Application Note - Interpoint Crane Aerospace & Electronics Power Solutions Thermal Management Crane Aerospace & Electronics Power Solutions Thermal Management Application Note Although the concepts stated are universal, this application note was written specifically for Interpoint products. Switching Power Supplies are devices which transform power from an input voltage level to one or more output voltages, generally different from that at the input. The conversion efficiency can range from less than 50% to more than 90% depending on the particular device and its type, the input voltage, and the percent of full load to which the outputs are loaded. The internal power dissipation, the difference between input and output power can cause a significant rise in the device case temperature unless some means are provided to remove all or part of this energy. The following will discuss the various options available to solve this Thermal Management problem. into the maximum output load power to arrive at the input power. Subtract the output power from the input power to determine the internal power dissipation. PDISS = (Pin - POUT) = POUT Interpoint metal packaged power converters are generally intended to have thermal energy removed by conduction from the baseplate as indicated in Figure 1. A metal surface or cold wall in contact with the mounting base, with a thermal grease or elastomer to fill air voids, is recommended. The removal of thermal energy by convection in still or moving air is possible for low power applications where the air temperature is not very high. Heat transfer by radiation, where the heat transfer rate varies as the 4th power of the absolute temperature is also possible particularly where convection is ineffective. In this case, all of the case surface not in contact with a thermal sink should be painted a dull black to raise the emissivity as close to unity as possible. Mounting base and thermal surface The Interpoint power converters of the first generation have full load case temperature ratings of 85°C maximum, with derating along a straight line to zero at 125°C. Parts which fall into this category are MHE, MTW, MTO, MRH, and MFW. Second generation parts have full load case temperature ratings of 125°C, with derating along a straight line to zero at 135°C case temperature. Parts which fall into this category are MSA, MGA, MHF+, MHD, MTR, MFL, MFLHP, MOR, MHV, MHP, MCH, and MGH. The individual data sheets should be consulted for each part contemplated for use. The first step in assessing the magnitude of a thermal problem is to determine the internal power dissipation, the magnitude of the heat source. First, determine the maximum output power to the load in watts. Once this is known, the efficiency can be determined from the minimum full load value and the typical performance curves on the data sheet. Divide the decimal efficiency Crane Aerospace & Electronics Crane Electronics Group (Interpoint Brand) PO Box 97005 • Redmond WA 98073-9705 425.882.3100 • [email protected] ( Eff1 -1) Mounting base and thermal surface Figure 1: Mounting Base and Thermal Surface For example, assume we are going to use an MSA2805S with a maximum load power of 2.0 watts. From the datasheet’s Electrical Characteristics table (see Figure 2) the minimum full load efficiency is found to be 66%. Assume that extended periods of operation are required at an input voltage of 40 volts. Although 28 volts is the normal value. Referring to the Typical Performance Curves (see Figure 2) we see that the efficiency will be minimum at 40 rather than 28 volts, so we should use the 40 volt curve to be safe. From Figure 2, we get a typical efficiency of 55% at a 2.0 watt output load. This should be adjusted by the Page 1 of 9 Rev D - 20090312 Crane Aerospace & Electronics Power Solutions Thermal Management Application Note ratio of minimum to typical full load efficiency, 0.66/0.71 as found in the data sheet performance tables. See Figure 