SP 6 2 0 3 / SP 6 2 0 5 3 0 0 m A / 5 0 0 m A L o w N o i s e CM O S L D O R e g u l a t o r s April 2012 Rev. 2.0.0 GENERAL DESCRIPTION APPLICATIONS The SP6203 and SP 6205 are ultra low noise CMOS LDOs with very low dropout and ground current. The noise performance is achieved by means of an external bypass capacitor without sacrificing turn - on and turn - off speed critical to portable applications. Extremely stable and easy to use, these devices offer excellent PSRR and Line/Load regulation. Target applications include battery - powered equipment such as portable and wireless products. Regulators' ground current increases only slightly in dropout. Fast turn - on/turn - off enab le control and an internal 30 pull down on output allows quick discharge of output even under no load conditions. Both LDOs are protected with current limit and thermal shutdown. Both LDOs are available in fixed & adjustable output voltage versions and co me in an industry standard 5- pin SOT-23 and small 2X3 mm 8- pin DFN packages. For SC -70 100mA CMOS LDO, SP62 13 is available. x Battery - Powered Systems x Medical Equipments x MP3/CD Players x Digital Cameras FEATURES x 300mA/ 500mA Output Current SP6203: 3 00mA ±SP6205: 500mA Low Dropout Voltage: 0.6 ƻ PMOS FET x 2.7V to 5.5V Input Voltage Fixed and Adjustable Output Voltage Accurate Output Voltage : 2% over Temp . x 67dB Power Supply Rejection Ratio x 1 Nj9 RMS Low Output Noise x 8QFRQGLWLRQDOO\6WDEOHZLWK Ceram ic x /RZ4XLHVFHQW&XUUHQWNj$ x /RZ*URXQG&XUUHQWNj$ at 500mA x Fast Turn - On and Turn - 2IINj6 x Very Good Load/Line Regulation: 0.07/0.0 % x Current Limit and Thermal Protection x 5R+6&RPSOLDQW³*UHHQ´+DORJ 5 - Pin SOT23 and 8 - Pin DFN Packages TYPICAL APPLICATION DIAGRAM Fig. 1: SP6203 /SP 6205 Application Diagram Exar Corporation 48720 Kato Road, Fremont CA 94538, USA Tel. +1 510 668 www.exar.com - 70 00 ±Fax. +1 510 668 - 70 01 SP 6 2 0 3 / SP 6 2 0 5 3 0 0 m A / 5 0 0 m A L o w N o i s e CM O S L D O R e g u l a t o r s ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RAT INGS OPERATING RATINGS These are stress ratings only and functional operation of the device at these ratings or any other above those indicated in the operation sections of the specifications below is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods of time may affect reliability. Input Voltage Range V IN .......................... + 2.7 V to +5.5 V Enable Input Voltage VEN...... ........ .. ... ...............0 to 5.5 V Junction Temperature Range ................. - 40°C to + 125 °C Thermal Resistance ................................ ...................... SOT- 23 - 5 ( LJJA) ................................ ............. 191°C/W DFN- 8 ( LJJA) ................................ ................... 59°C/W VIN ................................ .............................. - 2V to 6.0V Output Voltage VOUT ............................... - 0.6V to V IN +1V Enable Input Voltage VEN...... ........ .. .. ............... - 2V to 6V Storage Temperature .............................. - 65°C to 150°C Power Dissipation ............................... Internally Limited 1 Lead Tem perature (Soldering, 5 sec) ................... +260 °C Junction Temperature ................................ ........ +150 °C ELECTRICAL SPECIFICA Note 1: Maximum power dissipation can be calculated using the formula: PD = (T - TA LJ J(max) JA, where TJ(max) is the junction temperature, T A is the ambient WHPSHUDWXUH the junction LJ - to - ambient thermal JA is DQG UHVLVWDQFH for this package. Exceeding the JC is 6°C/W LJ maximum allowable power dissipation will result in excessive die temperature and the regula tor will go into thermal shutdown mode. TIONS Specifications with standard type are for an Operating Junction Temperature of T J = 25°C only; limits applying over the full 2SHUDWLQJ -XQFWLRQ 7HPSHUDWXUH UDQJH DUH