w w w .h a m lin .c o m 55300 Flat Pack Rotary Hall Sensor Features: Ÿ 360° Angular sensing range Ÿ Absolute rotary position sensing Ÿ Analog output Ÿ Non-contact measuring Ÿ EMC protection Benefits: Ÿ Long life - no wear components Ÿ High speed Ÿ Unaffected by harsh environments Ÿ Compact robust package Applications: Ÿ Absolute rotary encoding Ÿ Pedal position Ÿ Shaft position Ÿ Lever position Ÿ Float level sensing Ÿ Non-contact potentiometer DIMENSIONS mm OUTPUT SIGNAL CUSTOMIZATION OPTIONS Customized versions available. Contact Hamlin for details. Ÿ Angular sensing range Ÿ Output type: Analog, DWM, or SPI Ÿ Connectors and terminals Ÿ Wire type and length Ÿ Magnetic actuators Hamlin USA Tel: +1 920 648 3000 ● Fax: 1 920 648 3001 ● Email: [email protected] Hamlin UK Tel: +44 (0) 1603 257700 ● Fax: +44 (0) 1603 257702 ● Email: [email protected] Hamlin GmbH Tel: +49 (0) 6142 923920 ● Fax: +49 (0) 6142 923921 ● Email: [email protected] Hamlin China Tel: +86 (0) 512 69365 800 ● Fax: +86 (0) 512 69365 811 ● Email: [email protected] DRGNo. 55300XXXXX Rev: AA Date: 5/3/2012 DCR: B8682 IN F O RM A TIO N PRO VID E D O N TH IS D A TA SH E E T IS PRO VID E D F O R IN F O RM A TIO N PU RPO SE S O N L Y A N D SH O U L D N O T B E RE L IE D U PO N A S B E IN G A C C U RA TE F O R A N Y PA RTIC U L A R PU RPO SE . Pro d u ct p e rfo rm an ce m ay be affe cte d by th e ap p licatio n to w h ich th e p ro d u ct is ap p lie d . U p o n re q u e st, H A M L IN w ill assist p u rch ase rs by p ro v id in g in fo rm atio n sp e cific to an y p ar ticu lar ap p licatio n . H A M L IN d isclaim s an y an d all liability w h atso e v e r fo r an y p u rch ase r’s re lian ce u p o n th e in fo rm atio n co n tain e d o n th is d atash e e t w ith o u t fu r th e r co n su ltatio n w ith au th o rise d re p re se n tativ e s o f H A M L IN . w w w .h a m lin .c o m 55300 Flat Pack Rotary Hall Sensor SPECIFICATIONS Hall Effect Device Operating Voltage Over Voltage Reverse Voltage Supply Current Output Current Programmed Output Voltage Range Programmed Sensing Range Resolution Accuracy (Note 2) Response Time Start-up Time Temperature 2 Actuator Positional Tolerances Wire Recommended Absolute Max (Note 1) Absolute Max (Note 1) Rotational, Analog Output 4.5 to 5.5 20 -10 16 -8 to +8 0.5 to 4.5 360 0.11 ±4 4 15 -40 to +105 -65 to +105 3.68 ±0.50 ±1.0 20 J-1128, Type TXL 300 Vdc Vdc Vdc mA-Max mA-Max Vdc ° ° ° ms-Max ms-Max °C °C mm mm AWG SAE mm Operating Storage Air Gap (Note 3) Radial Alignment (Note 3) Size Insulation Length Note 1 - This is a stress rating only, functional operation is not implied. Note 2 - When used in conjunction with the supplied 57300-000 actuator under typical conditions. Accuracy is affected by the sensor and actuator alignment, air gap and the presence of external magnetic fields or materials. Consult Hamlin for details. Note 3 - When used in conjunction with the supplied 57300-000 actuator. ORDERING INFORMATION Termination Options Select Description Option A Select Description Option Stripped Leads C Molex Connector MX 150 334810301 55300 – 00 – 02 – X Series 55300 Sensing Range Wire Length Termination Hamlin USA Tel: +1 920 648 3000 ● Fax: 1 920 648 3001 ● Email: [email protected] Hamlin UK Tel: +44 (0) 1603 257700 ● Fax: +44 (0) 1603 257702 ● Email: [email protected] Hamlin GmbH Tel: +49 (0) 6142 923920 ● Fax: +49 (0) 6142 923921 ● Email: [email protected] Hamlin China Tel: +86 (0) 512 69365 800 ● Fax: +86 (0) 512 69365 811 ● Email: [email protected] DRGNo. 55300XXXXX Rev: AA Date: 5/3/2012 DCR: B8682 IN F O RM A TIO N PRO VID E D O N TH IS D A TA SH E E T IS PRO VID E D F O R IN F O RM A TIO N PU RPO SE S O N L Y A N D SH O U L D N O T B E RE L IE D U PO N A S B E IN G A C C U RA TE F O R A N Y PA RTIC U L A R PU RPO SE . Pro d u ct p e rfo rm an ce m ay be affe cte d by th e ap p licatio n to w h ich th e p ro d u ct is ap p lie d . U p o n re q u e st, H A M L IN w ill assist p u rch ase rs by p ro v id in g in fo rm atio n sp e cific to an y p ar ticu lar ap p licatio n . H A M L IN d isclaim s an y an d all liability w h atso e v e r fo r an y p u rch ase r’s re lian ce u p o n th e in fo rm atio n co n tain e d o n th is d atash e e t w ith o u t fu r th e r co n su ltatio n w ith au th o rise d re p re se n tativ e s o f H A M L IN .