MANUALLY VARIABLE ATTENUATORS The JFW rotary attenuator has been a staple to RF engineers for more than 30 years. In that time, our line of manually variable step attenuators has grown to include over 700 models. With a wide variety of attenuation ranges, step sizes and tuning options, JFW has solutions to fit almost any variable attenuator application. At JFW Industries, we can literally put reliable attenuation at your fingertips. Our years of proven quality and performance make a JFW variable attenuator right for any RF environment. AVAILABLE FEATURES ● Variable attenuators covering frequency ranges from DC to 18 GHz ● Multiple attenuator tuning options (rotor, dual-concentric rotors, push-button, toggle switch or rocker switch) ● Attenuations step sizes as low as 0.1 dB resolution ● 50 Ohm and 75 Ohm attenuators (other impedance values also available upon request) ● Any RF connector combination (BNC, SMA, N, TNC, F reverse polarity and more) ● Available on 19” rack panels or in stackable bench-top boxes AFFORDABLE CUSTOM DESIGNS ARE ALSO AVAILABLE! Call 317-887-1340 • Toll Free 877-887-4539 • Fax 317-881-6790 E-mail [email protected] • 3-1 Manually Variable Attenuators Model Number Index Please add connector type to the end of part number to complete model number (Example: 50R-019 SMA). Benchtop Rotary Attenuators - 50 Ohm Single Rotary Attenuators - 50 Ohm Model Number Frequency Range 50R-019 50R-028 50R-029 50R-043 50R-124 50R-137 50R-215 50R-234 50R-246 50R-248 50R-310 50R-385 50R-400 50R-401 DC-2200 MHz DC-1000 MHz DC-2200 MHz DC-1000 MHz DC-2500 MHz DC-2550 MHz DC-2200 MHz DC-2550 MHz DC-2700 MHz DC-2500 MHz DC-2700 MHz DC-3000 MHz DC-8 GHz DC-8 GHz Model Number Frequency Range 75R-050 75R-055 75R-056 Attenuation Range (dB) 0-10 x 1 0-1 x 0.1 0-70 x 10 0-100 x 10 0-70 x 10 0-80 x 10 0-1 x 0.1 0-100 x 10 0-70 x 10 0-10 x 1 0-10 x 1 0-10 x 1 0-9 x 1 0-60 x 10 Page Model Number Frequency Range 3-3 3-3 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-5 3-3 3-5 3-4 3-3 3-3 3-3 3-6 3-6 50BR-008 50BR-009 50BR-017 50BR-022 50BR-036 50BR-068 50BR-096 50BR-104 50BR-105 50BR-112 DC-2200 MHz DC-1000 MHz DC-1000 MHz DC-1000 MHz DC-2000 MHz DC-2550 MHz DC-2200 MHz DC-2700 MHz DC-8 GHz DC-2700 MHz Model Number Frequency Range 75BR-014 75BR-023 DC-1000 MHz DC-2150 MHz Page DC-2200 MHz DC-1000 MHz 0-70 x 10 3-14 DC-1000 MHz 0-10 x 1 3-13 75R-057 DC-1000 MHz 0-1 x 0.1 3-13 DC-2200 MHz 0-60 x 10 3-14 Frequency Range 50DR-001 Model Number Frequency Range 50PM-003 50PM-009 50PM-074 50PM-075 DC-2500 DC-2200 DC-2700 DC-2500 MHz MHz MHz MHz Model Number Frequency Range 50B-001 50B-035 DC-750 MHz DC-750 MHz Page DC-1000 MHz Attenuation Range (dB) 0-110 x 1 50DR-046 DC-2500 MHz 0-50 x 1 3-8 50DR-055 DC-2000 MHz 0-30 x 1 3-7 Model Number Frequency Range 50DR-060 DC-2000 MHz 0-11 x 0.1 3-7 50DR-061 DC-2200 MHz 0-80 x 1 3-8 75B-001 DC-500 MHz 50DR-063 DC-1100 MHz 0-50 x 1 3-7 50DR-077 DC-2000 MHz 0-90 x 1 3-8 50DR-082 DC-2000 MHz 0-110 x 1 3-8 50DR-096 DC-3000 MHz 0-30 x 1 3-7 50DR-111 