Wireless Accessories Selection Guide Wireless Accessories 900 MHz Antennas Whip and Dipole Representative Photo Representative Photo Representative Photo Gain Type Frequency Range Description Connector Type -2dBd -2dBd 0dBd 0dBd 3dBd WI-ANT-900MHZ-0DBDUCKSMAM WI-ANT-DPL-DG900-1 WI-ANT-DEMO-900 WI-ANT-DPL-0-16 WI-ANT-900MHZ-3DBSTUBMAG 806-960MHz 900-930MHz 900-930MHz 853-930Mhz 896-940MHz 3dBd WI-ANT-0.9/2.4GHZ-3/4DBMOBILE 902-928Mhz (DualBand) Directattach MountBkt&3ftcable Directattach MountBkt&15ftcable OnlyusewithMAGBase 6720005263 Onlyusewiththru-panelbase 6720005277 SMAmale SMAmale SMAmale SMAmale Determinedby MAGBASE DeterminedbyBase (NFemale) Gain Type Frequency Range Description Connector Type 0dBd 3dBd 5dBd 7dBd 3dBd 5dBd 7dBd WI-ANT-900MHZ-0DBOMNINF WI-ANT-900MHZ-3DBOMNINF WI-ANT-900MHZ-5DBOMNINF WI-ANT-900MHZ-7DBOMNINF WI-ANT-950Mhz-3dbdOMNINF WI-ANT-950Mhz-5dbdOMNINF WI-ANT-950Mhz-7dbdOMNINF 902-925MHz 902-925MHz 902-925MHz 902-925MHz 890-960MHz 890-960MHz 890-960MHz Inc.6720005271clamp/brkt Inc.6720005271clamp/brkt Inc.6720005271clamp/brkt Inc.6720005272clamp/brkt Inc.attachedclamp/brkt Inc.attachedclamp/brkt Inc.attachedclamp/brkt N-TypeFemale N-TypeFemale N-TypeFemale N-TypeFemale N-TypeFemale N-TypeFemale N-TypeFemale Part No. 6720005232 6720005086 6720005089 6720005080 6720005230 6720005276 Omni Part No. 6720005233 6720005234 6720005235 6720005236 6720005273 6720005274 6720005275 Directional Gain Type Frequency Range Description Connector Type 3dBd 6.5dBd 10dBd 12dBd 14dBd WI-ANT-900MHZ-3DBYAGINF WI-ANT-900MHZ-6.5DB-2’YAGINF WI-ANT-900MHZ-10DB-2’YAGINF WI-ANT-900MHZ-12DB-2’YAGINF WI-ANT-900MHZ-14DB-2’YAGINF 890-960Mhz 890-960Mhz 890-960Mhz 890-960Mhz 890-960Mhz Inc.6720005266clamp/brkt Inc.6720005266clamp/brkt Inc.6720005266clamp/brkt Inc.6720005266clamp/brkt Inc.6720005267clamp/brkt N-TypeFemale N-TypeFemale N-TypeFemale N-TypeFemale N-TypeFemale Part No. 6720005219 6720005221 6720005223 6720005225 6720005226 2.4 GHz Antennas Whip and Dipole Representative Photo Representative Photo Representative Photo Gain Type Frequency Range Description Connector Type 0dBi 2dBi 3dBi WI-ANT-DEMO-2400 WI-ANT-24GHZ-2DBDUCKSMA-M WI-ANT-24GHZ-3DBFORMAGBASE 2.2-2.5GHz 2.2-2.5GHz 2.2-2.9GHz SMAmale SMAmale N-TypeFemale 6720005099 6720005207 6720005208 4dBd WI-ANT-0.9/2.4GHZ-3/4DBMOBILE 2.4-2.5GHz (DualBand) Directattach Directattach UsewithMAGbase 6720005263 Onlyusewiththru-panelbase 6720005277 Part No. DeterminedbyBase (NFemale) 6720005276 Gain Type Frequency Range Description Connector Type 4dBi 6dBi 6dBi 7dBi WI-ANT-24GHZ-4DBOMNINF WI-ANT-24GHZ-6DBOMNINF IE-ANT-O-BG-360-6-NF IE-ANT-O-ABG-360-7-NF Inc.6720005210clamp/brkt Inc.6720005210clamp/brkt Inc.clamp/brkt LowProfile-Inc.clamp/brkt N-TypeFemale N-TypeFemale N-TypeFemale N-TypeFemale 6720005200 6720005201 1367090000 1367130000 8dBi 10dBi 12dBi WI-ANT-24GHZ-8DBOMNINF WI-ANT-24GHZ-10DBOMNINF WI-ANT-24GHZ-12DBOMNINF 2.4-2.5GHz 2.4-2.5GHz 2.4-2.5GHz 2.4-5.8GHz (DualBand) 2.4-2.5GHz 2.4-2.5GHz 2.4-2.5GHz Inc.6720005210clamp/brkt Inc.6720005210clamp/brkt Inc.6720005211clamp/brkt N-TypeFemale N-TypeFemale N-TypeFemale 6720005204 6720005202 6720005203 Omni Part No. Directional 60 Gain Type Frequency Range Description Connector Type 9dBi 9dBi(60°) 10dBi 13dBi(35°) 14dBi 18dBi(18°) IE-ANT-P-ABG-75-9-NF WI-ANT-24GHZ-9DBDFP2’NF WI-ANT-24GHZ-10DBYAGINF WI-ANT-24GHZ-13DBDFP2’NF WI-ANT-24GHZ-14DBYAGINF WI-ANT-24GHZ-18DBDFP2’NF 2.4-5.8GHz(DualBand) 2.3-2.5GHz 2.4-2.5GHz 2.3-2.5GHz 2.4-2.5GHz 2.3-2.5GHz Inc.attachedclamp/brkt Inc.attachedclamp/brkt Inc.attachedclamp/brkt Inc.attachedclamp/brkt Inc.attachedclamp/brkt Inc.attachedclamp/brkt N-TypeFemale N-TypeFemale N-TypeFemale N-TypeFemale N-TypeFemale N-TypeFemale Part No. 1367140000 6720005212 6720005205 6720005213 6720005206 6720005214 Wireless Accessories Selection Guide 5.8 GHz Antennas Whip and Dipole Representative Photo Representative Photo Representative Photo Gain Type Frequency Range Description Connector Type 4dBi WI-ANT-5.8GHZ-4DBMOBILE 4.9-5.9GHz Onlyusewiththru-panelbase 6720005277 Determinedby Base(NFemale) Gain Type Frequency Range Description Connector Type 5dBi 7dBi 7dBi 10dBi IE-ANT-O-AH-360-5-NF IE-ANT-O-ABG-360-7-NF WI-ANT-5.8GHZ-7DBOMNINF WI-ANT-5.8GHZ-10DBOMNINF 5.1-5.875GHz 2.4-5.8GHz(DualBand) 5.15-5.875GHz 5.15-5.875GHz Inc.clamp/brkt LowProfile-Inc.clamp/brkt Inc.attachedclamp/brkt Inc.attachedclamp/brkt N-TypeFemale N-TypeFemale N-TypeFemale N-TypeFemale Part No. 6720005278 Omni Part No. 1367120000 1367130000 6720005283 6720005284 Directional Gain Type Frequency Range Description Connector Type 9dBi 9dBi 11dBi 13dBi 18dB/20dB IE-ANT-P-ABG-75-9-NF WI-ANT-5.8GHZ-9DBDFP2'NF WI-ANT5.8GHZ11DBFLATPATCH WI-ANT-5.8GHZ-13DBDFP2'NF WI-ANT-5.8GHZ-20DBDFP2'NF 2.4-5.8GHz(DualBand) 4.9-5.85GHz 5.7-5.875GHz 4.9-5.85GHz 4.9-5.85GHz Inc.attachedclamp/brkt Inc.attachedclamp/brkt Inc.attachedclamp/brkt Inc.attachedclamp/brkt Inc.attachedclamp/brkt N-TypeFemale N-TypeFemale N-TypeFemale N-TypeFemale N-TypeFemale Part No. 1367140000 6720005280 6720005130 6720005281 6720005282 300-500MHz Antennas Omni Gain Type Frequency Range Description Connector Type 5dBd 3dbd 5dBd WI-ANT-440MHZ-5DBOMNINF WI-ANT-450MHZ-3DBOMNINF WI-ANT-450MHZ-5DBOMNINF 430-470MHz 450-460MHz 450-460MHz Inc.attachedclamp/brkt Inc.attachedclamp/brkt Inc.attachedclamp/brkt N-TypeFemale N-TypeFemale N-TypeFemale Part No. 6720005439 6720005440 6720005436 Directional Gain Type Frequency Range Description Connector Type 10dBd 6.5dBd 9dBd WI-ANT-390Mhz-10dbdYAGINF WI-ANT-420Mhz-6dbdYAGINF WI-ANT-420Mhz-9dbdYAGINF 375-403Mhz 406-440Mhz 406-440Mhz Inc.attachedclamp/brkt Inc.attachedclamp/brkt Inc.attachedclamp/brkt N-TypeFemale N-TypeFemale N-TypeFemale 6720005441 6720005442 6720005443 Part No. 6.5dBd WI-ANT-470Mhz-6dbdYAGINF 440-490MHZ Inc.attachedclamp/brkt N-TypeFemale 6720005444 9dBd WI-ANT-470Mhz-9dbdYAGINF 440-490MHZ Inc.attachedclamp/brkt N-TypeFemale 6720005445 10dBd WI-ANT-450MHZ-10DBYAGI 450-470MHz Inc.attachedclamp/brkt N-TypeFemale 6720005435 9dBd WI-ANT-470Mhz-9dbdYAGINF 470-512MHz Inc.attachedclamp/brkt N-TypeFemale 6720005446 Cellular Band Antennas Whip and Dipole Gain Type Frequency Range Description Connector Type 0dBi WI-ANT-900MHZ-0DBDUCKSMAM 6720005232 WI-ANT-GSM-2DBLP SMAMale 6720005451 3dBi WI-ANT-GSM-LTE-3DBMOBILE 0dBSTUBGSMANT 806/2017MHzSMA LOW-PROFGSMw/ 5mSMA-MCBL LTE 698-2700Mhz