Bussmann series photovoltaic application guide Complete and reliable solar circuit protection Eaton’s Bussmann business has more than 100 years of proven technical innovation to help make your operation more productive while protecting your equipment. Solar Photovoltaic (PV) systems have, over the last 50 years, evolved into a mature, sustainable and adaptive technology. The installations and demand for PV systems increase the need for effective electrical protection. PV systems, as with all electrical power systems, must have appropriate overcurrent and overvoltage protection. Eaton’s Bussmann business has worked closely with solar system manufacturers and through coordinated research and development, has produced revolutionary new fuse links which, combined with its combiner box, offer complete protection for PV systems. 2 EATON Bussmann series photovoltaic application guide Table of contents Section Page Eaton’s Bussmann business solar technology solution Introduction IEC 60269-6 gPV standard Photovoltaic module Construction Output String protection Overview How to select fuse links for string protection Worked example Array Protection Overview How to select fuse links for array protection Worked example Solar PV fuse links, fuse holders and blocks offering specifications 10 x 38 mm PVM fuse links 10 x 38 mm PV-A10 fuse links 14 x 51 mm PV fuse links 14 x 65 mm PV fuse links NH Style PV fuse links Flush end PV fuse links XL Style PV fuse links Surge Protection Devices (SPD) PV SPD system overview PV T1 / PV T2 DC SPD PV T2 Standard / high performance AC SPDs overview 4-5 6 6 Data-line SPDs Combiner box Introduction Anatomy of a combiner box Catalogue number system Index Eaton solar protection offering 7 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 - 17 18 19 - 20 21 - 26 27 - 28 29 - 34 35 36 - 37 38 - 40 41 42 43 44 - 45 46 47 48 - 49 EATON Bussmann series photovoltaic application guide 3 Bussmann series technologysolution solution Bussmann solarsolar technology String protection Combiner box 10 x 38, 14 x 51 14 x 65 mm photovoltaic fuse links CHPV Fuse holder In-line fuse holder DC Disco Solar modules Combiner box BM series fuse block Surge protection devices + NH Style photovoltaic fuse links and fuse holders XL Style photovoltaic fuse links and fuse bases Square body, BS and UL High speed fuse links NH Low voltage fuse links and fuse holders 4 EATON Bussmann series photovoltaic application guide DC Disco Solar modules Combiner box Array protection Inverter protection onnect DC Disconnect DC/AC Inverter AC Disconnect Transformer Array combiner box onnect EATON Bussmann series photovoltaic application guide 5 Introduction With the rising energy costs of fossil fuels and their impact on the environment, the focus on renewable energy has gained strength, which has led to an increase in the size of Photovoltaic (PV) installations from 1.4 GW in 2000 to 137 GW in 2013. This rapid growth in PV installations has challenged system designers, manufacturers and standards organizations due to the special demands associated with PV installation in terms of current, voltage, and ambient temperature. These requirements have also been considered in the development of international protection standards for PV installations, which Eaton’s Bussmann business, the leading name in electrical protection, has used to develop PV specific protection devices. 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Global annual photovoltaic installations (Megawatt). Source: EPIA IEC 60269-6 gPV standard Unlike typical grid connected AC systems, the available shortcircuit current within PV systems is limited and the overcurrent protective devices need to operate effectively on low levels of fault current. For this reason Eaton’s Bussmann business has conducted extensive research and development of fuse links that are specifically designed and tested to safely protect PV systems with high DC voltages and low fault currents. The International Electrotechnical Commissions (IEC) recognise the protection of PV systems is different to standard electrical installations. This is reflected in IEC 60269-6 which defines specific characteristics that a fuse link is required to meet for protecting PV systems, utilisation class gPV. Eaton’s Bussmann series range of string and branch PV fuse links has been specifically designed to meet this standard. However, Eaton’s Bussmann series PV fuse links exceed the requirements of IEC 60269-6 as they operate at 1.35 x In (1.35 times the nominal current). They also meet the requirements of UL 2579 and are thus suitable for protecting PV modules in reverse current situations. Whilst the standard does not recognise a specific symbol, the combination of the symbols for fuse link and strings are often used to indicate a fuse link is suitable for protecting strings in PV systems, see Figure 1. Figure 1 6 EATON Bussmann series photovoltaic application guide Photovoltaic module construction • A photovoltaic (PV) cell is usually between 4” and 6” square. • A number of individual cells are combined in a module (often called a panel). • A number of PV modules in series is referred to as a string. • A number of strings in parallel is referred to as an array. Figure 2 Photovoltaic module output The voltage output of a PV module is defined by the number of cells in series that form the module. The current output of a PV module is dependent on the area of a cell. The most widely used solar modules are made with 4’’, 5’’ and 6’’ poly-crystalline silicon cells. This type of module using 6’’ cells, can achieve approximately 8 Amps maximum power point (MPP) current per module with a typical voltage output of around 30 Volts. With thin film technology typical output is 2.5 Amps and 40 Volts. The maximum power point current of the modules vary between manufacturers of equal solar cell dimensions. When selecting the appropriate fuse links, the specified Short Circuit Current (Isc) and reverse current characteristics specified by the manufacturers should be used. The specifications provided by the module manufacturer should be consulted to confirm the output currents and voltages of the modules under the range of conditions expected for the proposed installation. These conditions are influenced by the ambient temperature, the incident angle of sunlight and the amount of solar energy reaching the module. These are usually mentioned as coefficients on the manufacturer’s specifications. Manufacturers also suggest the maximum series fuse rating or a reverse current rating. Both of these are based on modules surviving 1.35 time this rating for two hours. EATON Bussmann series photovoltaic application guide 7 Overview of string protection Depending on the desired capacity of the Photovoltaic (PV) system, there may be several PV strings connected in parallel to achieve higher currents and subsequently more power. PV systems that have three or more strings connected in parallel need to have each string protected. Systems that have less than three strings will not generate enough current to damage the modules in the event of a fault. Therefore they do not present