DC-2700 MHz 0-60 x 1 3-8 50DR-119 DC-2200 MHZ 0-110 x 1 3-8 3-8 Frequency Range Page DC-1000 MHz Attenuation Range (dB) 0-70 x 1 75DR-009 75DR-018 DC-1000 MHz 0-30 x 1 3-15 75DR-021 DC-2100 MHz 0-30 x 1 3-15 75DR-022 DC-1000 MHz 0-11 x 0.1 3-15 S-6-F 11-03-11 Cat Sep 2011 3-17 3-17 Attenuation Range (dB) 0-50 x 1 0-80 x 1 0-60 x 1 0-50 x 1 Page 3-12 3-12 3-12 3-12 Attenuation Range (dB) 0-65 x 1 0-85 x 1 Page Attenuation Range (dB) 0-65 x 1 Page 3-19 3-19 Pushbutton Attenuators - 75 Ohm Model Number Toggle Attenuators - 50 Ohm Frequency Range 50TA-006 50TA-007 DC-850 MHz DC-850 MHz Attenuation Range (dB) 0-65 x 1 0-45.5 x 0.5 Model Number 75TA-006 75TA-007 Frequency Range DC-500 MHz DC-500 MHz Attenuation Range (dB) 0-65 x 1 0-45.5 x 0.5 Toggle Attenuators - 75 Ohm Dual Rotary Attenuators - 75 Ohm Model Number Page Pushbutton Attenuators - 50 Ohm Dual Rotary Attenuators - 50 Ohm Model Number Attenuation Range (dB) 0-90 x 1 0-70 x 1 3-10 3-10 3-11 3-11 3-10 3-9 3-9 3-9 3-6 3-9 Panel Mounted Rotary Attenuators - 50 Ohm 3-13 75R-089 Page Benchtop Rotary Attenuators - 75 Ohm Single Rotary Attenuators - 75 Ohm Attenuation Range (dB) 0-10 x 1 Attenuation Range (dB) 0-80 x 1 0-110 x 1 0-81 x 0.1 0-111 x 0.1 0-110 x 1 0-110 x 1 0-80 x 1 0-80 x 1 0-69 x 1 0-110 x 1 3-16 Model Number Rocker Attenuators - 50 Ohm 50RA-003 50RA-004 3-2 Frequency Range DC-500 MHz DC-1000 MHz Attenuation Range (dB) 0-65 x 1 0-65 x 1 3-19 Page 3-20 3-20 Page 3-20 3-20 Page 3-18 3-18 Rotary Attenuators Model Frequency Range Attenuation Range Attenuation Accuracy 50R-019 DC-2200 MHz 0-10 x 1 dB ± 0.2 dB DC-1000 MHz ± 0.4 dB 1000-2200 MHz 50R-028 DC-1000 MHz 0-1 x 0.1 dB ± 0.03 dB DC-500 MHz ± 0.05 dB 500-1000 MHz 50R-215 DC-2200 MHz 0-1 x 0.1 dB ± 0.05 dB 50R-248 DC-2500 MHz 0-10 x 1 dB ± 0.25 dB DC-1000 MHz ± 0.5 dB 1000-2500 MHz 50R-310 DC-2700 MHz 0-10 x 1 dB ± 0.5 dB 50R-385 DC-3000 MHz 0-10 x 1 dB ± 0.5 dB Model VSWR (maximum) Insertion Loss (maximum) 50R-019 1.2:1 DC-1000 MHz 1.4:1 1000-2200 MHz 0.2 dB DC-1000 MHz 0.4 dB 1000-2200 MHz BNC, SMA or TNC female 50R-028 1.2:1 0.7 dB BNC, SMA or TNC female 50R-215 1.2:1 DC-1000 MHz 1.4:1 1000-2200 MHz 1.0 dB BNC, SMA or TNC female 50R-248 1.2:1 DC-1000 MHz 1.5:1 1000-2500 MHz 0.25 dB DC-1000 MHz 0.5 dB 1000-2500 MHz BNC, SMA or TNC female 50R-310 1.2:1 DC-1000 MHz 1.3:1 1000-2700 MHz 0.5 dB SMA female 50R-385 1.2:1 DC-1000 MHz 1.5:1 1000-3000 MHz 0.6 dB SMA female Impedance RF Input Power Standard Rotation Indexing 50 Ohms 2 Watts average 1000 Watts peak Attenuation increases in clockwise direction 30° with stops at minimum and maximum RF Connectors Common Specifications BUY ON www .jfwin LINE AT dustr m Operating Temperature -20° C to +85° C Sing l avail e Rotor L able . Par -Bracke t t#0 04-0 55 Custom RF designs at catalog prices | No NRE charges | Email [email protected] 3-3 S-6-F 11-03-11 Cat Sep 2011 Rotary Attenuators Model Frequency Range Attenuation Range Attenuation Accuracy 50R-029 DC-2200 MHz 0-70 x 10 dB ± 0.5 dB or 1% DC-500 MHz ± 0.5 