A43L3616A Series 2M x 16 Bit x 4 Banks Synchronous DRAM Preliminary Document Title 2M x 16 Bit x 4 Banks Synchronous DRAM Revision History History Issue Date Remark 0.0 Initial issue August 7, 2007 Preliminary 0.1 Change clock frequency from 133MHz to 143MHz at 7ns cycle November 14, 2007 Rev. No. time 0.2 Add part numbering scheme February 20, 2008 0.3 Add A43L4608A part number May 5, 2008 0.4 Add Test Mode description August 13, 2008 0.5 Add automotive temperature grade November 11, 2008 0.6 Remove A43L4608A part number January 7, 2009 0.7 Add 54 balls CSP (8mm x 8mm) package August 28, 2009 0.8 Modify tRAS(max.) from 100ns to 100μs November 8, 2011 Modify DC spec. Modify DC current spec. PRELIMINARY (November, 2011, Version 0.8) AMIC Technology, Corp. A43L3616A Series 2M x 16 Bit x 4 Banks Synchronous DRAM Preliminary Features Industrial operating range: -40°C to +85°C for –U Automotive temperature operation:-40°C to +85°C for -A Burst Read Single-bit Write operation DQM for masking Auto & self refresh 64ms refresh period (4K cycle) Available in 54 Balls CSP (8mm X 8mm) and 54-pin TSOP(II) packages Package is available to lead free (-F series) All Pb-free (Lead-free) products are RoHS compliant JEDEC standard 3.3V ± 0.3V power supply LVTTL compatible with multiplexed address Four banks / Pulse RAS MRS cycle with address key programs - CAS Latency (2,3) - Burst Length (1,2,4,8) - Burst Type (Sequential & Interleave) All inputs are sampled at the positive going edge of the system clock General Description The A43L3616A is 134,217,728 bits synchronous high data rate Dynamic RAM organized as 4 X 2,097,152 words by 16 bits, abricated with AMIC’s high performance CMOS technology. Synchronous design allows precise cycle control with the use of system clock. I/O transactions are possible on every clock cycle. Range of operating frequencies, programmable latencies allow the same device to be useful for a variety of high bandwidth, high performance memory system applications. Pin Configuration 54 Balls CSP (8 mm x 8 mm) Top View 54 Ball (6X9) CSP 3 7 1 2 8 9 A VSS DQ15 VSSQ VDDQ DQ0 VDD B DQ14 DQ13 VDDQ VSSQ DQ2 DQ1 C DQ12 DQ11 VSSQ VDDQ DQ4 DQ3 D E DQ10 DQ9 VDDQ VSSQ DQ6 DQ5 DQ8 NC VSS VDD LDQM DQ7 F UDQM CLK CKE CAS RAS WE G NC A11 A9 BA0 BA1 CS H A8 A7 A6 A0 A1 A10 J VSS A5 A4 A3 A2 VDD PRELIMINARY (November, 2011, Version 0.8) 1 AMIC Technology, Corp. A43L3616A Series Pin Configuration (continued) TSOP (II) 1 54 VSS DQ0 2 53 DQ15 VDDQ 3 52 VSSQ DQ1 4 51 DQ14 DQ2 5 50 DQ13 VSSQ 6 49 VDDQ DQ3 7 48 DQ12 DQ4 8 47 DQ11 VDDQ 9 46 VSSQ DQ5 10 45 DQ10 DQ6 11 44 DQ9 VSSQ 12 43 VDDQ DQ7 13 42 DQ8 VDD 14 41 VSS LDQM 15 40 NC/RFU WE 16 39 UDQM CAS 17 38 CLK RAS 18 37 CKE CS 19 36 NC BA0 20 35 A11 BA1 21 34 A9 A10/AP 22 33 A8 A0 23 32 A7 A1 24 31 A6 A2 25 30 A5 A3 26 29 A4 VDD 27 28 VSS PRELIMINARY (November, 2011, Version 0.8) A43L3616AV VDD 2 AMIC Technology, Corp. A43L3616A Series Block Diagram LWE I/O Control Data Input Register Bank Select 2M X 16 Output Buffer Sense AMP 2M X 16 2M X 16 DQi 2M X 16 Column Decoder Column Buffer LCBR LRAS Address Register ADD Row Decoder Row Buffer Refresh Counter CLK DQM Latency & Burst Length LRAS Programming Register LCAS LRAS LCBR DQM LWE LWCBR Timing Register CLK CKE CS RAS CAS WE DQM Notes: This figure shows the A43L3616A. PRELIMINARY (November, 2011, Version 0.8) 3 AMIC Technology, Corp. A43L3616A Series Pin Descriptions Symbol Name Description CLK System Clock Active on the positive going edge to sample all inputs. CS Chip Select Disables or Enables device operation by masking or enabling all inputs except CLK, CKE and L(U)DQM. Masks system clock to freeze operation from the next clock cycle. CKE Clock Enable CKE should be enabled at least one clock + tss prior to new command. Disable input buffers for power down in standby. Row / Column addresses are multiplexed on the same pins. A0~A11 Address Row address : RA0~RA11, Column address: CA0~CA8 (x16). Selects bank to be activated during row address latch time. BA0, BA1 Bank Select Address Selects band for read/write during column address latch time. RAS Row Address Strobe Latches row addresses on the positive going edge of the CLK with RAS low. Enables row access & precharge. Column Address Strobe Latches column addresses on the positive going edge of the CLK with CAS low. WE Write Enable Enables write operation and Row precharge. DQM, Data Input/Output Mask CAS Enables column access. Makes data output Hi-Z, tSHZ after the clock and masks the output. L(U)DQM Blocks data input when L(U)DQM active. LDQM corresponds to DQ0 ~ DQ7, UDQM corresponds to DQ8 ~ DQ15 . DQ0-15 Data Input/Output Data inputs/outputs are multiplexed on the same pins. VDD/VSS Power Supply/Ground Power Supply: +3.3V±0.3V/Ground. VDDQ/VSSQ Data Output Power/Ground Provide isolated Power/Ground to DQs for improved noise immunity. NC/RFU No Connection PRELIMINARY (November, 2011, Version 0.8) 4 AMIC Technology, Corp. A43L3616A Series Absolute Maximum Ratings* *Comments Voltage on any pin relative to VSS (Vin, Vout ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.5V to +4.6V Voltage on VDD supply relative to VSS (VDD, VDDQ ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.5V to +4.6V Storage Temperature (TSTG) . . . . . . . . . . -55°C to +125°C Soldering Temperature X Time (TSLODER) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260°C X 10sec Power Dissipation (PD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1W Short Circuit Current (Ios) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50mA Permanent device damage may occur if “Absolute Maximum Ratings” are exceeded. Functional operation should be restricted to recommended operating condition. Exposure to higher than recommended voltage for extended periods of time could affect device reliability. Capacitance (TA=25°C, f=1MHz) Parameter Symbol Input Capacitance Data Input/Output Capacitance Condition Min Typ Max Unit CI1 A0 to A11, BA0, BA1 2.5 3.5 pF CI2 CLK, CKE, CS , RAS , CAS , WE , DQM 2.5 3.5 pF CI/O DQ0 to DQ15 4 6.5 pF DC Electrical Characteristics Recommend operating conditions (Voltage referenced to VSS = 0V, TA = 0ºC to +70ºC, -40°C to +85°C for industrial temperature range or -40°C to +85°C for automotive temperature range) Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit VDD,VDDQ 3.0 3.3 3.6 V Input High Voltage VIH 2.0 3.0 VDD+0.3 V Note 1 Input Low Voltage VIL -0.3 0 0.8 V Note 2 Output High Voltage VOH 2.4 - - V IOH = -2mA Output Low Voltage VOL - - 0.4 V IOL = 2mA Input Leakage Current IIL -5 - 5 μA Note 3 Output Leakage Current IOL -5 - 5 μA Note 4 Supply Voltage Output Loading Condition Note See Figure 1 Note: 1. VIH (max) = 4.6V AC (pulse width ≤ 10ns). 