Case Style JV Outline Dimensions JV1210C PCB Land Pattern Suggested Layout, Tolerance to be within ±.002 CASE # A B C D E F G H J K L M N P Q WT. GRAM JV1210C .126 (3.2) .098 (2.5) .059 (1.5) .012 (.3) .024 (.6) .016 (.4) .209 (5.3) .091 (2.3) .128 (3.25) .175 (4.45) .057 (1.45) .059 (1.5) .059 (1.5) .028 (.7) .020 (.5) .03 Dimensions are in inches (mm). Tolerances: 2 Pl. + .01; 3 Pl. + .005 Notes: 1. Open style, ceramic base. 2. Termination finish: For RoHS Case Styles: Tin plate over Nickel plate. All models, (+) suffix. For RoHS-5 Case Styles: Tin-Lead plate. All models, no (+) suffix. 3. Pad tolerance is non-cumulative. Minimum spacing between each pad is .004. 98-JV Rev.: C (04/15/15) M150674 File: 98-JV.doc This document and its contents are the property of Mini-Circuits. Sheet 1 of 4