3231 WS WS3231 WS3231 High PF PSR Constant Current LED Driver General Description Features � ±5% LED Current Accuracy WS3231 is a high PF primary-side feedback and � Primary-side Sensing and Regulation Without regulation controller for LED lighting, optimized for flyback TL431 and Opto-coupler converter with the output power less than 30W. � No Auxiliary Winding For Sensing And Supplying Since adopting primary sense and feedback control � High Power Factor Correction technology, the secondary sense and feedback circuit is � QR mode eliminated. And WS3231 does not need the auxiliary � 600V MOS integrated winding for sensing the output current and supplying the � Ultra low operating current chip. The low component counts and small system size � LED Open/Short Circuit Protection are realized. � CS Resistor Short Circuit Protection Since using the high accurate current sense method, � VCC over voltage protection & under voltage WS3231 realizes ±5% accuracy of LED current along with lockout( UVLO) excellent line and load regulation. Over Temperature Protection WS3231 � offers comprehensive protection including Cycle-by-Cycle current limiting (OCP), LED open/short circuit protection, CS resistor short circuit protection, VCC Applications UVLO,OVP and Clamp, and over temperature protection. � GU10 LED driver WS3231 is available in SOP-8 package. � LED spot light � Other LED lighting Typical Application Circuit NP NS AC 1 VCC GND 8 2 NC GND 7 3 COMP 4 CS D 6 D 5 W/T-S035-Rev.A/0 Dec.2013 Copyright@Winsemi Microelectronics Co., Ltd., All right r eserved. 1213 3231 WS WS3231 Pin Definition and Device Marking WS3231 is available in SOP-8 package: NC 2 c om p 3 CS 4 8 GND WS3231S8P 1 AXB YM VC C WS3231S8P: Product code 7 GND 6 5 D A: Die Code X: Internal Code B: Area Code YM:Year, Month D Pin Function Description Pin Pin Name Number VCC 1 Power Supply NC 2 NC Comp 3 Loop Compensation CS 4 Current Sense D 5/6 Drain GND 7/8 Ground Pin Type Function Description Power supply. Floating Loop compensation pin. Connect a RC network across this pin and ground to stabilize the control loop. Current sense. This pin connects a current sense resistor to GND to detect the primary current of transformer. Drain of Power MOS Ground. Block Diagram VCC B G &Internal Power Supply OVP OTP D To n s G ate CC&Logic Control 15V 9 . 0 V 1 3 .8 V 0 .8 V O CP L in e Compensation CS sampling UVLO G m 0 . 5 V CS*3*Tons/T R E SE T To n s C om p 0 Valley 、To n s G ate Detect GND 2/7 Steady, keep you advance 3231 WS WS3231 Ordering Information Package SOP-8, Pb-free IC Marking Information Purchasing Device Name WS3231S8P WS3231S8P Recommended Operating Condition Symbol Parameter Value Unit VCC VCC supply voltage 9~14 V TA Operating temperature -20~85 ℃ Pout Output power <5 W Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Parameter Value Unit Icc_max VCC pin maximum sink current 5 mA D Drain of power MOS -0.3~600 V CS CS pin input voltage -0.3~7 V Comp Comp pin input voltage -0.3~7 V TJ Operating junction temperature -40~150 ℃ TSTG Min./Max. Storage temperature -55~150 ℃ Note Note: Stresses above those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the Recommended Operating Conditions section are not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. 3/7 Steady, keep you advance 3231 WS WS3231 Electrical Characteristics (TA=25℃,VCC=14V, if not otherwise noted) symbol parameter Test condition Min Typ Max Unit Supply Voltage (VCC) I_VCC_ST Start up current VCC=UVLO_ON-1V 60 100 uA I_OP Operation Current Fop=7Khz 300 400 uA UVLO_ON Turn on threshold Voltage VCC rising 12.7 V UVLO_OFF Turn-off threshold Voltage VCC falling 10 V VCC_Clamp VCC Clamp voltage Icc=5mA 15 V 500 ns Current Sense Section TLEB Leading edge Blanking Time V TH_OC OCP threshold Tdelay Switch off delay time 485 500 515 mV 200 ns Frequency Section Ton_max Max Primary On Time 24 us Toff_max Max Primary Off Time 224 us Power MOS Section Rds_on ON-resistor V GS=10V,ID=0.5A Vds_BD Breakdown voltage ID=250μA 15 600 Ω V Over Temperature Protection Tsd Thermal shutdown threshold 150 ℃ Tsd_hys Thermal shutdown hysteresis 25 ℃ 4/7 Steady, keep you advance 3231 WS WS3231 Function Description WS3231 is a high PF offline QR PSR controller, optimized for low power in Once the parameters of the transformer and the current regulation. Consequently, sense resistor Rcs is determined, so is the output current. opto-coupler and TL431 could be eliminated, thus reduce And the output current can be set by adjusting the current the cost. sense