 V TA = TJ = -40°C to +125°C 0.590 0.600 0.608 V FB_ to COMP_ Transconductance COMP_ Output Swing 2.1 0.75 mS 3.50 V Open-Loop Gain 80 dB Unity-Gain Bandwidth 10 MHz 2 _______________________________________________________________________________________ Dual-Output Buck Controller with Tracking/Sequencing (VIN = 5.5V to 23V or VIN = VREG = 4.5V to 5.5V, VDREG_ = VREG, VPGND_ = VSYNC = VPHASE = VSEL = 0V, CREG = 2.2µF, RRT = 100kΩ, CCT = 0.1µF, RILIM_ = 60kΩ, TA = TJ = -40°C to +125°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at VIN = 12V, TA = TJ = +25°C.) (Note 1) PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS DRIVERS DL_, DH_ Break-Before-Make Time DH1 On-Resistance DH2 On-Resistance DL1 On-Resistance DL2 On-Resistance LX_ to PGND_ On-Resistance CLOAD = 5nF 20 Low, sinking 100mA 0.9 High, sourcing 100mA 1.3 Low, sinking 100mA 0.9 High, sourcing 100mA 1.3 Low, sinking 100mA 0.9 High, sourcing 100mA 1.3 Low, sinking 100mA 0.9 High, sourcing 100mA 1.3 Sinking 10mA ns Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω 8 CURRENT-LIMIT AND HICCUP MODE Cycle-By-Cycle Valley CurrentLimit Adjustment Range VCL VCL_ = VILIM_/10 50 300 Cycle-By-Cycle Valley CurrentLimit Threshold Tolerance VILIM_ = 0.5V 44 54 VILIM_ = 3V 288 312 ILIM_ Reference Current VILIM_ = 0 to 3V, TA = TJ = +25°C ILIM_ Reference Current Temperature Coefficient CSP_, CSN_ Input Bias Current Number of Cumulative CurrentLimit Events to Hiccup Number of Consecutive NonCurrent-Limit Cycles to Clear NCL VCSP_ = 0V, VCSN_ = -0.3V mV 20 µA 3333 ppm/°C -20 +20 NCL 8 NCLR 3 Hiccup Timeout mV µA Clock periods 4096 ENABLE/PHASE/SEL EN1 Threshold VEN-TH EN1 rising 1.19 EN1 Threshold Hysteresis -1 PHASE Input High 2 PHASE Input Low -1 SEL Threshold SEL Input Bias Current 1.24 0.12 EN1 Input Bias Current PHASE Input Bias Current 1.215 -1 V V +1 µA 0.8 V V +1 µA 20 %VREG +1 µA _______________________________________________________________________________________ 3 MAX15002 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) MAX15002 Dual-Output Buck Controller with Tracking/Sequencing ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) (VIN = 5.5V to 23V or VIN = VREG = 4.5V to 5.5V, VDREG_ = VREG, VPGND_ = VSYNC = VPHASE = VSEL = 0V, CREG = 2.2µF, RRT = 100kΩ, CCT = 0.1µF, RILIM_ = 60kΩ, TA = TJ = -40°C to +125°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at VIN = 12V, TA = TJ = +25°C.) (Note 1) PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS 0.54 0.555 0.57 V 0.1 V PGOOD, RESET OUTPUTS FB_ for PGOOD Threshold FB_ falling RESET, PGOOD_ Output Low Level Sinking 3mA RESET, PGOOD_ Leakage -1 CT Charging Current 1.8 CT Output Low 2 Sinking 3mA CT rising CT Threshold for RESET Delay 1.8 CT falling +1 µA 2.2 µA 0.1 V 2.6 1.2 V OSCILLATOR Switching Frequency Range (Each Converter) fSW Switching Frequency Accuracy (Each Converter) 200 2200 fSW ≤ 1500kHz -5 +5 fSW > 1500kHz -7 +7 VPHASE = 0V (DH1 rising to DH2 rising) Phase Delay RT Voltage VSYNC = 0V, fSW = 1.5 x 1011/RRT + 2k VPHASE = VREG (DH1 rising to DH2 rising) VRT 40kΩ < RRT < 500kΩ kHz % 180 degrees 0 degrees 2 V Minimum Controllable On-Time tON(MIN) 75 ns Minimum Off-Time tOFF(MIN) 150 ns SYNC High-Level Voltage 2 V SYNC Low-Level Voltage 0.8 SYNC Internal Pulldown Resistor SYNC Frequency Range 50 (Note 3) 100 0.4 V 200 kΩ 4.6 MHz SYNC Minimum On-Time SYNC Minimum Off-Time 30 30 ns ns PWM Ramp Amplitude (Peak-Peak) 2 V PWM Ramp Valley 1 V Note 1: 100% production tested at TA = TJ = +25°C and TA = TJ = +125°C. Limits at other temperatures are guaranteed by design. Note 2: For 5V applications, connect REG directly to IN. Note 3: The switching frequency is 1/2 of the SYNC frequency. 4 _______________________________________________________________________________________ Dual-Output Buck Controller with Tracking/Sequencing CONVERTER 2 EFFICIENCY vs. LOAD CURRENT VIN = 12V VIN = 16V 70 VOUT1 = 3.3V 70 VIN = 12V 60 VIN = 16V 50 40 30 20 VOUT1 = 3.3V fSW = 300kHz 40 0.1 1 0.50 0.25 0 -0.25 -0.50 -1.00 0.1 1 100 10 5 0 10 15 LOAD CURRENT (A) LOAD CURRENT (A) LOAD CURRENT (A) CONVERTER 2 LOAD REGULATION INTERNAL VOLTAGE REGULATION (REG) CONVERTER-SWITCHING FREQUENCY vs. RRT 4.98 0.50 10,000 4.97 VREG (V) 0.25 0 4.96 4.95 4.94 -0.25 4.93 -0.50 4.92 -0.75 15 10 0 LOAD CURRENT (A) 20 40 60 200 8 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 600 800 VALLEY CURRENT-LIMIT THRESHOLD vs. VILIM MAX15002 toc07 10 400 RRT (kΩ) TEMPERATURE (°C) SWITCHING FREQUENCY ACCURACY vs. TEMPERATURE SWITCHING FREQUENCY ACCURACY (%) 0 100 80 fSW = 300kHz -10 350 MAX15002 toc08 5 100 10 4.90 0 1000 VIN = 12V CREG = 2.2µF 4.91 -1.00 MAX15002 toc06 4.99 SWITCHING FREQUENCY (kHz) VOUT2 = 1.8V MAX15002 toc05 5.00 MAX15002 toc04 1.00 0.75 0.75 -0.75 0 100 10 VOUT2 = 1.8V fSW = 300kHz 10 MAX15002 toc03 1.00 MAX15002 toc02 80 60 50 OUTPUT-VOLTAGE ACCURACY (%) VIN = 6V VALLEY CURRENT-LIMIT THRESHOLD (mV) EFFICIENCY (%) 80 90 EFFICIENCY (%) VIN = 6V 90 CONVERTER 1 LOAD REGULATION 100 MAX15002 toc01 100 OUTPUT-VOLTAGE ACCURACY (%) CONVERTER 1 EFFICIENCY vs. LOAD CURRENT 300 250 200 150 100 50 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 TEMPERATURE (°C) 100 125 150 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 VILIM (mV) _______________________________________________________________________________________ 5 MAX15002 Typical Operating Characteristics (VIN = 12V, referenced to Figure 8, TA = TJ = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.) Typical Operating Characteristics (continued) (VIN = 12V, referenced to Figure 8, TA = TJ = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.) VALLEY CURRENT-LIMIT THRESHOLD vs. TEMPERATURE SWITCHING CURRENT vs. FREQUENCY MAX15002 toc11 MAX15002 toc10 90 14 SWITCHING CURRENT (mA) RILIMc = 25.5kΩ RATIOMETRIC STARTUP 15 MAX15002 toc09 100 VALLEY CURRENT-LIMIT THRESHOLD (mV) MAX15002 Dual-Output Buck Controller with Tracking/Sequencing 80 70 60 50 40 13 VIN 12 1V/div 10 9 1V/div 8 VIN = 12V DL_, DH_ UNCONNECTED VFB_ = 0V 6 TEMP COEFFICIENT (nom.) = 3,333ppm/°C 20 0V 11 7 30 10V/div 0V VOUT1, 2 VEN2 = 0V, SEL = REG 5 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 200 700 1200 2200 1700 TEMPERATURE (°C) FREQUENCY (kHz) RATIOMETRIC SHUTDOWN CHANNEL 2 SHORT CIRCUIT (RATIOMETRIC MODE) MAX15002 toc12 2ms/div CHANNEL 1 SHORT CIRCUIT (RATIOMETRIC MODE) MAX15002 toc14 MAX15002 toc13 VOUT2 10V/div VIN 500mV/div V OUT2 0V VOUT1 10V/div VIN 0V VOUT1 1V/div 2V/div 0V 0V 500mV/div VOUT1 VOUT2 2V/div 0V 1V/div 0V VEN2 = 0V, SEL = REG VEN2 = 0V, SEL = REG 1ms/div 0V VEN2 = 0V, SEL = REG 1ms/div 1ms/div COINCIDENT STARTUP COINCIDENT SHUTDOWN MAX15002 toc15 MAX15002 toc16 VOUT1 10V/div 0V VIN 1V/div 500mV/div VOUT2 500mV/div 1V/div VOUT1, 2 0V 0V CIRCUIT OF FIGURE 8, SEL = REG 2ms/div 6 2ms/div _______________________________________________________________________________________ Dual-Output Buck Controller with Tracking/Sequencing CHANNEL 2 SHORT CIRCUIT (COINCIDENT MODE) CHANNEL 1 SHORT CIRCUIT (COINCIDENT MODE) MAX15002 toc17 10V/div VIN MAX15002 toc19 10V/div VIN 10V/div VIN 0V VOUT2 SEQUENCING STARTUP MAX15002 toc18 VOUT1 0V 0V 1V/div 2V/div 0V 0V 1V/div 1V/div VOUT2 VOUT1 2V/div 1V/div 0V 0V 0V VOUT1, 2 SEL = REG 1ms/div 4ms/div 1ms/div CHANNEL 1 OUTPUT SHORT CIRCUIT (SEQUENCING MODE) CONVERTER 2 OUTPUT SHORT CIRCUIT (SEQUENCING