a safety hazard, provided the conductor is sized correctly, based on local codes and installations requirements. Where three or more strings are connected in parallel, a fuse link in each string will protect the cables and modules from overcurrent faults and help minimise any safety hazards. It will also isolate the faulted string so that the rest of the PV system can continue to generate electricity. It should be remembered that PV modules current output changes with the module temperature as well as the amount of sun they are exposed to. The exposure is dependant on irradiance level, incline as well as shading effect from trees, buildings or clouds. In operation, fuse links, as thermal devices, are influenced by ambient temperature. The current capability of Eaton’s Bussmann series PV string fuse link should be derated according to the curves below. Current carrying capability (A) PV String fuse link derating with temperature 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 PV-20A10# ** PV15A10# PV12A10# PV-10A10# PV-8A10# PV-6A10# PV-5A10# PV-4A10# PV-3-5A10# PV-3A10# PV-2A10# PV-1A10# 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Ambient temperature (0C) String protection Combiner box 10 x 38, 14 x 51, 14 x 65 mm photvoltaic fuse links CHPV Fuse holder In-line fuse holder Solar modules BM series fuse block Surge protection devices 8 DC Disconnect EATON Bussmann series photovoltaic application guide Combiner box How to select fuse links for string protection Whilst a full study of all the parameters is recommended, the following factors should be used: 1.56 for current and 1.2 for voltage when selecting the fuse link. These cover most variations due to installation. The same method should be adopted for crystalline and thin film modules.If your PV installation is subject to extremes of high altitude, high irradiance, or low temperature, please consult Eaton’s Bussmann business technical team ([email protected]). Define PV module specifications Isc Short-circuit current of one module at Standard Test Conditions (STC) If Np > 3 Voc Ns Np Imod_max_OCPR Open circuit voltage of one module at STC Number of modules in series per string Number of strings in parallel per array The PV module maximum overcurrent protection rating specified by IEC 61730-2 (this is often specified by module manufacturers as the maximum series fuse rating) The fuse link’s ratings should be selected as follows: t Voltage rating ≥ 1.20 x Voc x Ns t Current rating ≥ 1.56 x Isc tCheck the current carrying capability of the selected fuse, after derating at the ambient temperature of the fuse, still satisfies the above criteria t Current rating ≤ Imod_max_OCPR t Current rating ≤ Iz = string cable rating Eaton’s Bussmann business recommends using fuse links in both positive and negative cables, each with adequate voltage rating (as above) OR If Np ≤ 3 and the cable is rated at 1.56 x Isc However Eaton’s Bussmann business recommends fuse links protection in all PV systems as unpredicted fault currents may occur in the event of inverter failure or where batteries are connected to the strings. For PV installations with three or less parrallel strings and string cables adequately sized, fusing may be needed if local installation regulations or codes require them OR If Np ≤ 3 and the cable is not rated at 1.56 x Isc Select fuse link to protect cable: t Fuse link current rating ≤ Iz = string cable rating t Voltage rating ≥ 1.20 x Voc x Ns especially if a battery is connected EATON Bussmann series photovoltaic application guide 9 String protection — worked example Once it has been determined that the maximum short-circuit current exceeds the cable’s continuous current rating, the recommendations for selecting the correct PV string fuse link are as follows: Manufacturer’s PV Module specifications PV Module description t Cell type: polycrystalline sillicon t Cell size: 125mm2 (5”) t Number of cells and connection: 72 in series t Maximum system voltage: 1000 VDC Electrical data t Open circuit voltage (Voc): 43.1 V t Short-circuit current (Isc) : 5.37 A t Maximum series fuse rating (Imod_max_OCPR): 15 A PV Installation set-up tNPEVMFTJOTFSJFTQFSTUSJOH/s t.BYJNVN¡$NPEVMF t.JOJNVN¡$NPEVMF t.BYJNVN¡$BNCJFOUGVTFMJOL tTUSJOHTJOQBSBMMFM/p = 4) t$BCMFTJ[FNN2 => cable rating Iz"BU¡$NBOVGBDUVSFSTEBUB Calculation t$BCMFSBUJOHöY*scY"4FMFDUFEDBCMF*z=11.5 A OK t4USJOHNBYTIPSUDJSDVJUDVSSFOU*sc_string = (Np -1) x 1.25* x Isc = (4-1) x 1.25* x 5.37 = 20.1 A Isc_string (20.1A) > Iz" UIFSFGPSFTUSJOHGVTFMJOLTBSFOFFEFE t .JOJNVNGVTFDVSSFOUSBUJOH*nöY*sc Y" t .BYJNVNGVTFDVSSFOUSBUJOH*n ≤ Imod_max_OCPR = 15 A t .BYJNVNGVTFDVSSFOUSBUJOH*n ≤ IZ = 11.5 A t .JOJNVNGVTFWPMUBHFSBUJOH6nöY7oc x Ns YY7 5IFTFMFDUFEGVTFMJOLOFFETUPCFSBUFEBU"BOE7ED &BUPOT#VTTNBOOTFSJFTDBUBMPHVFJT17"' 5IFTFMFDUFEGVTFMJOLIBTDVSSFOUDBSSZJOHDBQBCJMJUZPG"BU¡$BNCJFOU temperature TFFDVSWFQBHF , which is greater than the min fuse current rating " 5IFSFGPSFUIFGVTFMJOLTFMFDUFEXJMMQSPUFDUUIFDBCMFTBOEUIFNPEVMFT against reverse current faults. * The ratio of 1.25 allows for current increase in modules due to higher irradiance level and temperature for most applications 10 EATON Bussmann series photovoltaic application guide Overview of array protection Depending on the desired capacity of the Photovoltaic (PV) system, there may be several PV strings connected in parallel to achieve higher currents and subsequently more power. A fuse link on each array will protect the cables from fault current and help minimise any safety hazards. It will also isolate the faulted array so that the rest of the PV system can continue to generate electricity. A fuse link positioned in the cable that carries the combined output of a number of strings should be protected by array fuse links. If a number of arrays are subsequently combined then a further fuse link should be incorporated. It should be remembered that the characteristics of PV modules vary with module temperature as well as irradiance level. In operation fuse links are influenced by ambient temperature. PV Array fuse link derating with temperature 100 Percentage of rated current 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Ambient temperature (0C) Surge protection devices Array protection NH Style photovoltaic fuse links and fuse holders XL Style photovoltaic fuse links and fuse bases Array combiner box EATON Bussmann series photovoltaic application guide 11 How to select fuse links for array protection Whilst a full study of all the parameters is recommended, in general the following factors should be used: 1.56 for current and 1.2 for voltage when selecting the fuse link. These cover most variations due to installation. If your have concerns that your PV installation may be subject to extremes of high altitude, high irradiance, high or low temperature, please consult Eaton’s Bussmann business technical team ([email protected]). Define PV module specifications Isc Voc Ns Np NA F1 Short circuit current of one module at Standard Test Conditions (STC) Open circuit voltage of one module at STC Number of modules in series per string Number of strings in parallel per array Number of arrays in parrallel Factor for module short circuit current at max ambient temperature F2 Factor for module short circuit current at max irradiance level The fuse link’s ratings should be selected as follows: t Voltage rating ≥ 1.20 x Voc x Ns t Current rating ≥ 1.56 x Isc x Np tCheck the current carrying capability of the selected fuse, after derating at the ambient temperature of the fuse, still satisfies the above criteria t Current rating ≤ Iz = array cable rating Eaton’s Bussmann business recommends using fuse links in both positive and negative cables, each with adequate voltage rating (as above). Selectivity with string fuse links may not be achieved under some fault conditions. 