AME High Efficiency 500KHz Step-Up Converter AME5125 n General Description n Features l High Efficiency Synchronous Boost Converter l Internal Low RDS(ON) Power MOSFETs H: 50mΩ(PMOS) / L: 50mΩ(NMOS) Typical l Operating (Input) Range: 2.7V ~ 5.5V l Up to 5.5V Output Voltage l 500KHz Switching Frequency l Provide High Efficiency at Light Loading l Load Disconnect During Shutdown l Adjust Peak Switch Current l Short Circuit into Hiccup Mode l Internal Soft Start l Integrated Over-Voltage Protection l Thermal Shutdown l All AME's Lead Free Products Meet RoHS Standards The AME5125 is a high-performance current mode synchronous boost converter with integrated Power MOSFETs which on-resistance of internal main switch is only 50mΩ and rectifier switch resistance is 50mΩ to maintain high efficiency in heavy load conditions that supports switch peak current of up to 5.5A. The integrated circuit supports an input voltage range of 2.7V to 5.5V. The converter can be disabled to minimize battery drain. During shutdown, the load (VOUT) is completely disconnected from the battery (VIN). Additional functions include an internal soft-start function in order to easy inrush current control. The circuit protection includes Over Voltage Protection and Thermal Shutdown to prevent device failure under the "Worst" of operating conditions. This device is available in SOP-8/PP with exposed pad for low thermal resistance. n Function Diagram n Applications l Battery Bank l Portable Devices EN L1 2.2uH VOUT VIN C1 10uF AME5125 OFF Rev.P01 NC R1 806K C2 22uF C3 22uF EN PGND Device Control VREF PWM EA FB R2 110K EN AGND VOUT Current SENSE Control Logic 5V FB ISET ON VIN C4 SW VOUT Oscillator n Typical Application Input Well Switch SW OCP Loop Compensation AGND ISET PGND RISET 110K 1 AME High Efficiency 500KHz Step-Up Converter AME5125 n Pin Configuration SOP-8/PP Top View 8 7 6 AME5125 1. EN 2. PGND 3. VIN 4. SW 5. VOUT 6. AGND 7. FB 8. ISET 5 GND 1 2 3 4 * Die Attach: Conductive Epoxy n Pin Description 2 Pin Number Pin Name Pin Description 1 EN 2 PGND 3 VIN Input Voltage 4 SW Switching Node. 5 VOUT Output Voltage. 6 AGND Analog Ground. 7 FB Feedback Input. 8 ISET 9 Exposed Pad Enable Input. When EN is floating, the device will be turn off. Power Ground. Switch Current Limit Adjustable Pin, Connect a Resistor to GND. Power Ground. Rev.P01 AME High Efficiency 500KHz Step-Up Converter AME5125 n Ordering Information AME5125 - x x x xxx Output Voltage Number of Pins Package Type Pin Configuration Pin Configuration A (SOP-8/PP) Rev.P01 1. EN 2. PGND 3. VIN 4. SW 5. VOUT 6. AGND 7. FB 8. ISET Package Type Number of Pins Z: SOP/PP A: 8 Output Voltage ADJ: Adjustable 3 AME High Efficiency 500KHz Step-Up Converter AME5125 n Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Maximum Unit Input Voltage -0.3 to +7 V Switch Voltage 0.3 to +7 V All Other Pins -0.3 to +7 V Electrostatic Discharge (HBM) 2000 V Electrostatic Discharge (MM) 200 V Electrostatic Discharge (CDM) 1000 V Junction Temperature 150 o C -65 to +150 o C Storage Temperature Range n Recommended Operating Conditions Parameter Symbol Rating Unit VIN 2.7~5.5 V VOUT 3.3 to 5.5 V Junction Temperature Range TJ -40 to +125 o C Ambient Temperature Range TA -40 to +85 o C Input Voltage Output Voltage n Thermal Information Parameter Package Die Attach Thermal Resistance (Junction to Case) Thermal Resistance (Junction to Ambient) Internal Power Dissipation Solder Iron (10 Sec)** 4 Symbol Maximum θJC 19 Unit o