Terminal Crimp Process Verification Report Thermtrol Report No.: VR Report Project Name: FPA Project Type: Requested By: TVN Prepared By: Customer: Preparing Location: Request Date: Completion Date: Thermtrol Applicator # Supplier Applicator # Applicator Serial # Conductor Punch P/N Insulation Punch P/N Insulation Anvil P/N Conductor Anvil P/N # Strikes Recorded BAOH01 UL3321 Tinned copper 18AWG 16/30 Strd 0.118 +/- 0.004 inch Single crimper 20 - 16 AWG 0.090 - 0.130 inch Dia. fid Wire Manufacturer: Wire Description: AWG & Stranding Wire Insulation Range: Crimp Configuration Conductor Crimp Range: Insulation Crimp Range: Conclusions & Results: l Thermtrol (VSIP) Co., Ltd. 63850-1 tia Thermtrol Plant: Thermtrol Part #: Terminal Supplier Part #: Vietnam 27-Feb-11 03-Mar-11 AMP-128 680347-1 640563 4-456406-7 1-456134-4 N/A 4-683452-0 New Tooling en Wire Harness Ass'y Tyco Thermtrol Product: Customer Part #: Terminal Supplier: Tyco_63850-1_18AWG 16/30 Strd_BAOH01_06211 lC on This terminal meets all critical OEM application specifications, quality criteria and Thermtrol guidelines for acceptable crimps based on IPC- A620 and SAE/USCAR-21 specifications and it should be considered as acceptable for use in Customer Products. er m tro Customer's Comments: Report Prepared By: LE VAN CHUNG Date: Th Accepted By: Customer Engineering TVR Full Report.xls 1 mm/dd/yy 7.1 Cover Thermtrol Report No.: Tyco_63850-1_18AWG 16/30 Strd_BAOH01_06211 Customer: VR Report Project Name: Preparing Location: Vietnam FPA Project Type: Request Date: 27-Feb-11 Requested By: Completion Date: 3-Mar-11 TVN Prepared By: Configuration & Visual Inspection Photo Observations: Classification Acceptable er m tro lC on fid en Check Points: Terminal mating area is not damaged by the crimping process. Deformation of the terminal from the crimping process is within supplier's specification. Both the Insulation and Conductor are visible in the terminal inspection window. There are no wire strand nicks. The insulation has an even cut with no tearing (jagged edges). Insulation does not extend into the conductor crimp. Bell mouth(s) on conductor crimp meet supplier's specification. Wire brush is visible, uniform, and evenly distributed. Wire brush does not interfere with the terminal's mating section. Wire brush meets supplier's specification. Visual inspection of terminal shows no signs of material cracking as a result of the crimping process. Additional Comments: tia The overall crimp and terminal visual inspection: Based on visual inspection, classify this crimp as acceptable, process issue, or design issue. l Terminal Crimp Process Verification Report Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Measurement Criteria 1. Thermtrol Visual Acceptance Criteria for Crimped Terminals 2. IPC-A-620 3. SAE/USCAR-21 4. OEM Application/ Material Specifications and Crimping Guides Measurement Specification Meets Criteria? 0.008 inch 0.000 - 0.025 inch Yes 0.016 inch Visible - 0.025 inch Yes 0.014 inch 0.000 - 0.020 inch Yes 0.012 inch Visible - 0.020 inch Yes 0.032 inch Visible - 0.045 inch Yes Thermtrol specifies that in the insulation inspection window, the insulation and conductor lengths Insulation Inspection Window should be as close to 50/50 as possible. The insulation length should be at least 20% of the comments window length, and no more than 75% of the window length. The conductor crimp seam is closed and there is no evidence of loose conductor strands visible in Conductor Crimp Seam the seam. comments Th Category Bellmouth Brush End Bellmouth Entry End Cut off Tab #1 (front) Cut off Tab #2 (wire end) Brush Length Twist & Roll - comments TVR Full Report.xls There is no evidence of twist, roll, or any other damage to the mating portion of the terminal. 