12 EATON Bussmann series photovoltaic application guide Array protection — worked example t Isc = 5.37 A Manufacturer’s PV Module specifications t Voc = 43.1 V t Temperature coefficient of short circuit current D 0.053%/oC t.BYJSSBEJBODFMFWFM8N2*SSBEJBODFGBDUPS' PV Installation set-up tNPEVMFTJOTFSJFTQFSTUSJOH/s t.BYJNVN¡$NPEVMF5FNQFSBUVSFGBDUPS'αY5¡$ t.JOJNVN¡$NPEVMF t.BYJNVN¡$BNCJFOUGVTFMJOL%FSBUJOHGBDUPSGPSBSSBZGVTFTDVSSFOU DBSSZJOHDBQBCJMJUZJTBU¡$BNCJFOUUFNQFSBUVSFTFFQBHF t"SSBZDBCMFTJ[FNN2DBCMFSBUJOH*["BU¡$.BOVGBDUVSFST EBUB tTUSJOHTJOQBSBMMFM/p tBSSBZTJOQBSBMMFM/A Calculation t$BCMFSBUJOHöY*scY/p YY" 4FMFDUFEDBCMF*["OK. t"SSBZNBYTIPSUDJSDVJUDVSSFOU*TD@"SSBZ /A Y/pY*sc Y'Y' YYYY" ITD@"SSBZ" *Z" UIFSFGPSFBSSBZGVTFMJOLTBSFSFRVJSFE t.JOJNVNGVTFDVSSFOUSBUJOH*nöY*scY/p YY" t.BYJNVNGVTFDVSSFOUSBUJOH*n ≤ I[" t.JOJNVNGVTFWPMUBHFSBUJOH6nöY7ocY/s YY7 5IFTFMFDUFEGVTFMJOLOFFETUPCFSBUFEBU"BOE7ED&BUPOT #VTTNBOOTFSJFTQBSUOVNCFSXPVMECFPV-80ANH1 or PV-80A-01XL. The TFMFDUFEGVTFMJOLIBTDVSSFOUDBSSZJOHDBQBCJMJUZPGY"BU¡$ BNCJFOUUFNQFSBUVSFTFFDVSWFQBHF XIJDIJTHSFBUFSUIBOUIFNJOGVTF DVSSFOUSBUJOH" EATON Bussmann series photovoltaic application guide 13 Solar PV fuse links offering specifications Standards Body type Body size Cylindrical 10x38 mm 14x51 mm 14x65 mm 2 PVM-(amps) 4 -10, 12, 15, 20, 25, 30 A 600 Ferrule Bolt fixing PV-(amps)A10F PV-(amps)A10-T PCB (one pin) PV-(amps)A10-1P 1-3, 3,5, 4-6, 8, 10, 12,15, 20, 255 A 1000 2 720110 16-17 PCB (two pins) PV-(amps)A10-2P 15, 20 / 25, 32 A 1100 / 1000 3 3 720132 18 15, 20 / 25, 32 A 1500 / 1300 3 3 720139 19 - 20 PV-(amps)ANH2 32, 40, 50, 63, 80, 100, 125, 160, 200 A 160, 200, 250 A 1000 3 720133 21 - 26 PV-(amps)ANH3 300, 315, 350, 355, 400 A 1000 3 3 5785583 5785584 27 - 28 63, 80, 100, 125, 160 A 1000 3 3 50, 63, 80, 100, 125, 1604 A 1500 3 3 200 A 1000 3 3 100, 125, 160, 200 A 1500 3 3 10201 29 - 34 160, 200, 250, 315, 355 A 1000 3 3 125, 160, 200, 250 A 1500 3 3 350, 400, 500, 600 A 1000 3 3 250, 315, 355, 400 A 1500 3 3 Ferrule PV-(amps)A14F Ferrule PV-(amps)A14LF With tags PV-(amps)A14L-T With 10mm fixings PV-(amps)A14LF10F Square Body 1XL 1XL 2XL 3L 1 PV-(amp)AF2 160, 200, 250 A 315, 355, 400 A Bladed PV-(amp)AF3 PV-(amps)A-01XL Bolted Bladed Bolted PV-(amps)A-01XL-B PV-(amps)A-01XL-15 PV-(amps)A-01XL-B-15 Bladed Bolted PV-(amps)A-1XL PV-(amps)A-1XL-B Bladed Bolted Bladed Bolted Bladed PV-(amps)A-1XL-15 PV-(amps)A-1XL-B-15 PV-(amps)A-2XL PV-(amps)A-2XL-B PV-(amps)A-2XL-15 Bolted Bladed PV-(amps)A-2XL-B-15 PV-(amps)A-3L Bolted Bladed PV-(amps)A-3L-B PV-(amps)A-3L-15 Bolted PV-(amps)A-3L-B-15 Flush end 01XL 15 Ferrule PV-(amps)ANH1 3 2153 Current(Amps) NH3 Flush end Catalogue number NH NH2 Page number Fuse type NH1 NH CSA Data sheet number Voltage (V d.c.) gPV 1 UL CCC IEC 60269-6, 21 to 15A only, 3 Pending, 4 160A rated 1200V d.c., 5 Catalogue number PV10M-25 Fuse holders & blocks Fuse size Holder/ Block series CHPV 10x38 mm BM 14x51 mm HPV CH14 NH1 NH2 NH3 01XL 1XL 2XL 3L 1 2 14 SD-D SD Catalogue number Poles CHPV1U CHPV1IU CHPV2U CHPV2IU BM6031 (Terminal type) BM6032 (Terminal type) BM6033 (Terminal type) HEB (Loadside and lineside terminal) CHPV141U / CHPV141IU 1 1 2 2 1 2 3 N/A 1 SD1-D-PV 1 SD2-D-PV SD3-D-PV SB1XL-S SB1XL-S SB2XL-S SB3L-S 1 1 1 1 1 1 Self certified. Requires range of protection accessories. EATON Bussmann series photovoltaic application guide Rated voltage (V d.c.) 600 / 1000 Description Data sheet Number IP20 Finger-safe holder IP20 Finger-safe holder with indication IP20 Finger-safe holder IP20 Finger-safe holder with indication 720147 Open fuse blocks 1104 In-line fuse holders 2157 10001 IP20 Finger-safe holder 2053 15001 IP20 Finger-safe holder2 720149 1500 Block 720146 10 x 38 mm photovoltaic fuse links, 4 to 30 A, 600 V d.c., PVM series Description A range of UL 2579 fast-acting 600 V d.c. Midget fuses specifically designed to protect solar power systems in extreme ambient temperature, high cycling and low level fault current conditions (reverse current, multi-array fault). 1.5" 1.5 .5 Ⳳ0.031 .03 (38.1mm) .1m 1m Catalogue number PVM-(amp rating) 0.41" Ⳳ0.004 (10.3mm) Fuse size 10 x 38 mm Standard/Approvals UL Listed 2579, Guide JFGA, File E335324, CSA Component Certified C22.2 Catalogue numbers Packaging 10 Technical data Voltage: 600 V d.c. to UL 2579 Current: 4-30 A Interrupting rating: 50 kA DC Recommended fuse blocks / fuse holders • Open fuse blocks: • • • • 1A3400 Series (data sheet 2131) In-line fuse holders: • Rated voltage (V d.c.) PVM-4 PVM-5 PVM-6 PVM-7 PVM-8 PVM-9 PVM-10 PVM-12 PVM-15 PVM-20 PVM-25 PVM-30 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 15 20 25 30 600 (UL) Power loss (Watts) CHPV 1000 V d.c. (data sheet 720147) Fuseclips: • Rated current (A) BM Series (data sheet 1104) Modular fuse holder: • Catalogue number HPV Series (data sheets 2157) BM Series CHPV 1A3400 Catalogue number Rated current (A) PVM-10 PVM-15 PVM-30 10 15 30 Power loss (Watts) 0.8 In In 1.04 1 1.65 1.86 1.72 2.91 HPV Data sheet: 2153 EATON Bussmann series photovoltaic application guide 15 10 x 38 mm photovoltaic fuse links, 1 to 25 A, 1000 V d.c., PV-A10 series Description Standards/Approvals A range of fuse links in a 10 x 38 mm package specifically designed for the protection and isolation of photovoltaic strings. The fuse links are capable of interrupting low overcurrents associated with faulted PV (reverse current, multiarray fault) strings. IEC 60269-6, UL 2579 (File number E335324) CCC (1 to 15A), RoHS compliant Packaging MOQ: 10 Catalogue number Packaging 100% recyclable PV-(amp rating)A10F (Cylindrical) PV-(amp rating)A10-T (Bolt Fixing) Technical data PV-(amp rating)A10-1P (PCB fixing 1 pin) Rated voltage Rate current Rated breaking capacity Min interrupting rating PV Fuse coordination w/ Time constant PV-(amp rating)A10-2P (PCB fixing 2 pin) Class of operation gPV Fuse size 10 x 38 mm Dimensions — mm Cylindrical PCB Fixing Bolt Fixing Data sheet: 720110 16 EATON Bussmann series photovoltaic application guide 1000 V d.c. 1-3, 3.5, 4-6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20, 25 A 50 kA (1 to 20 A), 20 kA (25 A only) 1.3 x In for 1-15 A, 1.5 x In for 20 A, 2 x In for 25 A Thin film cells and 4”, 5” and 6” crystalline silicon cells 1-3 ms 10 x 38 mm photovoltaic fuse links, 1 to 25 A, 1000 V d.c., PV-A10 series Technical data Energy integrals I2t (A2s) Watts loss (W) Cylindrical catalogue number Bolt fixing catalogue number PCB fixing catalogue number (1 Pin) PCB fixing catalogue