Agilent N5500A Phase Noise Test Set Hardware Reference First edition, June 2004 Agilent Technologies Notices © Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2004 Manual Part Number No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means (including electronic storage and retrieval or translation into a foreign language) without prior agreement and written consent from Agilent Technologies, Inc. as governed by United States and international copyright laws. N5500-90001 Edition First edition, June 2004 Printed in USA Agilent Technologies, Inc. 1400 Fountaingrove Pkwy Santa Rosa, CA 95403 agency regulation or contract clause. Use, duplication or disclosure of Software is subject to Agilent Technologies’ standard commercial license terms, and non-DOD Departments and Agencies of the U.S. Government will receive no greater than Restricted Rights as defined in FAR 52.227-19(c)(1-2) (June 1987). U.S. Government users will receive no greater than Limited Rights as defined in FAR 52.227-14 (June 1987) or DFAR 252.227-7015 (b)(2) (November 1995), as applicable in any technical data. Warranty The material contained in this document is provided “as is,” and is subject to being changed, without notice, in future editions. Further, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Agilent disclaims all warranties, either express or implied, with regard to this manual and any information contained herein, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Agilent shall not be liable for errors or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, use, or performance of this document or of any information contained herein. Should Agilent and the user have a separate written agreement with warranty terms covering the material in this document that conflict with these terms, the warranty terms in the separate agreement shall control. Technology Licenses The hardware and/or software described in this document are furnished under a license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such license. Restricted Rights Legend If software is for use in the performance of a U.S. Government prime contract or subcontract, Software is delivered and licensed as “Commercial computer software” as defined in DFAR 252.227-7014 (June 1995), or as a “commercial item” as defined in FAR 2.101(a) or as “Restricted computer software” as defined in FAR 52.227-19 (June 1987) or any equivalent Safety Notices C A UTI ON A CAUTION notice denotes a hazard. It calls attention to an operating procedure, practice, or the like that, if not correctly performed or adhered to, could result in damage to the product or loss of important data. Do not proceed beyond a CAUTION notice until the indicated conditions are fully understood and met. WA RN IN G A WARNING notice denotes a hazard. It calls attention to an operating procedure, practice, or the like that, if not correctly performed or adhered to, could result in personal injury or death. Do not proceed beyond a WARNING notice until the indicated conditions are fully understood and met. Contents 1 General Information N5500A Overview 8 Figure 1. N5500A test set N5500A with Option 001 9 N5500A with Option 201 9 8 2 Front and Rear Panel Interfaces Standard Front-Panel Interfaces 12 Figure 2. N5500A standard front panel 12 50 kHz-1600 MHz (REF INPUT) 12 ACT (STATUS) 12 ANALYZER: <100 kHz (PHASE DET OUTPUT) 13 ANALYZER: <100 MHz (PHASE DET OUTPUT) 13 ERR (STATUS) 13 LSN (GPIB) 13 MONITOR (PHASE DET OUTPUT) 13 NOISE (INPUT) 13 OUT OF LOCK 14 POWER 14 RF ANALYZER (PHASE DET OUTPUT) 14 RMT (GPIB) 14 SIGNAL (INPUT) 14 SRQ (GPIB) 15 TLK (GPIB) 15 TUNE VOLTAGE 15 Option 001 Front-Panel Interfaces 16 Figure 3. N5500A Option 001 front panel 16 50 kHz-1600 MHz (REF INPUT) 16 1.2 - 26.5 GHz (REF INPUT) 17 ACT (STATUS) 17 ANALYZER: <100 kHz (PHASE DET OUTPUT) 17 ANALYZER: <100 MHz (PHASE DET OUTPUT) 17 ERR (STATUS) 17 FROM DOWNCONVERTER 17 LSN (GPIB) 17 MONITOR (PHASE DET OUTPUT) 18 NOISE (INPUT) 18 Agilent N5500A Hardware Reference 3 OUT OF LOCK 18 POWER 18 RF ANALYZER (PHASE DET OUTPUT) RMT (GPIB) 19 SIGNAL (INPUT) 19 SRQ (GPIB) 20 TLK (GPIB) 20 TO DOWNCONVERTER 20 TUNE VOLTAGE 20 19 Option 201 Front-Panel Interfaces 21 Figure 4. N5500A option 201 front panel 21 50 kHz-1600 MHz (REF INPUT) 21 1.2 - 26.5 GHz (REF INPUT) 22 ACT (STATUS) 22 ANALYZER: <100 kHz (PHASE DET OUTPUT) 22 ANALYZER: <100 MHz (PHASE DET OUTPUT) 22 ERR (STATUS) 22 LSN (GPIB) 22 MONITOR (PHASE DET OUTPUT) 22 NOISE (INPUT) 23 OUT OF LOCK 23 POWER 23 RF ANALYZER (PHASE DET OUTPUT) 23 RMT (GPIB) 23 SIGNAL (INPUT) 24 SRQ (GPIB) 24 TLK (GPIB) 24 TUNE VOLTAGE 24 µW SIGNAL 24 Rear-Panel Connectors (All Options) 25 Figure 5. N5500A Rear Panel 25 CHIRP SOURCE IN 25 GPIB 25 MULTIPLEXER OUT 25 Power Connector (~ LINE) 26 TRACK GEN IN 26 TUNE VOLTAGE OUT 26 4 Agilent N5500A Hardware Reference 3 Technical Data Specifications 28 Table 1. Environmental and mechanical specifications Table 2. Tuning voltage output 28 Table 3. Noise input port 28 Table 4. Noise floor degradation 28 Power Requirements 29 Table 5. N5500A power supply requirements Power line module 29 Fuse 29 28 29 System Phase Noise and Spurious Responses 30 Figure 6. Graph of system phase noise and spurious responses 30 Figure 7. Results of decreased input on the RF phase detector R-Ports 31 Figure 8. Results of decreased input on the microwave phase detector R-ports Phase Detector Input Ports 32 Table 6. Frequency ranges 32 Table 7. Amplitude ranges 32 Noise Floor Specifications 33 Table 8. RF phase detector noise floor specifications 33 Table 9. RF phase detector accuracy 33 Table 10. µ Detector noise floor specifications (Option 001/201) 33 Table 11. AM detector noise floor specifications (option 001) 33 Table 12. AM detector accuracy 