Datasheet OptiSwitch® 906G Series - Converged L2 & L3 Service Demarcation Product Highlights Carrier Ethernet service demarcation - MEF-compliant CE2.0 services - MEF 9, MEF14, and MEF 21 compliance Unified Master-OSTM control plane for all models 2.5Gbps rate for high-speed service offerings - Enables service providers to offer higher speed services without the cost of a 10GE port Carrier-grade resiliency - sub 50ms recovery time - ELPS G.8031 and ERPS G.8032 Hierarchical QoS for premium SLAs End-to-end Service OAM to monitor SLAs L1 Shaping MPLS LER & LSR functionality Full range of L2 and L3/IP Services - L2 Carrier Ethernet, MPLS, MPLS-TP (*) and IPv4/IPV6 (*) Forwarding & Routing sFlow support for Application-Aware Networking SyncE and IEEE1588v2 PTP Timing & Synchronization Zero-touch provisioning with rapid service turn-up and customer web portal - MRV’s Pro-Vision Service Provisioning and NMS Temperature hardened models (**) OS906G Series The OptiSwitch® 906G series is a complete product line that comprises MEF-compliant CE2.0 carrier-class intelligent Ethernet Demarcation service devices. The OS906G portfolio includes 1/2 19” devices, full 19” devices with dual redundant and pluggable power supplies, temperature hardened models, and timing & synchronization supporting models. The OptiSwitch® 906G series was perfectly designed to converge premium L2 and L3 services into single cost effective and yet scalable unified devices. The OS906G series enables premium manageable end-to-end Ethernet services with extensive traffic management, performance management, and HW-based OAM tools ensuring strict Service Level Agreements (SLAs) across optical packet switched networks. Applications The OptiSwitch® 906G provides Ethernet demarcation functionality for SLA-based business Ethernet services, Ethernet mobile backhaul, including Synchronous Ethernet and IEEE1588v2 PTP Timing & Synchronization support, and External Ethernet Network-to-Network interfaces with end-to-end Ethernet services across multiple service providers. Business Ethernet Services Mobile Backhaul Services Carrier Ethernet enabled Cloud Services Inter-operator E-NNI Services WAN LAN 4G/eNodeB OS-906G PS2 FAN PS1 PWR CONSOLE EIA-232 L I A L I A L I A L I A L I A 1 3 2 1 4 A 2 A 5 2 24 1 23 CONSOLE EIA-232 22 24 21 23 MGT ETH PS2 PS1 MGT TMP FAN 4 6 8 10 12 14 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 16 18 20 22 24 15 17 19 21 23 25 10GE-XFP RST 26 10GE-XFP OptiSwitch 9124-410G L A L A L A L A 2 EM9005 PS/DC 27 10GE-XFP 28 10GE-XFP EM9005 PS/AC ADD L I A L I A L I A L I A L I A BITS L L MGT ETH 1 2 3 1 4 2 A A 5 S1 S2 6 L I A L I A L I A L I A BITS L L MGT ETH 1 2 3 4 1 2 A 5 A S1 6 S2 S1 ! PS1 PWR CONSOLE EIA-232 A S2 6 EXP 47 49 51 53 55 57 59 61 Metro Ethernet Network OS-906G PS2 FAN I BITS L L MGT ETH PS1 PWR CONSOLE EIA-232 RNC/S-GW OS-906G PS2 FAN L CAUTION This assembly contains electronically sensitive components IN OUT COM DROP 47 49 51 53 55 57 59 61 MS9-OADM8 Optical Packet Switched Network OS-906G PS2 FAN PS1 PWR CONSOLE EIA-232 L I A L I A L I A L I A L I A BITS L L MGT ETH 1 2 3 4 1 2 A 5 A S1 6 OS-906G S2 PS2 PS1 CONSOLE EIA-232 USB HOST 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 10GE-XFP 12 TMP 14 10GE-XFP PS2 FAN OptiSwitch OS940 FAN PS1 PWR CONSOLE EIA-232 L A L A L A L A 1 15 10GE-XFP Carrier Ethernet Demarcation - UNI - Bandwith on demand - SLA & Performance Monitoring Cloud Services OS-906G PS1 PWR CONSOLE EIA-232 L I A L I A L I A L I A L I A 1 2 3 4 A L I A L I A L I A L I A BITS