2 7.2 Config. & Visual Inspect Terminal Crimp Process Verification Report Tyco_63850-1_18AWG 16/30 Strd_BAOH01_06211 Customer: Preparing Location: Request Date: Completion Date: Vietnam 27-Feb-11 3-Mar-11 l Thermtrol Report No.: VR Report Project Name: FPA Project Type: Requested By: TVN Prepared By: Insulation Crimp Cross Section en tia Observations Evaluation based on IPC A-620 sec. 5.1.1 Based on observations, classify this insulation crimp cross section as acceptable, process issue, or design issue. Classification Check points Insulation crimp wings contact at least 180 Acceptable degrees of the insulation surface. End of each wing contacts the wire Acceptable insulation. (Overlapping crimp has end of one wing in contact with insulation.) Acceptable Crimp is symmetrical. Acceptable No insulation extruded between the wing gaps. Wing gap is not greater than 45 degrees. Acceptable Additional Comments: lC on fid None of the wings penetrate the insulation. (This is not allowed by Thermtrol) Category Measurement Height* 0.1337 inch Width* 0.1448 inch *Measurements are from a 1 piece sample set ** Reference Only Specification** 0.130 +/- 0.005 inch 0.140 +/- 0.010 inch Meets Criteria? Yes Yes Th er m tro Measurement Criteria 1. IPC-A-620 2. SAE/USCAR-21 3. OEM Application / Specifications and Good Crimping Guides 4. C-4 - 7.4.4 TVR Full Report.xls 3 7.3 Insulation Crimp Terminal Crimp Process Verification Report Tyco_63850-1_18AWG 16/30 Strd_BAOH01_06211 Customer: Preparing Location: Request Date: Completion Date: Vietnam 27-Feb-11 3-Mar-11 l Thermtrol Report No.: VR Report Project Name: FPA Project Type: Requested By: TVN Prepared By: tia Conductor Crimp Cross Section Cross Section Close to Conductor Crimp Center lC on fid en Observations Evaluation based on IPC A-620 sec. 5.1.1 Based on observations, classify this insulation crimp cross section as acceptable, process issue, or design issue. Check Points: Classification Compression: No round strands. All Acceptable strands are deformed. The crimp is symmetrical. The distance between wing tips is not greater than the Acceptable material thickness of the terminal. Strands are evenly distributed. Acceptable No air gaps in the conductor crimp. No cracks or breaks in the terminal Acceptable material (normally linked to excessive extrusion.) Acceptable Wings Locked. No gaps between wings. Wing tips do not contact bottom or side Acceptable of terminal. Additional Comments: Center Wire Crimp Analysis Measurement Specification Height* 0.0499 inch 0.049 +/- 0.002 inch Width* 0.0930 inch 0.090 +/- 0.005 inch Pull Test** 43.8967 lbs > 20 lbs Left burr - 0.0026 inch 0.010 inch Max Wire Barrel Flash / Extrusion Right burr - 0.0014 inch 1600.00 1324.96 - 1900.96 Wire CMA Strand Count 16 16 Strand Diameter 0.0100 inch 0.0100 inch Crimp Compression* 18.43% 10% <= 30%*** *Measurements are from a 1 piece sample set **Measurements are the mean of a 30 piece sample set. ***For copper wire material only Meets Criteria? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes er m tro Category Th Measurement Criteria 1. IPC-A-620 2. SAE/USCAR-21 3. OEM Application / Specifications, UL 758 and Good Crimping Guides 4. C-4 - 7.3.4 TVR Full Report.xls 4 7.4 Conductor Crimp Terminal Crimp Process Verification Report Thermtrol Report No.: VR Report Project Name: FPA Project Type: Requested By: TVN Prepared By: Tyco_63850-1_18AWG 16/30 Strd_BAOH01_06211 Customer: Preparing Location: Request Date: Completion Date: l Vietnam 27-Feb-11 3-Mar-11 X bar C har t Capability H istogr am LSL 0.04920 USL S pecifications LS L 0.047 U S L 0.051 _ _ X=0.049115 0.04905 1 2 3 4 04 0. 5 4 0 6 2 8 4 0 6 7 0 47 6 48 1 48 7 492 498 504 509 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. Sample Range R C har t 0.0008 UCL=0.0008600 0.0004 _ R=0.0004292 0.0000 Nor mal P r ob P lot A D : 0.589, P : 0.116 LCL=0 1 2 3 4 5 0.0485 0.0490 L ast 5 Subgr oups 0.0495 C apability P lot S tD ev Cp C pk 0.0492 0.0490 Within 0.000169365 3.94 3.71 0.0488 Within Overall S tD ev Pp P pk C pm O v erall 0.00016283 4.09 3.86 * Specs 2 3 Sample 4 5 lC on 1 0.04930 0.04890 0.04880 0.04905 0.04930 0.04895 0.04910 0.04920 0.04935 0.04895 0.04925 0.04925 0.04895 0.04930 0.04920 0.04925 0.04925 0.04935 0.04915 0.04880 0.04915 0.04925 0.04915 0.04905 0.04910 0.04890 0.04910 0.04890 0.04905 0.04915 en LCL=0.0489076 0.04890 fid Sample Mean UCL=0.0493224 Values tia Sixpack of Crimp Height Crimp HeightProcess ProcessCapability Capability Study Between/Within Capability of Pull Force Statistical