Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 ® The fido1100® Instruction Set Reference Guide for the 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 1 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Copyright 2008 by Innovasic Semiconductor, Inc. Published by Innovasic Semiconductor, Inc. 3737 Princeton Drive NE, Suite 130, Albuquerque, NM 87107 fido®, fido1100®, and SPIDER are trademarks of Innovasic Semiconductor, Inc. I2C™ Bus is a trademark of Philips Electronics N.V. Motorola® is a registered trademark of Motorola, Inc. ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 2 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Figures ..................................................................................................................................3 List of Tables ...................................................................................................................................3 List of Instructions ...........................................................................................................................4 Conventions .....................................................................................................................................7 1. Overview .................................................................................................................................8 1.1 Data-Movement Instructions .........................................................................................8 1.2 Integer Arithmetic Operations .......................................................................................8 1.3 Logic Instructions ..........................................................................................................9 1.4 Shift and Rotate Instructions .........................................................................................9 1.5 Bit Manipulation Instructions........................................................................................9 1.6 Binary-Coded Decimal Instructions ............................................................................10 1.7 Program Control Instructions ......................................................................................10 1.8 System Control Instructions ........................................................................................10 1.9 Instruction Attributes...................................................................................................10 1.10 Instruction Format .......................................................................................................10 1.11 Core Addressing Modes Summary .............................................................................11 1.12 Instruction Format for Single Effective Address Instruction Word ............................13 1.13 Format for the Brief Extension Word..........................................................................13 1.14 Format for the Full Extension Word ...........................................................................14 2. Instruction Descriptions ........................................................................................................17 3. For Additional Information .................................................................................................190 Index ............................................................................................................................................191 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Shift and Rotate Instructions Diagram ..........................................................................39 LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Table 2. Table 3. Table 4. Table 5. Instruction Word General Format ...................................................................................11 Core Addressing Modes Summary .................................................................................11 Instruction Format for Single Effective Address Instruction Word ................................13 Instruction Format for Brief Instruction Word ................................................................14 Format for the Full Extension Word ...............................................................................15 ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 3 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 LIST OF INSTRUCTIONS ABCD—Add Decimal with Extend ADD—Add ADDA—Add Address ADDI—Add Immediate ADDQ—Add Quick ADDX—Add Extended AND—And ANDI—And Immediate ANDI to CCR—And Immediate to Condition Code Register ANDI to SR—And Immediate to Status Register ASL/ASR—Arithmetic Shift BCC—Branch Conditionally BCHG—Test a Bit and Change BCLR—Test a Bit and Clear BGND—Enter Background Mode BKPT—Software Breakpoint BRA—Branch Always BSET—Test a Bit and Set BSR—Branch to Subroutine BTST—Test a Bit CHK—Check Register Against Bounds CHK2—Check Register Against Bounds CLR—Clear an Operand CMP—Compare CMP2—Compare Register Against Bounds CMPA—Compare Address CMPI—Compare Immediate CMPM—Compare Memory DBCC—Test Condition, Decrement and Branch DIVS/DIVSL—Signed Divide DIVU/DIVUL—Unsigned Divide EOR—Exclusive OR EORI—Exclusive OR Immediate EORI to CCR—Exclusive OR Immediate to Condition Code Register EORI to SR—Exclusive OR Immediate to Status Register EXG—Exchange Registers EXT/EXTB—Sign Extend ILLEGAL—Take Illegal Instruction Trap JMP—Jump JSR—Jump to Subroutine ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 4 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 LEA—Load Effective Address LINK—Link and Allocate LPSTOP—Low Power Stop LSL/LSR—Logical Shift MOVE—Move Data from Source to Destination MOVEA—Move Data from Source to Destination Address Register MOVEC—Move Control Register MOVEM—Move Multiple Registers MOVEP—Move Peripheral Data MOVEQ—Move Quick MOVES—Move Address Space MOVE from CCR —Move Data from the Condition Code Register MOVE to CCR —Move Data to the Condition Code Register MOVE from SR —Move Data from the Status Register MOVE USP—Move User Stack Pointer MULS—Signed Multiply MULU—Unsigned Multiply NBCD—Negate Decimal with Extend NEG—Negate NEGX—Negate with Extend NOP—No Operation NOT—Logical Complement OR—Inclusive Logical OR ORI—Inclusive OR Immediate ORI to CCR—Inclusive OR Immediate to Condition Code Register ORI to SR—Inclusive OR Immediate to Status Register PEA—Push Effective Address RESET—Reset External Devices ROL/ROR—Rotate Without Extend ROXL/ROXR—Rotate With Extend RTD—Return and Deallocate RTE—Return from Exception RTR—Return and Restore Condition Codes RTS—Return from Subroutine SBCD—Subtract Decimal with Extend SCC—Set According to Condition Code SLEEP—Sleep Current Context STOP—Load Status Register and Stop SUB—Subtract SUBA—Subtract Address SUBI—Subtract Immediate SUBQ—Subtract Quick ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 5 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 SUBX—Subtract Extended SWAP—Swap Register Halves TAS—Test and Set an Operand TRAP—Trap TRAPCC—Trap on Condition TRAPV—If V then Trap TRAPX—Trap to Master Context_0 TST—Test an Operand UNLK—Unlink ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 6 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 CONVENTIONS Arial Bold Designates headings, figure captions, and table captions. Blue Designates hyperlinks. Courier Designates code text. Italics Designates emphasis or caution related to nearby information. ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 7 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller 1. Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Overview This document describes the fido1100 instruction set for the fido1100 communications controller and includes machine functions for the following operations: Data movement Arithmetic operations Logical operations Shifts and rotates Bit manipulation Binary-Coded Decimal (BCD) arithmetic Program control System control The following subsections summarize the fido1100 instructions available for these operations. 1.1 Data-Movement Instructions The MOVE instruction is the basic means of transferring and storing address and data. MOVE instructions transfer byte, word, and long-word operands from memory to memory, memory to register, register to memory, and register to register. Address movement instructions (MOVE Or MOVEA) transfer word and long-word operands and ensure that only valid address manipulations are executed. In addition to the general MOVE instructions, there are several specific data-movement instructions—move multiple registers (MOVEM), move peripheral data (MOVEP), move quick (MOVEQ), exchange registers (EXG), load effective address (LEA), push effective address (PEA), link stack (LINK), and unlink stack (UNLK). 1.2 Integer Arithmetic Operations The arithmetic operations include the four basic operations of add (ADD), subtract (SUB), multiply (MULS—Signed Multiply, MULU—Unsigned Multiply), and divide (DIVS/DIVSL— Signed Divide, DIVU/DIVUL—Unsigned Divide), as well as arithmetic compare (CMP, CMPM, CMP2), clear (CLR), and negate (NEG). The instruction set includes ADD, CMP, and SUB instructions for both address and data operations with all operand sizes valid for data operations. Address operands consist of 16 or 32 bits. The clear and negate instructions apply to all sizes of data operands. Signed and unsigned multiply and divide instructions include: ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 8 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Word multiply to produce a long-word product Long-word multiply to produce a long-word or quad-word product Division of a long-word dividend by a word divisor (word quotient and word remainder) Division of a long-word or quad-word dividend by a long-word divisor (long-word quotient and long-word remainder) A set of extended instructions provides multi-precision and mixed-size arithmetic. These instructions are add extended (ADDX), subtract extended (SUBX), sign extend (EXT/EXTB), and negate binary with extend (NEGX). 1.3 Logic Instructions The logical operation instructions (AND, OR, EOR, and NOT) perform logical operations with all sizes of integer data operands. A similar set of immediate instructions (ANDI, ORI, and EORI) provide these logical operations with all sizes of immediate data. The TST instruction arithmetically compares the operand with zero, placing the result in the condition code register. 1.4 Shift and Rotate Instructions The arithmetic shift instructions, ASL/ASR, and logical shift instructions, LSL/LSR, provide shift operations in both directions. The ROL/ROR and ROXL/ROXR instructions perform rotate (circular shift) operations, with and without the extend bit. All shift and rotate operations can be performed on either registers or memory. Register shift and rotate operations shift all operand sizes. The shift count may be specified in the instruction operation word (to shift from one to eight places) or in a register (modulo 64-shift count). Memory shift and rotate operations shift word-length operands one bit-position only. The SWAP instruction exchanges the 16-bit halves of a register. Performance of shift/rotate instructions is enhanced so that use of the ROL/ROR instructions with a shift count of eight allows fast byte swapping. 1.5 Bit Manipulation Instructions Bit manipulation operations are accomplished using the following instructions: bit test (BTST), bit test and set (BSET), bit test and clear (BCLR), and bit test and change (BCHG). All bit manipulation operations can be performed either on registers or on memory. The bit number is specified as immediate data or in a data register. Register operands are 32 bits long, and memory operands are 8 bits long. ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 9 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller 1.6 Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Binary-Coded Decimal Instructions Five instructions support operations on Binary-Coded Decimal (BCD) numbers. The arithmetic operations on packed BCD numbers are add decimal with extend (ABCD), subtract decimal with extend (SBCD), and negate decimal with extend (NBCD). 1.7 Program Control Instructions A set of subroutine call and return instructions and conditional and unconditional branch instructions perform program control operations. 1.8 System Control Instructions Privileged instructions, trapping instructions, and instructions that use or modify the condition code register provide system control operations. All of these instructions cause the processor to flush the instruction pipeline. 1.9 Instruction Attributes The attributes line specifies the size of the operands of an instruction. When an instruction can use operands of more than one size, a suffix is used with the mnemonic of the instruction: .B Byte .W Word .L Long word In instruction descriptions, the Condition Codes are defined as follows: X—extend bit N—negative bit Z—zero bit V—overflow bit C—Carry Bit 1.10 Instruction Format All instructions consist of at least one word. Some instructions can have as many as seven words, as shown in Table 1. The first word of the instruction, called the ―operation word,‖ specifies instruction length and the operation to be performed. The remaining words, called ―extension words,‖ further specify the instruction and operands. These words may be immediate operands, extensions to the effective address mode specified in the operation word, branch displacements, bit number, special register specifications, trap operands, or argument counts. ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 10 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Table 1. Instruction Word General Format 5 0 Operation Word (one word, specifies operation and modes) Special Operand Specifiers (if any, one or two words) Immediate Operand or Source Address Extension (if any, one to three words) Destination Effective Address Extension (if any, one to three words) Besides the operation code, which specifies the function to be performed, an instruction defines the location of every operand for the function. Instructions specify an operand location in one of three ways: Register Specification—A register field of the instruction contains the number of the register. Effective Address—An Effective-Address field of the instruction contains address mode information. Implicit Reference—The definition of an instruction implies the use of specific registers. The register field within an instruction specifies the register to be used. Other fields within the instruction specify whether the register is an address or data register and how it is used. 1.11 Core Addressing Modes Summary Table 2 summarizes the various addressing modes of the fido1100 architecture: Table 2. Core Addressing Modes Summary Description Data Register Direct Address Register Direct Address Register Indirect Address Register Indirect with Postincrement Address Register Indirect with Predecrement ® Operation EA=Dn EA=An Syntax Dn An mode 000 001 reg n n No. of Ext Words 0 0 EA=(An) (An) 010 n 0 – EA=(An), An=An+Size (An)+ 011 n 0 4 An=An-Size, EA=(An) -(An) 100 n 0 4 IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 11 of 193 Notes – – http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Table 2. Core Addressing Modes Summary (Continued) Description Address Register Indirect with Displacement Address Register Indirect with Index (8-bit displacement) Address Register Indirect with Index (base displacement) Program Counter Indirect with Displacement Program Counter Indirect with Index (8-bit displacement) Program Counter Indirect with Index (base displacement) Absolute Short Address Absolute Long Address Immediate Operation EA=(An)+d16 Syntax (d16,An) mode 101 reg n No. of Ext Words 1 EA=(An)+(Xn*Scale) +d8 (d8,An,Xn.Size *Scale) 110 n 1 1,4,5 EA=(An)+(Xn*Scale) +bd (bd,An,Xn.Size *Scale) 110 n 1, 2 or 3 2,4,5 EA=(PC)+d16 (d16,PC) 111 010 1 3 EA=(PC)+(Xn*Scale) +d8 (d8,PC,Xn.Size *Scale) 111 011 1 1,4,5 EA=(PC)+(Xn*Scale) +bd (bd,PC,Xn.Size *Scale) 111 011 1, 2 or 3 2,4,5 EA given (xxx).W 111 000 1 7 EA given (xxx).L 111 001 2 7 no EA required #xxx 111 100 1 or 2 6 Notes 3 Notes: 1. Brief Format Extension Word contains index register indicator, scale, and 8-bit displacement. 2. Full Format Extension Word contains index register indicator, scale, and 8-bit displacement fixed at zero. Second and third extension words are optional and contain 16-bit or 32-bit base displacement. 3. Extension word is simply the 16-bit displacement and will be sign-extended to 32 bits before being used. 4. Size = 1, 2, or 4. 5. Scale = 1, 2, 4, or 8. 6. Immediate data provided as one or two extension words. Contains 8-, 16-, or 32-bit data. 7. Extension word(s) will simply contain the operand’s effective address. One extension word (16 bits) will be sign-extended to 32-bit address, and two extension words will directly specify the address. ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 12 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Additional Details: Full Format Extension Word contains the following bits (among others): – BS Bit—Allows the base register (used above as An, Dn, or PC) to be suppressed. This part of the EA calculation will have an effective value of zero. – IS Bit—Allows the index register to be suppressed. This part of the EA calculation will have an effective value of zero. – BD Size Bits—Setting these to 00 allows the base displacement to be suppressed. This part of the EA calculation will have an effective value of zero. – I/IS Bits—Used by memory indirect addressing modes. For CPU32 should always be 000. If when IS Bit is set to a ―1,‖ setting this field to a non-zero value will cause an illegal instruction exception. – Of the various items that can be suppressed, at least one field must be active and not suppressed. 1.12 Instruction Format for Single Effective Address Instruction Word This instruction format is used when the instruction only specifies a single effective address and requires zero extension words. One example is the LEA instruction. The effective address field of the instruction op-code is sufficient to specify fully the source of the effective address. The general format is provided in Table 3. Table 3. Instruction Format for Single Effective Address Instruction Word 15 14 13 X X X 12 11 10 Op-Code X X X 9 8 7 6 X X X X 5 4 3 2 1 0 Effective Address Mode Register The instruction op-code specifies whether the selected register is an address register or a data register and how the register is to be used. 1.13 Format for the Brief Extension Word This is used by instructions that cannot use the single effective address instruction word format but only require a single extension word to specify fully the source of the effective address. One type of addressing mode would be instructions that are using an indexed addressing mode with an 8-bit displacement. For example: add.l 0x11(a1,a2.w*4),d1 or add.l (0x11,a1,a2.w*4),d1 ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 13 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 This uses address register indirect with index (8-bit displacement) and generates the following op-code followed by the brief extension word (both in hex): D2B1 A411 The general format is provided in Table 4. Table 4. Instruction Format for Brief Instruction Word 15 D/A 14 13 12 Register 11 W/L 10 9 Scale 8 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Displacement 0 Where: D/A—Index register type – 0—Dn – 1—An Register—Index register number W/L—Word/Long Word Size – 0—16-bit word sign-extended to 32 bits – 1—32-bit long word used as is Scale—Scale factor – 00—0 – 01—1 – 10—2 – 11—4 Displacement—8-bit displacement value, can be zero 1.14 Format for the Full Extension Word This is used by instructions that cannot use either the single effective address-instruction word format or the brief extension word format. This is because it requires multiple extension words to specify fully the source of the effective address. One type of addressing mode would be instructions that are using an indexed addressing mode with a 16-bit or 32-bit displacement. For example: add.l 0x1111(a1,a2.w*4),d1 add.l (0x1111,a1,a2.w*4),d1 or ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 14 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 This uses address register indirect with index (16-bit base displacement) and generates the following op-code followed by the full extension word and finally the 16-bit displacement value (all in hex): D2B1 A520 1111 Another example is: add.l 0x22221111(a1,a2.w*4),d1 add.l (0x22221111,a1,a2.w*4),d1 or This uses address register indirect with index (32-bit base displacement) and generates the following op-code followed by the full extension word and finally the 32-bit displacement value (all in hex): D2B1 A530 2222 1111 The general format is provided in Table 5. Table 5. Format for the Full Extension Word 15 D/A 14 13 12 Register 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 W/L Scale 1 BS IS BD Size Base displacement (0, 1, or 2 words) 3 0 2 1 0 I/IS Where: D/A—Index register type – 0—Dn – 1—An Register—Index register number W/L—Word/Long Word Size – 0—16-bit word sign-extended to 32 bits – 1—32-bit long word used as is Scale—Scale factor – 00—0 – 01—1 – 10—2 – 11—4 ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 15 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 BS—Base Register Suppress – 0—Base register added – 1—Base register suppressed IS—Index Suppress – 0—Evaluate and add index operand – 1—Suppress index operand BD Size—Base Displacement Size – 00—Reserved (will cause an illegal instruction exception) – 01—Null displacement – 10—Word Displacement – 11—Long-Word Displacement I/IS—Index/Indirect Selection – Not used by fido1100, should always be 000, if IS = 1 and this not 000, will cause an illegal instruction exception Base displacement—16-bit or 32-bit displacement value (optional) ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 16 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller 2. Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Instruction Descriptions Descriptions of the fido1100 instructions, presented alphabetically, are given on the following pages. Except where indicated, the following notation is used: Data Destination Source Vector An Ax, Ay Dn Rc Rn Dh, Dl Dr, Dq Dx, Dy Dym, Dyn Xn [An] cc d# <ea> #<data> label list [...] (...) PC SP SR SSP USP FC DFC SFC + − / * = > Immediate data from an instruction Destination contents Source contents Location of exception vector Any address register (A7 to A0) Address registers used in computation Any data register (D7 to D0) Control register (VBR, SFC, DFC) Any address or data register Data registers, high- and low-order 32 bits of product Data registers, division remainder, division quotient Data registers, used in computation Data registers, table interpolation values Index register Address extension Condition code Displacement (e.g., ―d16‖ is a 16-bit displacement) Effective address Immediate data; a literal integer Assembly program label List of registers (e.g., ―D3–D0‖) Bits of an operand (e.g., ―[7]‖ is Bit 7, ―[31–24]‖ are Bits 31 to 24) Contents of a referenced location (e.g., ―(Rn)‖ refers to the contents of Rn) Program counter Active stack pointer Status register Supervisor stack pointer User stack pointer Function code Destination function code register Source function code register Addition or post increment Subtraction or predecrement Division or conjunction Multiplication Equal to Not equal to Greater than ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 17 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller < & | ^ BCD LSW MSW {R/W} Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Greater than or equal to Less than Less than or equal to Boolean AND Boolean OR Boolean XOR (exclusive OR) Binary coded decimal, indicated by subscript (e.g., Source10 is a BCD source operand) Least significant word Most significant word Read/write indicator ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 18 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 ABCD—Add Decimal with Extend Assembler Syntax: ABCD Dy, Dx ABCD – (Ay), – (Ax) Operation: Source10 + Destination10 + X bit → Destination Attributes: Size = byte Privileged: No Condition Codes: X—Set the same as Carry Bit N—Undefined Z—Cleared if result is non-zero; unchanged otherwise V—Undefined C—Set if decimal carry was generated; cleared otherwise Note: Normal programming use of this instruction is to set the Z Bit prior to performing this operation. This allows the Z Bit to be tested during multiprecision operations. Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 1 1 0 0 11 10 9 Op-Code Destination Register 8 7 6 5 1 0 0 0 4 3 2 1 0 Effective Address 0 R/M Source Register Where: Destination Register—Specifies either a data or an address register as the location of the destination operand. Register/Memory (R/M): – 0—Operands are addresses as Dn,Dn – 1—Operands are addresses as -(An),-(An) Source Register—Specifies either a data or an address register as the location of the source operand. Effective-Address fields are as per Instruction Single Word Format and address mode tables (see Table 1, Core Addressing Modes Summary). ABCD—Add Decimal with Extend ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 19 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 This instruction only uses two addressing modes (determined by the R/M Bit): Data Register Direct—Dn,Dn (both source and destination are data registers). Address Register Indirect with Predecrement—-(An),-(An) (both source and destination are pointed to by address registers). ABCD—Add Decimal with Extend ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 20 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 ADD—Add Assembler Syntax: ADD <ea>, Dn ADD Dn, <ea> Operation: Source + Destination → Destination Attributes: Size = byte, word or long Privileged: No Condition Codes: X—Set the same as Carry Bit N—Set if result is negative; cleared otherwise Z—Set if result is zero; cleared otherwise V—Set if overflow is generated; cleared otherwise C—Set if carry was generated; cleared otherwise Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Op-Code 1 1 0 1 Register 8 7 6 Opmode 5 4 3 2 1 0 Effective Address Mode Register Where: Register Field—Specifies any one of the eight data registers. Opmode Field—Specifies whether the effective address is the source or the destination as follows: Operation (EA) + (Dn) → (Dn) (Dn) + (EA) → (EA) Byte 000 100 Word 001 101 Long 010 110 Effective-Address fields are as per Instruction Single Word Format and address mode tables (see Table 2, Core Addressing Modes Summary). ADD—Add ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 21 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Addressing modes for source operand: Addressing Mode Mode Field Register Field Dn 000 N An 001 N (An) 010 N (An)+ 011 N -(An) 100 N (d16,An) 101 N (d8,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (bd,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (d16,PC) 111 010 (d8,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (bd,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (xxx).W 111 000 (xxx).L 111 001 #xxx 111 100 Applies? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Addressing modes for destination operand: Addressing Mode Mode Field Register Field Dn 000 N An 001 N (An) (An)+ -(An) (d16,An) (d8,An,Xn.Size*Scale) (bd,An,Xn.Size*Scale) (d16,PC) (d8,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) (bd,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) (xxx).W (xxx).L #xxx 010 011 100 101 110 110 111 111 111 111 111 111 Notes – Word and long word only – – – – – – – – – – – ADDI and ADDQ are used if the source is immediate data Applies? – – N N N N N N 010 011 011 000 001 100 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes – – – Yes Yes – Notes – ADDA is used when the destination is an address register. – – – – – – – – – – – – ADD—Add ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 22 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 ADDA—Add Address Assembler Syntax: ADDA <ea> An Operation: Source + Destination → Destination Attributes: Size = word or long Privileged: No Condition Codes: X—Not affected N—Not affected Z—Not affected V—Not affected C—Not affected Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Op-Code 1 1 0 1 Register 8 7 6 Opmode 5 4 3 2 1 0 Effective Address Mode Register Where: Register Field—Specifies any one of the eight address registers as the destination. Opmode Field—Specifies the size of the operand: – 011—Word operation. The source operand is sign-extended to a long and the operation performed on the address register uses all 32 bits. – 111—Long operation. Effective-Address fields are as per Instruction Single Word Format and address mode tables (see Table 3, Core Addressing Modes Summary) and always indicate a source operand. ADDA—Add Address ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 23 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Addressing modes for source operand: Addressing Mode Mode Field Register Field Dn 000 N An 001 N (An) 010 N (An)+ 011 N -(An) 100 N (d16,An) 101 N (d8,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (bd,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (d16,PC) 111 010 (d8,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (bd,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (xxx).W 111 000 (xxx).L 111 001 #xxx 111 100 Applies? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Notes – – – – – – – – – – – – – – ADDA—Add Address ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 24 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 ADDI—Add Immediate Assembler Syntax: ADDI #<data>, <ea> Operation: Immediate Data + Destination → Destination Attributes: Size = byte, word or long Privileged: No Condition Codes: X—Set same as Carry Bit N—Set if result is negative; cleared otherwise Z—Set if result is zero; cleared otherwise V—Set if overflow is generated; cleared otherwise C—Set if carry was generated; cleared otherwise Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Op-Code Effective Address 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Size Mode Register Word Data (16 Bits) Byte Data (8 Bits) Long Data (32 Bits) Where: Size Field (size of immediate data must match operand size): – 00—Byte operation → data is low-order byte of immediate word. – 01—Word operation → data is the entire immediate word. – 10—Long operation → data is in the next two immediate words. Effective-Address fields are as per Instruction Single Word Format and address mode tables (see Table 4, Core Addressing Modes Summary) and always indicate a destination operand. ADDI—Add Immediate ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 25 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Addressing modes for destination operand: Addressing Mode Mode Field Register Field Dn 000 N An 001 N (An) 010 N (An)+ 011 N -(An) 100 N (d16,An) 101 N (d8,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (bd,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (d16,PC) 111 010 (d8,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (bd,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (xxx).W 111 000 (xxx).L 111 001 #xxx 111 100 Applies? Yes – Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes – – – Yes Yes – Notes – – – – – – – – – – – – – – ADDI—Add Immediate ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 26 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 ADDQ—Add Quick Assembler Syntax: ADDQ #<data>, <ea> Operation: Immediate Data + Destination → Destination – Immediate data is stored as a part of the instruction word (three bits) and can range from 1 to 8. Attributes: Size = byte, word or long – When the destination operand is a data register or is in memory the size can be byte, word, or long word. – When the destination operand is an address register size is word or long word only. – When adding to address registers the Condition Codes are not altered and entire register is used regardless of operand size. Privileged: No Condition Codes: X—Set same as Carry Bit N—Set if result is negative; cleared otherwise Z—Set if result is zero; cleared otherwise V—Set if overflow is generated; cleared otherwise C—Set if carry is generated; cleared otherwise Note: When adding to address registers the condition codes are not altered. Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Op-Code 0 1 0 1 Data 8 7 6 0 Size 5 4 3 2 1 0 Effective Address Mode Register Where: Data Field—Specifies three bits of immediate data with a value ranging from 1 to 8 (000 represents 8). ADDQ—Add Quick ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 27 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Size Field: – 00—Byte operation – 01—Word operation – 10—Long-Word operation Effective-Address fields are as per Instruction Single Word Format and address mode tables (see Table 2, Core Addressing Modes Summary) and always indicate a destination operand. Addressing modes for destination operand: Addressing Mode Mode Field Register Field Dn 000 N An 001 N (An) 010 N (An)+ 011 N -(An) 100 N (d16,An) 101 N (d8,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (bd,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (d16,PC) 111 010 (d8,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (bd,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (xxx).W 111 000 (xxx).L 111 001 #xxx 111 100 Applies? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes – – – Yes Yes – Notes – Word and long word only – – – – – – – – – – – – ADDQ—Add Quick ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 28 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 ADDX—Add Extended Assembler Syntax: ADDX Dy, Dx ADDX – (Ay), – (Ax) Operation: Source + Destination + X Bit → Destination Attributes: Size = byte, word or long Privileged: No Condition Codes: X—Set same as Carry Bit N—Set if result is negative; cleared otherwise Z—Cleared if result is non-zero; unchanged otherwise V—Set if overflow occurs; cleared otherwise C—Set if carry was generated; cleared otherwise Note: Normal programming use of this instruction is to set the Z Bit prior to performing this operation. This allows this bit to be tested during multiprecision operations. Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 1 1 0 1 11 10 9 Op-Code Destination Register 8 7 6 5 1 Size 0 4 3 2 1 0 Effective Address 0 R/M Source Register Where: Destination Register—Specifies either a data or an address register as the location of the destination operand. Size: – 00—Byte operation – 01—Word operation – 10—Long-Word operation – 11—Reserved Register/Memory (R/M): – 0—Operands are addresses as Dn,Dn – 1—Operands are addresses as -(An),-(An) Source Register—Specifies either a data or an address register as the location of the source operand. ADDX—Add Extended ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 29 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 This instruction only uses two addressing Modes (determined by the R/M Bit): Data Register Direct—Dn,Dn (both source and destination are data registers). Address Register Indirect with Predecrement—-(An),-(An) (both source and destination are pointed to by address registers). ADDX—Add Extended ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 30 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 AND—And Assembler Syntax: AND <ea>,Dn AND Dn, <ea> Operation: Source & Destination → Destination Attributes: Size = byte, word or long Privileged: No Condition Codes: X—Not affected N—Set if most significant bit of result is set; cleared otherwise Z—Set if result is zero; cleared otherwise V—Always cleared C—Always cleared Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Op-Code 1 1 0 0 Register 8 7 6 Opmode 5 4 3 2 1 0 Effective Address Mode Register Where: Register Field—Specifies any one of the eight data registers. Opmode Field—Specifies whether the effective address is the source or the destination as follows: Operation (EA) & (Dn) → (Dn) (Dn) & (EA) → (EA) Byte 000 100 Word 001 101 Long 010 110 Effective-Address fields are as per Instruction Single Word Format and address mode tables (see Table 5, Core Addressing Modes Summary). AND—And ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 31 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Addressing modes for source operand: Mode Register Addressing Mode Field Field Dn 000 N An 001 N (An) 010 N (An)+ 011 N -(An) 100 N (d16,An) 101 N (d8,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (bd,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (d16,PC) 111 010 (d8,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (bd,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (xxx).W 111 000 (xxx).L 111 001 #xxx 111 100 Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Applies? Yes – Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Addressing modes for destination operand: Addressing Mode Mode Field Register Field Dn 000 N An 001 N (An) 010 N (An)+ 011 N -(An) 100 N (d16,An) 101 N (d8,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (bd,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (d16,PC) 111 010 (d8,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (bd,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (xxx).W 111 000 (xxx).L 111 001 #xxx 111 100 Notes – – – – – – – – – – – – – Most assemblers use the ANDI instruction when the source is immediate data. Applies? – – Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes – – – Yes Yes – Notes – – – – – – – – – – – – – – AND—And ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 32 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 ANDI—And Immediate Assembler Syntax: ANDI #<data>, <eañ> Operation: Immediate Data & Destination → Destination Attributes: Size = byte, word or long Privileged: No Condition Codes: X—Not affected N—Set if most significant bit of result is set; cleared otherwise Z—Set if result is zero; cleared otherwise V—Always cleared C—Always cleared Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Op-Code Effective Address 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Size Mode Register Word Data (16 Bits) Byte Data (8 Bits) Long Data (32 Bits) Where: Size Field (size of immediate data must match operand size): – 00—Byte operation → data is low-order byte of immediate word. – 01—Word operation → data is the entire immediate word. – 10—Long operation → data is in the next two immediate words. – 11—Reserved Effective-Address fields are as per Instruction Single Word Format and address mode tables (see Table 2, Core Addressing Modes Summary) and always indicate a destination operand. ANDI—And Immediate ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 33 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Addressing modes for destination operand: Addressing Mode Mode Field Register Field Dn 000 N An 001 N (An) 010 N (An)+ 011 N -(An) 100 N (d16,An) 101 N (d8,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (bd,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (d16,PC) 111 010 (d8,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (bd,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (xxx).W 111 000 (xxx).L 111 001 #xxx 111 100 Applies? Yes – Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes – – – Yes Yes – Notes – – – – – – – – – – – – – – ANDI—And Immediate ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 34 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 ANDI to CCR—And Immediate to Condition Code Register Assembler Syntax: ANDI #<data>, CCR Operation: Immediate Data Byte & CCR → CCR Attributes: Size = byte Privileged: No Condition Codes: X—Cleared if [4] of immediate operand is zero; unchanged otherwise N—Cleared if [3] of immediate operand is zero; unchanged otherwise Z—Cleared if [2] of immediate operand is zero; unchanged otherwise V—Cleared if [1] of immediate operand is zero; unchanged otherwise C—Cleared if [0] of immediate operand is zero; unchanged otherwise Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 10 0 0 9 1 0 8 0 0 7 0 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 Immediate Data Byte 0 0 Where: Immediate Data Byte—Immediate byte value to be ANDed with Condition Code Register. ANDI to CCR—And Immediate to Condition Code Register ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 35 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 ANDI to SR—And Immediate to Status Register Assembler Syntax: ANDI #<data>, SR Operation: Immediate Data Word & SR → SR Attributes: Size = word Privileged: Yes Condition Codes: X—Cleared if [4] of immediate operand is zero; unchanged otherwise N—Cleared if [3] of immediate operand is zero; unchanged otherwise Z—Cleared if [2] of immediate operand is zero; unchanged otherwise V—Cleared if [1] of immediate operand is zero; unchanged otherwise C—Cleared if [0] of immediate operand is zero; unchanged otherwise Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 0 0 0 0 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 Immediate Data Word 4 1 3 1 2 1 1 0 0 0 Where: Immediate Data Word—Immediate word value to be ANDed with Status Register Note: All implemented bits of the SR are affected. ANDI to SR—And Immediate to Status Register ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 36 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 ASL/ASR—Arithmetic Shift Assembler Syntax: ASd Dx,Dy ASd #<data>, Dy ASd <ea> where d is direction, L or R Operation: Destination shifted by count → Destination Attributes: Size = byte, word or long Privileged: No Notes: Arithmetically shift operand left or right. Shift either the contents of a data register or the contents of a memory location. Carry and Extend Bit of CCR receives last bit shifted out of operand. When shifting the contents of a data register, the shift count can be specified in two ways: – Immediate—Shift count contained in instruction op-code. – Register—Shift count is the value of a specified data register, modulo 64. Contents of address registers cannot be shifted. An operand in memory can be shifted by one bit only and operand size is restricted to a word. For Arithmetic Shift Left (ASL): – Operand is shifted left by the number of positions specified by the shift count. – The high-order bit is shifted into both the X and Carry Bits. – A zero is shifted into the low-order bit. – The overflow bit indicates if any sign changes occur during the shift. For Arithmetic Shift Right (ASR): – Operand is shifted right by the number of positions specified by the shift count. – The low-order bit is shifted into both the X and Carry Bits. – The sign bit (MSB) is shifted into the high-order bit. Condition Codes: X—Set according to the last bit shifted out of the operand. Unaffected for a shift count of zero. N—Set if most significant bit of result is set; cleared otherwise. Z—Set if result is zero; cleared otherwise. V—Set if the most significant bit is changed during the shift operation; cleared otherwise. ASL/ASR—Arithmetic Shift ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 37 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 C—Set according to the last bit shifted out of the operand. Cleared for a shift count of zero. See Figure 1 for a comparison of syntax, operand size, and operation of ASL/ASR, LSL/LSR, ROL/ROR, ROXL/ROXR, and SWAP instructions. ASL/ASR—Arithmetic Shift ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 38 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Instruction Syntax ASL Dn, Dn #(data), Dn (ea) Operand Size 8, 16, 32 8, 16, 32 16 Dn, Dn #(data), Dn (ea) 8, 16, 32 8, 16, 32 16 Dn, Dn #(data), Dn (ea) 8, 16, 32 8, 16, 32 16 Dn, Dn #(data), Dn (ea) 8, 16, 32 8, 16, 32 16 Dn, Dn #(data), Dn (ea) 8, 16, 32 8, 16, 32 16 Dn, Dn #(data), Dn (ea) 8, 16, 32 8, 16, 32 16 Dn, Dn #(data), Dn (ea) 8, 16, 32 8, 16, 32 16 Dn, Dn #(data), Dn (ea) 8, 16, 32 8, 16, 32 16 Dn 16 ASR LSL LSR ROL ROR ROXL ROXR SWAP Operation 0 X/C X/C X/C 0 0 X/C C C C X X C MS LSW W Figure 1. Shift and Rotate Instructions Diagram Instruction Format (register shifts): 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 1 1 0 1 Count/Register 8 Dir 7 6 Size 5 I/R 4 0 3 0 2 1 0 Register Where: Count/Register Field: – I/R = 0—This field specifies the shift count; ―1‖ through ―7‖ indicate shift one to seven times and ―0‖ indicates shift eight times. – I/R = 1—This field specifies the data register containing the shift count, modulo 64. ASL/ASR—Arithmetic Shift ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 39 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Direction Field (Dir): – 0—Shift Right – 1—Shift Left Size Field: – 00—Byte operation – 01—Word operation – 10—Long operation – 11—Reserved I/R Field: – 0—Shift count is defined by the instruction word. – 1—Shift count is defined by the specified data register, modulo 64. Register Field—Specifies the data register to shift. Instruction Format (memory shifts): 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Op-Code 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 Dir 7 6 1 1 5 4 3 2 1 0 Effective Address Mode Register Where: Direction Field (Dir): – 0—Shift Right – 1—Shift Left Effective-Address fields are as per Instruction Single Word Format and address mode tables (see Table 2, Core Addressing Modes Summary) and always indicate the operand to shift. Addressing modes for destination operand: Addressing Mode Mode Field Register Field Dn 000 N An 001 N (An) 010 N (An)+ 011 N -(An) 100 N (d16,An) 101 N (d8,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (bd,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (d16,PC) 111 010 (d8,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (bd,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (xxx).W 111 000 (xxx).L 111 001 #xxx 111 100 Applies? – – Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes – – – Yes Yes – Notes – – – – – – – – – – – – – – ASL/ASR—Arithmetic Shift ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 40 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 BCC—Branch Conditionally Assembler Syntax: BCC <label> Operation: If (condition true) then PC + displacement → PC Attributes: Size = byte, word or long Privileged: No Notes: If a specified condition is true program will continue at PC + displacement. After the instruction op-code is fetched, the PC contains the address of the BCC instruction word plus two. The displacement is computed from this PC location. The displacement is a two’s-complement integer representing the relative distance to the new PC location. If the 8-bit displacement is 0x00, the displacement is 16 bits: the word immediately following the BCC op-code. If the 8-bit displacement is 0xff, the displacement is 32 bits: the two words immediately following the BCC op-code. If the 8-bit displacement is not one of these two values then it is used as the displacement and no more data follows the instruction op-code. A branch instruction to the location immediately following automatically uses 16-bit displacement because the 8-bit displacement field contains 0x00 (zero offset). Condition Codes: X—Not affected N—Not affected Z—Not affected V—Not affected C—Not affected Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 1 0 Condition 8-Bit Displacement 16-Bit Displacement (if 8-bit displacement of 0x00) 32-Bit Displacement (if 8-bit displacement of 0xFF) 0 BCC—Branch Conditionally ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 41 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Where: Condition—Specifies a conditional test as per the table below: Condition CC CS EQ GE GT HI LE LS LT MI NE PL VC VS Mnemonic BCC BCS BEQ BGE BGT BHI BLE BLS BLT BMI BNE BPL BVC BVS Condition Code 0100 0101 0111 1100 1110 0010 1111 0011 1101 1011 0110 1010 1000 1001 Description Carry Clear Carry Set Equal Greater or Equal Greater Than High Less or Equal Low or Same Less Than Minus Not Equal Plus Overflow Clear Overflow Set Details ―!C‖ ―C‖ ―Z‖ ―N&V;!N&!V‖ ―N&V&!Z;!N&!V&!Z‖ ―!C&!Z‖ ―Z;N&!V;!N&V‖ ―!C;!Z‖ ―N&!V;!N&V‖ ―N‖ ―!Z‖ ―!N‖ ―!V‖ ―V‖ BCC—Branch Conditionally ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 42 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 BCHG—Test a Bit and Change Assembler Syntax: BCHG Dn, <ea> BCHG #<data>, <ea> Operation: Inverted bit number of destination → Z Inverted bit number of destination → bit number of destination Attributes: Size = byte (destination in memory), long (destination in data registers) Privileged: No Notes: When the destination is a data register any of the 32 bits can be specified by the modulo 32-bit number. When the destination is in memory, the operation is a byte operation and the bit number is modulo 8. In all cases bit zero refers to the least significant bit. The bit number can be specified in two ways: – Immediate—The bit number is specified by the second instruction word (static) – Register—The specified data register contains the bit number (dynamic) Condition Codes: X—Not affected N—Not affected Z—Set if bit tested is zero; cleared otherwise V—Not affected C—Not affected Instruction Format (Bit number static, specified as immediate data): 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Op-Code Effective Address 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 Mode Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit Number BCHG—Test a Bit and Change ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 43 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Where: Bit Number Field—Specifies the bit number. Effective-Address fields are as per Instruction Single Word Format and address mode tables (see Table 2, Core Addressing Modes Summary) and always indicate a destination operand. Addressing modes for destination operand: Addressing Mode Mode Field Register Field Dn 000 N An 001 N (An) 010 N (An)+ 011 N -(An) 100 N (d16,An) 101 N (d8,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (bd,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (d16,PC) 111 010 (d8,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (bd,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (xxx).W 111 000 (xxx).L 111 001 #xxx 111 100 Applies? Yes – Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes – – – Yes Yes – Notes Long-word operation only – Byte operation only Byte operation only Byte operation only Byte operation only Byte operation only Byte operation only – – – Byte operation only Byte operation only – Instruction Format (Bit number dynamic, specified in register): 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Op-Code Effective Address 0 0 0 0 Register 1 0 1 Mode Register Where: Register Field—Specifies the data register containing the bit number. Effective-Address fields are as per Instruction Single Word Format and address mode tables (see Table 2, Core Addressing Modes Summary) and always indicate a destination operand. BCHG—Test a Bit and Change ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 44 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Addressing modes for destination operand: Addressing Mode Mode Field Register Field Dn 000 N An 001 N (An) 010 N (An)+ 011 N -(An) 100 N (d16,An) 101 N (d8,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (bd,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (d16,PC) 111 010 (d8,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (bd,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (xxx).W 111 000 (xxx).L 111 001 #xxx 111 100 Applies? Yes – Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes – – – Yes Yes – Notes Long-word operation only – Byte operation only Byte operation only Byte operation only Byte operation only Byte operation only Byte operation only – – – Byte operation only Byte operation only – BCHG—Test a Bit and Change ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 45 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 BCLR—Test a Bit and Clear Assembler Syntax: BCLR Dn, <ea> BCLR #<data>, <ea> Operation: Inverted bit number of destination → Z 0 → bit number of destination Attributes: Size = byte (destination in memory), long (destination in data register) Privileged: No Notes: When the destination is a data register any of the 32 bits can be specified by the modulo 32-bit number. When the destination is in memory, the operation is a byte operation and the bit number is modulo 8. In all cases bit zero refers to the least significant bit. The bit number can be specified in two ways: – Immediate—The bit number is specified by the second instruction word (static). – Register—The specified data register