DLP-TILT-G LEAD FREE USB-BASED TILT SENSOR / ACCELEROMETER / VIBRATION ANALYSIS / AC SIGNAL ANALYSIS MODULE Features: • Microcontroller Preprogrammed with Data-Acquisition Functions • 3-Axis, 1.5g Accelerometer • Single-Byte Access to All Firmware Features • Continuously Streaming Analog Sample Rates from 100 to 6K Samples Per Second • 4th-Generation USB Interface Silicon from FTDI (FT232R with internal ceramic resonator, internal setup EEPROM, and clock output for microcontroller) • Virtual COM Port Drivers for Easy Programming Interface Vreg 3V 14-pin Interface Header for I/Os and PIC Flash Prog. Interface VCCIO USB Type 'B' Mini Connector to Host Windows/Linux/ Mac PC 5V 4th Gen USB IC VCC USBDP USBDM TXD RXD RTS# CBUS1 FTDI FT232R PIC 16F88 6MHz Clock Analog Input Buffer ±3V In 3-Axis Accelerometer APPLICATIONS: • • • • • • • 3-Axis Tilt Sensor Vibration Analysis (350Hz) Two-Button Mouse (Pointing Device Alternative) FFT-Based AC Analysis to 3KHz with Provided Software +/-3V Analog In (Dual Channel) Data Acquisition: 0-3V Analog In, Digital I/O Robotic/Motion Sensing and Control Rev. 1.1 (May 2009) 1 © DLP Design, Inc. 1.0 INTRODUCTION The DLP-TILT USB-to-accelerometer module has four primary applications: (1) vibration analysis, (2) tilt sensing, (3) AC signal analysis, and (4) two-button mouse pointing device alternative. 1.1 VIBRATION ANALYSIS This module is designed to provide vibration analysis using an on-board, 2-axis, 1.5g accelerometer that is designed for analysis of frequencies up to 350 Hz. Two of the analog channels in the microcontroller are dedicated to the on-board accelerometer. 1.2 TILT SENSING When used as a tilt sensor, the accelerometer can measure tilt up to approximately ±60 degrees from center in both the X- and Y-axes. The position is reported as an 8-bit or 10-bit integer with the center position reporting the half-scale value of 128 (8-bit) from the A/D converter in the microcontroller. The A/D converter can also be run in 10-bit resolution mode with a resulting mid-scale value of 512. The Z-axis measurement data is also available as a simple voltage measurement. 1.3 AC SIGNAL ANALYSIS Voltage data from the seven analog channels can be sampled at rates ranging from 100 samples per second to 6000 samples per second, thereby enabling AC analysis of audio frequencies up to 3KHz. One module input channel is dedicated to an analog input buffer that allows for voltages in the range of ±5 volts to be acquired. The remaining channels allow voltages in the range of 0-5 volts to be acquired. The microcontroller and preprogrammed firmware used in this design utilize single-byte commands to control all aspects of operation. Once the channel and sample rates have been selected, continuous streaming of A/D data can be enabled and disabled by sending a single-byte command. Data received by the host PC can be analyzed for frequency content using an FFT-based Windows application available as a free download from the DLP Design website upon purchase of the module. 