MODE) SEQUENCING SHUTDOWN MAX15002 toc20 MAX15002 toc22 MAX15002 toc21 VOUT1 VIN 10V/div 500mV/div V OUT2 0V VIN 10V/div 0V VOUT1 2V/div 1V/div VOUT2 0V 0V 500mV/div VOUT1 2V/div VOUT2 1V/div 0V SEL = GND EN/TRACK2 = PGOOD1 SEL = REG 1ms/div 0V SEL = GND EN/TRACK2 = PGOOD1 0V 1ms/div 1ms/div RESET AT STARTUP (SEQUENCING MODE) RESET AT SHUTDOWN (SEQUENCING MODE) MAX15002 toc23 MAX15002 toc24 5V/div 5V/div VRESET 0V VRESET 0V 1V/div VOUT1 1V/div VOUT2 1V/div 1V/div VOUT1, 2 SEL = GND EN/TRACK2 = PGOOD1 20ms/div 0V SEL = GND EN/TRACK2 = PGOOD1 0V 1ms/div _______________________________________________________________________________________ 7 MAX15002 Typical Operating Characteristics (continued) (VIN = 12V, referenced to Figure 8, TA = TJ = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.) MAX15002 Dual-Output Buck Controller with Tracking/Sequencing Typical Operating Characteristics (continued) (VIN = 12V, referenced to Figure 8, TA = TJ = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.) CONVERTER 1 SHORT-CIRCUIT CONDITION (HICCUP MODE) 180° OUT-OF-PHASE OPERATION MAX15002 toc26 MAX15002 toc25 VOUT1 500mV/div 5V/div 0V VSYNC IOUT1 10V/div 10A/div VLX1 VLX1 0V VLX2 0V 10V/div VDL1 5V/div VPGOOD1 1V/div 10V/div 1µs/div 4ms/div IN-PHASE OPERATION BREAK-BEFORE-MAKE TIMING MAX15002 toc27 MAX15002 toc28 VLX1 5V/div 5V/div 0V VSYNC 0V 10V/div 0V VLX1 VDL1 2V/div 10V/div 0V VLX2 0V 1µs/div 20ns/div LOAD-TRANSIENT RESPONSE (IOUT2 = 100mA TO 10A) LOAD-TRANSIENT RESPONSE (IOUT2 = 5A TO 10A) MAX15002 toc29 VOUT2 MAX15002 toc30 100mV/div AC-COUPLED 100mV/div AC-COUPLED VOUT2 IOUT2 IOUT2 5A/div 5A/div 0 200µs/div 8 0 200µs/div _______________________________________________________________________________________ Dual-Output Buck Controller with Tracking/Sequencing PIN NAME 1 REG 5V Regulator Output. Bypass with a 2.2µF ceramic capacitor to SGND. FUNCTION 2 SEL Track/Sequence Select Input. At startup, connect SEL to REG to configure as a dual tracker or connect SEL to SGND to configure as a dual sequencer. Note: When configured as a dual sequencer, each rail is independently controlled by EN_. 3 PGND1 Controller 1 Power-Ground Connection. Connect the input filter capacitor’s negative terminal, the source of the synchronous MOSFET, and the output filter capacitor’s return to PGND1. Connect externally to SGND at a single point near the input capacitor return terminal. 4 DL1 5 DREG1 6 LX1 7 DH1 Controller 1 High-Side Gate Driver Output. DH1 drives the gate of the high-side MOSFET. 8 BST1 Controller 1 High-Side Gate Driver Supply. Connect BST1 to the cathode of the boost diode and to the positive terminal of the boost capacitor. 9 CSN1 Controller 1 Negative Current-Sense Input. Connect CSN1 to the synchronous MOSFET drain (connected to LX1). When using a current-sense resistor, connect CSN1 to the junction of a low-side MOSFET’s source and the current-sense resistor. See Figure 10. 10 CSP1 Controller 1 Positive Current-Sense Input. Connect CSP1 to the synchronous MOSFET source (connected to PGND1). When using a current-sense resistor, connect CSP1 to the PGND1 end of the current-sense resistor. 11 ILIM1 Controller 1 Valley Current-Limit Set Output. Connect a 25kΩ to 150kΩ resistor, RILIM1, from ILIM1 to SGND to program the valley current-limit threshold from 50mV to 300mV. ILIM1 sources 20µA out to RILIM1. The resulting voltage divided by 10 is the valley current-limit threshold. When using a precision current-sense resistor, connect a resistive divider from REG to ILIM1 to SGND to set the valley current limit. See Figure 10. 12 COMP1 Controller1 Error Transconductance Amplifier Output. Connect COMP1 to the compensation feedback network. 13 EN1 Controller 1 Enable Input. EN1 must be above 1.24V, VEN-TH, for the PWM controller to start Output 1. Controller 1 is the master. Use the master as the highest output voltage in a coincident tracking configuration. 14 FB1 Controller 1 Feedback Regulation Point. Connect to the center tap of a resistive divider from the converter output to SGND to set the output voltage. The FB1 voltage regulates to VFB (0.6V). 15 PGOOD1 Controller 1 Power-Good Output. Open-drain PGOOD1 output goes high impedance (releases) when FB1 is above 0.925 x VFB (0.555V). 16 PGND2 Controller 2 Power Ground Connection. Connect the input filter capacitor’s negative terminal, the source of the synchronous MOSFET, and the output filter capacitor’s return to PGND2. Connect externally to SGND at a single point near the input capacitor return terminal. 17 DL2 18 DREG2 19 LX2 Controller 1 Low-Side Gate Driver Output. DL1 is the gate driver output for the synchronous MOSFET. Controller 1 Low-Side Gate Driver Supply. Connect externally to REG and the anode of the boost diode. Connect a minimum of 0.1µF ceramic capacitor from DREG1 to PGND1. Controller 1 High-Side MOSFET Source Connection/Synchronous MOSFET Drain Connection. Connect the inductor and the negative side of the boost capacitor to LX1. Controller 2 Low-Side Gate Driver Output. DL2 is the gate driver output for the synchronous MOSFET. Controller 2 Low-Side Gate Driver Supply. Connect externally to REG and the anode of the boost diode. Connect a minimum of a 0.1µF ceramic capacitor from DREG2 to PGND2. Controller 2 High-Side MOSFET Source Connection/Synchronous MOSFET Drain Connection. Connect the inductor and the negative side of the boost capacitor to LX2. _______________________________________________________________________________________ 9 MAX15002 Pin Description MAX15002 Dual-Output Buck Controller with Tracking/Sequencing Pin Description (continued) PIN NAME 20 DH2 Controller 2 High-Side Gate Driver Output. DH2 drives the gate of the high-side MOSFET. 21 BST2 Controller 2 High-Side Gate Driver Supply. Connect BST2 to the cathode of the boost diode and to the positive terminal of the boost capacitor. 22 CSN2 Controller 2 Negative Current-Sense Input. Connect CSN2 to the synchronous MOSFET drain (connected to LX2). When using a current-sense resistor, connect CSN2 to the junction of the low-side MOSFET’s source and the current-sense resistor. See Figure 10. 23 CSP2 Controller 2 Positive Current-Sense Input. Connect CSP2 to the synchronous MOSFET source (connected to PGND2). When using a current-sense resistor, connect CSP2 to the PGND2 end of the current-sense resistor. 24 ILIM2 Controller 2 Valley Current-Limit Set Output. Connect a 25kΩ to 150kΩ resistor, RILIM2, from ILIM2 to SGND to program the valley current-limit threshold from 50mV to 300mV. ILIM2 sources 20µA out to RILIM2. The resulting voltage divided by 10 is the valley current-limit threshold. When using a precision current-sense resistor, connect a resistive divider from REG to ILIM2 to SGND to set the valley current limit. See Figure 10. 25 COMP2 Controller 2 Error Transconductance Amplifier Output. Connect COMP2 to the compensation feedback network. 26 EN/TRACK2 Controller 2 Enable/Tracking Input. See Figure 2. When sequencing, EN/TRACK2 must be above 1.24V for the PWM controller 2 to start. Coincident tracking—connect the same resistive divider used for FB2, from Output 1 to EN/TRACK2 to SGND. Ratiometric tracking—connect EN/TRACK2 to analog ground. 