33 31 4 Preventive Maintenance Using, Inspecting, and Cleaning RF Connectors 36 Repeatability 36 RF cable and connector care 36 Proper connector torque 37 Table 13. Proper Connector Torque 37 Connector wear and damage 37 SMA connector precautions 38 Cleaning procedure 38 Table 14. Cleaning Supplies Available from Agilent 39 General Procedures and Techniques 40 Figure 9. GPIB, 3.5 mm, Type-N, power sensor, and BNC connectors Connector removal 41 Instrument Removal 43 Half-Rack-Width instrument Agilent N5500A Hardware Reference 40 43 5 To remove a half-width instrument from a system rack 43 Figure 10. Instrument lock links, front and rear 44 Benchtop instrument 44 To remove an instrument from a benchtop system 44 Instrument installation 45 Half-Rack-Width instrument 45 To install the instrument in a rack 45 Benchtop instrument 46 To install an instrument in a benchtop system 46 6 Agilent N5500A Hardware Reference N5500A Phase Noise Test Set Hardware Reference 1 General Information N5500A Overview 8 N5500A with Option 001 9 N5500A with Option 201 9 Agilent Technologies 7 1 General Information N5500A Overview The Agilent N5500A Phase Noise Test Set is part of the E5505A Phase Noise Measurement System. The N5500A performs phase noise measurements with the addition of baseband analyzers and software. Carrier frequencies range from 50 kHz to 1.6 GHz with offset frequencies of 0.01 Hz to 100 MHz. The phase detector input power at the SIGNAL input is specified at 0 to +23 dBm, and at the REF INPUT connection is +15 to +23 dBm. The NOISE input for noise sources or external detectors ranges in frequency from 0.01 Hz to 100 MHz with a 50 ohm input impedance and 1 Volt peak max. There are three baseband analyzer outputs: (ANALYZER) <100 kHz, (ANALYZER) <100 MHz and RF ANALYZER. The MONITOR output is used for observing time domain phase noise on an oscilloscope. The TUNE VOLTAGE output is used for tuning a VCO in a phase-locked measurement. The rear-panel TRACK GEN and CHIRP SOURCE inputs are used for verifying phase-lock-loop suppression. There are several available low pass filters: 100 MHz, 20 MHz, 2 MHz, 200 kHz and 20 kHz. The AM blocking filter is used for an external AM detector (or the internal AM detector for Option 001). The Decade spaced low pass and high pass filters range from 1 Hz to 100 kHz, and are used to limit the bandwidth of noise applied to the baseband analyzer. Figure 1 8 N5500A test set Agilent N5500A Hardware Reference General Information 1 N5500A with Option 001 Option 001 adds an input attenuator, input switching, an AM detector, and a microwave phase detector to the test set. The input attenuation ranges from 0 to 35 dB in 5 dB steps. The RF ANALYZER output can view either an input signal of up to 26.5 GHz or baseband noise. The SIGNAL input can be switched to AM detector, RF phase detectors, microwave phase detector, or an external microwave downconverter. The IF signal from the downconverter is switched to the RF phase detectors. N5500A with Option 201 The N5500A Option 201 adds a microwave phase detector to extend the carrier frequency range to 26.5 GHz. The microwave phase detector frequency ranges from 1.2 GHz to 26.5 GHz. The microwave phase detector input power at the µW SIGNAL input ranges from 0 to +5 dBm and +7 to +10 dBm at the REF INPUT connections. Agilent N5500A Hardware Reference 9 1 10 General Information Agilent N5500A Hardware Reference N5500A Phase Noise Test Set Hardware Reference 2 Front and Rear Panel Interfaces Standard Front-Panel Interfaces 12 Option 001 Front-Panel Interfaces 16 Option 201 Front-Panel Interfaces 21 Rear-Panel Connectors (All Options) 25 Agilent Technologies 11 2 Front and Rear Panel Interfaces Standard Front-Panel Interfaces This section describes the front-panel interfaces on the standard N5500A test set. They appear alphabetically. N5500A Test Set GPIB RMT LSN TLK SRQ SIGNAL SIGNAL INPUT INPUT STATUS ACT ERR REF INPUT NOISE 50 kHz -1600 MHz 0.01 Hz -100 MHz +15 dBm MIN MAXIMUM POWER 50 kHz -1600 MHz +23 dBm MAXIMUM POWER 50 kHz -1600 MHz +23 dBm 50 1 V Pk 50 kHz -1600 MHz PHASE DET OUTPUT POSSIBLE OUTPUT POWER +30 dBm RF ANALYZER MONITOR ANALYZER ANALYZER TUNE VOLTAGE OUT OF LOCK <100 kHz <100 MHz 50 20 mA MAX POWER n5500a_standard_front_pnl 26 Mar 04 rev 1 Figure 2 N5500A standard front panel 50 kHz-1600 MHz (REF INPUT) This connector is a reference signal input to the RF phase detectors. Limits • Level range: +15 to +23 dBm • Frequency: 50 kHz to 1600 MHz Characteristics • Input impedance: 50 Ω nominal • AC coupled: +15 VDC Max ACT (STATUS) This LED is not used for phase noise measurement. 12 Agilent N5500A Hardware Reference Front and Rear Panel Interfaces 2 ANALYZER: <100 kHz (PHASE DET OUTPUT) The signal at the <100 kHz phase detector output connector is a high impedance output to the FFT analyzer used for phase noise measurements. ANALYZER: <100 MHz (PHASE DET OUTPUT) The signal at the <100 MHz phase detector output connector is the output to the baseband spectrum analyzer used for phase noise measurements. Characteristics • Output impedance: 50 Ω nominal ERR (STATUS) The error message LED illuminates when a communication error occurs and indicates that an error message is available. LSN (GPIB) The listen LED illuminates when the system addresses the instrument to listen. MONITOR (PHASE DET OUTPUT) A baseband signal from the detector and LNA in use is available at this port. It may be useful to observe this signal on an oscilloscope to help troubleshoot the phase noise measurement process, or to observe the noise characteristics of a device under test in the time domain. Characteristics • The source impedance is 50 Ω, but the port is intended to drive a load impedance much greater than 50 Ω. • The