EM MICROELECTRONIC - MARIN SA EMBC Beacon Packet Specification EMBC Beacon Packet Specification Copyright 2015, EM Microelectronic-Marin SA EMBC-MN01, Version 1.0, 9-Apr-15 1 www.emmicroelectronic.com 420005-A01, 2.0 EMBC Beacon Packet Specification TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. GENERAL DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................................3 ADVERTISING ADDRESS ..............................................................................................................................3 PAYLOAD ...................................................................................................................................................3 ID DATA PACKET .............................................................................................................................................3 ID DATA PACKET FORMAT...........................................................................................................................3 ID DATA ID NUMBERS .................................................................................................................................3 ID DATA MEASURED POWER .......................................................................................................................3 ALT BEACON PACKET ....................................................................................................................................3 ALT BEACON PACKET FORMAT ....................................................................................................................4 ADVERTISEMENT LENGTH ...........................................................................................................................4 ADVERTISEMENT TYPE................................................................................................................................4 MANUFACTURE ID ......................................................................................................................................4 BEACON CODE ...........................................................................................................................................4 BEACON ID ................................................................................................................................................4 REFERENCE RSSI ......................................................................................................................................4 MANUFACTURE RESERVED ..........................................................................................................................5 SENSOR DATA PACKET CONTENTS.............................................................................................................5 SENSOR DATA PACKET FORMAT .................................................................................................................5 LOCAL NAME ..............................................................................................................................................5 MANUFACTURERS SPECIFIC DATA ...............................................................................................................5 MANUFACTURERS ID ..................................................................................................................................5 SENSOR READING ......................................................................................................................................5 MODEL NUMBER .........................................................................................................................................6 BATTERY VOLTAGE .....................................................................................................................................6 TRANSMITTED PACKETS ..............................................................................................................................6 EVENT COUNTER ........................................................................................................................................6 CONTACT INFORMATION................................................................................................................................7 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS .............................................................................................................................7 Copyright 2015, EM Microelectronic-Marin SA EMBC-MN01, Version 1.0, 9-Apr-15 2 www.emmicroelectronic.com 420005-A01, 2.0 EMBC Beacon Packet Specification 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION The EMBCxx product line supports three key packet types: Sensor Packet. ID Data Packet Alt Beacon Packet This document provides the definitions and formatting of these packet types. Unless otherwise noted, all packet types defined are Bluetooth advertising packets and are non-connectable, undirected advertising events (ADV_NONCONN_IND) which follow the GAP specification according to the Bluetooth Specification V4.0, Volume 3, Part C, Section 11. ADVERTISING ADDRESS In all cases a unique advertising address is transmitted as part of the header of the packet. The first 3 octets of the device address are the EM Microelectronic OUI assigned address