27 FB2 28 PGOOD2 29–33 N.C. 34 SYNC Synchronization Input. Drive with a frequency at least 20% higher than two times the frequency programmed using the RT pin. The switching frequency is 1/2 the SYNC frequency. Connect SYNC to SGND when not used. 35 SGND Analog Ground Connection. Connect SGND and PGND_ together at one point near the input bypass capacitor return terminal. 36 RT 37 PHASE Phase Select Input. Connect PHASE to SGND for 180° out-of-phase operation between the controllers. Connect to REG for in phase operation. 38 RESET RESET Output. Open-drain RESET output releases after all PGOODs are released and timeout programmed by CT finishes. 39 CT RESET Timeout Capacitor Connection. Connect a timing capacitor from CT to analog ground to set the RESET delay. CT sources 2µA into the timing capacitor. When the voltage at CT passes 2V, open-drain RESET goes high impedance. 40 IN Supply Input Connection. Connect to an external voltage source from 5.5V to 23V. For 4.5V to 5.5V input application, connect IN and REG together. — EP Exposed Pad. Solder the exposed pad to a large SGND plane. 10 FUNCTION Controller 2 Feedback Regulation Point. Connect to the center tap of a resistive divider from the converter output to SGND to set the output voltage. The FB2 voltage regulates to VFB (0.6V). Controller 2 Power-Good Output. Open-drain PGOOD2 output goes high impedance (releases) when FB2 is above 0.925 x VFB (0.555V). No Connection. Not internally connected. Oscillator Timing Resistor Connection. Connect a 750kΩ to 68kΩ resistor from RT to SGND to program the switching frequency from 200kHz to 2.2MHz. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Dual-Output Buck Controller with Tracking/Sequencing PWM CONTROLLER 1 SEL IN EN1 RESET TIMEOUT 1.24VON 1.12VOFF CONFIG SELECTOR LDO CT RESET MAX15002 REG EN 1.24V 1.12V SGND SEQ_ PGPD_ CSP1 SHDN 0.6V REF SEQ_ VREGOK EN1 CSN1 DOWN1 VREF DIGITAL SOFT-START AND STOP OVL CONFIG OVL1 VR1 IMAX1 RES OVERLOAD MANAGEMENT E/A CLK1 OVL_ CURRENTLIMIT SET CLK1 BST1 FB1 DH1 R CPWM EN OSC LX1 Q SET DOMINANT COMP1 SYNC RT PHASE ILIM1 DREG1 S RAMP DL1 LEVEL CLK1 SHIFT CLK2 PGND1 0.925 x VREF PGPD1 FB1 PGOOD1 ______________________________________________________________________________________ 11 MAX15002 Functional Diagrams Dual-Output Buck Controller with Tracking/Sequencing MAX15002 Functional Diagrams (continued) PWM CONTROLLER 2 EN/TRACK2 1.24VON 1.12VOFF MAX15002 SEQ_ CSP2 SEQ_ VREF EN CONFIG DOWN2 DIGITAL SOFT-START AND STOP EN1 SHDN EN2 CSN2 OVL CONFIG OVL_ CURRENTLIMIT SET CLK2 SEL_ OVL2 RES OVERLOAD IMAX2 MANAGEMENT VREF VR2 EN/ TRACK2 E/A CLK2 ILIM2 BST2 FB2 DH2 R COMP2 CPWM CLK2 RAMP LEVEL SHIFT CLK2 0.925 x VREF LX2 Q SET DOMINANT DREG2 S DL2 PGND2 PGPD2 FB2 PGOOD2 Detailed Description The MAX15002 is a dual-output, pulse-width-modulated (PWM), step-down, DC-DC controller with tracking and sequencing options. The device operates over the input voltage range of 5.5V to 23V or 5V ±10%. Each PWM controller provides an adjustable output down to 0.6V and delivers at least 15A of load current with excellent load and line regulation. Each of the MAX15002 PWM sections utilizes a voltage-mode control scheme for good noise immunity and offers external compensation allowing for maximum flexibility with a wide selection of inductor values and capacitor types. The device operates at a fixed switching frequency that is programmable from 200kHz to 2.2MHz and can be synchronized to an external clock signal using the SYNC input. Each converter, operating at up to 2.2MHz with 180° out-of-phase, increases the input capacitor ripple frequency up to 4.4MHz, reducing the RMS input ripple current and the size of the input bypass capacitor requirement significantly. 12 The MAX15002 provides Coincident Tracking, Ratiometric Tracking, and Sequencing. This allows tailoring of the power-up/power-down sequence depending on the system requirements. The MAX15002 features lossless valley-mode currentlimit protection by monitoring the voltage drop across the synchronous MOSFET’s on-resistance to sense the inductor current. The MAX15002’s internal current source exhibits a positive temperature coefficient to help compensate for the MOSFET’s temperature coefficient. Use an external voltage-divider when a more precise current limit is desired. This divider along with a precision shunt resistor allows for more accurate current limit. The MAX15002 includes internal undervoltage lockout with hysteresis, digital soft-start/soft-stop for glitch-free power-up and power-down of the converter. The power-on reset (RESET) with adjustable timeout period monitors both outputs and provides a RESET signal to the processor indicating when the outputs are within regulation. Protection features include lossless valleymode current limit and hiccup mode output short-circuit protection. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Dual-Output Buck Controller with Tracking/Sequencing Digital Soft-Start/Soft-Stop The MAX15002 soft-start feature allows the load voltage to ramp up in a controlled manner, eliminating outputvoltage overshoot. Soft-start begins after VIN exceeds the undervoltage lockout threshold and the enable input is above 1.24V. The soft-start circuitry gradually ramps up the reference voltage. This controls the rate of rise of the output voltage and reduces input surge currents during startup. The soft-start duration is 2048 clock cycles. The output voltage is incremented through 64 equal steps. The output reaches regulation when soft-start is completed, regardless of output capacitance and load. Soft-stop commences when the enable input falls below 1.12V. The soft-stop circuitry ramps down the reference voltage controlling the output voltage rate of fall. The output voltage is decremented through 64 equal steps in 2048 clock cycles. Internal Linear Regulator (REG) REG is the output terminal of a 5V LDO powered from IN which provides power to the IC. Connect REG externally to DREG to provide power for the low-side MOSFET gate driver. Bypass REG to SGND with a minimum 2.2µF ceramic capacitor. Place the capacitor physically close to the MAX15002 to provide good bypassing. REG is intended for powering only the internal circuitry and should not be used to supply power to external loads. REG can source up to 120mA. This current, I REG , includes quiescent current (IQ) and gate drive current (IDREG): IREG = IQ + [fSW x Σ(QGHS_ + QGLS_)] where QGHS_ + QGLS_ is the total gate charge of each of the respective high- and low-side external MOSFETs at VGATE = 5V. fSW is the switching frequency of the converter and IQ is the quiescent current of the device at the switching frequency. MOSFET Gate Drivers DREG_ is the supply input for the low-side MOSFET driver. Connect DREG_ to REG externally. Everytime the low-side MOSFET switches on, high peak current is drawn from DREG for a short amount of time. Adding an RC filter (1Ω to 3.3Ω and 2.2µF//0.1µF ceramic capacitors are typical) from REG to DREG_ filters out high-peak currents. Alternatively, DREG can be connected to an external source (VDREG-EXT). Note that the DREG voltage should be high enough to fully enhance the low-side MOSFET. To avoid partial enhancing of the MOSFETs, use the VDREG-EXT to set the UVLO externally using EN1. BST_ supplies the power for the high-side MOSFET drivers. Connect the bootstrap diode from BST_ to DREG_ (anode at DREG_ and cathode at BST_). Connect a bootstrap 