SST25PF020B 2 Mbit 2.3-3.6V SPI Serial Flash Features Product Description • Single Voltage Read and Write Operations - 2.3-3.6V • Serial Interface Architecture - SPI Compatible: Mode 0 and Mode 3 • High Speed Clock Frequency - 80 MHz (2.7-3.6V operation) - 50 MHz (2.3-2.7V operation) • Superior Reliability - Endurance: 100,000 Cycles (typical) - Greater than 100 years Data Retention • Low Power Consumption: - Active Read Current: 10 mA (typical) - Standby Current: 5 µA (typical) • Flexible Erase Capability - Uniform 4 KByte sectors - Uniform 32 KByte overlay blocks - Uniform 64 KByte overlay blocks • Fast Erase and Byte-Program: - Chip-Erase Time: 35 ms (typical) - Sector-/Block-Erase Time: 18 ms (typical) - Byte-Program Time: 7 µs (typical) • Auto Address Increment (AAI) Programming - Decrease total chip programming time over Byte-Program operations • End-of-Write Detection - Software polling the BUSY bit in Status Register - Busy Status readout on SO pin in AAI Mode • Hold Pin (HOLD#) - Suspends a serial sequence to the memory without deselecting the device • Write Protection (WP#) - Enables/Disables the Lock-Down function of the status register • Software Write Protection - Write protection through Block-Protection bits in status register • Temperature Range - Commercial: 0°C to +70°C • Packages Available - 8-lead SOIC (150 mils) - 8-contact WSON (6mm x 5mm) - 8-contact USON (3mm x 2mm) • All non-Pb (lead-free) devices are RoHS compliant The 25 series Serial Flash family features a four-wire, SPI-compatible interface that allows for a low pin-count package which occupies less board space and ultimately lowers total system costs. The SST25PF020B devices are enhanced with improved operating frequency and even lower power consumption. SST25PF020B SPI serial flash memories are manufactured with proprietary, high-performance CMOS SuperFlash technology. The split-gate cell design and thick-oxide tunneling injector attain better reliability and manufacturability compared with alternate approaches. 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. The SST25PF020B devices significantly improve performance and reliability, while lowering power consumption. The devices write (Program or Erase) with a single power supply of 2.3-3.6V for SST25PF020B. The total energy consumed is a function of the applied voltage, current, and time of application. Since for any given voltage range, the SuperFlash technology uses less current to program and has a shorter erase time, the total energy consumed during any Erase or Program operation is less than alternative flash memory technologies. The SST25PF020B device is offered in 8-lead SOIC (150 mils), 8-contact WSON (6mm x 5mm), and 8-contact USON (3mm x 2mm) packages. See Figure 2-1 for pin assignments. DS25135A-page 1 SST25PF020B 1.0 FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM SuperFlash Memory X - Decoder Address Buffers and Latches Y - Decoder I/O Buffers and Data Latches Control Logic Serial Interface CE# FIGURE 1-1: DS25135A-page 2 SCK SI SO WP# HOLD# 25135 B1.0 FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. SST25PF020B 2.0 PIN DESCRIPTION CE# 1 SO 2 8 VDD 7 HOLD# CE# 1 SO 2 8 VDD 7 HOLD# Top View Top View WP# 3 6 SCK WP# 3 6 SCK VSS 4 5 SI VSS 4 5 SI 8-Contact WSON 8-Lead SOIC 25135 08-wson QA P2.0 25135 08-soic S2A P1.0 CE# 1 SO 2 Top View 8 VDD 7 HOLD# WP# 3 6 SCK VSS 4 5 SI 8-Contact USON 25135 08-uson Q3A P1.0 FIGURE 2-1: TABLE 2-1: PIN ASSIGNMENTS PIN DESCRIPTION Symbol Pin Name Functions SCK Serial Clock To provide the timing of the serial interface. Commands, addresses, or input data are latched on the rising edge of the clock input, while output data is shifted out on the falling edge of the clock input. SI Serial Data Input To transfer commands, addresses, or data serially into the device. Inputs are latched on the rising edge of the serial clock. SO Serial Data Output To transfer data serially out of the device. Data is shifted out on the falling edge of the serial clock. Outputs Flash busy status during AAI Programming when reconfigured as RY/BY# pin. See “Hardware End-of-Write Detection” on page 11 for details. CE# Chip Enable The device is enabled by a high to low transition on CE#. CE# must remain low for the duration of any command sequence. WP# Write Protect The Write Protect (WP#) pin is used to enable/disable BPL bit in the status register. HOLD# Hold To temporarily stop serial communication with SPI flash memory without resetting the device. VDD Power Supply To provide power supply voltage: 2.3-3.6V for SST25PF020B VSS Ground 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. DS25135A-page 3 SST25PF020B 3.0 MEMORY ORGANIZATION used to select the device, and data is accessed through the Serial Data Input (SI), Serial Data Output (SO), and Serial Clock (SCK). The SST25PF020B SuperFlash memory array is organized in uniform 4 KByte erasable sectors with 32 KByte overlay blocks and 64 KByte overlay erasable blocks. 4.0 The SST25PF020B supports both Mode 0 (0,0) and Mode 3 (1,1) of SPI bus operations. The difference between the two modes, as shown in Figure 4-1, is the state of the SCK signal when the bus master is in Standby mode and no data is being transferred. The SCK signal is low for Mode 0 and SCK signal is high for Mode 3. For both modes, the Serial Data In (SI) is sampled at the rising edge of the SCK clock signal and the Serial Data Output (SO) is driven after the falling edge of the SCK clock signal. DEVICE OPERATION The SST25PF020B is accessed through the SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) bus compatible protocol. The SPI bus consist of four control lines; Chip Enable (CE#) is CE# SCK MODE 3 MODE 3 MODE 0 MODE 0 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 SI MSB HIGH IMPEDANCE DON'T CARE Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 SO MSB FIGURE 4-1: 4.1 25135 SPIprot.0 SPI PROTOCOL Hold Operation The HOLD# pin is used to pause a serial sequence underway with the SPI flash memory without resetting the clocking sequence. To activate the HOLD# mode, CE# must be in active low state. The HOLD# mode begins when the SCK active low state coincides with the falling edge of the HOLD# signal. The HOLD mode ends when the HOLD# signal’s rising edge coincides with the SCK active low state. If the falling edge of the HOLD# signal does not coincide with the SCK active low state, then the device enters Hold mode when the SCK next reaches the active low state. Similarly, if the rising edge of the HOLD# signal does not coincide with the SCK active low state, then the device exits in Hold mode when the SCK next reaches the active low state. See Figure 4-2 for Hold Condition waveform. Once the device enters Hold mode, SO will be in highimpedance state while SI and SCK can be VIL or VIH. If CE# is driven high during a Hold condition, the device returns to Standby mode. As long as HOLD# signal is low, the memory remains in the Hold condition. To resume communication with the