ANT-Base6720005277 SMAMale 2dBi 806-960/ 1710-2170MHz 824-896MHz/ 1710-1990MHZ 698-2700MHz Part No. Determinedby Base(NFemale) 6720005450 Gain Type Frequency Range Description Connector Type 2dBi IE-ANT-3G-806-2170-2-NF 1491160000 IE-ANT-3G-806-2500-4-NF Omni (GSM / UMTS) Inc. attachedclamp/brkt Omnithru-panelIP66 N-TypeFemale 4dBi 806-960/ 1710-2170MHz 806-960/ 1710-2170MHz N-TypeFemale 1491170000 Omni Part No. 61 Wireless Accessories Selection Guide Cables Detailed cable specifications on pages 90 and 91. Cable Length (ft) 1 2 3 1 2 3 10 25 40 1 2 3 10 25 40 55 75 100 200 Connector Type dB Loss 900Mhz dB Loss 2.4GHz dB Loss 5.8GHz Cable Type Type SMAmale-SMAmale SMAmale-SMAmale SMAmale-SMAmale SMAmale-Nmale SMAmale-Nmale SMAmale-Nmale SMAmale-Nmale SMAmale-Nmale SMAmale-Nmale Nmale-Nmale Nmale-Nmale Nmale-Nmale Nmale-Nmale Nmale-Nmale Nmale-Nmale Nmale-Nmale Nmale-Nmale Nmale-Nmale Nmale-Nmale 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.4 1.2 2.8 4.5 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 1.0 1.6 2.1 3.0 3.8 5.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.4 0.6 2.0 4.8 7.7 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.7 1.7 2.7 3.7 5.2 6.7 9.6 0.3 0.7 1.0 0.3 0.7 1.0 3.4 8.2 13.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 1.1 2.7 4.3 5.9 8.1 10.8 N/A PFP195 PFP195 PFP195 PFP195 PFP195 PFP195 PFP400 PFP400 PFP400 PFP400 PFP400 PFP400 PFP400 PFP400 PFP400 PFP400 PFP400 PFP400 PFP600 WI-ACC-TYP195-1FTSMAM-SMAM WI-ACC-TYP195-2FTSMAM-SMAM WI-ACC-TYP195-3FTSMAM-SMAM WI-ACC-TYP195-1FTSMAM-NM WI-ACC-TYP195-2FTSMAM-NM WI-ACC-TYP195-3FTSMAM-NM WI-ACC-TYP400-10FTSMAM-NM WI-ACC-TYP400-25FTSMAM-NM WI-ACC-TYP400-40FTSMAM-NM WI-ACC-TYP195-1FTNM-NM WI-ACC-TYP195-2FTNM-NM WI-ACC-TYP195-3FTNM-NM WI-ACC-TYP400-10FTNM-NM WI-ACC-TYP400-25FTNM-NM WI-ACC-TYP400-40FTNM-NM WI-ACC-TYP400-55FTNM-NM WI-ACC-TYP400-75FTNM-NM WI-ACC-TYP400-100FTNM-NM WI-ACC-TYP600-200FTNM-NM Part No. 6720005243 6720005244 6720005245 6720005270 6720005260 6720005259 6720005240 6720005241 6720005242 6720005246 6720005247 6720005248 6720005251 6720005252 6720005253 6720005254 6720005255 6720005256 6720005257 Other Cables Length Description Type Connector Type 2m(6ft.) 4m(12ft.) 2m(6ft.) 4m(12ft.) 6m(18ft.) Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable IE-CC-NM-RPSMAM-2M IE-CC-NM-RPSMAM-4M IE-CC-NM-SMAM-2M IE-CC-NM-SMAM-4M IE-CC-NM-SMAM-6M RP-SMAtoNmale RP-SMAtoNmale SMAmaletoNmale SMAmaletoNmale SMAmaletoNmale 62 Part No 1367110000 1367100000 1491180000 1491190000 1491210000 Wireless Accessories Selection Guide Hardware Description For use with Type WI-I/O9-Lunits WI-CSER-RJ45 6720005108 2.4GHzantennas 2.4GHzantennas 2.4GHzantennas 2.4GHz&900MHzantennas 900MHzantennas 900MHzantennas 900MHzantennas WI-ACC-24GHZ-4610DB-ANG-BRKT WI-ACC-24GHZ-4610DB-STR-BRKT WI-ACC-24GHZ-12DB-STR-BRKT WI-ACC-MAGBASE12RG58SMAMALE WI-ACC-900MHZ-OMNI-STR-BRKT WI-ACC-900MHZ-YAGI-STR-BRKT WI-ACC-900MHZ-14YAGI-STR-BRKT 6720005209 6720005210 6720005211 6720005263 6720005268 6720005266 6720005267 900MHzantennas 900MHzantennas 6720005276&6720005278 WI-ACC-900MHZ-035OMNI-STR-BRKT WI-ACC-900MHZ-7OMNI-STR-BRKT WI-ACC-BH-BASE5/8HOLENF 6720005271 6720005272 6720005277 Surge Protection & Bulkhead Mounts 125-1000MHzSurgePolyphaserNfemale-Nfemale 2-6GHzSurgePolyphaserNfemale-Nfemale BulkheadAdapterNfemale-Nfemale BulkheadAdapterSMAfemale-SMAfemale Class1Division1BulkheadSMAmale-SMAfemale Class1Division1BulkheadSMAmale-Nmale SMAmaletoSMAfemale<2.5Ghz(directradioconnection) Bulkhead&Surge≤1GHz Bulkhead&Surge≥2GHz Bulkhead Bulkhead Bulkhead Bulkhead 2.4GHz&900MHzantennas WI-ACC-125-1000MHZSURGENF-NF WI-ACC-2-6GHZSURGENF-NF WI-ACC-BULK-ADAPTNF-NF WI-ACC-BULKSMAF-SMAF WI-ACC-BULK-C1D1SMAM-SMAM WI-ACC-BULK-C1D1SMAM-NM WI-DIV-CCMA 6720005261 6720005262 6720005250 6720005296 6720005298 6720005299 6720005111 Bandpass Filters Outdoorrated900MhzBandPassFilter Outdoorrated2.4GhzBandPassFilter Outdoorrated5.8GhzBandPassFilter 900MHzantennas 2.4GHzantennas 5.8GHzantennas WI-ACC900MHZBANDPASSFILTER WI-ACC2.4GHZBANDPASSFILTER WI-ACC5.8GHZBANDPASSFILTER 6720005120 6720005121 6720005122 DB9FemaleRJ45SerialConfigurationCable Antenna Mounting Brackets AngledBracketfor4,6,and10dBi2.4MHzOmnis StraightBracketfor4,6,and10dBi2.4MHzOmnis MountingBracketforpartnumber6720005203 AntennaMAGBasewith12’SMAmalecable MountingBracketforparts6720005228and6720005229 MountingBracketfor900MHz6.5,10,12dBdYagis MountingBracketforpartnumber6720005226 MountingBracketforpartnumbers6720005233, 6720005234,6720005235 MountingBracketforpartnumber6720005236 Thru-panelmountingbaseforlowprofileantennas Part No. Adapters Description Type Reverse-PolaritySMAMale–SMAFemale SMAmale-SMAmaleAdapter SMAfemale-SMAfemaleAdapter Nmale-NmaleAdapter Nfemale-NfemaleAdapter SMAfemale-NmaleAdapter SMAmale-NfemaleAdapter SMAfemale-SMAmaleAngledAdapter WI-ACC-ADAPTRP-SMAM-SMAF WI-ACC-ADAPTSMAM-SMAM WI-ACC-ADAPTSMAF-SMAF WI-ACC-ADAPTNM-NM WI-ACC-ADAPTNF-NF WI-ACC-ADAPTSMAF-NM WI-ACC-ADAPTSMAM-NF WI-ACC-ADAPTSMAF-SMAMANGL Part No. 6720005289 6720005290 6720005291 6720005292 6720005293 6720005294 6720005295 6720005297 63 Wireless Accessories Connection Diagrams Connection Diagrams Direct Connect Antenna SMAmale SMA male Radio Typical wireless application in factory automation. Enclosure with C1D1 Bulkhead SMAmale SMAfemale SMAmale C1D1 Bulkhead SMAfemale SMAmale Radio 64 C1D1 Bulkhead SMA male to SMA female SMA male SMA female Wireless Accessories Connection Diagrams Enclosure with Standard Bulkhead & Surge Arrestor Nmale Nmale Nfemale OMNI Antennas YAGI Antennas Nfemale Nmale SMAmale Radio Standard Bulkhead N female to N female N female N male SMA male SMA female N female N male Enclosure without Bulkhead (non-direct) SMAfemale SMAmale WHIP Antennas OMNI Antennas YAGI Antennas Nmale SMAmale Radio SMAmale Nfemale 65 Wireless Accessories Radiation Patterns Radiation Patterns 2.4 GHz Omni Antennas 250 260 270 280 290 250 300 240 310 230 320 330 200 190 −10 −15 −20 −25 −30 −30 −25 −20 −15 −10 −5 190 0 180 10 170 0 140 100 80 90 140 260 270 280 290 250 300 310 190 −10 −15 −20 −20 −15 −10 −5 0 5 190 0 180 10 170 10 170 160 20 150 140 350 −5 0 5 0 20 30 140 40 50 130 60 120 70 80 −25 −20 −15 −10 −5 150 60 90 −10 −15 −20 −25 10 50 100 310 340 40 130 110 300 160 30 120 290 320 0 110 6720005203 Elevation Pattern 100 90 80 70 6720005204 Elevation Pattern 2.4 GHz