0.1µF or higher ceramic capacitor between BST_ and LX_. Though not always necessary, it may be useful to insert a small resistor (4.7Ω to 22Ω) in series with the BST_ pin and the cathode of the bootstrap diode for additional noise immunity. The high-side (DH_) and low-side (DL_) drivers drive the gates of the external n-channel MOSFETs. The drivers’ 2A peak source- and sink-current capability provides ample drive for the fast rise and fall times of the switching MOSFETs. Faster rise and fall times result in reduced switching losses. The gate driver circuitry also provides a break-beforemake time (20ns typ) to prevent shoot-through currents during transition. Oscillator/Synchronization Input/Phase Staggering (RT, SYNC, PHASE) Use an external resistor at RT to program the MAX15002 switching frequency from 200kHz to 2.2MHz. Choose the appropriate resistor at RT to calculate the desired output switching frequency (fSW): fSW (Hz) = 1.5 x 1011/(RRT + 2000)Ω Connect an external clock at SYNC for external clock synchronization. A rising clock edge on SYNC is interpreted as a synchronization input. If the SYNC signal is lost, the internal oscillator takes control of the switching rate, returning the switching frequency to that set by RRT. This maintains output regulation even with intermittent SYNC signals. For proper synchronization, the external frequency must be at least 20% higher than twice the frequency programmed through the RT input. The switching frequency is 1/2 the SYNC frequency. Connect SYNC to SGND when not used. Connect PHASE to SGND for 180° out-of-phase operation between the controllers. Connect PHASE to REG for in-phase operation. ______________________________________________________________________________________ 13 MAX15002 Internal Undervoltage Lockout (UVLO) VIN must exceed the default UVLO threshold before any operation can commence. The UVLO circuitry keeps the MOSFET drivers, oscillator, and all the internal circuitry shut down to reduce current consumption. The UVLO rising threshold is 4.05V with 350mV hysteresis. MAX15002 Dual-Output Buck Controller with Tracking/Sequencing Coincident/Ratiometric Tracking (SEL, EN/TRACK2) VOUT1 The enable/tracking input in conjunction with digital soft-start and soft-stop provides coincident/ratiometric tracking. See Figure 1. Track an output voltage by connecting a resistive divider from the output being tracked to the enable/tracking input. For example, for VOUT2 to coincidentally track VOUT1, connect the same resistive divider used for FB2, from OUT1 to EN/TRACK2 to SGND. See Figure 2 and the Coincident Startup and Coincident Shutdown graphs in the Typical Operating Characteristics. Track ratiometrically by connecting EN/TRACK2 to SGND. This synchonizes the soft-start and soft-stop of all the controllers’ references, and hence their respective output voltages will track ratiometrically. See Figure 2 and the Ratiometric Startup and Ratiometric Shutdown graphs in the Typical Operating Characteristics. Connect SEL to REG to configure as a dual tracker. When the MAX15002 converter is configured as a tracker, the output short-circuit fault situations at master or slave output is handled carefully so that either the master or slave output does not stay on when the other output is shorted to the ground. When the slave is shorted and enters in hiccup mode, the master will softstop. When the master is shorted and the part enters in hiccup mode, the slave will ratiometrically soft-stop. Coming out of the hiccup, all outputs will soft-start coincidently or ratiometrically depending on their initial configuration. See the Typical Operating Characteristics for the output behaviour during the fault conditions. During the thermal shutdown or power-off, when the input falls below its UVLO, the output voltages fall down at the rate depending on the respective output capacitor and load. See Figure 1. Output-Voltage Sequencing (SEL, EN/TRACK2, PGOOD) Referring to Figure 1c, when sequencing, the enable/tracking input must be above 1.24V for each PWM controller to start. The PGOOD_ outputs and EN/TRACK2 inputs can be daisy-chained to generate power sequencing. Open-drain PGOOD_ outputs go high impedance when FB_ is above the PGOOD_ threshold (555mV typ). 14 VOUT2 SOFT-START SOFT-STOP A) COINCIDENT TRACKING OUTPUTS VOUT1 VOUT2 SOFT-START SOFT-STOP B) RATIOMETRIC TRACKING OUTPUTS VOUT1 VOUT2 SOFTSTART SOFT-STOP C) SEQUENCED OUTPUTS Figure 1. Graphical Representation of Coincident Tracking, Ratiometric Tracking, and PGOOD Sequencing Connect the power-good output to the enable/tracking input to set when the other controller will start. See Figure 2. Connect SEL to SGND to configure as a dual sequencer. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Dual-Output Buck Controller with Tracking/Sequencing COINCIDENT TRACKING MAX15002 RATIOMETRIC TRACKING PGOOD SEQUENCING VIN VIN VIN EN1 EN1 EN1 VOUT1 EN/TRACK2 REG RA EN/TRACK2 SEL REG PGOOD1 RB EN/TRACK2 SEL VOUT2 RA FB2 RB SEL REG Figure 2. Ratiometric Tracking, Coincident Tracking, PGOOD Sequencing Configurations Error Amplifier The output of the internal error transconductance amplifier (COMP_) is provided for frequency compensation (see the Compensation Design Guidelines section). The inverting input is FB_ and the output COMP_. The error transamplifier has an 80dB open-loop gain and a 10MHz GBW product. Output Short-Circuit Protection (Hiccup Mode) The current-limit circuit employs a valley current-limiting algorithm that either uses a shunt or the synchronous MOSFET’s on-resistance as the current-sensing element. Once the high-side MOSFET turns off, the voltage across the current-sensing element is monitored. If this voltage does not exceed the current-limit threshold, the high-side MOSFET turns on normally at the start of the next cycle. If the voltage exceeds the current-limit threshold just before the beginning of a new PWM cycle, the controller skips that cycle. During severe overload or short-circuit conditions, the switching frequency of the device appears to decrease because the on-time of the low-side MOSFET extends beyond a clock cycle. If the current-limit threshold is exceeded for more than eight cumulative clock cycles (NCL), the device shuts down (both DH and DL are pulled low) for 4096 clock cycles (hiccup timeout) and then restarts with a softstart sequence. If three consecutive cycles pass without a current-limit event, the count of NCL is cleared (see Figure 3). Hiccup mode protects against a continuous output short circuit. ______________________________________________________________________________________ 15 MAX15002 Dual-Output Buck Controller with Tracking/Sequencing CURRENT LIMIT IN COUNT OF 8 NCL INITIATE HICCUP TIMEOUT NHT CLR The minimum input voltage is limited by the maximum duty cycle and is calculated using the following equation: VIN(MIN) ≥ ( VOUT 1 − t OFF(MIN) × fSW ) where tOFF(MIN) typically is equal to 150ns. Inductor Selection IN COUNT OF 3 NCLR CLR Figure 3. Hiccup-Mode Block Diagram PWM Controller Design Procedures Setting the Switching Frequency Connect a 750kΩ to 68kΩ resistor from RT to SGND to program the switching frequency from 200kHz to 2.2MHz. Calculate the switching frequency using the following equation: fSW (Hz) = 1.5 x 1011/(RRT + 2000)Ω Higher frequencies