dB or 2% 500-1000 MHz ± 0.5 dB or 3% 1000-2200 MHz 50R-043 DC-1000 MHz 0-100 x 10 dB ± 0.5 dB or 2% 50R-124 DC-2500 MHz 0-70 x 10 dB ± 0.5 dB or 2.5% 50R-246 DC-2700 MHz 0-70 x 10 dB ± 0.5 dB or 1% DC-500 MHz ± 0.5 dB or 2% 500-1000 MHz ± 0.5 dB or 3% 1000-2700 MHz Model VSWR (maximum) Insertion Loss (maximum) 50R-029 1.2:1 DC-1000 MHz 1.4:1 1000-2200 MHz 0.3 dB DC-1000 MHz 0.5 dB 1000-2200 MHz BNC, N, SMA or TNC female 50R-043 1.2:1 0.3 dB BNC, N, SMA or TNC female 50R-124 1.4:1 0.5 dB BNC, N, SMA or TNC female 50R-246 1.2:1 DC-1000 MHz 1.4:1 1000-2700 MHz 0.6 dB SMA female RF Connectors Common Specifications Impedance RF Input Power Standard Rotation Indexing Operating Temperature 50 Ohms 2 Watts average 1000 Watts peak Attenuation increases in clockwise direction 30° with stops at minimum and maximum -20° C to +85° C BUY ON www .jfwin LINE AT dustr m Sing l avail e Rotor L able . Par -Bracke t t#0 04-0 55 This catalog represents less than 5% of our products. For your application, contact us at [email protected] 3-4 Rotary Attenuators Model Frequency Range Attenuation Range Attenuation Accuracy VSWR (maximum) Insertion Loss (maximum) 50R-137 DC-2550 MHz 0-80 x 10 dB ± 0.3 dB or 1% DC-500 MHz ± 0.5 dB or 2% 500-1000 MHz ± 0.5 dB or 3% 1000-2550 MHz 1.3:1 DC-1000 MHz 1.5:1 1000-2550 MHz 1 dB 50R-234 DC-2550 MHz 0-100 x 10 dB +/- 0.5 dB or 2% DC-1000 MHz +/- 0.5 dB or 3% 1000-1500 MHz +/- 0.5 dB or 4% 1500-2550 MHz 1.3:1 DC-1000 MHz 1.5:1 1000-1500 MHz 1.7:1 1500-2550 MHz 1 dB Common Specifications Impedance RF Input Power Standard Rotation Indexing 50 Ohms 2 Watts average 1000 Watts peak Attenuation increases in clockwise direction 30° with stops at minimum and maximum Operating Temperature RF Connectors -20° C to +85° C N, SMA or TNC female Sing l avail e Rotor L able . Par -Bracke t t#0 04-0 55 Custom RF designs at catalog prices | No NRE charges | Email [email protected] 3-5 S-6-F 12-05-13 Cat Sep 2011 High Frequency Rotary Attenuators Model Frequency Range Attenuation Range Attenuation Accuracy VSWR (maximum) Insertion Loss (maximum) 50R-400 DC-8 GHz 0-9 x 1 dB ± 0.3 dB DC-4 GHz ± 0.5 dB 4-8 GHz 1.3:1 DC-4 GHz 1.6:1 4-8 GHz 0.6 dB 50R-401 DC-8 GHz 0-60 x 10 dB ± 0.5 dB or 2% DC-4 GHz ± 1.0 dB or 3% 4-8 GHz 1.3:1 DC-4 GHz 1.6:1 4-8 GHz 0.7 dB 50BR-105 DC-8 GHz 0-69 x 1 dB +/- 0.5 dB (1 dB steps) +/- 1.0 dB or 3% (10 dB steps) 1.6:1 DC-4 GHz 1.9:1 4-8 GHz 1.8 dB Model Impedance RF Input Power 50R-400 50 Ohms 50R-401 50BR-105 Standard Rotation Indexing Operating Temperature RF Connectors 2 Watts average 200 Watts peak Attenuation increases in clockwise direction 36° with no stop between minimum and maximum 0° C to +50° C SMA female 50 Ohms 2 Watts average 200 Watts peak Attenuation increases in clockwise direction 36° with stop between minimum and maximum 0° C to +50° C SMA female 50 Ohms 2 Watts average 200 Watts peak Attenuation increases in clockwise direction 1 dB steps - 36° with no stop between minimum and maximum 10dB steps - 36° with stop between minimum and