device, HOLD# must be driven active high, and CE# must be driven active low. See Figure 4-2 for Hold timing. SCK HOLD# Active Hold Active Hold Active 25135 HoldCond.0 FIGURE 4-2: DS25135A-page 4 HOLD CONDITION WAVEFORM 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. SST25PF020B 4.2 Write Protection SST25PF020B provides software Write protection. The Write Protect pin (WP#) enables or disables the lockdown function of the status register. The Block-Protection bits (BP1, BP0, and BPL) in the status register, and the Top/Bottom Sector Protection Status bits (TSP and BSP) in Status Register 1, provide Write protection to the memory array and the status register. See Table 44 for the Block-Protection description. TABLE 4-1: 4.3 4.2.1 WRITE PROTECT PIN (WP#) The Write Protect (WP#) pin enables the lock-down function of the BPL bit (bit 7) in the status register. When WP# is driven low, the execution of the WriteStatus-Register (WRSR) instruction is determined by the value of the BPL bit (see Table 4-1). When WP# is high, the lock-down function of the BPL bit is disabled. CONDITIONS TO EXECUTE WRITE-STATUS-REGISTER (WRSR) INSTRUCTION WP# BPL Execute WRSR Instruction L 1 Not Allowed L 0 Allowed H X Allowed Status Register The software status register provides status on whether the flash memory array is available for any Read or Write operation, whether the device is Write enabled, and the state of the Memory Write protection. TABLE 4-2: During an internal Erase or Program operation, the status register may be read only to determine the completion of an operation in progress. Table 4-2 describes the function of each bit in the software status register. SOFTWARE STATUS REGISTER Default at Power-up Read/Write 1 = Internal Write operation is in progress 0 = No internal Write operation is in progress 0 R WEL 1 = Device is memory Write enabled 0 = Device is not memory Write enabled 0 R 2 BP0 Indicates current level of block write protection (See Table 4-4) 1 R/W 3 BP1 Indicates current level of block write protection (See Table 4-4) 1 R/W 4:5 RES Reserved for future use 0 N/A 6 AAI Auto Address Increment Programming status 1 = AAI programming mode 0 = Byte-Program mode 0 R 7 BPL 1 = BP1, BP0 are read-only bits 0 = BP1, BP0 are read/writable 0 R/W Bit Name Function 0 BUSY 1 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. DS25135A-page 5 SST25PF020B 4.4 Software Status Register 1 The Software Status Register 1 is an additional register that contains Top Sector and Bottom Sector Protection bits. These register bits are read/writable and determine the lock TABLE 4-3: Bit 0:1 2 BSP 4:7 RES 4.4.1 SOFTWARE STATUS REGISTER 1 Name RES TSP 3 Function Reserved for future use Top Sector Protection status 1 = Indicates highest sector is write locked 0 = Indicates highest sector is Write accessible Bottom Sector Protection status 1 = Indicates lowest sector is write locked 0 = Indicates lowest sector is Write accessible Reserved for future use BUSY The Busy bit determines whether there is an internal Erase or Program operation in progress. A “1” for the Busy bit indicates the device is busy with an operation in progress. A “0” indicates the device is ready for the next valid operation. 4.4.2 Power-up Write-Disable (WRDI) instruction completion Byte-Program instruction completion Auto Address Increment (AAI) programming is completed or reached its highest unprotected TABLE 4-4: • • • • Default at Power-up 0 0 Read/Write N/A R/W 0 R/W 0 N/A memory address Sector-Erase instruction completion Block-Erase instruction completion Chip-Erase instruction completion Write-Status-Register instruction completion 4.4.3 WRITE ENABLE LATCH (WEL) The Write-Enable-Latch bit indicates the status of the internal memory Write Enable Latch. If the WriteEnable-Latch bit is set to “1”, it indicates the device is Write enabled. If the bit is set to “0” (reset), it indicates the device is not Write enabled and does not accept any memory Write (Program/Erase) commands. The Write-Enable-Latch bit is automatically reset under the following conditions: • • • • and unlock status of the top and bottom sectors. Table 4-3 describes the function of each bit in the Software Status Register 1. AUTO ADDRESS INCREMENT (AAI) The Auto Address Increment Programming-Status bit provides status on whether the device is in AAI programming mode or Byte-Program mode. The default at power up is Byte-Program mode. 4.4.4 BLOCK PROTECTION (BP1, BP0) The Block-Protection (BP1, BP0) bits define the size of the memory area, as defined in Table 4-4, to be software protected against any memory Write (Program or Erase) operation. The Write-Status-Register (WRSR) instruction is used to program the BP1 and BP0 bits as long as WP# is high or the Block-Protect-Lock (BPL) bit is 0. Chip-Erase can only be executed if Block-Protection bits are all 0. After power-up, BP1 and BP0 are set to 1. SOFTWARE STATUS REGISTER BLOCK PROTECTION FOR SST25PF020B1 Status Register Bit2 Protection Level BP1 BP0 Protected Memory Address 2 Mbit 0 0 0 None 1 (1/4 Memory Array) 0 1 030000H-03FFFFH 1 (1/2 Memory Array) 1 0 020000H-03FFFFH 1 (Full Memory Array) 1 1 000000H-03FFFFH 1. X = Don’t Care (RESERVED) default is ‘0’ 2. Default at power-up for BP1 and BP0 is ‘11’. (All Blocks Protected) DS25135A-page 6 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. SST25PF020B 4.4.5 BLOCK PROTECTION LOCK-DOWN (BPL) WP# pin driven low (VIL), enables the Block-ProtectionLock-Down (BPL) bit. When BPL is set to 1, it prevents any further alteration of the BPL, BP1, and BP0 bits of the status register and BSP and TSP of Status Register 1. When the WP# pin is driven high (VIH), the BPL bit has no effect and its value is “Don’t Care”. After powerup, the BPL bit is reset to 0. 4.4.6 TOP-SECTOR PROTECTION/ BOTTOM-SECTOR PROTECTION The Top-Sector Protection (TSP) and Bottom-Sector Protection (BSP) bits independently indicate whether the highest and lowest sector locations are Write locked or Write accessible. When TSP or BSP is set to ‘1’, the respective sector is Write locked; when set to ‘0’ the respective sector is Write accessible. If TSP or BSP is set to '1' and if the top or bottom sector is within the boundary of the target address range of the program or erase instruction, the initiated instruction (Byte-Program, AAI-Word Program, Sector-Erase, Block-Erase, and Chip-Erase) will not be executed. Upon power-up, the TSP and BSP bits are automatically reset to ‘0’. 