allow designs with lower inductor values and less output capacitance. Consequently, peak currents and I 2 R losses are lower at higher switching frequencies, but core losses, gate-charge currents, and switching losses increase. Effective Input Voltage Range Although the MAX15002 converters can operate from input supplies ranging from 5.5V to 23V, the input voltage range can be effectively limited by the MAX15002 duty-cycle limitations for a given output voltage. The maximum input voltage is limited by the minimum ontime (tON(MIN)): VIN(MAX) ≤ where tON(MIN) is 75ns. 16 VOUT t ON(MIN) × fSW Three key inductor parameters must be specified for operation with the MAX15002: inductance value (L), peak inductor current (IPEAK), and inductor saturation current (ISAT). The minimum required inductance is a function of operating frequency, input-to-output voltage differential, and the peak-to-peak inductor current (∆IP-P). Higher ∆IP-P allows for a lower inductor value. A lower inductance value minimizes size and cost and improves large-signal and transient response. However, efficiency is reduced due to higher peak currents and higher peak-to-peak output voltage ripple for the same output capacitor. A higher inductance increases efficiency by reducing the ripple current, however resistive losses due to extra wire turns can exceed the benefit gained from lower ripple current levels especially when the inductance is increased without also allowing for larger inductor dimensions. A good rule of thumb is to choose ∆IP-P equal to 30% of the full load current. Calculate the inductance using the following equation: L = VOUT (VIN − VOUT ) VIN × fSW × ∆IP −P VIN and VOUT are typical values so that efficiency is optimum for typical conditions. The switching frequency is programmable between 200kHz and 2.2MHz (see Oscillator/Synchronization Input/Phase Staggering (RT, SYNC, PHASE) section). The peak-to-peak inductor current, which reflects the peak-to-peak output ripple, is worst at the maximum input voltage. See the Output Capacitor Selection section to verify that the worst-case output current ripple is acceptable. The inductor saturation current (ISAT) is also important to avoid runaway current during continuous output short-circuit conditions. Select an inductor with an ISAT specification higher than the maximum peak current. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Dual-Output Buck Controller with Tracking/Sequencing ⎛V ⎞ ILOAD(MAX) × ⎜ OUT ⎟ ⎝ VIN ⎠ CIN = ∆VQ × fSW where: ∆IP −P = (VIN − VOUT ) × VOUT VIN × fSW × L ILOAD(MAX) is the maximum output current, ∆IP-P is the peak-to-peak inductor current, and fSW is the switching frequency. For the condition with only one converter on, calculate the input ripple current using the following equation: ICIN(RMS) = ILOAD _ MAX × VOUT × (VIN − VOUT ) VIN The MAX15002 includes UVLO hysteresis to avoid possible unintentional chattering during turn-on. Use additional bulk capacitance if the input source impedance is high. At lower input voltage, additional input capacitance helps avoid possible undershoot below the undervoltage lockout threshold during transient loading. Output Capacitor Selection The allowed output voltage ripple and the maximum deviation of the output voltage during load steps determine the required output capacitance and its ESR. The output ripple is mainly composed of ∆VQ (caused by the capacitor discharge) and ∆VESR (caused by the voltage drop across the equivalent series resistance of the output capacitor). The equations for calculating the output capacitance and its ESR are: COUT = ESR = ∆IP −P 8 × ∆VQ × fSW 2 × ∆VESR ∆IP −P ∆VESR and ∆VQ are not directly additive because they are out of phase from each other. If using ceramic capacitors, which generally have low ESR, ∆VQ dominates. If using electrolytic capacitors, ∆VESR dominates. The allowable deviation of the output voltage during fast load transients also affects the output capacitance, its ESR, and its equivalent series inductance (ESL). The output capacitor supplies the load current during a load step until the controller responds with a greater duty cycle. The response time (tRESPONSE) depends on the gain bandwidth of the converter (see the Compensation Design Guidelines section). The resistive drop across the output capacitor’s ESR, the drop across the capacitor’s ESL, and the capacitor discharge cause a voltage droop during the load-step (ISTEP). Use a combination of low-ESR tantalum/aluminum electrolyte and ceramic capacitors for better load-transient and voltage-ripple performance. Nonleaded capacitors and capacitors in parallel help reduce the ESL. Keep the maximum output voltage deviation below the tolerable limits of the electronics being powered. Use the following equations to calculate the required ESR, ESL, and capacitance value during a load step: ∆VESR ISTEP I ×t COUT = STEP RESPONSE ∆VQ ESR = ESL = ∆VESL × t STEP ISTEP where ISTEP is the load step, tSTEP is the rise time of the load step, and tRESPONSE is the response time of the controller. ______________________________________________________________________________________ 17 MAX15002 Input Capacitor Selection The discontinuous input current of the buck converter causes large input ripple currents and therefore the input capacitor must be carefully chosen to withstand the input ripple current and keep the input voltage ripple within design requirements. The 180° ripple phase operation increases the frequency of the input capacitor ripple current to twice the individual converter switching frequency. When using ripple phasing, the worst-case input capacitor ripple current is when the one converter with the highest output current is on. The input voltage ripple is comprised of ∆VQ (caused by the capacitor discharge) and ∆VESR (caused by the ESR of the input capacitor). The total voltage ripple is the sum of ∆VQ and ∆VESR that peaks at the end of the on-cycle. Calculate the input capacitance and ESR required for a specified ripple using the following equations: ∆VESR ESR = ∆IP −P ⎞ ⎛ ⎜ ILOAD(MAX) + ⎟ ⎝ 2 ⎠ Setting the Current Limit The MAX15002 uses a valley current-sense method for current limiting. The voltage drop across the low-side MOSFET due to its on-resistance is used to sense the inductor current. The voltage drop (VVALLEY) across the low-side MOSFET at the valley point and at ILOAD is: ∆I ⎛ ⎞ VVALLEY = RDS(ON) × ⎜ ILOAD − P −P ⎟ ⎝ 2 ⎠ RDS(ON) is the on-resistance of the low-side MOSFET, ILOAD is the rated load current, and ∆IP-P is the peakto-peak inductor current. The RDS(ON) of the MOSFET varies with temperature. Calculate the RDS(ON) of the MOSFET at its operating junction temperature at full load using the MOSFET datasheet. To compensate for this temperature variation, the 20µA ILIM reference current has a temperature coefficient of 3333ppm/°C. This allows the valley current-limit threshold (VCL) to track and partially compensate for the increase in the synchronous MOSFET’s RDS(ON) with increasing temperature. Use the following equation to calculate RILIM: ∆I ⎛ ⎞ RDS(ON) × ⎜ ICL(MAX) − P −P ⎟ ×10 ⎝ 2 ⎠ RILIM = 20 ×10 −6 ⎡1+ 3.333 ×10 −3 (T − 25°C)⎤ ⎦⎥ ⎣⎢ where ICL(MAX) is the maximum current limit. Figure 4 illustrates the effect of the MAX15002 ILIM reference current temperature coefficient to compensate for the variation of the MOSFET RDS(ON) over the operating junction temperature range. Power MOSFET Selection When choosing the MOSFETs, consider the total gate charge, RDS(ON), power dissipation, the maximum drainto-source voltage and package thermal impedance. The product of the MOSFET gate charge and on-resistance is a figure of merit, with a lower number signifying better performance. Choose MOSFETs that are optimized for high-frequency switching applications. The average gatedrive current from the MAX15002’s output is proportional to the frequency and gate charge required to drive the MOSFET. The power dissipated in the MAX15002 is proportional to the input voltage and the average drive current (see the Power Dissipation section). 