L L 1 2 3 4 1 2 A 5 A S1 6 S2 3G Node B Mobile Backhaul (NGN Packet Switched Network) Operator 1 E -NNI Operator 2 BITS L L MGT ETH I End - to - end Service OAM End - to - end Service OAM PS2 FAN L MGT ETH 16 10GE-XFP 1 2 A 5 A S1 6 S2 Carrier Ethernet enabled Cloud Connectivity End - to - end Service OAM Inter-operator - E-NNI For inter-provider connecting points, the OS906G serves as a demarcation device at carrier-to-carrier on-net locations and provides External Ethernet Network-to-Network interfaces (E-NNI) that separate two different service provider networks. In such a deployment scenario, the OS906G enables Ethernet service delivery over multiple carrier transport networks with end-to-end visibility and control. The OS906G series includes 4 basic models (noted in the ordering information section on the last page): 1. ½ 19” 1U device with internal AC/DC power supply and optional redundant and external AC/DC power supply 2. Full 19” 1U device with dual pluggable & redundant AC or DC power supplies 3. Temperature-hardened (-40ºC to 65ºC) full 19” 1U device with dual pluggable & redundant AC or DC power supplies (future HW option) 4. Temperature-hardened (-40ºC to 65ºC), SyncE and IEEE1588v2 (Master *, Slave, BC) supporting devices. Full 19” 1U with dual pluggable & redundant AC/DC power supply. (*) Future Software release (**) For selected models Not sure which solution best meets your needs? Visit or e-mail us at [email protected] VPN Services & Protection Compliant to MEF Ethernet Virtual Circuit (EVC), the OS906G offers the following 3 types of VPN service: 1. Layer 1 Optical VPN – a cross-connect mode without MAC address learning 2. Layer 2 VPN – VLAN-based tunneling, Q-in-Q stacking, swapping, or mapping services 3. Layer 2.5 VPN – a label-based MPLS VC for direct connection into MPLS domains or H-VPLS MTU-s All the above VPN services can be fully protected using port redundancy, dual-homing, and/or ring topology with a recovery time less than 50 ms. In addition to L2 VPN, the OS900 offers integrated IP router services to save on cost of an external router, and provides a single demarcation platform for managed L2 VPN and IP services. Advanced Traffic Management The OS906G series enables a value-added network infrastructure, with end-to-end per flow QoS. It supports full CoS and QoS (MEF 14 model) including classification of flows, rate limiting, shaping, WFQ scheduling, and strict priority for lower delay/jitter and guaranteed throughput in real-time applications. In addition, it enables dynamic/adaptive buffer pools to prevent bursty traffic starvation and ensure effectiveness of queuing resources. For network convergence applications that have a clear boundary between the customer’s and the carrier’s networks, CoS layers (802.1p, IP ToS, and MPLS EXP bits) can be mapped/marked to preserve priorities or mapped into predefined protection profiles preconfigured by the provider. Hierarchical QoS – CoS-Aware Rate Limit Defining premium SLAs is a key requirement for service differentiation. The OS906G enables traffic management based on innovative CoS-aware rate limit to dynamically reuse bandwidth profiles. Dynamic QoS allows sharing of defined rate limited flows controlled by an aggregate profile applied to a user network interface or an EVC. In the new service offering, the consolidated real-time, high-priority and best effort data require different rates and marked Class of Service (CoS). Dynamic QoS helps to share/borrow the bandwidth allocated for real-time or high priority