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. DS25135A-page 7 SST25PF020B 4.5 Instructions Instructions are used to read, write (Erase and Program), and configure the SST25PF020B. The instruction bus cycles are 8 bits each for commands (Op Code), data, and addresses. Prior to executing any Byte-Program, Auto Address Increment (AAI) programming, Sector-Erase, Block-Erase, Write-Status-Register, or Chip-Erase instructions, the Write-Enable (WREN) instruction must be executed first. The complete list of instructions is provided in Table 4-5. All instructions are synchronized off a high to low transition of CE#. Inputs will be accepted on the rising edge of TABLE 4-5: SCK starting with the most significant bit. CE# must be driven low before an instruction is entered and must be driven high after the last bit of the instruction has been shifted in (except for Read, Read-ID, and Read-StatusRegister instructions). Any low to high transition on CE#, before receiving the last bit of an instruction bus cycle, will terminate the instruction in progress and return the device to standby mode. Instruction commands (Op Code), addresses, and data are all input from the most significant bit (MSB) first. DEVICE OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS Instruction Description Op Code Cycle1 Address Cycle(s)2 Dummy Cycle(s) Data Cycle(s) Read Read Memory 0000 0011b (03H) 3 0 1 to ∞ High-Speed Read Read Memory at higher speed 0000 1011b (0BH) 3 1 1 to ∞ 4 KByte SectorErase3 Erase 4 KByte of memory array 0010 0000b (20H) 3 0 0 32 KByte BlockErase4 Erase 32 KByte block of memory array 0101 0010b (52H) 3 0 0 64 KByte BlockErase5 Erase 64 KByte block of memory array 1101 1000b (D8H) 3 0 0 Chip-Erase Erase Full Memory Array 0110 0000b (60H) or 1100 0111b (C7H) 0 0 0 Byte-Program To Program One Data Byte 0000 0010b (02H) 3 0 1 AAI-Word-Program6 Auto Address Increment Programming 1010 1101b (ADH) 3 0 2 to ∞ RDSR7 Read-Status-Register 0000 0101b (05H) 0 0 1 to ∞ RDSR1 Read-Status-Register 1 0011 0101b (35H) 0 0 1 to ∞ EWSR Enable-Write-Status-Register 0101b 0000b (50H) 0 0 0 WRSR Write-Status-Register 0000 0001b (01H) 0 0 1 or 2 WREN Write-Enable 0000 0110b (06H) 0 0 0 WRDI Write-Disable 0000 0100b (04H) 0 0 0 RDID8 Read-ID 1001 0000b (90H) or 1010 1011b (ABH) 3 0 1 to ∞ JEDEC-ID JEDEC ID Read 1001 1111b (9FH) 0 0 3 to ∞ EBSY Enable SO to output RY/BY# status during AAI programming 0111 0000b (70H) 0 0 0 DBSY Disable SO to output RY/BY# status during AAI programming 1000 0000b (80H) 0 0 0 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. One bus cycle is eight clock periods. Address bits above the most significant bit of each density can be VIL or VIH. 4KByte Sector Erase addresses: use AMS-A12, remaining addresses are don’t care but must be set either at VIL or VIH. 32KByte Block Erase addresses: use AMS-A15, remaining addresses are don’t care but must be set either at VIL or VIH. 64KByte Block Erase addresses: use AMS-A16, remaining addresses are don’t care but must be set either at VIL or VIH. To continue programming to the next sequential address location, enter the 8-bit command, ADH, followed by 2 bytes of data to be programmed. Data Byte 0 will be programmed into the initial address [A23-A1] with A0=0, Data Byte 1 will be programmed into the initial address [A23-A1] with A0=1. 7. The Read-Status-Register is continuous with ongoing clock cycles until terminated by a low to high transition on CE#. 8. Manufacturer’s ID is read with A0=0, and Device ID is read with A0=1. All other address bits are 00H. The Manufacturer’s ID and Device ID output stream is continuous until terminated by a low-to-high transition on CE#. DS25135A-page 8 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. SST25PF020B 4.5.1 READ (33/25 MHZ) The Read instruction, 03H, supports up to 33 MHz (2.73.6V operation) or 25 MHz (2.3-2.7V operation) Read. The device outputs the data starting from the specified address location. The data output stream is continuous through all addresses until terminated by a low to high transition on CE#. The internal address pointer will automatically increment until the highest memory address is reached. Once the highest memory address is reached, the address pointer will automatically incre- ment to the beginning (wrap-around) of the address space. Once the data from address location 3FFFFH has been read, the next output will be from address location 000000H. The Read instruction is initiated by executing an 8-bit command, 03H, followed by address bits [A23-A0]. CE# must remain active low for the duration of the Read cycle. See Figure 4-3 for the Read sequence. CE# MODE 3 SCK 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 23 24 15 16 31 32 39 40 47 48 55 56 63 64 70 MODE 0 ADD. ADD. 03 SI ADD. MSB MSB N DOUT HIGH IMPEDANCE SO N+1 DOUT N+2 DOUT N+3 DOUT N+4 DOUT MSB 25135 ReadSeq.0 FIGURE 4-3: 4.5.2 READ SEQUENCE HIGH-SPEED-READ (80/50 MHZ) through all addresses until terminated by a low to high transition on CE#. The internal address pointer will automatically increment until the highest memory address is reached. Once the highest memory address is reached, the address pointer will automatically increment to the beginning (wrap-around) of the address space. Once the data from address location 3FFFH has been read, the next output will be from address location 00000H. The High-Speed-Read instruction, supporting up to 80 MHz (2.7-3.6V operation) or 50 MHz (2.3-2.7V operation) Read, is initiated by executing an 8-bit command, 0BH, followed by address bits [A23-A0] and a dummy byte. CE# must remain active low for the duration of the High-Speed-Read cycle. See Figure 4-4 for the HighSpeed-Read sequence. Following a dummy cycle, the High-Speed-Read instruction outputs the data starting from the specified address location. The data output stream is continuous CE# MODE 3 SCK 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 15 16 23 24 31 32 39 40 47 48 55 56 63 64 71 72 80 MODE 0 0B SI MSB ADD. MSB ADD. ADD. HIGH IMPEDANCE SO X N DOUT N+1 DOUT N+2 DOUT N+3 DOUT N+4 DOUT MSB Note: X = Dummy Byte: 8 Clocks Input Dummy Cycle (VIL or VIH) FIGURE 4-4: 25135 HSRdSeq.0 HIGH-SPEED-READ SEQUENCE 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. DS25135A-page 9 SST25PF020B 4.5.3 BYTE-PROGRAM The Byte-Program instruction is initiated by executing an 8-bit command, 02H, followed by address bits [A23A0]. Following the address, the data is input in order from MSB (bit 7) to LSB (bit 0). CE# must be driven high before the instruction is executed. The user may poll the Busy bit in the software status register or wait TBP for the completion of the internal self-timed ByteProgram operation. See Figure 4-5 for the Byte-Program sequence. The Byte-Program instruction programs the bits in the selected byte to the desired data. The selected byte must be in the erased state (FFH) when initiating a Program operation. A Byte-Program instruction applied to a protected memory area will be ignored. Prior to any Write operation, the Write-Enable (WREN) instruction must be executed. CE# must remain active low for the duration of the Byte-Program instruction. CE# MODE 3 SCK 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ADD. 02 SI ADD. MSB MSB SO 15 16 23 24 31 32 39 MODE 0 ADD. DIN MSB LSB HIGH IMPEDANCE 25135 ByteProg.0 FIGURE 4-5: 4.5.4 BYTE-PROGRAM SEQUENCE AUTO ADDRESS INCREMENT (AAI) WORD-PROGRAM The AAI program instruction allows multiple bytes of data to be programmed without re-issuing the next