2 again. The minimum efficiency for this example is then 55%(0.66/0.71) = 51.1%. Then, the internal power dissipation is, PDISS = POUT 1 -1 ( Eff ) = 2.0 W 1 -1 = 1.91 W ( 0.511 ) TRISE = (PDISS)/((Kc) (A))= (PDISS) (Thermal Resistance) The various means by which temperature rise can be minimized are examined in the following. CONDITION INPUT VOLTAGE Tc = - 55°C to + 125°C NO LOAD TO FULL NORMAL TRANSIENT 1 INPUT CURRENT Tc = - 55°C to + 125°C NO LOAD FULL LOAD INHIBITED OUTPUT VOLTAGE FULL LOAD OUTPUT CURRENT 2 VIN = 16 TO 40 Vdc Tc = -55°C to + 125°C OUTPUT POWER 2 VIN = 16 TO 40 Vdc Tc = -55°C to + 125°C EFFICIENCY FULL LOAD 16 0 28 40 50 27 250 3 40 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVE 80 16V 5 4.95 5.00 5.05 0 5 66 71 10 LOAD REGULATION NO LOAD TO FULL Tc = - 55°C TO + 125°C 10 OUTPUT RIPPLE VOLTAGE FULL LOAD, 10 kHz-2 MHz 125 350 INPUT RIPPLE CURRENT FULL LOAD, 10 kHz-2 MHz Tc = 25°C Tc = - 55°C to + 125°C 25 100 30 150 LOAD FAULT POWER 4 DISSIPATION SHORT CIRCUIT 1.5 2.0 LOAD FAULT RECOVERY5 SHORT CIRCUIT TO FULL LOAD 12.5 25 STEP LOAD RESPONSE TRANSIENT 50% to 100%; 100% to 50% 10% to 100% 100% to 10% 100 220 150 250 550 375 50% to 100%; 100% to 50% 10% to 100% 100% to 10% 100 100 200 250 250 500 50 3 50 STEP LINE RESPONSE 6 TRANSIENT 16 TO 40 Vdc 40 to 16 Vdc 50 50 150 150 STEP LINE RESPONSE 5 RECOVERY 16 TO 40 Vdc 40 to 16 Vdc 100 200 250 500 INPUT/OUTPUT CAPACITANCE START UP DELAY OVERSHOOT 70 1000 Tc = - 55°C to + 125°C FULL LOAD V IN MIN TO MAX 5 Where KC is the convection coefficient, and A is the total surface area of the heat source. Temperature rise is an inverse propor- MSA2805S MIN TYP MAX LINE REGULATION STEP LOAD RESPONSE RECOVERY KC has units of W/(in2 • °C); A has units of inch2 EFFICIENCY (%) PARAMETER 1) Convection The term convection applies to heat transfer due to the motion of the heated material due to differences in density. The material can be a fluid or gas, and in the case being discussed, it is air. The heat source is the internal dissipation of the power converter. The temperature rise above the free air temperature can be expressed as, 60 40V 50 40 30 1 2 3 FULL LOAD FULL LOAD 10 0 5 MSA2805S EFFICIENCY 50 6 4 OUTPUT POWER (Watts) 25 50 Figure 2: Msa Specification Table 28V and Performance Curve Page 2 of 9 Rev D - 20090312 6 Crane Aerospace & Electronics Power Solutions Thermal Management Application Note single sided copper clad vector board 1.8” x 2.8”, with the copper on the opposite side in traces and ground plane, and with filter components on the MSA side and the MSA and components connected thru to the copper, the following was observed: tion of surface area and Kc, and Kc will also vary as a function of orientation such as horizontal, vertical, etc. Table 1 shows the convection coefficients for various Interpoint metal package type power converters in °C/watt. The value of the coefficients have been determined empirically and apply in still air with the package thermal surface horizontal but oriented down. This is pins down for all but MFL style cases. For cases where the thermal surface is in a vertical plane or horizontal on the top, Kc is slightly larger, giving a slightly smaller temperature rise. With the MSA having a spacing of 0.05” above the board, the thermal coefficient from case to ambient was measured as 29°C/ watt. The board was horizontal with the MSA on the upside. For the MSA2805S example, where Pdiss was found to be 1.91 W, the case temperature rise from Table 1 will be on the order of, TRISE = (1.91 W)(32°C/W) = 61.1°C. Since the maximum case temperature for this part is +125°C, the maximum ambient air temperature should not exceed +64°C. However, since the MTBF varies as an inverse exponential of case temperature, some other means of conducting thermal energy away, such as conduction and/or radiation, should be looked at to help lower case temperature rise. Each 20° to 30°C rise in case temperature, will reduce the MTBF by roughly