2. VIL (min) = -1.5V AC (pulse width ≤ 10ns). 3. Any input 0V ≤ VIN ≤ VDD + 0.3V, all other pins are not under test = 0V 4. Dout is disabled, 0V ≤ Vout ≤ VDD PRELIMINARY (November, 2011, Version 0.8) 5 AMIC Technology, Corp. A43L3616A Series Decoupling Capacitance Guide Line Recommended decoupling capacitance added to power line at board. Parameter Symbol Value Unit Decoupling Capacitance between VDD and VSS CDC1 0.1 + 0.01 μF Decoupling Capacitance between VDDQ and VSSQ CDC2 0.1 + 0.01 μF Note: 1. VDD and VDDQ pins are separated each other. All VDD pins are connected in chip. All VDDQ pins are connected in chip. 2. VSS and VSSQ pins are separated each other All VSS pins are connected in chip. All VSSQ pins are connected in chip. DC Electrical Characteristics (Recommended operating condition unless otherwise noted, TA = 0 to 70°C, -40°C to +85°C for industrial temperature range or -40°C to +85°C for automotive temperature range) Symbol Icc1 Icc2 P Icc2 PS Parameter Operating Current (One Bank Active) Burst Length = 1 tRC = tRC(min), tCC = tCC(min), IOL = 0mA Precharge Standby Current in power-down mode CKE = VIL(max), tCC = 10ns ICC2N Precharge Standby Current in non powerdown mode ICC2NS ICC3N Active Standby current in non power-down mode (One Bank Active) ICC3NS ICC3P Speed Test Conditions -6 -7 -75 95 85 80 Unit Notes mA 1 2 mA CLK = VIL(max), tCC = ∞ 1.5 CKE = VIH(min), CS = VIH(min), tCC = 10ns Input signals are changed one time during 20ns 15 mA CKE = VIH(min), CLK = VIL(max), tCC = ∞ Input signals are stable. 10 CKE = VIH(min), CS = VIH(min), tCC = 10ns Input signals are changed one time during 20ns 25 mA CKE = VIH(min), CLK = VIL(max), tCC = ∞ Input signals are stable 20 mA Active Standby current in power-down mode (One Bank Active) CKE = VIL(max), tcc=10ns 4 mA CKE & CLK = VIL(max), tcc= ∞ 2 mA ICC4 Operating Current (Burst Mode) IOL = 0mA, Page Bust All bank Activated, tCCD = tCCD (min) 120 100 90 mA 1 ICC5 Refresh Current tRC = tRC (min) 140 120 110 mA 2 ICC6 Self Refresh Current CKE = 0.2V 2 2 2 mA ICC3PS Note: 1. Measured with outputs open. Addresses are changed only one time during tCC(min). 2. Refresh period is 64ms. Addresses are changed only one time during tCC(min). 3. Unless otherwise noted, input swing IeveI is CMOS (VIH /VIL=VDDQ/VSSQ). PRELIMINARY (November, 2011, Version 0.8) 6 AMIC Technology, Corp. A43L3616A Series AC Operating Test Conditions (VDD = 3.3V ±0.3V, TA = 0°C to +70°C, -40°C to +85°C for industrial temperature range or -40°C to +85°C for automotive temperature range) Parameter Value AC input levels VIH/VIL = 2.4V/0.4V Input timing measurement reference level 1.4V Input rise and all time (See note3) tr/tf = 1ns/1ns Output timing measurement reference level 1.4V Output load condition See Fig.2 3.3V 1200Ω VOH(DC) = 2.4V, IOH = -2mA VOL(DC) = 0.4V, IOL = 2mA VTT =1.4V 50Ω Output ZO=50Ω OUTPUT 870Ω 50pF 50pF (Fig. 2) AC Output Load Circuit (Fig. 1) DC Output Load Circuit AC Characteristics (AC operating conditions unless otherwise noted) Symbol Parameter CAS Latency 3 tCC Max 6 Min CLK to valid 3 Output delay 2 10 Max 5.4 2.5 1 ns 1,2 - ns 2 5.4 - 3 3 ns 1000 5.4 - Note 10 5.4 5.4 Unit Max 7.5 - Output data hold time Min 1000 10 - 2 -75 7 1000 3 tOH -7 Min CLK cycle time 2 tSAC -6 6 3 3 3 tCH CLK high pulse width 2.5 - 2.5 - 2.5 - ns 3 tCL CLK low pulse width 2.5 - 2.5 - 2.5 - ns 3 tSS Input setup time 1.5 - 1.5 - 1.5 - ns 3 tSH Input hold time 1 - 1 - 1 - ns 3 tSLZ CLK to output in Low-Z 1 - 1 - 1 - ns 2 tSHZ CLK to output In Hi-Z ns - 2, 3 3 5.4 - 5.4 - 2 5.4 5.4 - 5.4 6 *All AC parameters are measured from half to half. Note : 1. Parameters depend on programmed CAS latency. 2. If clock rising time is longer than 1ns, (tr/2-0.5)ns should be added to the parameter. 3. Assumed input rise and fall time (tr & tf) = 1ns. If tr & tf is longer than 1ns, transient time compensation should be considered, i.e., [(tr + tf)/2-1]ns should be added to the parameter. PRELIMINARY (November, 2011, Version 0.8) 7 AMIC Technology, Corp. A43L3616A Series Operating AC Parameter (AC operating conditions unless otherwise noted) Symbol Parameter CAS Latency Version -6 -7 -75 Unit Note tRRD(min) Row active to row active delay 12 14 15 ns 1 tRCD(min) RAS to CAS delay 18 20 20 ns 1 tRP(min) Row precharge time 18 20 20 ns 1 42 45 45 ns 100 100 100 μs tRAS(min) 1 Row active time 2,3 tRAS(max) tRC(min) Row cycle time 60 63 65 ns 1 tCDL(min) Last data in new col. Address delay 1 1 1 CLK 2 tRDL(min) Last data in row precharge 2 2 2 CLK 2 tCCD(min) Col. Address to col. Address delay 1 1 1 CLK Note: 1. The minimum number of clock cycles is determined by dividing the minimum time required with clock cycle time and then rounding off to the next higher integer. 2. Minimum delay is required to complete write. PRELIMINARY (November, 2011, Version 0.8) 8 AMIC Technology, Corp. A43L3616A Series Simplified Truth Table Command CKEn-1 CKEn CS RAS CAS WE DQM BA0 A10 A9~A0, BA1 /AP Register Refresh Mode Register Set H Auto Refresh Self Refresh X L L L L X OP CODE L L L H X X Exit L L H L H H H X X Bank Active & Row Addr. H Read & Auto Precharge Disable Column Addr. Auto Precharge Enable X X X X L L H H X V H X L H L H X V Write & Auto Precharge Disable Column Addr. Auto Precharge Enable H X L H L L X V Reserved H X L H H L X Clock Suspend or Active Power Down H L Bank Selection H X H L Exit L H Entry H L Exit L H Entry Precharge Power Down Mode DQM H No Operation Command H L L H L L H H H H X X X X X X X L H H H H X X X L V V V H X X X X X L H H H H X X X X 3 Row Addr. L Both Banks 3 3 H Precharge 1,2 3 H H Entry Notes A11 H 4 Column Addr. 4 4,5 Column Addr. 4,5 4 X V L X H X X X X X X X V X X X 6 (V = Valid, X = Don’t Care, H = Logic High, L = Logic Low) Note : 1. OP Code: Operand Code A0~A11, BA0, BA1: Program keys. (@MRS) 2. MRS can be issued only at both banks precharge state. A new command can be issued after 2 clock cycle of MRS. 3. Auto refresh functions as same as CBR refresh of DRAM. The automatical precharge without Row precharge command is meant by “Auto”. Auto/Self refresh can be issued only at both precharge state. 4. BA0, BA1 : Bank select address. If both BA1 and BA0 are “Low” at read, write, row active and precharge, bank A is selected. If both BA1 is “Low” and BA0 is “High” at read, write, row active and precharge, bank B is selected. If both BA1 is “High” and BA0 is “Low” at read, write, row active and precharge, bank C is selected. If both BA1 and BA0 are “High” at read, write, row active and precharge, bank D is selected. If A10/AP is “High” at row precharge, BA1 and BA0 is ignored and all banks are selected. 