Switch Mode Power Supply Transformers Economy series features low-cost, industry-standard sizes Performance series features SMT and low profiles Power range from 1 watt to 1,200 watts Frequency range to 500 KHz Can be designed to meet UL, CSA, VDE, CE or IEC standards D E S I G N I N G A N S M P S T R A N S F O R M E R In designing a switch mode power supply, one of the most difficult but least understood elements is the transformer. ICE’s goal is to simplify the transformer design process and thereby shorten the design cycle time. The first step is to define the SMPS parameters. This should include the following items: input voltage, secondary power output for each winding, switching frequency, I peak and the maximum allowable duty cycle. You will also need to choose the type of switching topology that you plan to use. Refer to ICE’s application note on pg. 17 for more information on switching topologies. Next is the easy part. 1 You can turn to page 21, fill out the SMPS custom design form and fax it to (703) 257-7547 or 2 Follow the step-by-step procedure on the next page to design your own SMPS transformer. When finished, fill out the bottom section of the custom design form on page 21 and fax it in. That’s it, you’re done! ICE will provide a quotation and samples and you can move on to other aspects of your design. G L O S S A R Y PT-1 Np: Primary turn count Ve: Effective volume E-T: Volt-time product (Volt-microSecond) mi: Initial permeability B: Maximum flux density (Assume 3,000 Gauss) E (l/A): Core factor Ae: Effective cross sectional area D max.: Maximum duty cycle Ns: Secondary turn count Vdc min.: Minimum rectified input line voltage Vs: Output voltage Po: Output power Vd: Output rectifier and choke voltage drop F: Frequency Ac: Bobbin window area PL: Power loss AeAc: The product of Ae and Ac I: The peak current in the winding le: Magnetic path length Lp: Primary inductance ICE COMPONENTS, INC. w w w. i c e c o m p o n e n t s . c o m PH 800-729-2099 Switch Mode Power Supply Transformers D E S I G N P R O C E D U R E The following design procedure will aid in the design of transformers for flyback, forward and push-pull topologies. The goal of the procedure is to get the engineer to a working prototype quickly. We have made some basic assumptions in this design procedure that will work for most designs. If you feel your application is more difficult than normal or you are designing a half or full bridge power supply we suggest you fill out ICE’s custom design form on page 21 and let ICE engineers complete your design. Before you get started, make a copy of ICE’s custom design form and fill in the input voltage, secondary power output for each winding, switching frequency, I peak and the maximum allowable duty cycle. S T E P● 1 ST EP● 5 Core Choice—Make your preliminary core choice based upon the power requirements of the application, the switching topology that you have chosen and the frequency. Refer to the graphs starting on the next page for reference. Secondary turns—Choose the exact primary and secondary turn counts to be used based upon the Np and Ns/Np. S T E P● 2 E-T Value—Determine the E-T value based upon the maximum allowable duty cycle and the frequency. This formula will provide the answer in V-uSec. 6 E-T= 1*10 (Dmax) (Vdc min.) f S T E P● 3 Primary turn count—Determine the minimum number of primary turns required to support the worst case (E-T) volt-time product. For an exact value, use the formula below. E-T * 102 Np = B * Ae *(Ae values are listed in the tables on page 12) S T E P● 4 Turns Ratio—Calculate the second/primary turns ratio. Flyback Ns (Vs+Vd) (1-D) = Np Vdc min * Dmax Forward Converter Ns Vs+Vd = Np Vdc min * Dmax Push-Pull Converter Ns Vs = Np Vdc min * Dmax ICE COMPONENTS, INC. ST EP● 6 Primary inductance–Calculate the required primary inductance. eff(Vdc min * Dmax)2 2 * Po * F Note: The efficiency, at this point in the design, is an estimate. Use the following table to determine the value. Lp = Topology Flyback Forward Push-Pull Efficiency Range 75%–80% 80%–85% 87%–92% ST EP● 7 Air Gap—To calculate the air gap you must first determine the AL value required to achieve the primary inductance. AL = L Np2 Air Gap = 1.257 - 1 le (SL/A)*AL) mi * The air gap can now be calculated with the formula above. Note: The push-pull