HT1382 I2C/3-Wire Real Time Clock Feature Applications • Real Time Clock/Calendar Functions –– Includes: Sec, Minutes, Hours, Day, Date, Month, and year in BCD format • Utility meters • Clock operating voltage: 2.0V~5.5V • Wireless equipment • Consumer electronics • Portable equipment • Supply voltage VDD=2.7V~5.5V • POS equipment • Automatic leap year correction, valid until year 2099 • Computer products • Other industrial/Medical/Automotive applications • Automatic supply switch over • Integrated oscillator load capacitors – CL=12.5pF General Description • Clock compensation The HT1382 is a low power real time clock device with two serial interface: I2C or 3-wire. The interface mode is selected by the chosen chip version. The device provides both clock and calendar information in BCD format and also includes alarm functions. The calendar is accurate until the year 2099 and includes automatic leap year correction. • Programmable alarm and interrupt function • 15 selectable frequency outputs • 4 Bytes EEPROM for user • Serial commutation via I2C or 3-wire interface • 8-pin DIP, SOP and MSOP package for I2C interface An external 32768Hz crystal is used as the device oscillator for device timing for which is provided an integrated crystal load capacitance of 12.5pF. The device includes a crystal oscillator temperature compensation function and internal power control circuitry detects power failures and automatically switches to the battery supply when a power failure occurs. • 10-pin MSOP package for 3-wire interface Rev. 1.50 1 July 24, 2014 HT1382 Block Diagram Internal power supply VDD VCOMP + - Switch RTC Register VBAT X1 Oscillator Compensation Crystal Oscillator X2 Control & Status Register Divider Circuit Alarm Register CE IRQ /FOUT 2 I C or 3-wire Interface SCL/SCLK SDA/I/O DT & USER EEPROM IFS VSS Note: IFS pin is used for selecting I2C interface or 3-wire interface. I2C interface is selected when IFS is unconnected. 3-wire interface is selected when IFS is connected to VSS. Pin Assignment I2 C 3 -W ir e In te r fa c e In te r fa c e X 1 X 1 2 7 3 6 4 5 X 2 8 V B A T V S S V D D 1 IR Q /F O U T C E S D A V S S H T 1 3 8 2 8 D IP -A /S O P -A /M S O P -A Rev. 1.50 9 IR Q /F O U T 8 S C L K 7 I/O 6 N C 2 V B A T S C L V D D 1 0 1 X 2 3 4 5 H T 1 3 8 2 1 0 M S O P -A 2 July 24, 2014 HT1382 Pad Assignment (0 ,0 ) X 1 1 X 2 V B A T C E 2 8 5 S C L K 7 6 V D D IR Q /F O U T 9 4 IF S V S S 1 0 3 S D A Chip size: 1245 × 1520 (μm)2 * The IC substrate should be connected to VSS in the PCB layout artwork. Pad Coordinates Pad No. Unit: mm X Y Pad No. X Y 1 −520.005 -161.460 6 −520.005 −646.610 2 −520.005 -256.460 7 521.000 −625.000 3 −520.005 -360.130 8 521.000 −530.000 4 −520.005 −455.130 9 521.000 −425.300 5 −520.005 −550.130 10 516.450 -288.400 Pin Description Pad No. Pin Name I/O Description 1 X1 I 32768Hz crystal input pin 2 X2 O 32768Hz crystal output pin 3 VBAT — Battery power supply 4 CE I Not used for I2C interface Chip Enable for 3-Wire interface 5 IFS I Interface selection pin. I2C interface is selected when IFS is unconnected, 3-wire interface is selected when IFS is connected to VSS. 6 VSS — Negative power supply, ground 7 SDA/I/O I/O Serial Data Input/Output for I2C and 3wire interfaces 8 SCL/SCLK I/O Serial Clock input for I2C and 3-wire interfaces 9 IRQ/FOUT O Interrupt/Frequency Output, this pin is open drain output 10 VDD — Positive power supply Rev. 1.50 3 July 24, 2014 HT1382 Approximate Internal Connections IFS, CE SCL, SCLK SDA, I/O VDD VDD VDD GND GND X1, X2 GND IRQ/FOUT X2 X1 GND GND Absolute Maximum Ratings Supply Voltage .......................... VSS-0.3V to VSS+6.0V Storage Temperature ............................ -50˚C to 125˚C Input Voltage............................. VSS-0.3V to VDD+0.3V Operating Temperature........................... -40˚C to 85˚C Note: These are stress ratings only. Stresses exceeding the range specified under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause substantial damage to the device. Functional operation of this device at other conditions beyond those listed in the specification is not implied and prolonged exposure to extreme conditions may affect device reliability. Rev. 1.50 4 July 24, 2014 HT1382 D.C. Characteristics Symbol Parameter Ta=-40˚C~85˚C Test Conditions VDD Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit V VDD Supply Voltage ― ― 2.7 ― 5.5 VBAT Battery Supply Voltage ― ― 2.0 ― 5.5 V ISTB Standby Current ― VBAT=3V, "CH"=1 ― ― 0.1 μA IBAT Battery Supply Current ― VBAT=3V, "CH"=0 ― 0.8 1.2 μA SCL/SCLK=0Hz, "LPM"=1 ― 5 15 ― 15 30 ― 50 100 ― 70 150 3V μA IDD1 Supply Current (Low Power Mode) IDD2 Supply Current IDD3 Supply Current with I2C Active IDD4 Supply Current with 3-wire Active VIH “H” Input Voltage ― ― 0.7VDD ― ― V VIL “L” Input Voltage ― ― ― ― 0.3VDD V 3V IOH1=-1.5mA 2.7 ― ― 5V IOH1=-3.0mA 4.5 ― ― 3V IOL1=3.0mA 0 ― 0.4 5V IOL1=6.0mA 0 ― 0.4 3V IOL2=1.5mA 0 ― 0.4 5V IOL2=3.0mA 0 ― 0.4 VOH I/O High Level Output Voltage VOL1 I/O, SCL and SDA Low Level Output Voltage VOL2 IRQ Low Level Output Voltage VCOMP VBATHYS Rev. 1.50 5V 3V 5V 3V 5V SCL/SCLK=0Hz, "LPM"=0 SCLK=400kHz ― 80 150 ― 150 300 3V SCLK=1MHz ― 100 200 5V SCLK=2MHz ― 300 500 μA μA μA V V V VBAT Mode Compared Voltage ― ― 2.40 2.55 2.70 V Hysteresis ― ― ― 25 ― mV VBAT Hysteresis ― ― ― 40 ― mV 5 July 24, 2014 HT1382 A.C. Characteristics Power-Down Timing VDD=2.7V~5.5V, Ta=-40˚C~85˚C Symbol tFSR Parameter Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit ― ― ― 10 V/ms VDD Falling Slew Rate Note: In order to ensure proper timekeeping, the tFSR specification must be followed. I2C Interface Symbol Parameter Remark Min. Typ. Max. Unit fSCL Clock frequency ― ― ― 400 kHz tHIGH Clock High Time ― 600 ― ― ns tLOW Clock Low Time ― 1300 ― ― ns tr SDA and SCL Rise Time Note ― ― 300 ns tf SDA and SCL Fall Time Note ― ― 300 ns tHD:STA START Condition Hold Time After this period, the first clock pulse is generated. 600 ― ― ns tSU:STA START Condition Setup Time Only relevant for repeated START condition. 600 ― ― ns tHD:DAT Data Input Hold Time ― 0 ― ― ns tSU:DAT Data Input Setup Time ― 100 ― ― ns tSU:STO STOP Condition Setup Time ― 600 ― ― ns tAA Output Valid from Clock ― ― ― 900 ns 1300 ― ― ns ― ― 50 ns tBUF Bus Free Time Time in which the bus must be free before a new transmission can start tSP Input Filter Time Constant (SDA and SCL Pins) Noise suppression time Note: These parameters are periodically sampled but not 100% tested. Rev. 1.50 6 July 24, 2014 HT1382 3-Wire Interface Ta=-40˚C~85 ˚C Symbol Parameter fSCLK Serial Clock tDC Data to Clock Setup tCDH Clock to Data Hold tCDD Clock to Data Delay tCL Clock Low Time tCH Clock High Time tr tf Clock Rise and Fall time tCC CE to Clock Setup tCCH Clock to CE Hold tCWH CE Inactive Time tCDZ CE to I/O High Impedance Rev. 1.50 Test Conditions Conditions VDD Min. Typ. Max. 3V ― ― ― 1 5V ― ― ― 2 3V ― 100 ― ― 5V ― 50 ― ― 3V ― 140 ― ― 5V ― 70 ― ― 3V ― ― ― 400 5V ― ― ― 200 3V ― 500 ― ― 5V ― 250 ― ― 3V ― 500 ― ― 5V ― 250 ― ― 3V ― ― ― 1000 5V ― ― ― 500 3V ― 2 ― ― 5V ― 1 ― ― 3V ― 120 ― ― 5V ― 60 ― ― 3V ― 2 ― ― 5V ― 1 ― ― 3V ― ― ― 140 5V ― ― ― 70 7 Unit MHz ns ns ns ns ns ns μs ns μs ns July 24, 2014 HT1382 Timing Diagrams Power-Down Timing I2C Interface SDA tBUF tSU:DAT tf tLOW tHD:STA tr tSP SCL tHD:SDA tHD:DAT S tHIGH tSU:STA tAA tSU:STO P Sr S SDA OUT 3-Wire Interface Read Data Transfer Write Data Transfer tC W H C E S C L K tC D H tD C I/O 7 0 tC C H tf tC L 7 0 C o m m a n d B y te Rev. 1.50 tr tC H tC C In p u t D a ta B y te 8 July 24, 2014 HT1382 Crystal Specifications Symbol Battery Backup Mode (VBAT) to Normal Mode (VDD) To switch from the V BAT to V DD mode, one of the following conditions must be valid: Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Unit f0 Nominal Frequency ― 32.768 ― kHz VDD>VBAT+VBATHYS or VDD>VCOMP+VCOMPHYS ESR Series Resistance ― 35 50 kΩ CL Load Capacitance ― 12.5 ― pF The power control situation is illustrated graphically below: Note: 1. It is strongly recommended to use a crystal with load capacitance 12.5pF. Battery Backup Mode VDD 2. The oscillator selection can be optimized using a high quality resonator with small ESR value. Refer to crystal manufacturer for more details: VCOMP VBAT VBAT-VBATHYS 2.55V 2.0V VBAT+VBATHYS Note: Battery switchover when VBAT < VCOMP Functional Description Battery Backup Mode VDD VBAT VCOMP The HT1382 is a low power real time clock device which provides full date and time functions. Communication with the device is provided through two integral serial interfaces, I2C or 