sequential address location. This feature decreases total programming time when multiple bytes or entire memory array is to be programmed. An AAI Word program instruction pointing to a protected memory area will be ignored. The selected address range must be in the erased state (FFH) when initiating an AAI Word Program operation. While within AAI Word Programming sequence, only the following instructions are valid: for software end-of-write detection—AAI Word (ADH), WRDI (04H), and RDSR (05H); for hardware end-of-write detection—AAI Word (ADH) and WRDI (04H). There are three options to determine the completion of each AAI Word program cycle: hardware detection by reading the Serial Output, software detection by polling the BUSY bit in the software status register, or wait TBP. Refer to“End-of-Write Detection” for details. Prior to any write operation, the Write-Enable (WREN) instruction must be executed. Initiate the AAI Word Program instruction by executing an 8-bit command, ADH, followed by address bits [A23-A0]. Following the addresses, two bytes of data are input sequentially, each one from MSB (Bit 7) to LSB (Bit 0). The first byte of data (D0) is programmed into the initial address [A23A1] with A0=0, the second byte of Data (D1) is programmed into the initial address [A23-A1] with A0=1. CE# must be driven high before executing the AAI DS25135A-page 10 Word Program instruction. Check the BUSY status before entering the next valid command. Once the device indicates it is no longer busy, data for the next two sequential addresses may be programmed, followed by the next two, and so on. When programming the last desired word, or the highest unprotected memory address, check the busy status using either the hardware or software (RDSR instruction) method to check for program completion. Once programming is complete, use the applicable method to terminate AAI. If the device is in Software End-of-Write Detection mode, execute the Write-Disable (WRDI) instruction, 04H. If the device is in AAI Hardware End-of-Write Detection mode, execute the Write-Disable (WRDI) instruction, 04H, followed by the 8-bit DBSY command, 80H. There is no wrap mode during AAI programming once the highest unprotected memory address is reached. See Figures 4-8 and 4-9 for the AAI Word programming sequence. 4.5.5 END-OF-WRITE DETECTION There are three methods to determine completion of a program cycle during AAI Word programming: hardware detection by reading the Serial Output, software detection by polling the BUSY bit in the Software Status Register, or wait TBP. The Hardware End-of-Write detection method is described in the section below. 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. SST25PF020B 4.5.6 HARDWARE END-OF-WRITE DETECTION The Hardware End-of-Write detection method eliminates the overhead of polling the Busy bit in the Software Status Register during an AAI Word program operation. The 8-bit command, 70H, configures the Serial Output (SO) pin to indicate Flash Busy status during AAI Word programming. (see Figure 4-6) The 8bit command, 70H, must be executed prior to initiating an AAI Word-Program instruction. Once an internal programming operation begins, asserting CE# will immediately drive the status of the internal flash status on the SO pin. A ‘0’ indicates the device is busy and a ‘1’ indicates the device is ready for the next instruction. De-asserting CE# will return the SO pin to tri-state. While in AAI and Hardware End-of-Write detection mode, the only valid instructions are AAI Word (ADH) and WRDI (04H). To exit AAI Hardware End-of-Write detection, first execute WRDI instruction, 04H, to reset the Write-EnableLatch bit (WEL=0) and AAI bit. Then execute the 8-bit DBSY command, 80H, to disable RY/BY# status during the AAI command. See Figures 4-7 and 4-8. CE# MODE 3 SCK 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 MODE 0 70 SI MSB HIGH IMPEDANCE SO 25135 EnableSO.0 FIGURE 4-6: ENABLE SO AS HARDWARE RY/BY# DURING AAI PROGRAMMING CE# MODE 3 SCK 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 MODE 0 80 SI MSB SO HIGH IMPEDANCE 25135 DisableSO.0 FIGURE 4-7: DISABLE SO AS HARDWARE RY/BY# DURING AAI PROGRAMMING 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. DS25135A-page 11 SST25PF020B CE# MODE 3 0 0 7 0 7 7 8 15 16 23 24 31 32 39 40 47 0 7 8 15 16 23 SCK MODE 0 SI AD WREN EBSY A A A D0 D1 AD D2 D3 Load AAI command, Address, 2 bytes data SO Check for Flash Busy Status to load next valid1 command CE# cont. 0 7 8 15 16 23 0 7 0 7 0 7 8 15 SCK cont. SI cont. Dn-1 AD WRDI Dn Last 2 Data Bytes DBSY RDSR WRDI followed by DBSY to exit AAI Mode DOUT SO cont. 1 Check for Flash Busy Status to load next valid command Note: 1. Valid commands during AAI programming: AAI command or WRDI command 2. User must configure the SO pin to output Flash Busy status during AAI programming 25135 AAI.HW.3 FIGURE 4-8: AUTO ADDRESS INCREMENT (AAI) WORD-PROGRAM SEQUENCE WITH HARDWARE END-OF-WRITE DETECTION Wait TBP or poll Software Status register to load next valid1 command CE# MODE 3 0 7 8 15 16 23 24 31 32 39 40 47 0 7 8 15 16 23 0 7 8 15 16 23 0 7 0 7 8 15 SCK MODE 0 SI AD A A A D0 D1 Load AAI command, Address, 2 bytes data AD D2 D3 AD Dn-1 Dn Last 2 Data Bytes SO Note: WRDI RDSR WRDI to exit AAI Mode DOUT 1. Valid commands during AAI programming: AAI command, RDSR command, or WRDI command FIGURE 4-9: DS25135A-page 12 25135 AAI.SW.2 AUTO ADDRESS INCREMENT (AAI) WORD-PROGRAM SEQUENCE WITH SOFTWARE END-OF-WRITE DETECTION 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. SST25PF020B 4.5.7 4-KBYTE SECTOR-ERASE The Sector-Erase instruction clears all bits in the selected 4 KByte sector to FFH. A Sector-Erase instruction applied to a protected memory area will be ignored. Prior to any Write operation, the Write-Enable (WREN) instruction must be executed. CE# must remain active low for the duration of any command sequence. The Sector-Erase instruction is initiated by executing an 8-bit command, 20H, followed by address bits [A23-A0]. Address bits [AMS-A12] (AMS = Most Significant address) are used to determine the sector address (SAX), remaining address bits can be VIL or VIH. CE# must be driven high before the instruction is executed. The user may poll the Busy bit in the software status register or wait TSE for the completion of the internal self-timed Sector-Erase cycle. See Figure 4-10 for the Sector-Erase sequence. CE# MODE 3 SCK 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 23 24 15 16 31 MODE 0 ADD. ADD. 20 SI MSB ADD. MSB HIGH IMPEDANCE SO 25135 SecErase.0 FIGURE 4-10: 4.5.8 SECTOR-ERASE SEQUENCE 32-KBYTE AND 64-KBYTE BLOCKERASE nificant Address) are used to determine block address (BAX), remaining address bits can be VIL or VIH. CE# must be driven high before the instruction is executed. The 64-KByte Block-Erase instruction is initiated by executing an 8-bit command D8H, followed by address bits [A23-A0]. Address bits [AMS-A16] are used to determine block address (BAX), remaining