maximum 0° C to +50° C SMA female 50R-400 50R-401 50BR-105 S-6-F 12-05-13 Cat Sep 2011 This catalog represents less than 5% of our products. For your application, contact us at [email protected] 3-6 Dual Concentric Rotary Attenuators Model Frequency Range Attenuation Range Attenuation Accuracy VSWR (maximum) Insertion Loss (maximum) 50DR-055 DC-2000 MHz 0-30 x 1 dB ± 0.25 dB or 2% DC-1000 MHz ± 0.4 dB or 3% 1000-2000 MHz 1.3:1 DC-1000 MHz 1.5:1 1000-2000 MHz 0.8 dB 50DR-060 DC-2000 MHz 0-11 x 0.1 dB +/- 0.06 dB (0.1 dB steps) +/- 0.40 dB (1 dB steps) 1.3:1 DC-1000 MHz 1.5:1 1000-2000 MHz 1.25 dB 50DR-063 DC-1100 MHz 0-50 x 1 dB ± 0.5 dB DC-500 MHz ± 1.0 dB 500-1100 MHz 1.2:1 DC-500 MHz 1.4:1 500-1100 MHz 50DR-096 DC-3000 MHz 0-30 x 1 dB ± 0.25 dB or 2% DC-1000 MHz ± 0.4 dB or 3% 1000-2000 MHz ± 0.5 dB or 4% 2000-3000 MHz 1.4:1 DC-1000 MHz 1.5:1 1000-2000 MHz 1.7:1 2000-3000 MHz 0.5 dB 1.1 dB Common Specifications Impedance RF Input Power Standard Rotation Indexing 50 Ohms 2 Watts average 1000 Watts peak Attenuation increases in clockwise direction 30° with stops at minimum and maximum Operating Temperature RF Connectors -20° C to +85° C BNC, N, SMA or TNC female Sing l avail e Rotor L able . Par -Bracke t t#0 04-0 55 BU www Y ONLI N .jfwin dust E AT ries. com Custom RF designs at catalog prices | No NRE charges | Email [email protected] 3-7 S-6-F 12-05-13 Cat Sep 2011 Dual Concentric Rotary Attenuators Model Frequency Range Attenuation Range Attenuation Accuracy (maximum) VSWR (maximum) Insertion Loss (maximum) RF Connectors 50DR-001 DC-1000 MHz 0-110 x 1 dB ± 0.2 dB or 1% DC-500 MHz ± 0.3 dB or 2% 500-1000 MHz 1.2:1 DC-500 MHz 1.4:1 500-1000 MHz 0.5 dB BNC, N, SMA or TNC female 50DR-046 DC-2500 MHz 0-50 x 1 dB ± 0.2 dB or 1% DC-500 MHz ± 0.3 dB or 3% 500-1000 MHz ± 0.4 dB or 3% 1000-2500 MHz 1.2:1 DC-500 MHz 1.4:1 500-1000 MHz 1.5:1 1000-2500 MHz 0.6 dB DC-1000 MHz 1.1 dB 1000-2500 MHz BNC, N, SMA or TNC female 50DR-061 DC-2200 MHz 0-80 x 1 dB ± 0.5 dB or 3% 1.25:1 DC-1000 MHz 1.5:1 1000-2200 MHz 0.6 dB DC-1000 MHz 1.0 dB 1000-2200 MHz BNC, N, SMA or TNC female 50DR-077 DC-2000 MHz 0-90 x 1 dB ± 0.5 dB or 1% DC-500 MHz ± 0.5 dB or 2% 500-2000 MHz 1.2:1 DC-500 MHz 1.4:1 500-1000 MHz 1.5:1 1000-2000 MHz 0.5 dB DC-1000 MHz 1.0 dB 1000-2000 MHz BNC, N, SMA or TNC female 50DR-082 DC-2000 MHz 0-110 x 1 dB ± 0.5 dB or 2% DC-500 MHz ± 0.5 dB or 3% 500-2000 MHz 1.2:1 DC-500 MHz 1.4:1 500-1000 MHz 1.5:1 1000-2000 MHz 0.5 dB DC-1000 MHz 1.0 dB 1000-2000 MHz BNC, N, SMA or TNC female 50DR-111 DC-2700 MHz 0-60 x 1 dB ± 0.5 dB or 3% 1.35:1 DC-1000 MHz 1.5:1 1000-2700 MHz 0.6 dB DC-1000 MHz 1.2 dB 1000-2700 MHz SMA Female 50DR-119 DC-2200 MHz 0-110 x 1 dB ± 0.5 dB or 2% DC-500 MHz ± 0.5 dB or 3% 500-2000 MHz ± 0.5 dB or 4% 2000-2200 MHz 1.2:1 DC-500 MHz 1.4:1 500-1000 MHz 1.5:1 1000-2200 MHz 0.5 dB DC-1000 MHz 1.0 dB 1000-2200 MHz BNC, N, SMA or TNC female Common Specifications Impedance RF Input Power Standard Rotation Indexing 50 Ohms 2 Watts average 1000 Watts peak Attenuation