Freescale Semiconductor Application Note AN3670 Rev. 1.0, 10/2008 Implementing a DSI Network Using the MC33781 (Master) and the MC33784 (Slave) 1 Purpose This application note describes the main features of a Distributed System Interface (DSI) system designed with the MC33781/MC33784. It discusses system fault modes and practical implementation features such as programming and PCB layout. 2 Scope This note is applicable to the DSI Bus Standard Version 2.02 (March 2005). 3 Introduction The MC33781 is a DSI Bus Master device, providing four differential DSI 2.02 buses in a single package. It contains the logic to interface the buses to a standard serial peripheral interface (SPI) port and the analog circuitry to drive data and power over the bus as well as receive data from remote DSI slave devices. Figure 1 shows a simplified block diagram of the MC33781. © Freescale Semiconductor, Inc., 2008. All rights reserved. Contents 1 Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 4 Controlling The MC33781 (Master) . . . . . . . . 4 5 Data Flow Through the DSI System . . . . . . . 6 6 Fault Detection And Correction . . . . . . . . . . 10 7 System Response To Fault Conditions . . . 15 8 Bus Speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 9 Spread Spectrum Control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 10 Using The Pseudo Bus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 11 Using the SPI1 Port. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 12 Layout Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 13 References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Introduction The MC33784 is a DSI 2.02–compatible Slave device, optimized as a sensor interface. It contains circuits to provide power and A/D conversion for a device such as the Freescale MMA1200EG micro-machined +/-250 G accelerometer. Figure 2 shows a simplified block diagram of the MC33784. A central module MCU such as one of the Freescale MAC7xxx family of 32-bit automotive microcontrollers provides system control and communicates with the MC33781 via the SPI. VSUP1 VCC VDD 2.5 V Regulator DSIF DSIS DSIR Protocol Engine CLK Spreader VSS_IDDQ AGND DSIF DSIS DSIF DSIS DSIR DSIF DSIS SCLK0 MISO0 MOSI0 SPI0, Registers and State Machine CS0 Pseudo Bus Switch DPH DBUS Driver/Receiver D0H Pseudo Bus Switch DPL DBUS Driver/Receiver DSIR TESTIN TESTOUT VSUP2 DBUS Driver/Receiver DBUS Driver/Receiver DSIR D1L D2H D2L D3H D3L GND GND SCLK1 CS1 D1H TLIM RST MISO1 D0L SPI1, Registers and State Machine GND VSS Figure 1. Block Diagram for the 33781, Master 2 Implementing a DSI Network Using the MC33781 (Master) and the MC33784 (Slave), Rev. 1.0 Freescale Semiconductor Introduction H_CAP 2.2 μF or 4.7 μF Typical Rectifier BUSIN High Side Bus Switch 0-35 V BUSOUT Receiver Data Response Current 0–11 mA 8.0 mA/μs Frame Received Message from MCU Bandgap Reference Oscillator 10 MHz DataOut <2.0> Bus Return Logic Command Decode State Machine Response Generation I/O Buffers DataOut <0> I/O0 Power Management 5.0 V Regulator BG Reference Bias Currents DataOut <1> I/O1 I/O2 DataOut <2> REGOUT CRO = 2.2 μF AGND SEL 10-Bit ADC TEST1 TEST2 TOUT POR IDDQ MUX AN0 AN1 RTNIN Low Side Bus Switch RTNOUT Figure 2. Block Diagram for the 33784, Slave Implementing a DSI Network Using the MC33781 (Master) and the MC33784 (Slave), Rev. 1.0 Freescale Semiconductor 3 Controlling The MC33781 (Master) Table 1. MC33781 (Master) and MC33784 (Slave) Key Features Key Feature Comment Baud rate Max 200 kbps # of DSI channels (Master) 4 + 1(Pseudo BUS) Max # of Slave Devices 60* A/D resolution (Slave) 10 bit Receive current (Master) High, Low, Sum Number of Bus Switches (Slave) 2 (High side and low side) SPI interface (Master) Dual (one is read only) Package (Master) SOICW-32 Package (Slave) SOICN-16 (*) theoretical maximum – practical maximum will be limited by update rate, power consumption, and other factors. 4 Controlling The MC33781 (Master) The host MCU uses the SPI0 port to access the control and status registers of the MC33781 and to send and retrieve data over the DSI channels. 