contains the bit number (dynamic). Condition Codes: X—Not affected N—Not affected Z—Set if bit tested is zero; cleared otherwise V—Not affected C—Not affected Instruction Format (Bit number static, specified as immediate data): .15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Op-Code Effective Address 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 Mode Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit Number BCLR—Test a Bit and Clear ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 46 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Where: Bit Number Field—Specifies the bit number. Effective-Address fields are as per Instruction Single Word Format and address mode tables (see Table 2, Core Addressing Modes Summary) and always indicate a destination operand. Addressing modes for destination operand: Addressing Mode Mode Field Register Field Dn 000 N An 001 N (An) 010 N (An)+ 011 N -(An) 100 N (d16,An) 101 N (d8,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (bd,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (d16,PC) 111 010 (d8,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (bd,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (xxx).W 111 000 (xxx).L 111 001 #xxx 111 100 Applies? Yes – Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes – – – Yes Yes – Notes Long-word operation only – Byte operation only Byte operation only Byte operation only Byte operation only Byte operation only Byte operation only – – – Byte operation only Byte operation only – Instruction Format (Bit number dynamic, specified in register): 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Op-Code Effective Address 1 1 0 1 Register 1 1 0 Mode Register Where: Register Field—specifies the data register containing the bit number. Effective-Address fields are as per Instruction Single Word Format and address mode tables (see Table 2, Core Addressing Modes Summary) and always indicate a destination operand. BCLR—Test a Bit and Clear ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 47 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Addressing modes for destination operand: Addressing Mode Mode Field Register Field Dn 000 N An 001 N (An) 010 N (An)+ 011 N -(An) 100 N (d16,An) 101 N (d8,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (bd,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (d16,PC) 111 010 (d8,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (bd,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (xxx).W 111 000 (xxx).L 111 001 #xxx 111 100 Applies? Yes – Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes – – – Yes Yes – Notes Long-word operation only – Byte operation only Byte operation only Byte operation only Byte operation only Byte operation only Byte operation only – – – Byte operation only Byte operation only – BCLR—Test a Bit and Clear ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 48 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 BGND—Enter Background Mode Assembler Syntax: BGND Operation: The CPU32 implementation of this instruction would stop normal execution and enter Background Debug Mode (BDM). However, because BDM is not implemented in the fido1100, this instruction will always generate a trace exception instead. Attributes: Size = unsized Privileged: No Notes: The trace exception vector is #12. Condition Codes: X—Not affected N—Not affected Z—Not affected V—Not affected C—Not affected Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 0 1 0 0 11 1 10 0 9 1 8 0 7 1 6 1 5 1 4 1 3 1 2 0 1 1 0 0 BGND—Enter Background Mode ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 49 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 BKPT—Software Breakpoint Assembler Syntax: BKPT #<data> Operation: A BKPT bit in the Debug Control Register is used as follows: – When clear (default)—the BKPT instruction performs as an NOP. – When set—the BKPT instruction generates a breakpoint exception (vector #12), routed to the current context. If required, a handler could re-route this to the master context via the TRAPX instruction. – The break point mode bit in the JTAG Debug Control Register Scan Chain also affects the behavior of the BKPT instruction. If the bit is in its default position, then the instruction generates a fault as described above. If the bit is in the other position then the JTAG halt flag is set for the current context and no fault is generated. Note: The fido1100 performs a different execution sequence than the CPU32 for this instruction. The value in <data> is ignored. Attributes: Size = unsized Privileged: No Notes: Inserting a software breakpoint instruction into the code will require that it be running in RAM or that it be compiled in. Condition Codes: X—Not affected N—Not affected Z—Not affected V—Not affected C—Not affected Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 0 1 0 0 11 1 10 0 9 0 8 0 7 0 6 1 5 0 4 0 3 1 2 X 1 X 0 X Notes: Bits [2–0] are don’t cares since they are not used for this operation. For don’t cares, any combination of bits are allowed. BKPT—Software Breakpoint ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 50 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 BRA—Branch Always Assembler Syntax: BRA <label> Operation: PC + displacement → PC Privileged: No Notes: Program continues at PC + displacement. After the instruction op-code is fetched, the PC contains the address of the BRA instruction word plus two. The displacement is computed from this PC location. The displacement is a two’s-complement integer representing the relative distance to the new PC location. If the 8-bit displacement is 0x00, the displacement is 16-bits, the word immediately following the BRA op-code. If the 8-bit displacement is 0xff, the displacement is 32-bits, the two words immediately following the BRA op-code. If the 8-bit displacement is not one of these two values then it is used as the displacement and no more data follows the instruction op-code. A branch instruction to the location immediately following automatically uses 16-bit displacement because the 8-bit displacement field contains 0x00 (zero offset). Condition Codes: X—Not affected N—Not affected Z—Not affected V—Not affected C—Not affected Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 8-bit displacement 16-bit displacement (if 8-bit displacement of 0x00) 32-bit displacement (if 8-bit displacement is 0xff) 0 BRA—Branch Always ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 51 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 BSET—Test a Bit and Set Assembler Syntax: BSET Dn, <ea> BSET #<data>, <ea> Operation: Inverted bit number of destination → Z 1 → bit number of destination Attributes: Size = byte (destination in memory), long (destination in data register) Privileged: No Notes: When the destination is a data register any of the 32 bits can be specified by the modulo 32-bit number. When the destination is in memory, the operation is a byte operation and the bit number is modulo 8. In all cases bit zero refers to the least significant bit. The bit number can be specified in two ways: – Immediate—The bit number is specified by the second instruction word (static) – Register—The specified data register contains the bit number (dynamic) Condition Codes: X—Not affected N—Not affected Z—Set if bit tested is zero; cleared otherwise V—Not affected C—Not affected Instruction Format (bit number static, specified as immediate data): 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Op-Code Effective Address 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 Mode Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit Number Where: Bit Number Field—Specifies the bit number. BSET—Test a Bit and Set ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 52 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Effective-Address fields are as per Instruction Single Word Format and address mode tables (see Table 2, Core Addressing Modes Summary) and always indicate a destination operand. Addressing modes for destination operand: Addressing Mode Mode Field Register Field Dn 000 N An 001 N (An) 010 N (An)+ 011 N -(An) 100 N (d16,An) 101 N (d8,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (bd,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (d16,PC) 111 010 (d8,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (bd,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (xxx).W 111 000 (xxx).L 111 001 #xxx 111 100 Applies? Yes – Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes – – – Yes Yes – Notes Long-word operation only – Byte operation only Byte operation only Byte operation only Byte operation only Byte operation only Byte operation only – – – Byte operation only Byte operation only – Instruction Format (Bit number dynamic, specified in register): 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Op-Code Effective Address 0 0 0 0 Register 1 1 1 Mode Register Where: Register Field—specifies the data register containing the bit number. Effective-Address fields are as per Instruction Single Word Format and address mode tables (see Table 2, Core Addressing Modes Summary) and always indicate a destination operand. BSET—Test a Bit and Set ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 53 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Addressing modes for destination operand: Addressing Mode Mode Field Register Field Dn 000 N An 001 N (An) 010 N (An)+ 011 N -(An) 100 N (d16,An) 101 N (d8,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (bd,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (d16,PC) 111 010 (d8,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (bd,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (xxx).W 111 000 (xxx).L 111 001 #xxx 111 100 Applies? Yes – Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes – – – Yes Yes – Notes Long-word operation only – Byte operation only Byte operation only Byte operation only Byte operation only Byte operation only Byte operation only – – – Byte operation only Byte operation only – BSET—Test a Bit and Set ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 54 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 BSR—Branch to Subroutine Assembler Syntax: BSR <label> Operation: SP - 4 → SP PC → (SP) PC + displacement → PC Privileged: No Notes: Decrement SP by four and push long word address of the instruction immediately following the BSR instruction onto the stack. Program continues at PC + displacement. After the instruction op-code is fetched, the PC contains the address of the BSR instruction word plus two. Displacement is computed from this PC location. The displacement is a two’s-complement integer representing the relative distance to the new PC location. If the 8-bit displacement is 0x00, the displacement is 16-bits, the word immediately following the BSR op-code. If the 8-bit displacement is 0xff, the displacement is 32-bits, the two words immediately following the BSR op-code. If the 8-bit displacement is not one of these two values, it is used as the displacement and no more data follows the instruction op-code. A branch instruction to the location immediately following automatically uses 16-bit displacement because the 8-bit displacement field contains 0x00 (zero offset). Condition Codes: X—Not affected N—Not affected Z—Not affected V—Not affected C—Not affected BSR—Branch to Subroutine ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 55 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 8-bit displacement 16-bit displacement (if 8-bit displacement of 0x00) 32-bit displacement (if 8-bit displacement is 0xff) 0 BSR—Branch to Subroutine ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 56 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 BTST—Test a Bit Assembler Syntax: BTST Dn, <ea> BTST #<data>, <ea> Operation: Inverted bit number of destination → Z Attributes: Size = byte (destination in memory), long (destination in data register) Privileged: No Notes: When the destination is a data register any of the 32 bits can be specified by the modulo 32-bit number. When the destination is in memory, the operation is a byte operation and the bit number is modulo 8. In all cases bit zero refers to the least significant bit. The bit number can be specified in two ways: – Immediate—The bit number is specified by the second instruction word (static) – Register—The specified data register contains the bit number (dynamic) Condition Codes: X—Not affected N—Not affected Z—Set if bit tested is zero; cleared otherwise V—Not affected C—Not affected Instruction Format (Bit number static, specified as immediate data): 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Op-Code Effective Address 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Mode Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit Number Where: Bit Number Field—Specifies the bit number. Effective-Address fields are as per Instruction Single Word Format and address mode tables (see Table 2, Core Addressing Modes Summary) and always indicate a destination operand. BTST—Test a Bit ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 57 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Addressing modes for destination operand: Addressing Mode Mode Field Register Field Dn 000 N An 001 N (An) 010 N (An)+ 011 N -(An) 100 N (d16,An) 101 N (d8,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (bd,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (d16,PC) 111 010 (d8,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (bd,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (xxx).W 111 000 (xxx).L 111 001 #xxx 111 100 Applies? Yes – Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes – Notes Long-word operation only – Byte operation only Byte operation only Byte operation only Byte operation only Byte operation only Byte operation only Byte operation only Byte operation only Byte operation only Byte operation only Byte operation only – Instruction Format (Bit number dynamic, specified in register): 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Op-Code Effective Address 0 0 0 0 Register 1 0 0 Mode Register Where: Register Field—specifies the data register containing the bit number. Effective-Address fields are as per Instruction Single Word Format and address mode tables (see Table 2, Core Addressing Modes Summary) and always indicate a destination operand. Addressing modes for destination operand: Addressing Mode Mode Field Register Field Dn 000 N An 001 N (An) 010 N (An)+ 011 N -(An) 100 N (d16,An) 101 N (d8,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (bd,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (d16,PC) 111 010 (d8,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (bd,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (xxx).W 111 000 (xxx).L 111 001 #xxx 111 100 Applies? Yes – Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Notes Long-word operation only – Byte operation only Byte operation only Byte operation only Byte operation only Byte operation only Byte operation only Byte operation only Byte operation only Byte operation only Byte operation only Byte operation only Byte operation only BTST—Test a Bit ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 58 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 CHK—Check Register Against Bounds Assembler Syntax: CHK <ea>, Dn Operation: If (Dn < 0) or (Dn > operand at effective address) then TRAP Attributes: Size = word or long Privileged: No Notes: Compares the value in the specified data register to zero and to the upper bound (effective address operand). The upper bound is a two’s-complement integer. If the register value if less than zero or greater than the upper bound a CHK instruction exception occurs, vector #6. Condition Codes: X—Not affected N—Set if Dn < 0, cleared if Dn > operand at effective address, undefined otherwise Z—Undefined V—Undefined C—Undefined Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Op-Code 0 1 0 0 Register 8 7 6 Size 0 5 4 3 2 1 0 Effective Address Mode Register Where: Register Field—Specifies the data register containing the value to be checked. Size Field: – 11—Word operation – 10—Long operation Effective-Address fields are as per Instruction Single Word Format and address mode tables (see Table 2, Core Addressing Modes Summary) and always indicate the upper bound operand. CHK—Check Register Against Bounds ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 59 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Addressing modes for upper bound operand: Addressing Mode Mode Field Register Field Dn 000 N An 001 N (An) 010 N (An)+ 011 N -(An) 100 N (d16,An) 101 N (d8,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (bd,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (d16,PC) 111 010 (d8,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (bd,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (xxx).W 111 000 (xxx).L 111 001 #xxx 111 100 Applies? Yes – Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes – Notes Long-word operation – Byte operation only Byte operation only Byte operation only Byte operation only Byte operation only Byte operation only Byte operation only Byte operation only Byte operation only Byte operation only Byte operation only – CHK—Check Register Against Bounds ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 60 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 CHK2—Check Register Against Bounds Assembler Syntax: CHK2 <ea>, Rn Operation: If (Rn < lower bound) or (Rn > upper bound) then TRAP Attributes: Size = byte, word or long Privileged: No Notes: Compares the value in the specified address or data register to each bound. The effective address contains the bounds pair, the lower bound followed by the upper bound. For signed comparisons, the arithmetically smaller value should be the lower bound. For unsigned comparisons, the logically smaller value should be the lower bound. If Rn is a data register and the operation size is a byte or word, only the appropriate low order part of Rn is checked. If Rn is an address register and the operation size is a byte or word the bounds operands are sign-extended to 32 bits and the full 32 bits of Rn are checked. If the lower bound is equal to the upper bound, the valid range is a single value. If the register value if less than lower bound or greater than the upper bound a CHK instruction exception occurs, vector #6. Condition Codes: X—Not affected N—Undefined Z—Set if Rn is equal to either bound; cleared otherwise V—Undefined C—Set if Rn is out of bounds; cleared otherwise Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Op-Code 0 0 0 0 0 Size D/A Register 1 0 0 8 7 6 0 0 1 0 1 0 5 4 3 2 1 0 Effective Address Mode Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 CHK2—Check Register Against Bounds ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 61 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Where: Size Field: – 00—byte operation – 01—Word operation – 10—Long operation D/A Field—Specifies whether a data register or an address register is to be checked: – 0—Data Register – 1—Address Register Register Field—Specifies the address or data register that contains the data to be checked. Effective-Address fields are as per Instruction Single Word Format and address mode tables (see Table 2, Core Addressing Modes Summary) and always indicate the location of the bounds operand. Addressing modes for upper bound operand: Addressing Mode Mode Field Register Field Dn 000 N An 001 N (An) 010 N (An)+ 011 N -(An) 100 N (d16,An) 101 N (d8,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (bd,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (d16,PC) 111 010 (d8,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (bd,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (xxx).W 111 000 (xxx).L 111 001 #xxx 111 100 Applies? – – Yes – – Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes – Notes – – – – – – – – – – – – – – CHK2—Check Register Against Bounds ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 62 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 CLR—Clear an Operand Assembler Syntax: CLR <ea> Operation: 0 → Destination Attributes: Size = byte, word or long Privileged: No Condition Codes: X—Not affected N—Always Cleared Z—Always Set V—Always Cleared C—Always Cleared Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 11 10 Op-Code 0 1 0 0 0 0 9 1 8 0 7 6 Size 5 4 3 2 1 0 Effective Address Mode Register Where: Size Field: – 00—Byte operation – 01—Word operation – 10—Long operation Effective-Address fields are as per Instruction Single Word Format and address mode tables (see Table 2, Core Addressing Modes Summary) and always indicate a destination operand. CLR—Clear an Operand ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 63 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Addressing modes for destination operand: Addressing Mode Mode Field Register Field Dn 000 N An 001 N (An) 010 N (An)+ 011 N -(An) 100 N (d16,An) 101 N (d8,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (bd,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (d16,PC) 111 010 (d8,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (bd,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (xxx).W 111 000 (xxx).L 111 001 #xxx 111 100 Applies? Yes – Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes – – – Yes Yes – Notes – – – – – – – – – – – – – – CLR—Clear an Operand ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 64 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 CMP—Compare Assembler Syntax: CMP <ea>, Dn Operation: Destination − Source → Condition Code Register Attributes: Size = byte, word or long Privileged: No Notes: Destination is always a data register and is not changed by this operation. Byte and word-length source operands are sign-extended to 32 bits for comparison. Condition Codes: X—Not affected N—Set if result is negative; cleared otherwise Z—Set if result is zero; cleared otherwise V—Set if overflow occurs; cleared otherwise C—Set if borrow occurs; cleared otherwise Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Op-Code 1 0 1 1 Register 8 7 6 Opmode 5 4 3 2 1 0 Effective Address Mode Register Where: Register Field—Specifies the destination data register. Opmode Field—Specifies the size of operation as follows: Operation Dn - (EA) Byte 100 Word 001 Long 010 Effective-Address fields are as per Instruction Single Word Format and address mode tables (see Table 2, Core Addressing Modes Summary) and always indicate a source operand. CMP—Compare ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 65 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Addressing modes for source operand: Addressing Mode Mode Field Dn 000 An 001 (An) 010 (An)+ 011 -(An) 100 (d16,An) 101 (d8,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 (bd,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 (d16,PC) 111 (d8,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 (bd,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 (xxx).W 111 (xxx).L 111 #xxx 111 Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Register Field N N N N N N N N 010 011 011 000 001 100 Applies? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Notes – Word and long word only – – – – – – – – – – – CMPI is used when the source is immediate data CMP—Compare ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 66 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 CMP2—Compare Register Against Bounds Assembler Syntax: CMP2 <ea>, Rn Operation: Compare (Rn < lower bound) or (Rn > upper bound) then set condition code register. Attributes: Size = byte, word or long Privileged: No Notes: Compares the value in the specified address or data register to each bound. The effective address contains the bounds pair, the lower bound followed by the upper bound. For signed comparisons, the arithmetically smaller value should be the lower bound. For unsigned comparisons, the logically smaller value should be the lower bound. If Rn is a data register and the operation size is a byte or word, only the appropriate low order part of Rn is checked. If Rn is an address register and the operation size is a byte or word the bounds operands are sign-extended to 32 bits and the full 32 bits of Rn are checked. If the lower bound is equal to the upper bound, the valid range is a single value. The instruction is identical to the CHK2 instruction except the condition codes are set rather than issuing an exception. Condition Codes: X—Not affected N—Undefined Z—Set if Rn is equal to either bound; cleared otherwise V—Undefined C—Set if Rn is out of bounds; cleared otherwise Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Op-Code 0 0 0 0 0 Size D/A Register 0 0 0 8 7 6 0 0 1 0 1 0 5 4 3 2 1 0 Effective Address Mode Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 CMP2—Compare Register Against Bounds ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 67 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Where: Size Field: – 00—byte operation – 01—Word operation – 10—Long operation D/A Field—Specifies whether a data register or an address register is to be checked: – 0—Data Register – 1—Address Register Register Field—Specifies the address or data register that contains the data to be checked. Effective-Address fields are as per Instruction Single Word Format and address mode tables (see Table 2, Core Addressing Modes Summary) and always indicate the location of the bounds operands. Addressing modes for upper bound operand: Addressing Mode Mode Field Register Field Dn 000 N An 001 N (An) 010 N (An)+ 011 N -(An) 100 N (d16,An) 101 N (d8,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (bd,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (d16,PC) 111 010 (d8,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (bd,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (xxx).W 111 000 (xxx).L 111 001 #xxx 111 100 Applies? – – Yes – – Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes – Notes – – – – – – – – – – – – – – CMP2—Compare Register Against Bounds ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 68 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 CMPA—Compare Address Assembler Syntax: CMPA <ea>, An Operation: Destination − Source → Condition Code Register Attributes: Size = word or long Privileged: No Notes: Destination is always an address register and is not changed by this operation. Word length source operands are sign-extended to 32 bits for comparison. Condition Codes: X—Not affected N—Set if result is negative; cleared otherwise Z—Set if result is zero; cleared otherwise V—Set if overflow occurs; cleared otherwise C—Set if borrow occurs; cleared otherwise Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Op-Code 1 0 1 1 Register 8 7 6 Opmode 5 4 3 2 1 0 Effective Address Mode Register Where: Register Field—Specifies the destination address register. Opmode Field—Specifies the size of operation as follows: Operation An - (EA) Word 011 Long 111 Effective-Address fields are as per Instruction Single Word Format and address mode tables (see Table 2, Core Addressing Modes Summary) and always indicate a source operand. CMPA—Compare Address ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 69 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Addressing modes for source operand: Addressing Mode Mode Field Register Field Dn 000 N An 001 N (An) 010 N (An)+ 011 N -(An) 100 N (d16,An) 101 N (d8,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (bd,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (d16,PC) 111 010 (d8,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (bd,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (xxx).W 111 000 (xxx).L 111 001 #xxx 111 100 Applies? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Notes – – – – – – – – – – – – – – CMPA—Compare Address ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 70 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 CMPI—Compare Immediate Assembler Syntax: CMPI #<data>, <ea> Operation: Destination − Immediate Data → Condition Code Register Attributes: Size = byte, word or long Privileged: No Notes: Size of immediate data must match operand size Destination location is not changed Condition Codes: X—Not affected N—Set if result is negative; cleared otherwise Z—Set if result is zero; cleared otherwise V—Set if overflow occurs; cleared otherwise C—Set if borrow occurs; cleared otherwise Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 Size Mode Register Word Data (16-bits) Byte Data (8-bits) Long data (32-bits) Where: Size Field (size of immediate data must match operand size): – 00—Byte operation → data is low-order byte of immediate word – 01—Word operation → data is the entire immediate word – 10—Long operation → data is in the next two immediate words CMPI—Compare Immediate ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 71 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Addressing modes for destination operand: Addressing Mode Mode Field Register Field Dn 000 N An 001 N (An) 010 N (An)+ 011 N -(An) 100 N (d16,An) 101 N (d8,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (bd,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (d16,PC) 111 010 (d8,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (bd,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (xxx).W 111 000 (xxx).L 111 001 #xxx 111 100 Applies? Yes – Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes – Notes – – – – – – – – – – – – – – CMPI—Compare Immediate ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 72 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 CMPM—Compare Memory Assembler Syntax: CMPM (Ay)+, (Ax)+ Operation: Destination − Source → Condition Code Register Attributes: Size = byte, word or long Privileged: No Notes: Destination location is not changed Condition Codes: X—Not affected. N—Set if result is negative; cleared otherwise Z—Set if result is zero; cleared otherwise V—Set if overflow occurs; cleared otherwise C—Set if borrow occurs; cleared otherwise Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 1 0 1 1 11 10 9 Destination Register 8 1 7 6 Size 5 0 4 0 3 1 2 1 0 Source Register Where: Destination Register—Specifies an address register as the location of the destination operand. Size Field: – 00—Byte operation – 01—Word operation – 10—Long operation Source Register—Specifies an address register as the location of the source operand. This instruction only uses only one addressing Mode, address register indirect with postincrement: (An)+,(An)+ (both source and destination are pointed to by address registers). CMPM—Compare Memory ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 73 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 DBCC—Test Condition, Decrement and Branch Assembler Syntax: DBCC Dn, <label> Operation: If (condition false) then Dn − 1 → Dn, if (Dn ≠ -1) then PC + displacement → PC Attributes: Size = word Privileged: No Notes: Controls a loop of instructions, parameters are a condition code, a data register (counter), and a displacement value. First, the specified condition is tested, if true, no operation is performed and program continues to next sequential program address. If the condition is false (the condition is a termination test), the following operations are performed: – The low-order 16 bits of the counter data register are decremented by 1. – If the result is -1, execution continues with the next instruction. – If the result is not equal to 1, execution continues at the location specified by the current value of the PC plus the sign-extended 16-bit displacement. After the instruction op-code is fetched, the PC contains the address of the DBcc instruction word plus 2. The displacement is computed from this PC location. The displacement is a two’s-complement integer representing the relative distance to the new PC location. Condition Codes: X—Not affected N—Not affected Z—Not affected V—Not affected C—Not affected Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 0 1 0 1 11 10 9 8 7 6 Condition 1 1 16-Bit Displacement 5 0 4 0 3 1 2 1 0 Register DBCC—Test Condition, Decrement and Branch ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 74 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Where: Register—The data register to be used as the counter. Condition—Specifies a conditional test according to the table below: Condition CC CS EQ F GE GT HI LE LS LT MI NE PL T VC VS Mnemonic DBCC DBCS DBEQ DBF DBGE DBGT DBHI DBLE DBLS DBLT DBMI DBNE DBPL DBT DBVC DBVS Condition Code 0100 0101 0111 0001 1100 1110 0010 1111 0011 1101 1011 0110 1010 0000 1000 1001 Description Carry Clear Carry Set Equal Never Equal Greater or Equal Greater Than High Less or Equal Low or Same Less Than Minus Not Equal Plus Always True Overflow Clear Overflow Set Details ―!C‖ ―C‖ ―Z‖ 0 ―N&V;!N&!V‖ ―N&V&!Z;!N&!V&!Z‖ ―!C&!Z‖ ―Z;N&!V;!N&V‖ ―!C;!Z‖ ―N&!V;!N&V‖ ―N‖ ―!Z‖ ―!N‖ 1 ―!V‖ ―V‖ DBCC—Test Condition, Decrement and Branch ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 75 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 DIVS/DIVSL—Signed Divide Assembler Syntax: DIVS.W <ea>, Dn 32/16 → 16r:16q DIVS.L <ea>, Dq 32/32 → 32q DIVS.L <ea>, Dr:Dq 64/32 → 32r:32q DIVSL.L <ea>, Dr:Dq 32/32 → 32r:32q Operation: Destination / Source → Destination Attributes: Size = word or long Privileged: No Notes: This instruction is interruptible. If the interrupt request is received before a certain point in the process, the division is aborted and the interrupt serviced. When the interrupt returns, the instruction is restarted. Divides signed destination operand by signed source operand and stores result in destination operand location. Four forms: – Word form divides a long word by a word. Result is quotient in lower 16 bits of destination and remainder in upper 16 bits. Sign of remainder same as sign of dividend. – First long form divides a long word by a long word. Result is long quotient. Remainder is discarded. – Second long form divides a quad word (in any two data registers) by a long word. Result is a long-word quotient and a long-word remainder. – Third long form divides a long word by a long word. Result is a long-word quotient and a long-word remainder. Two special conditions may arise during the operation: – Division by zero causes a TRAP. – Overflow may be detected before instruction completion. If an overflow is detected, the overflow condition code is set and the operands are unaffected. For word form, overflow occurs if quotient is larger than a 16-bit signed integer. For long forms, overflow occurs if quotient is larger than a 32-bit signed integer. Condition Codes: X—Not affected. N—Set if quotient is negative; cleared otherwise. Undefined if overflow or divide by zero. Z—Set if quotient is zero; cleared otherwise. Undefined if overflow or divide by zero. V—Set if division overflow occurs, undefined if divide by zero; cleared otherwise. C—Always cleared. DIVS/DIVSL—Signed Divide ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 76 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Format (word form): 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Op-Code 1 0 0 0 Register 8 7 6 1 1 1 5 Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 4 3 2 1 0 Effective Address Mode Register Where: Register Field—Specifies any of the eight data registers. This field always specifies the destination operand. Effective-Address fields are as per Instruction Single Word Format and address mode tables (see Table 2, Core Addressing Modes Summary) and always indicate a source operand. Addressing modes for source operand: Addressing Mode Mode Field Register Field Dn 000 N An 001 N (An) 010 N (An)+ 011 N -(An) 100 N (d16,An) 101 N (d8,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (bd,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (d16,PC) 111 010 (d8,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (bd,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (xxx).W 111 000 (xxx).L 111 001 #xxx 111 100 Instruction Format (long form): 15 14 13 12 11 10 Op-Code 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 Dq Register 1 Size 9 8 7 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Applies? Yes – Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes – Notes – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 5 4 3 2 1 0 Effective Address Mode Register 0 0 0 Dr Register Where: Dq Register Field—Specifies a data register for the destination operand. The low-order 32 bits of the dividend come from this register and the 32-bit quotient is loaded into this register. DIVS/DIVSL—Signed Divide ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 77 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Size Field—Selects a 32-bit or 64-bit division operation: – 0—32-bit dividend is in Dq register – 1—64-bit dividend is in Dr:Dq registers Dr Register Field: – After the division, this register contains the 32-bit remainder. If Dr and Dq are the same register, only the quotient is returned. – If Size is 1, the Dr field also specifies the data register that contains the high-order 32 bits of the dividend. Effective-Address fields are as per Instruction Single Word Format and address mode tables (see Table 2, Core Addressing Modes Summary) and always indicate a source operand. Addressing modes for source operand: Addressing Mode Mode Field Register Field Dn 000 N An 001 N (An) 010 N (An)+ 011 N -(An) 100 N (d16,An) 101 N (d8,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (bd,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (d16,PC) 111 010 (d8,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (bd,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (xxx).W 111 000 (xxx).L 111 001 #xxx 111 100 Applies? Yes – Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Notes – – – – – – – – – – – – – – DIVS/DIVSL—Signed Divide ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 78 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 DIVU/DIVUL—Unsigned Divide Assembler Syntax: DIVU.W <ea>, Dn 32/16 → 16r:16q DIVU.L <ea>, Dq 32/32 → 32q DIVU.L <ea>, Dr:Dq 64/32 → 32r:32q DIVUL.L <ea>, Dr:Dq 32/32 → 32r:32q Operation: Destination / Source → Destination Attributes: Size = word or long Privileged: No Notes: This instruction is interruptible. If the interrupt request is received before a certain point in the process, the division is aborted and the interrupt serviced. When the interrupt returns, the instruction is restarted. Divides unsigned destination operand by unsigned source operand and stores result in destination operand location. Four forms: 1. Word form divides a long word by a word. Result is quotient in lower 16 bits of destination and remainder in upper 16 bits. 2. First long form divides a long word by a long word. Result is long quotient. Remainder is discarded. 3. Second long form divides a quad word (in any two data registers) by a long word. Result is a long-word quotient and a long-word remainder. 4. Third long form divides a long word by a long word. Result is a long word quotient and a long word remainder. Two special conditions may arise during the operation: 1. Division by zero causes a TRAP. 2. Overflow may be detected before instruction completion. If an overflow is detected, the overflow condition code is set and the operands are unaffected. For word form, overflow occurs if quotient is larger than a 16-bit signed integer. For long forms, overflow occurs if quotient is larger than a 32-bit signed integer. Condition Codes: X—Not affected. N—Set if quotient is negative; cleared otherwise. Undefined if overflow or divide by zero. Z—Set if quotient is zero; cleared otherwise. Undefined if overflow or divide by zero. V—Set if division overflow occurs, undefined if divide by zero; cleared otherwise. C—Always cleared. DIVU/DIVUL—Unsigned Divide ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 79 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Format (word form): 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Op-Code 1 0 0 0 Register 8 7 6 0 1 1 5 Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 4 3 2 1 0 Effective Address Mode Register Where: Register Field—Specifies any of the eight data registers. This field always specifies the destination operand. Effective-Address fields are as per Instruction Single Word Format and address mode tables (see Table 2, Core Addressing Modes Summary) and always indicate a source operand. Addressing modes for source operand: Addressing Mode Mode Field Register Field Dn 000 N An 001 N (An) 010 N (An)+ 011 N -(An) 100 N (d16,An) 101 N (d8,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (bd,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (d16,PC) 111 010 (d8,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (bd,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (xxx).W 111 000 (xxx).L 111 001 #xxx 111 100 Instruction Format (long form): 15 14 13 12 11 10 Op-Code 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 Dq Register 1 Size 9 8 7 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Applies? Yes – Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Notes – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 5 4 3 2 1 0 Effective Address Mode Register 0 0 0 Dr Register Where: Dq Register Field—Specifies a data register for the destination operand. The low-order 32 bits of the dividend come from this register, and the 32-bit quotient is loaded into this register. DIVU/DIVUL—Unsigned Divide ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 80 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Size Field—Selects a 32-bit or 64-bit division operation: – 0—32-bit dividend is in Dq register – 1—64-bit dividend is in Dr:Dq registers Dr Register Field: – After the division, this register contains the 32-bit remainder. If Dr and Dq are the same register, only the quotient is returned. – If Size is 1, the Dr field also specifies the data register that contains the high-order 32 bits of the dividend. Effective-Address fields are as per Instruction Single Word Format and address mode tables (see Table 2, Core Addressing Modes Summary) and always indicate a source operand. Addressing modes for source operand: Addressing Mode Mode Field Register Field Dn 000 N An 001 N (An) 010 N (An)+ 011 N -(An) 100 N (d16,An) 101 N (d8,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (bd,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (d16,PC) 111 010 (d8,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (bd,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (xxx).W 111 000 (xxx).L 111 001 #xxx 111 100 Applies? Yes – Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Notes – – – – – – – – – – – – – – DIVU/DIVUL—Unsigned Divide ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 81 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 EOR—Exclusive OR Assembler Syntax: EOR Dn, <ea> Operation: Source ^ Destination → Destination Attributes: Size = byte, word or long Privileged: No Condition Codes: X—Not affected N—Set if most significant bit of result is set; cleared otherwise Z—Set if result is zero; cleared otherwise V—Always cleared C—Always cleared Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Op-Code 1 0 1 1 Register 8 7 6 Opmode 5 4 3 2 1 0 Effective Address Mode Register Where: Register Field—Specifies any one of the eight data registers. Opmode Field—Specifies the size of the operation as follows: Operation (EA) ^ (DN) → (EA) Byte 000 Word 001 Long 010 Effective-Address fields are as per Instruction Single Word Format and address mode tables (see Table 2, Core Addressing Modes Summary) and always indicate a destination operand. EOR—Exclusive OR ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 82 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Addressing modes for destination operand: Addressing Mode Mode Field Register Field Dn 000 N An 001 N (An) 010 N (An)+ 011 N -(An) 100 N (d16,An) 101 N (d8,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (bd,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (d16,PC) 111 010 (d8,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (bd,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (xxx).W 111 000 (xxx).L 111 001 #xxx 111 100 Applies? Yes – Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes – – – Yes Yes – Notes – – – – – – – – – – – – – – EOR—Exclusive OR ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 83 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 EORI—Exclusive OR Immediate Assembler Syntax: EORI #<data>, <ea> Operation: Immediate Data ^ Destination → Destination Attributes: Size = byte, word or long Privileged: No Condition Codes: X—Not affected N—Set if most significant bit of result is set; cleared otherwise Z—Set if result is zero; cleared otherwise V—Always cleared C—Always cleared Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 Size Mode Register Word Data (16-bits) Byte Data (8-bits) Long data (32-bits) Where: Size Field (size of immediate data must match operand size): – 00—Byte operation → data is low-order byte of immediate word – 01—Word operation → data is the entire immediate word – 10—Long operation → data is in the next two immediate words EORI—Exclusive OR Immediate ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 84 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Addressing modes for destination operand: Addressing Mode Mode Field Register Field Dn 000 N An 001 N (An) 010 N (An)+ 011 N -(An) 100 N (d16,An) 101 N (d8,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (bd,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (d16,PC) 111 010 (d8,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (bd,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (xxx).W 111 000 (xxx).L 111 001 #xxx 111 100 Applies? Yes – Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes – – – Yes Yes – Notes – – – – – – – – – – – – – – EORI—Exclusive OR Immediate ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 85 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 EORI to CCR—Exclusive OR Immediate to Condition Code Register Assembler Syntax: EORI #<data>, CCR Operation: Immediate Data Byte ^ CCR → CCR Attributes: Size = byte Privileged: No Condition Codes: X—Changed if [4] of immediate operand is one; unchanged otherwise N—Changed if [3] of immediate operand is one; unchanged otherwise Z—Changed if [2] of immediate operand is one; unchanged otherwise V—Changed if [1] of immediate operand is one; unchanged otherwise C—Changed if [0] of immediate operand is one; unchanged otherwise Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 1 0 10 0 0 9 1 0 8 0 0 7 0 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 Immediate Data Byte 0 0 EORI to CCR—Exclusive OR Immediate to Condition Code Register ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 86 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 EORI to SR—Exclusive OR Immediate to Status Register Assembler Syntax: EORI #<data>, SR Operation: Immediate Data Word ^ SR → SR Attributes: Size = word Privileged: Yes Condition Codes: X—Changed if [4] of immediate operand is one; unchanged otherwise N—Changed if [3] of immediate operand is one; unchanged otherwise Z—Changed if [2] of immediate operand is one; unchanged otherwise V—Changed if [1] of immediate operand is one; unchanged otherwise C—Changed if [0] of immediate operand is one; unchanged otherwise Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 0 0 0 0 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 Immediate Data Word 4 1 3 1 2 1 1 0 0 0 Note: All implemented bits of the SR are affected. EORI to SR—Exclusive OR Immediate to Status Register ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 87 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 EXG—Exchange Registers Assembler Syntax: EXG Dx, Dy EXG Ax, Ay EXG Dx, Ay EXG Ay, Dx Operation: Rx ↔ Ry Attributes: Size = long Privileged: No Notes: Performs three types of exchanges: 1. Exchange data registers. 2. Exchange address registers. 3. Exchange a data register and an address register. Condition Codes: X—Not affected N—Not affected Z—Not affected V—Not affected C—Not affected Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 1 1 0 0 11 10 9 Register Rx 8 1 7 6 5 4 Opmode 3 2 1 0 Register Ry Where: Register Rx Field—Specifies either a data or an address register depending on the mode. If the exchange is between data and address registers, this field always specifies a data register. Opmode Field—specifies the type of exchange: – 01000—Data registers – 01001—Addresses registers – 10001—Data and Address registers EXG—Exchange Registers ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 88 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Register Ry Field—Specifies either a data or an address register, depending on the mode. If the exchange is between data and address registers, this field always specifies an address register. EXG—Exchange Registers ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 89 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 EXT/EXTB—Sign Extend Assembler Syntax: EXT.W Dn extend byte to word EXT.L Dn extend word to long word EXTB.L Dn extend byte to long word Operation: Destination sign-extended → Destination Attributes: Size = word, long Privileged: No Notes: This instruction sign extends a byte in a data register to a word or a long word, or a word in a data register to a long word, by replicating the sign bit to the left. If the operation extends a byte to a word, Bit [7] of the designated data register is copied to Bits [15–8] of that data register. If the operation extends a word to a long word, Bit [15] of the designated data register is copied to Bits [31–16] of the data register. The EXTB form copies Bit [7] of the designated register to Bits [31–8] of the data register. Condition Codes: X—Not affected N—Set if the result is negative; cleared otherwise Z—Set if result is zero; cleared otherwise V—Always cleared C—Always cleared Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 0 1 0 0 11 1 10 0 9 0 8 7 6 Opmode 5 0 4 0 3 0 2 1 0 Register Where: Opmode Field—Specifies the size of the sign extension operation: – 010—Sign extend the low-order byte of data register to word – 011—Sign extend the low-order word of data register to long – 111—Sign extend the low-order byte of data register to long (EXTB) Register Field—Specifies the data register to be sign-extended. EXT/EXTB—Sign Extend ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 90 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 ILLEGAL—Take Illegal Instruction Trap Assembler Syntax: ILLEGAL Operation: SSP − 2 → SSP, Vector Offset → (SSP) SSP − 4 → SSP, PC → (SSP) SSP − 2 → SSP, SR → (SSP) Illegal Instruction Vector Address → PC Privileged: No Notes: Make internal copy of existing Status Register (SR) then modify the SR as follows: – Set the S Bit establishing supervisor mode – Clear the trace bits Decrement Supervisor Stack Pointer (SSP) by two and push word containing stack frame format and vector offset onto the supervisor’s stack. The normal four-word stack frame format is used (stack frame format 0000). Decrement Supervisor Stack Pointer (SSP) by four and push long word containing the 32-bit PC onto the supervisor’s stack. Decrement Supervisor Stack Pointer (SSP) by two and push word containing status register onto the supervisor’s stack. Fetch a long word from memory pointed to by the Illegal Instruction Vector offset + the VBR and place this in the PC. Continue program execution at this location. Condition Codes: X—Not affected N—Not affected Z—Not affected V—Not affected C—Not affected Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 0 1 0 0 11 1 10 0 9 1 8 0 7 1 6 1 5 1 4 1 3 1 2 1 1 0 0 0 ILLEGAL—Take Illegal Instruction Trap ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 91 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 JMP—Jump Assembler Syntax: JMP <ea> Operation: Destination Address → PC Privileged: No Notes: Program continues at the Destination Address specified by the instruction. Condition Codes: X—Not affected N—Not affected Z—Not affected V—Not affected C—Not affected Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 11 10 Op-Code 0 1 0 0 1 1 9 8 7 6 1 0 1 1 5 4 3 2 1 0 Effective Address Mode Register Effective-Address fields are as per Instruction Single Word Format and address mode tables (see Table 2, Core Addressing Modes Summary) and always indicate a destination operand. Addressing modes for destination operand: Addressing Mode Mode Field Register Field Dn 000 N An 001 N (An) 010 N (An)+ 011 N -(An) 100 N (d16,An) 101 N (d8,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (bd,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (d16,PC) 111 010 (d8,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (bd,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (xxx).W 111 000 (xxx).L 111 001 #xxx 111 100 Applies? – – Yes – – Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes – Notes – – – – – – – – – – – – – – JMP—Jump ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 92 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 JSR—Jump to Subroutine Assembler Syntax: JSR <ea> Operation: SP − 4 → SP, PC → (SP) Destination Address → PC Privileged: No Notes: Decrement the SP by four and push the long-word address of the instruction immediately following the JSR instruction onto the system stack. Program continues at the Destination Address specified by the instruction. Condition Codes: X—Not affected N—Not affected Z—Not affected V—Not affected C—Not affected Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 11 10 Op-Code 0 1 0 0 1 1 9 8 7 6 1 0 1 0 5 4 3 2 1 0 Effective Address Mode Register Where: Effective-Address fields are as per Instruction Single Word Format and address mode tables (see Table 2, Core Addressing Modes Summary) and always indicate a destination operand. JSR—Jump to Subroutine ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 93 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Addressing modes for destination operand: Addressing Mode Mode Field Register Field Dn 000 N An 001 N (An) 010 N (An)+ 011 N -(An) 100 N (d16,An) 101 N (d8,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (bd,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (d16,PC) 111 010 (d8,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (bd,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (xxx).W 111 000 (xxx).L 111 001 #xxx 111 100 Applies? – – Yes – – Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes – Notes – – – – – – – – – – – – – – JSR—Jump to Subroutine ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 94 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 LEA—Load Effective Address Assembler Syntax: LEA <ea>, An Operation: EA → An Privileged: No Notes: Loads the effective address into the address register specified by the instruction. Condition Codes: X—Not affected N—Not affected Z—Not affected V—Not affected C—Not affected Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Op-Code 0 1 0 0 Register 8 7 6 1 1 1 5 4 3 2 1 0 Effective Address Mode Register Where: Register Field—Specifies the Address register to be updated with the effective address. Effective-Address fields are as per Instruction Single Word Format and address mode tables (see Table 2, Core Addressing Modes Summary) and always indicate a source operand. LEA—Load Effective Address ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 95 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Addressing modes for source operand: Addressing Mode Mode Field Register Field Dn 000 N An 001 N (An) 010 N (An)+ 011 N -(An) 100 N (d16,An) 101 N (d8,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (bd,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (d16,PC) 111 010 (d8,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (bd,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (xxx).W 111 000 (xxx).L 111 001 #xxx 111 100 Applies? – – Yes – – Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes – Notes – – – – – – – – – – – – – – LEA—Load Effective Address ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 96 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 LINK—Link and Allocate Assembler Syntax: LINK An, #<displacement> Operation: SP − 4 → SP, An → (SP) SP → An, SP + displacement → SP Attributes: Size = word or long Privileged: No Notes: Decrement SP by four and push the 32-bit contents of the specified address register onto the stack. Load the updated SP value into the specified Address Register. Finally, add the displacement value to the stack pointer. – For word-size operation, the displacement is the sign-extended word following the instruction op-code. – For long-size operation, the displacement is the long word following the instruction op-code. The user should specify a negative displacement to allocate stack area. Condition Codes: X—Not affected N—Not affected Z—Not affected V—Not affected C—Not affected Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 0 1 0 0 15 0 14 1 13 0 12 0 11 1 10 9 8 7 6 1 1 0 0 1 Word Displacement 5 0 4 1 3 0 2 1 0 Register 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 High-Order Displacement Low-Order Displacement 4 1 3 1 2 1 0 Register LINK—Link and Allocate ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 97 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Where: Register Field—Specifies the address register for the link. Displacement Field—Specifies the two’s-complement integer to be added to the stack pointer. LINK—Link and Allocate ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 98 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 LPSTOP—Low Power Stop Assembler Syntax: LPSTOP #<data> Operation: Immediate data → SR STOP (if executed by Master Context_0) SLEEP (if executed by Context_1 to Context_4) Attributes: Size = word Privileged: Yes Notes: Immediate data is loaded into the entire status register. The PC is advanced to point to the next instruction. If executed by Master Context_0, then all processing is stopped, all internal clocks are stopped, and the oscillator is HALT-ed. If the instruction is executed by any other context, then that context is moved from READY to NOT READY, but no change is made to clock operation (equivalent to executing instruction SLEEP except that the status register is updated). If the instruction was executed by Master Context_0, then processing resumes after an external reset cycle. Condition Codes: X—Set according to the immediate operand N—Set according to the immediate operand Z—Set according to the immediate operand V—Set according to the immediate operand C—Set according to the immediate operand Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 11 1 0 10 9 8 7 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Immediate Data 5 0 0 4 0 0 3 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 LPSTOP—Low Power Stop ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 99 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 LSL/LSR—Logical Shift Assembler Syntax: LSd Dx, Dy LSd #<data>, Dy LSd <ea> where d is direction, L or R Operation: Destination shifted by count → Destination Attributes: Size = byte, word or long Privileged: No Notes: Performs logical shift operand left or right. Shift either the contents of a data register or the contents of a memory location. Carry and Extend Bit of CCR receives last bit shifted out of operand. When shifting the contents of a data register, the shift count can be specified in two ways: – Immediate—Shift count contained in instruction op-code. – Register—Shift count is the value of a specified data register, modulo 64. Contents of address registers cannot be shifted. An operand in memory can be shifted by one bit only and operand size is restricted to a word. For Logical Shift Left (LSL): – Operand is shifted left by the number of positions specified by the shift count. – The high-order bit is shifted into both the X and Carry Bits. – A zero is shifted into the low-order bit. – The overflow bit is cleared by this operation. For Logical Shift Right (LSR): – Operand is shifted right by the number of positions specified by the shift count. – The low-order bit is shifted into both the X and Carry Bits. – A zero is shifted into the high-order bit. – The overflow bit is cleared by this operation. See Figure 1, Shift and Rotate Instructions, for a comparison of syntax, operand size, and operation of ASL/ASR, LSL/LSR, ROL/ROR, ROXL/ROXR, and SWAP instructions. LSL/LSR—Logical Shift ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 100 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Condition Codes: X—Set according to the last bit shifted out of the operand. Unaffected for a shift count of zero. N—Set if the result is negative; cleared otherwise. Z—Set if result is zero; cleared otherwise. V—Always cleared. C—Set according to the last bit shifted out of the operand. Cleared for a shift count of zero. Instruction Format (register shifts): 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 1 1 1 0 Count/Register 8 Dr 7 6 Size 5 I/R 4 0 3 1 2 1 0 Register Where: Count/Register Field: – I/R = 0—This field specifies the shift count; ―1‖ through ―7‖ indicate shift one to seven times and ―0‖ indicates shift eight times. – I/R = 1—This field specifies the data register containing the shift count, modulo 64. Dr Field—Specifies direction of the transfer: – 0—Shift Right – 1—Shift Left Size Field: – 00—Byte operation – 01—Word operation – 10—Long operation I/R Field: – 0—Shift count is defined by the instruction word – 1—Shift count is defined by the specified data register, modulo 64 Register Field specifies the data register to shift. Instruction Format (memory shifts): 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Op-Code 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 Dr 7 6 1 1 5 4 3 2 1 0 Effective Address Mode Register LSL/LSR—Logical Shift ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 101 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Where: Dr Field—Specifies direction of the transfer: – 0—Shift Right – 1—Shift Left Effective-Address fields are as per Instruction Single Word Format and address mode tables (see Table 2, Core Addressing Modes Summary) and always indicate the operand to shift. LSL/LSR—Logical Shift ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 102 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Addressing modes for destination operand: Addressing Mode Mode Field Register Field Dn 000 N An 001 N (An) 010 N (An)+ 011 N -(An) 100 N (d16,An) 101 N (d8,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (bd,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (d16,PC) 111 010 (d8,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (bd,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (xxx).W 111 000 (xxx).L 111 001 #xxx 111 100 Applies? – – Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes – – – Yes Yes – Notes – – – – – – – – – – – – – – LSL/LSR—Logical Shift ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 103 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 MOVE—Move Data from Source to Destination Assembler Syntax: MOVE <ea>, <ea> Operation: Source → Destination Attributes: Size = byte, word or long Privileged: No Condition Codes: X—Not affected N—Set if the result is negative; cleared otherwise Z—Set if the result is zero; cleared otherwise V—Always cleared C—Always cleared Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 – – – 0 0 Size 11 10 9 8 7 6 Destination Register Mode 5 4 3 2 1 0 Effective Address Mode Register Where: Size Field: – – – 01—Byte operation (not allowed for address register direct source Effective Address) 11—Word operation 10—Long operation Note: The above differs from most other instructions for Size-Field encoding. MOVE—Move Data from Source to Destination ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 104 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Addressing modes for destination operand: Addressing Mode Mode Field Register Field Dn 000 N An 001 N (An) 010 N (An)+ 011 N -(An) 100 N (d16,An) 101 N (d8,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (bd,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (d16,PC) 111 010 (d8,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (bd,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (xxx).W 111 000 (xxx).L 111 001 #xxx 111 100 Applies? Yes – Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes – – – Yes Yes – Notes – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Effective-Address fields are as per Instruction Single Word Format and address mode tables (see Table 6, Core Addressing Modes Summary) and always specifies the source operand. Addressing modes for source operand: Mode Addressing Mode Field Dn 000 An 001 (An) (An)+ -(An) (d16,An) (d8,An,Xn.Size*Scale) (bd,An,Xn.Size*Scale) (d16,PC) (d8,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) (bd,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) (xxx).W (xxx).L #xxx 010 011 100 101 110 110 111 111 111 111 111 111 Register Field N N Applies? Yes Yes N N N N N N 010 011 011 000 001 100 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Notes – Restricted to word and long word only – – – – – – – – – – – – MOVE—Move Data from Source to Destination ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 105 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 MOVEA—Move Data from Source to Destination Address Register Assembler Syntax: MOVEA <ea>, An Operation: Source → Destination Attributes: Size = word or long Privileged: No Notes: Word-size operands are sign-extended to 32 bits and the result loaded into the specified address register. All 32 bits of the address register are affected. Condition Codes: X—Not affected N—Not affected Z—Not affected V—Not affected C—Not affected Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 0 0 Size 11 10 9 Op-Code Destination Register 8 7 6 0 0 1 5 4 3 2 1 0 Effective Address Mode Register Where: Size Field: – 11—Word operation – 10—Long operation Note: The above differs from most other instructions for Size-Field encoding. Destination-Register field specifies the destination address register. Effective-Address fields are as per Instruction Single Word Format and address mode tables (see Table 2, Core Addressing Modes Summary) and always indicate a source operand. MOVEA—Move Data from Source to Destination Address Register ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 106 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Addressing modes for source operand: Addressing Mode Mode Field Register Field Dn 000 N An 001 N (An) 010 N (An)+ 011 N -(An) 100 N (d16,An) 101 N (d8,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (bd,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (d16,PC) 111 010 (d8,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (bd,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (xxx).W 111 000 (xxx).L 111 001 #xxx 111 100 Applies? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Notes – – – – – – – – – – – – – – MOVEA—Move Data from Source to Destination Address Register ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 107 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 MOVEC—Move Control Register Assembler Syntax: MOVEC Rc, Rn MOVEC Rn, Rc Operation: Either move a control register to an address/data register or move an address/data register to a control register: – Rc → Rn – Rn → Rc Attributes: Size = long Privileged: Yes Condition Codes: X—Not affected N—Not affected Z—Not affected V—Not affected C—Not affected Notes: MOVEC is always a 32-bit transfer even though the control register may be implemented with fewer bits. Unimplemented bits are read as zeros. Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 0 1 0 0 A/D Register 11 1 10 1 9 1 8 0 7 0 6 5 4 1 1 1 Control Register 3 1 2 0 1 1 0 Dr Where: Dr Field—Specifies direction of the transfer: – 0—Control register to general register – 1—General register to control register A/D Field—Specifies type of general register: – 0—Data register – 1—Address register MOVEC—Move Control Register ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 108 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Register Field—Specifies the register number. Control Register Field—Specifies the control register: – 0x000—Source Function Code (SFC). – 0x001—Destination Function Code (DFC). – 0x800—User Stack Pointer (USP). – 0x801—Vector-Base Register (VBR). – See Table 2, Core Addressing Modes Summary, for additional control codes. These extended control codes are only valid when running as Master Context_0 (MC0). – Any other code causes an illegal instruction exception. MOVEC—Move Control Register ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 109 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 MOVEM—Move Multiple Registers Assembler Syntax: MOVEM register list, <ea> MOVEM <ea>, register list Operation: Either move selected general registers to memory or move memory to selected general registers: – Registers − Destination – Source − Registers Attributes: Size = word or long Privileged: No Notes: This instruction is interruptible. An interrupt request will cause the execution unit to pause the register-move operation and service the interrupt. When the interrupt returns, the instruction is continued from where it left off. Register contents are moved to or from consecutive memory addresses. A register is selected if the bit in the corresponding mask field location for that register is set. The instruction size determines whether 16 or 32 bits of each register is transferred. In the case of a word transfer to either data or address registers, the word data is signextended to 32 bits and the resulting long word is loaded into the register. The addressing mode also affects the register transfer: – If the specified addressing mode is one of the control modes: o The registers are transferred starting at the specified address. o The address is incremented by the operand length (2 or 4) following each transfer. o The order of the registers is Data Register 0 to Data Register 7 then from Address Register 0 to Address Register 7. – If the specified addressing mode is the predecrement mode: o Only a register-to-memory operation is allowed. o The registers are stored starting at the specified address minus the operand length (2 or 4). o The address is decremented by the operand length (2 or 4) following each transfer. o The order of storing is Address Register 7 to Address Register 0 then from Data Register 7 to Data Register 0. o When the operation has completed, the decremented address register contains the address of the last operand stored. MOVEM—Move Multiple Registers ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 110 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller – Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 o If the addressing register is itself moved to memory, the value stored is the decremented value. If the specified addressing mode is the postincrement mode: o Only a memory-to-register operation is allowed. o The registers are loaded starting at the specified address. o The address is incremented by the operand length (2 or 4) following each transfer. o The order of the registers is Data Register 0 to Data Register 7 then from Address Register 0 to Address Register 7. o When the operation has completed, the incremented address register contains the address of the last operand loaded plus the operand length. o If the address register itself is loaded from memory, the value loaded is the value fetched plus the operand length. Condition Codes: X—Not affected N—Not affected Z—Not affected V—Not affected C—Not affected Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 0 1 0 11 10 9 8 7 6 Op-Code 0 1 Dr 0 0 1 Size Register List Mask 5 4 3 2 1 0 Effective Address Mode Register Where: Dr Field—Specifies direction of the transfer: – 0—Registers to memory – 1—Memory to registers Size Field: – 0—Word operation – 1—Long operation Register List Mask Field—Specifies the registers to be transferred: – The low-order bit corresponds to the first register to be transferred; the high-order bit corresponds to the last register to be transferred. – For all allowable addressing modes except predecrement -(An) the mask correspondence is: MOVEM—Move Multiple Registers ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 111 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller 15 A7 14 A6 – 15 D0 14 D1 13 A5 12 A4 11 A3 10 A2 9 A1 8 A0 7 D7 Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 6 D6 5 D5 4 D4 3 D3 2 D2 1 D1 0 D0 For the predecrement addressing mode -(An) the mask correspondence is reversed: 13 D2 12 D3 11 D4 10 D5 9 D6 8 D7 7 A0 6 A1 5 A2 4 A3 3 A4 2 A5 1 A6 0 A7 Effective-Address fields are as per Instruction Single Word Format and address mode tables (see Table 7, Core Addressing Modes Summary) and always specifies the memory location (source or destination). Different addressing modes are allowed depending on the direction of the transfer. Addressing modes for register-to-memory transfers: Addressing Mode Mode Field Register Field Dn 000 N An 001 N (An) 010 N (An)+ 011 N -(An) 100 N (d16,An) 101 N (d8,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (bd,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (d16,PC) 111 010 (d8,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (bd,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (xxx).W 111 000 (xxx).L 111 001 #xxx 111 100 Applies? – – Yes – Yes Yes Yes Yes – – – Yes Yes – Notes – – – – – – – – – – – – – – MOVEM—Move Multiple Registers ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 112 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Addressing modes for memory-to-register transfers: Addressing Mode Mode Field Register Field Dn 000 N An 001 N (An) 010 N (An)+ 011 N -(An) 100 N (d16,An) 101 N (d8,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (bd,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (d16,PC) 111 010 (d8,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (bd,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (xxx).W 111 000 (xxx).L 111 001 #xxx 111 100 Applies? – – Yes – Yes Yes Yes Yes – – – Yes Yes – Notes – – – – – – – – – – – – – – MOVEM—Move Multiple Registers ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 113 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 MOVEP—Move Peripheral Data Assembler Syntax: MOVEP Dx, (d, Ay) MOVEP (d, Ay), Dx Operation: Either move data from a data register to memory or move data from memory to a data register: – Dn → Destination – Source → Dn Attributes: Size = word or long Privileged: No Notes: This instruction is designed 8-bit peripherals on a 16-bit data bus – Moves data between a data register and alternate bytes within the address space, starting at the address specified and incrementing by two. – The high-order byte of the data register is transferred first and the low-order byte transferred last. – If the starting address is even, all data is transferred using the high-order half of the 16-bit data bus. – If the starting address is odd, all data is transferred using the low-order half of the 16-bit data bus. – The instruction also accesses alternate bytes on an 8-bit or 32-bit bus. This instruction only uses one addressing mode: – Address register indirect plus 16-bit displacement (d16,An) Condition Codes: X—Not affected N—Not affected Z—Not affected V—Not affected C—Not affected Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 0 0 0 0 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 Data Register Opmode 0 16-Bit Displacement 4 0 3 1 2 1 0 Address Register MOVEP—Move Peripheral Data ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 114 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Where: Data Register Field—Specifies the data register for the instruction. Opmode Field—Specifies the direction and size of the operation: – 100—Transfer word from memory to register – 101—Transfer long from memory to register – 110—Transfer word from register to memory – 111—Transfer long from register to memory Address Register Field—Specifies the address register used in the address register indirect plus 16-bit displacement addressing mode. Displacement Field—Specifies the 16-bit displacement used in the operand address. MOVEP—Move Peripheral Data ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 115 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 MOVEQ—Move Quick Assembler Syntax: MOVEQ #<data>, Dn Operation: Immediate Data → Destination Attributes: Size = long Privileged: No Notes: Moves a byte of data to a 32-bit data register. The data byte is sign-extended to 32 bits and result loaded into the specified data register. All 32 bits of the data register are affected. Condition Codes: X—Not affected N—Set if result is negative; cleared otherwise Z—Set if result is zero; cleared otherwise V—Always cleared C—Always cleared Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 0 1 1 1 11 10 9 Register 8 0 7 6 5 4 3 Data 2 1 0 Where: Register Field—Specifies the destination data register. Data Field—Provides the immediate data byte. MOVEQ—Move Quick ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 116 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 MOVES—Move Address Space Assembler Syntax: MOVES Rn, <ea> MOVES <ea>, Rn Operation: This instruction has two forms: – Move data from a specified general purpose register to memory: o Rn → (EA) – Move data from memory to the specified general purpose register: o (EA) → Rn Attributes: Size = byte, word or long Privileged: Yes Notes: The fido1100 does not implement separate address spaces, therefore this instruction is equivalent to the MOVE instruction. If the destination is a data register, the operand will replace the corresponding low-order bits of the destination data register. If the destination is an address register, the source operand is sign-extended to 32 bits and result loaded into the specified address register. All 32 bits of the address register are affected. If the instruction format specifies the same address register for both source and destination, the value stored is undefined. For example the instruction MOVES.x A0,(A0)+ will try to store the A0 register at the memory location where the A0 register points, then increment it. The value stored may be the original or the incremented value of the A0 register. Condition Codes: X—Not affected N—Not affected Z—Not affected V—Not affected C—Not affected MOVES—Move Address Space ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 117 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 11 10 Op-Code 0 0 0 0 1 1 A/D Register Dr 0 9 8 7 6 1 0 0 0 Size 0 0 Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 5 4 3 2 1 0 Effective Address Mode Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 Where: Size Field: – 00—Byte operation – 01—Word operation – 10—Long operation A/D Field—Specifies the type of general register. – 0—Data register – 1—Address register Register Field—Specifies the register number. Dr Field—Specifies direction of