resistor Rcs. Startup Current Internal pre-charge design for quick start up Startup current of WS3231 is designed to as low as 60uA. After VCC exceeds UVLO_ON, Vcomp is pre-charged by The VCC capacitor will be charged through the start-up an internal current source. The PWM block will not start to resistor when the system is powered on. Once the VCC output PWM signals until Vcomp is over 0.45V. Such voltage reaches the start-up threshold, the WS3231 will design is meant to reduce the start up time. The voltage start to switch. The WS3231 integrates a 15V zener for pre-charged Vcomp in start-up procedure can be VCC clamping. Due to the ultra-low operating current, the programmed b y, primary-side LED driver. WS3231 operates =0.083*(Nps/Rcs) sensing and auxiliary winding is not need to supply the IC. Vcomp=0.4V-300uA*Rcomp Where Rcomp is the series resistor of Comp pin. Quasi-Resonant Operation Operation switching frequency Quasi-Resonant switching mode is applied in WS3231. When the voltage across drain and source of the primary The frequency of WS3231 is decided by load condition MOSFET is at voltage valley, the MOSFET would be and QR mode. When the output power decreases, the turned on, reducing the switching losses and improving switching frequency can become rather high. The EMI performance. maximum switching frequency in WS3231 is internally limited to 120Khz. CC Operation Current Sensing and Leading Edge Blanking WS3231 is designed to produce good CC control characteristic. In DCM mode, the output current Io can be Cycle-by-Cycle current limiting is offered in WS3231. The represented b y, switch current is detected by a sense resistor into the Io=0.5*Ips*Tons/T sense pin. An internal leading edge blanking circuit chops Where Ips is the peak current of the secondary side; Tons off the sense voltage spike at initial MOSFET on state due is the turn on time of secondary side; T is the switching to snubber diode reverse recovery so that the external RC period. filtering on sense input is no longer required. The current Ips=Ipp*Nps=(Vcs/Rcs)*Nps limit comparator is disabled and thus cannot turn off the Where Ipp is the primary peak current; Vcs is the voltage external MOSFET during the blanking period. on CS resistor; Rcs is primary current detection resistor; Nps is the turns ratio of primary to secondary of the Protection Controls flyback transformer. The relationship of Vcs, To ns and T is controlled to be constant by internal circuit, 3*Vcs*Tons/T=0.5V. Thus, Io can be represented b y, Excellent system comprehensive stability protection is of achieved WS3231. by the Including Io=0.5*(Vcs/Rcs)*Nps*Tons/T Cycle-by-Cycle current limiting (OCP), LED open/short =(Vcs*Tons/T)*0.5*(Nps/Rcs) circuit protection, CS resistor short circuit protection, VCC 5/7 Steady, keep you advance 3231 WS WS3231 UVLO,OVP and Clamp, over temperature protection, and shutdown circuitry in the WS3231 senses the die so on. temperature after start up, and the thermal protection When the LED is open circuit, it will trigger over-voltage threshold is set to 150℃ with a 25℃ hysteresis. When the protection logic and latch, the system stops switching temperature on die of WS3231 rises and reaches the immediately; When the LED short circuit is detected, the threshold, the power MOSFET will be shut down system works at low frequency(Fop=5Khz), so the power immediately loss is low. At some catastrophic fault condition, such as temperature on die falls 25℃ from thermal protection shorted CS resistor or flyback transformer saturation, the trigger point. and maintained switch off until the internal fast fault detection circuit will trigger and latch, the system stops switching immediately. After the system enters into fault latch condition, the VCC voltage will fall until it reaches UVLO threshold. Then the system will re-start again. If the fault condition is removed, the system will recover to normal operation.The thermal 6/7 Steady, keep you advance 3231 WS WS3231 SOP-8 Package Information B2 0 . 5 * 0.125±0. 05 球形标记 A1 A2 D D1 B B1 A C4 A3 R2 C C1 θ4 θ2 C2 θ1 C3 θ3 R1 Winsemi Symbol Dimensions in Millimeters Dimensions in Inches Min Max Min Max A 4.70 5.10 0.185 0.201 B 3.70 4.10 0.146 0.161 C 1.30 1.50 0.051 0.059 A1 0.35 0.48 0.014 0.019 A2 1.27TYP 0.05TYP A3 0.345TYP 0.014TYP B1 5.80 B2 6.20 0.228 5.00TYP 0.244 0.197TYP C1 0.55 0.70 0.022 0.028 C2 0.55 0.70 0.022 0.028 C3 0.05 0.225 0.002 0.009 C4 0.203TYP 0.008TYP D 1.05TYP 0.041TYP D1 0.40 0.80 0.016 0.031 7/7 Steady, keep you advance