number (2 Pin) Rated current (A) PV-1A10F PV-1A10-T PV-1A10-1P PV-1A10-2P PV-2A10F PV-3A10F PV-2A10-T PV-3A10-T PV-2A10-1P PV-3A10-1P PV-2A10-2P PV-3A10-2P PV-3-5A10F PV-3-5A10-T PV-3-5A10-1P PV-3-5A10-2P 3.5 6.6 18 0.9 1.4 PV-4A10F PV-4A10-T PV-4A10-1P PV-4A10-2P 4 9.5 26 1.0 1.5 PV-5A10F PV-6A10F PV-8A10F PV-10A10F PV-12A10F PV-15A10F PV-20A10F PV10M-25 PV-5A10-T PV-6A10-T PV-8A10-T PV-10A10-T PV-12A10-T PV-15A10-T PV-20A10-T - PV-5A10-1P PV-6A10-1P PV-8A10-1P PV-10A10-1P PV-12A10-1P PV-15A10-1P PV-20A10-1P - PV-5A10-2P PV-6A10-2P PV-8A10-2P PV-10A10-2P PV-12A10-2P PV-15A10-2P PV-20A10-2P - 5 6 8 10 12 15 20 25 19 30 3 7 12 22 34 325 50 90 32 70 120 220 350 1860 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.5 1.7 2.1 1.65 1.6 1.8 2.1 2.3 2.7 2.9 3.6 2.91 Rated voltage (V d.c.) Pre-arcing Total at 1000 V d.c. 0.8 In In 1 0.15 0.4 0.8 1.5 2 3 1.2 4 3.4 11 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.3 1000 (IEC/UL) Recommended fuse blocks / fuse holders • Open fuse blocks: • Modular fuse holders: • Fuseclips: • In-Line fuse holders: • • • • BM Series (data sheet 1104), self certified for 1000 V d.c. CHPV (data sheet 720147) 1A3400 Series (data sheet 2131) HPV Series (data sheet 2157) BM Series CHPV 1A3400 HPV EATON Bussmann series photovoltaic application guide 17 14 x 51 mm photovoltaic fuse links, 15 to 32 A, 1000/1100 V d.c., PV-A14F series Description A range of 14 x 51 mm fuse links specifically designed for protecting and isolating photovoltaic strings. These fuse links are capable of interrupting low overcurrents associated with faulted PV systems (reverse current, multiarray fault). Technical data Rated voltage Catalogue number PV-(amp rating)A14F Rated current Rated breaking capacity Min interrupting rating PV Fuse coordination w/ Time constant Class of operation gPV 1100 V d.c. IEC/UL (15 & 20A) 1000 V d.c. IEC/UL (25 & 32A) 15-32 A 10 kA 1.5 x In for 15-20 A, 1.75 x In for 25 - 32 A Thin film cells and 4”, 5” and 6” crystalline silicon cells 1-3 ms Fuse size Dimensions — mm 14 x 51 mm Standards / Approvals IEC 60269-6, UL 2579 (File number E335324) RoHS compliant, pending CCC Packaging MOQ: 10 Packaging 100% recyclable. Catalogue number Rated current (A) PV-15A14F PV-20A14F PV-25A14F PV-32A14F 15 20 25 32 Rated voltage (V d.c.) 1100 1000 Energy integrals I²t (A²s) Pre-arcing 0.8 In In 14 27 65 120 265 568 943 1740 2.1 2.7 2.7 3.3 4 5 5.1 6.2 Recommended fuse holders • Finger-safe fuse holders: • Without indicator: CHPV141U • With indicator: CHPV141IU Data sheet: 720132 18 Watts loss (W) Total at rated voltage EATON Bussmann series photovoltaic application guide 14 x 65 mm photovoltaic fuse links, 15 to 32 A, 1300/1500 V d.c., PV-A14L series Description A range of 14 x 65mm fuse links specifically designed for protecting and isolating photovoltaic strings. These fuse links are capable of interrupting low overcurrents associated with faulted PV systems (reverse current, multiarray fault). Technical data Rated voltage Catalogue number Cylindrical PV-(amp rating)A14LF Rate current Rated breaking capacity Min interrupting rating PV Fuse coordination w/ Time constant Cylindrical with tags PV-(amp rating)A14L-T Cylindrical with 10mm fixings: PV-(amp rating)A14LF10F 1300 V d.c. IEC/UL (25 & 32A) 1500 V d.c. IEC/UL (15 & 20A) 15-32 A 10 kA 2 x In Thin film cells and 4”, 5” and 6” crystalline silicon cells 1-3 ms Accessories Fuse clips: 5592-01 for -LF 5960-07/5960-09 for -10F Class of operation gPV Fuse size 14 x 65 mm Standards / Approvals IEC 60269-6, UL 2579 (File number E335324) RoHS compliant, pending CCC Packaging MOQ: 10 Packaging 100% recyclable. Catalogue number Energy integrals I²t (A²s) Cylindrical Cylindrical with Cylindrical with tags 10mm fixings Rated current (A) PV-15A14LF PV-20A14LF PV-25A14LF PV-32A14LF PV-15A14L-T PV-20A14L-T PV-25A14L-T PV-32A14L-T 15 20 25 32 PV-15A14LF10F PV-20A14LF10F PV-25A14LF10F PV-32A14LF10F Rated voltage (V d.c.) 1500 1300 Watts loss (W) Pre-arcing Total at rated voltage 0.8 In 14 34 65 105 160 400 550 900 3.2 3.6 4.1 5.7 In 5.8 6.5 7.5 10.4 Data sheet: 720139 EATON Bussmann series photovoltaic application guide 19 14 x 65 mm photovoltaic fuse links, 15 to 32 A, 1300/1500 V d.c., PV-A14L series Dimensions - mm Cylindrical PV-(amp rating)A14LF Cylindrical with Tags PV-(amp rating)A14L-T Cylindrical with 10mm Fixings PV-(amp rating)A14LF10F Data sheet: 720139 20 EATON Bussmann series photovoltaic application guide NH Photovoltaic fuse links, 32 to 400 A, 1000 V d.c., PV-ANH series Description Optional microswitches A range of NH size fuse links specifically designed for protecting and isolating photovoltaic array combiners and DC disconnects. These fuse links are capable of interrupting low overcurrents associated with faulted PV systems (reverse current, multi-array fault). 170H0236, 170H0238 Standards / Approvals IEC 60269-6, UL 2579 (File number E335324) CSA Listed RoHS compliant, pending CCC Catalogue number PV-(amp rating)ANH(size) Packaging MOQ: 3 Class of operation Packaging 100% recyclable. gPV Technical data Fuse size NH Size 1, 2 and 3 Rated voltage Rated current Rated breaking capacity Time constant Energy integrals I²t (A²s) Fuse size NH1 NH2 NH3 NH1 NH2 NH3 Rated current (A) 32 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 300 315 350 355 400 63 80 100 125 160 200 160 200 250 315 355 400 Rated voltage (V d.c.) 1000 (IEC/UL) 1000 (IEC/UL) 1000 V d.c. 32–400 A 50kA 1-3ms Watts loss (W) Pre-arcing Total at 1000 V d.c. 0.8 In In 80 185 400 470 640 1300 2600 5200 10200 26000 32500 32500 51600 51600 76000 470 640 1300 2600 5200 10200 4600 9500 17000 32000 38000 61000 720 1670 3600 4300 5760 11700 23400 46800 82000 129000 260000 260000 412800 412800 608000 4300 5760 11700 23400 46800 82000 37000 76000 136000 260000 310000 490000 4.3 4.6 5.4 6.1 7.9 8.4 8.9 12.2 13 23 27 27 28 28 30 6 8 8 9 14 13 14 16 19 26 29 32 8.5 9 10.5 12 15.5 16.5 17.5 24 25 35 44 44 46 46 50 12 15 16 17 27 25 28 32 38 44 48 50 Catalogue number Blade without bolt holes PV-32ANH1 PV-40ANH1 PV-50ANH1 PV-63ANH1 PV-80ANH1 PV-100ANH1 PV-125ANH1 PV-160ANH1 PV-200ANH1 PV-250ANH2 PV-300ANH3 PV-315ANH3 PV-350ANH3 PV-355ANH3 PV-400ANH3 Blade with bolt Blade with bolt holes holes and lugs PV-63ANH1-B PV-80ANH1-B PV-100ANH1-B PV-125ANH1-B PV-160ANH1-B PV-200ANH1-B PV-160ANH2-B PV-200ANH2-B PV-250ANH2-B PV-315ANH3-B PV-355ANH3-B PV-400ANH3-B PV-63ANH1-BL PV-80ANH1-BL PV-100ANH1-BL PV-125ANH1-BL PV-160ANH1-BL PV-200ANH1-BL PV-160ANH2-BL PV-200ANH2-BL PV-250ANH2-BL PV-315ANH3-BL PV-355ANH3-BL PV-400ANH3-BL Data sheet: 720133 EATON Bussmann series photovoltaic application guide 21 NH Photovoltaic fuse links, 32 to 400 A, 1000 V d.c., PV-ANH series Recommended microswitches Recommended fuse bases • SD(size)-D-PV single-pole, certified at 1500V d.c. (data sheet 720149) • 170H0236 or 170H0238 Dimensions - blade without bolt holes - mm 0$; 0$; ,1',&$725 0$; ,1',&$725 Size 1 Data sheet: 720133 22 EATON Bussmann series photovoltaic application guide NH Photovoltaic fuse links, 32 to 400 A, 1000 V d.c., PV-ANH series Dimensions - blade without bolt holes - mm 0$; 27+(5,'(17,),&$7,21 &+$5$&7(56$5(3266,%/( 0$; ,1',&$7256+2:1,1 