transfer: – 0—From (EA) to general register – 1—From general register to (EA) Effective-Address fields are as per Instruction Single Word Format and address mode tables (see Table 8, Core Addressing Modes Summary). Addressing modes for source or destination operands: Addressing Mode Mode Field Register Field Dn 000 N An 001 N (An) 010 N (An)+ 011 N -(An) 100 N (d16,An) 101 N (d8,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (bd,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (d16,PC) 111 010 (d8,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (bd,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (xxx).W 111 000 (xxx).L 111 001 #xxx 111 100 Applies? – – Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes – – – Yes Yes – Notes – – – – – – – – – – – – – – MOVES—Move Address Space ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 118 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 MOVE from CCR —Move Data from the Condition Code Register Assembler Syntax: MOVE CCR, <ea> Operation: CCR → Destination Attributes: Size = word Privileged: No Notes: Moves the condition code register bits (zero extended to word size) to the destination location. Unimplemented bits are read as zeros. Condition Codes: X—Not affected N—Not affected Z—Not affected V—Not affected C—Not affected Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 11 10 Op-Code 0 1 0 0 0 0 9 8 7 6 1 0 1 1 5 4 3 2 1 0 Effective Address Mode Register Where: Effective-Address fields are as per Instruction Single Word Format and address mode tables (see Table 2, Core Addressing Modes Summary) and always indicate the destination operand. MOVE from CCR —Move Data from the Condition Code Register ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 119 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Addressing modes for destination operand: Addressing Mode Mode Field Register Field Dn 000 N An 001 N (An) 010 N (An)+ 011 N -(An) 100 N (d16,An) 101 N (d8,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (bd,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (d16,PC) 111 010 (d8,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (bd,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (xxx).W 111 000 (xxx).L 111 001 #xxx 111 100 Applies? Yes – Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes – – – Yes Yes – Notes – – – – – – – – – – – – – – MOVE from CCR —Move Data from the Condition Code Register ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 120 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 MOVE to CCR —Move Data to the Condition Code Register Assembler Syntax: MOVE <ea>, CCR Operation: Source → CCR Attributes: Size = word Privileged: No Notes: Moves the low-order byte of the source operand to the condition code register. The upper byte of the source operand is ignored. The upper byte of the status register is not altered. Condition Codes: X—set to the value of [4] of source operand N—set to the value of [3] of source operand Z—set to the value of [2] of source operand V—set to the value of [1] of source operand C—set to the value of [0] of source operand Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 11 10 Op-Code 0 1 0 0 0 1 9 8 7 6 0 0 1 1 5 4 3 2 1 0 Effective Address Mode Register Where: Effective-Address fields are as per Instruction Single Word Format and address mode tables (see Table 2, Core Addressing Modes Summary) and always indicate the source operand. MOVE to CCR —Move Data to the Condition Code Register ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 121 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Addressing modes for source operand: Addressing Mode Mode Field Register Field Dn 000 N An 001 N (An) 010 N (An)+ 011 N -(An) 100 N (d16,An) 101 N (d8,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (bd,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (d16,PC) 111 010 (d8,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (bd,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (xxx).W 111 000 (xxx).L 111 001 #xxx 111 100 Applies? Yes – Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Notes – – – – – – – – – – – – – – MOVE to CCR —Move Data to the Condition Code Register ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 122 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 MOVE from SR —Move Data from the Status Register Assembler Syntax: MOVE SR, <ea> Operation: SR → Destination Attributes: Size = word Privileged: Yes Notes: Moves the data in the status register to the destination location. The destination must be of word length. Unimplemented bits are read as zeros. Condition Codes: X—Not affected N—Not affected Z—Not affected V—Not affected C—Not affected Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 11 10 Op-Code 0 1 0 0 0 0 9 8 7 6 0 0 1 1 5 4 3 2 1 0 Effective Address Mode Register Where: Effective-Address fields are as per Instruction Single Word Format and address mode tables (see Table 2, Core Addressing Modes Summary) and always indicate the destination operand. MOVE from SR —Move Data from the Status Register ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 123 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Addressing modes for destination operand: Addressing Mode Mode Field Register Field Dn 000 N An 001 N (An) 010 N (An)+ 011 N -(An) 100 N (d16,An) 101 N (d8,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (bd,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (d16,PC) 111 010 (d8,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (bd,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (xxx).W 111 000 (xxx).L 111 001 #xxx 111 100 Applies? Yes – Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes – – – Yes Yes – Notes – – – – – – – – – – – – – – MOVE from SR —Move Data from the Status Register ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 124 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 MOVE USP—Move User Stack Pointer Assembler Syntax: MOVE USP, An MOVE An, USP Operation: Either move the user stack pointer to an address register or move the address register to the user stack pointer: – USP → An – An → USP Attributes: Size = long Privileged: Yes Condition Codes: X—Not affected N—Not affected Z—Not affected V—Not affected C—Not affected Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 0 1 0 0 11 1 10 1 9 1 8 0 7 0 6 1 5 1 4 0 3 Dr 2 1 0 Register Where: Dr Field—Specifies direction of the transfer: – 0—Transfer address register to the USP – 1—Transfer the USP to the address register Register Field—Specifies the address register to use for the operation. MOVE USP—Move User Stack Pointer ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 125 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 MULS—Signed Multiply Assembler Syntax: MULS.W <ea>, Dn 16x16 → 32 MULS.L <ea>, Dl 32x32 → 32 MULS.L <ea>, Dh:Dl 32x32 → 64 Operation: Source * Destination → Destination Attributes: Size = word or long Privileged: No Notes: Multiplies two signed operands yielding a signed result. Two forms: 1. The word form multiplies a word multiplicand by a word multiplier. The result is a long-word product stored in a data register. All 32 bits are affected. When a register provides a source operand only the lower 16 bits are used in the operation; the upper 16 bits are ignored. 2. In the long form, both the multiplier and multiplicand are long-word operands, and the result is either a long word or a quad word. The long word is the low-order 32 bits of the quad-word result; the high-order 32 bits of the product are discarded. Overflow can occur only when multiplying 32-bit operands to yield a 32-bit result. Overflow occurs if the high-order bits of the quad-word product are not the sign extension of the low-order 32 bits. Condition Codes: X—Not affected N—Set if result is negative; cleared otherwise Z—Set if result is zero; cleared otherwise V—Set if overflow; cleared otherwise C—Always cleared MULS—Signed Multiply ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 126 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Format (word form): 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Op-Code 1 1 0 0 Register 8 7 6 1 1 1 5 Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 4 3 2 1 0 Effective Address Mode Register Where: Register field specifies any of the eight data registers. This field always specifies the destination operand. Effective-Address fields are as per Instruction Single Word Format and address mode tables (see Table 2, Core Addressing Modes Summary) and always indicate a source operand. Addressing modes for source operand: Addressing Mode Mode Field Register Field Dn 000 N An 001 N (An) 010 N (An)+ 011 N -(An) 100 N (d16,An) 101 N (d8,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (bd,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (d16,PC) 111 010 (d8,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (bd,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (xxx).W 111 000 (xxx).L 111 001 #xxx 111 100 Instruction Format (long form): 15 14 13 12 11 10 Op-Code 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 Dl Register 1 Size 9 8 7 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Applies? Yes – Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Notes – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 5 4 3 2 1 0 Effective Address Mode Register 0 0 0 Dh Register Where: Dl Register Field—Specifies a data register for the destination operand. The 32-bit multiplicand comes from this register, and the low-order 32 bits of the product are loaded into this register. Size Field—Selects a 32-bit or 64-bit product: – 0—32-bit product to be returned in Dl register MULS—Signed Multiply ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 127 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 – 1—64-bit product to be returned in Dh:Dl registers Dh Register Field: – If Size is 1, the Dh field specifies the data register into which the high-order 32 bits of the product are loaded. – If Dh = Dl and size is 1, the results of the operation are undefined. Effective-Address fields are as specified above and always indicate a source operand. MULS—Signed Multiply ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 128 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 MULU—Unsigned Multiply Assembler Syntax: MULU.W <ea>, Dn 16x16 → 32 MULU.L <ea>, Dl 32x32 → 32 MULU.L <ea>, Dh:Dl 32x32 → 64 Operation: Source * Destination → Destination Attributes: Size = word or long Privileged: No Notes: Multiplies two unsigned operands, yielding an unsigned result. Two forms: 1. The word form multiplies a word multiplicand by a word multiplier. The result is a long-word product stored in a data register. All 32 bits are affected. When a register provides a source operand, only the lower 16 bits are used in the operation; the upper 16 bits are ignored. 2. In the long form, both the multiplier and multiplicand are long-word operands, and the result is either a long word or a quad word. The long word is the low-order 32 bits of the quad-word result; the high-order 32 bits of the product are discarded. Overflow can occur only when multiplying 32-bit operands to yield a 32-bit result. Overflow occurs if the high-order bits of the quad-word product are not zero. Condition Codes: X—Not affected N—Set if result is negative; cleared otherwise Z—Set if result is zero; cleared otherwise V—Set if overflow; cleared otherwise C—Always cleared Instruction Format (word form): 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Op-Code 1 1 0 0 Register 8 7 6 0 1 1 5 4 3 2 1 0 Effective Address Mode Register MULU—Unsigned Multiply ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 129 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Where: Register Field—Specifies any of the eight data registers. This field always specifies the destination operand. Effective-Address fields are as per Instruction Single Word Format and address mode tables (see Table 2, Core Addressing Modes Summary) and always indicate a source operand. Addressing modes for source operand: Addressing Mode Mode Field Register Field Dn 000 N An 001 N (An) 010 N (An)+ 011 N -(An) 100 N (d16,An) 101 N (d8,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (bd,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (d16,PC) 111 010 (d8,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (bd,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (xxx).W 111 000 (xxx).L 111 001 #xxx 111 100 Instruction Format (long form): 15 14 13 12 11 10 Op-Code 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 Dl Register 0 Size 9 8 7 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Applies? Yes – Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Notes – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 5 4 3 2 1 0 Effective Address Mode Register 0 0 0 Dh Register MULU—Unsigned Multiply ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 130 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Where: Dl Register Field—Specifies a data register for the destination operand. The 32-bit multiplicand comes from this register, and the low-order 32 bits of the product are loaded into this register. Size Field—Selects a 32-bit or 64-bit product: – 0—32-bit product to be returned in Dl register – 1—64-bit product to be returned in Dh:Dl registers Dh Register Field: – If Size is 1, the Dh field specifies the data register into which the high-order 32 bits of the product are loaded. – If Dh = Dl and size is 1, the results of the operation are undefined. Effective-Address fields are as specified above and always indicate a source operand. MULU—Unsigned Multiply ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 131 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 NBCD—Negate Decimal with Extend Assembler Syntax: NBCD <ea> Operation: 0 – Destination10 − X → Destination Attributes: Size = byte Privileged: No Notes: Subtracts the destination operand (byte) and the Extend Bit from zero. The BCD packed result is stored in the destination location. This instruction produces a ten’s complement of the destination if the Extend Bit is zero, or a nine’s complement if the Extend Bit is 1. Condition Codes: X—Set the same as the Carry Bit N—Undefined Z—Cleared if result is non-zero; unchanged otherwise V—Undefined C—Set if a decimal borrow occurs; cleared otherwise Note: Normal programming use of this instruction is to set the Z Bit prior to performing this operation. This allows this bit to be tested during multiprecision operations. Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 11 10 Op-Code 0 1 0 0 1 0 9 8 7 6 0 0 0 0 5 4 3 2 1 0 Effective Address Mode Register Where: Effective-Address fields are as per Instruction Single Word Format and address mode tables (see Table 2, Core Addressing Modes Summary) and always indicate a source operand. NBCD—Negate Decimal with Extend ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 132 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Addressing modes for destination operand: Addressing Mode Mode Field Register Field Dn 000 N An 001 N (An) 010 N (An)+ 011 N -(An) 100 N (d16,An) 101 N (d8,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (bd,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (d16,PC) 111 010 (d8,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (bd,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (xxx).W 111 000 (xxx).L 111 001 #xxx 111 100 Applies? Yes – Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes – – – Yes Yes – Notes – – – – – – – – – – – – – – NBCD—Negate Decimal with Extend ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 133 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 NEG—Negate Assembler Syntax: NEG <ea> Operation: 0 – Destination → Destination Attributes: Size = byte, word or long Privileged: No Notes: Subtracts the destination operand from zero and stores the result in the destination location. Condition Codes: X—Set the same as the Carry Bit N—Set if result is negative; cleared otherwise Z—Set if result is zero; cleared otherwise V—Set if an overflow occurs; cleared otherwise C—Cleared if result is zero, set otherwise Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 11 10 Op-Code 0 1 0 0 0 1 9 0 8 0 7 6 Size 5 4 3 2 1 0 Effective Address Mode Register Where: Size Field—Specifies the size of the operation: – 00—Byte operation – 01—Word operation – 10—Long operation Effective-Address fields are as per Instruction Single Word Format and address mode tables (see Table 2, Core Addressing Modes Summary) and always indicate a source operand. NEG—Negate ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 134 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Addressing modes for destination operand: Addressing Mode Mode Field Register Field Dn 000 N An 001 N (An) 010 N (An)+ 011 N -(An) 100 N (d16,An) 101 N (d8,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (bd,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (d16,PC) 111 010 (d8,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (bd,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (xxx).W 111 000 (xxx).L 111 001 #xxx 111 100 Applies? Yes – Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes – – – Yes Yes – Notes – – – – – – – – – – – – – – NEG—Negate ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 135 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 NEGX—Negate with Extend Assembler Syntax: NEGX <ea> Operation: 0 − Destination − X → Destination Attributes: Size = byte, word or long Privileged: No Notes: Subtracts the destination operand and the Extend Bit from zero and stores the result in the destination location. Condition Codes: X—Set the same as the Carry Bit N—Set if result is negative; cleared otherwise Z—Set if result is zero; cleared otherwise V—Set if an overflow occurs; cleared otherwise C—Cleared if result is zero, set otherwise Note: Normal programming use of this instruction is to set the Z Bit prior to performing this operation. This allows this bit to be tested during multi-precision operations. Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 11 10 Op-Code 0 1 0 0 0 0 9 0 8 0 7 6 Size 5 4 3 2 1 0 Effective Address Mode Register Where: Size Field—Specifies the size of the operation: – 00—Byte operation – 01—Word operation – 10—Long operation Effective-Address fields are as per Instruction Single Word Format and address mode tables (see Table 2, Core Addressing Modes Summary) and always indicate a source operand. NEGX—Negate with Extend ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 136 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Addressing modes for destination operand: Addressing Mode Mode Field Register Field Dn 000 N An 001 N (An) 010 N (An)+ 011 N -(An) 100 N (d16,An) 101 N (d8,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (bd,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (d16,PC) 111 010 (d8,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (bd,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (xxx).W 111 000 (xxx).L 111 001 #xxx 111 100 Applies? Yes – Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes – – – Yes Yes – Notes – – – – – – – – – – – – – – NEGX—Negate with Extend ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 137 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 NOP—No Operation Assembler Syntax: NOP Operation: Performs no operation, PC is incremented and execution continues at next instruction. Does not begin execution until all pending bus cycles have completed. This synchronizes the pipeline and prevents instruction overlap. Privileged: No Condition Codes: X—Not affected N—Not affected Z—Not affected V—Not affected C—Not affected Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 0 1 0 0 11 1 10 1 9 1 8 0 7 0 6 1 5 1 4 1 3 0 2 0 1 0 0 1 NOP—No Operation ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 138 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 NOT—Logical Complement Assembler Syntax: NOT <ea> Operation: Invert Destination → Destination Attributes: Size = byte, word or long Privileged: No Notes: Calculates the one’s complement of the destination operand and stores the result in the destination location. Condition Codes: X—Not affected N—Set if result is negative; cleared otherwise Z—Set if result is zero; cleared otherwise V—Always cleared C—Always cleared Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 11 10 Op-Code 0 1 0 0 0 1 9 1 8 0 7 6 Size 5 4 3 2 1 0 Effective Address Mode Register Where: Size Field—Specifies the size of the operation: – 00—Byte operation – 01—Word operation – 10—Long operation Effective-Address fields are as per Instruction Single Word Format and address mode tables (see Table 2, Core Addressing Modes Summary) and always indicate a source operand. NOT—Logical Complement ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 139 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Addressing modes for destination operand: Addressing Mode Mode Field Register Field Dn 000 N An 001 N (An) 010 N (An)+ 011 N -(An) 100 N (d16,An) 101 N (d8,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (bd,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (d16,PC) 111 010 (d8,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (bd,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (xxx).W 111 000 (xxx).L 111 001 #xxx 111 100 Applies? Yes – Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes – – – Yes Yes – Notes – – – – – – – – – – – – – – NOT—Logical Complement ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 140 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 OR—Inclusive Logical OR Assembler Syntax: OR <ea>, Dn OR Dn, <ea> Operation: Source | Destination → Destination Attributes: Size = byte, word or long Privileged: No Condition Codes: X—Not affected N—Set if most significant bit of result is set; cleared otherwise Z—Set if result is zero; cleared otherwise V—Always cleared C—Always cleared Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Op-Code 1 0 0 0 Register 8 7 6 Opmode 5 4 3 2 1 0 Effective Address Mode Register Where: Register Field—Specifies any one of the eight data registers. Opmode Field—Specifies whether the effective address is the source or the destination as follows: Operation (ea) + (Dn) → Dn (Dn) + (ea) → ea Byte 000 100 Word 001 101 Long 010 110 Effective-Address fields are as per Instruction Single Word Format and address mode tables (see Table 9, Core Addressing Modes Summary). OR—Inclusive Logical OR ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 141 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Addressing modes for source operand: Addressing Mode Mode Field Register Field Dn 000 N An 001 N (An) 010 N (An)+ 011 N -(An) 100 N (d16,An) 101 N (d8,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (bd,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (d16,PC) 111 010 (d8,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (bd,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (xxx).W 111 000 (xxx).L 111 001 #xxx 111 100 Applies? Yes – Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes – – – Yes Yes – Notes – – – – – – – – – – – – – Most assemblers use the ORI instruction when the source is immediate data. Addressing modes for destination operand: Addressing Mode Mode Field Register Field Dn 000 N An 001 N (An) 010 N (An)+ 011 N -(An) 100 N (d16,An) 101 N (d8,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (bd,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (d16,PC) 111 010 (d8,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (bd,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (xxx).W 111 000 (xxx).L 111 001 #xxx 111 100 Applies? Yes – Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes – – – Yes Yes – Notes – – – – – – – – – – – – – – OR—Inclusive Logical OR ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 142 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 ORI—Inclusive OR Immediate Assembler Syntax: ORI → #<data>, <ea> Operation: Immediate Data | Destination → Destination Attributes: Size = byte, word or long Privileged: No Condition Codes: X—Not affected N—Set if most significant bit of result is set; cleared otherwise Z—Set if result is zero; cleared otherwise V—Always cleared C—Always cleared Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Op-Code Effective Address 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Size Mode Register Word Data (16 bits) Byte Data (8 bits) Long-Word Data (32 bits) Where: Size Field (size of immediate data must match operand size): – 00—Byte operation → data is low-order byte of immediate word – 01—Word operation → data is the entire immediate word – 10—Long operation → data is in the next two immediate words Effective-Address fields are as per Instruction Single Word Format and address mode tables (see Table 2, Core Addressing Modes Summary) and always indicate a source operand. ORI—Inclusive OR Immediate ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 143 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Addressing modes for destination operand: Addressing Mode Mode Field Register Field Dn 000 N An 001 N (An) 010 N (An)+ 011 N -(An) 100 N (d16,An) 101 N (d8,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (bd,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (d16,PC) 111 010 (d8,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (bd,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (xxx).W 111 000 (xxx).L 111 001 #xxx 111 100 Applies? Yes – Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes – – – Yes Yes – Notes – – – – – – – – – – – – – – ORI—Inclusive OR Immediate ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 144 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 ORI to CCR—Inclusive OR Immediate to Condition Code Register Assembler Syntax: ORI #<data>, CCR Operation: Immediate Data Byte | CCR → CCR Attributes: Size = byte Privileged: No Condition Codes: X—Set if [4] of immediate operand is zero; unchanged otherwise N—Set if [3] of immediate operand is zero; unchanged otherwise Z—Set if [2] of immediate operand is zero; unchanged otherwise V—Set if [1] of immediate operand is zero; unchanged otherwise C—Set if [0] of immediate operand is zero; unchanged otherwise Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 10 0 0 9 0 0 8 0 0 7 0 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 Immediate Data Byte 0 0 ORI