36.15 MHZ DVB(T) IF FILTER FB1517 The FB 1517 DVB(T) IF Filter has a Lower sideband selection of 8 MHz bandwidth COFDM signal centred on 9.143MHz modulated onto 45.2929 MHz carrier Filter Shape Bandpass Passband Shape Flat Insertion Loss at 100 kHz < 4.0 dB Passband 32.15 MHz to 40.15 MHz Passband Amplitude Ripple < 0.5 dB Attenuation of 45.2929 MHz carrier > 60 dB Stopband Attenuation 50.4359 MHz to 150 MHz > 50 dB Stopband Attenuation DC to 26 MHz >40 dB Group Delay Ripple in passband <10 ns Delay Time at 36.15 MHz 160 ns nominal Impedance 50 ohms Temperature Range 0°C to 70°C Aqueous Washable No Package DR00237A © Faraday Technology. As part of continual product improvement the specifications, details and dimensions shown in this publication are subject to change without not ice Fara290s Page 1 of 2 Oct-05(A) PACKAGE DETAIL All dimensions in millimetres (inches). Gen Tolerance ± 0,05 (0.002) unless otherwise stated. DO NOT SCALE © Faraday Technology Ltd Croft Road Newcastle-U-Lyme ST5 0QZ England Tel (044) 01782 661501 Fax 630101 62,4 (2.457) Max Third Angle Projection 6,2 (0.244) Nom 50 (1.97) 40 (1.57) 20 (0.787) 10 (0.393) 14 13 23 (0.9) 27,4 (1.08) Max 2,2 (0.086) Nom 30 (1.18) 12 11 10 9 TOP VIEW 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 5 (0.196) 45 (1.77) Notes; Pins Matl; Brass with Gold over Copper. Pins Size; 0,64 (0.025) Dia. 12,7 (0.5) Max Pin Assignments; Pin 1 = Input. Pin 8 = Output Template: DT00237 Change Note No; Auth: C Snell Date: 17/08/99 Faraday Technology Ltd. Croft Road Industrial Estate, Newcastle, Staffordshire ST5 0QZ. England. Fara290s Date: 17/08/99 Title: Drg No: FILTER ASSY OUTLINE Tel: Fax: Email: Web site: Page 2 of 2 DR00237A + 44 (0)1782 661501 + 44 (0)1782 630101 sales@faradaytech.co.uk http://www.faradaytech.co.uk Oct-05(A) A4DRGBLK.C DR 3.81 (0.15) Min All remaining pins = Gnd.