5. During burst read or write with auto precharge, new read write command cannot be issued. Another bank read write command can be issued at every burst length. 6. DQM sampled at positive going edge of a CLK masks the data-in at the very CLK (Write DQM latency is 0) but masks the data-out Hi-Z state after 2 CLK cycles. (Read DQM latency is 2) PRELIMINARY (November, 2011, Version 0.8) 9 AMIC Technology, Corp. A43L3616A Series Mode Register Filed Table to Program Modes Register Programmed with MRS Address BA0 Function BA1 RFU (Note 1) A11 A10/AP A9 RFU A8 W.B.L A7 TM A6 A5 A4 A3 CAS Latency A2 BT A1 A0 Burst Length (Note 2) Test Mode CAS Latency Burst Type Burst Length A8 A7 Type A6 A5 A4 Latency A3 Type A2 A1 A0 BT=0 BT=1 0 0 Mode Register Set 0 0 0 Reserved 0 Sequential 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 Vendor 0 0 1 Reserved 1 Interleave 0 0 1 2 2 1 0 Use 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 4 4 1 1 Only 0 1 1 3 0 1 1 8 8 1 0 0 Reserved 1 0 0 Reserved Reserved Write Burst Length A9 Length 1 0 1 Reserved 1 0 1 Reserved Reserved 0 Burst 1 1 0 Reserved 1 1 0 Reserved Reserved 1 Single Bit 1 1 1 Reserved 1 1 1 Reserved Reserved Power Up Sequence 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Apply power and start clock, Attempt to maintain CKE = “H”, DQM = “H” and the other pins are NOP condition at inputs. Maintain stable power, stable clock and NOP input condition for a minimum of 200μs. Issue precharge commands for all banks of the devices. Issue 2 or more auto-refresh commands. Issue a mode register set command to initialize the mode register. The device is now ready for normal operation. Note : 1. RFU(Reserved for Future Use) should stay “0” during MRS cycle. 2. If A9 is high during MRS cycle, “Burst Read Single Bit Write” function will be enabled. PRELIMINARY (November, 2011, Version 0.8) 10 AMIC Technology, Corp. A43L3616A Series Burst Sequence (Burst Length = 4) Initial address Sequential Interleave A1 A0 0 0 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 1 2 3 0 1 0 3 2 1 0 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 1 1 3 0 1 2 3 2 1 0 Burst Sequence (Burst Length = 8) Initial address Sequential Interleave A2 A1 A0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 0 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 0 3 2 5 4 7 6 0 1 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 0 1 6 7 4 5 0 1 1 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 1 0 0 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 1 0 1 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 4 7 6 1 0 3 2 1 1 0 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 4 5 2 3 0 1 1 1 1 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 PRELIMINARY (November, 2011, Version 0.8) 11 AMIC Technology, Corp. A43L3616A Series Device Operations command decoder so that RAS , CAS and WE , and all the address inputs are ignored. Clock (CLK) Power-Up The clock input is used as the reference for all SDRAM operations. All operations are synchronized to the positive going edge of the clock. The clock transitions must be monotonic between VIL and VIH. During operation with CKE high all inputs are assumed to be in valid state (low or high) for the duration of set up and hold time around positive edge of the clock for proper functionality and ICC specifications. The following sequence is recommended for POWER UP 1. Power must be applied to either CKE and DQM inputs to pull them high and other pins are NOP condition at the inputs before or along with VDD (and VDDQ) supply. The clock signal must also be asserted at the same time. 2. After VDD reaches the desired voltage, a minimum pause of 200 microseconds is required with inputs in NOP condition. 3. Both banks must be precharged now. 4. Perform a minimum of 2 Auto refresh cycles to stabilize the internal circuitry. 5. Perform a MODE REGISTER SET cycle to program the CAS latency, burst length and burst type as the default value of mode register is undefined. At the end of one clock cycle from the mode register set cycle, the device is ready for operation. When the above sequence is used for Power-up, all the out-puts will be in high impedance state. The high impedance of outputs is not guaranteed in any other power-up sequence. cf.) Sequence of 4 & 5 may be changed. Clock Enable (CLK) The clock enable (CKE) gates the clock onto SDRAM. If CKE goes low synchronously with clock (set-up and hold time same as other inputs), the internal clock is suspended form the next clock cycle and the state of output and burst address is frozen as long as the CKE remains low. All other inputs are ignored from the next clock cycle after CKE goes low. When both banks are in the idle state and CKE goes low synchronously with clock, the SDRAM enters the power down mode form the next clock cycle. The SDRAM remains in the power down mode ignoring the other inputs as long as CKE remains low. The power down exit is synchronous as the internal clock is suspended. When CKE goes high at least “tSS + 1 CLOCK” before the high going edge of the clock, then the SDRAM becomes active from the same clock edge accepting all the input commands. Mode Register Set (MRS) The mode register stores the data for controlling the various operation modes of SDRAM. It programs the CAS latency, addressing mode, burst length, test mode and various vendor specific options to make SDRAM useful for variety of different applications. The default value of the mode register is not defined, therefore the mode register must be written after power up to operate the SDRAM. The mode register is written by asserting low on CS , RAS , CAS , WE (The SDRAM should be in active mode with CKE already high prior to writing the mode register). The state of address pins A0~A11, BA0 and BA1 in the same cycle as CS , RAS , CAS , WE going low is the data written in the mode register. One clock cycle is required to complete the write in the mode register. The mode register contents can be changed using the same command and clock cycle requirements during operation as long as both banks are in the idle state. The mode register is divided into various fields depending on functionality. The burst length field uses A0~A2, burst type uses A3, addressing mode uses A4~A6, A7~A8, A11, BA0 and BA1 are used for vendor specific options or test mode. And the write burst length is programmed using A9. A7~A8, A11, BA0 and BA1 must be set to low for normal SDRAM operation. Refer to table for specific codes for various burst length, addressing modes and CAS latencies. Bank