Directional Antennas 250 260 270 280 290 250 300 240 310 230 190 −5 −10 −15 −20 −25 −25 −20 −15 −10 −5 0 160 150 30 140 40 50 60 110 100 90 80 70 6720005212 Azimuth Pattern 66 190 0 180 10 170 20 120 300 310 320 330 340 200 350 5 170 130 290 210 340 200 0 280 220 330 210 5 270 230 320 220 180 260 240 350 5 0 −5 −10 −15 −20 −25 −25 −20 −15 −10 −5 0 5 0 10 160 20 150 30 140 40 130 50 120 60 110 100 90 80 −10 −15 −20 −25 −25 −20 −15 −10 −5 70 6720005212 Elevation Pattern 0 5 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 100 90 80 70 6720005202 Elevation Pattern 330 5 −5 110 200 350 0 120 210 340 200 −5 280 350 5 140 220 330 0 270 340 130 230 320 5 260 330 150 70 240 210 10 80 90 320 160 6720005201 Elevation Pattern 220 180 100 310 170 60 110 230 180 50 120 6720005200 Elevation Pattern 250 0 5 40 130 70 240 190 30 60 110 350 20 40 300 200 10 50 120 0 150 30 150 −25 −20 −15 −10 −5 160 20 160 −10 −15 −20 −25 290 210 340 −5 280 220 330 0 270 230 310 320 5 260 240 300 200 350 170 130 250 290 210 340 −5 280 220 210 0 270 230 220 180 260 240 Wireless Accessories Radiation Patterns 2.4 GHz Directional Antennas (continued) 250 260 270 280 290 250 300 240 310 230 320 190 0 −5 −10 −15 −20 −20 −15 −10 −5 0 5 160 190 0 180 10 170 20 150 30 140 40 50 120 60 110 100 90 80 300 310 70 6720005206 Azimuth Pattern 320 330 340 200 350 10 170 130 290 210 340 200 5 280 220 330 210 10 270 230 220 180 260 240 350 10 5 0 −5 −10 −15 −20 −20 −15 −10 −5 0 5 10 0 10 160 20 150 30 140 40 130 50 120 60 110 100 90 80 70 6720005206 Elevation Pattern 900 MHz Omni Antennas 6720005233 6720005234 6720005236 Azimuth Pattern 6720005236 Elevation Pattern 6720005235 Elevation Pattern 67 Wireless Accessories Radiation Patterns 900 MHz Directional Antennas 68 6720005221 Horizontal Pattern 6720005221 Vertical Pattern 6720005226 Horizontal Pattern 6720005223 Horizontal Pattern 6720005223 Vertical Pattern 6720005226 Vertical Pattern 6720005225 Horizontal Pattern 6720005225 Vertical Pattern Antennas WI-ANT-5.8GHZ-4DB MOBILE WI-ANT-5.8GHZ-7DB OMNI NF Representative Photo Wireless Accessories Antennas — 5.8 GHz Omni Antennas WI-ANT-5.8GHZ-10DB OMNI NF Representative Photo Representative Photo Technical Data MaximumPower 150Watts 25watts 25watts Polarization Vertical VerticalLinear VerticalLinear NominalImpedance 50Ohms 50Ohms 50Ohms VSWRacrosstheband <1.5:1 <2.0 <2.0 RadomeMaterial PVC PVC PVC Termination Determinedbythru-panelbase NFemale NFemale MountingBaseDiameter Compatiblewithmost1-1/8"-18thread mounts,including3/4"holemounts 1-5/16" 1-5/16" FrequencyRange 4.9-5.9GHz 5.15-5.875GhHz 5.15-5.875GhHz Gain 4dBi 7dBi 10dBi HalfPower VerticalBeamwidth 15° 10° AntennaType LowProfileWhipless Omni Omni ConnectorType Forusewiththru-panelbase(6720005277) NFemale NFemale AntennaHeight 1.79" 10.2" 18.38" BendingMomentat RatedWind 1.1ft-lbs 5.6ft-lbs Max wind load @ ratedvelocity 3.1lbs 6.8lbs EquivalentFlatPlateArea 1.5"OD 0.04ft2 0.08ft2 Electrical Specifications Mechanical Specifications Rated Wind 125 mph 125 mph Weightlbs(kg) 0.34(0.15) 0.3(0.14) TemperatureRange -40to+70°C -40to+70°C 0.35(0.16) -40to+70°C Ordering Data Type WI-ANT-5.8GHZ-4DBMOBILE Part No. 6720005278 Type WI-ANT-5.8GHZ-7DBOMNINF Part No. 6720005283 Type Part No. WI-ANT-5.8GHZ-10DBOMNINF 6720005284 69 Wireless Accessories Antennas — 5.8 GHz Omni Antennas Antennas IE-ANT-O-AH-360-5-NF Representative Photo Technical Data Electrical Data Frequency (Mhz) VSWR Gain 3dBbeamwidth(horizontal) 3dBbeamwidth(vertical) Fronttobackratio Vertical electrical tilt 5150 - 5875 (Mhz) < 1.7 5dBi 360° 25° 0° General Data Radiation NominalImpedance Polarisation Connector type Connector position Composite power max. Omnidirectional 50 Ohm Vertical 1xN-Typefemale Bottom 6W Mechanical Data Dimensions Weight Wind load MastDiametermin. MastDiametermax. 160x16mm(HeightxDiameter) 300g frontal:7N@160km/h,lateral7N@ 160Km/h 38.1mm 76.2 mm Environmental Limits Environmental Conditions Operating Temperature Storage Temperature IPRating outdoor -45°Cto70°C -45°Cto70°C IP64 Material Data Radome Color Radome Material Backplate/baseplatematerial RAL9002(grey-white) PP - Ordering Data Model Type Part No. Note: 70 802.11a/hWirelessAntenna; Omni-directonal IE-ANT-O-AH-360-5-NF 1367120000 Mounting material included Antennas WI-ANT-5.8GHZ-9DB DFP 2'NF WI-ANT 5.8GHZ 11DB WI-ANT-5.8GHZ-13DB WI-ANT-5.8GHZ-20DB FLAT PATCH DFP 2'NF DFP 2'NF Representative Photo Representative Photo Representative Photo Representative Photo Technical Data MaximumPower Polarization NominalImpedance VSWRacrosstheband RadomeMaterial Termination MountingMethod 25watts Linear,Vertical/horizontal 50Ohms <2.0:1 UL94-V0Plastic NFemale adjustable 25watts Linear,Vertical/horizontal 50Ohms <1.5:1 UL94HBPolymer SMA-Female Four1/4"Holes 25watts Linear,Vertical/horizontal 50Ohms <1.5:1 UL94-V0Plastic NFemale adjustable 25watts Linear,Vertical/horizontal 50Ohms <2.0:1 UL94-V0Plastic NFemale Indoor/Outdoorarticulating; heavydutyadjustable 4.94-5.85(2.40-2.48)GHz 9dBi(8dBi) 60° 5.725-5.875GHz 11dBi 60° 4.9-5.9GHz 13dBi 27° 4.94-5.85(2.40-2.48)GHz 20dBi(18dBi) 21°(9°) 60° 30° 40° 21°(9°) >15dB(>22dB) >25dB >25dB >25dB(>30dB) DirectionalPanel NFemale 5.1"x4.7"x1.5" DirectionalPanel SMA-Female 4.5"x4.5"x1" DirectionalPanel NFemale 5.1"x4.7"x1.5" DirectionalPanel NFemale 15.1"x13.9"x1.9" 9.3lbs 125mph 0.5(0.23) -40to+70°C >150mph <0.4(<0.2) -40to+85°C 9.3lbs 85lbs 125mph 0.5(0.23) -40to+70°C 125mph 3.9(1.8) -40to+70°C Type Part No. WI-ANT-5.8GHZ-9DB 6720005280 DFP2'NF Type Part No. WI-ANT5.8GHZ11DB 6720005130 FLATPATCH Type Part No. Type Part No. WI-ANT-5.8GHZ-13DB 6720005281 WI-ANT-5.8GHZ-20DB 6720005282 DFP2'NF DFP2'NF Electrical Specifications FrequencyRange Gain HalfPower VerticalBeamwidth HalfPower HorizontalBeamwidth FronttoBackRatio Mechanical Specifications AntennaType ConnectorType Dimensions Max Wind Load @ RatedVelocity EquivalentFlatPlateArea RatedWind Weightlbs(kg) TemperatureRange Ordering Data 71 Wireless Accessories Antennas — 5.8 GHz Directional Antennas Wireless Accessories Antennas — 5.8 GHz Directional Antennas Antennas IE-ANT-P-ABG-75-9-NF IE-ANT-O-ABG-360-7-NF Representative Photo Representative Photo Technical Data Electrical Data Frequency (Mhz) Band 1: 2400 - 2500 (Mhz) Band 2: 5150 - 5875 (Mhz) VSWR <2 Gain 9dBiBand1/2 3dBbeamwidth(horizontal) 3dBbeamwidth(vertical) Fronttobackratio Vertical electrical