3-wire. The device version selects the type of interface. The clock and calendar information is generated in BCD format and also has alarm features. The calendar is accurate until the year 2099, with automatic leap year correction. VCOMP 3.0V 2.55V VCOMP+VCOMPHYS Note: Battery switchover when VBAT > VCOMP Low Power Mode In normal mode, the HT1382 switched into battery backup mode when the VDD power is lost. This will ensure that the device can accept a wide range of backup voltages from many types of sources while reliably switching into backup mode. Another mode, called Low Power Mode, is available to allow direct switching from VDD to VBAT without requiring VDD to drop below VCOMP. The power switchover circuit is disabled and less power is used while operating from VDD. The Low Power Mode is activated using the LPM bit. Basic timing is provided using an external 32768Hz crystal, for which the device includes load capacitances of 12.5pF. An oscillator compensation function is provided to compensate for crystal oscillator temperatures. With fully integrated power control circuitry which can detect power failures, the device can automatically switch to a reserve battery supply when a power failure occurs. Power Control Function The Low Power Mode is useful when VDD is normally higher than VBAT. The device will switch from VDD to VBAT when VDD drops below VBAT, with about 40mV of hysteresis to prevent any switchback of VDD after switchover. In a system with VDD=5V and VBAT= 3V, the Low Power Mode can be used. However, it is not recommended to use the Low Power Mode in VDD = 3.3V±10%, VBAT≥3V. The internal battery switchover circuit continually monitors the main power supply on the VDD pin and automatically switches to the backup battery supply when a power failure condition is detected. In the battery backup mode, the interface is disabled to minimise power consumption. The interface inputs will not be recognised which prevents extraneous data being written to the device. The interface outputs are high-impedance. All RTC functions are operational when the device is in the battery backup mode. Normal Mode (VDD) to Battery Backup Mode (VBAT) To switch from the VDD to VBAT mode, both of the following conditions must be valid: VDD<VBAT-VBATHYS and VDD<VCOMP Rev. 1.50 9 July 24, 2014 HT1382 Clock Compensation Set FO3~FO0= “1010”, the FOUT pin will have 1Hz clock pulse output. Measure the FOUT frequency using a high-accuracy frequency counter with 7 or more digits. The correction value is calculated using the formula shown below. The device includes a digital trimming method for clock error correction due to temperature variations of the crystal oscillator. This can be implemented as manufacturing calibration or user active calibration. The crystal accuracy to temperature characteristic is similar to that shown in the accompanying diagram. Correction value = integral value 1Hz − (measured value) minimum resolution (3.052ppm or 1.014ppm) When clock compensation is used, set FO3~FO0= “1010”, and the FOUT pin will have 1Hz clock pulse output. The cycle changes once in 10 seconds or in 30 seconds as shown below. In the diagram “a” denotes a non-correctional cycle, and “b” denotes a correctional cycle. Measure “a” and “b” using a high-accuracy frequency counter of 7 or more digits. Calculate the average frequency based on the measured result. For DTS = 0, the average period = (a × 9 + b) ÷ 10 For DTS = 1, the average period = (a × 29 + b) ÷ 30 The Digital Trimming Register, DT, is used for clock compensation. Correction is performed once every 10 seconds or 30 seconds. The minimum resolution is 3.052ppm or 1.017ppm and the device has a correction in the range of ±192.276ppm or ±64.071ppm. a a a 9 times or 29 times Rev. 1.50 b a Once 10 July 24, 2014 HT1382 Register Description The device includes 16 registers which are used to control functions such as the RTC, Status, Alarm, Frequency output etc. There are also five bytes of EEPROM which contain the clock compensation settings and stored user data. The RTC and Alarm register data is stored in BCD format, while other data is stored in binary format. The register map shows the address definitions for the I2C interface. The command byte and R/W bit are used for the 3-wire