Select (BA0, BA1) This SDRAM is organized as two independent banks of 4,194,304 words X 8 bits memory arrays. The BA0, BA1 inputs is latched at the time of assertion of RAS and CAS to select the bank to be used for the operation. The bank select BA0, BA1 is latched at bank activate, read, write mode register set and precharge operations. Address Input (A0 ~ A11) The 22 address bits required to decode the 4,194,304 word locations are multiplexed into 12 address input pins (A0~A11). The 12 bit row address is latched along with RAS , BA0 and BA1 during bank activate command. The 9 bit column address is latched along with CAS , WE , BA0 and BA1during read or write command. NOP and Device Deselect When RAS , CAS and WE are high, the SDRAM performs no operation (NOP). NOP does not initiate any new operation, but is needed to complete operations which require more than single clock like bank activate, burst read, auto refresh, etc. The device deselect is also a NOP and is entered by asserting CS high. CS high disables the PRELIMINARY (November, 2011, Version 0.8) 12 AMIC Technology, Corp. A43L3616A Series Device Operations (continued) Bank Activate Burst Write The bank activate command is used to select a random row in an idle bank. By asserting low on RAS and CS with desired row and bank addresses, a row access is initiated. The read or write operation can occur after a time delay of tRCD(min) from the time of bank activation. tRCD(min) is an internal timing parameter of SDRAM, therefore it is dependent on operating clock frequency. The minimum number of clock cycles required between bank activate and read or write command should be calculated by dividing tRCD(min) with cycle time of the clock and then rounding off the result to the next higher integer. The SDRAM has two internal banks on the same chip and shares part of the internal circuitry to reduce chip area, therefore it restricts the activation of both banks immediately. Also the noise generated during sensing of each bank of SDRAM is high requiring some time for power supplies recover before the other bank can be sensed reliably. tRRD(min) specifies the minimum time required between activating different banks. The number of clock cycles required between different bank activation must be calculated similar to tRCD specification. The minimum time required for the bank to be active to initiate sensing and restoring the complete row of dynamic cells is determined by tRAS(min) specification before a precharge command to that active bank can be asserted. The maximum time any bank can be in the active state is determined by tRAS(max). The number of cycles for both tRAS(min) and tRAS(max) can be calculated similar to tRCD specification. The burst write command is similar to burst read command, and is used to write data into the SDRAM consecutive clock cycles in adjacent addresses depending on burst length and burst sequence. By asserting low on CS , CAS and WE with valid column address, a write burst is initiated. The data inputs are provided for the initial address in the same clock cycle as the burst write command. The input buffer is deselected at the end of the burst length, even though the internal writing may not have been completed yet. The writing can not complete to burst length. The burst write can be terminated by issuing a burst read and DQM for blocking data inputs or burst write in the same or the other active bank. The burst stop command is valid only at full page burst length where the writing continues at the end of burst and the burst is wrap around. The write burst can also be terminated by using DQM for blocking data and precharging the bank “tRDL” after the last data input to be written into the active row. See DQM OPERATION also. DQM Operation The DQM is used to mask input and output operation. It works similar to OE during read operation and inhibits writing during write operation. The read latency is two cycles from DQM and zero cycle for write, which means DQM masking occurs two cycles later in the read cycle and occurs in the same cycle during write cycle. DQM operation is synchronous with the clock, therefore the masking occurs for a complete cycle. The DQM signal is important during burst interrupts of write with read or precharge in the SDRAM. Due to asynchronous nature of the internal write, the DQM operation is critical to avoid unwanted or incomplete writes when the complete burst write is not required. Burst Read The burst read command is used to access burst of data on consecutive clock cycles from an active row in an active bank. The burst read command is issued by asserting low on CS and CAS with WE being high on the positive edge of the clock. The bank must be active for at least tRCD(min) before the burst read command is issued. The first output appears CAS latency number of clock cycles after the issue of burst read command. The burst length, burst sequence and latency from the burst read command is determined by the mode register which is already programmed. The burst read can be initiated on any column address of the active row. The address wraps around if the initial address does not start from a boundary such that number of outputs from each I/O are equal to the burst length programmed in the mode register. The output goes into high-impedance at the end of the burst, unless a new burst read was initiated to keep the data output gapless. The burst read can be terminated by issuing another burst read or burst write in the same bank or the other active bank or a precharge command to the same bank. The burst stop command is valid at every page burst length. PRELIMINARY (November, 2011, Version 0.8) Precharge The precharge operation is performed on an active bank by asserting low on CS , RAS , WE and A10/AP with valid BA of the bank to be precharged. The precharge command can be asserted anytime after tRAS(min) is satisfied from the bank activate command in the desired bank. “tRP” is defined as the minimum time required to precharge a bank. The minimum number of clock cycles required to complete row precharge is calculated by dividing “tRP” with clock cycle time and rounding up to the next higher integer. Care should be taken to make sure that burst write is completed or DQM is used to inhibit writing before precharge command is asserted. The maximum time any bank can be active is specified by tRAS(max). Therefore, each bank has to be precharged within tRAS(max) from the bank activate command. At the end of precharge, the bank enters the idle state and is ready to be activated again. Entry to Power Down, Auto refresh, Self refresh and Mode register Set etc, is possible only when both banks are in idle state. 