18 VALLEY CURRENT-LIMIT THRESHOLD AND RDS(ON) vs. TEMPERATURE 1.5 1.4 RDS(ON) 1.3 MAX15002 fig04 Connect a 25kΩ to 150kΩ resistor, RILIM, from ILIM to SGND to program the valley current-limit threshold (VCL) from 50mV to 300mV. ILIM sources 20µA out to RILIM. The resulting voltage divided by 10 is the valley current-limit threshold. VILIM AND RDS(ON) (NORMALIZED) MAX15002 Dual-Output Buck Controller with Tracking/Sequencing 1.2 1.1 VILIM 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 RILIM = 25.5kΩ 0.5 -50 -30 -10 10 30 50 70 90 110 130 150 TEMPERATURE (°C) Figure 4. Current-Limit Trip Point and VRDS(ON) vs. Temperature Compensation Design Guidelines The MAX15002 uses a fixed-frequency, voltage-mode control scheme that regulates the output voltage by differentially comparing the output voltage against a fixed reference. The subsequent error voltage that appears at the error amplifier output (COMP) is compared against an internal ramp voltage to generate the required duty cycle of the pulse-width modulator. A second order lowpass LC filter removes the switching harmonics and passes the DC component of the pulse-width-modulated signal to the output. The LC filter, which has an attenuation slope of -40dB/decade, introduces 180° of phase shift at frequencies above the LC resonant frequency. This phase shift, in addition to the inherent 180° of phase shift of the regulator’s self-governing (negative) feedback system, poses the potential for positive feedback. The error amplifier and its associated circuitry are designed to compensate for this instability to achieve a stable closed-loop system. The basic regulator loop consists of a power modulator (comprised of the regulator’s pulse-width modulator, associated circuitry, and LC filter), an output feedback divider, and an error amplifier. The power modulator has a DC gain set by VIN/VRAMP, where VRAMP’s amplitude is typically 2VP-P. The output filter is effectively modeled as a double pole and a single zero set by the output inductance (L), the output capacitance (COUT), the DC resistance of the inductor (DCR), and its equivalent series resistance (ESR). ______________________________________________________________________________________ Dual-Output Buck Controller with Tracking/Sequencing 1 ≈ ⎛R +ESR ⎞ 2π L × COUT × ⎜ OUT ⎟ ⎝ ROUT +DCR ⎠ fESR = 1 2π L × COUT 1 2π ×ESR× COUT The switching frequency is programmable between 200kHz and 2.2MHz using an external resistor at RT. Typically, the crossover frequency (fCO), which is the frequency when the system’s closed-loop gain is equal to unity (crosses the 0dB axis)—should be set at or below one-tenth the switching frequency (fSW/10) for stable, closed-loop response. The MAX15002 provides an internal transconductance amplifier with its inverting input and its output available to the user for external frequency compensation. The flexibility of external compensation for each converter offers wide selection of output filtering components, especially the output capacitor. For cost-sensitive applications, use aluminum electrolytic capacitors and for space-sensitive applications, use low-ESR tantalum or multilayer ceramic chip (MLCC) capacitors at the output. The higher switching frequencies of the MAX15002 allow the use of MLCC as the primary filter capacitor(s). POWER MODULATOR AND TYPE II COMPENSATOR GAIN AND PHASE RESPONSE WITH LOSSY BULK OUTPUT CAPACITORS (ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTICS) POWER MODULATOR GAIN AND PHASE RESPONSE WITH LOSSY BULK OUTPUT CAPACITORS (ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTICS) MAX15002 fig05a 40 fLC |GMOD| ASYMPTOTE 60 < GMOD -20 0 fLC fESR -45 -40 -90 -60 -135 90 |GEA| 20 fCO 10 100 1k 10k 100k 1M -180 10M FREQUENCY (Hz) Figure 5a. Power Modulator Gain and Phase Response (Large, Bulk COUT) 45 0 0 -20 < GMOD fESR -45 -90 -40 -80 180 135 <GEA 40 |GMOD| PHASE (DEGREES) 0 MAX15002 fig05b 80 90 45 20 MAGNITUDE (dB) Closed-Loop Response and Compensation of Voltage-Mode Regulators The power modulator’s LC lowpass filter exhibits a variety of responses, depending on the value of the L and C (and their parasitics). One such response is shown in Figure 5a. In this example, the power modulator’s uncompensated crossover is approximately 1/6th the desired crossover frequency, fCO. Note also, the uncompensated roll-off through the 0dB plane follows the double-pole, -40dB/dec slope and approaches 180° of phase shift, indicative of a potentially unstable system. Together with the inherent 180° of phase delay in the negative feedback system, this can lead to near 360° or positive feedback—an unstable system. The desired (compensated) roll-off follows a -20dB/dec slope (and commensurate 90° of phase shift), and, in this example, occurs at approximately 6x the uncompensated crossover frequency, fCO. In this example, a Type II compensator provides for stable closed-loop operation, leveraging the +20dB/dec slope of the capacitor’s ESR zero (see Figure 5b). MAGNITUDE (dB) fLC = VIN V = IN VRAMP 2V PHASE (DEGREES) GMOD(DC) = First, select the passive and active power components that meet the application’s output ripple, component size, and component cost requirements. Second, choose the small-signal compensation components to achieve the desired closed-loop frequency response and phase margin as outlined below. -60 |GMOD| -135 1M -180 10M -80 10 100 1k 10k 100k FREQUENCY (Hz) Figure 5b. Power Modulator (Large, Bulk COUT) and Type II Compensator Responses ______________________________________________________________________________________ 19 MAX15002 Below are equations that define the power modulator: The Type II compensator’s mid-frequency gain (approximately 4dB shown here) is designed to compensate for the power modulator’s attenuation at the desired crossover frequency, fCO (GE/A + GMOD = 0dB at fCO). In this example, the power modulator’s inherent -20dB/decade roll-off above the ESR zero (f ESR ) is leveraged to extend the active regulation gain-bandwidth of the voltage regulator. As shown in Figure 5b, the net result is a 2x increase in the regulator’s gain bandwidth while providing greater than 55° of phase margin (the difference between G E/A and G MOD respective phases at crossover, fCO). Other filter schemes pose their own problems. For instance, when choosing high-quality filter capacitor(s), e.g., MLCCs, and inductor, with minimal parasitics, the inherent ESR zero can occur at a much higher frequency, as shown in Figure 5c. As with the previous example, the actual gain and phase response is overlaid on the power