interface. Address Register Definition D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Register Range Bit Command Default Name Data R/W Byte 00H CH 10 SEC SEC Seconds 00~59 80H W R 10000000 10000001 01H 0 10 MIN MIN Minutes 00~59 00H W R 10000010 10000011 02H 12/ 24 0 0 HR HR HOUR Hours 01~12 00~23 12H W R 10000100 10000101 03H 0 0 10 DATE DATE Date 01~31 01H W R 10000110 10000111 04H 0 0 0 10M MONTH Month 01~12 01H W R 10001000 10001001 05H 0 0 0 0 Day 01~07 01H W R 10001010 10001011 Year 00~99 00H W R 10001100 10001101 06H AP 10 0 DAY 10 YEAR YEAR 07H WP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ST — 80H W R 10001110 10001111 08H ARE 0 0 EWE EB AI BE 0 ST — 00H W R 10010000 10010001 09H IME AE INT — 00H W R 10010010 10010011 0AH SECEN AL. 10SEC AL. SEC Seconds 00~59 Alarm 00H W R 10010100 10010101 0BH MINEN AL. 10MIN AL. MIN Minutes Alarm 00~59 00H W R 10010110 10010111 0CH HREN 0 AL. 10HR AL. HOUR Hours Alarm 01~12 00~23 00H W R 10011000 10011001 0DH DTEN 0 AL. 10DT AL. DATE Date Alarm 01~31 00H W R 10011010 10011011 0EH MOEN 0 0 AL. 10M AL. MONTH Month Alarm 01~12 00H W R 10011100 10011101 0FH DAYEN 0 0 0 Day Alarm 01~07 00H W R 10011110 10011111 DT — — W R 10100000 10100001 LPM OEOBM FO3 FO2 FO1 FO0 0 AL. DAY EEPROM Data 10H DTS DT6 DT5 DT4 DT3 DT2 DT1 DT0 11H EEPROM User Data USR — — W R 10100010 10100011 12H EEPROM User Data USR — — W R 10100100 10100101 13H EEPROM User Data USR — — W R 10100110 10100111 14H EEPROM User Data USR — — W R 10101000 10101001 Rev. 1.50 11 July 24, 2014 HT1382 Real Time Clock Register EEPROM Write Enable Bit – EWE The RTC register stores the Year, Day, Month, Date, Hours, Minutes and Second data inBCDformat. When EWE is cleared to “0”, the EEPROM is read only, and the user can not write data to the EEPROM. When EWE is set to “1”, the user can write data to the EEPROM. Before writing data to the EEPROM, this bit must be set to “1”. 12/24 Hour Mode Bit D7 of the hour register is defined as the 12-hour or 24-hour mode select bit. If the bit is “1”, the RTC uses a 24-hour format. If “0”, the RTC uses a 12-hour format. The default value is “0. EEPROM Busy Status Bit – EB This bit is set to “1” when a write operation to the EEPROM has not completed. When this bit is set to “1”, reading data from the EEPROM or writing data to the EEPROM is invalid. After an EEPROM write operation has finished, this bit will be cleared to “0” and the user can read data from the EEPROM or write data to the EEPROM. AM/PM Mode There are two function for the D5 bit in the hour register which is determined by the D7 bit. In the 12hour mode the bit is used for AM/PM selection. When D5 is “1”, it will be PM, otherwise it will be AM. In the 24-hour mode, the bit is used to set the second 10hour bit (20~23 hours). Output Enable On Battery Mode Bit – OEOBM Leap Years This bit enables/disables the IRQ/FOUT pin in the battery mode. When the OEOBM bit is set to “1”, the IRQ/FOUT pin is disabled in the battery mode and the frequency output and alarm function are disabled. When the OEOBMbit is cleared to “0”, the IRQ/ FOUT pin is enabled in the battery mode. Leap years add an extra day for February 29 and are defined as those years that are divisible by 4. The device will provide automatic correction for leap years until the year 2099. Clock HALT Bit – CH Low Power Mode Bit – LPM This bit enables/disables the oscillator. The CH bit is set high to disable the oscillator and cleared to zero is enable it. The default value is defined as “1”. This bit enables/disables the Low Power Mode. When the LPM bit is cleared to “0”, the device will be in the normal mode and will use the VBAT supply when VDD < VBAT and VDD < VCOMP. When the LPM bit is set to “1”, the device is in the Low Power Mode and uses the VBAT supply when VDD < VBAT. Write Protect Bit – WP TheWP bit is set high to prevent data writes and cleared to zero to allow data to be written. The default value is define as “1”. Frequency Output Bits – FO3~FO0 Battery Enable Bit – BE These bits enable/disable the frequency output function and select the output frequency at the FOUT pin. The frequency selection table is shown below. It overrides the alarm mode. The 1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32 frequency outputs are compensated. When