a factor of 2. Refer to the following paragraphs. Some additional thermal information for the MSA, also determined by measurement is as follows. For an MSA centered on a With the MSA in contact with the vectorboard, 0.05” spacing removed, the thermal coefficient from case to ambient was measured as 22°C/watt. The reduced thermal rise is due to some conduction in the epoxy glass board, and convection from the increased area immediately surrounding the MSA. 2) Conduction Removing thermal energy by conduction is analogous to the conduction of electrical current in a wire, usually of copper. Copper is used because it is an excellent and economical electrical conductor. Silver is the best but not generally used because of cost and problems with migration. Good electrical conductors are also good thermal conductors. For thermal conduction, aluminum may sometimes be preferable because of its low density, 2.7 grams/cubic centimeter, as compared to 8.9 for copper. Aluminum has about 1.6 times the resistivity of copper. thermal resistance - Case / ambient Model convection only, in free air ΘCA °C/Watt in inches2 MCH, MGH 45 2.32 MSA, MGA 32 3.28 MSR 29 4.50 MHF, MHF+, MHF+ T 26 5.01 24 5.6 FM704A, MHV, 19 7.34 MHE, MHD, MTR 19 7.34 17 8.14 MRH, MTO, 18 7.9 MTW, MTR T, MHV T 18 7.9 16 9.02 13.5 12.0 8.0 22.0 SAME WITH FLANGES SAME WITH FLANGES SAME WITH FLANGES MFL, MHP, MOR, MFLHP MFW Table 1: Convection Coefficients ~Surface Area and Thermal Resistance Page 3 of 9 Rev D - 20090312 Kc W / (inch2 • °C) 9.57 x 10 -3 9.53 x 10 -3 7.66 x 10 -3 7.68 x 10 -3 7.44 x 10 -3 7.17 x 10 -3 7.17 x 10 -3 7.22 x 10 -3 7.03 x 10 -3 7.03 x 10 -3 6.93 x 10 -3 6.17 x 10 -3 5.68 x 10 -3 in Free Air Convection Crane Aerospace & Electronics Power Solutions Thermal Management Application Note Figure 3 shows a Thermal-Electrical Analog which may be helpful in understanding thermal conduction. The circuit is a single loop driven by a current source and consisting of a series of 3 resistors terminating at the ground reference to complete the loop. The electrical current, which flows in the direction of the arrow, causes a series of voltage drops in the resistors, V3 being the lowest and V1 the highest, with respect to the ground reference. The units involved are Amperes, Ohms, and Volts respectively. For the thermal model, the current source is replaced by a heat source which becomes the rate at which thermal energy is generated, and has units of joules/second, or watts. Heat flows in the direction of the arrow as with the electrical case. The electrical resistances are replaced by thermal resistances having units of °C/watt, and the voltage drops are replaced by thermal differences having units of °C. The electrical resistors are replaced by mechanical components such as the metal case, thermal interface pad, metal thermal ladder, and heatsink. The analog example shown has a power semiconductor in a metal case as the heat source. The metal case is in turn mounted on a heatsink with a thermal interface pad used to fill air voids. The highest temperature, TJ, is the semiconductors junction temperature, and the lowest the ambient air, TA. In between are the case, TC, and heatsink temperatures, TS. Heat flows from the highest to the lowest temperature with intermediate temperatures in between as defined by the various thermal resistances (Θ). The thermal resistance for convection could also be added as a (V2) TC (V1) TJ ΘJC (R1) HEATSOURCE (CURRENT SOURCE) (V3) TS ΘCS (R2) HEATFLOW = PD (CURRENT = AMPS = I) parallel path in the thermal circuit model, where the area is modified to exclude that portion in contact with another surface for conduction. The thermal resistance of a material is determined from the reciprocal of its thermal conductivity multiplied by the ratio of length to cross sectional area. This is shown on Figure 3, with some materials properties shown on Tables 2 and 3. For materials listed in Table 3, copper has the best conductivity, and air the worst. The Sil Pad 1500 has a conductivity in the middle of the former two, and is about 100 times better than air. It is available in sheets or pre-cut pads in a thickness of 0.01”. It can be used to fill air voids between the power converter thermal surface and a thermal sink or other surface. Air voids in thermal interfaces can result in hot spots and serious problems down the road if they are not filled. Thermal grease is another alternative to the Sil Pad for this purpose. THERMAL: HEATSOURCE IS INTERNAL PD IN WATTS Θ ΘSA (R3) A TA (GRND (REF.) ∆ TJC = PD ΘJC∼ (V1–V2) = I R1 ∆ TJA = PD (ΘJC+ΘCS+ΘSA) ∼ V1 = I (R1+R2+R3) ∆ TJA = (TJ–TA) = TEMP. DIFF. – JUNCTION TO AMBIENT ~ (V1 – 0) = TOTAL VOLTAGE DROP TJ TC TS TA = THERMAL RESISTANCE IN °C/WATT = ( K1 )( A ), K = THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY IN WATTS = = = = = = CROSS SECTIONAL AREA OF PATH IN cm2 LENGTH OF THERMAL PATH IN cm JUNCTION TEMP IN °C CASE TEMP IN °C HEATSINK TEMP IN °C AMBIENT TEMP IN °C ELECTRICAL: I R = CURRENT IN AMPS = RESISTANCE IN OHMS = “ρ” ( A ), “ρ” = RESISTIVITY IN Ohm-cm “ρ” = the Greek letter Rho V = VOLTAGE IN VOLTS Figure 3: Thermal Electrical Analog Page 4 of 9 Rev D - 20090312 cm °C Crane Aerospace & Electronics Power Solutions Thermal Management Application Note BERQUIST THERMAL INTERFACE PADS SIL-PAD SIL-PAD SIL-PAD SIL-PADSIL-PAD 400(.009) 400(.007) 600(.009) 1000 1500 Color Gray Gray Green Pink Green Thermal Resistance, ˚C/watt .50 .45 0.35 0.35 0.23 Dielectric Constant, 1000 (Hz) 5.5 5.5 5.0 4.5 4.0 Continuous Use Temp. ˚C -60 to -60 to +180 +180 Thermal Conductivity W/m-k nominal Thickness Inches (mm) 0.9 0.9 -60 to -60 to +180 +180 0.9 INTERPOINT'S "TMP" ACCESSORY SIL - PAD 1500 MATERIAL W K (1500) = 0.02 c m˚C -60 to +180 0.9 0.9 ~ 100 x Better than air Assume Pad Dimensions are: Area = 2.5 cm x 5.0 cm = 12.5 cm2 Thickness = Length = 0.025 cm .009±.001 .007±.001 .009±.001 .009±.001. 010±.001 (.23±.025)(.18±.025)(.23±.025)(.23±.025)(.25±.025) Volume Resistivity, Ohm Metre Typical 11 11 12 11 11 1.0 x 10 1.0 x 10 8 1.0 x 10 1.0 x 10 8 1.0 x 10 Normal 8 1.5 x 10 Moist 1.5 x 10 1.5 x 10 Breakdown Voltage (minimum AC) 4500 3500 Thermal Vacuum Weight Loss Percent .40 .25 .40 .25 (TML) Max. As Manufactured Post Cure 24 HRS. 440˚F, 225˚C 4500 .07 .07 Hardness, Shore A 85 85 85 ASSUME 85 Tcs 80 11 (75) 14 (100) 11 (75) 11 (75) 6 (40) Breaking Strength, Lbs/inch kN/m 100 18 100 18 100 18 100 18 65 11 Elongation Percent Nominal 4 4 4 4 4 Silicone/ Silicone/ Silicone/ Silicone/ Silicone/ Fiberglass Fiberglass Fiberglass Fiberglass Fiberglass TMP-006 TMP-001 TMP-003 TMP-002 TMP-005 Table 2: Thermal Interface Pads 1 K1500 .025cm ) ) ( 12.5cm [ [ AL [ = ( 50cm˚C W 2 P = 11.0 WATTS D = P D cs = (11w) ( 0.1˚C ) = 1.1˚C W Si conversions are approximations and are not intended to be exact. 1.5 Tensile Strength, K Psi, Typical (MPa) Construction [ CS = 0.10 ˚C W .08 2.0 - 2.1 2.0 - 2.1 Specific Gravity CS = 4000 .22 Volatile Condendsable a Material, Percent .11 .11 Maximum (CVCM) As Manufactured Post Cure 24 HRS. 440˚F, 225˚C 4500 Page 5 of 9 Rev D - 20090312 Crane Aerospace & Electronics Power Solutions Thermal Management Application Note THERMAL Conductivity K (Watts/cm - ˚C) MATERIAL ALUMINA (96%) ALUMINUM ALUMINUM SILICATE BERYLLIA BRASS COPPER EPOXY (INSUL.) EPOXY (COND.) FUSED SILICA GRAPHITE 2 KOVAR LEAD MOLYBDENUM NICKEL SILICON STEEL (C.R.S.) STEEL (S.S. #316) TUNGSTEN SIL PAD 1500 AIR 0.30 1 1 2.14 0.013 1 2.20 0.85 3.21 ≈ 0.014 ≈ 0.08 ≈ 0.014 1.4 0.15 0.38 1.34 0.58 1 0.84 0.55 0.15 1.56 0.02 0.00024 THERMAL Expansion Coefficient α(10-6/ ˚C) 6.4 23.0 3.2 6.0 18.5 17.0 ≈ 30.0 ≈ 35 0.55 ≈ 5.4 62 29.0 4.9 13.0 4.2 13 16.5 5.0 Density Specific Heat c (joules/gm/ ˚C) d (gm/cm3) 1.13 0.9 1.04 1.25 0.38 0.39 0.75 ≈ 1.67 0.50 0.14 0.25 0.44 0.70 0.45 0.50 0.13 1. STRONG FUNCTION OF TEMPERATURE 2. APPROXIMATION ONLY Table 3: Thermal Properties of Common Material Page 6 of 9 Rev D - 20090312 4.0 2.7 2.3 2.9 