GHQRWHG E\ D ³´ ugh0LQLPXP test, DQ design, or statistical correlation. Typical values represent the most likely parametric norm at T J = 25°C, and are provided for reference purposes only. Unless otherwise indicated, V , CIN = 2.2µF, COUT = 2.2 µF and I OUT = 1 00µA , IN = (V OUT + 0.5V) to 6V TJ= ±40°C to 85°C . Parameter Min. Typ. Input Voltage Output Voltage -2 Output Voltage Temperature Coefficient 1.225 Line Regulation Load Regulation 3 Dropout Voltage for V Ground Pin Current OUT 3.0V 4 Shutdown Supply Current 0.33 0.55 Current Limit Thermal Shutdown Junction Temperature Conditions V +2 % Variation from specified V ppm/ °C 1.25 1.275 V 0.04 0.3 %/V 0.07 0.13 0.06 60 120 180 300 0.3 0.5 % 45 110 175 235 350 5 Units 6 50 2 Reference Voltage Max. 300 500 mV 100 µA 330 490 0.01 1 0.50 0.85 0.8 1.4 170 µA A ¨ VOUT/ ¨T Adjustable version only ¨VOUT (V IN below 6V) I OUT = 0.1mA to 300mA (SP6203) I OUT = 0.1mA to 500mA (SP6205) I OUT = 0.1mA I OUT = 100mA I OUT = 200mA I OUT = 300mA (SP6203) I OUT = 500mA (SP6205) I OUT = 0.1mA (I QUIESCENT ) I OUT = 100mA I OUT = 200mA I OUT = 300mA (SP6203) I OUT = 500mA (SP6205) VEN < 0.4V (shutdown) VOUT = 0V (SP6203) VOUT = 0 V (SP6205) °C Regulator Turns off Thermal Shutdown Hysteresis 12 °C Regulator turns Power Supply Rejection Ratio 67 dB f 1kHz 6 Output Noise Voltage Thermal Regulation 7 Wake - Up Time (T WU) (from shutdown mode) 150 630 12 50 0.05 8 © 2012 Exar Corporation 25 µVRMS CBYP CBYP CBYP CBYP %/W ¨VOUT/ ¨PD µS VIN 4V 10 I OUT = 30mA 75 50 2/ 14 OUT = = = = on again at 158 10n F, I OUT 10n F, I OUT 10n F, I OUT 10n F, I OUT °C = 0.1mA = 300mA = 0.1mA = 300mA Rev. 2.0.0 SP 6 2 0 3 / SP 6 2 0 5 3 0 0 m A / 5 0 0 m A L o w N o i s e CM O S L D O R e g u l a t o r s Parameter Min. Turn - On Time (T ON ) 9 (from shutdown mode) Turn - Off Time (T OFF) Output Discharge Resistance Max. Units Conditions 60 120 µS VIN 4V 10 I OUT = 30mA 100 15 250 25 µS I OUT = 0.1mA, V I OUT = 300mA, V 30 Enable Input Logic Low Voltage Enable Input Logic High Voltage Typ. 0.4 V V 1.6 IN IN 4V 10 4V 10 No Load Regulator Shutdown Regulator Enabled Note 2: Output voltage temperature coefficient is defined as the worst case voltage change divided by the total temperature range. Note 3: Regulation is measured at constant junction temperature using low duty cycle pulse testing. Changes in output voltage due to heating effects are covered by the thermal regulation specification. Note 4: Dropout - voltage is defined as the input to output differential at which the output voltage drops 2% below its nominal value measured at 1V differential. Note 5: Ground pin current is the regulator quiescent current. The total current drawn from th e supply is the sum of the load current plus the ground pin current. Note 6: Output noise voltage is defined within a certain bandwidth, namely 10Hz < BW < 100kHz. An external bypass cap ( 10nF) from reference output (BYP pin) to ground significantly reduce s noise at output. 1RWH 7KHUPDO UHJXODWLRQ LV GHILQHG DV WKH FKDQJH LQ RXWSXW dissipation is YROWDJH applied, excluding load and line regulation effects. Specifications are for a 300mA load pulse at V 1ms. IN = 6V for t = Note 8: The wake - up time (T WU) is defined as the time it takes for the output to start rising after enable is brought high. Note 9: The total turn - on time is called the settling time (T output and S), which is defined as the condition when both the th e bypass node are within 2% of their fully enabled values when released from shutdown. Note 10: For output voltage versions requiring V 4V, timing (T ON & T OFF) increases slightly. IN to be lower than BLOCK DIAGRAM Fig. 2: SP6203/ SP6205 Functional © 2012 Exar Corporation 3/ 14 Diagram Rev. 2.0.0 SP 6 2 0 3 / SP 6 2 0 5 3 0 0 m A / 5 0 0 m A L o w N o i s e CM O S L D O R e g u l a t o r s PIN ASSIGNMENT 5- Pin SOT23 8 - Pin DFN Fig. 3: SP6203/ SP6205 Pin Assignment PIN DESCRIPTION Name SOT - 23 - 5 VIN 1 Power Supply Input GND 2 Ground Terminal EN 3 Enable/Shutdown - Logic high = enable - Logic low = shutdown BYP/ADJ 4 Description Bypass - Fixed voltage option: Reference bypass input for ultra output noise. Adjustable Input ±Adjustable voltage option: Adjustable regulator feedback input. Connect to a resistive voltage Divider network. VOUT 5 Name DFN - 8 1 - Regulator Output Voltage Description Regulator Output Voltage Connect to Pin 8 V OUT. VOUT/ADJ - quiet operation. Connecting a 10nF cap on this pin reduces - Fixed voltage option: Adjustable Input ±Adjustable voltage option: Adjustable regulator feedback input. Connect to a resistive voltage Divider network. Bypass - Fixed voltage option: Reference bypass input for ultra output noise. BYP/NC 2 GND 3 Ground Terminal EN 4 Enable/Shutdown - Logic high = enable - Logic low = shutdown VIN 5 Power Supply Input NC 6 No Connect NC 7 No Connect VOUT 8 Regulator Output Voltage - quiet operation. - Connecting a 10nF cap on this pin reduces No Connect ±Adjustable voltage option. © 2012 Exar Corporation 4/ 14 Rev. 2.0.0 SP 6 2 0 3 / SP 6 2 0 5 3 0 0 m A / 5 0 0 m A L o w N o i s e CM O S L D O R e g u l a t o r s ORDERING INFORMATION Ambient Temperature Range Part Number SP6203EM5 - L SP6203EM5 - L- 2- 5 SP6203EM5 - L- 2- 8 SP6203EM5 - L- 3- 0 SP6203EM5 - L- 3- 3 SP6203ER - L - 40°C 7 A+ 125 °C SP6203ER - L- 1- 8 SP6205EM5 - L SP6205EM5 - L- 1- 8 SP6205EM5 - L- 2- 5 - 40°C 7 A+ 125 °C SP6205EM5 - L- 2- 85 SP6205EM5 - L- 3- 0 2.5K/ Tape & Reel Bulk DFN8 E3WW SP6205EM5 - L- 3- 3 SP6205ER - L - 40°C 7 A+ 125 °C SP6205ER - L- 2- 5/TR <HDU ±³::´ © 2012 Exar Corporation F0 YWW XXX G0 YWW XXX Bulk Bulk 2.5K/ Tape & Reel Bulk 2.5K/ Tape & Reel Bulk 2.5K/ Tape & Reel SOT- 23 - 5 Bulk 2.5K/ Tape & Reel Bulk 2.5K/ Tape & Reel Bulk 2.5K/ Tape & Reel Bulk T2WW SP6205EM5 - L- 3- 3/TR 3K/ Tape & Reel 3K/ Tape & Reel W2WW SP6205EM5 - L- 3- 0/TR ³ <´ Bulk S2WW SP6205EM5 - L- 2- 85/TR SP6205ER - L- 2- 5 Bulk V2WW SP6205EM5 - L- 2- 5/TR Bulk 2.5K/ Tape & Reel X2WW SP6205EM5 - L- 1- 8/TR SP6205ER - L/TR D0 YWW XXX E0 YWW XXX 2.5K/ Tape & Reel 2.5K/ Tape & Reel A3WW SP6205EM5 - L/TR SP6205EM5 - L- 2- 8/TR SOT- 23 - 5 J2WW SP6203EM5 - L- 3- 3/TR SP6205EM5 - L- 2- 8 Bulk M2WW SP6203EM5 - L- 3- 0/TR SP6203ER - L- 1- 8 Bulk 2.5K/ Tape & Reel H2WW SP6203EM5L - 2- 85/TR SP6203ER - L/TR Bulk Q3WW - 40°C TA+ 125 °C Packing Quantity 2.5K/ Tape & Reel L2WW SP6203EM5 - L- 2- 5/TR SP6203EM5L - 2- 85 Package Q2WW SP6203EM5 - L/TR SP6203EM5 - L- 2- 8/TR Marking 2.5K/ Tape & Reel Voltage Opti 3K/ Tape & Reel Halogen Free 2.5V Halogen Free 2.8V Halogen Free 2.85V Halogen Free 3.0V Halogen Free 3.3V Halogen Free ADJ Halogen Free 1.8V Halogen Free ADJ Halogen Free 1.8V Halogen Free 2.5V Halogen Free 2.8V Halogen Free 2.85V Halogen Free 3.0V Halogen Free 3.3V Halogen Free ADJ Halogen Free 2.5V Halogen Free Bulk 3K/ Tape & Reel Note 1 ADJ Bulk DFN8 on :RUN:HHN ±³;´ /RW1XPEHU ; when applicable. 5/ 14 Rev. 2.0.0 SP 6 2 0 3 / SP 6 2 0 5 3 0 0 m A / 5 0 0 m A L o w N o i s e CM O S L D O R e g u l a t o r s TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS All data taken at V IN = 2.7V to 5.5V, T Information section of this datasheet. Fig. 4: Current Fig. 6: Turn - Off Time, R Fig. 8: Load Regulation, © 2012 Exar Corporation J = T A = 25°C, unless otherwise specified Limit LOAD - Schematic and BOM from Application Fig. 5: Turn - On Time, R ƻP$ Fig. 7: Turn - Off Time, R I O=100µA ~500mA LOAD LOAD = ƻP$ 30K ƻ 0.1 mA) Fig. 9: Regulation, Line Step from 4V to 6V, I 6/ 14 O =1mA Rev. 2.0.0 SP 6 2 0 3 / SP 6 2 0 5 3 0 0 m A / 5 0 0 m A L o w N o i s e CM O S L D O R e g u l a t o r s Fig. 10 : Start Up Waveform, V Fig. 12 : Start Up Waveform, Slow V IN =3.5V, IN , I 500mA Output Load Fig. 14 : Start Up Waveform, Slow V COUT Nj) , I O=500mA © 2012 