voltage level may range from 1 mV to 2 V p-p. NOISE (INPUT) The noise input connector accepts the following inputs: • Millimeter measurements using an external millimeter wave mixer • AM noise measurements using an external AM detector • Baseband noise measurements (using a DC block). The input bypasses all of the internal phase detectors and routes the signal directly to the input filters and low noise amplifiers. Agilent N5500A Hardware Reference 13 2 Front and Rear Panel Interfaces Limits • Frequency: 0.01 Hz - 100 MHz Characteristics • Input impedance: 50 Ω, nominal OUT OF LOCK This LED illuminates if the internal comparators detect either an excessive peak voltage from the phase detector or an excessive change in the tune voltage. POWER This switch puts the instrument in active operation or standby mode. It is a standby switch and not a LINE switch. The detachable power cord is the test set’s disconnecting device. It disconnects the mains circuits from the mains supply before other parts of the instrument or system. RF ANALYZER (PHASE DET OUTPUT) The signal at the RF analyzer phase detector output connector is the output to the RF swept spectrum analyzer used for phase noise measurements. Characteristics • Output impedance: 50 Ω RMT (GPIB) The remote indicator LED illuminates when the instrument is enabled for GPIB control. SIGNAL (INPUT) This connector accepts the input (device under test) signal. Limits • Frequency: 50 kHz to 1600 MHz Characteristics Characteristics • Input impedance: 50 Ω Nominal • AM noise: dc coupled to 50 Ω load 14 Agilent N5500A Hardware Reference Front and Rear Panel Interfaces 2 SRQ (GPIB) The service request LED illuminates when the instrument requests service. TLK (GPIB) The talk indicator LED illuminates when the system addresses the instrument to talk. TUNE VOLTAGE The signal at this connector is the ouput to the VCO’s (voltage controlled oscillator’s) tune port connector. Characteristics • Input impedance: 50 Ω, 20 mA max Agilent N5500A Hardware Reference 15 2 Front and Rear Panel Interfaces Option 001 Front-Panel Interfaces This section describes the function of the front-panel interfaces on the N5500A test set with Option 001. The interfaces appear in alphabetical order. N5500A Opt 001 Test Set SIGNAL INPUT 0 VDC MAX MAXIMUM POWER 50 kHz -1600 MHz +23 dBm + ATTEN 1.2 GHz-26.5 GHz +10 dBm + ATTEN +30 dBm MAX WITH ATTENUATOR GPIB RMT LSN TLK SRQ SIGNAL INPUT STATUS ACT ERR REF INPUT NOISE 50 kHz - 1600 MHz 1.2 - 26.5 GHz 0.01 Hz - 100 MHz +15 dBm MIN +7 dBm MIN FROM DOWNCONVERTER TO DOWNCONVERTER 50 1 V Pk 50 kHz - 26.5 GHz MAXIMUM POWER 50 kHz -1600 MHz +23 dBm 1.2 -26.5 GHz +10 dBm PHASE DET OUTPUT RF ANALYZER POSSIBLE OUTPUT POWER +30 dBm ANALYZER MONITOR TUNE VOLTAGE ANALYZER OUT OF LOCK <100 kHz <100 MHz 50 20 mA MAX POWER n5500a_opt001_front_pnl 26 Mar 04 rev 1 Figure 3 NO T E N5500A Option 001 front panel Some interfaces on the front and rear panels are not used for phase noise measurement, as their descriptions indicate. Their primary function is for factory testing and troubleshooting. 50 kHz-1600 MHz (REF INPUT) This connector is a reference signal input to the RF phase detectors. Limits • Level range: +15 to +23 dBm • Frequency: 50 kHz to 1600 MHz Characteristics • Input impedance: 50 Ω nominal • AC coupled: +15 VDC Max 16 Agilent N5500A Hardware Reference Front and Rear Panel Interfaces 2 1.2 - 26.5 GHz (REF INPUT) This connector is a reference signal input to the microwave phase detector. Limits • Level range: +7 to +10 dBm • Frequency: 1.2 to 26.5 GHz ACT (STATUS) This LED is not used for phase noise measurement. ANALYZER: <100 kHz (PHASE DET OUTPUT) The signal at the <100 kHz phase detector output connector is a high impedance output to the FFT analyzer used for phase noise measurements. ANALYZER: <100 MHz (PHASE DET OUTPUT) The signal at the <100 MHz phase detector output connector is the output to the baseband spectrum analyzer used for phase noise measurements. Characteristics • Output impedance: 50 Ω nominal ERR (STATUS) The error message LED illuminates when an operational error occurs. FROM DOWNCONVERTER The signal at this connector is the input from the downconverter’s IF output connector. The From Downconverter connector, along with the To Downconverter connector, is used to insert a downconverter in the signal path. LSN (GPIB) The listen LED illuminates when the system addresses the instrument to listen. Agilent N5500A Hardware Reference 17 2 Front and Rear Panel Interfaces MONITOR (PHASE DET OUTPUT) A baseband signal from the detector and LNA in use is available at this port. It may be useful to observe this signal on an oscilloscope to help troubleshoot the phase noise measurement process, or to observe the noise characteristics of a device under test in the time domain. Characteristics • The source impedance is 50 Ω, but the port is intended to drive a load impedance much greater than 50 Ω. • The voltage level may range from 1 mV to 2 V p-p. NOISE (INPUT) The noise input connector accepts the following inputs: • Millimeter measurements using an external millimeter wave mixer • AM noise measurements using an external AM detector • Baseband noise measurements (using a DC block). The input bypasses all of the internal phase detectors and routes the signal directly to the input filters and low noise amplifiers. Limits • Frequency: 0.01 Hz - 100 MHz Characteristics • Input impedance: 50 Ω, nominal OUT OF LOCK This LED illuminates if the internal comparators detect either an excessive peak voltage from the phase detector or an excessive change in the tune voltage. POWER This switch puts the instrument in active operation or standby mode. It is a standby switch and not a LINE switch. The detachable power cord is the test set’s disconnecting device. It disconnects the mains circuits from the mains supply before other parts of the instrument or system. 