the device enters the battery backup mode, the BE bit is set to “1”. This bit can be cleared to “0” either manually by the user or automatically reset by the ARE pin. Only a “0” an be written to this bit, not a “1”. Alarm Interrupt Bit – AI When the RTC register values match the alarm register values, the AI bit will be set to “1”. This bit can be reset to “0” either manually by the user or automatically reset by the ARE pin. Only a “0” an be written to this bit, not a “1”. The AI bit will be set by an alarm occurring during a read operation ad will remain set until after the read operation is complete. Auto Reset Enable Bit – ARE FOUT (Hz) FO3 FO2 FO1 ― 0 0 0 FO0 0 32768 0 0 0 1 4096 0 0 1 0 1024 0 0 1 1 64 0 1 0 0 32 0 1 0 1 16 0 1 1 0 8 0 1 1 1 4 1 0 0 0 2 This bit enables/disables the automatic reset of the BE and AI status bits only. When ARE is set to “1”, BE and AI will be reset to “0” after reading these registers. When ARE is cleared to “0”, the user must manually reset the BE and AI bits. 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1/2 1 0 1 1 Alarm Enable Bit – AE 1/4 1 1 0 0 1/8 1 1 0 1 1/16 1 1 1 0 1/32 1 1 1 1 This bit enables/disables the alarm function. When the AE bit is set to “1”, the alarm function is enabled. When the AE bit is cleared to “0”, the alarm function is disabled. Rev. 1.50 12 July 24, 2014 HT1382 Interrupt Mode Enable Bit − IME EEPROM User Data This bit enables/disables the interrupt mode of the alarm function. When the IME bit is set to “1”, the interrupt mode is enabled and when the IME bit is cleared to “0”, the interrupt mode is disabled and the alarm operates in single mode. The HT1382 provides 4 bytes EEPROM for user. The EEPROM will continue to operate in battery backup mode. However, it should be noted that the I2C/3-wire interface is disabled in battery backup mode. User must detect the status of EB bit before reading data or writing data. If the EB bit is “0”, it is valid to read data or write data. If the EB bit is “1”, it is invalid to read data or write data. Alarm Register The addresses of alarm registers are 0Bh to 10h. The data is stored in the BCD format. The MSB of each alarm register is an enable bit. (enable=“1”). These enable bits specify which alarm registers are used to make the comparison between the alarm registers and the RTC registers. There is no alarm byte for year. When a compare match condition exists, the AI bit is set to “1”, and the IRQ pin is activated. Digital Trimming Setting Bits − DTS This bit sets the digital trimming resolution and adjustment time. The user must detect the status of the EB bit before reading data or writing data. If the EB bit is “0”, it is valid to read data or write data. If the EB bit is “1”, it is invalid to read data or write data. To clear an alarm, the AI bit must be cleared to “0”. If the ARE bit is set to “1”, the AI bit will automatically be cleared when the status register is read. Digital Trimming Bits − DT6~DT0 This digital trimming bit, DT6, is the sign bit. A “0” indicates positive calibration and a “1” indicates negative calibration. DT5~DT0 are the calibration values and the adjustable range is -63 ~ +63. If DTS is cleared to “0”, the correction range is -192.276ppm to +192.276ppm and if DTS is set to “1”, the correction range is -64.071ppm to +64.071ppm. The user must detect the status of EB bit before reading data or writing data. If the EB bit is “0”, it is valid to read data or write data. If the EB bit is “1”, it is invalid to read data or write data. There are two alarm operation modes: Single mode and Interrupt Mode. Single mode: set the AE bit to “1”, the IME bit to “0”, and disable the frequency output. When the RTC register values match the alarm registers values, the AI bit will be set to “1” and the alarm condition activates the IRQ pin. The IRQ pin will remain low until the AI bit is cleared to “0”. Interrupt mode: set the AE bit to “1”, the IME bit to “1”, and disable the frequency output. When the RTC registers values match the alarm registers values, the IRQ pin will be pulled low for 250ms and the AI bit will be set to “1”. This mode allows for a repetitive or recurring alarm function. When the alarm is set, the device will continue to activate an alarm for each match of the