increases in clockwise direction 30° with stops at minimum and maximum Operating Temperature -20° C to +85° C Sing l avail e Rotor L able . Par -Bracke t t#0 04-0 55 BUY ON www .jfwin LINE A dust T ries. com S-6-F 06-02-14 Cat Sep 2011 This catalog represents less than 5% of our products. For your application, contact us at [email protected] 3-8 Benchtop Rotary Attenuators Model Frequency Range Attenuation Range Attenuation Accuracy (maximum) VSWR (maximum) Insertion Loss (maximum) 50BR-068 DC-2550 MHz 0-110 x 1 dB 50BR-096 DC-2200 MHz 50BR-104 50BR-112 RF Connectors ± 0.5 dB or 2% DC-1000 MHz ± 0.5 dB or 3% 1000-1500 MHz ± 0.5 dB or 4% 1500-2550 MHz 1.3:1 DC-1000 MHz 1.5:1 1000-1500 MHz 1.7:1 1500-2550 MHz 1.8 dB BNC, N, SMA or TNC female 0-80 x 1 dB ± 0.5 dB or 1% DC-500 MHz ± 0.5 dB or 2% 500-1000 MHz ± 0.5 dB or 3% 1000-2200 MHz 1.3:1 DC-1000 MHz 1.5:1 1000-2200 MHz 1.5 dB BNC, N, SMA or TNC female DC-2700 MHz 0-80 x 1 dB +/- 0.5 dB (1 dB steps) +/- 0.5 dB or 3% (10 dB steps) 1.5:1 DC-1000 MHz 1.8:1 1000-2700 MHz 1.7 dB BNC, N, SMA or TNC female DC-2700 MHz 0-110 x 1 dB ± 0.5 dB (1 dB steps) ± 0.7 dB or 3% (10 dB steps) 1.5:1 DC-700 MHz 1.8:1 700-2700 MHz 2.2 dB BNC, N, SMA or TNC female Common Specifications Impedance RF Input Power Standard Rotation Indexing Operating Temperature 50 Ohms 2 Watts average 1000 Watts peak Attenuation increases in clockwise direction 30° with stops at minimum and maximum -20° C to +85° C Custom RF designs at catalog prices | No NRE charges | Email [email protected] 3-9 S-6-F 12-05-13 Cat Sep 2011 Benchtop Rotary Attenuators Model Frequency Range Attenuation Range Attenuation Accuracy VSWR (maximum) Insertion Loss (maximum) 50BR-008 DC-2200 MHz 0-80 x 1 dB ± 0.5 dB or 1% DC-500 MHz ± 0.5 dB or 2% 500-1000 MHz ± 0.5 dB or 3% 1000-2200 MHz 1.3:1 DC-1000 MHz 1.6:1 1000-2200 MHz 0.5 dB DC-1000 MHz 1.0 dB 1000-2200 MHz 50BR-009 DC-1000 MHz 0-110 x 1 dB ±0.5 dB or 2% 1.3:1 1.2 dB 50BR-036 DC-2000 MHz 0-110 x 1 dB ± 0.5 dB or 2% DC-1000 MHz ± 0.5 dB or 3% 1000-1500 MHz ± 0.5 dB or 4% 1500-2000 MHz 1.3:1 DC-1000 MHz 1.5:1 1000-1500 MHz 1.7:1 1500-2000 MHz 0.75 dB DC-1000 MHz 1.25 dB 1000-2000 MHz Common Specifications Impedance RF Input Power Standard Rotation Indexing 50 Ohms 2 Watts average 1000 Watts peak Attenuation increases in clockwise direction 30° with stops at minimum and maximum Operating Temperature RF Connectors -20° C to +85° C BNC, N, or SMA female 50BR-008 / 50BR-009 BU www Y ONLI N .jfwin dust E AT ries. com 50BR-036 S-6-F 11-11-11 Cat Sep 2011 This catalog represents less than 5% of our products. For your application, contact us at [email protected] 3-10 Benchtop Rotary Attenuators Model Frequency Range Attenuation Range Attenuation Accuracy VSWR (maximum) Insertion Loss (maximum) 50BR-017 DC-1000 MHz 0-81 x 0.1 dB +/- 0.06 dB (0.1 dB steps) +/- 0.3 dB (1 dB steps) +/- 0.8 dB (10 dB steps) 1.3:1 DC-500 MHz 1.5:1 500-1000 MHz 1.25 dB 50BR-022 DC-1000 MHz 0-111 x 0.1 dB +/- 0.06 dB (0.1 dB steps) +/- 0.3 dB (1 dB steps) +/- 0.5 