FN1574 4.43 MHZ NOTCH FILTER Filter Shape Notch Nominal Centre Frequency 4.43 MHz Insertion loss < 0.5 dB Loss @ 3.72 MHz & 5.28 MHz wrt 100 kHz 3 dB (nominal) Loss @ 4.43 MHz > 25 dB Impedance 75 ohms Temperature Range 0°C to 70°C Aqueous Washable YES Package DR00330A © Faraday Technology. As part of continual product improvement the specifications, details and dimensions shown in this publication are subject to change without notice Fara327s.doc Page 1 of 2 Oct-01(A) PACKAGE DETAIL All dimensions in millimetres (inches). Gen Tolerance ± 0,05 (0.002) unless otherwise stated. © Faraday Technology Ltd Croft Road Newcastle-U-Lyme ST5 0QZ England Tel (044) 01782 661501 Fax 630101 17,78 (0.7) Max. 6,35 (0.25) Max. 11 (0.433) Max. 3,81 (0.15) Min. Third Angle Projection DO NOT SCALE Pin 2 Pin 1 1,0 (0.04) Nom. 2,54 (0.1) Nom. 12,7 (0.5) Notes; Pins Matl; Phosphor Bronze Hot Tin dipped 60/40. Pins Size; 0,51 (0.02) x 0,25 (0.01). Pin Assignments; Pins 1 & 2 = In/Out. Template: DT00064 Drawn: B A Knapper Date: Faraday Technology Ltd. Croft Road Industrial Estate, Newcastle, Staffordshire ST5 0QZ. England. Fara327s.doc 22/10/01 Auth N White Date 22/10/01 Title: Drg No: FILTER ASSY Tel: Fax: Email: Web site: Page 2 of 2 DR00330A + 44 (0)1782 661501 + 44 (0)1782 630101 [email protected] http://www.faradaytech.co.uk Oct-01(A)