Software Used: LSL Minitab 14.1 B /W C apability Cp * C P L 3.69 C PU * C pk 3.69 m tro Conductor Pull Force Capability Study 20 24 E xp. B/W P erformance P P M < LS L 0.00 PPM > USL * P P M T otal 0.00 28 32 36 40 44 O v erall C apability Pp PPL PPU P pk C pm * 3.81 * 3.81 * 43.59 43.61 43.14 41.52 44.45 40.48 44.33 45.72 46.07 46.90 40.63 44.44 44.47 41.98 45.12 48 E xp. O v erall P erformance P P M < LS L 0.00 PPM > USL * P P M Total 0.00 Th er O bserv ed P erformance P P M < LS L 0.00 PPM > U SL * P P M Total 0.00 Version: B/W Ov erall P rocess D ata LS L 20 Target * USL * S ample M ean 43.8967 S ample N 30 S tD ev (Betw een) 0 S tD ev (Within) 2.15747 S tD ev (B/W) 2.15747 S tD ev (O v erall) 2.09291 Statistical Software Used: TVR Full Report.xls Minitab Version: 5 44.29 45.48 40.16 45.64 42.81 43.32 41.79 42.21 47.96 41.67 46.33 45.15 43.97 42.23 47.44 14.1 7.5 Conductor Crimp Cpk Studies Terminal Crimp Process Verification Report Thermtrol Report No.: VR Report Project Name: FPA Project Type: Requested By: TVN Prepared By: Customer: Preparing Location: Request Date: Completion Date: 18AWG 16/30 l AWG & Stranding: Vietnam 27-Feb-11 3-Mar-11 tia UL 3321 Tinned Wire Description: Tyco_63850-1_18AWG 16/30 Strd_BAOH01_06211 Wire Insulation Cross Section & Visual Photo Observations: en The overall wire visual inspection: Based on visual inspection, classify this wire as acceptable, process issue, or design issue. Check Points: Insulation diameter is within supplier's specification. Insulation thickness is within supplier's specification. fid Wire CMA is within supplier's specification. Th er Category Insulation Diameter * Insulation Thickness * Wire CMA Strand Count Strand Diameter Tinned or Non-Tinned Strip Force (min. and average value of 10 samples) ** Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Measurement Criteria 1. Thermtrol Visual Acceptance Criteria 2. Customer prints 3. Customer specifications 4. UL Specifications m tro lC on Number of strands is within supplier's specification. Strand diameter is within supplier's specification. Wires strands is tinned/ non-tinned as per the specified specification. Additional Comments: Classification Measurement 2.991 mm 0.871 mm 1600 16 0.0100 inch Tinned 7.1 lbs Min 7.5 lbs Average Specification 3.0 +/- 0.1 mm 0.69 mm Min 1324.96 - 1900.96 16 0.0100 inch Tinned - Meets Criteria? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes - Notes: 1. * Measurements are average of two values as shown in the picture above 2. Wire color in the pictures of wire insulation cross section above may be different from wire color used in crimping studies and actual products, however they are all the same UL style, wire size, strand count, insulation diameter, insulation thickness. 3. ** Strip Force Test Method: 1) Test Sample: Take a 4.5 inch sample with 1.5 inch bare at both ends and 1.5 inches insulated. 2) If the stripability force on two or more of ten specimens tested does not meet the limits of the applicable material specification or if the average stripability force does not meet the limits, the material shall be rejected. TVR Full Report.xls 6 7.6 Wire Cross Section Terminal Crimp Process Verification Report Tyco_63850-1_18AWG 16/30 Strd_BAOH01_06211 Customer: Preparing Location: Request Date: Completion Date: Vietnam 27-Feb-11 3-Mar-11 lC on fid en tia l Thermtrol Report No.: VR Report Project Name: FPA Project Type: Requested By: TVN Prepared By: tro This verification report only shows that the design is centered and the manufacturing process is capable. Th er m By signing below, supplier is certifying to Customer the following: 1) The information and data contained within this report is true and accurate. 2) A day-to-day process control plan is in place that assures parts are produced to a Cpk of 2 or better. 3) This verification report and the supplier's day-to-day process control plan will be included with the FPA submittal to the Customer using division. Signature Certified By: Print Name Phone TVR Full Report.xls Date: CAO HUNG SON Authorized Supplier Representative +84-650-3782873 Email 7 3-Mar-11 dd-mmm-yy [email protected] 7.7 Sign-off