tilt 75°Band1;55°Band2 55°Band1/2 15dBBand1/2 0°Band1/2 Band 1: 2400 - 2500 (Mhz) Band 1: 5150 - 5875 (Mhz) Band 3:3400-3700(Mhz) Band 4: 4900 - 5470 (Mhz) Band 5:5470-5935(Mhz) Band 1: < 1.8 Band 2: < 2 Band 3: < 2 Band 4: < 1.8 Band 5: < 1.8 Band 1:6dBi Band 2:6dBi Band 3:7dBi Band 4:8dBi Band 5:8dBi - Directional 50 Ohm Vertical 1xN-Typefemale Bottom 10 W Omnidirectional 50 Ohm Vertical 1xN-Typefemale Bottom 75 W 101x80x35mm(HeightxWidthxDepth) 110 g frontal:7N@160km/h,lateral7N@ 160Km/h 40 mm 60 mm 50.6x86mm(HeightxDiameter) 300g frontal:10N@160km/h outdoor -40°Cto80°C -40°Cto80°C IP67 outdoor -40°Cto80°C -40°Cto80°C IP68 RAL7044(grey) PC - RAL7043(dark-grey) ASA_SAN Stainless Steel 802.11a/b/g/hWirelessAntenna; Directional IE-ANT-P-ABG-75-9-NF 1367140000 Mounting material included 802.11a/b/g/hWirelessAntenna; Omni-directonal IE-ANT-O-ABG-360-7-NF 1367130000 Mounting material included General Data Radiation NominalImpedance Polarisation Connector type Connector position Composite power max. Mechanical Data Dimensions Weight Wind load MastDiametermin. MastDiametermax. - Environmental Limits Environmental Conditions Operating Temperature Storage Temperature IPRating Material Data Radome Color Radome Material Backplate/baseplatematerial Ordering Data Model Type Part No. Note: 72 Antennas WI-ANT-24GHZ-2DB DUCK SMA-M WI-ANT-DEMO-2400 Representative Photo Wireless Accessories Antennas — 2.4 GHz Omni Antennas WI-ANT-24GHZ-3DB FOR MAG BASE Representative Photo Representative Photo Technical Data MaximumPower Polarization NominalImpedance VSWRacrosstheband RadomeMaterial Termination MountingBaseDiameter 1watt Vertical 50ohms 1.5:1 Polyurethane SMAmale N/A 50watts Vertical,Linear 50ohms <1.5:1 Polyurethane SMAmale N/A 200/150/100watts Vertical 50ohms <1.5:1 Stainlesssteel Nfemale N/A 2.4GHz 0dB 2.4GHz 2dBi 2.2-2.9GHz 3dBi N/A 50° 30° Whip SMAmale 54mm Whip SMAmale 114.3mm ISMmobilewithWLAN Nfemale 5.25"(133.35mm) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.019(0.009) N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.15(0.068) -40°Cto+85°C N/A N/A N/A 0.25(0.113) -40°Cto+70°C Electrical Specifications FrequencyRange Gain HalfPower VerticalBeamwidth Mechanical Specifications AntennaType ConnectorType AntennaHeight BendingMomentat RatedWind Max Wind Load @ RatedVelocity EquivalentFlatPlateArea RatedWind Weightlbs(kg) TemperatureRange Ordering Data Type WI-ANT-DEMO-2400 Part No. 6720005099 Type WI-ANT-24GHZ-2DB DUCKSMA-M Part No. 6720005207 Type WI-ANT-24GHZ-3DB FORMAGBASE Part No. 6720005208 73 Wireless Accessories Antennas — 2.4 GHz Omni Antennas Antennas WI-ANT-24GHZ-4DB OMNI NF WI-ANT-0.9/2.4GHZ-3/4DB MOBILE Representative Photo WI-ANT-24GHZ-6DB OMNI NF Representative Photo Representative Photo Technical Data MaximumPower 25 watts 100 watts 25 watts Polarization Vertical Vertical Vertical NominalImpedance 50 ohms 50 ohms 50 ohms VSWRacrosstheband <1.5:1 <2.0:1 <1.5:1 Radome Material UVresistantpultrudedfiberglass PVC UVresistantpultrudedfiberglass Termination Nfemale DeterminedbyThru-panelbase Nfemale MountingBaseDiameter 1.25" Compatiblewithmost1-1/8"- 18threadmounts,including3/4" hole mounts 1.25" Electrical Specifications Frequency Range 2.4-2.48GHz 902-928MHz/2400-2500MHz 2.4-2.48GHz Gain 4dBi 4dBi 6dBi HalfPower VerticalBeamwidth 30° 20° Mechanical Specifications AntennaType Omni LowProfileWhipless Connector Type Nfemale Forusewiththru-panelbase(6720005277) Nfemale Omni 2.4"(60.9mm) AntennaHeight 8.1"(205.7mm) BendingMomentat Rated Wind Max wind load @ rated velocity EquivalentFlatPlateArea 0.7ft-lbs 1.4ft-lbs 2.1lbs 3.0lbs Rated Wind 125 mph Weightlbs(kg) Temperature Range Ordering Data 1.5"OD .04ft2 0.34(0.154) 0.29(0.13) 0.38(0.172) -40°Cto+70°C -40°Cto+70°C -40°Cto+70°C .02ft2 Type WI-ANT-24GHZ4DBOMNINF 74 11.6"(294.6mm) 125 mph Part No. 6720005200 Type WI-ANT-0.9/2.4GHZ3/4DBMOBILE Part No. 6720005276 Type WI-ANT-24GHZ-6DB OMNINF Part No. 6720005201 Antennas WI-ANT-24GHZ-8DB OMNI NF WI-ANT-24GHZ-10DB OMNI NF Wireless Accessories Antennas — 2.4 GHz Omni Antennas WI-ANT-24GHZ-12DB OMNI NF Representative Photo Representative Photo Representative Photo 25watts Vertical 50ohms <1.5:1 UVresistantpultrudedfiberglass Nfemale 1.25" 25watts Vertical 50ohms <1.5:1 UVresistantpultrudedfiberglass Nfemale 1.25" 25watts Vertical 50ohms <1.5:1 UVresistantpultrudedfiberglass Nfemale 1.5" 2.4-2.48GHz 8dBi 2.4-2.48GHz 10dBi 2.4-2.5GHz 12dBi 13° 9° 7° Technical Data MaximumPower Polarization NominalImpedance VSWRacrosstheband RadomeMaterial Termination MountingBaseDiameter Electrical Specifications FrequencyRange Gain HalfPower VerticalBeamwidth Mechanical Specifications AntennaType ConnectorType AntennaHeight BendingMomentat RatedWind Max Wind Load @ RatedVelocity EquivalentFlatPlateArea Rated Wind Weightlbs(kg) TemperatureRange Omni Nfemale 20.2"(513.1mm) Omni Nfemale 36.0"(914.4mm) Omni Nfemale 44.0"(1118mm) 4.4ft-lbs 14.7ft-lbs 41ft-lbs 5.2lbs .06ft2 125 mph 0.50(0.226) -40°Cto+70°C 10.1lbs .11ft2 125 mph 0.65(0.295) -40°Cto+70°C 22.4lbs .25ft2 125 mph 3.00(1.400) -40°Cto+70°C Ordering Data Type WI-ANT-24GHZ-8DB OMNINF Part No. 6720005204 Type WI-ANT-24GHZ-10DB OMNINF Part No. 6720005202 Type WI-ANT-24GHZ-12DB OMNINF Part No. 6720005203 75 Wireless Accessories Antennas — 2.4 GHz Omni Antennas Antennas IE-ANT-O-BG-360-6-NF Representative Photo Technical Data Electrical Data Frequency (Mhz) VSWR Gain 3dBbeamwidth(horizontal) 3dBbeamwidth(vertical) Fronttobackratio Vertical electrical tilt 2400 - 2500 (Mhz) 1.8 6dBi 360° 30° 0° General Data Radiation NominalImpedance Polarisation Connector type Connector position Composite power max. Omnidirectional 50 Ohm Vertical 1xN-Typefemale Bottom 25 W Mechanical Data Dimensions Weight Wind load MastDiametermin. MastDiametermax. 