modulator’s asymptotic gain response. One readily observes the more dramatic gain and phase transition at or near the power modulator’s resonant frequency, fLC, versus the gentler response of the previous example. This is due to the component’s lower parasitics (OCR and ESR) and corresponding higher frequency of the inherent ESR zero frequency. In this example, the desired crossover frequency occurs below the ESR zero frequency. In this example, a compensator with an inherent midfrequency double-zero response is required to mitigate the effects of the filter’s double-pole. Such is available with the Type III topology. POWER MODULATOR GAIN AND PHASE RESPONSE WITH LOW-PARASITIC OUTPUT CAPACITORS (MLCCs) POWER MODULATOR AND TYPE III COMPENSATOR GAIN AND PHASE RESPONSE WITH LOW PARASITIC OUTPUT CAPACITORS (MLCCs) |GMOD| 20 As demonstrated in Figure 5d, the Type III’s mid-frequency double-zero gain (exhibiting a +20dB/dec slope, noting the compensator’s pole at the origin) is designed to compensate for the power modulator’s double-pole -40dB/decade attenuation at the desired crossover frequency, fCO (again, GE/A + GMOD = 0dB at fCO). See Figure 5d. In the above example, the power modulator’s inherent (mid-frequency) -40dB/decade roll-off is mitigated by the mid-frequency double zero’s +20dB/decade gain to extend the active regulation gain-bandwidth of the voltage regulator. As shown in Figure 5d, the net result is an approximate doubling in the regulator’s gain bandwidth while providing greater than 60° of phase margin (the difference between GE/A and GMOD respective phases at crossover, fCO). Design procedures for both Type II and Type III compensators are shown below. 90 MAX15002 fig05d 80 < GEA 60 45 |GEA| -20 fESR < GMOD -45 -40 -90 -60 -135 MAGNITUDE (dB) 0 fLC PHASE (DEGREES) 40 0 203 135 fLC 68 20 0 -20 fCO 0 |GMOD| -68 < GMOD -135 -40 -60 |GMOD| ASYMPTOTE -80 10 100 1k 10k 100k 1M -180 10M FREQUENCY (Hz) Figure 5c. Power Modulator Gain and Phase Response (HighQuality COUT) 20 270 PHASE (DEGREES) MAX15002 fig05c 40 MAGNITUDE (dB) MAX15002 Dual-Output Buck Controller with Tracking/Sequencing fESR -80 10 100 1k 10k 100k 1M -203 -270 10M FREQUENCY (Hz) Figure 5d. Power Modulator (High-Quality COUT) and Type III Compensator Responses ______________________________________________________________________________________ Dual-Output Buck Controller with Tracking/Sequencing 1) Calculate the fZERO,ESR and LC double pole, fLC: fESR = VOUT R1 fLC = FB - COMP gM VREF R2 1 2π ×ESR× COUT 1 2π × L × COUT 2) Calculate the unity-gain crossover frequency as: + f fCO ≤ SW RF CF MAX15002 Type II: Compensation When fCO > fESR 10 CCF 3) Determine RF from the following: V (2π × fCO ×L)VOUT RF = RAMP VOUT × VIN × gm ×ESR Figure 6a. Type II Compensation Network Note: RF is derived by setting the total loop gain at crossover frequency to unity, e.g., GEA(fCO) x GM(fCO) = 1V/V. The transconductance error amplifier gain is GEA(fCO) = gM x RF while the modulator gain is: GAIN (dB) GMOD (fCO ) = VIN V ESR × × FB VRAMP 2π × fCO ×L VOUT The total loop gain can be expressed logarithmically as follows: 1ST ASYMPTOTE GMODVREFVOUT-1(ωCF)-1 [ ] 20log10 gmRF + 2ND ASYMPTOTE GMODVREFVOUT-1RF 1ST POLE (AT ORIGIN) 1ST ZERO RFCF ⎡ ⎤ ESR× VIN × VFB ⎥ = 0 dB 20log10 ⎢ ⎢⎣ (2π × fCO ×L ) × VOUT × VRAMP ⎥⎦ 3RD ASYMPTOTE GMODVREFVOUT-1(ωCCF)-1 2ND POLE RFCCF ω (rad/sec) where V RAMP is the peak-to-peak ramp amplitude equal to 2V. 4) Place a zero at or below the LC double pole, fLC: Figure 6b. Type II Compensation Network Response When the fCO is greater than fESR, a Type II compensation network provides the necessary closed-loop response. The Type II compensation network provides a midband compensating zero and high-frequency pole (see Figures 6a and 6b). R F C F provides the midband zero f MID,ZERO , and RFCCF provides the high-frequency pole fHIGH,POLE. Use the following procedure to calculate the compensation network components. CF = 1 2π ×RF × fLC 5) Place a high-frequency pole at or below fP = 0.5 x fSW: CCF = 1 π ×RF × fSW 6) Choose an appropriately sized R1 (connected from OUT_ to FB_, start with a 10kΩ). Once R1 is selected, calculate R2 using the following equation: V FB R2 = R1 × VOUT − VFB where VFB = 0.6V. ______________________________________________________________________________________ 21 MAX15002 Dual-Output Buck Controller with Tracking/Sequencing Type III: Compensation when fCO < fESR As indicated above, the position of the output capacitor’s inherent ESR zero is critical in designing an appropriate compensation network. When low-ESR ceramic output capacitors are used, the ESR zero frequency (fESR) is usually much higher than unity crossover frequency (fCO). In this case, a Type III compensation network is recommended (see Figure 7a). VOUT R1 CI FB R2 CF RF COMP + GAIN (dB) 4TH ASYMPTOTE RFRIC 3RD ASYMPTOTE ωRFCI 1 1 = 2π × RF × (CF || CCF ) 2π × R × CF × CCF F CF + CCF 5TH ASYMPTOTE ωRICCF-1 Set the ratios of fCO-to-fZ and fP-to-fCO equal to one another, e.g., fCO = fP = 5 is a good number to get about fZ fCO 60° of phase margin at fCO. Whichever technique, it is important to place the two zeros at or below the double pole to avoid the conditional stability issue. The following procedure is recommended: 1) Select a crossover frequency, fCO, at or below onetenth the switching frequency: 2ND ASYMPTOTE RFRI-1 1ST POLE (AT ORIGIN) 1ST ZERO 2ND POLE RFCF RICI 2ND ZERO RICI f fCO ≤ SW 10 3RD POLE ω (rad/sec) RFCCF 2) Calculate the LC double-pole frequency, fLC : fLC = Figure 7b. Type III Compensation Network Response As shown in Figure 7b, the Type III compensation network introduces two zeros and three poles into the control loop. The error amplifier has a low-frequency pole at the origin, two zeros, and two higher frequency poles at the following frequencies: 1 fZ1 = 2π × RF × CF 1 fZ2 = 2π × CI × (R1 + RI) 22 1 2π × RI × CI fP3 attenuates the high-frequency output ripple. The locations of the zeros and poles should be such that the phase margin peaks around fCO. Figure 7a. Type III Compensation Network 1ST ASYMPTOTE ωRICF-1 fP2 = fP3 = gM VREF fP1 = at the origin (0Hz) fP1 introduces a pole at zero frequency (integrator) for nulling DC output-voltage errors. Depending on the location of the ESR zero (fESR), fP2 can be used to cancel it, or to provide additional attenuation of the high-frequency output ripple. CCF RI Two midband zeros (fZ1 and fZ2) are designed to cancel the pair of complex poles introduced by the LC filter. 