1.4 POINTING DEVICE The DLP-TILT’s preprogrammed firmware includes the feature set of a standard two-button mouse with the motion of the cursor controlled by the tilt of the DLP-TILT’s printed circuit board and accelerometer. When the board is level, the cursor remains motionless. As the board is tilted from center, the cursor begins to move in the direction of the tilt. The further the board is tilted, the faster the cursor moves across the screen. Two of the digital I/O lines serve as inputs for the buttons. Shorting these lines to ground will cause the firmware to issue the “Button Down” signal to the host PC, thereby mimicking the operation of standard mouse buttons. Shorting a pin to ground in the interface header before powering up the DLP-TILT activates the two-button mouse functionality. Refer to Section 2.0 for the I/O lines associated with the Pointing Device mode of operation. Rev. 1.1 (May 2009) 2 © DLP Design, Inc. 2.0 ELECTRICAL INTERFACE DESCRIPTION Refer to the electrical schematic at the end of this document for additional details. Pin Description 1 MCLR 2 3 4 Vin1 B6/PGC Vin2 5 SWVCC 6 7 8 9 10 B0 Ground Ground B7 B1 11 B3 12 13 14 B4 Ground Ground Comments Pulling this pin to ground will reset the microcontroller. See Note1. Analog input for voltages in the range of ±3V. Analog in (0-3V) or digital I/O. See Note1, Note2. Analog input for voltages in the range of ±3V. 3 Volt output; switched on once host enumeration is complete. See Note1. Digital I/O; See Note2. Note1. Analog in (0-3V) or digital I/O. See Note1, Note2. Digital I/O. See Note2. Digital I/O. If held low at power up, Pointing Device functionality is activated. See Note2. Digital I/O. See Note2. Note1: These pins are used for reprogramming the Flash program memory area (a user-supplied device programmer is required). Note2: Weak pull-ups in the microcontroller are enabled for Port B by default. 2.1 SOFTWARE INTERFACE DESCRIPTION Royalty-free Virtual COM Port drivers are available for immediate download from www.dlpdesign.com. The VCP drivers are available for the following systems: • Windows 2000 / XP / VISTA • Windows CE • MAC OS-8 and OS-9 (Mouser function not supported) • MAC OS-X (Mouser function not supported) • Linux 2.40 and greater The DLP-TILT supports two standard baud rates: 38,400 (power-up default) and 128,000 baud. Communication with the DLP-TILT is accomplished by simply opening the COM Port at 38,400 baud and sending single-byte commands. The commands are outlined in Section 3.0. 2.2 QUICK START GUIDE FOR WINDOWS A. Download the modified Virtual COM Port (VCP) drivers from www.dlpdesign.com. Unzip these files into a new folder. The VCP drivers that are part of the Windows XP operating system will not work as the PID code has been changed to FBFA. B. Connect the DLP-TILT module to the host PC, then load the USB drivers obtained in Step A. C. Open Device Manager and look in “Ports (COM & LPT)” to determine the COM port number that Windows has assigned to the DLP-TILT module. Rev. 1.1 (May 2009) 3 © DLP Design, Inc. D. Run Windows HyperTerminal by clicking the Start menu, selecting Programs, and navigating through Accessories to the HyperTerminal folder. Select the following parameters: Bits Per Second: 38,400 Data Bits: 8 Parity: None Stop Bits: 1 Flow Control: Hardware E. Press the letter ‘P’ on the keyboard. The letter ‘Q’ should appear in the HyperTerminal window. (Please note that all commands are case sensitive.) At this point the DLP-TILT module is set up and ready for use with either one of the Windows applications provided by DLP Design or your own custom software. 