and forward converter topologies typically do not require an air gap. ST EP● 8 Wire Size—Find the wire size from the table on page 14. Assume 400 circular mils per one ampere. Total circular mils = 400 * I. ST EP● 9 Fit Factor—Calculate the required winding window. The formula is: (wire dia.)2 * (# of turns) for each winding. Add the total for all windings and compare the total to the allowable space (Ac) listed in the tables on page 12. Do not exceed 75% fill. www.icecomponents.com PH 800-729-2099 PT-2 Switch Mode Power Supply Transformers P E R F O R M A N C E PT-ER0905-XX S E R I E S PT-ER1406-XX PT-EFD15-XX PT-EFD20-XX PT-EFD25-XX PT-EFD30-XX Ac (cm2) 0.0306 0.055 0.167 0.29 0.402 0.523 Ae (cm2) 0.0847 0.176 0.122 0.31 0.58 0.69 AeAc (cm4) 0.0026 0.0097 0.0204 0.0899 0.2332 0.3609 le (cm) 1.42 1.9 3.4 4.7 5.7 6.8 Ve (cm3) 0.12 0.33 0.51 1.46 3.3 4.7 mi 1800 S(l/A)mm-1 1800 1.67 E C O N O M Y 1800 1.08 2.27 1800 1800 1.52 1800 1.00 0.98 S E R I E S PT-EE25/06-XX PT-EE35/10-XX PT-EE41/13-XX PT-EE42/15-XX PT-EE55/21-XX Ac (cm2) 0.53 0.95 1.24 Ae (cm2) 0.39 0.89 1.61 1.84 2.4 3.46 AeAc (cm4) 0.2067 0.8455 1.9964 3.588 4.68 11.17 le (cm) 4.90 7.30 8.27 10.32 10.32 13.08 Ve (cm3) 1.93 5.59 17.3 34.2 44.0 mi 2000 S(l/A)mm-1 P O W E R 2000 1.24 V S 11.5 2000 0.85 0.517 1.95 PT-EE42/20-XX 1.95 2000 2000 0.548 F R E Q U E N C Y — F O R W A R D 3.23 2000 0.417 0.35 C O N V E R T E R Performance Series 1000 EFD30 100 EFD25 EFD20 EFD15 10 ER14.5/6 ER9/5 1 100kHZ P O W E R 200kHZ V S 300kHZ 400kHZ F R E Q U E N C Y — F L Y B A C K 500kHZ C O N V E R T E R Performance Series 1000 EFD30 100 EFD25 EFD20 10 EFD15 ER14.5/6 1 ER9/5 0.1 PT-3 100kHZ 200kHZ ICE COMPONENTS, INC. 300kHZ 400kHZ w w w. i c e c o m p o n e n t s . c o m 500kHZ PH 800-729-2099 Switch Mode Power Supply Transformers P O W E R V S F R E Q U E N C Y — P U S H - P U L L C O N V E R T E R Performance Series 1000 EFD30 100 EFD25 EFD20 EFD15 10 ER14.5/6 ER9/5 1 100kHZ P O W E R 200kHZ V S 300kHZ 400kHZ F R E Q U E N C Y — F O R W A R D 500kHZ C O N V E R T E R Economy Series 1000 EE55/21 100 EE42/20 EE42/15 EE41/13 10 EE35/10 EE25/6 1 20kHZ P O W E R 50kHZ V S 75kHZ F R E Q U E N C Y — F L Y B A C K 100kHZ C O N V E R T E R Economy Series 1000 EE55/21 100 EE42/20 EE42/15 EE41/13 10 EE35/10 EE25/6 1 20kHZ 50kHZ ICE COMPONENTS, INC. 75kHZ www.icecomponents.com 100kHZ PH 800-729-2099 PT-4 Switch Mode Power Supply Transformers P O W E R V S F R E Q U E N C Y — P U S H - P U L L C O N V E R T E R Economy Series 10000 1000 EE55/21 EE42/20 100 EE42/15 EE41/13 EE35/10 10 EE25/6 1 20kHZ 50kHZ W I R E S I Z E AWG 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 PT-5 75kHZ 100kHZ S P E C I F I C A T I O N S BARE dia (in) 0.1019 0.0907 0.0808 0.072 0.0641 0.0571 0.0508 0.0453 0.0403 0.0359 0.032 0.0285 0.0253 0.0226 0.0201 0.0179 0.0159 0.0142 0.0126 0.0113 0.01 0.0089 0.008 0.0071 0.0063 0.0056 0.005 0.0045 0.004 0.0035 0.0031 0.0028 0.0025 ICE COMPONENTS, INC. BARE dia (mm) lb/1kft wt 2.58826 2.30378 2.05232 1.8288 1.62814 1.45034 1.29032 1.15062 1.02362 0.91186 0.8128 0.7239 0.64262 0.57404 0.51054 0.45466 0.40386 0.36068 0.32004 0.28702 0.254 0.22606 0.2032 0.18034 0.16002 0.14224 0.127 0.1143 0.1016 0.0889 0.07874 0.07112 0.0635 31.7 1.26 20 15.9 12.6 10 7.94 6.32 5.02 3.99 3.17 2.52 2 1.6 1.26 1 0.794 0.634 0.501 0.404 0.317 0.252 0.204 0.161 0.127 0.101 0.081 0.065 0.052 0.04 0.031 0.025 0.02 w w w. i c e c o m p o n e n t s . c o m ohm/1kft res. 0.9985 1.261 1.588 2 2.52 3.18 4.02 5.05 6.39 8.05 10.1 12.8 16.2 20.3 25.7 32.4 41 51.4 65.3 81.2 104 131 162 206 261 331 415 512 648 847 1080 1320 1660 a. cir.mil 10380 8230 6530 5180 4110 3260 2580 2050 1620 1290 1020 812 640 511 404 320 253 202 159 128 100 79.2 64 50.4 39.7 31.4 25 20.2 16 12.2 9.61 7.84 6.25 PH 800-729-2099 Switch Mode Power Supply Transformers M E C H A N I C A L E R 9 / 5 E R 1 4 . 5 E F D 1 5 E F D 2 0 21.0 MAX E F D 2 5 10.0 MAX 20.1+-0.3 22.0 MAX 1.0x0.4 25.5 MAX 13.5 MAX 26.5 MAX 3.76 29.7+-0.2 1.1x0.4 5.0 E F D 3 0 31.0 MAX 14.0 MAX 32.0 MAX 0.64 2.2+/-0.1 ICE COMPONENTS, INC. 5.0 27.0+/-0.2 www.icecomponents.com PH 800-729-2099 PT-6 Switch Mode Power Supply Transformers E E 2 5 / 0 6 E E 4 2 / 1 5 PT-7 ICE COMPONENTS, INC. E E 3 5 / 1 0 E E 4 2 / 2 0 w w w. i c e c o m p o n e n t s . c o m E E 4 1 / 1 3 E E 5 5 / 2 1 PH 800-729-2099