8.4 8.9 2.3 2.6 2.2 1.8 8.0 11.3 10.2 8.9 2.33 7.8 8.0 19.3 Crane Aerospace & Electronics Power Solutions Thermal Management Application Note MPO = 30W & EFF = 82% 5 0 0 50 60 70 TC – °C 80 MFW EXAMPLE 90 100 110 ( P – P �� ) Θ 30 = 125° C – �( 0.82 – 30� ) 2.7 � � MTC MAX = 125° C – � O � EFF 120 130 125 MTC MAX MAX. AVG. JUNC. TEMP. O � � PD – WATTS EXAMPLE: � � ΘJC = 2.7 PD = 6.6 Watts MAX CASE TEMP. = 125° C – (PD) (ΘJC) °C W � � ΘJC 15W = 40° C � � 10 SLOPE = � PO P = P – P PD =MMMMI– O IN O � EFF � � PD max at full load 15 -1 JC MTC MAX = 125° C – (6.6W) (2.7 °C ) = 107° C W Figure 4: Thermal Considerations Figure 4 is an example of how to determine ΘJC from the derating curve for an MFW power converter, and then the maximum allowable case temperature for an assumed load of 30 watts. At full load, 70 W, the internal dissipation will be about 15 watts. Since derating to zero occurs along a straight line from 85°C to 125°C, the thermal resistance, ΘJC , is equal to (125 85) °C/15 watts = 2.7°C/watt. Based on an internal dissipation of 6.6 watts, the max allowable case temp is found to be 107°C. This procedure can be used to determine ΘJC on any Interpoint power converter. On the second generation parts, the derating to zero occurs over 10°C rather than 40°C, so the thermal resistances will be smaller than in the former case. Figure 5 is an example of an MFW power converter with a 30 watt load but now mounted on a heatsink. The heatsink could just as well have been a thermal ladder with the other end connected to a cold wall. For simplicity, flat surfaces with no air voids are assumed without fillers. In reality a thermal pad would EXAMPLE: TC ΘJC TJ TA ΘSA TA = 55°C, PO = 30W and EFFICIENCY = 82% WHAT IS MAX. ΘSA FOR HEATSINK? TC max = 107° C from Figure 4 above Figure 5: Case Mounted on ΘSA max = 52°C 6.6W = 7.9° C / W Thermal Sink Page 7 of 9 Rev D - 20090312 °C – 30 WATTS ΘSA W °C ΘSA W ΘCS = 0 FOR SIMPLIFIED EXAMPLE ∆ TJA = PD (ΘJC+ ΘSA) = PDΘJA= °C Δ TSA max = PD (ΘSA max) 30 107°C – 55°C = 0.82 52°C = 6.6W = °C ∆ TJC = PD ΘJC= W °C W Crane Aerospace & Electronics Power Solutions Thermal Management Application Note step is to find a heatsink which meets this among other requirements, either by design or in a manufacturers catalog. be used resulting in an additional thermal resistance in the equations. The ΘJC of 2.7°C/watt from Figure 4 is used here. The ambient temperature is 55°C, and the object of the calculation is to determine the largest allowable heatsink thermal resistance, Ɵ. The maximum case temp from Figure 4 is 107°C, and the delta T over which derating occurs is found to be 52°C. From the calculation of Figure 5, the maximum allowable heatsink thermal resistance to ambient, ΘSA, is found to be 7.9°C/watt. The next Figure 6 shows an example of a real problem. A three output power converter, MTO28515T, is used in a small avionics system where there was a thermal problem follows: The system is in a small metal box of the type having perforations in the walls to allow air circulation from the outside environ- MTO 0.3" 0.01" interface pad on top of Cu 0.7" 2.0" Tin Plated Cu Bracket Under MTO 0.04" Cu 0.85" ( A) =( 1 ΘBRACKET = K CU 1 ΘPAD = KPAD 1 cm° C 3.2 W cm° C ) ) ( 2.54 0.22 cm2 cm° C ( A ) = ( 1102 ) ( W ∆T = 1.9 W ( 3.6° C + 0.11° C W W ) ) 0.025 cm 11.0 cm 2 = = 3.6° C W = 0.11° C W 7.03° C WHERE: BRACKET ABRACKET PAD APAD = 1" = 2.54 cm = 0.85" X 0.04" = 0.034"2 = 0.22 cm2 = 0.01" = 0.025 cm = 2" x 0.85" = 1.72"2 = 11 cm2 Figure 6: MTO Heat Sink Design and Page 8 of 9 Rev D - 20090312 Calculations Crane Aerospace & Electronics Power Solutions Thermal Management Application Note ment. The power output was about 6.0 watts, input power 7.9 watts at 76% efficiency, and internal PD of (7.9 - 6.0) = 1.9 watts. From Table 1, temperature rise of the MTO case due to only convection is predicted to be about (1.9 watts)(18°C/watt) = 34°C. The maximum system case temperature spec is + 85°C, about