18 Agilent N5500A Hardware Reference Front and Rear Panel Interfaces 2 RF ANALYZER (PHASE DET OUTPUT) The signal at the RF analyzer phase detector output connector is the output to the RF swept spectrum analyzer used for phase noise measurements. Characteristics • Output impedance: 50 Ω RMT (GPIB) The remote indicator LED illuminates when the instrument is enabled for GPIB control. SIGNAL (INPUT) This connector accepts the input (device under test) signal. C A UTI ON To prevent damage to the N5500A test set’s hardware components, input signal must not be applied to the signal input connector until the input attenuator has been set correctly by the software for the desired destination, as shown below. Refer to the User’s Guide for your E5505A system for more information. Limits • Frequency: 50 kHz to 26.5 GHz • Maximum signal input power: +30 dBm • At attenuator output, operating level range: • RF phase detector: 0 to +23 dBm • Microwave phase detector: 0 to +5 dBm • Internal AM detector: 0 to +20 dBm • Downconverters: • N5507A/70427A: 0 to +30 dBm • N5502A/70422A: +5 to +15 dBm Characteristics • Input impedance: 50 Ω Nominal • AM noise: dc coupled to 50 Ω load Agilent N5500A Hardware Reference 19 2 Front and Rear Panel Interfaces SRQ (GPIB) The service request LED illuminates when the instrument requests service. TLK (GPIB) The talk indicator LED illuminates when the system addresses the instrument to talk. TO DOWNCONVERTER The signal at this connector is the test set’s output to the downconverter’s Signal input connector. The To Downconverter connector, along with the From Downconverter connector, is used to insert a downconverter in the signal path. TUNE VOLTAGE The signal at this connector is the ouput to the VCO’s (voltage controlled oscillator’s) tune port connector. Characteristics • Input impedance: 50 Ω, 20 mA max 20 Agilent N5500A Hardware Reference Front and Rear Panel Interfaces 2 Option 201 Front-Panel Interfaces This section describes the function of the front-panel interfaces on the N5500A test set with Option 201. The interfaces appear in alphabetical order. N5500A Opt 201 Test Set SIGNAL INPUT GPIB RMT LSN TLK SRQ SIGNAL INPUT STATUS ACT ERR REF INPUT NOISE 50 kHz - 1600 MHz 1.2 - 26.5 GHz 0.01 Hz - 100 MHz +15 dBm MIN +7 dBm MIN MAXIMUM POWER 50 kHz -1600 MHz +23 dBm 50 1 V Pk 50 kHz-1600 MHz MAXIMUM POWER 50 kHz -1600 MHz +23 dBm 1.2 -26.5 GHz +10 dBm PHASE DET OUTPUT POSSIBLE OUTPUT POWER +30 dBm RF ANALYZER MONITOR W SIGNAL ANALYZER ANALYZER TUNE VOLTAGE MAXIMUM POWER 1.2-26.5 GHz +10 dBm 1.2-26.5 GHz OUT OF LOCK <100 kHz <100 MHz 50 20 mA MAX POWER n5500a_opt201_front_pnl 26 Mar 04 rev 1 Figure 4 N5500A option 201 front panel 50 kHz-1600 MHz (REF INPUT) This connector is a reference signal input to the RF phase detectors. Limits • Level range: +15 to +23 dBm • Frequency: 50 kHz to 1600 MHz Characteristics • Input impedance: 50 Ω nominal • AC coupled: +15 VDC Max Agilent N5500A Hardware Reference 21 2 Front and Rear Panel Interfaces 1.2 - 26.5 GHz (REF INPUT) This connector is a reference signal input to the microwave phase detector. Limits • Level range: +7 to +10 dBm • Frequency: 1.2 to 26.5 GHz ACT (STATUS) This LED is not used for phase noise measurement. ANALYZER: <100 kHz (PHASE DET OUTPUT) The signal at the <100 kHz phase detector output connector is a high impedance output to the FFT analyzer used for phase noise measurements. ANALYZER: <100 MHz (PHASE DET OUTPUT) The signal at the <100 MHz phase detector output connector is the output to the baseband spectrum analyzer used for phase noise measurements. Characteristics • Output impedance: 50 Ω nominal ERR (STATUS) The error message LED illuminates when an operational error occurs. LSN (GPIB) The listen LED illuminates when the system addresses the instrument to listen. MONITOR (PHASE DET OUTPUT) A baseband signal from the detector and LNA in use is available at this port. It may be useful to observe this signal on an oscilloscope to help troubleshoot the phase noise measurement process, or to observe the noise characteristics of a device under test in the time domain. Characteristics • The source impedance is 50 Ω, but the port is intended to drive a load impedance much greater than 50 Ω. 22 Agilent N5500A Hardware Reference 2 Front and Rear Panel Interfaces • The voltage level may range from 1 mV to 2 V p-p. NOISE (INPUT) The noise input connector accepts the following inputs: • Millimeter measurements using an external millimeter wave mixer • AM noise measurements using an external AM detector • Baseband noise measurements (using a DC block). The input bypasses all of the internal phase detectors and routes the signal directly to the input filters and low noise amplifiers. Limits • Frequency: 0.01 Hz to100 MHz Characteristics • Input impedance: 50 W, nominal OUT OF LOCK This LED illuminates if the internal comparators detect either an excessive peak voltage from the phase detector or an excessive change in the tune voltage. POWER This switch puts the instrument in active operation or standby mode. It is a standby switch and not a LINE switch. The detachable power cord is the test set’s disconnecting device. It disconnects the mains circuits from the mains supply before other parts of the instrument or system. RF ANALYZER (PHASE DET OUTPUT) The signal at this connector is the output to the RF swept spectrum analyzer used for the noise measurements. The RF analyzer output can be internally switched between the baseband output and the IF output. Characteristics • Output impedance: 50 Ω RMT (GPIB) The remote indicator LED illuminates when the