SOP-8/PP Conductive Epoxy θJA 84 PD 1450 350 C/W mW o C Rev.P01 AME High Efficiency 500KHz Step-Up Converter AME5125 n Electrical Specifications Typical values VIN=3.7V, VOUT=5V with typical TA=25oC, unless otherwise specified. Parameter Symbol Test Condition Min Typ Max Units VIN 2.7 5.5 V Output Voltage Operating Range VOUT 3.3 5.5 V Feedback Voltage VFB 0.588 0.6 0.612 V Switching Frequency FSW 400 500 KHz Max. Duty Cycle DMAX 90 % µA Input Voltage Operating Range Quiescent Current VOUT IQ No switching 60 Shutdown Current ISD VEN=0V 0.1 1 uA Rectifying Switch on Resistance RDS(ON)_P 50 mΩ Main Switch on Resistance RDS(ON)_N 50 mΩ UVLO Rising Threshold Voltage VUVLOR VIN Voltage 2.6 V UVLO Falling Threshold Voltage VUVLOF VIN Voltage 2.4 V RISET RL=110 KΩ, VOUT>VIN 5.5 A Switch Current Limit EN Logic-High Voltage VIH EN Logic-Low Voltage VIL EN Input Current IEN Output OVP Thermal Shutdown Thermal Shutdown Hysteresis Rev.P01 VOVP TSD TSDHYS 4.0 1.4 V 0.6 V 0.1 uA VFB=0.6V 1.16xVFB V VOUT=5V 6 V 150 o C 20 o C 5 AME AME5125 n Application Information High Efficiency 500KHz Step-Up Converter VOUT=0.6x(1+R1/R2) VOUT Over Voltage Protection The AME5125 has output over-voltage protections. The thresholds output OVP circuit minimum 116% x VOUT, respectively. Once the output voltage is higher than the threshold, the NMOS driver is turned off. When the output voltage drops lower than the threshold, the NMOS driver will be enabled again. 0.6V R1 EA FB R2 Inductor Selection The inductor is required to supply current to the load while being driven by the switched input voltage. It will result in less ripple current that will in turn result in lower output ripple voltage. In addition minimum inductance value is proportional to the operating frequency. Make sure that the peak inductor current is below the maximum switch current limit. Determine inductance is to allow the peak-to-peak ripple current to be approximately 30% of the maximum load current. The inductance value can be calculated by: L=(VIN/VOUT)2 (VOUT-VIN) / FSW x IOUT x 40% FSW is the switching frequency IOUT is the max output current. Over Current Protection The AME5125 cycle-by-cycle limits the peak inductor current to protect NMOS driver. The NMOS driver will turn off when switching current reaches OCP level that can be set by external RISET. Thermal Shutdown The AME5125 protects itself from overheating with an internal thermal shutdown circuit. If the junction temperature exceeds the thermal shutdown trigger point, the NMOS driver is turned off. The part is restarted when the junction temperature drops 20oC below the thermal shutdown trigger point. Setting the Output Voltage Input Capacitor CIN The input current to the boost converter is discontinuous, therefore a capacitor is required to supply the AC current while maintaining the DC input voltage. Use low ESR capacitors for the best performance. Ceramic capacitors are preferred. The ripple current through input capacitor is calculated was list below: ICIN_RMS=VINx(VOUT-VIN)/3.46xLxFSWxVOUT The input capacitor is selected to handle the input ripple noise requirements. Suggesting to use X5R or X7R grade ceramic capacitor. Output capacitor COUT The outpour capacitor is required to maintain the DC output voltage. Ceramic, tantalum, or low ESR electrolytic capacitors are recommended. The Low ESR capacitors are preferred to keep the lower output voltage ripple. It's recommended X5R or X7R ceramic capacitor with enough voltage