alarm and the present time. For example, if only the seconds are set, it will activate an alarm every minute, if only the minutes are set, it will activate an alarm every hour. Rev. 1.50 13 July 24, 2014 HT1382 DTS = “0” DTS = “1” Adjustment time Every 10 seconds Every 30 seconds Minimum resolution 3.052ppm 1.017ppm Correction range -192.276ppm to +192.276ppm -64.071ppm to + 64.071ppm Correction Value (ppm) DT6 DT5 DT4 DT3 DT2 DT1 DT0 Value DTS=“0” DTS=“1” 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 +63 +192.276 +64.071 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 +62 +189.224 +63.054 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 +61 +186.172 +62.037 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 +60 +183.120 +61.020 : : : : : : 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 +3 +9.156 +3.051 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 +2 +6.104 +2.034 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 +1 +3.052 +1.017 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 -1 -3.052 -1.07 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 -2 -6.104 -2.034 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 -3 -9.156 -3.051 : : : : : : 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 -60 -183.120 -61.020 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 -61 -186.172 -62.037 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 -62 -189.224 -63.054 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -63 -192.276 -64.071 Rev. 1.50 14 July 24, 2014 HT1382 I2C Serial Interface Acknowledge Each bytes of eight bits is followed by one acknowledge bit. This acknowledge bit is a low level placed on the bus by the receiver. The master generates an extra acknowledge related clock pulse. A slave receiver which is addressed must generate an acknowledge (ACK) after the reception of each byte. The HT1382 includes an I C serial interface. The I C bus is used for bidirectional, two-line communication between multiple I2C devices. The two lines of the interface are the serial data line (SDA) and the serial clock line (SCL). Both lines are connected to the positive supply via a pull-up resistor externally. 2 2 The acknowledging device must first pull down the SDA line during the acknowledge clock pulse so that it remains LOW during the HIGH period of this clock pulse. Amaster receiver must signal an end of data to the slave by generating a not-acknowledge (NACK) bit on the last byte that has been clocked out of the slave. In this case, the master receiver must leave the data line HIGH during the 9th pulse to not acknowledge. The master will generate a STOP or repeated START condition. When the bus is free, both lines will be high. The output stages of the devices connected to the bus must have open-drain or open-collector output types to implement the wired-AND function necessary for connection. Data transfer is initiated only when the bus is not busy. Data Validity The data on the SDAline must be stable during the HIGH period of the clock. The HIGH or LOWstate of the data line can only change when the clock signal on the SCL line is LOW. DATA OUTPUT BY TRANSMITER not acknowledge SDA DATA OUTPUT BY RECEIVER SCL SCL FROM MASTER acknowledge Data line stable; Change of data Data valid allowed START and STOP Conditions 2 7 8 9 clk pulse for acknowledgement Device Addressing A HIGH to LOWtransition on the SDA line while SCL is HIGH defines a START condition. A LOW to HIGH transition on the SDA line while SCL is HIGH defines a STOP condition. START and STOP conditions are always generated by the master. The bus is considered to be busy after the START condition. The bus is considered to be free again a certain time after the STOP condition. The bus stays busy if a repeated START(Sr) is generated instead of a STOP condition. In this respect, a START(S) and repeated START(Sr) conditions are functionally identical. The slave address byte is the first byte received following the START condition from the master device. The first seven bits of the first byte make up the slave address. The eighth bit defines a read or write operation to be performed. When this R/W bit is “1”, then a read operation is selected. A “0” selects a write operation. The device address bits are “1101000”. When