16 bit messages (command byte plus one data byte) are used to access the MC33781 control registers; 32 bit messages (command byte plus three data bytes) can both access control registers and queue up transfers over the DBUS. Up to four 16 bit slave commands can be queued for transmission over a particular DBUS channel. All SPI0 transactions between the host MCU and the MC33781 are either 16 or 32 bits long. The MC33781 counts the number of clocks received during a frame. A framing error occurs if the count is not 16 or 32; the received message is discarded and no registers are updated. In addition, CS0 going low signifies the start of the frame. A transaction begins with a command byte, followed by either 1 or 3 bytes of data. 4 Implementing a DSI Network Using the MC33781 (Master) and the MC33784 (Slave), Rev. 1.0 Freescale Semiconductor Controlling The MC33781 (Master) Figure 3 and Figure 4 show both 16 bit and 32 bit transfers. In these multi-byte transfers, as long as CS0 is asserted low, each additional byte sent over the SPI0 will be a read/write of data to the sequential next register. SCLK MOSI WRITE COMMAND POINT TO REGISTER DATA TO REGISTER MISO 00000000 DATA FROM REGISTER CS0 Figure 3. SPI016-Bit Burst Transfer Example . SCLK MOSI WRITE COMMAND POINT TO D0R0H DATA TO D0R0H DATA TO D0R0L MISO 00000000 DATA FROM D0R0H DATA FROM D0R0L XXXXXXXX DATA FROM D0R0STAT CS0 Figure 4. SPI0 32 Bit Burst Transfer Example The first bit sent (bit 7) of the command byte signals a read or write (write = 1) of data. The last seven bits (bits 6….0) of the command byte constitute the address of the desired register. For example, the address of the control register for DBUS channel 0 (D0CTRL) is $x0C, so the SPI0 sequence $8C 41 will cause $41 be written to the D0CTRL register. Similarly, the address of the DBUS 0 high byte data register D0R0H is $x00; a sequence of $80 77 23 will result in $77 and $23 being written into D0R0H and D0R0L respectively. The data $77 23 will subsequently be transmitted over channel 0 as an DSI command. In a read operation, bit 7 of the command byte is a zero, so for example a command of $06 xx xx xx will result in reading the registers at addresses $06, 07 and 08 (D0R2H, D0R2L and D0R2STAT respectively). See the MC33781 data sheet for the addresses and bit assignments of the various registers. Note that some register addresses are reserved; writes or reads to these addresses will be ignored. Implementing a DSI Network Using the MC33781 (Master) and the MC33784 (Slave), Rev. 1.0 Freescale Semiconductor 5 Data Flow Through the DSI System 5 Data Flow Through the DSI System Data transfer from the SPI0 bus to the DBUS is through the sets of data registers D0R0H/D0R0L through D0R3H/D0R3L. Each set – D0R0H/D0R0L, for example - consists of two physical pairs of registers, one for transmit and one for receive. Data is written to and read from each register asynchronously; synchronization between the two operations is by means of the TE and RNE status bits. 5.1 MC33781 (Master) The TE (Transmit Register Empty) bit for a register pair is cleared, indicating transmit buffer not empty, on the rising edge of CS0 after an SPI0 write to that register; it is set (transmit buffer empty) once the data has been sent out over the DBUS. Conversely, the RNE (Receive Register Not Empty) bit is set when the DBUS writes to the associated register pair and cleared on the rising edge of CS0 after an SPI0 read of that pair. The MC33781 can queue up to four sequential bus commands per channel for DBUS transmission. If the transmit queue is empty, the delay from data being received as an SPI0 message until it starts to appear as a DBUS transmission is given by the parameter TDBUSSTART2. This is the time from the rising edge of CS0 to the start of the DBUS transition from idle mode to signal mode, as illustrated in Figure 5. SCLK MOSI WRITE COMMAND POINT TO D0R0H DATA TO D0R0H DATA