TO: Our Valued Customers SUBJECT: European Union (EU) Directive 1907/2006 on REACH TheRegistration,Evaluation,AuthorizationandRestrictionofChemicals(REACH)isanEU initiativeaimedtoimprovetheprotectionofhumanhealthandtheenvironmentthrough safeusageofchemicalsubstancescontainedwithinpreparationsandarticles. WithrespecttotheREACHinitiativeweofferthefollowinginformation: 1. Maximisauser,notproducer,ofpreparationsandmaterialsthatcontainEUREACH chemicalsubstancesthatmaybeusedinourlocationsworldwide.Maximisan importerofarticlesintotheEuropeanUnionforsaleanddistribution.Withregard toArticle7(1)oftheREACHregulation(registrationrequirements),articles producedbyMaximdonotcontainsubstancesintendedtobereleasedunder normalorreasonablyforeseeableconditionsofuse.Therefore,Maximisnot requiredtoregisteranysubstanceswiththeEuropeanChemicalsAgency(ECHA) underArticle7(1). 2. InregardtonotificationtotheECHAifthereisatleast1tonperyearcontentofthe substances,asstatedinArticle7(2)oftheREACHregulation,Maximproductsdo notcontainanysubstancesofhighconcern(SVHC)thatexceedthetonnagecontent. Therefore,MaximdoesnotneedtonotifytheECHAunderArticle7(2). 3. TheREACHregulationisexpectedtoberevisedeachyear.Uponpublicationofthe revisedregulation,Maximwillperformthenecessaryduediligencebysurveying oursupplychaintoensurecontinuedcompliance.Maximiscommittedtoobtain compliancedocumentationwithin45daysofthereleasedREACHregulation. i. Asofthedateofthiscertificateandtothebestofourknowledge,withregardto Article33oftheREACHregulation,noneoftheSVHCsareintentionallycontained withinMaximproductsatorabove0.1%(weightbyweightperarticle)withthe exceptionofsomeproductscontainingabattery.ThebatterycontainstheSVHC 1,2‐dimethoxyethane;ethyleneglycoldimethylether(EGDME).Pleaserefertothe listofaffectedproductsattachedfortheweightoftheSVHCcontainedineach article.TheSVHCdoesnotpresentanexposurerisk. ii. Asofthedateofthiscertificateandtothebestofourknowledge,withregardto Article17and67oftheREACHregulation,Maximproductscomplywiththe conditionsoftherestrictedsubstances. MAXIMINTEGRATEDPRODUCTS,INC. RichardShine Director,EndofLineManufacturingQuality 29‐Nov‐2012 REACH SVHC Position Statement Revision 12 Products Containing SVHC Base Article Marketing Part Number Part Description Battery Component Battery Quantity per Article Battery weight (grams) REACH SVHC % REACH SVHC per Component REACH SVHC per Article (g) DS1201* ELECTRONIC TAG BR1225 1 0.8 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 2.8 0.0224 DS1213* SMARTSOCKET 16K/64K BR1225 2 0.8 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 2.8 0.0448 DS1216* SMARTWATCH/RAM 16K/64K BR1225 2 0.8 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 2.8 0.0448 DS1220A* RAM NV 16K-5% VTP-100NS LEAD FREE BR1225 1 0.8 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 2.8 0.0224 DS1220Y* RAM NV 16K-5% VTP-100NS LEAD FREE BR1225 1 0.8 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 2.8 0.0224 DS1225* RAM NV 64K-5% VTP-150NS BR1225 1 0.8 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 2.8 0.0224 DS1230W* RAM NV 256K-5% VTP-100NS BR1632 1 1.5 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 3.7 0.0555 DS1230Y* RAM NV 256K-5% VTP-100NS BR1632 1 1.5 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 3.7 0.0555 DS1243* PHANTOM RTC MODULE 8KX8 200NS BR1225 1 0.8 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 2.8 0.0224 DS1244* PHANTHOM RTC 32KX8 3.3V 120NS LFREE BR1632 1 1.5 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 3.7 0.0555 DS1245* RAM NV 1 MEG-5% VTP-100NS BR1632 1 1.5 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 3.7 0.0555 DS1248* PHANTHOM RTC 128KX8 120NS LEADFREE BR1632 1 1.5 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 3.7 0.0555 DS1249* RAM NV 2MEG 5% VTP 100NS BR1632 1 1.5 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 3.7 0.0555 DS1250* RAM NV 4MEG-5% VTP 100NS BR1632 1 1.5 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 3.7 0.0555 DS1251* PHNTHM RTC 512KX8 3.3V 120NS LFREE BR1632 1 1.5 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 3.7 0.0555 DS1258* RAM NV 128K X 16-5% VTP 100NS BR1632 2 1.5 