from the IEEE 802 committee: 0x0CF3EE. The last 3 octets of the device address are uniquely assigned by EM Microelectronic. The device address can be modified to any valid device address according to Bluetooth Specification V4.0 Volume 3 Section 1.3. PAYLOAD Each packet type defines a different payload that conforms with the Bluetooth Low Energy standard PDU(ADV_NONCONN_IND) as defined in Bluetooth Specification Version 4.0, Volume 0, Part B, Section 4.4 Low Energy Core Configuration or Section 4.5 Basic Rate and Low Energy Combined Core Configuration. PDU 2. ID DATA PACKET ID DATA PACKET FORMAT The ID data packet format is described in the following specification: Proximity Beacon Specification Release R1 Draft D1, which can be obtained from Apple, Inc. ID DATA ID NUMBERS The following ID numbers are used: The EM standard UUID is: 699EBC80-E1F3-11E3-9A0F-0CF3EE3BC012 The Major ID is a 16-bit unsigned non-zero value uniquely assigned by EM Microelectronic. The Minor ID is a 16-bit unsigned non-zero value uniquely assigned by EM Microelectronic. ID DATA MEASURED POWER Measured power as described in Proximity Beacon Specification Release R1 Draft D1 with iPhone 5S. 3. ALT BEACON PACKET AltBeacon is an open protocol specification that defines the format and contents of the advertisement message. Complete documentation on the standard and any updates to the standard can be found http://altbeacon.org/. Details included below are for reference of the implementation within the EMBCxx family of products and the details and definitions are sourced from the initial release of the AltBeacon specification. The Alt Beacon Specification is free for any user to implement without royalties or fees and is not linked to any specific vendor or manufacturer. The data within the packet is used to uniquely identify the beacon, the manufacturer and the signal strength of the transmitted packet. The payload conforms with the Bluetooth Low Energy standard PDU(ADV_NONCONN_IND) as defined in Bluetooth Specification Version 4.0, Copyright 2015, EM Microelectronic-Marin SA EMBC-MN01, Version 1.0, 9-Apr-15 3 www.emmicroelectronic.com 420005-A01, 2.0 EMBC Beacon Packet Specification Volume 0, Part B, Section 4.4 Low Energy Core Configuration or Section 4.5 Basic Rate and Low Energy Combined Core Configuration. ALT BEACON PACKET FORMAT The Alt Beacon PDU consists of 28 bytes formatted to provide concise proximity advertising messages for the interchange of information between advertisers and scanners and maintain compliance with Bluetooth Specification v4.0 by utilizing defined advertising PDU and advertising data structures. The AltBeacon advertisement makes use of the Manufacturer Specific Advertising Data structure as defined in Bluetooth Specification Version 4.0, Volume 3, Part C, Section 2.3 Advertising Channel PDU. The AltBeacon advertisement is made up of a 1-byte length field, 1-byte type field and two-byte company identifier, as prescribed by the Manufacturer Specific Advertising Data structure format, followed by 24 additional bytes containing the beacon advertisement data. Figure 1: Alt Beacon Data Packet Format ADVERTISEMENT LENGTH This field contains the length of the type and data portion of the Manufacturer Specific advertisement data structure with a fixed definition of 0x1B. ADVERTISEMENT TYPE This field contains the Manufacturer Specific advertising data structure with a fixed definition of 0xFF. MANUFACTURE ID This field contains the beacon device manufacture’s company identifier code. The number is a little endian representation of EM Microelectronic ID manufacture’s company code (90 = 0x005A), as maintained by the Bluetooth SIG assigned numbers database. BEACON CODE This field contains the AltBeacon advertisement code. It is a big endian representation of the fixed value 0xBEAC. BEACON ID This field contains a 20 byte, big endian, unique identifier for the beacon. For EMBCxx products this has been defined using the UUID, Major & Minor ID values used in the for the ID data packet. The 20 byte value is defined as: UUID(16 byte) + Major ID (2 byte) + Minor ID (2 byte) As mentioned in the ID packet definition: • The EM standard UUID is: 699EBC80-E1F3-11E3-9A0F-0CF3EE3BC012 • The Major ID is a 16-bit unsigned non-zero value uniquely assigned by EM Microelectronic. • The Minor ID is a 16-bit unsigned non-zero value uniquely assigned by EM Microelectronic. REFERENCE RSSI This field contains the average received signal strength at 1m from the advertising beacon in free space. The value is a signed 1-byte value ranging from 0 to -127 in dBm. Copyright 2015, EM Microelectronic-Marin SA EMBC-MN01, Version 1.0, 9-Apr-15 4 www.emmicroelectronic.com 420005-A01, 2.0 EMBC Beacon Packet Specification MANUFACTURE RESERVED This field is reserved for use by the manufacturer to implement special features. The byte can range from 0x00 to 0xFF and the interpretation of the value is evaluated based on the value of the MFG ID. For EMBCxx products 4. SENSOR DATA PACKET CONTENTS Sensor Packet is a packet definition created by EM Microelectronic for the purpose of transmitting data about the status of the beacon and any connected sensors. SENSOR DATA PACKET FORMAT The Sensor data format is shown in the Figure 2 below and is 37 bytes long. The Advertise Address is