13 AMIC Technology, Corp. A43L3616A Series required to complete the auto refresh operation is specified by “tRC(min)”. The minimum number of clock cycles required can be calculated by driving “tRC” with clock cycle time and then rounding up to the next higher integer. The auto refresh command must be followed by NOP’s until the auto refresh operation is completed. Both banks will be in the idle state at the end of auto refresh operation. The auto refresh is the preferred refresh mode when the SDRAM is being used for normal data transactions. The auto refresh cycle can be performed once in 15.6us or a burst of 4096 auto refresh cycles once in 64ms. Device Operations (continued) Auto Precharge The precharge operation can also be performed by using auto precharge. The SDRAM internally generates the timing to satisfy tRAS(min) and “tRP” for the programmed burst length and CAS latency. The auto precharge command is issued at the same time as burst read or burst write by asserting high on A10/AP. If burst read or burst write command is issued with low on A10/AP, the bank is left active until a new command is asserted. Once auto precharge command is given, no new commands are possible to that particular bank until the bank achieves idle state. Self Refresh The self refresh is another refresh mode available in the SDRAM. The self refresh is the preferred refresh mode for data retention and low power operation of SDRAM. In self refresh mode, the SDRAM disables the internal clock and all the input buffers except CKE. The refresh addressing and timing is internally generated to reduce power consumption. The self refresh mode is entered from all banks idle state by asserting low on CS , RAS , CAS and CKE with high on WE . Once the self refresh mode is entered, only CKE state being low matters, all the other inputs including clock are ignored to remain in the self refresh. The self refresh is exited by restarting the external clock and then asserting high on CKE. This must be followed by NOP’s for a minimum time of “tRC” before the SDRAM reaches idle state to begin normal operation. If the system uses burst auto refresh during normal operation, it is recommended to used burst 4096 auto refresh cycles immediately after exiting self refresh. Four Banks Precharge Both banks can be precharged at the same time by using Precharge all command. Asserting low on CS , RAS and WE with high on A10/AP after both banks have satisfied tRAS(min) requirement, performs precharge on both banks. At the end of tRP after performing precharge all, both banks are in idle state. Auto Refresh The storage cells of SDRAM need to be refreshed every 64ms to maintain data. An auto refresh cycle accomplishes refresh of a single row of storage cells. The internal counter increments automatically on every auto refresh cycle to refresh all the rows. An auto refresh command is issued by asserting low on CS , RAS and CAS with high on CKE and WE . The auto refresh command can only be asserted with both banks being in idle state and the device is not in power down mode (CKE is high in the previous cycle). The time PRELIMINARY (November, 2011, Version 0.8) 14 AMIC Technology, Corp. A43L3616A Series Basic feature And Function Descriptions 1. CLOCK Suspend 1 ) C lic k S u s p e n d e d D u r i n g W r i t e ( B L = 4 ) 2 ) C lo c k S u s p e n d e d D u r in g R e a d ( B L = 4 ) C LK W R CMD RD CKE M asked by C K E M asked by C K E In te r n a l C LK D Q (C L 2 ) D0 D1 D2 D3 D Q (C L 3 ) D0 D1 D2 D3 Q0 Q2 Q1 Q3 Q1 Q0 N o t W r it t e n Q2 Q3 S uspended D out N o t e : C L K t o C L K d is a b l e / e n a b l e = 1 c l o c k 2. DQM Operation 2) Read Mask (BL=4) 1) Write Mask (BL=4) CLK CMD WR RD DQM Masked by CKE DQ(CL2) D0 D1 D3 DQ(CL3) D0 D1 D3 Masked by CKE Q0 Hi-Z Hi-Z DQM to Data-in Mask = 0CLK Q1 Q3 Q1 Q2 Q3 DQM to Data-out Mask = 2 2) Read Mask (BL=4) CLK CMD RD CKE DQM DQ(CL2) DQ(CL3) Q0 Hi-Z Hi-Z Q2 Q1 Hi-Z Hi-Z Q4 Q3 Hi-Z Hi-Z Q6 Q7 Q8 Q5 Q6 Q7 * Note : 1. DQM makes data out Hi-Z after 2 clocks which should masked by CKE “L”. 2. DQM masks both data-in and data-out. PRELIMINARY (November, 2011, Version 0.8) 15 AMIC Technology, Corp. A43L3616A Series 3. CAS Interrupt (I) 1) Read interrupted by Read (BL=4)Note 1 CLK CMD RD ADD A RD B QA0 DQ(CL2) DQ(CL3) QB0 QB1 QB2 QB3 QA0 QB0 QB2 QB1 QB3 tCCD Note2 2) Write interrupted by Write (BL =2) 3) Write interrupted by Read (BL =2) CLK CMD WR ADD A DQ DA0 WR tCCD WR tCCD Note2 B DB0 RD A DB1 tCDL Note3 Note2 B DQ(CL2) DA0 DQ(CL3) DA0 QB0 QB1 QB0 QB1 tCDL Note3 Note : 1. By “Interrupt”, It is possible to stop burst read/write by external command before the end of burst. By “ CAS Interrupt”, to stop burst read/write by CAS access; read, write and block write. 2. tCCD : CAS to CAS delay. (=1CLK) 3. tCDL : Last data in to new column address delay. (= 1CLK). PRELIMINARY (November, 2011, Version 0.8) 16 AMIC Technology, Corp. A43L3616A Series 4. CAS Interrupt (II) : Read Interrupted Write & DQM (1) CL=2, BL=4 CLK i) CMD RD WR DQM D0 DQ ii) CMD Hi-Z DQ iii) CMD D0 RD D3 D1 D2 D3 D1 D2 D3 D1 D2 WR DQM Hi-Z D0 DQ iv) CMD D2 WR RD DQM D1 RD WR DQM Q0 DQ Hi-Z Note 1 D0 D3 (2) CL=3, BL=4 CLK i) CMD RD WR DQM D0 DQ ii) CMD RD D1 D2 D3 D1 D2 D3 D1 D2 D3 D1 D2 D3 D1 D2 WR DQM D0 DQ iii) CMD RD WR DQM D0 WR DQ iv) CMD RD WR DQM Hi-Z DQ v) CMD D0 RD WR DQM DQ Q0 Hi-Z Note 2 D0 D3 * Note : 1. To prevent bus contention, there should be at least one gap between data in and data out. 2. To prevent bus contention, DQM should be issued which makes a least one gap between data in and data out. PRELIMINARY (November, 2011, Version 0.8) 17 AMIC Technology, Corp. A43L3616A Series 5. Write Interrupted by Precharge & DQM CLK CMD Note 2 WR PRE Note 1 DQM DQ D0 D1 D2 D3 Masked by DQM Note : 1. To inhibit invalid write, DQM should be issued. 2. This precharge command and burst write command should be of the same bank, otherwise it is not precharge interrupt but only another bank precharge of dual banks operation. 6. Precharge 1 ) N o r m a l W r it e ( B L = 4 ) C LK CMD WR DQ D0 PRE D1 D2 D3 tR D L 2 ) R e a d (B L = 4 ) CLK CMD RD PRE D Q (C L 2 ) Q0 D Q (C L 3 ) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q0 Q1 Q2 Q3 7. Auto Precharge 1 ) N o rm a l W rite (B L = 4 ) C LK CMD WR DQ D0 D1 D2 D3 N o te 1 A u to P re ch a rg e S ta rts 2 ) R e a d (B L = 4 ) CLK CMD D Q (C L 2 ) RD Q0 D Q (C L 3 ) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q0 Q1 Q2 Q3 N o te 1 A u to P re ch a rg e S ta rts * Note : 1. The row active command of the precharge bank can be issued after tRP from this point. The new read/write command of other active bank can be issued from this point. At burst read/write with auto precharge, CAS interrupt of the same/another bank is illegal. PRELIMINARY (November, 2011, Version 0.8) 18 AMIC Technology, Corp. A43L3616A Series 8. MRS Mode Register Set CLK Note 1 CMD PRE MRS tRP ACT 2CLK Note : 1. PRE : Both banks precharge if necessary. MRS can be issued only at all bank precharge state. 