an address byte is sent, the device compares the first seven bits after the START condition. If they match, the device outputs an acknowledge on the SDA line. MSB LSB SDA SDA 1 SCL SCL S STOP condition SDA Rev. 1.50 2 7 8 9 ACK 1 2 3-8 1 0 0 0 R/W • Byte Write Operation A byte write operation requires a START condition, a slave address with R/W bit, a valid Register Address, the required Data and a STOP condition. After each of the three byte transfers, the device responds with an ACK. Every byte put on the SDA line must be 8-bits long. The number of bytes that can be transmitted per transfer is unrestricted. Each byte has to be followed by an acknowledge bit. Data is transferred with the most significant bit (MSB) first. 1 0 Write Operation Byte Format S or Sr 1 The first byte after the START P START condition SCL 1 S START condition 9 ACK P Slave Address Sr S 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 P or Sr Write 15 Register Address (An) Data (n) P ACK ACK ACK July 24, 2014 HT1382 Byte Write Sequence R/W Signal The LSB of the Command Byte determines whether the data in the register is to be read or be written to. If it is “0” then this means that it is a write cycle. If it is “1” then this means that it is a read cycle. • Page Write Operation Following a START condition and slave address, a R/W bit is placed on the bus which indicates to the addressed device that a Register Address will follow which is to be written to the address pointer. The data to be written to the memory follows next and the internal address pointer is incremented to the next address location on the reception of an acknowledge clock. After reaching memory location 0Fh, the pointer will be reset to 00h. Slave Address Register Address(An) Data(n) Data(n+1) When the Command Byte is 10111110 or 10111111, the device is configured in the burst mode. In this mode, the address of registers from 00h to 0Fh can be written or read in series, starting with bit 0 of register address 0. Data(n+x) Data Input and Data Out P S1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 Write Burst Mode ACK ACK ACK ACK ACK In writing a data byte, R/W is cleared to “0” in the Command Byte and is then followed by the corresponding data register address on the rising edge of the next eight SCLK. Additional SCLK cycles are ignored. Data inputs are entered starting with bit 0. In reading data from the register, the R/W is set to “1” in the Command Byte. The data bits are output on the falling edge of the next eight SCLK cycles. Note that the first data bit to be transmitted on the first falling edge after the last bit of the read command byte is written. Additional SCLK cycles re-transmit the data bytes as long as CE remains at high level. Data outputs are read starting with bit 0. ACK Page Write Sequence Read Operation In this mode, the master reads the device data after setting the slave address. Following the R/W bit (=“0”) and the acknowledge bit, the register address (An) is written to the address W pointer. Next the START condition and slave address are repeated followed by the R/W bit (=“1”). The data which was addressed is then transmitted. The address pointer is only incremented on reception of an acknowledge clock. The device will then place the data at address An+1 on the bus. The master reads and acknowledges the new byte and the address pointer is incremented to “An+2”. After reaching the memory location 0Fh, the pointer will be reset to 00h. This cycle of reading consecutive addresses will continue until the master sends a STOP condition. This cycle of reading consecutive addresses will continue until the master sends a STOP condition. Slave Address 0 I/O A 0 2 3 4 5 A 1 A 2 A 3 A 4 6 0 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 C o m m a n d B y te D a ta I/O • Burst Mode Transfer S C L K ACK Data(n) Data(n+1) C E Data(n+x) 0 P S 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 ACK R /W 1 P ACK Slave Address Read C E Register Address(An) S 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 Write • Single Byte Transfer S C L K ACK ACK ACK I/O ACK R /W 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 1 5 1 C o m m a n d B y te Read Sequence 6 0 7 0 7 0 7 1 D a ta B y te 0 D a ta B y te 1 5 3-wire Serial