address bits can be VIL or VIH. CE# must be driven high before the instruction is executed. The user may poll the Busy bit in the software status register or wait TBE for the completion of the internal self-timed 32KByte Block-Erase or 64-KByte Block-Erase cycles. See Figures 4-11 and 4-12 for the 32-KByte BlockErase and 64-KByte Block-Erase sequences. The 32-KByte Block-Erase instruction clears all bits in the selected 32 KByte block to FFH. A Block-Erase instruction applied to a protected memory area will be ignored. The 64-KByte Block-Erase instruction clears all bits in the selected 64 KByte block to FFH. A Block-Erase instruction applied to a protected memory area will be ignored. Prior to any Write operation, the Write-Enable (WREN) instruction must be executed. CE# must remain active low for the duration of any command sequence. The 32-KByte Block-Erase instruction is initiated by executing an 8-bit command, 52H, followed by address bits [A23-A0]. Address bits [AMS-A15] (AMS = Most Sig- CE# MODE 3 SCK 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 52 SI MSB SO 15 16 23 24 31 MODE 0 ADDR ADDR ADDR MSB HIGH IMPEDANCE 25135 32KBklEr.0 FIGURE 4-11: 32-KBYTE BLOCK-ERASE SEQUENCE 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. DS25135A-page 13 SST25PF020B CE# MODE 3 SCK 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 15 16 23 24 31 MODE 0 ADDR ADDR D8 SI MSB ADDR MSB HIGH IMPEDANCE SO 25135 63KBlkEr.0 FIGURE 4-12: 4.5.9 64-KBYTE BLOCK-ERASE SEQUENCE CHIP-ERASE The Chip-Erase instruction clears all bits in the device to FFH. A Chip-Erase instruction will be ignored if any of the memory area is protected. Prior to any Write operation, the Write-Enable (WREN) instruction must be executed. CE# must remain active low for the duration of the Chip-Erase instruction sequence. The Chip-Erase instruction is initiated by executing an 8-bit command, 60H or C7H. CE# must be driven high before the instruction is executed. The user may poll the Busy bit in the software status register or wait TCE for the completion of the internal self-timed Chip-Erase cycle. See Figure 4-13 for the Chip-Erase sequence. CE# MODE 3 SCK 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 MODE 0 60 or C7 SI MSB SO HIGH IMPEDANCE 25135 ChEr.0 FIGURE 4-13: 4.5.10 CHIP-ERASE SEQUENCE READ-STATUS-REGISTER (RDSR) The Read-Status-Register (RDSR) instruction allows reading of the status register. The Status Register may be read at any time even during a Write (Program/ Erase) operation. When a Write operation is in progress, the Busy bit may be checked before sending any new commands to assure that the new commands are properly received by the device. CE# must be driven low before the RDSR instruction is entered and remain low until the status data is read. Read-Status-Register is continuous with ongoing clock cycles until it is terminated by a low to high transition of the CE#. See Figure 4-14 for the RDSR instruction sequence. DS25135A-page 14 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. SST25PF020B CE# MODE 3 SCK 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 MODE 0 05 SI MSB HIGH IMPEDANCE Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 SO MSB Status Register Out 25135 RDSRseq.0 FIGURE 4-14: 4.5.11 READ-STATUS-REGISTER (RDSR) SEQUENCE READ-STATUS-REGISTER (RDSR1) remain low until the status data is read. Read-StatusRegister 1 is continuous with ongoing clock cycles until it is terminated by a low to high transition of the CE#. See Figure 4-15 for the RDSR instruction sequence. The Read-Status-Register 1 (RDSR1) instruction allows reading of the status register 1. CE# must be driven low before the RDSR instruction is entered and CE# MODE 3 SCK 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 MODE 0 SI 35 MSB HIGH IMPEDANCE Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 SO MSB Status Register Out 25135 RDSR1seq.0 FIGURE 4-15: 4.5.12 READ-STATUS-REGISTER 1 (RDSR1) SEQUENCE WRITE-ENABLE (WREN) execution of the Write-Status-Register (WRSR) instruction; however, the Write-Enable-Latch bit in the Status Register will be cleared upon the rising edge CE# of the WRSR instruction. CE# must be driven high before the WREN instruction is executed. The Write-Enable (WREN) instruction sets the WriteEnable-Latch bit in the Status Register to 1 allowing Write operations to occur. The WREN instruction must be executed prior to any Write (Program/Erase) operation. The WREN instruction may also be used to allow CE# MODE 3 SCK 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 MODE 0 06 SI MSB SO HIGH IMPEDANCE 25135 WREN.0 FIGURE 4-16: WRITE ENABLE (WREN) SEQUENCE 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. DS25135A-page 15 SST25PF020B 4.5.13 WRITE-DISABLE (WRDI) ress. Any program operation in progress may continue up to TBP after executing the WRDI instruction. CE# must be driven high before the WRDI instruction is executed. The Write-Disable (WRDI) instruction resets the WriteEnable-Latch bit and AAI bit to 0 disabling any new Write operations from occurring. The WRDI instruction will not terminate any programming operation in prog- CE# MODE 3 SCK 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 MODE 0 04 SI MSB SO HIGH IMPEDANCE 25135 WRDI.0 FIGURE 4-17: 4.5.14 WRITE DISABLE (WRDI) SEQUENCE ENABLE-WRITE-STATUSREGISTER (EWSR) The Enable-Write-Status-Register (EWSR) instruction arms the Write-Status-Register (WRSR) instruction and opens the status register for alteration. The WriteStatus-Register instruction must be executed immediately after the execution of the Enable-Write-StatusRegister instruction. This two-step instruction sequence of the EWSR instruction followed by the WRSR instruction works like SDP (software data protection) command structure which prevents any accidental alteration of the status register values. CE# must be driven low before the EWSR instruction is entered and must be driven high before the EWSR instruction is executed. 