instrument is enabled for GPIB control. Agilent N5500A Hardware Reference 23 2 Front and Rear Panel Interfaces SIGNAL (INPUT) This connector accepts the input (device under test) signal. Limits • Frequency: 5 MHz to 1600 MHz Characteristics • Input impedance: 50 Ω, nominal SRQ (GPIB) The service request LED illuminates when the instrument requests service. TLK (GPIB) The talk indicator LED illuminates when the system addresses the instrument to talk. TUNE VOLTAGE The signal at this connector is the ouput to the VCO’s (voltage controlled oscillator’s) tune port connector. Characteristics • Input impedance: 50 Ω, 20 mA max µW SIGNAL This connector accepts the microwave input (device under test) signal. Limits and characteristics • Level range (microwave phase detector): 0 to +5 dBm • Frequency: 1.2 to 26.5 GHz • Input impedance: 50 Ω, nominal 24 Agilent N5500A Hardware Reference 2 Front and Rear Panel Interfaces Rear-Panel Connectors (All Options) This section describes the function of the rear-panel interfaces on all options of the N5500A test set. The interfaces appear in alphabetical order. GPIB MULTIPLEXER TRACK GEN OUT IN ICES/NMB-001 ISM GRP.1 CLASS A CHIRP SOURCE SEE USERS MANUAL TUNE VOLTAGE IN N10149 154258 OUT SERIAL NUMBER LABEL LINE 115 V/3 A 230 V/2 A 50/60 Hz FUSE: T 3.15 A 250 V n5500a_rear_pnl 26 Mar 04 rev 1 Figure 5 N5500A Rear Panel CHIRP SOURCE IN This connector accepts a pseudo-random noise source from the PC digitizer or FFT analyzer. GPIB GPIB communication between the test set and the system occurs through this connector. MULTIPLEXER OUT The signal at this connector is the voltage measured by the internal voltmeter and is used for factory troubleshooting purposes. Characteristics • Output level range: +/–10 V • Output impedance: 1 k Ω Agilent N5500A Hardware Reference 25 2 Front and Rear Panel Interfaces • Bandwidth: 100 kHz Power Connector (~ LINE) This is the connection for the AC power cord. The detachable power cord is the test set’s disconnecting device. It disconnects the mains circuits from the mains supply before other parts of the instrument or system. For information on power requirements, see the specifications chapter. TRACK GEN IN This connector accepts the signal from the tracking generator of a baseband analyzer. TUNE VOLTAGE OUT The signal at this connector is the ouput to the VCO’s tune port connector. This Tune Voltage Output port is the default at power-up. 26 Agilent N5500A Hardware Reference N5500A Phase Noise Test Set Hardware Reference 3 Technical Data Specifications 28 System Phase Noise and Spurious Responses 30 Phase Detector Input Ports 32 Noise Floor Specifications 33 Agilent Technologies 27 3 Technical Data Specifications This section contains general specifications for the N5500A test set. It also includes data on system phase noise and spurious response levels, and the frequency and amplitude ranges for the phase detector input ports. Table 1 Environmental and mechanical specifications Altitude Up to 2,000 meters (6,500 ft) Operating temperature range +0 °C to +45 °C (41 °F to 110 °F) Warm-up time 20 minutes Max relative humidity 80% for temperatures up to 31 °C, decreasing linearly to 50% relative humidity at 40 °C. Height 177.2 mm (7 in) Width 212.5 mm (8.4 in) Depth 574.3 mm (22.6 in) Weight ~ 30 lbs (13.6 kg) Table 2 Tuning voltage output Voltage range ±10 V, open circuit Current 20 mA, max Output impedance 50 Ω, typical Table 3 Noise input port Frequency 0.01 Hz to 100 MHz Amplitude 1 V peak, max Input impedance 50 Ω, typical (DC coupled, RL < 9.5 dB) Table 4 Noise floor degradation Degrade system noise floor 1 dB for every dB reduction in R input levels less than: NO T E 28 +15 dBm (low frequency input) The N5500A has low susceptibility to RFI and mechanical vibration. Care must be exercised, however, in making measurements in high RFI or mechanical vibration environments as spurious signals may be induced in the instrument. Agilent N5500A Hardware Reference Technical Data 3 Power Requirements This section contains the power requirements and characteristics for the N5500A test set. Table 5 N5500A power supply requirements Nominal Voltage 115 230 Nominal Frequency 60 Hz 50 Hz Power 3 A, max 2 A max Power line module The power module in the N5500A has the following characteristics: • 200 W • 85 to 264 VAC continuous-range operation • 47 to 63 Hz • Internal fuse: 5 A, 250 V Fuse The instrument’s AC line cable has a replaceable fuse with the following characteristics: • 3.15 A, 250 V, time delayed • Agilent part number: 2110-1124 Agilent N5500A Hardware Reference 29 3 Technical Data System Phase Noise and Spurious Responses The internal noise design of the N5500A is capable of measuring a range of reference sources, including very low noise reference sources. The graph in Figure 6 shows the phase noise and spurious response levels specified for the system. The specified response does not include the phase noise or spurious signal contributions of a reference source. -60 -80 -100 Spurious responses (dBc) -120 Phase noise (L (f), dBc/Hz) -140 f <10 MHz -160 -180 .01 1 10 n5500a_phase_noise_responses 17 Apr 04 rev 1 Figure 6 Carrier frequencies 100 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M 100M Offset frequency (Hz) Graph of system phase noise and spurious responses Figure 7 on page 31 shows the increase in system noise and spurious response levels as the signal level at the Signal Input (R input) port of the N5500A Phase Detector is decreased below +15 dBm. To determine the system noise and spurious response level for a given Signal Input port (R port) level, determine the resulting dB degradation using Figure 7, and then adjust the phase noise and spurious response levels shown in Figure 6 by the degradation value. For example, if the signal input (R port) signal level is +5 dBm, the resulting degradation is +10 dB. Applying the +10 dB degradation to Figure 6 increases the system’s maximum noise level at 10 kHz offset frequencies from -170 to -160 dBc/Hz. The specified maximum spurious signal level also increases from -112 to -102 dBc at all offset frequencies. 