in the first few columns and should conform to the BLE Device Address. The rest of the columns comprise the Advertise Data. The Advertise Data consists of the Local Name, Manufacturers ID and Data, each preceded by the length in bytes. Figure 2: Sensor Data Packet Format LOCAL NAME The local name is made with the zero-terminated ASCII text: “EMBeaconABCDE”, where ABCDE is the same as the Minor ID (including leading zeros). MANUFACTURERS SPECIFIC DATA Bluetooth Manufacturers Specific Data (0xFF). MANUFACTURERS ID The Manufacturers ID encoded with the EM Microelectronic ID from the Bluetooth SIG (90 = 0x005A), low byte first. SENSOR READING This field is a sensor reading. The highest nibble represents the sensor type, and the lower 3 nibble represents the sensor data. Sensor types and data format are listed in Error! Reference source not found.1 below. Table 1: Sensor types and format definition Description MS-nibble Data Format Light 0x0 12-bit unsigned int Ie 0-4,095 Firmware 0x1 BCD Revision 4msb.4nsb.4lsb ie 2.5.0 Autocal Results 0x2 BCD 4msb/8lsb ie 7/35 Copyright 2015, EM Microelectronic-Marin SA EMBC-MN01, Version 1.0, 9-Apr-15 5 www.emmicroelectronic.com 420005-A01, 2.0 EMBC Beacon Packet Specification Generic Temperature 0x3 0x4 Pressure 0x5 Humidity 0x6 Time 0x7 Date 0x8 Magnetic Field 0x9 Day 0xA Acceleration 0xB Gyro 0xC Generic Generic Generic 0xD 0xE 0xF 12-bit unsigned int 12-bit fixed-point 4 fractional bits 2’s compliment Ie -0.25 o C=0xFFC 12-bit unsigned 0hPA=44,330m 300hPa = 9165.2m 1100hPa=-698.4m 12-bit fixed-point 4 fractional bits 2’s compliment 0.0-100.0% BCD: HH:MM Hour = 1-12 Minute = 0-59 BCD: MM,-,DD Date: 1-31 Month: 1-12 12-bit fixed-point 4 fractional bits 2’s compliment Ie +/-1300T BCD: A/P,DD,YY 0=“am” or 1= “pm” 12-bit fixed-point 6 fractional bits 2’s compliment Ie +/-16g 12-bit 2’s compliment Ie +/-2000o/sec 12-bit unsigned int 12-bit unsigned int 12-bit unsigned int MODEL NUMBER This field is a model number. The 16-bit field is a 2-digit ASCII encoded value. For example, EMBC02 is encoded as “02” = 0x3032. BATTERY VOLTAGE The battery voltage is stored as a single byte in binary-coded decimal format (BCD) where the 4 mostsignificant bits are integer and the 4 least-significant bits are the decimal part. For example, 2.8V = 0x28. TRANSMITTED PACKETS The total number of advertisements actually transmitted since the battery was inserted is represented a 32-bit integer, MSB first. EVENT COUNTER This field will be a generic event counter. The highest nibble represents the event type, and the lower 3 nibbles represent the event count. Event types are listed in Error! Reference source not found. below. Table 2: Event types and format definition Description Button Press Low Battery VCO Cal Low Temperature High Temperature Low Pressure High Pressure Lights On Copyright 2015, EM Microelectronic-Marin SA EMBC-MN01, Version 1.0, 9-Apr-15 MS-nibble 0x0 0x1 0x2 0x3 0x4 0x5 0x6 0x7 6 www.emmicroelectronic.com 420005-A01, 2.0 EMBC Beacon Packet Specification Lights Off Close Magnet Far Magnet Any movement Tap Fall Alarm Buzzer 0x8 0x9 0xA 0xB 0xC 0xD 0xE 0xF 5. CONTACT INFORMATION Inquiries for lead-times, quotes, orders: [email protected] 6. REFERENCE DOCUMENTS EM9301 v22 Device specification EM6819 B300 Device specification Bluetooth Specification V4.0 Proximity Beacon Specification Release R1 Draft D Copyright 2015, EM Microelectronic-Marin SA EMBC-MN01, Version 1.0, 9-Apr-15 7 www.emmicroelectronic.com 420005-A01, 2.0 EMBC Beacon Packet Specification EM Microelectronic-Marin SA (“EM”) makes no warranties for the use of EM products, other than those expressly contained in EM's applicable General Terms of Sale, located at http://www.emmicroelectronic.com. EM assumes no responsibility for any errors which may have crept into this document, reserves the right to change devices or specifications detailed herein at any time without notice, and does not make any commitment to update the information contained herein. No licenses to patents or other intellectual property rights of EM are granted in connection with the sale of EM products, neither expressly nor implicitly. In respect of the intended use of EM products by customer, customer is solely responsible for observing existing patents and other intellectual property rights of third parties and for obtaining, as the case may be, the necessary licenses. Important note: The use of EM products as components in medical devices and/or medical applications, including but not limited to, safety and life supporting systems, where malfunction of such EM products might result in damage to and/or injury or death of persons is expressly prohibited, as EM products are neither destined nor qualified for use as components in such medical devices and/or medical applications. The prohibited use of EM products in such medical devices and/or medical applications is exclusively at the risk of the customer. Bluetooth is a trademark of the Bluetooth SIG. iPad and iPhone are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Android is a trademark of Google Inc. Google Play is a trademark of Google Inc. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies. Copyright 2015, EM Microelectronic-Marin SA EMBC-MN01, Version 1.0, 9-Apr-15 8 www.emmicroelectronic.com 420005-A01, 2.0