3.0 COMMAND SET To operate the DLP-TILT, the host application simply has to open the COM port assigned to the module, set the baud rate to 38,400, and send single-command bytes. A complete list of command bytes is presented here: Please note that the ASCII characters are case sensitive. Command Hex ASCII Character (Case Sensitive) Comments PING 0x50 P DLP-TILT will return “Q” (0x51) if module is present and port is open. 38,400 Baud 0x69 i Default 128,000 Baud 0x39 9 SET BAUD RATE: A/D OUTPUT RESOLUTION: 8-Bit Data Returned 0x51 Q 10-Bit Data Returned 0x52 R Default A/D RETURN DATA TYPE: Binary/Counts 0x53 S ASCII Text 0x54 T Default A/D SAMPLE RATE (TIMER INTERVAL): 100 Hz 0x41 A 200 Hz 0x42 B 300 Hz 0x43 C 500 Hz 0x44 D 1.0 KHz 0x45 E 1.5 KHz 0x46 F 1.8 KHz 0x47 G 2.0 KHz 0x48 H Rev. 1.1 (May 2009) Default 4 © DLP Design, Inc. 2.5 KHz 0x49 I 3.0 KHz 0x4A J 4.0 KHz 0x4B K 5.0 KHz 0x4C L 6.0 KHz 0x4D M A/D CHANNEL SELECT: Ch0 (AN0 / A0) 0x30 0 X axis Ch1 (AN1 / A1) 0x31 1 Y axis Ch2 (AN2 / A2) 0x32 2 Z axis Ch3 (AN3 / A3) 0x33 3 VIN2, J1 Pin 4 Ch4 (AN4 / A4) 0x34 4 VIN1, J1 Pin 2 Ch5 (AN5 / B6) 0x35 5 J1 Pin 3 Ch6 (AN6 / B7) 0x36 6 J1 Pin 9 A/D CLOCK SELECTION: A/D Off 0x61 a Internal 0x62 b Divide by 64 0x63 c Divide by 32 0x64 d Divide by 16 0x65 e Divide by 8 0x66 f Divide by 4 0x67 g Divide by 2 0x68 h Default A/D CHANNEL ENABLE: (Channels 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 are Analog In Only) Ch5 Enable 0x6C l Ch6 Enable 0x6D m A/D CHANNEL DISABLE: (enable digital I/O) Ch5 Disable 0x71 q Ch6 Disable 0x72 r MAKE DIGITAL OUTPUT AND CLEAR TO LOW : Port B4 0x75 u Port B0 0x76 v Port B1 0x77 w Port B3 0x78 x Port B6 0x2D - Port B7 0x3D = Rev. 1.1 (May 2009) 5 © DLP Design, Inc. MAKE DIGITAL OUTPUT AND SET HIGH: Port B4 Port B0 0x56 0x57 V W Port B1 0x58 X Port B3 0x59 Y Port B6 0x5B [ Port B7 0x5D ] RETURN SINGLE A/D CONVERSION TO HOST USING CURRENT SETTINGS: 0x37 7 BEGIN STREAMING A/D CONVERSION DATA TO HOST USING CURRENT SETTINGS: 0x38 8 Halt on Any Character Received RETURN 8-BIT A/D CONVERSION DATA TO HOST FOR BOTH CHANNELS X AND Y OF THE ACCELEROMETER WITH OFFSET CORRECTION AND MOUSE BUTTON STATE: 0x7A z 3 Bytes Returned RETURN 8-BIT A/D CONVERSION DATA FOR ALL 7 CHANNELS 0x73 Rev. 1.1 (May 2009) s 7 bytes returned 6 © DLP Design, Inc. 4.0 DEMONSTRATION SOFTWARE Three demonstration programs are available for the DLP-TILT module: AcqFFT.exe, DLPTilt.exe, and DLPVib.exe. All three programs are available for download from the DLP Design website upon purchase of the DLP-TILT module. 4.1 ACQFFT.EXE This program is designed to acquire AC signal data from any of the seven analog inputs on the DLP-TILT, then calculate and display the FFT of the signal and provide some basic analysis. Numerous program settings are possible including setting the COM port, A/D channel on the microcontroller, sample rate, number of samples, and a continuous run mode. Rev. 1.1 (May 2009) 7 © DLP Design, Inc. 4.2 DLPTILT.EXE This program is designed to both demonstrate the tilt feature of the accelerometer and present the acquired voltages from each of the seven analog inputs. 