4.5.15 WRITE-STATUS-REGISTER (WRSR) The Write-Status-Register instruction writes new values to the BP1, BP0, and BPL bits of the status register. CE# must be driven low before the command sequence of the WRSR instruction is entered and driven high before the WRSR instruction is executed. See Figure 4-18 for EWSR or WREN and WRSR for byte-data input sequences. Executing the Write-Status-Register instruction will be ignored when WP# is low and BPL bit is set to “1”. When the WP# is low, the BPL bit can only be set from “0” to “1” to lock-down the status register, but cannot be reset from “1” to “0”. When WP# is high, the lock-down function of the BPL bit is disabled and the BPL, BP0, and BP1 bits in the status register can all be changed. As long as BPL bit is set to 0 or WP# pin is driven high (VIH) prior to the low-to-high transition of the CE# pin at the end of the WRSR instruction, the bits in the status register can all be altered by the WRSR instruction. In this case, a single WRSR instruction can set the BPL bit to “1” to lock down the status register as well as altering the BP0, BP1, and BP2 bits at the same time. See Table 4-1 for a summary description of WP# and BPL functions. CE# MODE 3 SCK 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 MODE 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 MODE 0 01 50 or 06 SI MSB SO MODE 3 MSB STATUS REGISTER IN 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 MSB HIGH IMPEDANCE 25135 EWSR.0 FIGURE 4-18: DS25135A-page 16 ENABLE-WRITE-STATUS-REGISTER (EWSR) OR WRITE-ENABLE (WREN) AND WRITE-STATUS-REGISTER (WRSR) BYTE-DATA INPUT SEQUENCE 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. SST25PF020B The Write-Status-Register instruction also writes new values to the Status Register 1. To write values to Status Register 1, the WRSR sequence needs a worddata input—the first byte being the Status Register bits, followed by the second byte Status Register 1 bits. CE# must be driven low before the command sequence of the WRSR instruction is entered and driven high before the WRSR instruction is executed. See Figure 4-19 for EWSR or WREN and WRSR instruction word-data input sequences. ‘1’ to lock-down the status registers, but cannot be reset from ‘1’ to ‘0’. When WP# is high, the lock-down function of the BPL bit is disabled and the BPL, BP0, BP1, TSP, and BSP bits in the status register can all be changed. As long as BPL bit is set to 0 or WP# pin is driven high (VIH) prior to the low-to-high transition of the CE# pin at the end of the WRSR instruction, the bits in the status register can all be altered by the WRSR instruction. In this case, a single WRSR instruction can set the BPL bit to “1” to lock down the status register as well as altering the BPL, BP0, BP1, TSP, and BSP bits at the same time. See Table 4-1 for a summary description of WP# and BPL functions. Executing the Write-Status-Register instruction will be ignored when WP# is low and BPL bit is set to ‘1’. When the WP# is low, the BPL bit can only be set from ‘0’ to CE# MODE 3 SCK 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 MODE 0 MODE 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 MODE 0 01 50 or 06 SI MSB MSB STATUS STATUS REGISTER REGISTER 1 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 MSB MSB HIGH IMPEDANCE SO 25135 EWSR1.0 FIGURE 4-19: ENABLE-WRITE-STATUS-REGISTER (EWSR) OR WRITE-ENABLE (WREN) AND WRITE-STATUS-REGISTER (WRSR) WORD-DATA INPUT SEQUENCE The WRSR instruction can either execute a byte-data or a word-data input. Extra data/clock input, or within byte-/word-data input, will not be executed. The reason for the byte support is for backward compatibility to products where WRSR instruction sequence is followed by only a byte-data. 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. DS25135A-page 17 SST25PF020B 4.5.16 JEDEC READ-ID The JEDEC Read-ID instruction identifies the device as SST25PF020B and the manufacturer as Microchip. The device information can be read from executing the 8-bit command, 9FH. Following the JEDEC Read-ID instruction, the 8-bit manufacturer’s ID, BFH, is output from the device. After that, a 16-bit device ID is shifted out on the SO pin. Byte 1, BFH, identifies the manufac- turer as Microchip. Byte 2, 25H, identifies the memory type as SPI Serial Flash. Byte 3, 8CH, identifies the device as SST25PF020B. The instruction sequence is shown in Figure 4-20. The JEDEC Read ID instruction is terminated by a low to high transition on CE# at any time during data output. CE# MODE 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 MODE 0 SCK 9F SI SO HIGH IMPEDANCE BF 25 MSB 8C MSB 25135 JEDECID.1 FIGURE 4-20: JEDEC READ-ID SEQUENCE TABLE 4-6: JEDEC READ-ID DATA Device ID Manufacturer’s ID Memory Type Memory Capacity Byte1 Byte 2 Byte 3 BFH 25H 8CH DS25135A-page 18 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. SST25PF020B 4.5.17 READ-ID (RDID) The Read-ID instruction (RDID) identifies the devices as SST25PF020B and manufacturer as Microchip. The device information can be read from executing an 8-bit command, 90H or ABH, followed by address bits [A23A0]. Following the Read-ID instruction, the manufacturer’s ID is located in address 00000H and the device ID is located in address 00001H. Once the device is in Read-ID mode, the manufacturer’s and device ID output data toggles between address 00000H and 00001H until terminated by a low to high transition on CE#. Refer to Tables 4-6 and 4-7 for device identification data. CE# MODE 3 SCK 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 23 24 15 16 31 32 39 40 47 48 55 56 63 MODE 0 90 or AB SI 00 00 MSB ADD1 MSB HIGH IMPEDANCE SO BF Device ID BF Device ID HIGH IMPEDANCE MSB Note: The manufacturer's and device ID output stream is continuous until terminated by a low to high transition on CE#. Device ID = 8CH for SST25PF020B 1. 00H will output the manfacturer's ID first and 01H will output device ID first before toggling between the two. 25135 RdID.0 FIGURE 4-21: TABLE 4-7: READ-ID SEQUENCE PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION Manufacturer’s ID Address Data 00000H BFH 00001H 8CH Device ID SST25PF020B 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. DS25135A-page 19 SST25PF020B 5.0 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Absolute Maximum Stress Ratings (Applied conditions greater than those listed under “Absolute Maximum Stress Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these conditions or conditions greater than those defined in the operational sections of this data sheet is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum stress rating conditions may affect device reliability.) Temperature Under Bias . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -55°C to +125°C Storage Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -65°C to +150°C D. C. Voltage on Any Pin to Ground Potential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -0.5V to VDD+0.5V Transient Voltage (<20 ns) on Any Pin to Ground Potential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -2.0V to VDD+2.0V Package Power Dissipation Capability (TA = 25°C) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.0W Surface Mount Solder Reflow Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260°C for 10 seconds Output Short Circuit Current1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 mA 1. Output shorted for no more than one second. No more than one output shorted at a time. TABLE 5-1: Range OPERATING RANGE TABLE 5-2: AC CONDITIONS OF TEST1 Ambient Temp VDD Input Rise/Fall Time Output Load 0°C to +70°C 2.3-3.6V 5ns CL = 30 pF Commercial 1. See Figures 5-6 and 5-7 TABLE 5-3: DC OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS Limits Symbol Parameter Max Units IDDR Read Current 12 mA CE#=0.1 VDD/0.9 VDD@33 MHz, SO=open IDDR3 Read Current 20 mA CE#=0.1 VDD/0.9 VDD@80 MHz, SO=open IDDW Program and Erase Current 30 mA CE#=VDD ISB Standby Current 20 µA CE#=VDD, VIN=VDD or VSS ILI Input Leakage Current 1 µA VIN=GND to