TO D0R0L MISO 00000000 DATA FROM D0R0H DATA FROM D0R0L XXXXXXXX DATA FROM D0R0STAT CS0 TDBUSSTART2 Figure 5. TDBUSSTART2 6 Implementing a DSI Network Using the MC33781 (Master) and the MC33784 (Slave), Rev. 1.0 Freescale Semiconductor Data Flow Through the DSI System TDBUSSTART2 has a maximum and minimum value of: 2t BIT 5t BIT ------------- + ( DLY – 2 ) × t BIT < T DBUSSTART2 < ------------ + ( DLY – 2 ) × t BIT μs. 3 3 where tBIT is the bit time and DLY is the delay between DBUS frames, set in the DnCTRL register to be either 4, 5, 6, or 8 bit times. For example, with tBIT =5.0 μs (200 kbps DBUS speed) and 4 bits interframe delay: 13.33 < TDBUSSTART2 < 18.33 μs If the transmit queue is not empty, the transmission delay is dependent on the number and length of messages ahead of the incoming SPI0 message. 5.2 MC33784 (Slave) After the MC33784 detects that the DBUS message is complete (signified by the bus voltage exceeding the Frame Threshold), there is a delay of approximately 4.6 μs while the CRC is calculated, indicated by tCRC_CALC in Figure 6. Once the CRC is verified, the requested action is carried out. Figure 6 also shows a ~200 ns turn-on delay in the MC33784 (tTOD) when a logic output is changed from low to high. See for a Figure 7 representation of a typical data flow. ttod Frame Threshold CRC OK Logic O/P tCRC_CALC Figure 6. tCRC_CALC Implementing a DSI Network Using the MC33781 (Master) and the MC33784 (Slave), Rev. 1.0 Freescale Semiconductor 7 Data Flow Through the DSI System “Porch” Bit tCRC_CALC (MC33784) tTOD tCRC_CALC (MC33784) “Porch” Bit DBUS Transmission #1 DBUS Transmission #2 TDBUSSTART2 16-bit DBUS message 4-bit CRC 16-bit DBUS message Interframe Delay tTOD 4-bit CRC Figure 7. Data Flow for Two Consecutive 16 Bit DBUS Transmissions with a 4 Bit Interframe Delay 5.3 Bus Initialization Sequence For normal operation, a typical DBUS channel initialization sequence following a reset consists of the following actions. Note that only steps 2 and 5 are required – the others are optional and are used if the default values are not acceptable. 1. Set the transmission parameters (optional). a) Minimum delay between DBUS transfer frames -- DnCTRL register bits 4 & 5, default value 4 bit times (00) b) Select message size – DnCTRL register bit 0, default value long word (0) c) Select loop mode control if required -- DnCTRL register bits 1 & 2, default value disabled (00) 2. Enable the channel (required) -- DnEN register bit 0, default value disabled (0). 3. Set channel CRC polynomial (optional) – DnPOLY register, default value $11. 4. Set channel CRC seed (optional) – DnSEED register, default value $0A. 5. Initialize the slave devices (required) – DnRnH and DnRnL registers. 6. Repeat Steps 1–5 for the other channels as needed. 5.4 Slave Response To Initialization Sequence After a reset, all slave bus switches will be open. The initialization command sets the slave address, configures the digital I/O, and other operations. Any commands received prior to the initialization command are ignored by the slave device. After receipt of a valid initialization command, a slave will close its bus switches and ignore subsequent initialization commands. In the daisy chain configuration the sequence for a channel is as follows: 8 Implementing a DSI Network Using the MC33781 (Master) and the MC33784 (Slave), Rev. 1.0 Freescale Semiconductor Data Flow Through the DSI System Table 2. Daisy Chain Configuration Command → POR Init (Address 1) Init (Address 2) Init (Address 3) Init (Address 4) Slave 1 Bus switch open Initialized to address 1, bus switch closed Initialization response Slave 2 Bus switch open Bus switch open Initialized to address 2, bus switch closed Initialization response Slave 3 Bus switch open Bus switch open Bus switch open Initialized to address 3, bus switch closed Initialization response Slave 4 Bus switch open Bus switch open Bus switch open Bus switch open Initialized to address 4, bus switch closed Frame # 1 2 3 4 5 Figure 8. Graphical Representation of the Command/Respond Sequence Implementing a DSI Network Using the MC33781 (Master) and the MC33784 (Slave), Rev. 1.0 Freescale Semiconductor 9 Fault Detection And Correction The message formats for the initialization commands can be found in the MC33784 data sheet in the “Logic Commands And Registers” section. As an example, here is the initialization sequence for a MC33781 communicating with 6 MC33784 slaves – four on DBUS 0 and two on the Pseudo Bus. Table 3. 