A Indicators Toggles Complement to A Switches TYPICAL INDICATOR ORDERING EXAMPLE PC Terminals 01 Low .079” (2.0mm) Profile 02 High .291” (7.4mm) Profile LED Colors For 01 Model C Red P Straight E Yellow B Straight with Bracket F Green H Right Angle V Vertical Red LED For 02 Model Low Profile Model P Straight High Profile Model Green LED Straight PC Terminals A01VF Keylocks DESCRIPTION FOR TYPICAL ORDERING EXAMPLES Vertical PC Terminals Pushbuttons Models F Rockers V Programmable Illuminated PB 01 A A02PC (5.08) .200 (0.4) Sq Typ .016 (6.0) .236 Straight with Bracket (2.54) Typ .100 (6.0) .236 (1.0) .039 CL H (5.08) .200 (0.4) Sq Typ .016 (10.16) Typ .400 (0.7) Typ .028 (0.3) Typ .012 (1.0) .039 CL Vertical (2.54) .100 LED + Mark (0.4) Sq Typ .016 LED + Mark (0.3) Typ .012 (0.4) Sq Typ .016 (5.08) .200 (0.7) Typ .028 (3.1) .122 (5.08) Typ .200 (0.7) Typ .028 (5.08) .200 (5.08) .200 V Right Angle Slides B Straight (5.08) .200 Tactiles P Rotaries PC TERMINALS (5.08) .200 Tilt LED COLORS & SPECIFICATIONS A02 C E F C E F Touch Indicator LED is colored in OFF state Color Red Yellow Green Red Yellow Green Maximum Forward Current IFM 50mA 50mA 50mA 25mA 30mA 30mA Typical Forward Current IF 30mA 30mA 30mA 20mA 20mA 20mA Forward Voltage VF 1.7V 2.2V 2.1V 2.1V 2.1V 2.2V Maximum Reverse Voltage VRM 4V 4V 4V 4V 4V 4V Current Reduction Rate Above 25°C ∆IF 0.67mA/°C 0.67mA/°C 0.67mA/°C 0.33mA/°C 0.40mA/°C 0.40mA/°C Ambient Temperature Range –30°C ~ +85°C M –30°C ~ +85°C www.nkk.com Supplement Electrical specifications are determined at a basic temperatkure of 25°C. If the source voltage is greater than the LED’s rated voltage, a ballast resistor must be connected in series with the LED. The ballast resistor value can be calculated by using the formula shown in the Supplement section. Indicators Indicator Accessories A01 Models M3 A Indicators Toggles Complement to A Switches TYPICAL INDICATOR DIMENSIONS Straight PC Rockers (5.0) .197 (0.4) Typ .016 (0.4) Sq Typ .016 (3.0) Dia .118 Pushbuttons (6.0) .236 (5.08) .200 (0.3) .012 Slot (5.84) .230 (2.0) .079 (6.0) Min .236 (13.1) .516 (1.0) .039 (9.8) .386 (5.08) .200 (1.0) .039 (2.54) .100 (0.8) .031 (4.5) .177 LED + Mark CL (0.8) Dia Typ CL .031 Programmable Illuminated PB A01PF Straight PC • Bracket (5.0) .197 (0.4) Sq Typ .016 (0.3) Typ .012 (3.0) Dia .118 (4.5) .177 (0.3) .012 Slot (2.54) Typ (10.16) .100 .400 (9.8) .386 (1.0) .039 (2.54) .100 (0.8) .031 (6.0) Min .236 (13.1) .516 (2.0) .079 (5.84) .230 (2.54) Typ .100 LED + Mark (5.08) (10.16) .200 .400 (6.0) .236 Keylocks (0.7) Typ .028 CL CL (0.8) Dia Typ .031 A01BF Rotaries Right Angle PC (6.0) .236 Slot (0.4) .016 (3.3) .131 (3.0) Dia .118 LED + Mark (5.08) .200 (5.0) .197 Slides (0.3) Typ .012 (5.08) .200 (6.18) .243 (9.8) .386 (0.7) .028 (4.5) .177 (2.0) .079 (3.1) Min .122 (0.4) Sq Typ .016 (5.08) .200 (0.8) .031 (5.08) .200 (13.9) .546 (5.08) .200 (0.8) Dia Typ .031 Tactiles A01HF Vertical PC (5.0) .197 (0.4) .016 (3.0) .118 LED + Mark (6.0) .236 Tilt (5.3) .208 Touch Slot (0.3) Typ .012 (2.54) .100 (0.7) Typ .028 (5.84) .230 (2.0) .079 (4.5) .177 (13.9) .546 (0.8) .031 (5.08) .200 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) Typ .100 (0.8) Dia Typ .031 (3.1) Min .122 CL (0.4) Sq Typ .016 (1.0) .039 (5.08) .200 M Straight PC (5.0) Dia .197 Accessories Indicators A01VF (0.6) Sq Typ .024 (5.08) .200 (0.4) .016 Supplement (6.8) .268 (7.4) .291 (8.6) .339 (0.8) .031 (16.0) Min .630 A02PF M4 LED + Mark (9.2) .362 (5.08) .200 (0.8) Dia Typ .031 www.nkk.com