Exar Corporation O =500mA Fig. 11 : Start Up Waveform, Slow V Fig. 13 : Start Up Waveform, Slow V IN , Fig. 15 : Fast V 7/ 14 IN , IN , IN C OUT , No Load Nj), O =0mA No Load Rev. 2.0.0 SP 6 2 0 3 / SP 6 2 0 5 3 0 0 m A / 5 0 0 m A L o w N o i s e CM O S L D O R e g u l a t o r s Fig. 16 : Fast V IN , 500mA Output Load Fig. 18: Fast V IN , C OUT Nj)2XWSXW/RDG Nj), O =500mA Fig. 19 : Output Noise, C © 2012 Exar Corporation Fig. 17 : Fast V IN BYP = 10nF Fig. 20 : Output Noise, C 8/ 14 BYP = open Rev. 2.0.0 SP 6 2 0 3 / SP 6 2 0 5 3 0 0 m A / 5 0 0 m A L o w N o i s e CM O S L D O R e g u l a t o r s THEORY OF OPERATION O UTPUT CAPACITOR An output capacitor is required between V OUT DQG*1'WRSUHYHQWRVFLOODWLR capacitor is recommended. GENERAL O VERVIEW The SP6203/6205 is intended for applications where very low dropout voltage, low supply current and low output noise are critical, even with high load conditions (500mA maximum). Unlike bipolar regulators, the SP6203/6205 (CMOS LDO) supply current increases only slightly with load current. Larger values make the chip more stable which means an improvemen t of the UHJXODWRU¶V WUDQVLHQW UHVSRQ operating from other sources than batteries, supply -noise rejection can be improved by increasing the value of the input and output capacitors and using passive filtering techniques. The SP6203/6205 contains an internal bandgap referen ce which is fed into the inverting input of the LDO - amplifier. The output voltage is then set by means of a resistor divider and compared to the bandgap reference voltage. The error LDO - amplifier drives the gate of a P -channel MOSFET pass device that has a RDS(ON) of 0.6 at 500mA producing a 300mV drop at the output. For a lower output cu rrent, a smaller output capacitance can be chosen. Finally, the output capacitor should have an effective series resistance (ESR) of 0.5 or less. Therefore, the use of good quality ceramic or tantalum capacitors is advised. Furthermore, the SP6203/6205 has its own current limit circuitry (500mA/850mA) to ensure that the output current will not damage the device during output short, overload or start - up. Also, the SP6203/6205 includes thermal shut down circuitry to turn off the device when the junction temperature exceeds 170°C and it re mains off until the temperature drops by 12°C. B YPASS CAPACITOR A bypass pin ( BYP) is provided to decouple the bandgap reference. A 10nF external capacitor connected from BYP to GND reduces noise present on the internal reference, which in turn significantly reduces output noise and also improves power supply rejection. Note that th e minimum value of C OUT must be increased to maintain stability when the bypass capacitor is used because C BYP reduces the regulator phase margin. If output noise is not a concern, this input may be left unconnected. Larger capacitor values may be used to further improve power supply rejection, but result in a longer time period (slower turn on) to settle output voltage when power is initially applied. - ENABLE /S HUTDOWN O PERATION The SP6203/6205 is turned off by pulling the VEN pin bel ow 0.4V and turned on by pulling it above 1.6V. If this enable/shutdown feature is not required, it should be tied directly to the input supply voltage to keep the regulator output on at all time. While in shutdown, V OUT quickly falls to zero (turn - off tim e is dependent on load conditions and output capacitance on V OUT) and power consumption drops nearly to zero. N O L OAD S TABILITY The SP6203/6205 will remain stable and in regulation with no external load (other than t he internal voltage driver) unlike many other voltage regulators. This is especially important I NPUT CAPACITOR in CMOS RAM battery back -up applications. $VPDOOFDSDFLWRURINj)LVUHTXLUHGIURP9 IN to GND if a battery is used as the power T URN O N T IME source. Any good quality