33781 Initialization Sequence Hex Command Action 8D 01 11 0A Initialize DBUS Channel 0 80 61 00 00 Assign Bus 0 Address 1 80 62 00 00 Assign Bus 0 Address 2 80 63 00 00 Assign Bus 0 Address 3 80 64 00 00 Assign Bus 0 Address 4 BD 07 11 0A Initialize Pseudo Bus 80 65 00 00 Assign Bus 0 Address 5 80 66 00 00 Assign Bus 0 Address 6 The pseudo bus requires a slightly different initialization sequence. See “Using The Pseudo Bus” below for a description. 6 6.1 Fault Detection And Correction MC33781 (Master) Power-On Check There are 128 fuse bits in the MC33781 that are used to trim various voltage and current parameters during manufacturing. After a reset the MC33781 reads all of the fuse bits and transfers the information to internal flip-flops. At the same time, the fuse parity bit is checked and verified. If the check fails, a fuse parity error bit is set (MASKID register bit 7). 6.2 MC33781 (Slave) Loopback Mode The MC33781 has a loopback mode that enables testing of the transmit and receive circuits without sending data out over the bus. Loopback is selected for a channel by setting the two control register (DnCTRL) Loop Mode bits Loop0 and Loop1 to 11. Any other combination will disable loopback. During loop back a multiplexer selects the DSIS (transmit) signal instead of the DSIR (receive) signal for loading into the receive buffers. See Figure 9 for the signal path. 10 Implementing a DSI Network Using the MC33781 (Master) and the MC33784 (Slave), Rev. 1.0 Freescale Semiconductor Fault Detection And Correction BUS Driver/Receiver Logic SPI0 Addressed Rx Buffer Loop Sel data 16 stat 4 CRC CRC check CRC check check SPI0 Addressed Tx Buffer data DSIR Loop Mode Mux RCV DSIS 16 CRC generate XMIT SPI1 Registers data addr data addr data addr data addr Figure 9. Loopback Mode Signal Path DBUS transmitter or receiver fault conditions will not affect the test when in loopback. Loopback mode clears the EN bit (DnEN register bit 0) for the channel, so it must be re-enabled before transmitting data. Both SPI0 and SPI1 operate during loopback mode. However, the write to the SPI1 buffer only occurs if the data is all 1’s or all 0’s and the address is the complement of the data. 6.3 CRC Generation & Checking Both the MC33781 and MC33784 add a variable length CRC to all messages before transmission. An incorrect CRC indicates that the received data is not valid. The default CRC is 4 bits long and uses a polynomial of X4 + 1 (00010001) and a seed value of 1010. The CRC can be changed to between 0 and 8 bits in length and the polynomial and seed value are selectable, allowing the system designer to tailor the CRC coverage level. The polynomial X4 + 1 has a length of 5 bits, ignoring leading zeros. It can be shown that such a polynomial can detect all burst errors of length ≤ 5. For a burst error of > 5 bits, the probability of Implementing a DSI Network Using the MC33781 (Master) and the MC33784 (Slave), Rev. 1.0 Freescale Semiconductor 11 Fault Detection And Correction the frame being accepted as valid is 1 in 24 (1 in 16) , assuming that all bit patterns are equally likely. 