23(5$7('326,7,21 ,1',&$725 Size 2 0$; 27+(5,'(17,),&$7,21 &+$5$&7(56$5(3266,%/( 0$; ,1',&$7256+2:1,1 23(5$7('326,7,21 ,1',&$725 Size 3 Data sheet: 720133 EATON Bussmann series photovoltaic application guide 23 NH Photovoltaic fuse links, 32 to 400 A, 1000 V d.c., PV-ANH series Dimensions - Blade with bolt holes - mm 0$; 0$; ,1',&$725 ,1',&$725 Size 1 0$; 0$; ,1',&$725 ,1',&$725 NH Size 2 Data sheet: 720133 24 EATON Bussmann series photovoltaic application guide NH Photovoltaic fuse links, 32 to 400 A, 1000 V d.c., PV-ANH series Dimensions - Blade with bolt holes - mm 0$; 0$; ,1',&$725 ,1',&$725 NH Size 3 Dimensions - Blade with bolt holes and lugs - mm 0$; 0$; ,1',&$725 ,1',&$725 NH Size 1 Data sheet: 720133 EATON Bussmann series photovoltaic application guide 25 NH Photovoltaic fuse links, 32 to 400 A, 1000 V d.c., PV-ANH series Dimensions - Blade with bolt holes and lugs - mm 0$; 0$; ,1',&$725 ,1',&$725 NH Size 2 0$; 0$; ,1',&$725 ,1',&$725 NH Size 3 Data sheet: 720133 26 EATON Bussmann series photovoltaic application guide PV Flush end, 160 to 400 A, 1000 V d.c., PV-AF Series Description A range of flush end package fuse links specifically designed for protecting and isolating photovoltaic array combiners and disconnects. These fuse links are capable of interrupting low overcurrents associated with faulted PV systems (reverse current, multi-array fault). Catalogue number PV-(amp rating)AF2 - size 2 PV-(amp rating)AF3 - size 3 Class of operation gPV Fuse size 2 and 3 Optional microswitches • 170H0069 Standards / Approvals Tested to IEC 60269-6, RoHS compliant, pending UL, CCC and CSA Packaging MOQ: 1 Packaging 100% recyclable. Technical Data Energy integrals I²t (A²s) Catalogue number PV-160AF2 PV-200AF2 PV-250AF2 PV-315AF3 PV-355AF3 PV-400AF3 Body size 2 3 Watts loss (W) Rated current Rated voltage (A) (V d.c.) Pre-arcing Total at 1000 V d.c. 0.8 In In 160 200 250 315 355 400 37000 76000 136000 240000 350000 550000 15 17 19 30 31 32 30 34 38 49 51 52 1000 1000 4600 9500 17000 27000 37000 61500 Data sheet: 10370 EATON Bussmann series photovoltaic application guide 27 PV Flush end, 160 to 400 A, 1000 V d.c., PV-AF Series Dimensions - mm Size 2 Size 3 Data sheet: 10370 28 EATON Bussmann series photovoltaic application guide XL Style photovoltaic fuse links, 50 to 600 A, 1000/1500 V d.c., PV-XL series Description A range of XL package fuse links specifically designed for protecting and isolating photovoltaic array combiners and disconnects. These fuse links are capable of interrupting low overcurrents associated with faulted PV systems (reverse current, multi-array fault). Catalogue number PV-(amp rating)A(size)XL (1000 V d.c. Bladed) PV-(amp rating)A(size)XL-B (1000 V d.c. Bolted) PV-(amp rating)A(size)XL-15 (1500 V d.c. Bladed) PV-(amp rating)A(size)XL-B-15 (1500 V d.c. Bolted) Class of operation gPV Fuse size 01XL, 1XL, 2XL and 3L Standards / Approvals IEC 60269-6, UL 2579 (File number E335324) Technical data RoHS compliant, pending CCC and CSA Rated Voltage/ Rated breaking capacity Packaging 1000 V d.c. 1500 V d.c. 50 – 600 A 2 x In 1-3 ms Packaging 100% recyclable. Current Min interrupting rating Time constant Recommended single-pole fuse bases Optional microswitches MOQ: 1 Size 01 and 3 Size 1 and 2 Size 01 to 3 • SB1XL-S (suitable for 01 and 1XL) For Bladed fuse links: • SB2XL-S (suitable for 2XL) • 170H0235 or 170H0237 for 01XL • SB3L-S (suitable for 3L). • 170H0236 or 170H0238 for 1XL, 2XL and 3L Data Sheet 720146 For Bolted fuse links: • SD_XL-S 50 kA 33 kA 30 kA 170H0069 for all sizes. 170H0236 170H0069 Data sheet: 10201 EATON Bussmann series photovoltaic application guide 29 XL Style photovoltaic fuse links, 50 to 600 A, 1000/1500 V d.c., PV-XL series Technical Data - 1000 V d.c. Catalogue number Energy integrals I²t (A²s) Bladed version Bolted version PV-63A-01XL PV-80A-01XL PV-63A-01XL-B PV-80A-01XL-B PV-100A-01XL PV-100A-01XL-B PV-125A-01XL PV-160A-01XL PV-125A-01XL-B PV-160A-01XL-B PV-200A-1XL PV-200A-1XL-B PV-160A-2XL PV-200A-2XL PV-250A-2XL PV-315A-2XL PV-355A-2XL PV-350A-3L PV-400A-3L PV-500A-3L PV-600A-3L PV-160A-2XL-B PV-200A-2XL-B PV-250A-2XL-B PV-315A-2XL-B PV-355A-2XL-B PV-350A-3L-B PV-400A-3L-B PV-500A-3L-B PV-600A-3L-B Body size 01 1 2 3 Rated current Rated voltage (A) (V d.c.) Pre-arcing Total at 1000 V d.c. Watts loss (W) 0.8 In In 63 80 260 490 1900 3600 13 17 24 29 100 870 6300 18 32 125 160 1930 3900 13,900 28,100 20 22 40 44 200 160 200 250 315 355 350 400 500 600 9400 2780 4950 9450 16,600 26,000 31,000 44,500 85,000 137,000 27,260 21,000 37,000 70,000 123,000 192,000 161,200 231,400 442,000 712,400 31 25 28 34 40 42 40 48 50 80 60 44 50 60 66 68 65 82 85 108 1000 (IEC/UL) Technical Data - 1500 V d.c. Catalogue number 1 Energy integrals I²t (A²s) Body size Rated current Rated voltage (A) (V d.c.) Pre-arcing Total at 1500 V d.c. Watts loss (W) Bladed version Bolted version 0.8 In In PV-50A-01XL-15 PV-50A-01XL-B-15 50 175 1000 14 25 PV-63A-01XL-15 PV-63A-01XL-B-15 63 362 2250 15 26 PV-80A-01XL-15 PV-80A-01XL-B-15 80 565 3300 19 35 PV-100A-01XL-15 PV-100A-01XL-B-15 1100 6600 22 40 PV-125A-01XL-15 PV-125A-01XL-B-15 125 2200 10,500 24 44 PV-160A-01XL-12 PV-160A-01XL-B-12 160 5000 24,0001 26 52 PV-100A-1XL-15 PV-100A-1XL-B-15 100 1250 6000 24 43 PV-125A-1XL-15 PV-125A-1XL-B-15 125 1950 9360 25 52 PV-160A-1XL-15 PV-160A-1XL-B-15 160 4350 20,880 26 54 PV-200A-1XL-15 PV-200A-1XL-B-15 200 9400 45,120 31 60 PV-125A-2XL-15 PV-125A-2XL-B-15 125 2200 15,000 25 44 PV-160A-2XL-15 PV-160A-2XL-B-15 160 5000 32,000 29 48 PV-200A-2XL-15 PV-200A-2XL-B-15 8800 51,000 32 57 PV-250A-2XL-15 PV-250A-2XL-B-15 250 16,600 85,000 40 70 PV-250A-3L-15 PV-250A-3L-B-15 250 22,300 92,000 32 50 PV-315A-3L-15 PV-315A-3L-B-15 315 38,000 160,000 36 66 PV-355A-3L-15 PV-355A-3L-B-15 355 44,500 184,000 44 80 PV-400A-3L-15 PV-400A-3L-B-15 400 58,000 240,000 49 91 01 1 2 3 100 200 1200 V d.c. for 160A Data sheet: 10201 30 EATON Bussmann series photovoltaic application guide 1500 (IEC/UL) 1200 (IEC/UL) 1500 (IEC/UL) XL Style photovoltaic fuse links, 50 to 600 A, 1000/1500 V d.c., PV-XL series Dimensions - mm 127 3 Top indicator 46.5 MAX 6 189 3 46.5 MAX 8.9±0.3 129 3 21.3 40.4±0.3 20 MIN 120 3 Bladed - Size 01XL 123,5±3 120±3 20 128±3 52.0 MAX 40.8 MAX 20 MIN. TOP INDICATOR 52.0 MAX 6 189±3 Bladed - Size 1XL Data sheet: 10201 EATON Bussmann series photovoltaic application guide 31 XL Style photovoltaic fuse links, 50 to 600 A, 1000/1500 V d.c., PV-XL series Dimensions - mm 123.0 3.0 Top indicator 117.0 3.0 16.5 MAX 25 MIN 61 MAX 48±0.8 20.0 130 MAX 60 MAX 6 205.0 3.0 Bladed - Size 2XL 122.0±2.0 118.0±2.0 22.0 127.0±3.0 6.0 205.0±2.0 CL Bladed - Size 3L Data sheet: 10201 32 EATON Bussmann series photovoltaic application guide 75.0 MAX CL 18.0 MAX 32 MIN 60.8 MAX TOP INDICATOR 75.0 MAX XL Style photovoltaic fuse links, 50 to 600 A, 1000/1500 V d.c., PV-XL series Dimensions - mm MAX 60.0 45.0±1.5 6.0 Adapter 131 MAX 45.0±1.5 10.4±0.3 20±0.3 187,2±2.0 149,8±1.6 163,8±2.0 Bolted - Size 01XL Bolted - size 1XL Data sheet: 10201 EATON Bussmann series photovoltaic application guide 33 XL Style photovoltaic fuse links, 50 to 600 A, 1000/1500 V d.c., PV-XL