electrolytic, ceramic The turn on response is split up in two or tantalum capacitor may be used at the input. separate response categories: the wake up © 2012 Exar Corporation 9/ 14 Rev. 2.0.0 SP 6 2 0 3 / SP 6 2 0 5 3 0 0 m A / 5 0 0 m A L o w N o i s e CM O S L D O R e g u l a t o r s time (T WU ) and the sett ling time (T S). The wake up time is defined as the time it takes for the output to rise to 2% of its total value after being released from shutdown (E N > 0.4V). The settling time is defined as the condition where the output reaches 98% of its total value af ter being released from shutdown. The latter is also called the turn on time and is dependent on the output capacitor, a little bit on load and, if present, on a bypass capacitor. a LJJA of approximately 191 °C/W for minimum PCB copper footprint area. This results in a maximum power dissipation of: PD(max) =[(125°C - 25°C)/(191°C/W)] = 523mW The actual power dissipation of the regulator circuit can be determined using on e simple equation: PD = (V IN - VOUT) * I OUT +V IN *I GND To prevent the device from entering thermal shutdown , maximum power dissipation cannot be exceeded. Substituting P D(max) for P D and solving for the operating conditions that are critical to the application will give the maximum operating conditions for the regulator circuit. For example, if we are operating the SP6203 3.0V at room temperature, with a minimum footprint layout and output current of 300mA, the maximum input voltage can be determined , based on the equation below. Ground pin current can be taken from the electrical specifications table (0.23mA at 300mA). T URN O FF T IME The turn off time is defined as the condition where the output voltage drops about 66% ( LJ) of its total value. 5 LJ to 7 LJ is the constant where the output voltage drops nearly to zero. There will always be a small voltage drop in shutdown because of the switch unless we short - circuit it. The turn off time of the output voltage is dependent on load conditions, output capacitance on V OUT (time constant W= RLCL) and also on the difference in voltage between input and output. 390mW = (V *0.23mA PD=([6V - 5V]*[300mA])+(6V*0.23mA)=301.4mW This is well below the 523mW package maxi mum. Therefore, the regulator can be used. - Note that the regulator cannot always be used at its maximum current rating. For example, in a 5V input to 3.0V output application at an ambient temperature of 25°C and oper ating at the full 500mA (I GND =0.355mA) load, the regulator is limited to a much lower load current, determined by the following equation: - TA) / LJJA TJ(max) is the maximum junction temperature of the die and is 125°C. T A is the ambient temperature. LJJA is the junction -to - ambient thermal resistance for the regulator and is layout dependent. The SOT -23 - 5 package has © 2012 Exar Corporation IN So if the intent is to operate a 5V output version from a 6V supply at 300mA load and at a 25°C ambient temperature, then the actual total power dissipation will be: The SP6203/6205 is designed to provide 300/500mA of continuous curren t in a tiny package. Maximum power dissipation can be calculated based on the output current and the voltage drop across the part. To determine the maximum power dissipation of the package, use the junction -to - ambient thermal resistance of the device and t he following basic equation: J(max) * 300mA + V After calculations, we find that the maximum input voltage of a 3.0V application at 300mA of output current in a SOT - 23 - 5 package is 4.7V. T HERMAL CONSIDERATIONS PD = (T IN - 3.0V) 523mW = ( [5V 10 / 14 - 3V]*[ I load(max) ]) +(5V*0.350mA) Rev. 2.0.0 SP 6 2 0 3 / SP 6 2 0 5 3 0 0 m A / 5 0 0 m A L o w N o i s e CM O S L D O R e g u l a t o r s After calculation, we find that in such an L AYOUT CONSIDERATIONS application (SP6205) the re gulator is limited to The primary path