6.4 MC33781 (Master) Receiver Decision Block In the presence of faults or common-mode noise, it is possible that the DnH and DnL current inputs will give conflicting inputs. Consequently, the MC33781 uses a receiver decision block to determine whether it has received a valid message. The receiver decision logic block has three inputs. Two are derived from the Receiver High input and the Receiver Low input; the third is the sum of the Receiver High and Receiver Low input, called Receiver Sum. Table 4 shows the MC33781 Receiver Decision Block and its response to various bus pin conditions. The MC33784 draws a nominal 6.0 mA to indicate a logic high; a logic high on both Receiver High and Receiver Low inputs will result in 12 mA on Receiver Sum. 12 Implementing a DSI Network Using the MC33781 (Master) and the MC33784 (Slave), Rev. 1.0 Freescale Semiconductor Fault Detection And Correction Table 4. MC33781 (Master) Receiver Decision Logic Bus Pin Conditions Receiver High 6 ± 1 mA Receiver Low 6 ± 1 mA Receiver Sum 12 ± 6mA High and Low XOR (bit/bit) High and Sum XOR (bit/bit) Low and Sum XOR (bit/bit) ER Bit SPI0 DnRnxData SPI1 DnRnxData 0 Receiver High Receiver Low H*L Not OK 1 Receiver High Receiver Low H*L Ok 0 Receiver High Receiver Low 1 Receiver High Receiver Low 0 Receiver High Receiver Sum1 1 Receiver High Receiver Low N/A 1 Receiver High Receiver Low L*S Ok 0 Receiver Sum0 Receiver Low L*S Not OK 1 Receiver High Receiver Low H*L Ok Normal Out of Spec CRC Ok CRC Ok CRC Ok CRC Ok CRC Ok N/A Bad CRC N/A N/A N/A H*L Not OK H*S Ok Fault CRC Ok Bad CRC CRC Ok N/A N/A H*S Not OK Fault L Fault CRC Ok Bad CRC Bad CRC CRC OK Bad CRC CRC OK N/A N/A N/A N/A Fault H Bad CRC CRC Ok Bad CRC N/A N/A N/A 1 Receiver High Receiver Low Common Mode Noise Bad CRC Bad CRC CRC Ok N/A N/A N/A 0 Receiver Sum0 Receiver Sum1 Fault Bad CRC Bad CRC Bad CRC N/A N/A N/A 1 Receiver High Receiver Low Note that SPI0 and SPI1 derive their output data from different sources. SPI0 uses either Receiver High or Receiver Sum0; SPI1 uses either Receiver Low or Receiver Sum1. In order to provide the maximum protection against a single-point failure causing a disruption in communication, the decision paths for the two SPI channels are independent internally, even when the signal names are the same. For example, the Receiver Sum path is divided into Receiver Sum0 and Receiver Sum1, which use different holding registers in the Receiver logic. These registers are duplicates, although they will always hold the same data unless there is a fault in one of the data paths. See Figure 10. Implementing a DSI Network Using the MC33781 (Master) and the MC33784 (Slave), Rev. 1.0 Freescale Semiconductor 13 Fault Detection And Correction To SPI1 To SPI0 { { Receiver Low n Receiver Sum1 n + Receiver Sum0 n Receiver High n DnH Driver DnL Figure 10. Single Point Failure Protection 14 Implementing a DSI Network Using the MC33781 (Master) and the MC33784 (Slave), Rev. 1.0 Freescale Semiconductor System Response To Fault Conditions 7 System Response To Fault Conditions The MC33781 register set contains several registers that indicate channel status and fault conditions. Here are the applicable registers for DBUS channel 0: Table 5. MC33781 (Master) Register Set for DBUS Channel 0 Register Address Register Name Register Definition Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 0000010 D0R0STAT DBUS 0 Reg 0 Status ER TE SDS RNE ICL 0 FIX0 FIX1 0001101 D0EN DBUS 0 Enable Status TS ISDD - - - BSWH BSWL EN The system response to some possible fault conditions is describe below. 7.1 7.1.1 DnH or DnL Short to GND/VBATT Hard Short A hard short of DnH, DPH, BUSIN (MC33784) or BUSOUT (MC33784) to GND, or a hard short of DnL, DPL, RTNIN (MC33784) or RTNOUT (MC33784) to VBATT during idle time will activate the current limit circuit; both drivers will be disabled after a short delay. The ICL bit in the DnRnSTAT register is set for the affected channel. A hard short of DnH, DPH, BUSIN (MC33784), BUSOUT (MC33784), DnL, DPL, RTNIN (MC33784) or RTNOUT (MC33784) to either GND or VBATT during signal time will result in both drivers being shut down for the rest of the transaction after a short delay. The SDS bit in the DnRnSTAT register is also set. If the over-current limit is reached during two consecutive frames, the bus drivers are disabled and the ISDD bit in the DnEN register is set. In the case of channel 0, the Pseudo Bus switches are also opened and BSWH & BSWL bits are cleared. Each channel is protected by a thermal shutdown circuit. If the channel bus thermal limit is reached, the bus drivers are disabled and the TS bit in the DnEN register is set. In the case of channel 0, the Pseudo Bus switches are also opened and BSWH & BSWL bits are cleared. For a thermal shutdown on the Pseudo Bus, however, the Pseudo Bus switches are opened and the BSWH & BSWL bits are cleared, but no other register bits are set and channel 0 operation is unaffected. 