250x22mm(HeightxDiameter) 300g frontal:3N@160km/h,lateral3N@ 160Km/h - Environmental Limits Environmental Conditions Operating Temperature Storage Temperature IPRating outdoor -40°Cto80°C -40°Cto80°C IP67 Material Data Radome Color Radome Material Backplate/baseplatematerial RAL7035(lightgrey) GlassFiber - Ordering Data Model Type Part No. Note: 76 802.11b/gWirelessAntenna; Omni-directonal IE-ANT-O-BG-360-6-NF 1367090000 Mounting material included Antennas WI-ANT-24GHZ-9DB DFP 2’ NF WI-ANT-24GHZ-10DB YAGI NF Representative Photo Wireless Accessories Antennas — 2.4 GHz Directional Antennas WI-ANT-24GHZ-13DB DFP 2’ NF Representative Photo Representative Photo Technical Data MaximumPower Polarization NominalImpedance VSWRacrosstheband RadomeMaterial CableLengthandtype Termination MountingMethod 20watts Linear 50ohms <1.6:1 UVstableplastic 12"RG58/U Nfemale Indoor/outdoorarticulating;heavyduty outdooradjustable 2.3-2.5GHz 9dBi 5watts Linear 50ohms <1.5:1 UVstableplastic 36"coax Nfemale heavydutyoutdoor adjustable 20watts Linear 50ohms <1.6:1 UVstableplastic 12"RG58/U Nfemale Indoor/outdoorarticulating;heavyduty outdooradjustable 2.4-2.485GHz 10dBi 2.3-2.5GHz 13dBi 60° 55° 35° 60° >15dB 55° >23dB 35° >18dB DirectionalPanel Nfemale 5.1"x4.7"x1.5" DirectionalYagi Nfemale 4.5"x3" DirectionalPanel Nfemale 8.8"x8.1"x1.6" 9.3lbf 125 mph 0.5(0.227) -40°Cto+70°C 5.8lbf 0.060ft2 125 mph 1.0(0.5) -40°Cto+70°C 27.9lbf 125 mph 1.2(0.544) -40°Cto+70°C Electrical Specifications FrequencyRange Gain HalfPower HorizontalBeamwidth HalfPower VerticalBeamwidth FronttoBackRatio Mechanical Specifications AntennaType ConnectorType Dimensions Max Wind Load @RatedVelocity EquivalentFlatPlateArea Rated Wind Weightlbs(kg) TemperatureRange Ordering Data Type WI-ANT-24GHZ-9DB DFP2’NF Part No. 6720005212 Type WI-ANT-24GHZ-10DB YAGINF Part No. 6720005205 Type WI-ANT-24GHZ-13DB DFP2’NF Part No. 6720005213 77 Wireless Accessories Antennas — 2.4 GHz Directional Antennas Antennas WI-ANT-24GHZ-14DB YAGI NF WI-ANT-24GHZ-18DB DFP 2’ NF Representative Photo Representative Photo Technical Data MaximumPower Polarization NominalImpedance VSWRacrosstheband RadomeMaterial CableLengthandtype Termination MountingMethod 5watts Linear 50ohms <1.5:1 UVstableplastic 36"coax Nfemale Heavydutyoutdoor adjustable 20watts Linear 50ohms <1.6:1 UVstableplastic 12"RG58/U Nfemale Indoor/outdoorarticulating;heavyduty outdooradjustable 2.4-2.485GHz 14dBi 2.3-2.5GHz 18dBi 30° 18° 30° >30dB 19° DirectionalYagi Nfemale 14"x3" 18.3lbf DirectionalPanel Nfemale 15.1"x13.9"x1.9" 85lbf 0.20ft2 125 mph 1.0(0.5) -40°Cto+70°C 125 mph 3.9(1.77) -40°Cto+70°C Electrical Specifications FrequencyRange Gain HalfPower HorizontalBeamwidth HalfPower VerticalBeamwidth FronttoBackRatio >25dB Mechanical Specifications AntennaType ConnectorType Dimensions Maxwindload @ rated velocity EquivalentFlatPlateArea Rated Wind Weightlbs(kg) TemperatureRange Ordering Data Type WI-ANT-24GHZ-14DB YAGINF 78 Part No. 6720005206 Type WI-ANT-24GHZ-18DB DFP2’NF Part No. 6720005214 Antennas WI-ANT-900MHZ-0DB DUCK SMA M WI-ANT-DPL-DG900-1 Representative Photo Wireless Accessories Antennas — 900 MHz Omni Antennas WI-ANT-DEMO-900 Representative Photo Representative Photo Technical Data MaximumPower Polarization NominalImpedance VSWRacrosstheband Radome Material Termination MountingBaseDiameter 5watts Tertical,Linear 50ohms <2.0:1 SMAmale 50ohms 50ohms SMAmale SMAmale 806-960MHz/1710-2170MHz 0dBi 900-930MHz -2dBi 900-930MHz 0dBi Portablewhip SMAmale 6.5"(16.5cm) Groundindependentdipole SMAmale 6"(15cm) 1/4wavewhip SMAmale 3.5"(9cm) Electrical Specifications FrequencyRange Gain HalfPower VerticalBeamwidth Mechanical Specifications AntennaType ConnectorType AntennaHeight BendingMoment at Rated Wind Max Wind Load @ Rated Velocity EquivalentFlatPlateArea Rated Wind Weightlbs(kg) TemperatureRange -40°Cto+85°C Ordering Data Type WI-ANT-900MHZ-0DB DUCKSMAM Part No. 6720005232 Type WI-ANT-DPL-DG900-1 Part No. Type 6720005086 WI-ANT-DEMO-900 Part No. 6720005089 79 Wireless Accessories Antennas — 900 MHz Omni Antennas Antennas WI-ANT-DPL-0-16 Representative Photo WI-ANT-900MHZ3DB STUB MAG Representative Photo WI-ANT-0.9/2.4GHZ3/4DB MOBILE Representative Photo WI-ANT-900MHZ0DB OMNI NF Representative Photo Technical Data MaximumPower 10 watts 100 watts 100 watts 150 watts Polarization Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical NominalImpedance 50 ohms 50 ohms 50 ohms 50 ohms VSWRacrosstheband <1.5:1 <1.5:1 <2.0:1 Radome Material Fiberglass Stainless Steel PVC Fiberglass Termination SMAmale DeterminedbyMAGBASE Determinedbythru-panelbase Nfemale DeterminedbyMAGBASE Compatiblewithmost1-1/8"- 18threadmounts,including3/4" hole mounts 1-5/16" MountingBaseDiameter Electrical Specifications Frequency Range 853-930MHz 896-940MHz 902-928MHz/2400-2500MHz 902-928MHz Gain 0dBi 3dB 3dBi Unity HalfPower VerticalBeamwidth 75° Mechanical Specifications AntennaType Halfwavedipole 5/8 wave over 1/4 wave LowProfileWhipless Omni Connector Type SMAmale DeterminedbyMAGBASE Forusewiththru-panelbase (6720005277) Nfemale AntennaHeight 16"(40cm) 11"(27.9cm) 2.4" 14"(35.6cm) BendingMomentat Rated Wind 1.4ft-lbs Max Wind Load @ Rated Velocity 2.3lbs EquivalentFlatPlateArea 1.5"OD 0.06ft2 Rated Wind Weightlbs(kg) 100 mph 0.5 (0.2) Temperature Range -40°Cto+70°C 0.29(0.13) 0.75(0.34) -40°Cto+70°C -40°Cto+70°C Ordering Data Type WI-ANTDPL-0-16 80 Part No. 6720005080 Type WI-ANT900MHZ-3DB STUB MAG Part No. 6720005230 Type WI-ANT0.9/2.4GHZ3/4DBMOBILE Part No. 6720005276 Type Part No. WI-ANT6720005233 900MHZ-0DB OMNINF Antennas WI-ANT-900MHZ-3DBD OMNI NF WI-ANT-900MHZ-5DBD OMNI NF Representative Photo Wireless Accessories Antennas — 900 MHz Omni Antennas WI-ANT-900MHZ-7DBD OMNI NF Representative Photo Representative Photo Technical Data MaximumPower Polarization NominalImpedance VSWRacrosstheband RadomeMaterial Termination MountingBaseDiameter 150watts Vertical 50ohms Fiberglass Nfemale 1-5/16" 150watts Vertical 50ohms Fiberglass Nfemale 1-5/16" 150watts Vertical 50ohms 902-928MHz 3dB 902-928MHz 5dB 902-928MHz 7dB 40° 22° 17° Omni Nfemale 23.25"(59.1cm) Omni Nfemale 48"(121.9cm) Omni Nfemale 96"(243.8cm) 4.7ft-lbs 14.2ft-lbs 62.5ft-lbs 4.3lbs 0.12ft2 100 mph 1.25(0.57) -40°Cto+70°C 8.0lbs 0.22ft2 100 mph 1.75(0.79) -40°Cto+70°C 15.8lbs 0.44ft2 100 mph 4(1.81) -40°Cto+70°C Fiberglass Nfemale 1-5/16" Electrical Specifications FrequencyRange Gain HalfPower VerticalBeamwidth Mechanical Specifications AntennaType ConnectorType AntennaHeight BendingMoment atRatedWind Max Wind Load @RatedVelocity EquivalentFlatPlateArea Rated Wind Weightlbs(kg) TemperatureRange Ordering Data Type WI-ANT-900MHZ-3DB OMNINF Part No. 6720005234 Type WI-ANT-900MHZ-5DB OMNINF Part No. 6720005235 Type WI-ANT-900MHZ-7DB OMNINF Part No. 6720005236 81 Wireless Accessories Antennas — 900 MHz Directional Antennas Antennas WI-ANT-900MHZ-3DBD YAGI NF WI-ANT-900MHZ6.5DB-2’ YAGI NF Representative Photo WI-ANT-900MHZ10DB-2’ YAGI