applications at a time when these services are not active. Such an offering contributes to a more efficient way of provisioning bandwidth at the access/ demarcation interfaces of the network without complex configuration settings at the aggregation layer. End-to-end OAM - IEEE802.1ag , ITU-T Y.1731, IP-SLA & RFC2544, ITU-T Y.1564 Service turn-up (*) The OS906G series incorporates connectivity, discovery, and fault management along with performance statistics of delay, jitter, and frame loss for demarcation and intermediate points of service. OS906G series offers hardware-based SLA measurment tools with nanosecond accuracy. The OS906G demarcation series is a standard-compliant and interoperable OAM solution that enables: 1. End-to-end Connectivity Fault Management per IEEE802.1ag 2. End-to-end Performance Measurement per ITU Y.1731 3. IP SLA with HW-based time stamping (IP-VPN measurements) 4. RFC2544 Layer 2 and 3 testing at up to 1Gbps rate 5. MEF SOAM per MEF10.2 6. Y.1563 Service Availability Measurement based on SLM/SLR 7. Y.1564 service turn-up (*) Per-service Performance Monitoring The OS906G offers real-time and history reporting on various service performance metrics, including port/VPN-EVC utilization, transmission errors, as well as QoS threshold exceptions. Each service can be tracked for statistical information to help in baselining and troubleshooting traversing services. This capability enables users to verify service guarantees and increase network reliability by validating network performance. Performance monitoring uses pro-active monitoring to regulate traffic in a continuous, reliable, and predictable manner so as to enable measurement of network performance and health. End-to-end Service Provisioning and OAM Pro-Vision™ is MRV’s carrier-class service provisioning & management platform that offers service providers a wide range of applications & tools to fully manage and control large-scale MEF compliant Carrier Ethernet based data, voice, and video services. Network Operation Center Pro-Vision R XML OSS SMN SMN )elbapac NALVSI( tiBagiG : epyT edoMitluM-scitpOrebiF tmgM rrEtmX XR XT : epyT lacisyhP pU si kniL sutatS kniL ffO si eerTpS eerT gninnapS delbanE troP lla etatS troP kniL cF xR 32 3 3 32 rebmuN troP rebmuN tolS rebmuN troP tolS edisnI B514C5A10200 sserddA CAM delbasiD troP lla xelpud _lluF troP lla lortnoC wolF edoM xelpuD sailA gnitnuoccA verP txeN shparG scitsitatS agiGecrof troP lla edoM NALVSI troP lla deepS troP edoM NALVSI eerT gninnapS pleH stnC stroP scitsitatS NOMR KO lecnaC SMN 541hn : )stroP( shparG scitsitatS stroP sraB eniL mdpS SNMP ylpitluM 1 6378016411 1 5909708 1 1 1 1 eliT 0 0 setyB tupnI stekcaP tsacinU tupnI stekcaP tsacinU-noN tupnI stekcaP dedracsiD tupnI 0 stekcaP rorrE tupnI 0 stekcaP locotorP nwonknU tupnI 32 32 32 0 1 65694 1 59844 1 0 1 0 stekcaP rorrE tuptuO 32 1 0 )stekcap( htgneL eueuQ tuptuO 32 setyB tuptuO stekcaP tsacinU tuptuO stekcaP tsacinU-noN tuptuO stekcaP dedracsiD tuptuO teseR SMN 32 32 32 1 32 32 32 32 :sa shparg ddA Automated Control The GUI-based software allows service provisioning, monitoring and troubleshooting with an easy-to-use central network management application. Pro-Vision provides rapid service creation, powerful performance monitoring including real-time performance metrics, port, and EVC utilization. Pro-Vision offers a Web-based customer portal that allows monitoring of real time service performance and SLA verification based on the customers view. Pro-Vision supports standard based Web services