7.1.2 Resistive Short A resistive short during signal mode can be classified according to how much current draw it causes. • Resistive Short, current draw > 40 mA (typ) This will cause an over-current shutdown with the same results as a hard short. • Resistive Short, current draw < 40 mA (typ) Implementing a DSI Network Using the MC33781 (Master) and the MC33784 (Slave), Rev. 1.0 Freescale Semiconductor 15 Bus Speed If the resistive short is from DnH to ground then the following actions will occur: a) Receiver High will report a CRC error (i.e., response current always > 6mA threshold) b) Receiver Sum will report a CRC error c) Receiver Low will see response current and report a CRC OK. This case is described in the “Fault H” row in the Receiver Decision Logic table. The reverse case for short on DnL is described in the “Fault L” row in Table 4, MC33781 (Master) Receiver Decision Logic. 7.2 Common-Mode Noise The MC33781 can withstand up to 20 mA of common-mode noise (40 mA pp max) without causing a CRC error in Receiver Sum, although there will be CRC errors in both Receiver High and Receiver Low, since their respective response currents are above the 6mA threshold under all conditions. This condition is described in the “Common Mode Noise” row in Table 4. No ER bit is set and Receiver Sum Data is used. Above 20 mA common mode noise, a CRC error will occur and the ER bit will be set, as described in the last row of Table 4. 7.3 DnH to DnL Short Circuit Shorting the high and low side of a DBUS channel together will result in all 1’s on both Receiver High and Receiver Low, including all of the CRC bits, giving a CRC error. Shorting high and low side of a DBUS channel together will result in reporting a fault condition with a CRC error and the ER bit will be set. 7.4 DH to DL Resistive Short Depending on the resistive short value, either Receiver High or Low will report all 1's and the ER bit will be set. 7.5 DnH or DnL Open Circuit An open circuit on DnH or DnL will result in a loss of bus communication. All Receivers High, Low and Sum will report a bad CRC. The ER bit is set and Receiver High wrong data is reported. This is also described by the last row in Table 4. 8 Bus Speed The allowable data rate between the MC33781 and the MC33784 is variable within limits. The minimum data rate is defined by the DSI specification to be 5 kbits/sec. The maximum data rate is not defined by the specification. In practice, the upper limits will be set by EMC, total bus capacitance and other considerations. 16 Implementing a DSI Network Using the MC33781 (Master) and the MC33784 (Slave), Rev. 1.0 Freescale Semiconductor Spread Spectrum Control Table 6 shows suggested maximum data rates with common values of slave module input (BUSIN to RTNIN) and output (BUSOUT to RTNOUT) capacitors. The values are based on simulations with the test circuit shown in Figure 11 and are for reference only. Table 6. Maximum Data Rates Slave Module Capacitance (Cin/Cout) Suggested Max Data Rate 470 pF / 470 pF 200 kbps 680 pF / 470 pF 185 kbps 1 nF / 470 pF 160 kbps Figure 11. Test Circuit There is a minimum frame delay between MC33781 commands as required by the DSI specification to allow recharging of the energy storage capacitors in the MC33784 or other slave devices. The minimum frame delay required is dependent upon several factors including the bus speed, the current consumption of the slaves and the amount of energy storage in the network. 