what the ambient air will also be. Adding 34°C to this figure, the MTO case is predicted to rise to about 119°C, as verified by measurement, and too hot for this part, which derates to zero at +125°C. The solution was to find an additional thermal path to lower the case temperature. The MTO was mounted on the top PC card just below the metal top cover of the box, and mounted about 0.05” above the PC card to allow inspection of solder joints. Here the solution was simple. A tin plated copper bracket, 0.04” thick, was attached to the PC card to form a thermal path between the mounting base and the system box cover. The MTO was seated on the bracket with an interface pad, the other end attached to the system box cover with mechanical fasteners. The part under the MTO is a heat spreader, and the thermal ladder is about 1.0” long. The calculation of Figure 6 indicates the predicted MTO case temp rise is lowered to about 7°C due to conduction through the bracket. Convection from the cover surface area will also still occur, but will have a minimal effect. Radiation should also be considered as an alternate means of heat transfer. Measuring the actual temperature is always recommended. A small thermocouple or glass junction diode should be attached to the thermal surface for this purpose wherever possible. Alternately, attach to the sidewall of the case as close to the base as possible. 3) Radiative Cooling Radiation refers to the continual radiation of energy from a body and is referred to as radiant energy. It is in the form of electromagnetic waves, predominantly in the 1 to 10 micron area of the spectrum. The rate at which radiation occurs can be expressed by Stefan’s law as in the formula, R = e • c • T4 where, a rectangular shape with a dull black finish on a smooth surface, the emissivity will be less, and unknown at this point. The following experiment was conducted to determine the value. The case temperature of an MSA power converter dissipating 1.05 watts internally was found to be 55°C when suspended with cover up in an ambient of 22°C. The thermal coefficient by convection is then calculated to be, (55 - 22)/(1.05) = 31.4°C/watt. The cover was then spray-painted a dull black. The label could still be read through the paint. The experiment was repeated and the case temperature rose to only 47°C, with the ambient temperature still 22°C. Since the temperature rise was lowered by 8°C, about 0.25 watts must have been removed by means other than convection - in this case radiation. Then, since everything else is known, the emissivity is calculated as, e= P A • c • T4 where A is the cover area = 0.0013 meters e= (0.25) (0.0013)(5.7x10-8)(3204) = 0.32, or about one third. The remainder of the case was painted dull black with the result that the temperature rise was reduced an additional 3°C. The surface area in this case is 0.0019 meters squared. Our conclusion is that radiation should be considered as a means of heat transfer. It would have been of further benefit in the example of Figure 6. e = emissivity having a range of 0 to 1, where a perfect blackbody = 1. c = 5.7 x 10-8 in MKS units. T = absolute Kelvin temperature. R = Rate of emission of radiant energy in Joules/Second/ square meter, or Watts/square meter. The square meters refer to the surface area of the body emitting the radiant energy. In an application where the cover is painted a dull black, it will be the total cover area in square meters. The radiation calculation is simple except for determining what the emissivity is. An ideal blackbody might be a sphere having a dull black and rough surface, and an emissivity approaching one. For Thermal Management Rev D - 20090312 All information is believed to be accurate, but no responsibility is assumed for errors or omissions. Interpoint reserves the right to make changes in products or specifications without notice. Copyright © 1999 - 2009 Interpoint Corporation. All rights reserved. www.interpoint Page 9 of 9