VDD, VDD=VDD Max 1 µA VOUT=GND to VDD, VDD=VDD Max 0.7 V VDD=VDD Min V VDD=VDD Max V IOL=100 µA, VDD=VDD Min ILO Output Leakage Current VIL Input Low Voltage VIH Input High Voltage VOL Output Low Voltage VOL2 Output Low Voltage VOH Output High Voltage DS25135A-page 20 Min 0.7 VDD 0.2 0.4 VDD-0.2 Test Conditions V IOL=1.6 mA, VDD=VDD Min V IOH=-100 µA, VDD=VDD Min 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. SST25PF020B TABLE 5-4: CAPACITANCE (TA = 25°C, F=1 MHZ, OTHER PINS OPEN) Parameter Description COUT1 CIN1 Output Pin Capacitance Input Capacitance Test Condition Maximum VOUT = 0V 12 pF VIN = 0V 6 pF 1. This parameter is measured only for initial qualification and after a design or process change that could affect this parameter. TABLE 5-5: RELIABILITY CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Parameter Minimum Specification Units Test Method NEND1 Endurance 10,000 Cycles JEDEC Standard A117 TDR1 ILTH1 Data Retention 100 Years JEDEC Standard A103 100 + IDD mA Latch Up JEDEC Standard 78 1. This parameter is measured only for initial qualification and after a design or process change that could affect this parameter. TABLE 5-6: AC OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS, 2.3-2.7V 25 MHz Symbol Parameter Min 50 MHz Max Min Max Units 50 MHz 1 Serial Clock Frequency TSCKH Serial Clock High Time TSCKL Serial Clock Low Time 18 9 ns TSCKR Serial Clock Rise Time (Slew Rate) 0.1 0.1 V/ns TSCKF Serial Clock Fall Time (Slew Rate) 0.1 0.1 V/ns TCES2 CE# Active Setup Time 5 5 ns TCEH2 TCHS2 TCHH2 CE# Active Hold Time 5 5 ns CE# Not Active Setup Time 5 5 ns CE# Not Active Hold Time 5 5 ns TCPH CE# High Time 50 50 ns FCLK 25 18 9 ns TCHZ CE# High to High-Z Output TCLZ SCK Low to Low-Z Output 0 0 ns TDS Data In Setup Time 2 2 ns TDH Data In Hold Time 4 4 ns THLS HOLD# Low Setup Time 5 5 ns THHS HOLD# High Setup Time 5 5 ns THLH HOLD# Low Hold Time 5 5 ns THHH HOLD# High Hold Time 5 5 ns THZ HOLD# Low to High-Z Output 7 7 ns TLZ HOLD# High to Low-Z Output 7 7 ns TOH Output Hold from SCK Change TV Output Valid from SCK 12 8 ns TSE Sector-Erase 25 25 ms TBE Block-Erase 25 25 ms TSCE Chip-Erase 50 50 ms TBP Byte-Program 10 10 µs 7 0 7 0 ns ns 1. Maximum clock frequency for Read instruction, 03H, is 25 MHz 2. Relative to SCK 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. DS25135A-page 21 SST25PF020B TABLE 5-7: AC OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS, 2.7-3.6V 33 MHz Symbol Parameter FCLK1 Serial Clock Frequency Min 80 MHz Max Min 33 Max Units 80 MHz TSCKH Serial Clock High Time 13 6 ns TSCKL Serial Clock Low Time 13 6 ns TSCKR2 Serial Clock Rise Time (Slew Rate) 0.1 0.1 V/ns TSCKF Serial Clock Fall Time (Slew Rate) 0.1 0.1 V/ns TCES3 TCEH3 TCHS3 TCHH3 CE# Active Setup Time 5 5 ns CE# Active Hold Time 5 5 ns CE# Not Active Setup Time 5 5 ns CE# Not Active Hold Time 5 5 ns 50 TCPH CE# High Time TCHZ CE# High to High-Z Output 50 15 ns 7 ns TCLZ SCK Low to Low-Z Output 0 0 ns TDS Data In Setup Time 2 2 ns TDH Data In Hold Time 4 4 ns THLS HOLD# Low Setup Time 5 5 ns THHS HOLD# High Setup Time 5 5 ns THLH HOLD# Low Hold Time 5 5 ns THHH HOLD# High Hold Time 5 THZ HOLD# Low to High-Z Output TLZ HOLD# High to Low-Z Output TOH Output Hold from SCK Change TV Output Valid from SCK 10 6 ns TSE Sector-Erase 25 25 ms TBE Block-Erase 25 25 ms TSCE Chip-Erase 50 50 ms TBP Byte-Program 10 10 µs 5 7 ns 7 7 7 0 0 ns ns ns 1. Maximum clock frequency for Read Instruction, 03H, is 33 MHz 2. Maximum Rise and Fall time may be limited by TSCKH and TSCKL requirements 3. Relative to SCK. TCPH CE# TCHH TCES TSCKF TCEH TCHS SCK TDS SI SO TDH TSCKR MSB LSB HIGH-Z HIGH-Z 25135 SerIn.0 FIGURE 5-1: DS25135A-page 22 SERIAL INPUT TIMING DIAGRAM 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. SST25PF020B CE# TSCKH TSCKL SCK TOH TCLZ SO TCHZ MSB LSB TV SI 25135 SerOut.0 FIGURE 5-2: SERIAL OUTPUT TIMING DIAGRAM CE# THHH THHS THLS SCK THLH THZ TLZ SO SI HOLD# 25135 Hold.0 FIGURE 5-3: HOLD TIMING DIAGRAM 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. DS25135A-page 23 SST25PF020B 5.1 Power-Up Specifications All functionalities and DC specifications are specified for a VDD ramp rate of greater than 1V per 100 ms (0V - 3.0V in less than 300 ms). See Table 5-8 and Figure 5-4 for more information. TABLE 5-8: RECOMMENDED SYSTEM POWER-UP TIMINGS Symbol Parameter Minimum Units TPU-READ1 VDD Min to Read Operation 100 µs TPU-WRITE1 VDD Min to Write Operation 100 µs 1. This parameter is measured only for initial qualification and after a design or process change that could affect this parameter. VDD VDD Max Chip selection is not allowed. Commands may not be accepted or properly interpreted by the device. VDD Min TPU-READ TPU-WRITE Device fully accessible Time 25135 PwrUp.0 FIGURE 5-4: POWER-UP TIMING DIAGRAM TABLE 5-9: RECOMMENDED POWER-UP/-DOWN LIMITS Limits Symbol Parameter Min Max Units TPF VDD Falling Time 1 100 ms/V TPR VDD Rising Time 0.033 100 ms/V TOFF VDD Off Time VOFF VDD Off Level DS25135A-page 24 100 Conditions ms 0.3 V 0V (recommended) 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. SST25PF020B VDD VOFF GND 25135 F28.1 TOFF FIGURE 5-5: RECOMMENDED POWER-UP/-DOWN WAVEFORM VIHT VHT INPUT VHT REFERENCE POINTS OUTPUT VLT VLT VILT 25135 IORef.0 AC test inputs are driven at VIHT (0.9VDD) for a logic “1” and VILT (0.1VDD) for a logic “0”. Measurement reference points for inputs and outputs are VHT (0.6VDD) and VLT (0.4VDD). Input rise and fall times Note: VHT - VHIGH Test VLT - VLOW Test VIHT - VINPUT HIGH Test VILT - VINPUT LOW Test FIGURE 5-6: AC INPUT/OUTPUT REFERENCE WAVEFORMS TO TESTER TO DUT CL 25135 TstLd.0 FIGURE 5-7: A TEST LOAD EXAMPLE 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. DS25135A-page 25 SST25PF020B 6.0 PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM To order or obtain information, e.g., on pricing or delivery, refer to the factory or the listed sales office. XX PART NO. Operating Frequency Device XX XXX X Endurance/ Temperature Package Tape/Reel Indicator Device: SST25PF020B = 2 Mbit, 2.3-3.6V, Serial Peripheral Interface flash memory Operating Frequency: 80 = 80 MHz Endurance: 4 = 10,000 cycles Temperature: C = 0°C to +70°C Package: QAE SAE Q3AE = WSON (6mm x 5mm), 8-contact = SOIC (150 mil), 8-lead = USON(3mm x 2mm), 8-contact Tape and Reel Flag: T = Tape and Reel DS25135A-page 26 Valid Combinations: SST25PF020B-80-4C-QAE SST25PF020B-80-4C-QAE-T SST25PF020B-80-4C-SAE SST25PF020B-80-4C-SAE-T SST25PF020B-80-4C-Q3AE SST25PF020B-80-4C-Q3AE-T 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. SST25PF020B 7.0 PACKAGING DIAGRAMS Pin #1 Identifier TOP VIEW SIDE VIEW 7° 4 places 0.51 0.33 5.0 4.8 1.27 BSC END VIEW 4.00 3.80 6.20 5.80 45° 0.25 0.10 1.75 1.35 0.25 0.19 Note: 1. Complies with JEDEC publication 95 MS-012 AA dimensions, although some dimensions may be more stringent. 2. All linear dimensions are in millimeters (max/min). 