9 Spread Spectrum Control The dominant source of radiated electromagnetic interference (EMI) from the DBUS bus is due to the regular periodic frequency of the data bits. At a steady bit rate, the time period for each bit is the same, which results in a steady fundamental frequency plus harmonics. Consequently, unwanted signals appear at multiples of the fundamental frequency; these can be strong enough to interfere with the desired signal. A significant decrease in radiated EMI can be achieved by randomly changing the duration of each bit. This reduces the energy amplitude by having the signal spend a much smaller percentage of time at any specific frequency. The signal strength of the fundamental and harmonics are reduced directly by the percentage of time it spends on a specific frequency. A circuit to accomplish this is included in the MC33781, and can perform the spreading of the signal independently for each channel, while generating the bit clock timing for the channel. The spread spectrum circuitry is discussed in detail in the MC33781 data sheet. Implementing a DSI Network Using the MC33781 (Master) and the MC33784 (Slave), Rev. 1.0 Freescale Semiconductor 17 Spread Spectrum Control 4MHz CLK 64MHz CLK PLL Divide by 8 24-bit PRBS 7 7-bit random number Deviation Select Maximum Count Deviation (from DxSSCTRL) 3 7 10-bit Adder 10 Bit Clock Logic Bit Clock 10 320 Adder Base Time Period (from DxFSEL) 9.1 8 Mult X2 9 Choosing The Maximum Deviation Value It is important to select a maximum deviation value that is appropriate for the system. A larger maximum deviation results in spreading the bit energy to more frequencies. However, this number also establishes the maximum period for any random bit on that channel. If the system requires that a minimum number of bits be transferred within a fixed time period, then the user must select a minimum base bit time and maximum deviation time that will meet the criteria. Only certain deviations value can be chosen: the allowable deviation values (expressed as the # of 64 MHz clock periods) are selected by the DEV[2:0] bits in the spread spectrum control register (DnSSCTRL) as follows: DEV[0:2] # Periods 000 0 001 16 010 32 011 64 100 78 Here are two examples using 10-bit Enhanced Short Words (ESW). The ESW message contains a total of 14 bits (2 data bits, 4 address bits, 4 command bits, plus 4 CRC bits). The calculations are similar for other message lengths. Design Criteria: Frame Time = 125 μsec 18 Implementing a DSI Network Using the MC33781 (Master) and the MC33784 (Slave), Rev. 1.0 Freescale Semiconductor Using The Pseudo Bus With a 64 MHz PLL clock, 1 clock period (1 count) = (1/64) x 10-6 s = 15.625 ns. 1. Bit rate = 185 kHz with 4 interframe bits Total # of bits in frame = 19 (1 porch bit + 14 bits enhanced short word message+ 4 interframe bits) 125 μsec frame time → 8000 periods 185 kHz bit rate → 346 periods 19 bits per frame @ 185 kHz bit rate → 19 x 346 = 6574 periods Maximum counts per frame available for spreading = 8000 – 6574 = 1426 periods Maximum available counts per bit = 1426/19 = 75 periods From the table, it can be seen that 64 periods is the appropriate choice. 2. Bit rate = 160 kHz. 125 μsec frame time → 8000 periods 160 kHz bit rate → 400 periods 19 bits per frame @ 160 kHz bit rate → 19 x 400 = 7600 periods 8000 – 7600 = 400 periods total allowable deviation. Maximum available counts per bit = 400/19 = 21 periods In this case, a deviation of 16 periods should be chosen. 