9. Clock Suspend Exit & Power Down Exit 2) Power Down (=Precharge Power Down) Exit 1) Clock Suspend (=Active Power Down) Exit CLK CLK CKE Internal CLK CKE tSS tSS Internal CLK Note 1 RD CMD Note 2 NOP CMD ACT 10. Auto Refresh & Self Refresh Note 3 1) Auto Refresh CKE ~ CLK Note 4 Note 5 PRE AR CMD ~ ~ ~ Internal CLK CMD tRP tRC Note 6 ~ 2) Self Refresh ~ CLK Note 4 PRE SR CMD ~ CMD ~ ~ CKE tRP PRELIMINARY (November, 2011, Version 0.8) tRC 19 AMIC Technology, Corp. A43L3616A Series * Note : 1. Active power down : one or more bank active state. 2. Precharge power down : both bank precharge state. 3. The auto refresh is the same as CBR refresh of conventional DRAM. No precharge commands are required after Auto Refresh command. During tRC from auto refresh command, any other command can not be accepted. 4. Before executing auto/self refresh command, both banks must be idle state. 5. MRS, Bank Active, Auto/Self Refresh, Power Down Mode Entry. 6. During self refresh mode, refresh interval and refresh operation are performed internally. After self refresh entry, self refresh mode is kept while CKE is LOW. During self refresh mode, all inputs expect CKE will be don’t cared, and outputs will be in Hi-Z state. During tRC from self refresh exit command, any other command can not be accepted. Before/After self refresh mode, burst auto refresh cycle (4K cycles ) is recommended. 11. About Burst Type Control Basic MODE Sequential counting Interleave counting Random Random column Access MODE tCCD = 1 CLK At MRS A3=”0”. See the BURST SEQUENCE TABE.(BL=4,8) BL=1,2,4,8 and full page wrap around. At MRS A3=” 1”. See the BURST SEQUENCE TABE.(BL=4,8) BL=4,8 At BL=1,2 Interleave Counting = Sequential Counting Every cycle Read/Write Command with random column address can realize Random Column Access. That is similar to Extended Data Out (EDO) Operation of convention DRAM. 12. About Burst Length Control 1 Basic MODE 2 At MRS A2,1,0 = “000”. At auto precharge, tRAS should not be violated. At MRS A2,1,0 = “001”. At auto precharge, tRAS should not be violated. 4 At MRS A2,1,0 = “010” 8 At MRS A2,1,0 = “011”. At MRS A9=”1”. Special MODE BRSW Read burst = 1,2,4,8, full page/write Burst =1 At auto precharge of write, tRAS should not be violated. Before the end of burst, Row precharge command of the same bank RAS Interrupt Stops read/write burst with Row precharge. (Interrupted by Precharge) tRDL=1 with DQM, valid DQ after burst stop is 1,2 for CL=2,3 respectively During read/write burst with auto precharge, RAS interrupt cannot be issued. Interrupt MODE CAS Interrupt Before the end of burst, new read/write stops read/write burst and starts new read/write burst or block write. During read/write burst with auto precharge, CAS interrupt can not be issued. PRELIMINARY (November, 2011, Version 0.8) 20 AMIC Technology, Corp. A43L3616A Series Power On Sequence & Auto Refresh 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 CLOCK CS tRP tRC ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ KEY Ra KEY BA KEY Ra ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ WE High-Z Precharge (All Banks) Auto Refresh ~ ~ High level is necessary ~ ~ DQ ~ ~ A10/AP ~ ~ BA0, BA1 ~ ~ ADDR ~ ~ CAS ~ ~ ~ ~ RAS DQM ~ ~ High level is necessary ~ ~ CKE Auto Refresh Mode Regiser Set Row Active (A-Bank) : Don't care PRELIMINARY (November, 2011, Version 0.8) 21 AMIC Technology, Corp. A43L3616A Series Single Bit Read-Write-Read Cycles (Same Page) @CAS Latency=3, Burst Length=1 tCH 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 CLOCK tCL tCC High CKE tRAS tRC tSH *Note 1 CS tSS tRCD tRP tSH RAS tSS tCCD tSH CAS tSS tSH ADDR Ra tSS Ca Cb tSS Cc Rb tSH *Note 2 BA0, BA1 BA A10/AP Ra *Note 2,3 *Note 2,3 BA *Note 2,3 BA *Note 3 BA *Note 3 *Note 3 *Note 4 *Note 2 BA BA *Note 4 Rb tSH WE tSS tSS tSH DQM tRAC tSH tSAC Qa DQ tSLZ tOH Row Active Read Db Qc tSS tSHZ Write Read Row Active Precharge : Don't care PRELIMINARY (November, 2011, Version 0.8) 22 AMIC Technology, Corp. A43L3616A Series * Note : 1. All inputs can be don’t care when CS is high at the CLK high going edge. 2. Bank active & read/write are controlled by BA0, BA1. BA1 BA0 Active & Read/Write 0 0 Bank A 0 1 Bank B 1 0 Bank C 1 1 Bank D 3. Enable and disable auto precharge function are controlled by A10/AP in read/write command. A10/AP 0 1 BA1 BA0 Operation 0 0 Disable auto precharge, leave bank A active at end of burst. 0 1 Disable auto precharge, leave bank B active at end of burst. 1 0 Disable auto precharge, leave bank C active at end of burst. 1 1 Disable auto precharge, leave bank D active at end of burst. 0 0 Enable auto precharge, precharge bank A at end of burst. 0 1 Enable auto precharge, precharge bank B at end of burst. 1 0 Enable auto precharge, precharge bank C at end of burst. 1 1 Enable auto precharge, precharge bank D at end of burst. 4. A10/AP and BA0, BA1 control bank precharge when precharge command is asserted. A10/AP BA1 BA0 Precharge 0 0 0 Bank A 0 0 1 Bank B 0 1 0 Bank C 0 1 1 Bank D 1 X X All Banks PRELIMINARY (November, 2011, Version 0.8) 23 AMIC Technology, Corp. A43L3616A Series Read & Write Cycle at Same Bank @Burst Length=4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 CLOCK High CKE tRC *Note 1 CS tRCD RAS *Note 2 CAS ADDR Ra Ca0 Rb Cb0 BA0 BA1 A10/AP Ra Rb WE DQM tOH DQ (CL = 2) Qa0 tRAC *Note 3 Qa1 tSAC Qa2 Qa3 Db0 Db1 *Note 4 tSHZ Db2 Db3 tRDL tOH DQ (CL = 3) Qa0 tRAC *Note 3 Row Active (A-Bank) Qa1 Qa3 tSHZ tSAC Read (A-Bank) Qa2 Precharge (A-Bank) Db0 *Note 4 Row Active (A-Bank) Db1 Db2 Db3 tRDL Write (A-Bank) Precharge (A-Bank) : Don't care *Note : 1. Minimum row cycle times is required to complete internal DRAM operation. 2. Row precharge can interrupt burst on any cycle. [CAS latency-1] valid output data available after Row enters precharge. Last valid output will be Hi-Z after tSHZ from the clock. 