dB or 2% (10dB steps) 1.3:1 DC-500 MHz 1.5:1 500-1000 MHz 1.25 dB Common Specifications Impedance RF Input Power Standard Rotation Indexing 50 Ohms 2 Watts average 1000 Watts peak Attenuation increases in clockwise direction 30° with stops at minimum and maximum Operating Temperature RF Connectors -20° C to +85° C BNC, N, SMA or TNC female 50BR-017 / 50BR-022 Custom RF designs at catalog prices | No NRE charges | Email [email protected] 3-11 S-6-F 12-05-13 Cat Sep 2011 Panel Mounted Rotary Attenuators Model Frequency Range 50PM-003 DC-2500 MHz 50PM-009 DC-2200 MHz 50PM-074 DC-2700 MHz Attenuation Range 0-50 x 1 dB Eight 50DR-046 panel mounted attenuators Attenuation Accuracy VSWR (maximum) Insertion Loss (maximum) ± 0.2 dB or 1% DC-500 MHz ± 0.3 dB or 3% 500-1000 MHz ± 0.4 dB or 3% 1000-2500 MHz 1.2:1 DC-500 MHz 1.4:1 500-1000 MHz 1.5:1 1000-2500 MHz 0.6 dB DC-1000 MHz 1.1 dB 1000-2500 MHz ± 0.5 dB or 3% 1.25:1 DC-1000 MHz 1.5:1 1000-2200 MHz 0.6 dB DC-1000 MHz 1.0 dB 1000-2200 MHz ± 0.5 dB or 3% 1.35:1 DC-1000 MHz 1.5:1 1000-2700 MHz 0.6 dB DC-1000 MHz 1.2 dB 1000-2700 MHz ± 0.2 dB or 1% DC-500 MHz ± 0.3 dB or 3% 500-1000 MHz ± 0.4 dB or 3% 1000-2500 MHZ 1.2:1 DC-500 MHz 1.4:1 500-1000 MHz 1.5:1 1000-2500 MHz 0.5 dB DC-1000 MHz 1.0 dB 1000-2500 MHz 0-80 x 1 dB Eight 50DR-061 panel mounted attenuators 0-60 x 1 dB Four 50DR-111 panel mounted attenuators 0-50 x 1 dB 50PM-075 DC-2500 MHz Four 50DR-046 panel mounted attenuators Common Specifications Impedance RF Input Power Standard Rotation Indexing 50 Ohms 2 Watts average 1000 Watts peak Attenuation increases in clockwise direction 30° with stops at minimum and maximum Operating Temperature RF Connectors -20° C to +85° C BNC, N, SMA or TNC female 50PM-003 / 50PM-009 50PM-074 / 50PM-075 S-6-F 02-27-13 Cat Sep 2011 This catalog represents less than 5% of our products. For your application, contact us at [email protected] 3-12 75 Ohm Rotary Attenuators Model Frequency Range Attenuation Range Attenuation Accuracy VSWR (maximum) Insertion Loss (maximum) 75R-050 DC-2200 MHz 0-10 x 1 dB +/- 0.3 dB DC-1000 MHz +/- 0.4 dB 1000-2200 MHz 1.3:1 DC-1000 MHz 1.5:1 1000-2200 MHz 0.4 dB DC-1000 MHz 0.6 dB 1000-2200 MHz 75R-056 DC-1000 MHz 0-10 x 1 dB +/- 0.2 dB DC-500 MHz +/- 0.3 dB 500-1000 MHz 1.3:1 DC-500 MHz 1.5:1 500-1000 MHz 0.4 dB 75R-057 DC-1000 MHz 0-1 x 0.1 dB ± 0.04 dB DC-500 MHz ± 0.08 dB 500-1000 MHz 1.3:1 DC-500 MHz 1.4:1 500-1000 MHz 0.8 dB Common Specifications Impedance RF Input Power Standard Rotation Indexing 75 Ohms 1 Watt average 1000 Watts peak Attenuation increases in c’clockwise direction 30° with stops at minimum and maximum Operating Temperature RF Connectors -20° C to +85° C BNC, F or N female BU www Y ONLI N .jfwin dust E AT ries. com Custom RF designs at catalog prices | No NRE charges | Email [email protected] 3-13 S-6-F 12-05-13 Cat Sep 2011 75 Ohm Rotary Attenuators Model Frequency Range Attenuation Range Attenuation Accuracy VSWR (maximum) Insertion Loss (maximum) 75R-055 DC-1000 MHz 0-70 x 10 dB ± 0.75 