NF Representative Photo Representative Photo Technical Data MaximumPower Polarization NominalImpedance VSWRAcrosstheband RadomeMaterial Termination Mounting Method 200watts Linear 50ohms <1.5:1 Aluminum6061-T6 Nfemale Includes mounting hardware 200watts Linear 50ohms <1.5:1 Aluminum6061-T6 Nfemale Includes mounting hardware 200watts Linear 50ohms <1.5:1 Aluminum6061-T6 Nfemale Includes mounting hardware 890-960MHz 3dBd 890-960MHz 6.5dBd 890-960MHz 10dBd 168° 100° 56° 78° >10dB 62° >15dB 46° >20dB DirectionalYagi 13"x6.8" 1.3(0.59) 0.11ft2 DirectionalYagi 13"x6.8" 2(0.9) 0.12ft2 DirectionalYagi 24"x6.8" 6.8(3.08) 0.24ft2 2.75lbf 125 mph 2 LMR400 2ft. Nfemale -40°Cto+85°C 3lbf 125 mph 3 RG213 2ft. Nfemale -40°Cto+70°C 6lbf 125 mph 7 RG213 2ft. Nfemale -40°Cto+70°C Type Part No. WI-ANT-900MHZ-6.5DB-2’ 6720005221 YAGINF Type WI-ANT-900MHZ-10DB-2’ YAGINF Electrical Specifications FrequencyRange Gain HalfPower HorizontalBeamwidth HalfPower VerticalBeamwidth FronttoBackRatio Mechanical Specifications AntennaType AntennaDimensions(LxW) Weightlbs(kg) CrossSectionalArea Max Wind Load @RatedVelocity Rated Wind Elements CableType CableLength ConnectorType TemperatureRange Ordering Data Type WI-ANT-900MHZ-3DB YAGINF 82 Part No. 6720005219 Part No. 6720005223 Antennas WI-ANT-900MHZ12DB-2’ YAGI NF Wireless Accessories Antennas — 900 MHz Directional Antennas WI-ANT-900MHZ14DB-2’ YAGI NF Representative Photo Representative Photo Technical Data MaximumPower Polarization NominalImpedance VSWRAcrosstheband RadomeMaterial Termination Mounting Method 200watts Linear 50ohms <1.5:1 Aluminum6061-T6 Nfemale Includes mounting hardware 200watts Linear 50ohms <1.5:1 Aluminum6061-T6 Nfemale Includes mounting hardware 890-960MHz 12dBd 40° 890-960MHz 14dBd 32° 34° 26° >20dB >25dB DirectionalYagi 37"x6.6" 2.5(1.3) 0.35ft2 DirectionalYagi 63"x6.6" 3.5(1.58) 0.67ft2 8.75lbf 125 mph 11 RG213 2ft. Nfemale -40°Cto+70°C 16.75lbf 125 mph 18 RG213 2ft. Nfemale -40°Cto+70°C Electrical Specifications FrequencyRange Gain HalfPower HorizontalBeamwidth HalfPower VerticalBeamwidth FronttoBackRatio Mechanical Specifications AntennaType AntennaDimensions(LxW) Weightlbs(kg) CrossSectionalArea Max wind load @ratedvelocity Rated Wind Elements CableType CableLength ConnectorType TemperatureRange Ordering Data Type WI-ANT-900MHZ-12DB-2’ YAGINF Part No. Type 6720005225 WI-ANT-900MHZ-14DB-2’ YAGINF Part No. 6720005226 83 Wireless Accessories Antennas — 900 MHz Omni (Licensed) Antennas– 900 MHz Omni (Licensed) WI-ANT-950Mhz-3DBD OMNI NF WI-ANT-950Mhz-5DBD OMNI NF Representative Photo WI-ANT-950Mhz-7DBD OMNI NF Representative Photo Representative Photo Technical Data MaximumPower 150 Watts 150 Watts 150 Watts Polarization Vertical Linear Vertical Linear Vertical Linear NominalImpedance 50 Ohms 50 Ohms 50 Ohms VSWRacrosstheband <1.5:1(70MHz) <1.5:1(70MHz) <1.5:1(40MHz) Radome Material 1.0”ODpultrudedwhitefiberglass 1.0”ODpultrudedwhitefiberglass 1.0”ODpultrudedwhitefiberglass Termination NFemale NFemale NFemale MountingBaseDiameter 1-5/16" 1-5/16" 1-5/16" Frequency Range 890-960MHz 890-960MHz 890-940MHz Gain 3dBd 5dBd 7dBd HalfPower VerticalBeamwidth 40° 22° 17° AntennaType Omni Omni Omni Connector Type NFemale NFemale NFemale AntennaHeight 23" 48" 96" BendingMomentat Rated Wind 4.7ft-lbs 14.2ft-lbs 62.5ft-lbs Max Wind Load @ Rated Velocity 4.3lbs 8.0lbs 15.8lbs Electrical Specifications Mechanical Specifications EquivalentFlatPlateArea 0.12ft2 0.22ft2 0.44ft2 Rated Wind 100 mph 100 mph 100 mph Weightlbs(kg) 1.25lbs 1.75lbs 4.00lbs Temperature Range -40°Cto+70°C -40°Cto+70°C -40°Cto+70°C Ordering Data Type WI-ANT-950Mhz-3DBD OMNINF 84 Part No. 6720005273 Type WI-ANT-950Mhz-5DBD OMNINF Part No. 6720005274 Type WI-ANT-950Mhz-7DBD OMNINF Part No. 6720005275 Antennas– 300-500 MHz WI-ANT-440MHZ-5DB OMNI NF WI-ANT-450MHZ-3DB OMNI NF WI-ANT-450MHZ-5DB OMNI NF Representative Photo Representative Photo Representative Photo Wireless Accessories Antennas — 300-500 MHz Technical Data MaximumPower 250 Watts 250 Watts 250 Watts Polarization Vertical Linear Vertical Linear Vertical Linear NominalImpedance 50 Ohms 50 Ohms 50 Ohms VSWRacrosstheband <1.5:1(70MHz) <1.5:1(10MHz) <1.5:1(10MHz) Radome Material 2.0”ODpultrudedwhitefiberglass Pultrudedwhitefiberglass Pultrudedwhitefiberglass Termination NFemale NFemale NFemale MountingBaseDiameter 1-5/16" 1-5/16" 1-5/16" Frequency Range 430-470MHz 450-460MHz 450-460MHz Gain 5dBd(7dBi) 3dBd 5dBd HalfPower VerticalBeamwidth 18° 38° 27° AntennaType Omni Omni Omni Connector Type NFemale NFemale NFemale AntennaHeight 83" 71" 77" BendingMomentat Rated Wind 250ft-lbs 29.0ft-lbs 40.4ft-lbs Max Wind Load @ Rated Velocity 45lbs 10.8lbs 12.6lbs EquivalentFlatPlateArea 1.125ft2 0.30ft2 0.35ft2 Rated Wind 125 mph 100 mph 100 mph Weightlbs(kg) 7.0lbs 4.0lbs 4.50lbs Temperature Range -40°Cto+70°C -40°Cto+70°C -40°Cto+70°C Electrical Specifications Mechanical Specifications Ordering Data Type WI-ANT-440MHZ-5DB OMNINF Part No. 6720005439 Type WI-ANT-450MHZ-3DB OMNINF Part No. 6720005440 Type WI-ANT-450MHZ-5DB OMNINF Part No. 6720005436 85 Wireless Accessories Antennas — 300-500 MHz Antennas– 300-500 MHz WI-ANT-390Mhz10DBD YAGI NF WI-ANT-420Mhz6DBD YAGI NF Representative Photo WI-ANT-420Mhz9DBD YAGI NF Representative Photo WI-ANT-470Mhz6DBD YAGI NF Representative Photo Representative Photo Technical Data MaximumPower 250 Watts 150 Watts 150 Watts 150 Watts Polarization Linear Linear Linear Linear NominalImpedance 50 Ohms 50 Ohms 50 Ohms 50 Ohms VSWRacrosstheband <1.5:1(70MHz) <1.5:1(34MHz) <1.5:1(34MHz) <1.5:1(40MHz) Radome Material 3/8"solid6061-T6aluminum 3/8"solid6061-T6aluminum 3/8"solid6061-T6aluminum 3/8"solid6061-T6aluminum Termination NFemale NFemale NFemale NFemale MountingPipeDiameter 1-5/16" 1.9”OD 1.9”OD 1.9”OD Frequency Range 375-403MHz 406-440MHz 406-440MHz 440-480MHz Gain 10dBd 6.5dBd 9dBd 6.5dBd HalfPower VerticalBeamwidth 46° 62° 45° 62° HalfPower HorizontalBeamwidth 52° 71° 52° 71° FronttoBackRatio >20dB >15dB >15dB >15dB AntennaType DirectionalYagi DirectionalYagi DirectionalYagi DirectionalYagi Connector Type NFemale NFemale NFemale NFemale AntennaLength(BoomOD) 44"x14.3" 22"(.75") 34"(.75") 22"(.75") NumberofElements 7 3 5 3 BendingMomentatRated Wind 12.75ft-lbs 12.75ft-lbs 32.4ft-lbs 12.75ft-lbs Max wind load @ rated velocity 20.84lbs 14.8lbs 24.2lbs 14.8lbs Electrical Specifications