1 2π× L × COUT 3) Select RF ≥ 10kΩ. 1 4) Place compensator’s first zero fZ1 = R 2 π × F × CF at or below the output filter’s double pole, fLC, as follows: CF = 1 2π × RF × 0.5 × fLC ______________________________________________________________________________________ Dual-Output Buck Controller with Tracking/Sequencing GainMOD = 4 × 1 2 (2π × fCO ) × L × COUT The gain of the error amplifier (GainE/A) in midband frequencies is: GainE/A = 2π x fCO x CI x RF If a ceramic capacitor is used, the capacitor ESR zero, fESR, is likely to be located even above onehalf of the switching frequency, that is fLC < fCO < fSW/2 < fESR . In this case, the frequency of the second pole (fP2) should be placed high enough not to significantly erode the phase margin at the crossover frequency. For example, it can be set at 5 x fCO, so that its contribution to phase loss at the crossover frequency fCO is only about 11°: fP2 = 5 x fCO Once fP2 is known, calculate RI: The total loop gain as the product of the modulator gain and the error-amplifier gain at fCO should be equal to 1, as follows: GainMOD × GainE / A = 1 So : 4× 1 2 (2π × fCO ) × COUT × L SolvingforCI : CI = × 2π × fCO × CI × RF = 1 (2π × fCO × L × COUT ) 4 × RF 6) For those situations where f LC < f CO < f ESR < fSW/2—as with low-ESR tantalum capacitors—the compensator’s second pole (fP2) should be used to cancel fESR. This provides additional phase margin. Viewed mathematically on the system Bode plot, the loop gain plot maintains its +20dB/decade slope up to 1/2 of the switching frequency verses flattening out soon after the 0dB crossover. Then set: fP2 = fESR RI = 1 2π × fP2 × CI 7) Place the second zero (fZ2) at 0.2 x fCO or at fLC, whichever is lower and calculate R1 using the following equation: R1 = 1 2π × fZ2 × CI − RI 8) Place the third pole (fP3) at 1/2 the switching frequency and calculate CCF from: CCF = 1 2π × 0.5 × fSW × RF 9) Calculate R2 as: R2 = R1 × VFB VOUT − VFB where VFB = 0.6V. ______________________________________________________________________________________ 23 MAX15002 5) The gain of the modulator (GainMOD)—comprised of the regulator’s pulse-width modulator, LC filter, feedback divider, and associated circuitry—at crossover frequency is: PGND CIN 100nF 100nF FDMS8660 BST2 FDMS8660 MAX15002 CSP2 71.5kΩ 270µF 499kΩ 1µH DH2 SEL 10kΩ PGND2 SGND 2.2Ω 47µF LX2 PHASE 680pF 100nF 1.58kΩ 2.7nF 11.0kΩ 100kΩ 44.2kΩ EN/TRACK2 CT 1.8V COMP2 EP 46.4kΩ 22.1kΩ 100pF SGND PGOOD2 30.1kΩ PGOOD1 ILIM1 COMP1 FB1 EN1 PGND1 CSP1 DL1 CSN1 LX1 DH1 BST1 DREG1 2.7nF 100nF 47µF FDMS8660 30.1kΩ 11.0kΩ 2.2Ω 1.4µH FDMS8690 100pF (1/2) CMFSH-31 100nF 150µF IN CSN2 SYNC 200kΩ 49.1kΩ DL2 RT ______________________________________________________________________________________ REG Figure 8. Coincident Dual Tracker with Lossless Current Sense 2.3µF 44.2kΩ 560pF 47.6kΩ 24 RESET 3.3V MAX15002 Dual-Output Buck Controller with Tracking/Sequencing Typical Operating Circuits 1.91kΩ 10kΩ ILIM2 FB2 (1/2)CMFSH-31 DREG2 IN Dual-Output Buck Controller with Tracking/Sequencing PGOOD1 ILIM1 COMP1 FB1 EN1 PGND1 CSP1 DL1 CSN1 VOUT1 LX1 DH1 BST1 DREG1 PGOOD2 ILIM2 EP RESET COMP2 FB2 CT EN/TRACK2 SGND SYNC MAX15002 RT CSP2 DL2 CSN2 LX2 PHASE DH2 SEL VOUT2 REG PGND2 BST2 DREG2 PGND CIN IN SGND IN Figure 9. Dual Sequencer with Lossless Current Sense ______________________________________________________________________________________ 25 MAX15002 Typical Operating Circuits (continued) Dual-Output Buck Controller with Tracking/Sequencing PGOOD1 ILIM1 COMP1 FB1 EN1 CSP1 PGND1 CSN1 DL1 LX1 DH1 BST1 DREG1 VOUT1 MAX15002 Typical Operating Circuits (continued) PGOOD2 ILIM2 EP RESET COMP2 FB2 EN/TRACK2 CT PGND2 REG RT MAX15002 SGND CSP2 DL2 LX2 PHASE DH2 SEL VOUT2 CSN2 SYNC BST2 DREG2 PGND CIN IN AGND IN Figure 10. Ratiometric Dual Tracker with Accurate Valley-Mode Current Sense 26 ______________________________________________________________________________________ Dual-Output Buck Controller with Tracking/Sequencing Power Dissipation The 40-pin TQFN thermally enhanced package can dissipate up to 2.96W. Calculate power dissipation in the MAX15002 as a product of the input voltage and the total REG output current (IREG). IREG includes quiescent current (I Q ) and the total gate drive current (IDREG): PD = VIN x IREG IREG = IQ + [fSW x (QG1 + QG2 + QG3 + QG4)] where QG1 to QG4 are the total gate charge of the lowside and high-side external MOSFETs. f SW is the switching frequency of the converter and IQ is the quiescent current of the device at the switching frequency. Use the following equation to calculate the maximum power dissipation (PDMAX) in the chip at a given ambient temperature (TA): PDMAX = 37 x (150 - TA)……….mW PCB Layout Guidelines Use the following guidelines to layout the switching voltage regulator. 1) Place the IN, REG, and DREG_ bypass capacitors close to the MAX15002. 2) Minimize the area and length of the high-current loops from the input capacitor, upper switching MOSFET, inductor, and output capacitor back to the input capacitor negative terminal. 3) Keep the current loop formed by the lower switching MOSFET, inductor and output capacitor short. 4) Keep SGND and PGND isolated and connect them at one single point close to the negative terminal of the input filter capacitor. 5) Run the current-sense lines CSP_ and CSN_ close to each other to minimize the loop area. 6) Avoid long traces between the REG/DREG_ bypass capacitors, driver output of the MAX15002, MOSFET gates, and PGND. Minimize the loop formed by the DREG_ bypass capacitors, bootstrap diode, bootstrap capacitor, high-side driver output of the MAX15002, and upper MOSFET gates. 7) Place the bank of output capacitors close to the load. 8) Distribute the power components evenly across the board for proper heat dissipation. 9) Provide enough copper area at and around the switching MOSFETs, and inductor to aid in thermal dissipation. 10) Connect the MAX15002 exposed paddle to a large copper plane to maximize its power dissipation capability. Connect the exposed paddle to SGND. Do not connect the exposed paddle to the SGND pin (pin 35) directly underneath the IC. 11) Use 2oz copper to keep the trace inductance and resistance to a minimum. Thin copper PCBs compromise efficiency because high currents are involved in the application. Also, thicker copper conducts heat more effectively, thereby reducing thermal impedance. ______________________________________________________________________________________ 27 MAX15002 PWM Controller Applications Information Dual-Output Buck Controller with Tracking/Sequencing MAX15002 Pin Configuration Chip Information PROCESS: BiCMOS BST2 CSN2 CSP2 ILIM2 COMP2 FB2 EN/TRACK2 PGOOD2 N.C. N.C. TOP VIEW 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 Package Information N.C. 31 20 DH2 N.C. 32 19 LX2 N.C. 33 18 DREG2 17 DL2 SYNC 34 16 PGND2 SGND 35 MAX15002 RT 36 15 PGOOD1 14 FB1 PHASE 37 RESET 38 PACKAGE TYPE PACKAGE CODE OUTLINE NO. LAND PATTERN NO. 40 TQFN-EP T4066-3 21-0141 90-0054 13 EN1 EP + CT 39 For the latest package outline information and land patterns, go to www.maxim-ic.com/packages. Note that a “+”, “#”, or “-” in the package code indicates RoHS status only. Package drawings may show a different suffix character, but the drawing pertains to the package regardless of RoHS status. 12 COMP1 11 ILIM1 5 6 SEL PGND1 DL1 DREG1 LX1 7 8 9 10 CSP1 4 CSN1 3 DH1 2 BST1 1 REG IN 40 THIN QFN 28 ______________________________________________________________________________________ Dual-Output Buck Controller with Tracking/Sequencing REVISION NUMBER REVISION DATE 0 12/07 Initial release — 1 6/08 Corrected Figure 8 24 DESCRIPTION PAGES CHANGED Maxim cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Maxim product. No circuit patent licenses are implied. Maxim reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time. Maxim Integrated Products, 120 San Gabriel Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 408-737-7600 ____________________ 29 © 2008 Maxim Integrated Products Maxim is a registered trademark of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. MAX15002 Revision History