3. Coplanarity: 0.1 mm 4. Maximum allowable mold flash is 0.15 mm at the package ends and 0.25 mm between leads. FIGURE 7-1: 7° 4 places 0° 8° 08-soic-5x6-SA-8 1.27 0.40 1mm 8-LEAD SMALL OUTLINE INTEGRATED CIRCUIT (SOIC) 150MIL BODY WIDTH (5MM X 6MM) PACKAGE CODE: SA 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. DS25135A-page 27 SST25PF020B TOP VIEW SIDE VIEW BOTTOM VIEW Pin #1 0.2 Pin #1 Corner 1.27 BSC 5.00 ± 0.10 0.076 4.0 0.48 0.35 3.4 0.70 0.50 0.05 Max 6.00 ± 0.10 0.80 0.70 Note: 1. All linear dimensions are in millimeters (max/min). 2. Untoleranced dimensions (shown with box surround) are nominal target dimensions. 3. The external paddle is electrically connected to the 1mm die back-side and possibly to certain VSS leads. This paddle can be soldered to the PC board; it is suggested to connect this paddle to the VSS of the unit. Connection of this paddle to any other voltage potential can result in shorts and/or electrical malfunction of the device. FIGURE 7-2: DS25135A-page 28 CROSS SECTION 0.80 0.70 8-wson-5x6-QA-9.0 8-CONTACT VERY-VERY-THIN SMALL OUTLINE NO-LEAD (WSON) PACKAGE CODE: QA 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. SST25PF020B 2.45 3.00 ±0.10 0.25 ±0.05 Pin #1 (laser engraved see note 2) See notes 3 &4 Pin # 1 1.60 2.00 ±0.10 0.5 BSC 0.15 max 0.08 0.05 Max 0.60 0.45 0.40 ±0.05 0.2 0.35 ±0.05 1mm 8-uson-2x2-Q3A-1.1 Note: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. FIGURE 7-3: Similar to JEDEC JEP95 MO-252 variant U2030D, though number of contacts and some dimensions may be different. The topside pin #1 indicator is laser engraved; its approximate shape and location is as shown. From the bottom view, the pin #1 indicator may be either a curved indent or a 45-degree chamfer. Untoleranced dimensions are nominal target dimensions. All linear dimensions are in millimeters (max/min). Lead-frame nominal thickness 0.127mm or 0.15mm (supplier-dependent). 8-CONTACT ULTRA-THIN SMALL OUTLINE NO-LEAD (USON) PACKAGE CODE: Q3A 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. DS25135A-page 29 SST25PF020B TABLE 7-1: REVISION HISTORY Revision A Description • DS25135A-page 30 Initial release of spec Date Nov 2012 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. SST25PF020B THE MICROCHIP WEB SITE CUSTOMER SUPPORT Microchip provides online support via our WWW site at This web site is used as a means to make files and information easily available to customers. Accessible by using your favorite Internet browser, the web site contains the following information: Users of Microchip products can receive assistance through several channels: • Product Support – Data sheets and errata, application notes and sample programs, design resources, user’s guides and hardware support documents, latest software releases and archived software • General Technical Support – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), technical support requests, online discussion groups, Microchip consultant program member listing • Business of Microchip – Product selector and ordering guides, latest Microchip press releases, listing of seminars and events, listings of Microchip sales offices, distributors and factory representatives • • • • • Distributor or Representative Local Sales Office Field Application Engineer (FAE) Technical Support Development Systems Information Line Customers should contact their distributor, representative or field application engineer (FAE) for support. Local sales offices are also available to help customers. A listing of sales offices and locations is included in the back of this document. Technical support is available through the web site at: CUSTOMER CHANGE NOTIFICATION SERVICE Microchip’s customer notification service helps keep customers current on Microchip products. Subscribers will receive e-mail notification whenever there are changes, updates, revisions or errata related to a specified product family or development tool of interest. To register, access the Microchip web site at Under “Support”, click on “Customer Change Notification” and follow the registration instructions. 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. DS25135A-page 31 Note the following details of the code protection feature on Microchip devices: • Microchip products meet the specification contained in their particular Microchip Data Sheet. • Microchip believes that its family of products is one of the most secure families of its kind on the market today, when used in the intended manner and under normal conditions. • There are dishonest and possibly illegal methods used to breach the code protection feature. All of these methods, to our knowledge, require using the Microchip products in a manner outside the operating specifications contained in Microchip’s Data Sheets. Most likely, the person doing so is engaged in theft of intellectual property. • Microchip is willing to work with the customer who is concerned about the integrity of their code. • Neither Microchip nor any other semiconductor manufacturer can guarantee the security of their code. Code protection does not mean that we are guaranteeing the product as “unbreakable.” Code protection is constantly evolving. We at Microchip are committed to continuously improving the code protection features of our products. Attempts to break Microchip’s code protection feature may be a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. If such acts allow unauthorized access to your software or other copyrighted work, you may have a right to sue for relief under that Act. Information contained in this publication regarding device applications and the like is provided only for your convenience and may be superseded by updates. It is your responsibility to ensure that your application meets with your specifications. MICROCHIP MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WRITTEN OR ORAL, STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE, RELATED TO THE INFORMATION, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ITS CONDITION, QUALITY, PERFORMANCE, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR PURPOSE. Microchip disclaims all liability arising from this information and its use. Use of Microchip devices in life support and/or safety applications is entirely at the buyer’s risk, and the buyer agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Microchip from any and all damages, claims, suits, or expenses resulting from such use. No licenses are conveyed, implicitly or otherwise, under any Microchip intellectual property rights. Trademarks The Microchip name and logo, the Microchip logo, dsPIC, FlashFlex, KEELOQ, KEELOQ logo, MPLAB, PIC, PICmicro, PICSTART, PIC32 logo, rfPIC, SST, SST Logo, SuperFlash and UNI/O are registered trademarks of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. and other countries. FilterLab, Hampshire, HI-TECH C, Linear Active Thermistor, MTP, SEEVAL and The Embedded Control Solutions Company are registered trademarks of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. 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