Mechanical Specifications EquivalentFlatPlateArea 0.53ft2 0.19ft2 0.31ft2 0.19ft2 Rated Wind 100 mph 125 mph 125 mph 125 mph Weightlbs(kg) 3.5lbs 1.2lbs 2lbs 1.2lbs Temperature Range -40°Cto+70°C -40°Cto+70°C -40°Cto+70°C -40°Cto+70°C Ordering Data Type Part No. WI-ANT-390Mhz- 6720005441 10DBDYAGINF 86 Type Part No. WI-ANT-420Mhz- 6720005442 6DBDYAGINF Type WI-ANT420Mhz-9DBD YAGINF Part No. 6720005443 Type Part No. WI-ANT6720005444 470Mhz-6DBD YAGINF Antennas– 300-500 MHz WI-ANT-470Mhz-9DBD YAGI NF WI-ANT-450MHZ10DB YAGI Representative Photo Wireless Accessories Antennas — 300-500 MHz WI-ANT-470Mhz-9DBD YAGI NF Representative Photo Representative Photo Technical Data MaximumPower 150 Watts 250 Watts 150 Watts Polarization Linear Linear Linear NominalImpedance 50 Ohms 50 Ohms 50 Ohms VSWRacrosstheband <1.5:1(40MHz) <1.5:1(70MHz) <1.5:1(40MHz) Radome Material 3/8"solid6061-T6aluminum 3/8"solid6061-T6aluminum 3/8"solid6061-T6aluminum Termination NFemale NFemale NFemale MountingPipeDiameter 1.9”OD 1.9”OD 1.9”OD Frequency Range 440-480MHz 450-470MHz 470-512MHz Gain 9dBd 10dBd 9dBd HalfPowerVertical Beamwidth 45° 45° 45° HalfPower HorizontalBeamwidth 52° 0° 52° FronttoBackRatio >15dB >20dB >15dB AntennaType DirectionalYagi DirectionalYagi DirectionalYagi Connector Type NFemale NFemale NFemale AntennaLength(BoomOD) 34"(.75") 42"x11.8" 34"(.75") NumberofElements 5 7 5 BendingMomentatRated Wind 32.4ft-lbs 250ft-lbs 32.4ft-lbs Max wind load @ rated velocity 24.2lbs 11.5lbs 24.2lbs EquivalentFlatPlateArea 0.31ft2 0.46ft2 0.31ft2 Rated Wind 125 mph 150 mph 125 mph Weightlbs(kg) 2lbs 3lbs(1.36kg) 2lbs Temperature Range -40°Cto+70°C -40°Cto+70°C -40°Cto+70°C Electrical Specifications Mechanical Specifications Ordering Data Type WI-ANT-470Mhz-9DBD YAGINF Part No. 6720005445 Type WI-ANT-450MHZ10DBYAGI Part No. 6720005435 Type WI-ANT-470Mhz-9DBD YAGINF Part No. 6720005446 87 Wireless Accessories Antennas — Cellular Antennas– Cellular WI-ANT-GSM-LTE-3DB Mobile WI-ANT-GSM-2DB LP Representative Photo Representative Photo Technical Data MaximumPower 100 Watts 8 Watts Polarization Vertical Linear NominalImpedence 50Ω 50Ω VSWRacrosstheband <2.0:1 <2.5:1 Radome Material PVC(IP66) PVC Termination Determinedbythru-panelbase MaleSMAc/w17ft(5meter)RG-174cable MountingBaseDiameter Compatiblewithmost1/8”-8threadmounts, including3/4”holemounts 1-1/2”throughholemount.Mountassemblyincludes flatadaptershimforinstallationsorlargercutouts Frequency Range 698-2700MHz 824-896MHz1710-1990MHZ Gain 3dBi 2dBi+/-1dB@900MHz,1dB+/-1dB@1800MHz AntennaType(Radiation) LowProfileWhipless GSMMulti-bandThroughHoleLowProfile Connector Type Forusewiththru-panelbase(6720005277) MaleSMA AntennaHeight 2.4" 0.59"(1.5cm) EquivalentFlatPlateArea 1.5"OD 3.1"(8cm) Weightlbs(kg) 0.29(0.13) 0.45 (0.24) Temperature Range -40°Cto+70°C -40°Cto+70°C Electrical Specifications Mechanical Specifications Ordering Data Type WI-ANT-GSM-LTE-3DBMobile 88 Part No. 6720005450 Type WI-ANT-GSM-2DBLP Part No. 6720005451 Antennas– Cellular WI-ANT-900MHZ0DBDUCKSMAM IE-ANT-3G-806-2170-2-NF Representative Photo Wireless Accessories Antennas — Cellular IE-ANT-3G-806-2500-4-NF Representative Photo Representative Photo Technical Data MaximumPower 5 Watts 25 W Polarization Vertical Linear Vertical,Linear Vertical,Linear NominalImpedence 50Ω 50Ω 50Ω VSWRacrosstheband <2.0:1 < 2.5 <2.0:1 Radome Material PVC PVC PVC(IP66) Termination MaleSMA 1xN-typefemale,bottom 1xN-typefemale,bottom MountingBaseDiameter Directconnection180°swivel,0°-90° knuckle 1xantenna,1xmountingbracket,2x clampsformastassembly 1xantenna,1xScrewconnectorand moutingmaterialforvandalproofmounting Frequency Range 806-960MHz/1.71-2.17GHz 806-960(MHz),1710-2170(MHz) 806-960MHz/1.71-2.5GHz Gain 0dBi 2dBi 4dBi AntennaType(Radiation) LowProfileWhip Omni Omni Connector Type MaleSMA 1xN-typefemale,bottom 1xN-typefemale,bottom AntennaHeight 7-5/8"(19.4cm) 7.9"(200mm) 2.1"(48mm) 1"(22mm) 1.5"(36mm) Electrical Specifications Mechanical Specifications EquivalentFlatPlateArea Weightlbs(kg) 0.15 (0.06) 1.0(0.430) 1.0(0.3) Temperature Range -40°Cto+70°C -40to+70°C -40to+70°C Ordering Data Type WI-ANT-900MHZ0DBDUCKSMAM Part No. 6720005232 Type Part No. IE-ANT-3G-806-2170-2-NF 1491160000 Type IE-ANT-3G-806-2500-4-NF Part No. 1491170000 89 Wireless Accessories Cables Cables PFP195 • Impedance: 50 ohms • Foamed Polyethylene • 100%Bonded AluminumFoil • Tinned Copper Braid-CuSn • Flame-retardantPVC • PolyethyleneJacket PFP400 PFP600 Technical Data Electrical Specifications CutoffFrequency VelocityofPropagation DielectricConstant TimeDelaynS/ft(nS/m) Impedance Capacitance (pF/m) InductanceuH/ft(uH/m) ShieldingEffectiveness DC Resistance: Inner Conductor ohms/ 1000ft(/km) Outer Conductor ohms/ 1000ft(/km) Voltage Withstand JacketSpark PeakPower 41GHz 80% 1.56 1.27 (4.17) 50 ohms 79.7 0.064 (0.21) >90dB 16.2GHz 85% 1.38 1.20(3.92) 50 ohms 78.4 0.060 (0.20) >90dB 10.3GHz 87% 1.32 1.17(3.83) 50 Ohms 76.8 0.058 (0.19) >90dB 7.6 (24.9) 1.39(4.6) 0.53(1.7) 4.9 (16.1) 1.65 (5.4) 1.2(3.9) 1000VDC 3000Vrms 2.5kW 2500VDC 8000 Vrms 16kW 4000VDC 8000 Vrms 40kW 0.5 (12.7) 2.0 (50.8) 0.2 (0.27) 0.021(0.03) 40 (18.2) 15 (0.27) 0.94SolidBC 2.8 BondedAluminumFoil 0.11 x 112 CuSn 4.95 1.00 (25.4) 4.0 (101.6) 0.5 (0.68) 0.068 (0.10) 160 (72.6) 40 (0.71) 2.74SolidCCA 7.24 BondedAluminumFoil 0.15 x 192 CuSn 10.29 1.50(38.1) 6.0 (152.4) 2.75(3.73) 0.131(0.20) 350(158.9) 60 (1.07) 4.47SolidCCA 11.56 BondedAluminumFoil 0.18 x 240 CuSn 14.99 -40°to+185°F/-40°to+85°C -94°to+185°F/-70°to+85°C -40°to+185°F/-40°to+85°C -40°to+185°F/-40°to+85°C -94°to+185°F/-70°to+85°C -40°to+185°F/-40°to+85°C -40°to+185°F/-40°to+85°C -94°to+185°F/-70°to+85°C -40°to+185°F/-40°to+85°C Type PFP195 PFP195 PFP195 PFP195 PFP195 PFP195 Type PFP400 PFP400 PFP400 PFP400 PFP400 PFP400 PFP400 PFP400 PFP400 PFP400 PFP400 PFP400 Type PFP600 Mechanical Specifications BendRadius:installationin.(mm) BendRadius:repeatedin.(mm) BendingMomentft-lb(N-m) Weightlb/ft(kg/m) TensileStrengthlb(kg) FlatPlateCrushlb/in.(kg/mm) Center Conductor (mm) Insulation (mm) Binder Shield (mm) InsulationJacket(mm) Environmental Specifications Installation Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Operating Temperature Range Ordering Data Part No. 6720005243 6720005244 6720005245 6720005259 6720005270 6720005260 Cable lengths and part numbers on page 62. 