Interface The device also support a 3-wire serial interface. The CE pin is used to identify the transmitted data. The transmission is controlled by the active HIGH signal CE. Each data transfer is a byte, with the LSB sent first. The first byte transmitted is the Command Byte. Command Byte For each data transfer, a Command Byte is initiated to specify which register is accessed. This is to determine whether a read or write cycle is operational and whether a single byte or burst mode transfer is to occur. Rev. 1.50 16 July 24, 2014 HT1382 Application Circuit I2C Serial Interface V C 1 V R 2 D D V D D B A T V B A T 4 .7 k S C L V 0 .1 F V D D R 3 D D X 1 4 .7 k V R 1 S D A 3 2 7 6 8 H z X 2 D D 4 .7 k V S S IR Q /F O U T 3-wire Serial Interface V C 1 0 .1 F V D D V D D B A T V B A T C E S C L K I/O V R 1 X 1 D D 4 .7 k IR Q /F O U T Rev. 1.50 17 3 2 7 6 8 H z X 2 V S S July 24, 2014 HT1382 Package Information Note that the package information provided here is for consultation purposes only. As this information may be updated at regular intervals users are reminded to consult the Holtek website for the latest version of the package information. Additional supplementary information with regard to packaging is listed below. Click on the relevant section to be transferred to the relevant website page. • Further Package Information (include Outline Dimensions, Product Tape and Reel Specifications) • Packing Meterials Information • Carton information Rev. 1.50 18 July 24, 2014 HT1382 8-pin DIP (300mil) Outline Dimensions Symbol Min. Nom. Max. A 0.355 0.365 0.400 B 0.240 0.250 0.280 C 0.115 0.130 0.195 D 0.115 0.130 0.150 E 0.014 0.018 0.022 F 0.045 0.060 0.070 G — 0.100 BSC — H 0.300 0.310 0.325 I — — 0.430 Symbol Rev. 1.50 Dimensions in inch Dimensions in mm Min. Nom. Max. 10.16 A 9.02 9.27 B 6.10 6.35 7.11 C 2.92 3.30 4.95 D 2.92 3.30 3.81 E 0.36 0.46 0.56 F 1.14 1.52 1.78 G — 2.54 BSC — H 7.26 7.87 8.26 I — — 10.92 19 July 24, 2014 HT1382 8-pin SOP (150mil) Outline Dimensions Symbol Dimensions in inch Min. Nom. Max. A — 0.236 BSC — B — 0.154 BSC — 0.020 C 0.012 — C' — 0.193 BSC — D — — 0.069 E — 0.050 BSC — F 0.004 — 0.010 G 0.016 — 0.050 H 0.004 — 0.010 α 0° — 8° Symbol Rev. 1.50 Dimensions in mm Min. Nom. Max. A — 6.00 BSC — B — 3.90 BSC — C 0.31 — 0.51 C' — 4.90 BSC — D — — 1.75 E — 1.27 BSC — F 0.10 — 0.25 G 0.40 — 1.27 H 0.10 — 0.25 α 0° ― 8° 20 July 24, 2014 HT1382 8-pin MSOP Outline Dimensions Symbol Dimensions in inch Min. Nom. Max. A — — 0.043 A1 0.000 — 0.006 A2 0.030 0.033 0.037 B 0.009 — 0.015 C 0.003 — 0.009 D — 0.118 BSC — E — 0.193 BSC — E1 — 0.118 BSC — e — 0.026 BSC — L 0.016 0.024 0.031 L1 — 0.037 BSC — y — 0.004 — θ 0° — 8° Symbol Rev. 1.50 Dimensions in mm Min. Nom. Max. A — — 1.10 A1 0.00 — 0.15 A2 0.75 0.85 0.95 B 0.22 — 0.38 C 0.08 — 0.23 D — 3.00 BSC — E — 4.90 BSC — E1 — 3.00 BSC — e — 0.65 BSC — L 0.40 0.60 0.80 L1 — 0.95 BSC — y — 0.10 — θ 0° — 8° 21 July 24, 2014 HT1382 10-pin MSOP Outline Dimensions Symbol Nom. Max. A — — 0.043 A1 0.000 — 0.006 A2 0.030 0.033 0.037 B 0.007 — 0.013 C 0.003 — 0.009 D — 0.118 BSC — E — 0.193 BSC — E1 — 0.118 BSC — e — 0.020 BSC — L 0.016 0.024 0.031 L1 — 0.037 BSC — y — 0.004 — θ 0° — 8° Symbol Rev. 1.50 Dimensions in inch Min. Dimensions in mm Min. Nom. Max. A — — 1.10 A1 0.00 — 0.15 A2 0.75 0.85 0.95 B 0.17 — 0.33 C 0.08 — 0.23 D — 3.00 BSC — E — 4.90 BSC — E1 — 3.00 BSC — e — 0.50 BSC — L 0.40 0.60 0.80 L1 — 0.95 BSC — y — 0.10 — θ 0° — 8° 22 July 24, 2014 HT1382 Copyright© 2014 by HOLTEK SEMICONDUCTOR INC. The information appearing in this Data Sheet is believed to be accurate at the time of publication. However, Holtek assumes no responsibility arising from the use of the specifications described. The applications mentioned herein are used solely for the purpose of illustration and Holtek makes no warranty or representation that such applications will be suitable without further modification, nor recommends the use of its products for application that may present a risk to human life due to malfunction or otherwise. Holtek's products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems. Holtek reserves the right to alter its products without prior notification. For the most up-to-date information, please visit our web site at Rev. 1.50 23 July 24, 2014