dB DC-500 MHz ± 1.0 dB 500-1000 MHz 1.3:1 DC-500 MHz 1.5:1 500-1000 MHz 0.4 dB 75R-089 DC-2200 MHz 0-60 x 10 dB ± 0.5 dB or 3% 1.4:1 DC-1000 MHz 1.6:1 1000-2200 MHz 0.5 dB Common Specifications Impedance RF Input Power Standard Rotation Indexing 75 Ohms 1 Watt average 1000 Watts peak Attenuation increases in c’clockwise direction 30° with stops at minimum and maximum Operating Temperature RF Connectors -20° C to +85° C BNC, F or N female BU www Y ONLI N .jfwin dust E AT ries. com S-6-F 12-06-12 Cat Sep 2011 This catalog represents less than 5% of our products. For your application, contact us at [email protected] 3-14 75 Ohm Dual Concentric Rotary Attenuators Model Frequency Range Attenuation Range Attenuation Accuracy VSWR (maximum) Insertion Loss 75DR-018 DC-1000 MHz 0-30 x 1 dB +/- 0.4 dB (1 dB steps) +/- 0.5 dB (10 dB steps) 1.4:1 DC-500 MHz 1.5:1 500-1000 MHz 0.5 dB maximum 75DR-021 DC-2100 MHz 0-30 x 1 dB +/- 0.5 dB (1 dB steps) +/- 1.0 dB (10 dB steps) 1.6:1 1.00 dB maximum 0.75 dB typical @ 2100 MHz 75DR-022 DC-1000 MHz 0-11 x 0.1 dB +/- 0.05 dB (0.1 dB steps) +/- 0.30 dB (1.0 dB steps) 1.4:1 DC-500 MHz 1.5:1 500-1000 MHz 1.25 dB maximum 1.00 dB typical @ 1000 MHz Common Specifications Impedance RF Input Power 75 Ohms 1 Watt average 1000 Watts peak Standard Rotation Indexing RF Connectors Operating Temperature Attenuation increases in clockwise direction 30° with stops at minimum and maximum BNC or F female -20° C to +85° C Sing l avail e Rotor L able . Par -Bracke t t#0 04-0 55 Custom RF designs at catalog prices | No NRE charges | Email [email protected] 3-15 S-6-F 04-18-14 Cat Sep 2011 75 Ohm Dual Concentric Rotary Attenuators Model Frequency Range Attenuation Range Attenuation Accuracy VSWR (maximum) Insertion Loss (maximum) 75DR-009 DC-1000 MHz ± 0.5 dB or 3% 1.4:1 0.75 dB 0-70 x 1 dB Impedance RF Input Power Standard Rotation Indexing Operating Temperature RF Connectors 75 Ohms 1 Watt average 1000 Watts peak Attenuation increases in clockwise direction 30° with stops at minimum and maximum -20° C to +85° C BNC, F or N female Sing l avail e Rotor L able . Par -Bracke t t#0 04-0 55 This catalog represents less than 5% of our products. For your application, contact us at [email protected] 3-16 75 Ohm Benchtop Rotary Attenuators Model Frequency Range Attenuation Range Attenuation Accuracy VSWR (maximum) Insertion Loss (maximum) 75BR-014 DC-1000 MHz 0-90 x 1 dB +/- 0.5 dB (1 dB steps) +/- 1.0 dB or 2.25% (10 dB steps) 1.3:1 DC-500 MHz 1.5:1 500-1000 MHz 1.0 dB 75BR-023 DC-2150 MHz 0-70 x 1 dB +/- 0.5 dB (1 dB steps) +/- 0.6 dB or 3% (10 dB steps) 1.5:1 DC-1000 MHz 1.8:1 1000-2150 MHz 1.5 dB Common Specifications Impedance RF Input Power Standard Rotation Indexing 75 Ohms 1 Watt average 1000 Watts peak See knob detail below 30° with stops at minimum and maximum Operating Temperature RF Connectors -20° C to +85° C BNC, F or N female Custom RF designs at catalog prices | No NRE charges | Email [email protected] 3-17 S-6-F 12-05-13 Cat Sep 2011 Rocker Attenuators