4.3 DLPVIB.EXE Rev. 1.1 (May 2009) 8 © DLP Design, Inc. This program is designed to monitor both channels of the accelerometer and graphically display frequency and amplitude data proportional to the vibration. Limits can be set such that an error indication is made when any frequency component rises or falls out of the limits. 5.0 MECHANICAL DIMENSIONS IN INCHES (MM) (PRELIMINARY) 0.23 typ (5.8 typ) 0.90 typ (22.9 typ) 1.94 typ (49.9 typ) 6.0 DISCLAIMER © DLP Design, Inc., 2008 Neither the whole nor any part of the information contained herein nor the product described in this manual may be adapted or reproduced in any material or electronic form without the prior written consent of the copyright holder. This product and its documentation are supplied on an as-is basis, and no warranty as to their suitability for any particular purpose is either made or implied. DLP Design, Inc. will not accept any claim for damages whatsoever arising as a result of the use or failure of this product. Your statutory rights are not affected. This product or any variant of it is not intended for use in any medical appliance, device, or system in which the failure of the product might reasonably be expected to result in personal injury. This document provides preliminary information that may be subject to change without notice. 7.0 CONTACT INFORMATION DLP Design, Inc. 1605 Roma Lane Allen, TX 75013 Phone: 469-964-8027 Fax: 415-901-4859 Email Sales: sales@dlpdesign.com Email Support: support@dlpdesign.com Website URL: http://www.dlpdesign.com Rev. 1.1 (May 2009) 9 © DLP Design, Inc. D CN1 5 C3 47pF 1 C10 10/10 Tant 2 FB1 240-1018-1 C8 .01 C1 47pF J1 HEADER 7X2 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 VIN1 VIN2 B0 B1 B4 C5 0.1uF 17 8 19 24 27 28 16 15 20 C11 .01 C4 .1uF 4 4 3 IN 5 1 C31 .01uF 1 5 3 11 2 9 10 6 23 22 13 14 12 SWVCC CBUS0 CBUS1 CBUS2 CBUS3 CBUS4 TXD RXD RTS# CTS# DTR# DSR# DCD# RI# COUT OUT U5 PQ1L303M2SP CIN U1 C23 1uF/10V VCC5 IN USBDM USBDP VCCIN/NC RESET# AVCC/NC OSCI OSCO 3V3OUT FT232R SWVCC R5 10K 1% GND 2 DLP-TILT-G 1 2 3 4 5 Mini-B USB Connector C2 .47uF 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 Short pins 11 and 13 at power up to enter mouse mode. MCLR B6/PGC SWVCC B7/PGD B3 6 5 - + R11 3 R10 30K + C6 0.1uF 12 + - 3 - 1.5V R6 280K 2 13 Q1 IRLML6402CT P 560K 560K C20 10/10 Tant .1uF R2 CLK6 3.0V VIN1 C9 7 U3B MCP6004 14 R12 R14 560K 560K VOUT1 SWVCC SWVCC U3D MCP6004 1 U3A MCP6004 R1 280K VIN2 R13 R4 280K 47K 10 - + MCLR 9 2 2 8 B3 B6 B7 12 1 2 9 12 18 10 4 13 14 Sleep GS1 GS2 C7 U4 .1 RB2/SDO/RX RB5/TX OSC1/CLKIN RB3/PGM RA5/MCLR/VPP U2 XOUT YOUT ZOUT SWVCC 4 3 2 1 RP1 1K x 4 3 2 1 20 19 17 7 8 11 5 6 7 8 PIC16LF88/SSOP20 RB4/SCK RA4/AN4 RA3/AN3/Vref+ RA2/AN2/VrefRA1/AN1 RA0/AN0 RA6/OSC2 RB0/INT RB1/SDI 15 14 13 SWVCC RB6/AN5/PGC RB7/AN6/PGD VOUT2 MMA7260QT U3C MCP6004 R9 280K 16 15 VDD VDD GND GND 5 6 4 R3 10K 1% 3 3 VDD VSS 4 VCCIO 4 4 11 4 11 4 11 C B A 5 4 11 AGND GND GND GND TEST 25 7 18 21 26 1 1 VOUT1 VOUT2 AN2 AN1 AN0 B0 B1 B4 3 2 1 5 6 7 8 CA1 4x0.1uF 4 AN0 AN1 AN2 D C B A