of heat condu ction out of the 260.6mA. Doing the same calculations for the package is via the package leads. Therefore, P$/'263ZLOOOLPLWWKHUHJXODWRU¶V careful considerations have to be taken into output current to 260.9mA. account: Also, taking advantage of the very low dropout 1) Attaching the part to a larger copper voltage characteristics of the SP6203/6205, footprint will enable better heat transfer from power dissipation can be reduced by using the WKH GHYLFH HVSHFLDOO\ RQ 3& lowest possible input voltage to minimize the are int ernal ground and power planes. input - to - output drop. 2) Place the input, output and bypass A DJUSTABLE R EGULATOR A PPLICATIONS capacitors close to the device for optimal transient response and device behavior. The SP6203/6205 can be adjusted to a specific output voltage by using two external resistors 3) Connect all ground connections directly to (see functional diagram). The resistors set the WKH JURXQG SODQH ,Q FDVH WK output voltage based on the following plane, connect to a common local ground point equation: before connecting to board ground. VOUT = V REF *(R1/R2 + 1) Such layouts will provide a much better thermal conductivity (lower LJJA) for, a higher maximum allowable power dissipation limit. Resistor values are not critical because ADJ (adjust) has a high input impedance, but for best performance use resistors of 470K or less. A bypass capacitor from ADJ to V OUT provides improved noise performance. D UAL - SUPPLY O PERATION When used in dual supply systems where the regulator load is returned to a negative supply, the output voltage must be diode clamped to ground. © 2012 Exar Corporation 11 / 14 Rev. 2.0.0 SP 6 2 0 3 / SP 6 2 0 5 3 0 0 m A / 5 0 0 m A L o w N o i s e CM O S L D O R e g u l a t o r s PACKAGE SPECIFICATIO N 8 - P IN DFN © 2012 Exar Corporation 12 / 14 Rev. 2.0.0 SP 6 2 0 3 / SP 6 2 0 5 3 0 0 m A / 5 0 0 m A L o w N o i s e CM O S L D O R e g u l a t o r s 5 - P IN SOT - 23 © 2012 Exar Corporation 13 / 14 Rev. 2.0.0 SP 6 2 0 3 / SP 6 2 0 5 3 0 0 m A / 5 0 0 m A L o w N o i s e CM O S L D O R e g u l a t o r s REVISION HISTORY Revision 2.0.0 Date 04/03/ 20 12 FOR FURTHER ASSISTAN Description Reforma t ted Data Sheet Includes top package marking update. CE Email: [email protected] Exar Technical Documentation: http://www.exar.com/TechDoc/default.aspx? EXAR CORPORATION H EADQUARTERS AND SALES O FFICES 48720 Kato Road Fremont, CA 94538 ±USA Tel.: +1 (510) 668 - 7000 Fax: +1 (510) 668 -7030 www.exar.com NOTICE EXAR Corporation reserves the right to make changes to the products contained in this publication in order to improve design, performance or reliability. EXAR Corporation assumes no responsibility for the use of any circuits described herein, conveys no li cense under any patent or other right, and makes no representation that the circuits are free of patent infringement. Charts and schedules contained here in are only for illustration purposes and may vary depending upon a XVHU¶VVSHFLILFDSSOLFDWLRQ:KLOH the information in this publication has been carefully checked; no responsibility, however, is assumed for inaccuracies. EXAR Corporation does not recommend the use of any of its products in life support applications where the failure or malfunction of th e product can reasonably be expected to cause failure of the life support system or to significantly affect its safety or effectiveness. Products are not authorized for use in such applications unless EXAR Corporation receives, in writing, assurances to it s satisfaction that: (a) the risk of injury or damage has been minimized; (b) the user assumes all such risks; (c) potential liability of EXAR Corporation is adequately protected under the circumstances. Reproduction, in part or whole, without the prior wr © 2012 Exar Corporation itten consent of EXAR Corporation is prohibited. 14 / 14 Rev. 2.0.0