30 Agilent N5500A Hardware Reference Technical Data 3 Degradation (dB) +20 +10 0 5 MHz to 1.6 GHz phase detector amplitude range 0 +5 n5500a_RF_phase_det 17 Apr 04 rev 1 Figure 7 +10 +15 +20 R input signal level (dBm) +25 Results of decreased input on the RF phase detector R-Ports Degradation (dB) +10 +5 0 1.2 GHz to 26.5 GHz phase detector amplitude range 0 +1 n5500a_microwave_phase_det 17 Apr 04 rev 1 Figure 8 +2 +3 R input signal level (dBm) +4 +5 Results of decreased input on the microwave phase detector R-ports Agilent N5500A Hardware Reference 31 3 Technical Data Phase Detector Input Ports The wide frequency and amplitude ranges enable you to make noise measurements for a wide variety of application requirements. Table 6 indicates the frequency ranges, and Table 7 the amplitude ranges, for the phase detector input ports on the N5500A. Table 6 Table 7 Frequency ranges Carrier Frequency Offset Frequency 50 kHz to 500 kHz 0.01 Hz to 20 kHz 500 kHz to 5 MHz 0.01 Hz to 200 kHz 5 MHz to 50 MHz 0.01 Hz to 2 MHz 50 MHz to 250 MHz 0.01 Hz to 20 MHz 250 MHz to 1.6 GHz 0.01 to 100 MHz Amplitude ranges Low Frequency Inputs Options 001 & 201 High Frequency Inputs Options 001 AM Noise Carrier Frequency Range 50 kHz to 1.6 GHz 1.2 GHz to 26 GHz 50 kHz to 26.5 GHz RF Input (R port) 0 dBm to +23 dBm 0 dBm to +5 dBm N/A RF Input with Option 001 0 dBm to +30 dBm 0 dBm to +30 dBm 0 dBm to +30 dBm Signal Input (L port) +15 dBm to +23 dBm +7 dBm to +10 dBm 32 Agilent N5500A Hardware Reference 3 Technical Data Noise Floor Specifications Table 8 through Table 12 contain various noise floor and accuracy specifications. Table 8 RF phase detector noise floor specifications Input Frequency 50 kHz to 1.6 GHz Offset from Carrier (Hz) Spurious (dBc) .01 1 10 100 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M 100M .01 0.1 >10 Special –70 –130 –140 –150 –160 –170 –170 –170 –170 –170 –70 –100 –112 Typical –77 –137 –147 –157 –167 –177 –177 –177 –177 –177 –77 –107 –119 1. Input ports: L port (Reference Input) = +15 dBm to 23 dBm; R port (Signal Input) = +15 dBm Table 9 RF phase detector accuracy Frequency Range Offset from Carrier .01 Hz to 1 MHz ±2 dB 1 MHz to 100 MHz ±4 dB Table 10 µ Detector noise floor specifications (Option 001/201) Input Frequency Offset from Carrier (Hz) .01 1.2 to Spec. –55 26.5 GHz Typical –62 100 1k 10k 32k Spurious (dBc) 1 10 100k 1M 10M 100M 1 10 100M –115 –125 –135 –145 –155 –160 –160 –160 –160 –160 –97 –97 –97 –122 –132 –142 –152 –162 –167 –167 –167 –167 –165 –104 –104 –104 1. Input ports: L port (Reference Input) = +7 dBm to 10 dBm; R port (Signal Input) = +5 dBm Table 11 AM detector noise floor specifications (option 001) Input Frequency +10 to +20 dBm Offset from Carrier (Hz) 10 100 Spurious (dBc) 1k 10k 100k 10k 1M 10M 100M 100M ≥10 1k 100M Spec. –105 –115 –125 –140 –149 –150 –150 –150 –170 –170 –70 –100 –112 Typical –77 –147 –157 –167 –177 –177 –177 –177 –177 –77 –107 –119 –137 Table 12 AM detector accuracy Frequency Range Offset from Carrier .01 Hz to 1 MHz ±3 dB 1 MHz to 100 MHz ±5 dB Agilent N5500A Hardware Reference 33 3 34 Technical Data Agilent N5500A Hardware Reference N5500A Phase Noise Test Set Hardware Reference 4 Preventive Maintenance Using, Inspecting, and Cleaning RF Connectors 36 General Procedures and Techniques 40 Instrument Removal 43 Instrument installation 45 Agilent Technologies 35 4 Preventive Maintenance Using, Inspecting, and Cleaning RF Connectors Taking proper care of cables and connectors protects your system’s ability to make accurate measurements. One of the main sources of measurement inaccuracy can be caused by improperly made connections or by dirty or damaged connectors. The condition of system connectors affects measurement accuracy and repeatability. Worn, out-of-tolerance, or dirty connectors degrade these measurement performance characteristics. Repeatability If you make two identical measurements with your system, the differences should be so small that they will not affect the value of the measurement. Repeatability (the amount of similarity from one measurement to another of the same type) can be affected by: • Dirty or damaged connectors • Connections that have been made without using proper torque techniques (this applies primarily when connectors in the system have been disconnected, then reconnected). C A UTI ON Static-Sensitive Devices This system contains instruments and devices that are static-sensitive. Always take proper electrostatic precautions before touching the center conductor of any connector, or the center conductor of any cable that is connected to any system instrument. Handle instruments and devices only when wearing a grounded wrist or foot strap. When handling devices on a work bench, make sure you are working on an anti-static worksurface. RF cable and connector care Connectors are the most critical link in a precision measurement system. These devices are manufactured to extremely precise tolerances and must be used and maintained with care to protect the measurement accuracy and repeatability of your system. To extend the life of your cables or connectors: • Avoid repeated bending of cables—a single sharp bend can ruin a cable instantly. • Avoid repeated connection and disconnection of cable connectors. 