3. Access time from Row address. tCC*(tRCD + CAS latency-1) + tSAC 4. Output will be Hi-Z after the end of burst. (1,2,4 & 8) PRELIMINARY (November, 2011, Version 0.8) 24 AMIC Technology, Corp. A43L3616A Series Page Read & Write Cycle at Same Bank @Burst Length=4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 CLOCK High CKE CS tRCD RAS *Note 2 CAS ADDR Ra Ca0 Cb0 Cc0 Cd0 BA0 BA1 A10/AP Ra tRDL tCDL WE *Note 2 *Note1 *Note3 DQM DQ (CL=2) Qa0 DQ (CL=3) Row Active (A-Bank) Read (A-Bank) Qa1 Qb0 Qb1 Dc0 Dc1 Dd0 Dd1 Qa0 Qa1 Qb0 Dc0 Dc1 Dd0 Dd1 Write (A-Bank) Read (A-Bank) Write (A-Bank) Precharge (A-Bank) : Don't care *Note : 1. To write data before burst read ends, DQM should be asserted three cycle prior to write command to avoid bus contention. 2. Row precharge will interrupt writing. Last data input, tRDL before Row precharge, will be written. 3. DQM should mask invalid input data on precharge command cycle when asserting precharge before end of burst. Input data after Row precharge cycle will be masked internally. PRELIMINARY (November, 2011, Version 0.8) 25 AMIC Technology, Corp. A43L3616A Series Page Read Cycle at Different Bank @Burst Length = 4 * Note : 1. CS can be don’t care when RAS, CAS and WE are high at the clock high going edge. 2. To interrupt a burst read by row precharge, both the read ad the precharge banks must be the same. PRELIMINARY (November, 2011, Version 0.8) 26 AMIC Technology, Corp. A43L3616A Series Page Write Cycle at Different Bank @Burst Length=4 * Note: 1. To interrupt burst write by Row precharge, DQM should be asserted to mask invalid input data. 2. To interrupt burst write by Row precharge, both the write and precharge banks must be the same. PRELIMINARY (November, 2011, Version 0.8) 27 AMIC Technology, Corp. A43L3616A Series Read & Write Cycle at Different Bank @Burst Length=4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 CLOCK CKE High CS RAS CAS ADDR RAa CAa RBb CBb RAc CAc BA0 BA1 A10/AP RAa RBb RAc tCDL *Note 1 WE DQM DQ (CL=2) QAa0 DQ (CL=3) Row Active (A-Bank) Read (A-Bank) QAa1 QAa2 QAa3 DBb0 DBb1 DBb2 DBb3 QAa0 QAa1 QAa2 QAa3 DBb0 DBb1 DBb2 DBb3 Precharge (A-Bank) Write (D-Bank) Row Active (D-Bank) QAc0 QAc1 QAc2 QAc0 QAc1 Read (B-Bank) Row Active (B-Bank) : Don't care * Note : tCDL should be met to complete write. PRELIMINARY (November, 2011, Version 0.8) 28 AMIC Technology, Corp. A43L3616A Series Read & Write Cycle with Auto Precharge @Burst Length=4 *Note : tRCD should be controlled to meet minimum tRAS before internal precharge start. (In the case of Burst Length=1 & 2, BRSW mode) PRELIMINARY (November, 2011, Version 0.8) 29 AMIC Technology, Corp. A43L3616A Series Clock Suspension & DQM Operation Cycle @CAS Latency = 2, Burst Length=4 * Note : DQM needed to prevent bus contention. PRELIMINARY (November, 2011, Version 0.8) 30 AMIC Technology, Corp. A43L3616A Series Active/Precharge Power Down Mode @CAS Lantency=2, Burst Length=4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ~ ~ tSS ~ ~ ~ ~ CLOCK * Note 2 tSS tSS tSS CKE ~ ~ * Note 1 *Note 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ CS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ RAS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ra ~ ~ A10/AP ~ ~ BA1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ BA0 Precharge Powerdown Entry ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ DQ ~ ~ DQM ~ ~ ~ ~ WE Ca ~ ~ Ra ~ ~ ADDR ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ CAS Qa0 Precharge Power-down Exit Row Active Read Qa1 Qa2 Precharge Active Powerdown Exit Active Power-down Entry : Don't care * Note : 1. All banks should be in idle state prior to entering precharge power down mode. 2. CKE should be set high at least “1CLK + tSS” prior to Row active command. 3. Cannot violate minimum refresh specification. (64ms) PRELIMINARY (November, 2011, Version 0.8) 31 AMIC Technology, Corp. A43L3616A Series Self Refresh Entry & Exit Cycle ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ * Note : TO ENTER SELF REFRESH MODE 1. CS , RAS & CAS with CKE should be low at the same clock cycle. 2. After 1 clock cycle, all the inputs including the system clock can be don’t care except for CKE. 3. The device remains in self refresh mode as long as CKE stays “Low”. (cf.) Once the device enters self refresh mode, minimum tRAS is required before exit from self refresh. TO EXIT SELF REFRESH MODE 4. System clock restart and be stable before returning CKE high. 5. CS starts from high. 6. Minimum tRC is required after CKE going high to complete self refresh exit. 7. 4K cycle of burst auto refresh is required before self refresh entry and after self refresh exit. If the system uses burst refresh. PRELIMINARY (November, 2011, Version 0.8) 32 AMIC Technology, Corp. A43L3616A Series Mode Register Set Cycle 0 1 2 Auto Refresh Cycle 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 CKE High ~ ~ ~ ~ CLOCK High ~ ~ *Note 2 tRC ~ ~ ~ ~ RAS ~ ~ * Note 1 ~ ~ CAS Ra ~ ~ Key ~ ~ * Note 3 ADDR ~ ~ CS ~ ~ ~ ~ WE ~ ~ DQ Hi-Z ~ ~ ~ ~ DQM Hi-Z MRS Auto Refresh New Command New Command : Don't care * Both banks precharge should be completed before Mode Register Set cycle and auto refresh cycle. MODE REGISTER SET CYCLE * Note : 1. CS , RAS , CAS & mode register. WE activation at the same clock cycle with address key will set internal 2. Minimum 2 clock cycles should be met before new RAS activation. 3. Please refer to Mode Register Set table. PRELIMINARY (November, 2011, Version 0.8) 33 AMIC Technology, Corp. A43L3616A Series Function Truth Table (Table 1) Current State IDLE CS RAS CAS WE BA Address Action H X X X X X NOP L H H H X X NOP L H H L X X ILLEGAL 2 L H L X BA CA, A10/AP ILLEGAL 2 L L H H BA RA Row Active; Latch Row Address L L H L BA PA NOP 4 X Auto Refresh or Self Refresh 5 Mode Register Access 5 L L L H L L L L X H X X X X X NOP OP Code L H H H X X NOP Row L H H L X X ILLEGAL Active L H L H BA CA,A10/AP Begin Read; Latch CA; Determine AP L H L L BA CA,A10/AP Begin Write; Latch CA; Determine AP L L H H BA RA ILLEGAL Read Write Read with Auto Precharge Note 2 2 L L H L BA PA Precharge L L L X X X ILLEGAL H X X X X X NOP(Continue Burst to End →Row Active) L H H H X X NOP(Continue Burst to End →Row Active) L H H L X X Term burst →Row Active L H L H BA L H L L BA CA,AP L L H H BA RA ILLEGAL 2 L L H L BA PA Term Burst; Precharge timing for Reads 3 L L L X X X ILLEGAL CA,A10/AP Term burst; Begin Read; Latch CA; Determine AP Term burst; Begin Write; Latch CA; Determine AP 3 3 H X X X X X NOP(Continue Burst to End→Row Active) L H H H X X NOP(Continue Burst to End→Row Active) L H H L X X ILLEGAL L H L H BA CA,A10/AP Term burst; Begin Read; Latch CA; Determine AP 3 L H L L BA CA,A10/AP Term burst; Begin Read; Latch CA; Determine AP 3 L L H H BA RA L L H L BA A10/AP L L L X X X ILLEGAL H X X X X X NOP(Continue Burst to End→Precharge) L H H H X X NOP(Continue Burst to End→Precharge) L H H L X X ILLEGAL L H L H BA CA,A10/AP ILLEGAL 2 L H L L BA CA,A10/AP ILLEGAL 2 L L H X BA