90 Part No. 6720005240 6720005241 6720005242 6720005246 6720005247 6720005248 6720005251 6720005252 6720005253 6720005254 6720005255 6720005256 Part No. 6720005257 IE-CC-NM-RPSMAM-2M IE-CC-NM-RPSMAM-4M 50Ohm+/-2 6 Ghz 4.08 ns/m approx.0.55dB/m approx.0.87dB/m 50Ohm+/-2 6 Ghz 4.08 ns/m approx.0.55dB/m approx.0.87dB/m 2m 6.3kg/100m 28 mm Connector1:N-typemale Connector2:RP-SMAmale 4m 6.3kg/100m 28 mm Connector1:N-typemale Connector2:RP-SMAmale -40°Cto85°C -20°Cto60°C IEC60332-1,UL1581§1080(VW-1) IEC 60754 ISO4892-2A -40°Cto85°C -20°Cto60°C IEC60332-1,UL1581§1080(VW-1) IEC 60754 ISO4892-2A LSFH(modifiedpolyethylene) 5.7 mm LSFH(modifiedpolyethylene) 5.7 mm Antennacable,2mlengthN-type(male)--> RP-SMA(male),Impedance50Ohm IE-CC-NM-RPSMAM-2M 1367110000 Antennacable,4mlength,N-type(male)--> RP-SMA(male),Impedance50Ohm IE-CC-NM-RPSMAM-4M 1367100000 Wireless Accessories Cables Technical Data Electrical Data Impedance Max.operatingfrequency Signal delay [email protected] Attenuation@5Ghz Mechanical Data Length Weight Min.Bendingradius(static) Connector type Environmental Limits Operating Temperature Installation Temperature Flammability Halogenfree UV resistance Material Data Jacket OuterDiamter Ordering Data Models Type Part No. 91 Wireless Accessories Hardware — Mounts Mounts WI-ACC-24GHZ4610DB-ANG-BRKT WI-ACC-24GHZ4610DB-STR-BRKT WI-ACC-24GHZ12DB-STR-BRKT Stainlesssteel“L”bracketmountforwallor pipemount.Formountingomnidirectional antennato2"maximumdiametermast. AluminumMFBmountbracket.Formounting 1-1/4"diameterantennato2-1/2"maximum diametermast. HeavydutyMFBmountbracket Type WI-ACC-24GHZ- 4610DB-ANG-BRKT Type WI-ACC-24GHZ- 4610DB-STR-BRKT Type WI-ACC-24GHZ- 12DB-STR-BRKT Technical Data Description Ordering Data Part No. 6720005209 Part No. 6720005210 Part No. 6720005211 WI-ACC-MAGBASE 12 RG58 SMA MALE WI-ACC-900MHZOMNI-STR-BRKT WI-ACC-900MHZYAGI-STR-BRKT Lowfrequencymagneticmount (forantennasoperating800-3000MHz) Lightdutyparallelorperpendicularpipe topipeclamp,fits1.5-2.4"to 1.5-2.4"ODpipewith1.25-2.4"OD Yagiclamp,fitsmastODof0.5-0.84". Mountstolegs,towers,accessories Type WI-ACC-MAGBASE12 RG58SMAMALE Type WI-ACC-900MHZOMNI-STR-BRKT Type WI-ACC-900MHZYAGI-STR-BRKT Technical Data Description Ordering Data Part No. 6720005263 Part No. 6720005268 Part No. 6720005266 WI-ACC-900MHZ14YAGI-STR-BRKT WI-ACC-900MHZ035OMNI-STR-BRKT WI-ACC-900MHZ7OMNI-STR-BRKT Yagiclamp,fitsmastODof0.75-1". Mountstolegs,towers,accessorieswith 1.25-2.4"OD AluminumMFBmountbracket. Formounting1-5/16"diameterantennato 2-1/2"maximumdiametermast. Heavydutyfiberglassbasestationmount. Formountinganantennawith2-1/2" maximumdiameteronto2-1/2"maximum diameter mast. Type WI-ACC-900MHZ14YAGI-STR-BRKT Type WI-ACC-900MHZ035OMNI-STR-BRKT Type WI-ACC-900MHZ7OMNI-STR-BRKT Technical Data Description Ordering Data 92 Part No. 6720005267 Part No. 6720005271 Part No. 6720005272 Surge Suppressor WI-ACC-125-1000MHZ SURGE NF-NF WI-ACC-2-6GHZ SURGE NF-NF Wireless Accessories Hardware — Surge Suppressors – Antenna Couplers WI-DIV-CCMA SMA M – SMA F Technical Data Connector Frequency Range VSWR Insertion Loss Turn-on NfemaletoNfemale 125-1000MHz <1.1overfrequencyrange <0.1dBoverfrequencyrange 600fbVDC+/-20% NfemaletoNfemale 2.0-6.0GHz 1.3:1 0.1dB Type Part No. WI-ACC-125-1000MHZ 6720005261 SURGENF-NF Type WI-ACC-2-6GHZ SURGENF-NF SMAMaletoSMAFemale <1200MHz <0.2dBoverrange Ordering Data Antenna Coupler Part No. 6720005262 WI-ACC-BULK-C1D1 SMA M - SMA F WI-ACC-BULK-C1D1 SMA M - NF 250VDC,250VAC50-60Hz 2wattsor33dB 5.64 nF 260to2483MHz 50 Ohms 250VDC,250VAC50-60Hz 2wattsor33dB 5.64 nF 260to2483MHz 50 Ohms 0.6dB 2.2dB 2.6dB 0.5lb(0.23kg) 300SeriesStainlessSteel -40°/+85°C SMAmaletoSMAfemale 3.2dB 2.4dB 4.1dB 0.5lb(0.23kg) 300SeriesStainlessSteel -40°/+85°C SMAmaletoNfemale Class1Div1,groupA,B,C,D Class1Div1,groupA,B,C,D Type WI-ACC-BULK-C1D1 SMAM-SMAF Type WI-ACC-BULK-C1D1 SMAM-NF Type WI-DIV-CCMA SMAM-SMAF Part No. 6720005111 Technical Data Maximum Fault Voltage MaximumAntennaPowerOutput Maximum Capacitance Frequency Range Impedenance ApproximateSignalAttenuation(1): @425MHz @915MHz @2.4GHz ApproximateWeight HousingMaterial AmbientTemperatureRange Connector Approvals Ordering Data Part No. 6720005298 Part No. 6720005299 93 Wireless Accessories Hardware — Adapters Adapters WI-ACC-ADAPT SMA M - SMA M WI-ACC-ADAPT SMA F - SMA F WI-ACC-ADAPT NM - NM Adapter SMAmaletoSMAmale Adapter SMAfemaletoSMAfemale BarrelAdapter NmaletoNmale Technical Data Connector Ordering Data Type WI-ACC-ADAPT SMAM-SMAM Part No. 6720005290 Type WI-ACC-ADAPT SMAF-SMAF Part No. 6720005291 Type WI-ACC-ADAPT NM-NM Part No. 6720005292 WI-ACC-ADAPT NF - NF WI-ACC-ADAPT SMA F - NM WI-ACC-ADAPT SMA M - NF BarrelAdapter NfemaletoNfemale Adapter SMAfemaletoNmale Adapter SMAmaletoNfemale Technical Data Connector Ordering Data Type WI-ACC-ADAPT NF-NF Part No. 6720005293 Type WI-ACC-ADAPT SMAF-NM Part No. 6720005294 WI-ACC-ADAPT SMA F - SMA M ANGL WI-ACC-BULK SMA F - SMA F Technical Data Connector BulkheadAdapter SMAfemaletoSMAfemalewithD-flat RightAngleAdapter SMAmaletoSMAfemale Type WI-ACC-BULK SMAF-SMAF Type WI-ACC-ADAPT SMAF-SMAMANGL Ordering Data 94 Part No. 6720005296 Part No. 6720005297 Type WI-ACC-ADAPT SMAM-NF Part No. 6720005295 Filters • Ultra-HighQuality Microwave Cavity Filter • Ultra Low Insertion Loss(0.5dBnominal) • Industrial Grade • RuggedAluminum Weatherproof Constructionfor Outdoor or Indoor Use WI-ACC 900MHZ BAND PASS FILTER WI-ACC 2.4GHZ BAND PASS FILTER Wireless Accessories Hardware — Filters WI-ACC 5.8GHZ BAND PASS FILTER Technical Data Electrical Specifications Center Frequency Bandwidth OutofBandRejection Insertion Loss PassbandRipple Return Loss Impedance NumberofCavaties PowerHandling Connectors Operating Temp Dimensionsmm(in) WeightKg(lbs.) 915 Mhz 35Mhz >40dB@815Mhz >40dB@1015MHz 0.5dB <0.25dB >15dB 50 Ohms 4 50 Watts NFemale(2) -40to85°C(-40to185°F) 74 x 74 x 50 (2.9 x 2.9 x 1.9) 0.38(0.84) 2448MHz 100 Mhz >80dB@<2000Mhz >60dB@>2700MHz 0.25dB <0.25dB >15dB 50 Ohms 4 50 Watts NFemale(2) -40to85°C(-40to185°F) 78x78x31(3.0x3.0x1.2) 0.38(0.84) 5800MHz 150MHz >6dB@5570Mhz >6dB@6030MHz 0.5dB <1.0dB >10dB 50 Ohms 4 50 Watts NFemale(2) -40to85°C(-40to185°F) 58x58x28(2.3x2.3x1.1) 0.31(0.69) Type WI-ACC900MHZBAND PASSFILTER Type WI-ACC2.4GHzBAND PASSFILTER Type WI-ACC5.8GHZBAND PASSFILTER Ordering Data Part No. 6720005120 Part No. 6720005121 Part No. 6720005122 95