36 Agilent N5500A Hardware Reference Preventive Maintenance 4 • Inspect the connectors before connection; look for dirt, nicks, and other signs of damage or wear. A bad connector can ruin the good connector instantly. • Clean dirty connectors. Dirt and foreign matter can cause poor electrical connections and may damage the connector. • Minimize the number of times you bend cables. • Never bend a cable at a sharp angle. • Do not bend cables near the connectors. • If any of the cables will be flexed repeatedly, buy a back-up cable. This will allow immediate replacement and will minimize system down time. Before connecting the cables to any device: • Check all connectors for wear or dirt. • When making the connection, torque the connector to the proper value. Proper connector torque • Provides more accurate measurements • Keeps moisture out of the connectors • Eliminates radio frequency interference (RFI) from affecting your measurements The torque required depends on the type of connector. Refer to Table 13. Do not overtighten the connector. Never exceed the recommended torque when attaching cables. Table 13 Proper Connector Torque Connector Torque cm-kg Torque N-cm Torque in-lbs Wrench P/N Type-N 52 508 45 hand tighten 3.5 mm 9.2 90 8 8720-1765 SMA 5.7 56 5 8710-1582 Connector wear and damage Look for metal particles from the connector threads and other signs of wear (such as discoloration or roughness). Visible wear can affect measurement accuracy and repeatability. Discard or repair any device with a damaged connector. A bad connector can ruin a good connector on the first mating. A magnifying glass or jeweler’s loupe is useful during inspection. Agilent N5500A Hardware Reference 37 4 Preventive Maintenance SMA connector precautions Use caution when mating SMA connectors to any precision 3.5 mm RF connector. SMA connectors are not precision devices and are often out of mechanical tolerances, even when new. An out-of-tolerance SMA connector can ruin a 3.5 mm connector on the first mating. If in doubt, gauge the SMA connector before connecting it. The SMA center conductor must never extend beyond the mating plane. Cleaning procedure 1 Blow particulate matter from connectors using an environmentally-safe aerosol such as Aero-Duster. (This product is recommended by the United States Environmental Protection Agency and contains tetrafluoroethane. You can order this aerosol from Agilent (see Table 14).) 2 Use alcohol and a lint-free cloth to wipe connector surfaces. Wet a small swab with a small quantity of alcohol and clean the connector with the swab. 3 Allow the alcohol to evaporate off of the connector before making connections. C A UTI ON 38 Do not allow excessive alcohol to run into the connector. Excessive alcohol entering the connector collects in pockets in the connector’s internal parts. The liquid will cause random changes in the connector’s electrical performance. If excessive alcohol gets into a connector, lay it aside to allow the alcohol to evaporate. This may take up to three days. If you attach that connector to another device it can take much longer for trapped alcohol to evaporate. Agilent N5500A Hardware Reference Preventive Maintenance 4 Table 14 Cleaning Supplies Available from Agilent Product Part Number Aero-Duster 8500-6460 Isopropyl alcohol 8500-5344 Lint-Free cloths 9310-0039 Small polyurethane swabs 9301-1243 WA RN IN G Cleaning connectors with alcohol should only be performed with the instruments’ mains power cord disconnected, in a well ventilated area. Connector cleaning should be accomplished with the minimum amount of alcohol. Prior to connector reuse, be sure that all alcohol used has dried, and that the area is free of fumes. WA RN IN G If flammable cleaning materials are used, the material should not be stored, or left open in the area of the equipment. Adequate ventilation should be assured to prevent the combustion of fumes, or vapors. Agilent N5500A Hardware Reference 39 4 Preventive Maintenance General Procedures and Techniques This section introduces you to the various cable and connector types used in the system. Read this section before attempting to remove or install an instrument! Each connector type may have unique considerations. Always use care when working with system cables and instruments. GPIB Type Connector Figure 9 40 GPIB, 3.5 mm, Type-N, power sensor, and BNC connectors Agilent N5500A Hardware Reference 4 Preventive Maintenance Connector removal GPIB connectors These are removed by two captured screw, one on each end of the connector; these usually can be turned by hand. Use a flathead screwdriver if necessary. GPIB connectors often are stacked two or three deep. When you are removing multiple GPIB connectors, disconnect each connector one at a time. It is a good practice to connect them back together even if you have not yet replaced the instrument; this avoids confusion, especially if more than one instrument has been removed. When putting GPIB connectors back on, you must again detach them from one another and put them on one at a time. Precision 3.5 mm connectors These are precision connectors. Always use care when connecting or disconnecting this type of connector. When reconnecting, make sure you align the male connector properly. Carefully join the connectors, being careful not to cross-thread them. Loosen precision 3.5 mm connectors on flexible cables by turning the connector nut counter-clockwise with a 5/16 inch wrench. Always reconnect using an 8 inch-lb torque wrench (Agilent part number 8720-1765). Semirigid cables are metal tubes, custom-formed for this system from semirigid coax cable stock. 