DMS-3019X Series Alternate Source for DP-650 Series, 3½ Digit LCD Display Digital Panel Voltmeters FEATURES OBSOLETE PRODUCT ■ Replaces DP-650, DP-652 and DP-654 meters ■ Connects directly to existing wiring ■ ±2V input range Contact Factory for Replacement Model ■ Low power consumption ■ Wider operating temperature range (0 to +60°C) ■ Rugged, epoxy-encapsulated plastic packages ■ Large (0.4˝/10.2mm) LCD displays DATEL’s DMS-3019X Series, 3½ Digit, LCD Display, Digital Panel Voltmeters provide DP-650 users with a superior-quality alternate source. The DMS-3019X Series input/ output connector is pin-compatible with nearly all DP-650 applications. Only minor sheetmetal modifications are needed to attain all the advantages offered by the DMS-3019X Series digital voltmeters. Provisions are also included for the addition of custom input-scaling resistors—a feature found only on DMS-3019X meters. Autozero calibration, autopolarity changeover and a factory-calibrated ultra-stable reference circuit are standard. A reliable, epoxyencapsulated DMS-30LCD digital voltmeter, with large (0.4˝/10.2mm) LCD digits, is used in all three models. All internal and external connections are 100% soldered—no elastomeric connectors are used. The DMS-3019X Series offers many noteworthy improvements over its competitors: wider operating temperature range, lower power consumption and higher input impedance, to name a few. And, most importantly, all DATEL digital panel meters are designed and manufactured in the USA! ORDERING INFORMATION DMS-30194 ±2V input DMS-30193 ±200mV input (Obsolete) DMS-30195 ±20V input (Obsolete) DMS-BZL1 Bezel assembly DMS-BZL2 Bezel with gasket DMS-30-CP Panel cutout punch SIMPLIFIED SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM +5V V+ 1 GND R2 0.01μF –5V 2 8 V+ R3 DC/DC CONVERTER V– (–) INPUT LO ~ R1 ~ 7 (+) INPUT HI 909k »+2.0V 3 DP COM 0 Vdc A/D CONVERTER 1.23V REF. DATA DP 3 SG1 4 GAIN ADJUST SG2 DP 2 5 +5V DP 1 6 9 DISPLAY TEST ~ R1 and R2 are user supplied Figure 1. DMS-3019X Simplified Schematic For full details go to Technical enquiries email:, tel: +1 508 339 3000 MPM_DMS_3019X.D01 Page 1 of 2 DMS-3019X Series Alternate Source for DP-650 Series, 3½ Digit LCD Display Digital Panel Voltmeters MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Typical at TA = +25ºC and supply voltage = +5V. (See DMS-30LCD data sheet for more information.) TOLERANCES: 2 PL DEC ±0.02 (±0.51) 3 PL DEC ±0.010 (±0.254) LEAD DIMENSIONS: 0.025 (0.635) x 0.025 (0.635) NOMINAL Power Supply (V+ to GND) Full Scale Input Input Impedance Sampling Rate Accuracy (VIN = +0.190V) Display Type Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Humidity (Non-condensing) 0.90 (22.9) TYP. 0.10 (2.5) TYP. 10 0.40 (10.2) TYP. 0.025 SQ. (0.635) DMS-30194 0.475 (12.07) TYP. BACK VIEW ® ® MADE IN USA 12 SG1 2.09 (53.1) 0.84 (21.3) 0.040 (1.02) R2 R2 R1 ® 1 ® R1 2.17 (55.1) FRONT VIEW SG2 4 5 61 72 3 8 5 6 94 10 DP1 (–) INPUT TEST 0.40 (10.2) N.C. 3 DP2 V+ 2 (+) INPUT 6 1 DP3 7 GND 0.92 (23.4) DP COM 0.040 (1.02) 1 +5Vdc, ±5% @ 1.2mA max. See Ordering Information 1 Megohm 3 Samples per second ±2 Counts max. (±0.1%) 3½ Digit LCD, 0.40"/10.2mm high 0 to +60°C –20 to +75°C 0-95% +5V +5V Power + Supply – DP1 DP2 + VIN – DP3 Typical Single-ended Connections BEZEL INSTALLATION AND RECOMMENDED DRILL AND PANEL CUTOUT #2-56 INSERT 0.156 (3.96) DEEP BEZEL INSTALLATION 0.187 (4.75) 10 PANEL 1.270 (32.26) MADE IN USA 1.07 (27.18) DMS-BZL1 & BZL2 PANEL CUTOUT ® BEZEL 2.55 (64.77) INTERNAL CORNER RADII: 0.032 (0.81) MAX. ® FRONT VIEW DMS-BZL1 and DMS-BZL2 1 RETAINING CLIP INSTALLATION 0.116 (2.95) 0.878 (22.30) 10 1 PANEL 2.118 (53.80) ® MADE IN USA 0.096 (2.44) ® 2.35 (59.69) 0.093 (2.362) DIAMETER (4 REQUIRED) A panel-mount retaining clip is supplied with all models USA: Murata Power Solutions, Inc. 11 Cabot Boulevard, Mansfield, MA 02048-1151 U.S.A. Tel: (508) 339-3000 (800) 233-2765 Fax: (508) 339-6356 email: ISO 9001 and 14001 REGISTERED 06/18/09 Murata Power Solutions, Inc. makes no representation that the use of its products in the circuits described herein, or the use of other technical information contained herein, will not infringe upon existing or future patent rights. The descriptions contained herein do not imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment constructed in accordance therewith. Specifications are subject to change without notice. © 2009 Murata Power Solutions, Inc. Mansfield (MA), Tel: (508) 339-3000, email: Canada: Toronto, Tel: (866) 740-1232, email: UK: Milton Keynes, Tel: +44 (0)1908 615232, email: France: Montigny Le Bretonneux, Tel: +33 (0)1 34 60 01 01, email: Germany: München, Tel: +49 (0)89-544334-0, email: Japan: Tokyo, Tel: 81-3-3779-1031, email: Kyoto, Tel: 81-75-955-7269, email: China: Shanghai, Tel: +86 215 027 3678, email: Guangzhou, Tel: +86 208 221 8066, email: Singapore: Parkway Centre, Tel: +65 6348 9096, email: Technical enquiries email:, tel: +1 508 339 3000 MPM_DMS_3019X.D01 Page 2 of 2