to CCR—Inclusive OR Immediate to Condition Code Register ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 145 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 ORI to SR—Inclusive OR Immediate to Status Register Assembler Syntax: ORI #<data>, SR Operation: Immediate Data Word | SR → SR Attributes: Size = word Privileged: Yes Condition Codes: X—Set if [4] of immediate operand is zero; unchanged otherwise N—Set if [3] of immediate operand is zero; unchanged otherwise Z—Set if [2] of immediate operand is zero; unchanged otherwise V—Set if [1] of immediate operand is zero; unchanged otherwise C—Set if [0] of immediate operand is zero; unchanged otherwise Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 0 0 0 0 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 Immediate Data Word 4 1 3 1 2 1 1 0 0 Note: All implemented bits of the SR are affected. ORI to SR—Inclusive OR Immediate to Status Register ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 146 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 PEA—Push Effective Address Assembler Syntax: PEA <ea> Operation: SP – 4 → SP, EA → (SP) Privileged: No Notes: Computes the effective address and pushes it onto the stack. The effective address must always be a long-word address. Condition Codes: X—Not affected N—Not affected Z—Not affected V—Not affected C—Not affected Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 11 10 Op-Code 0 1 0 0 1 0 9 8 7 6 0 0 0 1 5 4 3 2 1 0 Effective Address Mode Register Where: Effective-Address fields are as per Instruction Single Word Format and address mode tables (see Table 10, Core Addressing Modes Summary). PEA—Push Effective Address ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 147 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Addressing modes for source operand: Addressing Mode Mode Field Register Field Dn 000 N An 001 N (An) 010 N (An)+ 011 N -(An) 100 N (d16,An) 101 N (d8,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (bd,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (d16,PC) 111 010 (d8,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (bd,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (xxx).W 111 000 (xxx).L 111 001 #xxx 111 100 Applies? – – Yes – – Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes – Notes – – – – – – – – – – – – – – PEA—Push Effective Address ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 148 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 RESET—Reset External Devices Assembler Syntax: RESET Operation: Although the standard CPU32 operation asserts the RESET signal for 512 clock periods, resetting all external devices, this instruction operates as a NOP in the fido1100. Privileged: Yes Condition Codes: X—Not affected N—Not affected Z—Not affected V—Not affected C—Not affected Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 0 1 0 0 11 1 10 1 9 1 8 0 7 0 6 1 5 1 4 1 3 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 RESET—Reset External Devices ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 149 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 ROL/ROR—Rotate Without Extend Assembler Syntax: ROd Dx, Dy ROd #<data>, Dy ROd <ea> where d is direction, L or R Operation: Destination rotated by count → Destination Attributes: Size = byte, word or long Privileged: No Notes: Rotates the operand left or right. Does not include the Extend Bit. Rotates either contents of a data register or the contents of a memory location. Carry and Extend Bits of CCR receive last bit shifted out of operand. When rotating the contents of a data register, the rotate count can be specified in two ways: – Immediate—Rotate count contained in instruction op-code. – Register—Rotate count is the value of a specified data register, modulo 64. Contents of address registers cannot be rotated. An operand in memory can be rotated by one bit only and operand size is restricted to a word. For ROL: – Operand is rotated left by the number of positions specified by the rotate count. – Bits rotated out of the high-order bit go to the Carry Bit and back into the low-order bit. For ROR: – Operand is rotated right by the number of positions specified by the rotate count. – Bits rotated out of the low-order bit go to the Carry Bit and back into the high-order bit. See Figure 1, Shift and Rotate Instructions, for a comparison of syntax, operand size, and operation of ASL/ASR, LSL/LSR, ROL/ROR, ROXL/ROXR, and SWAP instructions. ROL/ROR—Rotate Without Extend ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 150 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Condition Codes: X—Not affected N—Set if the most significant bit of the result is set; cleared otherwise Z—Set if result is zero; cleared otherwise V—Always cleared C—Set according to the last bit rotated out of the operand; cleared for a rotate count of zero Instruction Format (register rotates): 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 1 1 1 0 Count/Register 8 Dr 7 6 Size 5 I/R 4 1 3 1 2 1 0 Register Where: Count/Register Field: – I/R = 0—This field specifies the rotate count; ―1‖ through ―7‖ indicate rotate one to seven times and ―0‖ indicates rotate eight times. – I/R = 1—This field specifies the data register containing the rotate count, modulo 64. Dr Field—Specifies direction of the transfer: – 0—Rotate right – 1—Rotate left Size Field: – 00—Byte operation – 01—Word operation – 10—Long operation I/R Field: – 0—Rotate count is defined by the instruction word – 1—Rotate count is defined by the specified data register, modulo 64 Register Field specifies the data register to rotate Instruction Format (memory rotates): 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Op-Code 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 Dr 7 6 1 1 5 4 3 2 1 0 Effective Address Mode Register ROL/ROR—Rotate Without Extend ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 151 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Where: Dr Field—Specifies direction of the transfer: – 0—Rotate right – 1—Rotate left Effective-Address fields are as per Instruction Single Word Format and address mode tables (see Table 2, Core Addressing Modes Summary) and always indicate the operand to rotate. Addressing modes for destination operand: Addressing Mode Mode Field Register Field Dn 000 N An 001 N (An) 010 N (An)+ 011 N -(An) 100 N (d16,An) 101 N (d8,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (bd,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (d16,PC) 111 010 (d8,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (bd,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (xxx).W 111 000 (xxx).L 111 001 #xxx 111 100 Applies? – – Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes – – – Yes Yes – Notes – – – – – – – – – – – – – – ROL/ROR—Rotate Without Extend ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 152 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 ROXL/ROXR—Rotate With Extend Assembler Syntax: ROXd Dx, Dy ROXd #<data>, Dy ROXd <ea> where d is direction, L or R Operation: Destination rotated with X by count → Destination Attributes: Size = byte, word or long Privileged: No Notes: Rotates the operand left or right. The Extend Bit is included in the rotation. Rotates either the contents of a data register or the contents of a memory location. When rotating the contents of a data register, the rotate count can be specified in two ways: – Immediate—Rotate count contained in instruction op-code – Register—Rotate count is the value of a specified data register, modulo 64 Contents of address registers cannot be rotated. An operand in memory can be rotated by only one bit and operand size is restricted to a word. For ROXL: – Operand is rotated left by the number of positions specified by the rotate count. – Bits rotated out of the high-order bit go to the Carry and Extend Bits. The previous value of the Extend Bit rotates into the low-order bit. For ROXR: – Operand is rotated right by the number of positions specified by the rotate count. – Bits rotated out of the low-order bit go to the Carry and Extend Bits. The previous value of the Extend Bit rotates into the high-order bit. Condition Codes: X—Set according to the last bit rotated out of the operand. Unaffected for a rotate count of zero. N—Set if the most significant bit of the result is set; cleared otherwise. Z—Set if result is zero; cleared otherwise. V—Always cleared. C—Set according to the last bit rotated out of the operand. Set to the value of the Extend Bit for a rotate count of zero. ROXL/ROXR—Rotate With Extend ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 153 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 See Figure 1, Shift and Rotate Instructions, for a comparison of syntax, operand size, and operation of ASL/ASR, LSL/LSR, ROL/ROR, ROXL/ROXR, and SWAP instructions. Instruction Format (register rotates): 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 1 1 1 0 Count/Register 8 Dr 7 6 Size 5 I/R 4 1 3 0 2 1 0 Register Where: Count/Register Field: – I/R = 0—This field specifies the rotate count; ―1‖ through ―7‖ indicate rotate one to seven times and ―0‖ indicates rotate eight times. – I/I = 1—This field specifies the data register containing the rotate count, modulo 64. Dr Field—Specifies direction of the transfer: – 0—Rotate right – 1—Rotate left Size Field: – 00—Byte operation – 01—Word operation – 10—Long operation I/R Field: – 0—Rotate count is defined by the instruction word – 1—Rotate count is defined by the specified data register, modulo 64 Register Field specifies the data register to rotate. Instruction Format (memory rotates): 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Op-Code 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 Dr 7 6 1 1 5 4 3 2 1 0 Effective Address Mode Register Where: Dr Field—Specifies direction of the transfer: – 0—Rotate right – 1—Rotate left Effective-Address fields are as per Instruction Single Word Format and address mode tables (see Table 2, Core Addressing Modes Summary) and always indicate the operand to rotate. ROXL/ROXR—Rotate With Extend ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 154 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Addressing modes for destination operand: Addressing Mode Mode Field Register Field Dn 000 N An 001 N (An) 010 N (An)+ 011 N -(An) 100 N (d16,An) 101 N (d8,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (bd,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (d16,PC) 111 010 (d8,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (bd,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (xxx).W 111 000 (xxx).L 111 001 #xxx 111 100 Applies? – – Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes – – – Yes Yes – Notes – – – – – – – – – – – – – – ROXL/ROXR—Rotate With Extend ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 155 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 RTD—Return and Deallocate Assembler Syntax: RTD #<displacement> Operation: (SP) → PC, SP + 4 + displacement → SP Privileged: No Notes: Pulls the program counter from the stack Increments the SP by four Sign-extends the 16-bit displacement value and adds it to the stack pointer The previous program counter value is lost Condition Codes: X—Not affected N—Not affected Z—Not affected V—Not affected C—Not affected Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 0 1 0 0 11 1 10 9 8 7 6 1 1 0 0 1 16-bit Displacement 5 1 4 1 3 0 2 1 1 0 0 0 RTD—Return and Deallocate ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 156 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 RTE—Return from Exception Assembler Syntax: RTE Operation: (SP) → SR SP + 2 → SP (SP) → PC SP + 4 → SP Restore state and deallocate the stack according to the stack frame format, i.e., the four MSBs of the Format/Offset word in the stack frame at (SP) Privileged: Yes Condition Codes: Set according to condition code bits in the status register value restored from the stack. Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 0 1 0 0 11 1 10 1 9 1 8 0 7 0 6 1 5 1 4 1 3 0 2 0 1 1 0 1 Stack Frame Format and Vector Offset Word (in stack frame): 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Format 0 0 Vector Offset 0 Where: Format—Specifies the stack frame format: – 0000—Short-Format Stack Frame. Removes four words, restores SR and PC from stack. – 0010—Instruction Error, Bus Error, and Address Error Stack Frame. Removes six words, restores the SR and the PC from the stack, and discards the other words. – The fido1100 will support only the above stack frame formats. All other values not listed will cause the processor to take a format error exception. – Vector Offset—See The fido1100 User Guide, Table 4-5, Instruction Error Stack Frame Offset Word Format/Vector. RTE—Return from Exception ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 157 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 RTR—Return and Restore Condition Codes Assembler Syntax: RTR Operation: (SP) → CCR, SP + 2 → SP (SP) → PC, SP + 4 → SP Privileged: No Notes: The previous condition codes and program counter values are lost. The supervisor portion of the status register is unaffected. Set to the condition codes from the stack. Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 0 1 0 0 11 1 10 1 9 1 8 0 7 0 6 1 5 1 4 1 3 0 2 1 1 1 0 1 RTR—Return and Restore Condition Codes ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 158 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 RTS—Return from Subroutine Assembler Syntax: RTS Operation: (SP) → PC, SP + 4 → SP Privileged: No Notes: Pulls the program counter value from the stack. The previous program counter value is lost. Condition Codes: X—Not affected N—Not affected Z—Not affected V—Not affected C—Not affected Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 0 1 0 0 11 1 10 1 9 1 8 0 7 0 6 1 5 1 4 1 3 0 2 1 1 0 0 1 RTS—Return from Subroutine ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 159 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 SBCD—Subtract Decimal with Extend Assembler Syntax: SBCD Dx, Dy SBCD –(Ax), –(Ay) Operation: Destination10 − Source10 − X Bit → Destination Attributes: Size = byte Privileged: No Condition Codes: X—Set same as Carry Bit N—Undefined Z—Cleared if result is non-zero; unchanged otherwise V—Undefined C—Set if decimal borrow was generated; cleared otherwise Note: Normal programming use of this instruction is to set the Z Bit prior to performing this operation, allowing this bit to be tested during multiprecision operations. Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 1 0 0 0 11 10 9 Destination Register 8 1 7 0 6 1 5 1 4 1 3 R/M 2 1 0 Source Register Where: Destination Register—Specifies either a data or an address register as the location of the destination operand. R/M: – 0—Operands are addresses as Dn,Dn – 1—Operands are addresses as -(An),-(An) Source Register—Specifies either a data or an address register as the location of the source operand. This instruction only uses two addressing Modes (determined by the R/M Bit): Data register direct: Dn,Dn (both source and destination are data registers). Address register indirect with predecrement: -(An),-(An) (both source and destination are pointed to by address registers). SBCD—Subtract Decimal with Extend ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 160 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 SCC—Set According to Condition Code Assembler Syntax: SCC <ea> Operation: If (condition true) then set destination, else clear destination Attributes: Size = byte Privileged: No Notes: If specified condition is true, sets all bits in the specified destination byte to a ―1‖ (TRUE); otherwise clears all the bits to ―0‖ (FALSE). Condition Codes: X—Not affected N—Not affected Z—Not affected V—Not affected C—Not affected Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Op-Code 0 1 0 1 Condition 7 6 1 1 5 4 3 2 1 0 Effective Address Mode Register SCC—Set According to Condition Code ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 161 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Where: Condition—Specifies a conditional test according to the table below: Condition CC CS EQ F GE GT HI LE LS LT MI NE PL T VC VS Mnemonic SCC SCS SEQ SF SGE SGT SHI SLE SLS SLT SMI SNE SPL ST SVC SVS Condition Code 0100 0101 0111 0001 1100 1110 0010 1111 0011 1101 1011 0110 1010 0000 1000 1001 Description Carry Clear Carry Set Equal Never Equal Greater or Equal Greater Than High Less or Equal Low or Same Less Than Minus Not Equal Plus Always True Overflow Clear Overflow Set Details ―!C‖ ―C‖ ―Z‖ 0 ―N&V;!N&!V‖ ―N&V&!Z;!N&!V&!Z‖ ―!C&!Z‖ ―Z;N&!V;!N&V‖ ―!C;!Z‖ ―N&!V;!N&V‖ ―N‖ ―!Z‖ ―!N‖ 1 ―!V‖ ―V‖ Effective-Address fields are as per Instruction Single Word Format and address mode tables (see Table 2, Core Addressing Modes Summary) and always indicate the destination operand. Addressing modes for destination operand: Addressing Mode Mode Field Register Field Dn 000 N An 001 N (An) 010 N (An)+ 011 N -(An) 100 N (d16,An) 101 N (d8,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (bd,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (d16,PC) 111 010 (d8,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (bd,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (xxx).W 111 000 (xxx).L 111 001 #xxx 111 100 Applies? Yes – Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes – – – Yes Yes – Notes – – – – – – – – – – – – – – SCC—Set According to Condition Code ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 162 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 SLEEP—Sleep Current Context Assembler Syntax: SLEEP Operation: Sleep the current context. Privileged: Yes Notes: The PC is advanced to point to the next instruction. Change current context’s READY status to NOT READY. – The CMU is expected to give CPU control to a higher priority context, therefore this context will stop fetching and executing instructions. It is possible that no other higher priority contexts are READY. In this case, the entire CPU could enter a sleep state to save power. Processing for this context resumes when: – An interrupt assigned to this context occurs (it will be marked READY and the context’s priority will determine when it runs). – This context is ―manually‖ marked READY by Master Context_0 (MC0) (the relative priority of this context applies). Condition Codes: X—Not affected N—Not affected Z—Not affected V—Not affected C—Not affected Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 0 1 0 0 11 1 10 1 9 1 8 0 7 0 6 1 5 1 4 1 3 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 SLEEP—Sleep Current Context ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 163 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 STOP—Load Status Register and Stop Assembler Syntax: STOP #<data> Operation: Immediate data → SR STOP Attributes: Size = word Privileged: Yes Notes: Immediate data is loaded into the entire status register. The PC is advanced to point to the next instruction. When executed from the Master Context_0: – All contexts are moved to the NOT READY state (if in the READY STATE) or remain HALT-ed. – The clock to the CPU core is HALT-ed (clocks to onboard peripherals continue). When executed from any other context, that context is moved to the NOT READY state, but no change is made to clock operation (equivalent to executing the SLEEP instruction except that the status register is updated). Processing resumes when a trace, interrupt, or reset exception occurs: – A trace exception occurs if the trace state is enabled when the STOP instruction is executed. This is for single-step mode using CPU32 Trace. – If an interrupt with higher priority than that of the new SR occurs, an interrupt exception occurs. – An external reset always initiates reset exception processing. Condition Codes: X—Set according to the immediate operand N—Set according to the immediate operand Z—Set according to the immediate operand V—Set according to the immediate operand C—Set according to the immediate operand STOP—Load Status Register and Stop ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 164 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 0 1 0 0 11 1 10 9 8 7 6 1 1 0 0 1 Immediate Data 5 1 Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 4 1 3 0 2 0 1 1 0 0 STOP—Load Status Register and Stop ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 165 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 SUB—Subtract Assembler SUB <ea>, Dn SUB Dn, <ea> Syntax: Operation: Destination − Source → Destination Attributes: Size = byte, word or long Privileged: No Condition Codes: X—Set same as Carry Bit N—Set if result is negative; cleared otherwise Z—Set if result is zero; cleared otherwise V—Set if overflow is generated; cleared otherwise C—Set if borrow was generated; cleared otherwise Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Op-Code 1 0 0 1 Register 8 7 6 Opmode 5 4 3 2 1 0 Effective Address Mode Register Where: Register Field—Specifies any one of the eight data registers. Opmode Field—Specifies whether the effective address is the source or the destination as follows: Operation (EA)—(Dn) → (Dn) (Dn)—(EA) → (EA) Byte 000 100 Word 001 101 Long 010 110 Effective-Address fields are as per Instruction Single Word Format and address mode tables (see Table 11, Core Addressing Modes Summary). SUB—Subtract ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 166 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Addressing modes for source operand: Addressing Mode Mode Field Register Field Dn 000 N An 001 N (An) 010 N (An)+ 011 N -(An) 100 N (d16,An) 101 N (d8,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (bd,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (d16,PC) 111 010 (d8,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (bd,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (xxx).W 111 000 (xxx).L 111 001 #xxx 111 100 Applies? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Notes – Word and long word only – – – – – – – – – – – SUBI or SUBQ are used if the source is immediate data. Addressing modes for destination operand: Addressing Mode Mode Field Register Field Dn 000 N An 001 N Applies? – – Notes – SUBA is used when the destination is an address register. – – – – – – – – – – – – (An) (An)+ -(An) (d16,An) (d8,An,Xn.Size*Scale) (bd,An,Xn.Size*Scale) (d16,PC) (d8,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) (bd,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) (xxx).W (xxx).L #xxx 010 011 100 101 110 110 111 111 111 111 111 111 N N N N N N 010 011 011 000 001 100 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes – – – Yes Yes – SUB—Subtract ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 167 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 SUBA—Subtract Address Assembler Syntax: SUBA <ea>, An Operation: Destination − Source → Destination Attributes: Size = word or long Privileged: No Condition Codes: X—Not affected N—Not affected Z—Not affected V—Not affected C—Not affected Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Op-Code 1 0 0 1 Register 8 7 6 Opmode 5 4 3 2 1 0 Effective Address Mode Register Where: Register Field—Specifies any one of the eight address registers. This is always the destination. Opmode Field—Specifies the size of the operand: – 011—Word operation. The source operand is sign-extended to a long and the operation is performed on the address register using all 32 bits. – 111—Long operation. Effective-Address fields are as per Instruction Single Word Format and address mode tables (see Table 2, Core Addressing Modes Summary) which always indicate the source operand. SUBA—Subtract Address ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 168 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Addressing modes for source operand: Addressing Mode Mode Field Register Field Dn 000 N An 001 N (An) 010 N (An)+ 011 N -(An) 100 N (d16,An) 101 N (d8,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (bd,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (d16,PC) 111 010 (d8,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (bd,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (xxx).W 111 000 (xxx).L 111 001 #xxx 111 100 Applies? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Notes – – – – – – – – – – – – – – SUBA—Subtract Address ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 169 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 SUBI—Subtract Immediate Assembler Syntax: SUBI #<data>, <ea> Operation: Destination − Immediate Data → Destination Attributes: Size = byte, word or long Privileged: No Condition Codes: X—Set same as Carry Bit N—Set if result is negative; cleared otherwise Z—Set if result is zero; cleared otherwise V—Set if overflow is generated; cleared otherwise C—Set if borrow was generated; cleared otherwise Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Size Mode Register Word Data (16-bits) Byte Data (8-bits) Long Data (32-bits) Where: Size Field (size of immediate data must match operand size): – 00—Byte operation → data is low-order byte of immediate word – 01—Word operation → data is the entire immediate word – 10—Long operation → data is in the next two immediate words SUBI—Subtract Immediate ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 170 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Addressing modes for destination operand: Addressing Mode Mode Field Register Field Dn 000 N An 001 N (An) 010 N (An)+ 011 N -(An) 100 N (d16,An) 101 N (d8,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (bd,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (d16,PC) 111 010 (d8,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (bd,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (xxx).W 111 000 (xxx).L 111 001 #xxx 111 100 Applies? Yes – Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes – – – Yes Yes – Notes – – – – – – – – – – – – – – SUBI—Subtract Immediate ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 171 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 SUBQ—Subtract Quick Assembler Syntax: SUBQ #<data>, <ea> Operation: Destination − Immediate Data → Destination – Immediate data is stored as a part of the instruction word (3 bits) and can range from 1 to 8. Attributes: Size = byte, word or long – When the destination operand is a data register or is in memory, the size can be byte, word, or long word. – When the destination operand is an address register, the size is word or long word only. – When subtracting from address registers, the Condition Codes are not altered and the entire register is used regardless of operand size. Privileged: No Condition Codes: X—Set same as Carry Bit N—Set if result is negative; cleared otherwise Z—Set if result is zero; cleared otherwise V—Set if overflow is generated; cleared otherwise C—Set if borrow was generated; cleared otherwise Note: When subtracting from address registers, the condition codes are not altered. Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Op-Code 0 1 0 1 Data 8 7 6 1 Size 5 4 3 2 1 0 Effective Address Mode Register SUBQ—Subtract Quick ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 172 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Where: Data Field—Specifies three bits of immediate data, with a value ranging from 1 to 8 (000 represents 8). Size Field: – 00—Byte operation – 01—Word operation – 10—Long-Word operation Effective-Address fields are as per Instruction Single Word Format and address mode tables (see Table 12, Core Addressing Modes Summary) and specify the destination operand only. Addressing modes for destination operand: Addressing Mode Mode Field Register Field Dn 000 N An 001 N (An) 010 N (An)+ 011 N -(An) 100 N (d16,An) 101 N (d8,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (bd,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (d16,PC) 111 010 (d8,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (bd,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (xxx).W 111 000 (xxx).L 111 001 #xxx 111 100 Applies? Yes – Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes – – – Yes Yes – Notes – – – – – – – – – – – – – – SUBQ—Subtract Quick ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 173 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 SUBX—Subtract Extended Assembler Syntax: SUBX Dx, Dy SUBX –(Ax), –(Ay) Operation: Destination − Source - X Bit → Destination Attributes: Size = byte, word or long Privileged: No Condition Codes: X—Set same as Carry Bit N—Set if result is negative; cleared otherwise Z—Cleared if result is non-zero; unchanged otherwise V—Set if overflow occurs; cleared otherwise C—Set if carry was generated; cleared otherwise Note: Normal programming use of this instruction is to set the Z Bit prior to performing this operation. This allows this bit to be tested during multiprecision operations. Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 1 0 0 1 11 10 9 Destination Register 8 1 7 6 Size 5 0 4 0 3 R/M 2 1 0 Source Register Where: Destination Register—Specifies either a data or an address register as the location of the destination operand. Size Field: – 00—Byte operation – 01—Word operation and – 10—Long-Word operation R/M Field: – 0—Operands are addresses as Dn,Dn – 1—Operands are addresses as -(An),-(An) Source Register—Specifies either a data or an address register as the location of the source operand. SUBX—Subtract Extended ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 174 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 This instruction only uses two addressing Modes (determined by the R/M Bit): Data Register Direct—Dn,Dn (both source and destination are data registers). Address Register Indirect with Predecrement—-(An),-(An) (both source and destination are pointed to by address registers). SUBX—Subtract Extended ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 175 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 SWAP—Swap Register Halves Assembler Syntax: SWAP Dn Operation: Rn[31–16] ↔ Rn[15–0] Privileged: No See Figure 1, Shift and Rotate Instructions, for a comparison of syntax, operand size, and operation of ASL/ASR, LSL/LSR, ROL/ROR, ROXL/ROXR, and SWAP instructions. Condition Codes: X—Not affected N—Set if the most significant bit of the 32-bit result is set; cleared otherwise Z—Set if the 32-bit result is zero; cleared otherwise V—Always cleared C—Always cleared Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 0 1 0 0 11 1 10 0 9 0 8 0 7 0 6 1 5 0 4 0 3 0 2 1 0 Register Where: Register Field—Specifies the data register to swap SWAP—Swap Register Halves ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 176 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 TAS—Test and Set an Operand Assembler Syntax: TAS <ea> Operation: Destination Tested → Condition Codes, 1 → [7] of Destination Attributes: Size = byte Privileged: No Notes: Tests the destination operand and sets the condition codes as described below. TAS then sets the most significant bit of the byte operand to a one. The operation uses a read/modify/write memory cycle that completes without interruption. This instruction supports the use of a flag to coordinate several processors. Condition Codes: X—Not affected N—Set if the most significant bit of the operand is currently set; cleared otherwise Z—Set if the operand was zero; cleared otherwise V—Always cleared C—Always cleared Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 11 10 Op-Code 0 1 0 0 1 0 9 8 7 6 1 0 1 1 5 4 3 2 1 0 Effective Address Mode Register Where: Effective-Address fields are as per Instruction Single Word Format and address mode tables (see Table 2, Core Addressing Modes Summary) and always indicate the operand to be tested and the destination. TAS—Test and Set an Operand ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 177 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Addressing modes for source operand: Addressing Mode Mode Field Register Field Dn 000 N An 001 N (An) 010 N (An)+ 011 N -(An) 100 N (d16,An) 101 N (d8,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (bd,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (d16,PC) 111 010 (d8,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (bd,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (xxx).W 111 000 (xxx).L 111 001 #xxx 111 100 Applies? Yes – Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes – – – Yes Yes – Notes – – – – – – – – – – – – – – TAS—Test and Set an Operand ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 178 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 TRAP—Trap Assembler Syntax: TRAP #<vector> Operation: SSP – 2 → SSP, Format/Offset → (SSP) SSP − 4 → SSP, PC → (SSP) SSP − 2 → SSP, SR → (SSP) Vector Address → PC Privileged: No Notes: Causes a TRAP #(vector) exception. A vector number is generated by adding the immediate vector operand to 32. The range of vector operand values is 0–15, thus there are 16 possible vector numbers (#32 to #47). This instruction shares these vectors with the TRAPX instruction. Note: Care should be taken when allocating these resources. The normal exception handling sequence is used: – Make internal copy of existing Status Register (SR) then modify the SR as follows: o Set the S Bit establishing supervisor mode. o Clear the trace bits. – Decrement Supervisor Stack Pointer (SSP) by two and push word containing stack frame format and vector offset onto the supervisor’s stack. The normal four-word stack frame format is used (stack frame format 0000). o CPU32 stack frames are described in The fido1100 User Guide, Section 4.6.4, Interrupt, Fault, and Exception Handling. – Decrement Supervisor Stack Pointer (SSP) by four and push long word containing the 32-bit PC onto the supervisor’s stack. – Decrement Supervisor Stack Pointer (SSP) by two and push word containing status register onto the supervisor’s stack. – Fetch a long word from memory pointed to by the Trap Instruction Vector offset + the VBR and place this in the PC. – Continue program execution at this location. TRAP—Trap ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 179 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Condition Codes: X—Not affected N—Not affected Z—Not affected V—Not affected C—Not affected Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 0 1 0 0 11 1 10 1 9 1 8 0 7 0 6 1 5 0 4 0 3 2 1 0 Vector Where: Vector Field—Specifies the trap vector (0–15) to be taken. TRAP—Trap ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 180 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 TRAPCC—Trap on Condition Assembler Syntax: TRAPCC TRAPCC.W #<data> TRAPCC.L #<data> Operation: SSP − 4 → SSP, PC → (SSP), (Current PC) SSP − 2 → SSP, Format/Offset → (SSP) SSP − 4 → SSP, PC (adjusted) → (SSP), (PC for RTE instruction to return to) SSP − 2 → SSP, SR → (SSP) Vector Address → PC Attributes: Unsized or Size = Word or long Privileged: No Notes: If the specified condition is true, causes a TRAPCC exception (vector #7). If the condition is not true, the processor performs a no-operation and instruction execution continues at the next instruction. The optional immediate data must be placed in the word(s) immediately following the instruction word. This data is available to the exception handler. The normal exception handling sequence (six-word stack frame) is used: – Decrement Supervisor Stack Pointer (SSP) by four and push the current PC onto the supervisor’s stack. – Make internal copy of existing Status Register (SR) then modify the SR as follows: o Set the S Bit establishing supervisor mode. o Clear the trace bits. o Decrement Supervisor Stack Pointer (SSP) by two and push word containing stack frame format and vector offset onto the supervisor’s stack. The normal sixword stack frame format is used (stack frame format 0010). o CPU32 Stack frames are described in The fido1100 User Guide, Section 4.6.4, Interrupt, Fault, and Exception Handling. – Decrement Supervisor Stack Pointer (SSP) by four and push long word containing the 32-bit PC (address of the next instruction to execute upon RTE) onto the supervisor’s stack. – Decrement Supervisor Stack Pointer (SSP) by two and push word containing status register onto the supervisor’s stack. – Fetch a long word from memory pointed to by the TRAPCC Instruction Vector offset + the VBR and place this in the PC. TRAPCC—Trap on Condition ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 181 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller – Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Continue program execution at this location. Condition Codes: X—Not affected N—Not affected Z—Not affected V—Not affected C—Not affected Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 0 1 0 1 11 10 9 8 7 6 Condition 1 1 Optional Word Optional Long Word 5 1 4 1 3 1 2 1 0 Opmode Where: Condition—Specifies a conditional test according to the table below: Condition CC CS EQ F GE GT HI LE LS LT MI NE PL T VC VS Mnemonic SCC SCS SEQ SF SGE SGT SHI SLE SLS SLT SMI SNE SPL ST SVC SVS Condition Code 0100 0101 0111 0001 1100 1110 0010 1111 0011 1101 1011 0110 1010 0000 1000 1001 Description Carry Clear Carry Set Equal Never Equal Greater or Equal Greater Than High Less or Equal Low or Same Less Than Minus Not Equal Plus Always True Overflow Clear Overflow Set Details ―!C‖ ―C‖ ―Z‖ 0 ―N&V;!N&!V‖ ―N&V&!Z;!N&!V&!Z‖ ―!C&!Z‖ ―Z;N&!V;!N&V‖ ―!C;!Z‖ ―N&!V;!N&V‖ ―N‖ ―!Z‖ ―!N‖ 1 ―!V‖ ―V‖ Opmode—Specifies the instruction form: – 010—Instruction is followed by a word-sized operand – 011—Instruction is followed by a long-word-sized operand – 100—Instruction has no operand TRAPCC—Trap on Condition ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 182 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 TRAPV—If V then Trap Assembler Syntax: TRAPV Operation: SSP − 4 → SSP, PC → (SSP), (Current PC) SSP − 2 → SSP, Format/Offset → (SSP) SSP − 4 → SSP, PC (adjusted) → (SSP), (PC for RTE instruction to return to) SSP − 2 → SSP, SR → (SSP) Vector Address → PC Privileged: No Notes: If the CCR overflow bit is set, causes a TRAPV exception (vector #7). If the bit is not set, the processor performs a no-operation and instruction execution continues at the next instruction. The normal exception handling sequence (six-word stack frame) is used: – Decrement Supervisor Stack Pointer (SSP) by four and push the current PC onto the supervisor’s stack. – Make internal copy of existing Status Register (SR) then modify the SR as follows: o Set the S Bit establishing supervisor mode. o Clear the trace bits. – Decrement Supervisor Stack Pointer (SSP) by two and push word containing stack frame format and vector offset onto the supervisor’s stack. The normal six-word stack frame format is used (stack frame format 0010). o CPU32 Stack frames are described in The fido1100 User Guide, Section 4.6.4, Interrupt, Fault, and Exception Handling. – Decrement Supervisor Stack Pointer (SSP) by four and push long word containing the 32-bit PC (address of the next instruction to execute upon RTE) onto the supervisor’s stack. – Decrement Supervisor Stack Pointer (SSP) by two and push word containing status register onto the supervisor’s stack. – Fetch a long word from memory pointed to by the TRAPV Instruction Vector offset + the VBR and place this in the PC. – Continue program execution at this location. TRAPV—If V then Trap ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 183 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Condition Codes: X—Not affected N—Not affected Z—Not affected V—Not affected C—Not affected Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 0 1 0 0 11 1 10 1 9 1 8 0 7 0 6 1 5 1 4 1 3 0 2 1 1 1 0 0 TRAPV—If V then Trap ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 184 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 TRAPX—Trap to Master Context_0 Assembler Syntax: TRAPX #n (n = 96 to 111) This instruction, unique to the Innovasic fido series of communications controllers, provides a fast (no stack operations) communications mechanism between Context_1 through Context_4 and the Master Context_0 (MC0). The net effect is that the trapping context is left ready to execute at the instruction following the trap, while the master context is executing at the corresponding vector. Note: This instruction generates an exception classified as an “Interrupt” and, therefore, will generate a stack frame only if the targeted context is set to Standard Interrupt Mode, as defined by the Context Control Registers. Otherwise, this exception will not generate a stack frame and the exception handler will only have the faulted context ID to tell it what happened. This means that all 16 forms of the TRAPX #n instruction are the same when in this mode. Operation: Context ID − Faulted Context Register Switch to Context_0 (leaving current context in READY state) Vector Address → PC Begin execution as MC0 Privileged: No Notes: Causes a TRAPX #n exception (vectors 96 thru 111) to be passed to Master Context_0 (MC0). Normal use of this instruction will be from a non-master context (Context_1 through Context_4). Using this instruction from Context_0 will cause a non-returnable vector branch. The calling context ID will be placed in the Faulted Context Register for the MC0 to examine. After this instruction executes, because the Master Context_0 (MCO) is marked READY, it will immediately run. This instruction can coordinate action between contexts. It can be used as a message-passing technique or used to raise exceptions occurring in a user TRAPX—Trap to Master Context_0 ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 185 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 context to the master context. A vector number is generated by adding the immediate vector operand to 96. The range of vector operand values is 0–15, thus there are 16 possible vector numbers (#96 to #111). The Faulted Context Register is updated to indicate to the MC0 which context raised this exception. Current context is set to MC0. Fetch a long word from memory pointed to by the TRAP Instruction Vector offset + the VBR (of MC0) and place this in the PC. MC0 is set to the READY state and program execution continues at this location (as MC0). Condition Codes: X—Not affected N—Not affected Z—Not affected V—Not affected C—Not affected Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 0 1 0 0 11 1 10 1 9 1 8 0 7 0 6 0 5 1 4 1 3 2 1 0 Vector Where: Vector Field—Specifies the trap vector (0–15) to be taken. TRAPX—Trap to Master Context_0 ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 186 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 TST—Test an Operand Assembler Syntax: TST <ea> Operation: Destination Tested → Condition Codes Attributes: Size = byte, word, or long Privileged: No Notes: Compares the destination operand to zero and sets the condition codes listed below. Condition Codes: X—Not affected N—Set if the operand is negative; cleared otherwise Z—Set if the operand is zero; cleared otherwise V—Always cleared C—Always cleared Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 11 10 Op-Code 0 1 0 0 1 0 9 8 7 6 1 0 Size 5 4 3 2 1 0 Effective Address Mode Register Where: Size—Specifies the size of the operation: – 00—Byte operation – 01—Word operation – 10—Long-Word operation Effective-Address fields are as per Instruction Single Word Format and address mode tables (see Table 2, Core Addressing Modes Summary) and always indicate the operand to be tested. TST—Test an Operand ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 187 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 Addressing modes for source operand: Addressing Mode Mode Field Register Field Dn 000 N An 001 N (An) 010 N (An)+ 011 N -(An) 100 N (d16,An) 101 N (d8,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (bd,An,Xn.Size*Scale) 110 N (d16,PC) 111 010 (d8,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (bd,PC,Xn.Size*Scale) 111 011 (xxx).W 111 000 (xxx).L 111 001 #xxx 111 100 Applies? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Notes – Word or long-word operation only – – – – – – – – – – – – TST—Test an Operand ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 188 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 UNLK—Unlink Assembler Syntax: UNLK An Operation: An → SP, (SP) → An, SP + 4 → SP Privileged: No Notes: Loads the Stack Pointer value from the specified address register. Then loads the address register with the long word pulled from the stack. Condition Codes: X—Not affected N—Not affected Z—Not affected V—Not affected C—Not affected Instruction Format: 15 14 13 12 0 1 0 0 11 1 10 1 9 1 8 0 7 0 6 1 5 1 4 1 3 1 2 1 0 Register Where: Register Field—Specifies the address register for the instruction. UNLK—Unlink ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 189 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller 3. Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 For Additional Information The fido1100 User Guide and as well as other helpful tools and files are available. For example, the GDB debugger supports both profiling and tracing of executing code. When building a prototype using the fido1100 communications controller, a file in the ―Samples‖ directory can assist in customizing the software for a specific design. The Innovasic Support Team wants our information to be complete, accurate, useful, and easy to understand. Please feel free to contact our experts at Innovasic at any time with suggestions, comments, or questions. Innovasic Support Team 3737 Princeton NE Suite 130 Albuquerque, NM 87107 (505) 883-5263 Fax: (505) 883-5477 Toll Free: (888) 824-4184 E-mail: support@innovasic.com Website: http://www.Innovasic.com ® IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 190 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 INDEX A C ABCD—Add Decimal with Extend ..................................... 10, 19 ADDA—Add Address ........................ 22, 23 ADD—Add ........................................... 8, 21 ADDI—Add Immediate...................... 22, 25 ADDQ—Add Quick ........................... 22, 27 ADDX—Add Extended ........................ 9, 29 AND—And ........................................... 9, 31 ANDI to CCR—And Immediate to Condition Code Register ........................................ 35 ANDI to SR—And Immediate to Status Register ................................................. 36 ANDI—And Immediate.................. 9, 32, 33 ASL/ASR—Arithmetic Shift ................................................... 9, 37 CHK2—Check Register Against Bounds ............................... 61, 67 CHK—Check Register Against Bounds ............................... 59, 61 CLR—Clear an Operand....................... 8, 63 CMP2—Compare Register Against Bounds .............................................. 8, 67 CMPA—Compare Address ................................................. 69 CMP—Compare ................................... 8, 65 CMPI—Compare Immediate ...................................... 66, 71 CMPM—Compare Memory ............................................. 8, 73 B BCC—Branch Conditionally ........................................ 41 BCHG—Test a Bit and Change .............................................. 9, 43 BCLR—Test a Bit and Clear .................................................. 9, 46 BGND—Enter Background Mode................................. 49 BKPT—Software Breakpoint ............................................. 50 BRA—Branch Always .............................. 51 BSET—Test a Bit and Set..................... 9, 52 BSR—Branch to Subroutine ............................................. 55 BTST—Test a Bit ................................. 9, 57 ® D DBCC—Test Condition, Decrement and Branch.......................... 74 DIVS/DIVSL—Signed Divide................................................ 8, 76 DIVU/DIVUL—Unsigned Divide................................................ 8, 79 E EOR—Exclusive OR ............................ 9, 82 EORI to CCR—Exclusive OR Immediate to Condition Code Register ................................................. 86 EORI to SR—Exclusive OR Immediate to Status Register ................................................. 87 EORI—Exclusive OR Immediate ......................................... 9, 84 EXG—Exchange Registers............................................ 8, 88 IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 191 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 EXT/EXTB—Sign Extend ................................................... 90 MOVE—Move Data from Source to Destination ...................... 8, 104 MOVEP—Move Peripheral Data ................................8, 114 MOVEQ—Move Quick .......................8, 116 MOVES—Move Address Space ....................................................117 MULS—Signed Multiply ................... 8, 126 MULU—Unsigned Multiply .......................................... 8, 129 I ILLEGAL—Take Illegal Instruction Trap ..................................... 91 J JMP—Jump............................................... 92 JSR—Jump to Subroutine ......................... 93 N L LEA—Load Effective Address ............................................. 8, 95 LINK—Link and Allocate .................... 8, 97 LPSTOP—Low Power Stop ....................................................... 99 LSL/LSR—Logical Shift .................... 9, 100 M MOVE from CCR—Move Data from the Condition Code Register ................................................119 MOVE from SR—Move Data from the Status Register ............................................... 123 MOVE to CCR—Move Data to Condition Code Register ............................................... 121 MOVE USP—Move User Stack Pointer ....................................... 125 MOVEA—Move Data from Source to Destination Address Register ........................................... 8, 106 MOVEC—Move Control Register ............................................... 108 MOVEM—Move Multiple Registers ............................8, 110 ® NBCD—Negate Decimal with Extend ................................... 10, 132 NEG—Negate ..................................... 8, 134 NEGX—Negate with Extend ............................................. 9, 136 NOP—No Operation ......................... 50, 138 NOT—Logical Complement .................................... 9, 139 O ORI to CCR—Inclusive OR Immediate to Condition Code Register ............................................... 145 ORI to SR—Inclusive OR Immediate to Status Register ............................................... 146 ORI—Inclusive OR Immediate ............................... 9, 142, 143 OR—Inclusive Logical OR ................................................... 9, 141 P PEA—Push Effective Address ........................................... 8, 147 R RESET—Reset External Devices................................................ 149 IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 192 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184 Flexible Input Deterministic Output (fido®) 32-Bit Real-Time Communications Controller Instruction Set Reference Guide September 4, 2008 ROL/ROR—Rotate Without Extend ............................... 9, 150 ROXL/ROXR—Rotate With Extend .................................... 9, 153 RTD—Return and Deallocate ........................................... 156 RTE—Return from Exception ............................ 157, 181, 183 RTR—Return and Restore Condition Codes ................................. 158 RTS—Return from Subroutine ........................................... 159 SUBI—Subtract Immediate ................................... 167, 170 SUBQ—Subtract Quick .................. 167, 172 SUB—Subtract ................................... 8, 166 SUBX—Subtract Extended ......................................... 9, 174 SWAP—Swap Register Halves ............................................. 9, 176 S SBCD—Subtract Decimal with Extend ................................... 10, 160 SCC—Set According to Condition Code ................................... 161 SLEEP—Sleep Current Context .................................. 99, 163, 164 STOP—Load Status Register and Stop .......................... 99, 164 SUBA—Subtract Address ............... 167, 168 ® T TAS—Test and Set an Operand ............................................... 177 TRAPCC—Trap on Condition ............................................ 181 TRAP—Trap ................... 59, 61, 76, 79, 179 TRAPV—If V then Trap ......................... 183 TRAPX—Trap to Master Context_0 .............................. 50, 179, 185 TST—Test an Operand ....................... 9, 187 U UNLK—Unlink .................................. 8, 189 IA222080723-01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR COPIED Page 193 of 193 http://www.Innovasic.com Customer Support: 1-888-824-4184