northbound interface using SOAP/XML, CORBA, and SNMP for interconnection with SP & equipment vendor OSS systems. (*) Future Software release Master-OS Service Provider OSS/BSS TM WAN LAN OS-906G PS2 FAN PS1 PWR CONSOLE EIA-232 PS1 PWR CONSOLE EIA-232 L I A L I A L I A L I A L I A BITS L L MGT ETH 1 2 3 4 1 A 2 A 5 S1 6 I A L I A L I A L I A L I A BITS L L 1 3 2 1 4 A 2 A 5 S1 S2 6 Metro Ethernet Network OS-906G PS2 FAN L MGT ETH S2 OS-906G PS2 FAN PS1 PWR CONSOLE EIA-232 PS2 CONSOLE EIA-232 USB HOST 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 10GE-XFP PS1 TMP 14 10GE-XFP OptiSwitch OS940 FAN L A L A L A L A 1 15 10GE-XFP 16 10GE-XFP L I A L I A L I A L I A L I A BITS L L MGT ETH 1 2 3 4 1 2 A 5 A S1 6 S2 Service Specifications MEF Services • • • • • • • MEF-compliant CE2.0 services UNI Type 1 and Type 2 External-NNI & Internal-NNI EPL, E-Line, E-Tree, E-LAN, E-Access per MEF9 EPL, E-Line, E-Tree, and E-LAN Traffic Management per MEF14 OAM Implementation Agreement (IA) per MEF17 All interfaces can be configured as UNI or NNI Packet Switching Services • IEEE802.1Q and IEEE802.1ad provider bridges - 4K active VLANs/EVCs - Selective Q-in-Q stacking per ACL criteria - Private VLAN - Inner classification on double tagged frames - Configurable Ethertype values • Configurable jumbo frames per port/EVC- up to16 KB • Transparent cross-connect mode - Per System, per port, or per EVC non-learning mode • Layer 2 tunneling of control protocols Packet Ring and Link Protection Services • • • • • • • • ERPS per ITU-T G.8032v2/Y.1344 ELPS per ITU-T G.8031 MSTP per IEEE 802.1s Sub 50 ms network recovery for ring and dual–homed topologies Link Aggregation (LAG n+1) – static and LACP - Load balancing based on L2-3-4 headers Link level 1:1 Loss of Signal (LOS) protection Hardware-based OAM CFM messages for fault detection and link fallback Bi-directional Link Fault Reflection Multicast and IP Services • Wire-speed multicast replication • IGMP v1,v2 snooping , proxy, and fast leave, PIM-SM, PIM-SSM • Wire-speed IPv4 and IPv6 packet fowarding and routing - RIP, RIPng, OSPFv2, OSPFv3 , BGP4, BGP4+, VRRP - BFD - DHCP server/client/relay Layer 2.5 Services • MPLS LER & LSR functionality Ethernet over MPLS pseudowire with Traffic Engineering • MPLS Protection based on FRR detour mode and dual-homed spoke MTU-s • MPLS BFD for MPLS OAM (based on RFC 5884) • MPLS OAM (MPLS PING / MPLS Traceroute) High Availability • Pluggable 1:1 Hot-swappable dual redundant power - AC and/or DC (for OS906G-M models) • Ambient temperature sensor for alerting • Dual image and rollback processes • Modular control plane - Master-OS™ Traffic Management • Traffic management per flow/EVC/Port • Shaping and policing at L1/L2/L3 • Ingress and egress policing and shaping • Color aware and color unaware BW-profile per MEF 10.2 • Congestion avoidance mechanisms: Tail-Drop and Weighted (*) Future Software release Random Early Discard (WRED) • Scheduling Mechanisms: Strict-Priority (SP), round-rubin (RR), and weighted round-rubin (WRR) • Classification by L1, L2, L3 and L4 criteria (Physical port, MAC, Ethertype, double VLAN tags, IP/ TCP/UDP) • Marking or/and Remarking profiles based on: IEEE802.1p, DSCP, and MPLS EXP • 8 hardware Service Level queues for every physical and extra port • Counters per UNI, CoS, EVC, control protocols - 4K counters Security • Wire-speed ACLs on L2, L3, and L4 headers - Ingress and Egress ACLs - Multiple actions in single ACL • MAC filters and MAC limit per port/per VLAN • UNI Broadcast/Multicast/Unicast