RA, PA ILLEGAL L L L X X X ILLEGAL PRELIMINARY (November, 2011, Version 0.8) ILLEGAL 2 Term Burst; Precharge timing for Writes 3 34 2 AMIC Technology, Corp. A43L3616A Series Function Truth Table (Table 1, Continued) Current State CS RAS CAS WE BA Address Action Note H X X X X X NOP(Continue Burst to End→Precharge) L H H H X X NOP(Continue Burst to End→Precharge) Write with L H H L X X ILLEGAL Auto L H L H BA CA,A10/AP ILLEGAL 2 Precharge L H L L BA CA,A10/AP ILLEGAL 2 L L H X BA Precharge Row Activating Refreshing RA, PA ILLEGAL L L L X X X ILLEGAL H X X X X X 2 NOP→Idle after tRP L H H H X X NOP→Idle after tRP L H H L X X ILLEGAL L H L X BA L L H H BA RA ILLEGAL 2 L L H L BA PA NOP→Idle after tRP 2 L L L X X X ILLEGAL 4 CA,A10/AP ILLEGAL 2 H X X X X X NOP→Row Active after tRCD L H H H X X NOP→Row Active after tRCD L H H L X X ILLEGAL L H L X BA L L H H BA RA ILLEGAL 2 L L H L BA PA ILLEGAL 2 L L L X X X ILLEGAL 2 CA,A10/AP ILLEGAL H X X X X X NOP→Idle after tRC L H H X X X NOP→Idle after tRC L H L X X X ILLEGAL L L H X X X ILLEGAL L L L X X X ILLEGAL Abbreviations RA = Row Address NOP = No Operation Command BA = Bank Address CA = Column Address 2 AP = Auto Precharge PA = Precharge All Note: 1. All entries assume that CKE was active (High) during the preceding clock cycle and the current clock cycle. 2. Illegal to bank in specified state: Function may be legal in the bank indicated by BA, depending on the state of that bank. 3. Must satisfy bus contention, bus turn around, and/or write recovery requirements. 4. NOP to bank precharging or in idle state. May precharge bank indicated by BA (and PA). 5. Illegal if any banks is not idle. PRELIMINARY (November, 2011, Version 0.8) 35 AMIC Technology, Corp. A43L3616A Series Function Truth Table for CKE (Table 2) Current State Self Refresh Both Bank Precharge Power Down All Banks Idle Any State Other than Listed Above CKE n-1 H CKE n X L L CS RAS CAS WE Address Action Note X X X X X INVALID H H X X X X Exit Self Refresh→ABI after tRC 6 H L H H H X Exit Self Refresh→ABI after tRC 6 L H L H H L X ILLEGAL L H L H L X X ILLEGAL L H L L X X X ILLEGAL L L X X X X X NOP(Maintain Self Refresh) H X X X X X X INVALID L H H X X X X Exit Power Down→ABI 7 L H L H H H X Exit Power Down→ABI 7 L H L H H L X ILLEGAL L H L H L X X ILLEGAL L H L L X X X ILLEGAL L L X X X X X NOP(Maintain Power Down Mode) H H X X X X X Refer to Table 1 H L H X X X X Enter Power Down 8 H L L H H H X Enter Power Down 8 H L L H H L X ILLEGAL H L L H L X X ILLEGAL H L L L H X X ILLEGAL H L L L L H X Enter Self Refresh H L L L L L X ILLEGAL 8 L L X X X X X NOP H H X X X X X Refer to Operations in Table 1 H L X X X X X Begin Clock Suspend next cycle 9 L H X X X X X Exit Clock Suspend next cycle 9 L L X X X X X Maintain clock Suspend Abbreviations : ABI = All Banks Idle Note: 6. After CKE’s low to high transition to exit self refresh mode. And a time of tRC(min) has to be elapse after CKE’s low to high transition to issue a new command. 7. CKE low to high transition is asynchronous as if restarts internal clock. A minimum setup time “tSS + one clock” must be satisfied before any command other than exit. 8. Power-down and self refresh can be entered only from the all banks idle state. 9. Must be a legal command. PRELIMINARY (November, 2011, Version 0.8) 36 AMIC Technology, Corp. A43L3616A Series Part Numbering Scheme A43 X XX XX X X X X X X Package Material Blank: normal F: PB free Temperature Blank : 0°C ~ 70 °C U : -40°C ~ 85°C Industrial grade A : -40 °C ~ 85 °C Automative grade Speed 95: 105 MHz 75: 133 MHz 7: 143 MHz 6: 166 MHz 55: 183 MHz 5: 200 MHz Package Type V: TSOP G: CSP Device Version* Mobile Function* I/O Width 08: 8 I/O 16: 16 I/O 32: 32 I/O Device Density 06: 1M 16: 2M 26: 4M 36: 8M 46: 16M 56: 32M 83: 256K Operating Vcc L: 3V~3.6V P: 2.3V~2.7V E: 1.7V~2.0V Device Type A43: AMIC SDRAM * Optional PRELIMINARY (November, 2011, Version 0.8) 37 AMIC Technology, Corp. A43L3616A Series Ordering Information Part No. Cycle Time (ns) Clock Frequency (MHz) Access Time Package 166 @ CL = 3 5.4 ns @ CL = 3 54 TSOP (II) 100 @ CL = 2 5.4 ns @ CL = 2 (Pb-Free) 166 @ CL = 3 5.4 ns @ CL = 3 54 TSOP (II) 100 @ CL = 2 5.4 ns @ CL = 2 (Pb-Free) 166 @ CL = 3 5.4 ns @ CL = 3 100 @ CL = 2 5.4 ns @ CL = 2 166 @ CL = 3 5.4 ns @ CL = 3 100 @ CL = 2 5.4 ns @ CL = 2 143 @ CL = 3 5.4 ns @ CL = 3 54 TSOP (II) 100 @ CL = 2 5.4 ns @ CL = 2 (Pb-Free) 143 @ CL = 3 5.4 ns @ CL = 3 54 TSOP (II) 100 @ CL = 2 5.4 ns @ CL = 2 (Pb-Free) 143 @ CL = 3 5.4 ns @ CL = 3 54 TSOP (II) 100 @ CL = 2 5.4 ns @ CL = 2 (Pb-Free) 143 @ CL = 3 5.4 ns @ CL = 3 100 @ CL = 2 5.4 ns @ CL = 2 143 @ CL = 3 5.4 ns @ CL = 3 100 @ CL = 2 5.4 ns @ CL = 2 143 @ CL = 3 5.4 ns @ CL = 3 100 @ CL = 2 5.4 ns @ CL = 2 133 @ CL = 3 5.4 ns @ CL = 3 54 TSOP (II) 100 @ CL = 2 6 ns @ CL = 2 (Pb-Free) 133 @ CL = 3 5.4 ns @ CL = 3 54 TSOP (II) 100 @ CL = 2 6 ns @ CL = 2 (Pb-Free) 133 @ CL = 3 5.4 ns @ CL = 3 100 @ CL = 2 6 ns @ CL = 2 133 @ CL = 3 5.4 ns @ CL = 3 100 @ CL = 2 6 ns @ CL = 2 A43L3616AV -6F A43L3616AV -6UF 6 A43L3616AG -6F 54B Pb-Free CSP A43L3616AG -6UF 54B Pb-Free CSP A43L3616AV -7F A43L3616AV -7UF A43L3616AV -7AF 7 A43L3616AG -7F 54B Pb-Free CSP A43L3616AG -7UF 54B Pb-Free CSP A43L3616AG -7AF 54B Pb-Free CSP A43L3616AV -75F A43L3616AV -75UF 7.5 A43L3616AG -75F 54B Pb-Free CSP A43L3616AG -75UF 54B Pb-Free CSP Note: -U is for industrial operating temperature range -40ºC to +85ºC. -A is for automotive operating temperature range -40ºC to +85ºC. PRELIMINARY (November, 2011, Version 0.8) 38 AMIC Technology, Corp. A43L3616A Series Package Information 54 Balls CSP (8 x 8 mm) Outline Dimensions unit: mm 8.00 ± 0.10 8.00 ± 0.10 0.40 ± 0.05 PRELIMINARY (November, 2011, Version 0.8) 39 AMIC Technology, Corp. A43L3616A Series Package Information TSOP 54 (Type II) Outline Dimensions unit: inches/mm Detail "A" 54 28 R1 0.21 REF E E1 R2 0.665 REF θ L L1 1 27 D Detail "A" A A2 c S b D e A1 -C0.1 Seating Plane Dimensions in inches Dimensions in mm Symbol Min Nom Max Min Nom Max A - - 0.047 - - 1.20 A1 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.05 - 0.15 A2 0.037 0.039 0.041 0.95 1.00 1.05 b 0.012 - 0.018 0.30 - 0.45 c 0.005 - 0.008 0.12 - 0.21 D 0.875 BSC S 0.028 REF 0.71 REF E 0.463 BSC 11.76 BSC E1 0.400 BSC 10.16 BSC e 0.031 BSC 0.80 BSC L 0.016 L1 0.020 22.22 BSC 0.024 0.40 0.031 REF 0.50 0.60 0.80 REF R1 0.005 - - 0.12 - - R2 0.005 - 0.010 0.12 - 0.25 θ 0° - 8° 0° - 8° Notes: 1. The maximum value of dimension D includes end flash. 2. Dimension E does not include resin fins. 3. Dimension S includes end flash. PRELIMINARY (November, 2011, Version 0.8) 40 AMIC Technology, Corp.