3.5 mm connectors with a gold hex nut The semirigid cables that go to the RF outputs of some devices have a gold connector nut. These do not turn. Instead, the RF connector on the instrument has a cylindrical connector body that turns. To disconnect this type of connector, turn the connector body on the instrument clockwise. This action pushes the cable’s connector out of the instrument connector. To reconnect, align the cable with the connector on the instrument. Turn the connector body counterclockwise. You may have to move the cable slightly until alignment is correct for the connectors to mate. When the two connectors are properly aligned, turning the instrument’s connector body will pull in the semirigid cable’s connector. Tighten firmly by hand. 3.5 mm connectors with a silver hex nut All other semirigid cable connectors use a silver-colored nut that can be turned. To remove this type of connector, turn the silver nut counter-clockwise with a 5/16 inch wrench. Agilent N5500A Hardware Reference 41 4 Preventive Maintenance When reconnecting this type of cable: • Carefully insert the male connector center pin into the female connector. (Make sure the cable is aligned with the instrument connector properly before joining them.) • Turn the silver nut clockwise by hand until it is snug, then tighten with an 8 inch-lb torque wrench (part number 8720-1765). Bent semirigid cables Semirigid cables are not intended to be bent outside of the factory. An accidental bend that is slight or gradual may be straightened carefully by hand. Semirigid cables that are crimped will affect system performance and must be replaced. Do not attempt to straighten a crimped semirigid cable. 42 Agilent N5500A Hardware Reference Preventive Maintenance 4 Instrument Removal To remove an instrument from the system, use one of the following procedures. Required tools • #2 Phillips screwdriver • #2 POZIDRIV screwdriver Half-Rack-Width instrument To remove a half-width instrument from a system rack 1 Power off the system. • For details, see the system installation guide. 2 Remove the selected instrument’s power cord from the power strip in the rack. 3 The instrument is attached to the half-rack width instrument beside it; remove that instrument’s power cord from the power strip also. • The instruments are secured together 4 Remove the power cord and other cables from the front and rear of both instruments. • Note the location of cables for 5 Remove the four corner screws on the front of the rack panel that secures the instruments in place. • The screws are located near the corners by lock links at the front and rear. The lock links at the rear attach with screws. The lock links at the front hook together. re-installation. of the face of the instrument. • Use a #2 Phillips screwdriver. 6 Slide both instruments, as a single unit, out from the front of the rack and set them on a secure, flat surface. 7 Detach the lock links that secure the rear of the instruments together by removing their screws. • Use a #2 POZIDRIV screwdriver. • See Figure 10 on page 44. 8 Carefully and at the same time, push one instrument forward and pull the other back to unhook the lock links that secure the front of the instruments to each other. 9 Store the “partner” instrument and lock links while the selected instrument is out of the rack. Agilent N5500A Hardware Reference • Only install the instruments as a pair; individual installation is not secure. 43 4 Preventive Maintenance Front links Rear links Inst_lock_links 24 Feb 04 rev 1 Figure 10 Instrument lock links, front and rear Benchtop instrument To remove an instrument from a benchtop system 1 Power off each instrument in the system. • For details, see the system installation guide or system user’s guide. 2 Unplug the selected instrument’s power cord from the AC power supply. 3 Remove the power cord and other cables from the front and rear of the instrument. 44 • Note the location of cables for re-installation. Agilent N5500A Hardware Reference Preventive Maintenance 4 Instrument installation To install or re-install an instrument in a system, use one of the following procedures. Required tools • #2 Phillips screwdriver • #2 POZIDRIV screwdriver Half-Rack-Width instrument To install the instrument in a rack Step Note 1 Make sure the system is powered off. • For details, see the system installation guide or system user’s guide. 2 Re-attach the lock link that secures the front of the returned instrument to it’s partner half-rack-width instrument. • Use a #2 POZIDRIV screwdriver. • See Figure 10 on page 44. 3 Re-attach the lock link that secures the rear of the instruments together. • Use a #2 POZIDRIV screwdriver. 4 Insert the attached instruments in the same slot from which you removed them, sliding them along the support rails until they meet the rack-mount ears. • The rack-mount ears stop the instruments at 5 Replace the rack panel in front of the instruments and secure the four corner screws. • The screws are located near the corners of the correct depth. the face of the instrument. • Use a #2 Phillips screwdriver. 6 Confirm that the instrument is turned off. 7 Connect the appropriate cables to the instruments (front and rear), including the power cords. 8 Power on the system. • For details, see the system installation guide or system user’s guide. Agilent N5500A Hardware Reference 45 4 Preventive Maintenance Benchtop instrument To install an instrument in a benchtop system 1 Make sure the system is powered off. • For details, see For details, see the system installation guide or system user’s guide. 2 Connect all cables to the instrument (front and rear), including the power cord. 3 Connect the power cord to the AC power source. 4 Power on the system. • For details, see the system installation guide or system user’s guide. 5 Set the instrument GPIB address, if necessary. 46 • For procedures, see the system installation guide or system user’s guide. Agilent N5500A Hardware Reference