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 3.7 0.1110 DS1260* SMART BATTERY-1000MAH CR2477 1 10.5 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 3.0 0.3150 DS1265* RAM NV 8MEG 3.3V 100NS IND PB FREE BRA1632 1 1.5 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 3.7 0.0555 DS1270* RAM NV 16MEG 5% VTP 100NS ROHS BR1632 1 1.5 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 3.7 0.0555 DS1286* WATCHDOG TIMEKEEPER BR1225 1 0.8 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 2.8 0.0224 DS12887* DS12887 RTC 128BYTES BR1225 1 0.8 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 2.8 0.0224 DS12C887* DS12C887 RTC CBYTE 128BYTES BR1225 1 0.8 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 2.8 0.0224 DS1330* RAM NV 256K-PM-10% VTP-LPM-70NS BR1632 1 1.5 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 3.7 0.0555 DS1345* RAM NV 1MEG-OM-10% VTP-LPM-70NS BR1632 1 1.5 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 3.7 0.0555 DS1386* RAM MOD 120NS PB-FREE BR1632 1 1.5 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 3.7 0.0555 DS1425* MULTI BUTTON BR1225 1 0.8 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 2.8 0.0224 DS1427* TIME BUTTON LEAD FREE BR1225 1 0.8 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 2.8 0.0224 DS14287* RTC MODULE WITH NVRAM CONTROL BR1632 1 1.5 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 3.7 0.0555 DS1486* RAMIFIED TIMEKEEPER-128KX8RAM-120NS BR1632 1 1.5 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 3.7 0.0555 DS1511* Y2KC REAL TIME CLOCK 3.3V BR1225 1 0.8 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 2.8 0.0224 DS1553* Y2KC TIMEKEEP RAM DIP 100NS PB-FREE BR1225 1 0.8 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 2.8 0.0224 DS1554* Y2KC RTC RAM 5V DIP 70NS PB-FREE BR1632 1 1.5 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 3.7 0.0555 DS1556* Y2KC RTC RAM 5V DIP 128KX8 70NS BR1632 1 1.5 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 3.7 0.0555 DS1603* DS1603 ELAPSED TIME COUNTER BR1225 1 0.8 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 2.8 0.0224 Page 1 of 3 Products Containing SVHC Base Article Marketing Part Number Part Description Battery Component Battery Quantity per Article Battery weight (grams) REACH SVHC % REACH SVHC per Component REACH SVHC per Article (g) DS1642* TIMEKEEPING RAM DIP 2KX8 85NS PB-FR BR1225 1 0.8 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 2.8 0.0224 DS1643* TIMEKEEPING RAM DIP 8KX8 100NS BR1225 1 0.8 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 2.8 0.0224 DS1644* RAM DIP MOD 32KX8 120NS PB-FREE BR1632 1 1.5 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 3.7 0.0555 DS1646* RAM DIP MOD 1MEG 120NS PB-FREE3 BR1632 1 1.5 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 3.7 0.0555 DS1647* RAM DIP MOD 4MEG 120NS PB-FREE BR1632 1 1.5 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 3.7 0.0555 DS1687* 3V REAL TIME CLOCK SQW ON MODULE BR1632 1 1.5 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 3.7 0.0555 DS1693* RTC 3V/5V W/NVRAM CONTROL MODULE BR1632 1 1.5 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 3.7 0.0555 DS17287* 3 VOLT RTC 2K SQW ON MODULE BR1632 1 1.5 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 3.7 0.0555 DS1742* RAM PDIP MOD 5V 2K 100NS PB-FREE BR1225 1 0.8 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 2.8 0.0224 DS1743* Y2KC TIMEKEEPING RAM DIP 8KX8 100NS BR1225 1 0.8 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 2.8 0.0224 DS1744* Y2KC RTC RAM 5V DIP 32KX8 70NS BR1632 1 1.5 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 3.7 0.0555 DS1746* RAM MOD 5V DIP 70NS PB-FREE BR1632 1 1.5 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 3.7 0.0555 DS1747* Y2KC RTC RAM 5V DIP 512KX8 70NS BR1632 1 1.5 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 3.7 0.0555 DS17487* 3 VOLT RTC 4K SQW ON MODULE BR1632 1 1.5 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 3.7 0.0555 DS17887* 3 VOLT RTC 8K RAM MODULE BR1632 1 1.5 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 3.7 0.0555 DS1904* RTC IBTN F5 (GENERIC) BR1225 1 0.8 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 