series Dimensions - mm Bolted - Size 2XL Bolted - size 3L Data sheet: 10201 34 EATON Bussmann series photovoltaic application guide PV SPDs system overview To ensure full system protection against the propagation of over voltage surges throughout the PV installation it is important to select the correct Surge Protection Device (SPD) for each part of the system in the DC, AC and data-line networks. The network diagram and table helps to identify the key areas of SPD protection. DC Disconnect Solar modules Smart combiner box DC Disconnect DC/AC Inverter AC Disconnect Transformer Array combiner box DC Disconnect Solar modules Smart combiner box LV Protection Look-up table Inverter Protection Array Protection Product Line String Protection combined PV T1/ PV T2 devices are certified to provide protection for 600V DC PV T1/PV T2 - High Performance These d.c.or 1000V d.c. systems and up to 1000ADC Iscpv. The PV T2 devices are specifically designed for use within 600V or 1000V d.c. systems DC PV T2 with an Iscpv up to 160ADC. High Performance PV T2 designed for high PV currents up to 1000ADC Iscpv with DC PV T2 - High Performance operating voltages of 600V d.c. or 1000V d.c.. The Data line range of surge protection devices are specifically designed for commu Data line nication systems typically found in PV systems, with 4-wire , BNC and RJ45 options. The AC range of devices are suitable for T1&T2 or T2 protection of the LV distribution AC T1/2 and T2 panels and auxiliary equipment with voltages from 75VAD to 580V a.c.. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 EATON Bussmann series photovoltaic application guide 35 SPDs - PV T1 / PV T2 DC SPD Description This range of modular SPDs are suitable for use within 600V d.c. or 1000V d.c. systems and provide combined PV T1/PV T2 protection. The heavy duty metal oxide varistors provide higher energy dissipation necessary for combined lightning and surge protection. The IP20 finger safe construction has an operating temperature range from –40°C to +80°C, increasing the operational capability and geographical scope which the SPD devices can be installed in. Tested to 1000A Iscpv these combined PV T1/PV T2 SPDs are suitable for use at all levels of the DC element of the photovoltaic system. Standard Features • Modular design. • Keyed plugs and base elements protect against mismatching. • Local and remote monitoring. • DIN rail mountable. • Iscpv = 1000A. Dimensions - mm Data sheet: 2145 36 EATON Bussmann series photovoltaic application guide SPDs - PV T1 / PV T2 DC SPD Catalogue number SPPVT12-06-2-PE SPPVT12-10-2-PE Catalogue number (with remote indicator) SPPVT12-06-2-PE-AX SPPVT12-10-2-PE-AX Nominal PV System voltage 600 V d.c. 1000 V d.c. Max. continuous operating voltage UCPV 720 V d.c. 1050 V d.c. Open circuit voltage under standard test conditions UOC STC ≤ 600 V d.c. ≤ 875 V d.c. Short circuit current rating ISCPV 1000A 1000 A SPD Overload behaviour mode OCM (open circuit mode) OCM (Open Circuit Mode) Class of test according to EN 50539-11 PV T1/ PV T2 PV T1 / PV T2 Nominal discharge current In (8/20)μs: 15 kA 15 kA Max. discharge current Imax (8/20)μs: 40 kA 40 kA Total discharge current Itotal (8/20) μs: 40 kA 40 kA Total discharge current Itotal (10/350) μs 7 kA 5 kA Impulse discharge current Iimp (10/350) μs 5 kA 5 kA Voltage protection level Up (L+/L-) - PE ≤ 2.6 kV ≤ 3.5 kV Limiting voltage Ures (8/20) (L+/L-) - PE at In ≤ 2.6 kV ≤ 3.5 kV at 5 kA ≤ 2.0 kV ≤ 2.9 kV at 10 kA ≤ 2.3 kV ≤ 3.2 kV at 20 kA ≤ 2.8 kV ≤ 3.7 kV at 30 kA ≤ 3.1 kV ≤ 4.1 kV at 40 kA ≤ 3.6 kV ≤ 4.6 kV ≤ 25 ns ≤ 25 ns Response time tA Max. required series fuse Not required Not required Continuous operating current ICPV < 20 μA < 20 μA Rated load current IL 80 A 80 A Residual current IPE < 20 μA DC / 350 μA AC < 20 μA DC / 300 μA AC Standby power consumption PC < 20 mVA < 25 mVA Temperature range -40°C to +80°C -40°C to +80°C Humidity range 5% … 95% 5% … 95% Altitude ≤ 3000 m ≤ 3000 m Degree of protection according to IEC 61643-11:2011 IP20 IP20 Degree of pollution 2 2 Overvoltage category III III Housing plug/base element PA 6.6 / PBT PA 6.6 / PBT Inflammability class according to UL 94 V0 V0 CTI According to IEC 112 > 600 > 600 Terminal blocks / Rail mountable NS 35 Terminal blocks / Rail mountable NS 35 Fine-/solid strand/ AWG 1.5 - 25 mm²/ 1.5 - 35 mm²/ 15-2 1.5 - 25 mm²/ 1.5 - 35 mm²/ 15-2 Terminal blocks 1.5 - 16 mm² with spade lug terminal M6 1.5 - 16 mm² with spade lug terminal M6 Thread / torque / strip length M5/ 4.5 Nm/ 16 mm M5/ 4.5 Nm/ 16 mm Air clearances and creepage distances according to EN 50539-11 Insulating material Connection Remote indicator contact (..AX parts only) Certified according to Switching function Single pole changeover contact Single pole changeover contact Connection method Pluggable MC 1.5/3 ST Pluggable MC 1.5/3 ST Wire fine/solid strand/AWG 0.14-1.5mm2 / AWG 30-16 (CSA) 30-14 (UL) 0.14-1.5mm2 / AWG 30-16 (CSA) 30-14 (UL) Thread / torque / strip length M2 / 0.25 Nm / 7 mm M2 / 0.25 Nm / 7 mm Max admissible operating voltage 250 V a.c. / 30 V d.c. 250 V a.c. / 30 V d.c. Max admissible power AC 1.5 A / 250 V a.c. 1.5 A / 250 V a.c. Max admissible power DC 1.5 A / 30 V d.c. 1.5 A / 30 V d.c. Min admissible power 5 mA / 5 V 5 mA / 5 V EN 50539-11 EN 50539-11 EATON Bussmann series photovoltaic application guide 37 SPDs - PV T2 Standard / high performance Description Designed specifically for PV solar applications, this range of modular PV SPDs are suitable for use within 600V d.c. or 1000V d.c. systems. They provide fast and reliable protection against indirect lightning strikes and voltage surges. The SPDs contain integrated indication of device status with the option for remote indication helping system operators ensure continuous protection. The IP20 finger-safe construction has an operating temperature range from -40°C to +80°C, increasing the operational capability required for PV environments. Certified to EN 50539-11 these devices provide effective PV Type 2 protection of the DC element of the photovoltaic system from indirect lightning strikes and surges. Features for the T2 Standard SPD • I = 160A SCPV • Modular design. • Keyed plugs and base elements protect against mismatching. • Local and remote monitoring. • DIN rail mountable. Features for the T2 High Performance SPD • I = 1000A SCPV • Modular design. • Keyed plugs and base elements protect against mismatching. • Local and remote monitoring. • DIN rail mountable. Dimensions - mm 38 EATON Bussmann series photovoltaic application guide SPDs- PV T2 High performance Catalogue number SPPVT2H-06-2-PE Catalogue number (with remote indication) SPPVT2H-06-2-PE-AX SPPVT2H-10-2-PE SPPVT2H-10-2-PE-AX Nominal PV System voltage 600 V d.c. 1000 V d.c. Max. continuous operating voltage UCPV 800 V d.c. 1170 V DC Open circuit voltage under standard test conditions UOC STC ≤ 670 V d.c. ≤ 970 V DC Short circuit current rating ISCPV 1000 A 1000 A SPD Overload behaviour mode OCM (Open Circuit Mode) OCM (Open Circuit Mode) Class of test according to EN 50539-11 PV T2 PV T2 Nominal discharge current In (8/20)μs: 15 kA 15 kA Max. discharge current Imax (8/20)μs: 40 kA 40 kA 40 kA Total discharge current Itotal (8/20) μs: 40 kA Voltage protection level Up (L+ / L-) - PE ≤ 2.7 kV ≤ 3.7 kV Limiting voltage Ures (8/20) (L+ / L-) - PE at 1A ≤ 2.7 kV ≤ 3.7 kV at 2 kA ≤ 1.9 kV ≤ 2.7 kV at 5 kA ≤ 2.2 kV ≤ 3.1 kV at 10 kA ≤ 2.5 kV ≤ 3.5 kV at 20 kA ≤ 2.9 kV ≤ 4.0 kV at 30 kA ≤ 3.4 kV ≤ 4.6 kV at 40 kA ≤ 3.8 kV ≤ 5.0 kV Response time tA ≤ 25 ns ≤ 25 ns Max. required series fuse Not required Not required Continuous operating current ICPV < 20 μA < 20 μA Rated load current IL 80 A 80 A Residual current IPE < 20 μA DC / 300 μA AC < 20 μA DC / 250 μA AC Standby power consumption PC < 20 mVA < 25 mVA Temperature range -40°C to +80°C -40°C to +80°C Humidity range 5% … 95% 5% … 95% rel Altitude ≤ 3000 m ≤ 3000 m Degree of protection according to IEC 61643-11:2011 IP20 IP20 degree of pollution 2 2 overvoltage category III III housing plug/base element PA 6.6 / PBT PA 6.6/ PBT inflammability class according to UL 94 V0 V0 CTI According to IEC 112 > 600 > 600 Terminal blocks / Rail mountable NS 35 Terminal blocks / Rail mountable NS 35 Air clearances and creepage distances according to EN 50539-11 Insulating material Connection Fine-/solid strand/ AWG 1.5 - 25 mm²/ 1.5 - 35 mm²/ '15-2 1.5 to 25 mm²/ 1.5 to 35 mm²/ 15-2 Terminal blocks 1.5 - 16 mm² with spade lug terminal M6 1.5 to 16mm² with spade lug terminal M6 Thread/torque/strip length M5/ 4.5 Nm/ 16 mm M5/ 4.5 Nm/ 16mm Remote indicator contact (..AX parts only) Certified according to Switching function Single pole changeover contact Single pole changeover contact Connection method Pluggable MC 1.5/3 ST Pluggable MC 1.5/3 ST Wire fine/solid strand/AWG 0.14-1.5mm2 / AWG 30-16 (CSA) 30-14 (UL) 0.14-1.5mm2 / AWG 30-16 (CSA) 30-14 (UL) Thread / torque / strip length M2 / 0.25 Nm / 7 mm M2 / 0.25 Nm / 7 mm Max admissible operating voltage 250 V a.c. / 30 V d.c. 250 V a.c. / 30 V d.c. Max admissible power AC 1.5 A / 250 V a.c. 1.5 A / 250 V a.c. Max admissible power DC 1.5 A / 30 V d.c. 1.5 A / 30 V d.c. Min admissible power 5 mA / 5 V 5 mA / 5 V EN 50539-11 EN 50539-11 EATON Bussmann series photovoltaic application guide 39 SPDs - PV T2 Standard Catalogue number SPPVT2-06-2-PE Catalogue number (with remote indication) SPPVT2-06-2-PE-AX SPPVT2-10-2-PE-AX Nominal PV System voltage Max. continuous operating voltage UCPV Open circuit voltage under standard test conditions UOC STC Short circuit current rating ISCPV SPD Overload behaviour mode Class of test according to EN 50539-11 Nominal discharge current In (8/20)μs: Max. discharge current Imax (8/20)μs: Total discharge current Itotal (8/20) μs: Voltage protection level Up (L+ / L-) - PE Limiting voltage Ures (8/20) (L+ / L-) - PE at 1A at 2 kA at 5 kA at 10 kA at 20 kA at 30 kA at 40 kA Response time tA Max. required series fuse Continuous operating current ICPV Rated load current IL Residual current IPE Standby power consumption PC Temperature range Humidity range Altitude Degree of protection according to IEC 61643-11:2011 Air clearances and creepage distances according to EN 50539-11 degree of pollution overvoltage category Insulating material housing plug/base element inflammability class according to UL 94 CTI According to IEC 112 Connection Fine-/solid strand/ AWG Terminal blocks Thread/torque/strip length Remote indicator contact (..AX parts only) Switching function Connection method Wire fine/solid strand/AWG Thread / torque / strip length Max admissible operating voltage Max admissible power AC Max admissible power DC Min admissible power Certified according to 600 V d.c. 800 V d.c. ≤ 670 V d.c. 160 A OCM (Open Circuit Mode) PV T2 15 kA 40 kA 40 kA ≤ 2.7 kV ≤ 2.7 kV ≤ 1.9 kV ≤ 2.2 kV ≤ 2.5 kV ≤ 2.9 kV ≤ 3.4 kV ≤ 3.8 kV ≤ 25 ns Not required < 20 μA 80 A < 20 μA DC / 300 μA AC < 20 mVA -40°C to +80°C 5% … 95% ≤ 3000 m IP20 1000 V d.c. 1170 V DC ≤ 970 V DC 160 A OCM (Open Circuit Mode) PV T2 15 kA 40 kA 40 kA ≤ 3.7 kV ≤ 3.7 kV ≤ 2.7 kV ≤ 3.1 kV ≤ 3.5 kV ≤ 4.0 kV ≤ 4.6 kV ≤ 5.0 kV ≤ 25 ns Not required < 20 μA 80 A < 20 μA DC / 250 μA AC < 25 mVA -40°C to +80°C 5% … 95% rel ≤ 3000 m IP20 2 III 2 III PA 6.6 / PBT V0 > 600 Terminal blocks / Rail mountable NS 35 1.5 - 25 mm²/ 1.5 - 35 mm²/ '15-2 1.5 - 16 mm² with spade lug terminal M6 M5/ 4.5 Nm/ 16 mm PA 6.6/ PBT V0 > 600 Terminal blocks / Rail mountable NS 35 1.5 to 25 mm²/ 1.5 to 35 mm²/ 15-2 1.5 to 16mm² with spade lug terminal M6 M5/ 4.5 Nm/ 16mm Single pole changeover contact Pluggable MC 1.5/3 ST 0.14-1.5mm2 / AWG 30-16 (CSA) 30-14 (UL) M2 / 0.25 Nm / 7 mm 250 V a.c. / 30 V d.c. 1.5 A / 250 V a.c. 1.5 A / 30 V d.c. 5 mA / 5 V EN 50539-11 Single pole changeover contact Pluggable MC 1.5/3 ST 0.14-1.5mm2 / AWG 30-16 (CSA) 30-14 (UL) M2 / 0.25 Nm / 7 mm 250 V a.c. / 30 V d.c. 1.5 A / 250 V a.c. 1.5 A / 30 V d.c. 5 mA / 5 V EN 50539-11 40 EATON Bussmann series photovoltaic application guide SPPVT2-10-2-PE AC SPDs—Overview Eaton can provide a range of AC surge protection devices suitable to provide Type 1, Type 1&2 and Type 2 protection for the AC side of the PV system for auxiliary equipment and AC LV distribution panels. The AC SPDs provide quick and efficient protection against the effects of overvoltages within AC power systems. Manufactured from thermoplastic, these SPDs are available from 75 to 580V a.c. and provide protection for within powered monitored combiner boxes, the inverter, and computer equipment used for monitoring and control. Standard Features • Modular design. • DIN rail mountable. • Local and remote monitoring. • Keyed plugs and base elements protect against mismatching. System voltage 75—580 V a.c. Number of poles 1, 1+NPE, 2, 3, 3+NPE, 4 Modular design Yes, replacement modules available Degrees of protection Type 1 , Type 1&2, Type 2 Operating temperature range* -40°C to +70°C Remote monitoring available Yes IP rating IP40 Product warranty 2 years Enclosure material Thermoplastic UL 94 V2 Location category Indoor Mounting Quick fastening on DIN rail according to IEC/ EN 60715 Cross sectional area (min.)* 4mm² Cross sectional area (max.)* 25mm² * Model dependent EATON Bussmann series photovoltaic application guide 41 Data-line SPDs Today many medium and large size PV systems incorporate a variety of communication systems to monitor system performance or provide security and surveillance. These communication systems also need to be adequately protected from potentially damaging overvoltage surges. Eaton’s range of data-line SPDs are specifically designed to provide surge protection for 2-wire and 4-wire RS-485 interfaces, RJ45 communications and BNC for video configurations. Importantly, installing this range of SPDs within the system will protect not only the electrical interface but also the wider network and the equipment associated with it. Twisted pair data cables Connectors Screw Voltage 5V, 12V, 24V, 48V, 0-180V D1 Total lightning impulse current (10/350μs) Iimp 10kA C2 total nominal discharge current (8/20μs) In 20kA Grounding DIN-Rail Applications Measurement, control and regulation, twisted pairs Test standards IEC 61643-21/ EN 61643-21, UL 447B RJ45 / Ethernet Connectors RJ45 Voltage 48V C2 Nominal discharge current (8/20μs) line-PG