rate control • Flood limit of OAM frames • DHCP Relay Agent Information Option 82 per RFC 3046 • ACL for management sessions from NOC Management & Diagnostics Tools • • • • • • • • • • • • • Out-of-band management via EIA-232 console port Out-of-band Ethernet management port Industry Standard CLI Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) per IEEE802.1ab Hierarchical Administration policy TELNET, SSHv2, SNMPv3, RMON (4 groups) Port mirroring - ingress & egress traffic to analyzer port RADIUS and TACACS+ AAA Configuration load/save with FTP or Secure Copy (SCP) Network Time Protocol (NTPv3) Internal / Remote Syslog IPv6 management Supported by MRV’s ProVision Service Provisioning and NMS Standard-based OAM • EFM Link OAM per IEEE802.3ah - discovery, port-loopback, and dying gasp • End-to-end Service OAM per IEEE802.1ag - Connectivity Fault Management per service MEP/MIP - In-service EVC loopbacks, linktrace and continuity check • End-to-end Performance Measurement ITU-T Y.1731 • MEF SOAM PM (MEF 35) • End-to-end IP SLA measurement - Jitter, Latency and Loss per service with ns accuracy • RFC2544 internal tester for wire-speed throughput measurement • Y.1563 MEF 10.2 service availability and resilency measurement • Y.1564 service turn-up (*) • Optical signal level monitoring (SFP SFF-8472) • Copper cable diagnostics (TDR) on RJ45 ETH ports • Integrated 3rd party OAM probes for end-to-end proactive speech and video quality & performance measurement to assure strict SLAs to the service provider’s customers Timing & Synchronization Services (for OS906G-M/MBH and OS906G-M/MBH/E) • • • • ITU-T G.8261, G.8262, G.8264 , ITU -T G.703 ITU-T G.736, G742, G.813, G.823, G.824 IEEE1588v2 PTP– Telecom Profile IEEE1588v2 PTP Master */Slave/BC modes Technical Specifications Regulatory compliance Temperature Range Extended Temperature Range OS906G OS906G-M FCC Part 15 (class A); EMC Directive (class A emission, immunity); Low Voltage Directive (electrical safety); RoHS Directive; WEEE Directive; CE; TUV-R (USA, Canada); GOST (for selective products); REACH SVHC; ETSI (for selective products); NEBS Level 3 Certified (OS906G-M/E and OS906G-M-MBH/E), C-Tick (for selective products). Operating Temp: 0oC to 50oC (32 to 122 oF) Storage Temp: -40oC to +70 oC (-40 to 158 oF) NA Humidity (max.) Physical dimensions WxDxH Weight MTBF Max. Power Consumption Power Feeding Optional desktop power supply -40oC to +65 oC (-40 to 149 oF): applicable for OS906G-M/E and OS906G-M-MBH/E 85% (non-condensing) 219.6 x 265 x 43.65mm3 (8.64 x 10.43 x 1.72 inch3) 1.05 kg (2.31 lb) 444.0 x 230 x 43.65mm3 (17.3 x 9.05 x 1.72 inch3) 1.7 kg (3.74 lb) - without PS 2.45 kg (5.39 lb) - with PS OS906G-AC 148410 hr @ 25 oC 597850 hr @ 25 oC (OS906G-M/E) OS906G-DC 485496 hr @ 25 oC 525456 hr @ 25 oC (OS906G-M) 437168 hr @ 25 oC (OS906G-M-MBH/E) 23W 30W AC Input Voltage Line (frequency 50 to 60Hz): 100 to 240 Vac DC Input Voltage: 18 to 60 Vdc 5V, 8A, 40W NA All statements, technical information and recommendations related to the products herein are based upon information believed to be reliable or accurate. However, the accuracy or completeness thereof is not guaranteed, and no responsibility is assumed for any inaccuracies. Please contact MRV Communications for more information. MRV Communications and the MRV Communications logo are trademarks of MRV Communications, Inc. Other trademarks are the property of their respective holders. MRV-OS-906G Rev.3 04 Copyright ©2014 MRV Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved.