a Switchcraft Made in USA co. INTRODUCING THE SHIELDED MINI-CON-X® CONNECTOR Features and Benefits ● ● ● ● ● ● Complete replacement for MINI-CON-X® Panels are factory assembled and sealed Scoop-proof connector design Anti-slip machined nut standard on panel connectors Precision machined housings Two shell sizes & multiple keying arrangements . Mated Cable End and Panel Mount Product Specifications Materials Panel Shell, Cable Housing & Coupling Nuts: Nickel plated copper alloy All Connector Inserts: Engineered Polyester Resin Contacts: Gold plated copper alloy with nickel underplate Backshell & Strap: G.F. Nylon O-Rings: Neoprene Screws: Stainless Steel Mechanical Shock: Method 213, Mil-Std 202 Vibration: Method 201, Mil-Std 202 Life: 400 insertion/withdrawl cycles Electrical Voltage Rating: Tested at 600 VRMS Insulation Resistance: Method 302, Mil-Std 202 Contact Resistance: Method 307, Mil-Std 202 Current Ratings: 13A: 4 maximum #16 contact with 16 AWG 7.5A: 3 maximum #20 contacts with 20 AWG 5.6A: 12 maximum #20 contacts with 20 AWG Environmental Temperature Rating: -40°C (-40°F) to +120°C (+248°F) Temperature Rise: UL 1054 Thermal Shock: Method 107, Mil-Std 202 Moisture/Salt Spray: Method 106F / 101 Mil-Std 202 Cable End Epoxy Sealed Panel Mount Product Ratings IP66 / IP68 (when mated) RoHS Compliant ® www.conxall.com 601 E. Wildwood Avenue - Villa Park, IL 60181 Phone (630) 834-7504 / Fax (630) 834-8540 Product Bulletin C703 ® 2 C703 Shielded MINI-CON-X® Connector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® www.conxall.com 601 E. Wildwood Avenue - Villa Park, IL 60181 Phone (630) 834-7504 / Fax (630) 834-8540