Model Frequency Range 50RA-003 DC-500 MHz 50RA-004 DC-1000 MHz Attenuation Range/ Steps Attenuation Accuracy VSWR (maximum) Insertion Loss (maximum) 0-65 x 1 dB 1, 2, 4, 8, 10, 20, and 20 dB ± 0.4 dB 1.25:1 1.1 dB 0-65 x 1 dB 1, 2, 4, 8, 10, 20, and 20 dB ± 0.4 dB or 1% 1.3:1 1.5 dB Model Impedance RF Input Power RF Connectors 50RA-003 50 Ohms 1 Watt average @ +25º C 250 Watts peak (1 microsecond) BNC, N, SMA or TNC female 50RA-004 50 Ohms 1 Watt average @ +25º C 250 Watts peak (1 microsecond) BNC, N, SMA or TNC female This catalog represents less than 5% of our products. For your application, contact us at [email protected] 3-18 Pushbutton Attenuators Model Frequency Range Attenuation Range/ Steps Attenuation Accuracy VSWR (maximum) Insertion Loss 50B-001 DC-750 MHz 0-65 x 1 dB/ 1, 2, 4, 8, 10, 20 and 20 dB ± ± ± ± 1.1:1 DC-100 MHz 1.25:1 100-500 MHz 1.4:1 500-750 MHz 1.5 dB maximum 1.0 dB typical @ 750 MHz 0.7 dB typical @ 500 MHz 50B-035 DC-750 MHz 0-85 x 1 dB/ 1, 2, 4, 8, 10, 20, 20 and 20 dB ± 0.5 dB or 1% DC-500 MHz ± 0.5 dB or 2% 500-750 MHz 1.3:1 DC-500 MHz 1.4:1 500-750 MHz 1.0 dB nominal DC-500 MHz 1.5 dB nominal 500-750 MHz 75B-001 DC-500 MHz 0-65 x 1 dB/ 1, 2, 4, 8, 10, 20 and 20 dB ± 0.3 dB DC-100 MHz ± 0.5 dB 100-300 MHz ± 0.8 dB 300-500 MHz 1.1:1 DC-100 MHz 1.2:1 100-300 MHz 1.3:1 300-500 MHz 1.2 dB @ 500 MHz maximum 0.3 0.5 0.8 1.3 dB dB dB dB DC-100 MHz 100-300 MHz 300-500 MHz 500-750 MHz Model Impedance Power Rating Operating Temperature RF Connectors 50B-001 50 Ohms 1 Watt average (1000 Watts peak) -40° C to +70° C BNC female 50B-035 50 Ohms 1 Watt average (100 Watts peak) -40° C to +70° C BNC female 75B-001 75 Ohms 1 Watt average (1000 Watts peak) -40° C to +70° C BNC or F female 50B-001 / 75B-001 50B-035 Custom RF designs at catalog prices | No NRE charges | Email [email protected] 3-19 S-6-F 06-18-14 Cat Sep 2011 Toggle Switch Attenuators Model Frequency Range Attenuation Range/ Steps Attenuation Accuracy VSWR (maximum) Insertion Loss (maximum) 50TA-006 DC-850 MHz 0-65 x 1 dB/ 1, 2, 4, 8, 10, 20 and 20 dB ± 0.3 dB or 2% 1.4:1 1.5 dB 50TA-007 DC-850 MHz 0-45.5 x 0.5 dB/ 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 10 and 20 dB ± 0.3 dB or 1% DC-500 MHz ± 0.3 dB or 2% 500-850 MHz 1.4:1 1.5 dB 75TA-006 DC-500 MHz 0-65 x 1 dB/ 1, 2, 4, 8, 10, 20 and 20 dB ± 0.3 dB or 2% 1.4:1 1.5 dB 75TA-007 DC-500 MHz 0-45.5 x 0.5 dB/ 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 10 and 20 dB ± 0.3 dB or 1% 1.4:1 1.5 dB Model Impedance Power Rating Operating Temperature RF Connectors 50TA-006 50 Ohms 0.5 Watt average (100 Watts peak) -20° C to +85° C BNC, N, SMA or TNC female 50TA-007 50 Ohms 0.5 Watt average (100 Watts peak) -20° C to +85° C BNC ,N, SMA or TNC female 75TA-006 75 Ohms 0.5 Watt average (100 Watts peak) -20° C to +85° C BNC, F or N female 75TA-007 75 Ohms 0.5 Watt average (100 Watts peak) -20° C to +85° C BNC, F or N female This catalog represents less than 5% of our products. For your application, contact us at [email protected] 3-20