2.8 0.0224 DS1921* IBTN THERMOCHRON, GENERIC, F5,ROHS BR1225 1 0.8 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 2.8 0.0224 DS1922* THERMO IBTN,F5 HI/EXTD TEMP 8K ROHS BR1225A 1 0.8 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 2.8 0.0224 DS1923* HYGROCHRON,IBTN,F5,HI-RES,8K BR1225A 1 0.8 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 2.8 0.0224 DS1955* PITNEY POSTAL SECURITY DEVICE SWISS BR1225 1 0.8 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 2.8 0.0224 DS1963* MONETARY IBTN 4KB (GENERIC) PB FREE BR1225 1 0.8 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 2.8 0.0224 DS1991* MULTIKEY IBTN CR-ESC MEDICAL-ISR LF BR1225 1 0.8 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 2.8 0.0224 DS1992* MEMORY IBTN 1KB (GENERIC) BR1225 1 0.8 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 2.8 0.0224 DS1993* MEMORY IBTN 4KB (GENERIC) LEAD FREE BR1225 1 0.8 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 2.8 0.0224 DS1994* MEMORY/TIME IBTN 4KB (GENERIC),LF BR1225 1 0.8 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 2.8 0.0224 DS1995* MEMORY IBTN 16KB (GENERIC) BR1225 1 0.8 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 2.8 0.0224 DS1996* MEMORY IBTN,64K,F5,CR MERIT,LF BR1225 1 0.8 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 2.8 0.0224 DS2154* DS2154 DESIGN KIT BR1632 1 1.5 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 3.7 0.0555 DS2228* SIPSTIK, CPN 6639334A1-100 128KX32 CR1632 4 1.8 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 2.6 0.1872 DS2250* SOFT MICROCONTROLLER MODULE CR1632 1 1.8 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 2.6 0.0468 DS2251* SIPSTIK, EXP. TIME MICRO 128K 16MHZ CR1632 2 3.6 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 2.6 0.1872 DS2252* SIPSTIK MICR RTC 64K 16MHZ ROHS CR1632 1 1.8 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 2.6 0.0468 DS2253* DS5001FP ON DS2252T BOARD-64K-12MHZ CR1632 1 1.8 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 2.6 0.0468 DS2282* SIPSTIK, T1 FDL CONTROLLER CR1632 1 1.8 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 2.6 0.0468 Page 2 of 3 Products Containing SVHC Base Article Marketing Part Number Part Description Battery Component Battery Quantity per Article Battery weight (grams) REACH SVHC % REACH SVHC per Component REACH SVHC per Article (g) DS3800* BAT CAP 400MAH BR2032 BR2032 2 2.5 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 3.7 0.1850 DS3801* DS3801 BATTERY CAP BR2032 2 2.5 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 3.7 0.1850 DS3802* DS3802 BATTERY CAP BR2032 2 2.5 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 3.7 0.1850 DS3803* SIMM NVSRAM 32K X 32 FLEXIBLE 70NS CR1632 4 1.8 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 2.6 0.1872 DS38432* NV SRAM SIMM 32KX40 BR1632 2 1.5 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 3.7 0.1110 DS38452* 128K X 16 NV SIMM IBM 70NS 3V BR1632 1 1.5 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 3.7 0.0555 DS38464* 64K X 40 NV SIMM IBM 70NS 3V BR1632 1 1.5 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 3.7 0.0555 DS38476* 1MX16 NV SIMM IBM 3V ROHS BR1632 1 1.5 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 3.7 0.0555 DS38604* 3.3V 4MB NVSRAM ROHS BR1632 2 1.5 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 3.7 0.1110 DS5000* MICRO 32KX8 16MHZ CR1620 1 1.3 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 2.3 0.0299 DS9034* POWERCAP WITH CRYSTAL IND BRA1632 1 1.5 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 3.7 0.0555 DS9092* IBTN STARTER KIT,ROHS BR1225 2 0.8 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 2.8 0.0448 DS9108* IBTN THERMO STIK,10" LONG, TSTD BR1225 3 0.8 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 2.8 0.0672 DST1E1DK DS21X5Y T1/E1 SCT DESIGN KIT BR1632 3 1.5 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 3.7 0.1665 DSTINI* TINI EVAL BOARD 72 PIN 1MEG RAM CR1632 1 1.8 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 2.6 0.0468 MAXQ1959* MAXQ CRYPTO IBUTTON BR1225 1 0.8 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 2.8 0.0224 Page 3 of 3