AXZ +105°C Low Impedance surface mount Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors Applications Switching power supplies Control circuits Long Life High temperature Features Low impedance High ripple current RoHS Compliant Specifications Operating Temperature Range Capacitance Tolerance WVDC Surge voltage SVDC WVDC Dissipation Factor D<8 (tan δ) D>8 Leakage current Low temperature stability Impedance ratio (120 Hz) -55°C to +105°C +20% at 120 Hz, 20°C 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 7.9 13 20 32 44 63 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 .26 .2 .16 .14 .12 .12 .28 .24 .2 .16 .14 .14 .01CV or 3uA, Whichever is greater 2 Minutes Rated WVDC 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 2 2 2 2 2 2 -25°C to +20°C 4 4 3 3 3 3 -55°C to +20°C 2000 Hours at rated voltage and 105°C Load Life Capacitance change Dissipation factor Leakage current Shelf Life Capacitance change Dissipation factor Insulation resistance <30% of initial measured value <200% of maximum specified value >100% of maximum specified value 1000 hours at 105°C with no voltage applied <25% initial measured value <200% of maximum specified value >100% of maximum specified value Capacitors placed on a 250°C hot plate for 30 seconds with the terminals facing downward. After removal from hot plate and restored to room temperature the capacitors will meet the following. Resistance to soldering heat Ripple Current Multipliers Capacitance change <10% initial measured value Dissipation factor <100% of maximum specified value Insulation resistance >100% of maximum specified value Frequency (Hz) Temperature (°C) 60 120 300 1k >10k 25 85 105 0.35 0.50 .64 0.83 1.00 2.10 1.70 1.0 D+0.5 5 6.3 6.3 8 10 L 5.4+0.2 5.4+0.2 7.7+0.2 10.5+0.5 10.5+0.5 W+0.2 5.3 6.6 6.6 8.3 10.3 H+0.2 5.3 6.6 6.6 8.3 10.3 C+0.2 5.9 7.3 7.3 9.9 11.6 R .65+0.15 .65+0.15 .65+0.15 .95+0.15 .95+0.15 P+0.2 1.4 2.2 2.2 3.2 4.6 3757 W. Touhy Ave., Lincolnwood, Il 60712 ● (847)675-1760● Fax (847) 675-2850 ● AXZ CAP (uF) VDC PART # ESR (Ω) Impedance (Ω) 20°C/-10°C Ir (A) 105C DxL (mm) +105°C Low Impedance Surface Mount Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors CAP (uF) VDC PART # ESR (Ω) Impedance (Ω) 20°C/-10°C Ir (A) 105C DxL (mm) 6.3x7.7 1 50 105AXZ050M 198.944 5 30 4x5.4 56 35 566AXZ035M 3.553 0.34 280 2.2 50 225AXZ050M 90.429 5 30 4x5.4 56 50 566AXZ050M 4.145 0.34 350 8x10.5 3.3 50 335AXZ050M 60.286 5 30 4x5.4 68 25 686AXZ025M 3.413 0.44 230 6.3x5.4 4.7 35 475AXZ035M 42.328 1.8 80 4x5.4 68 35 686AXZ035M 2.926 0.34 280 6.3x7.7 4.7 50 475AXZ050M 42.328 1.52 85 5x5.4 68 50 686AXZ050M 3.413 0.34 350 8x10.5 6.8 50 685AXZ050M 29.256 1.2 120 5x5.4 100 16 107AXZ016M 2.653 0.44 230 6.3x5.4 10 25 106AXZ025M 23.210 1.8 80 4x5.4 100 25 107AXZ025M 2.321 0.34 280 6.3x7.7 10 35 106AXZ035M 19.894 0.76 150 5x5.4 100 50 107AXZ050M 2.321 0.18 300 8x10.5 10 50 106AXZ050M 19.894 0.88 165 6.3x5.4 150 10 157AXZ010M 2.210 0.44 230 6.3x5.4 6.3x7.7 15 16 156AXZ016M 17.684 1.8 80 4x5.4 150 16 157AXZ016M 1.768 0.34 280 15 35 156AXZ035M 13.263 0.76 150 5x5.4 150 35 157AXZ035MD8 1.547 0.17 600 8x10.5 15 50 156AXZ050M 13.263 0.88 165 6.3x5.4 150 50 157AXZ050M 1.547 0.18 670 10x10.5 22 10 226AXZ010M 15.071 1.8 80 4x5.4 220 6.3 227AXZ6R3M 1.809 0.44 230 6.3x5.4 22 35 226AXZ035M 9.043 0.76 150 5x5.4 220 16 227AXZ016M 1.206 0.34 280 6.3x7.7 22 50 226AXZ050M 9.043 0.88 165 6.3x5.4 220 35 227AXZ035M 1.055 0.17 600 8x10.5 27 6.3 276AXZ6R3M 14.737 1.8 80 4x5.4 220 50 227AXZ050M 1.055 0.18 670 10x10.5 27 16 276AXZ016M 9.824 0.76 150 5x5.4 330 6.3 337AXZ6R3M 1.206 0.34 280 6.3x7.7 27 35 276AXZ035M 7.368 0.44 230 6.3x5.4 330 16 337AXZ016M 1.005 0.17 450 10x7.7 27 50 276AXZ050M 7.368 0.68 185 6.3x7.7 330 25 337AXZ025M 0.804 0.17 600 8x10.5 33 10 336AXZ010M 10.048 0.76 150 5x5.4 330 35 337AXZ035M 0.703 0.09 850 10x10.5 33 35 336AXZ035M 6.029 0.44 230 6.3x5.4 470 16 477AXZ016M 0.705 0.17 600 8x10.5 33 50 336AXZ050M 6.029 0.68 185 6.3x7.7 470 25 477AXZ025M 0.564 0.09 850 10x10.5 47 6.3 476AXZ6R3M 8.466 0.76 150 5x5.4 680 6.3 687AXZ6R3MD8 0.683 0.17 600 8x10.5 47 35 476AXZ035M 4.233 0.44 230 6.3x5.4 680 16 687AXZ016M 0.488 0.09 850 10x10.5 47 50 476AXZ050M 4.233 0.68 185 6.3x7.7 1000 6.3 108AXZ6R3M 0.464 0.17 600 8x10.5 56 6.3 566AXZ6R3M 7.105 0.76 150 5x5.4 1000 10 108AXZ010M 0.398 0.09 850 10x10.5 56 25 566AXZ025M 4.145 0.44 230 6.3x5.4 1500 6.3 158AXZ6R3M 0.309 0.09 850 10x10.5 3757 W. Touhy Ave., Lincolnwood, Il 60712 ● (847)675-1760● Fax (847) 675-2850 ●