10 Using The Pseudo Bus The bus drivers on channel 0 can drive two external bus wire sets (D0H/D0L and DPH/DPL). The pseudo bus allows the use of two redundant sensors (for example two front crash sensors) on a single channel without a wiring fault on one leg affecting the other. Both the high and low sides of channel 0 include a pseudo bus switch as shown in Figure 12. Figure 12. Pseudo bus connection Implementing a DSI Network Using the MC33781 (Master) and the MC33784 (Slave), Rev. 1.0 Freescale Semiconductor 19 Using the SPI1 Port 10.1 Initializing The Pseudo Bus After a device reset the pseudo bus switches are open. During initialization, the master initializes the slave devices on channel 0 using the sequence described earlier in this application note. The channel 0 slaves should be initialized before the pseudo bus switches are closed, after which the devices on the pseudo bus can be initialized. Note that when the pseudo bus switches are closed, the channel 0 drivers are driving both DBUS 0 and the pseudo bus in parallel, so there must be no duplication between the DBUS 0 and DBUS P slave addresses. The pseudo bus switches are controlled by BSWH and BSWL (bits 2 & 1) in the D0EN register. Clearing these bits will open the pseudo bus switches, although they are typically closed during normal operation. The pseudo bus switches have independent thermal shutdown protection. Once the thermal shutdown point is reached, the bus switch is opened and the BSWH and/or BSWL bit is cleared in the channel 0 DEN register. 11 Using the SPI1 Port In a typical airbag system, the primary microcontroller transfers commands and data via SPI0. It is important that a failure in the primary microcontroller does not cause an inadvertent airbag deployment, so a secondary microcontroller or ASIC is often used to monitor the incoming sensor data. Both controllers must agree in order for a deployment to occur. The MC33781 has a second SPI port, SPI1, specifically for this purpose. SPI1 operation is limited to transmitting analog data (AN0 only) from the slave devices on DBUS channels 2 and 3. SPI0 is bidirectional and communicates data from all channels as well as MC33781 control and status information. Figure 13. SPI0/SPI1 Communications Flow The main differences between SPI0 and SPI1 are summarized in Table 7. 20 Implementing a DSI Network Using the MC33781 (Master) and the MC33784 (Slave), Rev. 1.0 Freescale Semiconductor Layout Considerations Table 7. SPI0 and SPI1 Feature SPI0 SPI1 SCLK √ √ CS √ √ MOSI √ X MISO √ √ 0,1,2,3,P 2,3 2 or 4 2 only DBUS Channel Data Transfer # of Bytes 11.1 SPI1 Comments Output only Analog channel 0 only SPI0 & SPI1 different formats SPI1 Operation The SPI1 control circuitry monitors bus traffic on channels 2 & 3. When a Request AN0 command is detected, it saves the requested slave address together with the response from the next frame. SPI1 then concatenates the requested address, the response data, and two status bits indicating the channel used, and queues this up for a SPI1 read. Note that if any status bit indicates a bus error, the address and channel bits are still stored in the SPI1 buffer, but the data bits are set to all zeros for this message. The SPI1 bit definitions are detailed in the MC33781 data sheet. 12 Layout Considerations 12.1 MC33781 (Master) To ensure stability of the bus drivers, capacitors must be connected between each output and ground. These are the DBUS common mode capacitors. In addition, bypass capacitors are required at the VSUP1 & VSUP2 pins. These capacitors must be located close to the IC pins and provide a low-impedance path to ground. 12.2 MC33784 (Slave) The layout of the slave module can affect the system performance especially under conditions of high induced bus current – for example, as simulated during BCI (Bulk Current Injection) testing. BUSIN/RTIN and BUSOUT/RTNOUT capacitors should be used. Typical values are from 400 pF to 1.0 nF. Separating the RTNIN and AGND traces as much as practical has found to be of value in reducing ADC variation during BCI testing. Implementing a DSI Network Using the MC33781 (Master) and the MC33784 (Slave), Rev. 1.0 Freescale Semiconductor 21 References 13 References • • 22 MC33781 Data sheet MC33784 Data sheet Implementing a DSI Network Using the MC33781 (Master) and the MC33784 (Slave), Rev. 1.0 Freescale Semiconductor How to Reach Us: Home Page: Web Support: USA/Europe or Locations Not Listed: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 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