rating. The Enable Operation Pulling the EN pin low (<0.6V) will shutdown the device. At the shutdown mode, the AME5125 output drop to zero in addition only below 1uA standby current. When EN Pin >1.4, the AME5125 will turn on device. If EN Pin floating the AME5125 into shutdown mode. The output voltage is using a resistive voltage divider connected from the output voltage to FB. It divides the output voltage down to the feedback voltage by the ratio: 6 Rev.P01 AME High Efficiency 500KHz Step-Up Converter AME5125 n Characterization Curve Output Voltage Ripple V IN (2V/Div) V SW (5V/Div) IL (200mA/Div) V OUT (50mV/Div) Output Voltage Ripple V IN (2V/Div) V SW (5V/Div) C1 C2 VIN=3.2V, IOUT=0mA IL (1A/Div) V OUT (100mV/Div) C4 C3 Time(2ms/Div) C1 C2 VIN=3.2V, IOUT=1000mA C4 C3 Time(1µs/Div) Output Voltage Ripple RISET vs Current Limit 8 7.5 IL (2A/Div) VOUT (200mV/Div) 7 C1 C2 Current Limit (A) VIN (2V/Div) VSW (5V/Div) 6 5.5 5 4.5 4 VIN=3.2V, IOUT=2000mA C4 6.5 3.5 C3 3 Time(1µs/Div) 90 110 130 150 170 190 210 230 250 RISET(KΩ) Efficiency 100 Efficiency (%) 90 80 70 VIN=3.7 VOUT=5V 60 50 Rev.P01 0.0 0.5 1.0 Current (A) 1.5 2.0 7 AME High Efficiency 500KHz Step-Up Converter AME5125 n Characterization Curve (Contd.) Load Transient Load Transient VIN=3.7V, IOUT=500~1000mA VIN=4.2V, IOUT=500~1000mA VOUT (500mV/Div) V OUT (500mV/Div) IL (1A/Div) IL (1A/Div) Time(1ms/Div) Time(1ms/Div) Load Transient Load Transient VIN=3.7V, IOUT=500~2000mA V OUT (500mV/Div) IL (2A/Div) IL (2A/Div) Time(1ms/Div) 8 VIN=4.2V, IOUT=500~2000mA V OUT (500mV/Div) Time(1ms/Div) Rev.P01 AME High Efficiency 500KHz Step-Up Converter AME5125 n Characterization Curve (Contd.) Power ON V EN C1 (5V/Div) VIN=4.2V, IOUT=1000mA Power ON V EN C1 (5V /Div) V SW C2 (5V/Div) VSW C2 (5V /D iv) V OUT C3 (2V/Div) VOUT C3 (2V /Div) IL C4 (2A/Div) V EN C1 (5V/Div) IL (500m A /Div) C 4 Time(2ms/Div) Time(1ms/Div) Power OFF Power OFF VIN=4.2V, IOUT=1000mA VEN C1 (5V/Div) V SW C2 (5V/Div) VSW C2 (5V/Div) VOUT C3 (2V/Div) VOUT C3 (2V/Div) IL C4 (1A/Div) IL (500mA/Div) C4 Time(500µs/Div) Rev.P01 VIN=3V, IOUT=0mA VIN=3V, IOUT=0mA Time(2ms/Div) 9 AME High Efficiency 500KHz Step-Up Converter AME5125 n Tape and Reel Dimension SOP-8/PP P0 PIN 1 W AME AME P Carrier Tape, Number of Components Per Reel and Reel Size Package Carrier Width (W) Pitch (P) Pitch (P0) Part Per Full Reel Reel Size SOP-8/PP 12.0±0.1 mm 8.0±0.1 mm 4.0±0.1 mm 2500pcs 330±1 mm n Package Dimension SOP-8/PP TOP VIEW SIDE VIEW D1 E1 E2 E L1 C PIN 1 D e 10 A1 FRONT VIEW A A2 b SYMBOLS MILLIMETERS INCHES MIN MAX MIN MAX A 1.350 1.750 0.053 0.069 A1 0.000 0.150 0.000 0.006 A2 1.350 1.600 0.053 0.063 C 0.100 0.250 0.004 0.010 E 3.750 4.150 0.148 0.163 E1 5.700 6.300 0.224 0.248 L1 0.300 1.270 0.012 0.050 b 0.310 0.510 0.012 0.020 D 4.720 5.120 0.186 0.202 e 1.270 BSC 0.050 BSC θ 0o 8o 0o 8o E2 2.150 2.513 0.085 0.099 D1 2.150 3.402 0.085 0.134 Rev.P01 E-Mail: Life Support Policy: These products of AME, Inc. are not authorized for use as critical components in life-support devices or systems, without the express written approval of the president of AME, Inc. AME, Inc. reserves the right to make changes in the circuitry and specifications of its devices and advises its customers to obtain the latest version of relevant information. AME, Inc. , February 2015 Document: A030A-DS5125-A.01 Corporate Headquarter AME, Inc. 2F, 302 Rui-Guang Road, Nei-Hu District Taipei 114, Taiwan, R.O.C Tel: 886 2 2627-8687 Fax: 886 2 2659-2989