In 2.5kA Grounding DIN-Rail Applications RJ45 Connector ethernet cables Test standards IEC 61643-21/ EN 61643-21, UL 447B BNC Coaxial cable Connectors BNC Voltage 5V Nominal discharge current (8/20μs) line-PG In 10kA Grounding DIN-Rail Applications BNC Connector coaxial cables and video Test standards IEC 61643-21/ EN 61643-21, UL 447B 42 EATON Bussmann series photovoltaic application guide Combiner box - Introduction The intelligent solution to PV System protection • Designed for harsh environments, Eaton’s Bussmann business combiner box has superior thermal characteristics eliminating the need for forced ventilation in extreme ambient temperatures. • Completely customisable from 3 to 24 strings offering PV Circuit protection with Eaton’s Bussmann business industry leading gPV fuses in ratings from 1 A to 32 A, up to 1000 V d.c., PV Overvoltage surge protection and true PV DC rated disconnect switches. • Engineered to make installation and operation safe and easy, each combiner box is fully IEC Compliant with options for MC4 connectors, glands, surge protection, monitoring and power supply configurations. All this wrapped up in durable IP65 rated enclosure, with breather vent, as standard. • With a global manufacturing base and an integrated common system approach, Eaton’s Bussmann business can locally develop and manufacture customised combiner boxes while maintaining exceptional levels of quality. Combiner box Standard Voltage IEC 61439-1 and -2 and IEC 60363-7-712 Up to 1000 V d.c. Current 1 to 32 A Number of strings 3 - 24 strings (20 A fuse max), 3 - 16 strings (32 A fuse max) Operating class gPV IP Rating IP65 (options for IP55) Enclosure types Glass reinforced polyester (GRP), painted steel, stainless steel Overcurrent protection configurations Positive and negative, positive only, negative only DC Load isolation DC switch disconnect 25 A d.c. to 500 A d.c. or fixed output Input connection types Bottom or side entry MC4 connectors or glands Overvoltage protection options (SPD) PV T1/T2, PVT2, AC T1, T1/T2 & T2. Dataline D1, C2 Monitoring options 8/16/24 string shunt based monitoring. Communications options 2-Wire modbus Power supply options External 24 V d.c., Internal 240 V a.c. to 24 V d.c., Internal 1000 V d.c. to 24 V d.c. Applications Solar PV applications including: Large scale residential, small to large scale commercial, large scale utility EATON Bussmann series photovoltaic application guide 43 Anatomy of a combiner box 44 EATON Bussmann series photovoltaic application guide EATON Bussmann series photovoltaic application guide 45 Combiner box - Catalogue number system Cenn-xxAyypsh-vmm C - Product Series Combiner Box e - Enclosure Type M = Painted steel enclosure G = GRP S = Stainless T = GRP with transparent polycarbonate window nn - Number of Strings 03, 04, 05..............24 xxA - String Current Rating 1 to 6A, 10A, 12A, 15A, 20A, 25A, 32A yy - System Voltage 06 = 600Vdc 08 = 800Vdc 10 = 1000Vdc 12 = 1000Vdc 15 = 1500Vdc p - String Protection Type Indicated Fuse Holders (CHPV1IU) P = Positive only fuse protection Non-indicated Fuse Holders (CHPV1U) Q = Positive only fuse protection N = Negative only fuse protection M = Negative only fuse protection B = Both positive and negative fuse protection C = Both positive and negative fuse protection s - Switch Disconnect D = Disconnect switch F = Fixed h - PV String Input Connection Type Standard Output Glands G = Bottom entry glands M = Bottom entry MC4s S = Left and right side entry glands T = Left and right side entry MC4s Armoured Output Glands U = Bottom entry glands W = Bottom entry MC4s X = Left and right side entry glands Y = Left and right side entry MC4s v - SPD Overvoltage Protection A = No SPD B = T1 PV SPD C = T2 PV SPD D = T2 PV SPD with remote E = T1 PV SPD + T2 TN 240 Vac SPD with remote* F = T1 PV SPD + T2 TT 240 Vac SPD with remote* G = T1 PV SPD + T2 TN 240 Vac SPD with remote + C2/D1 Modbus SPD H = T1 PV SPD + T2 TT 240 Vac SPD with remote + C2/D1 Modbus SPD M = T2 PV SPD with remote + T2 TN 240 Vac SPD with remote + C2/D1 Modbus SPD* N = T2 PV SPD with remote + T2 TT 240 Vac SPD with remote + C2/D1 Modbus SPD* P = T2 PV SPD with remote + C2 Modbus SPD* Q = T1/T2 PV SPD R = T1/T2 PV SPD with remote J = T1 PV SPD + C2/D1 Modbus SPD* K = T2 PV SPD with remote + T2 TN 240 Vac SPD with remote* L = T2 PV SPD with remote + T2 TT 240 Vac SPD with remote* S = T1/T2 PV SPD with remote + T2 TN 240 Vac SPD with remote* T = T1/T2 PV SPD with remote + T2 TT 240 Vac SPD with remote* U = T1/T2 PV SPD with remote + T2 TN 240 Vac SPD with remote + C2/D1 Modbus SPD* V = T1/T2 PV SPD with remote + T2 TT 240 Vac SPD with remote + C2/D1 Modbus SPD* W = T1/T2 PV SPD with remote + C2/D1 Modbus SPD* * Monitored box only mm - Monitoring System Wired Modbus M1 = Type S1 Shunt monitoring with 240Vac power supply M2 = Type S1 Shunt monitoring with no power supply M3 = Type S1 Shunt monitoring with PV power (self powered) Wireless Zigbee Z1 = Type S1 Shunt monitoring with 240Vac power supply Z2 = Type S1 Shunt monitoring with no power supply Z3 = Type S1 Shunt monitoring with PV power (self powered) Industrial Wireless W1 = Type S1 Shunt monitoring with 240Vac power supply W2 = Type S1 Shunt monitoring no power supply W3 = Type S1 Shunt monitoringwith PV power (self powered) Catalogue numbers example Complete Catalogue number C08-10A10BDM-C ‘Standard box’ C = Combiner box e = Enclosure type (G = GRP) nn = Number of strings (8) xxA = Rated current (10A) yy = System voltage (10 = 1000 V d.c.) p = String protection (B = Both positive and negative) s = Switch disconnect (D = Disconnect switch) h = PV String input connection type (M = Bottom entry MC4s/Standard output glands) v = Overvoltage protection (C = T2 PV SPD) C C Complete Catalogue number CG16-12A10BDU-NM1 ‘Monitored box’ C = Combiner box e = Enclosure type (G = GRP) nn = Number of strings (16) xxA = Rated current (12A) yy = System voltage (10 = 1000 V d.c.) p = String protection (B = Both positive and negative) s = Switch disconnect (D = Disconnect switch) h = PV String input connection type (U = Bottom entry glands / Armoured output glands) v = Overvoltage protection (N = T2 PV SPD with remote + T2 TT 240 V a.c. SPD with remote + C2/D1 Modbus SPD* mm = Monitoring system (M1 = Type S1 Shunt monitoring with 240 V a.c. power supply - wired modbus) 46 EATON Bussmann series photovoltaic application guide G 08 10A 10 B D M C G 08 10A 10 B D M C C C G 16 12A 10 B D M N M1 G 16 12A 10 B D M N M1 Index Catalogue numbers Pages BNC 42 PV10M-25 16-17 PV-160A-01XL-12 29-34 PV-A-01XL 29-34 PV-A-01XL-15 29-34 PV-A-01XL-B 29-34 PV-A-01XL-B-15 29-34 PV-A10-1P 16-17 PV-A10-2P 16-17 PV-A10F 16-17 PV-A10-T 16-17 PV-A14F 18 PV-A14LF 19-20 PV-A14LF10F 19-20 PV-A14L-T 19-20 PV-A-1XL 29-34 PV-A-1XL-15 29-34 PV-A-1XL-B 29-34 PV-A-1XL-B-15 29-34 PV-A-2XL 29-34 PV-A-2XL-15 29-34 PV-A-2XL-B 29-34 PV-A-2XL-B-15 29-34 PV-A-3L 29-34 PV-A-3L-15 29-34 PV-A-3L-B 29-34 PV-A-3L-B-15 29-34 PV-AF2 27-28 PV-AF3 27-28 PV-ANH1 21-26 PV-ANH2 21-26 PV-ANH3 21-26 PVM 15 RJ45 42 SPPVT12 36-37 SPPVT2 38-40 EATON Bussmann series photovoltaic application guide 47 48 EATON Bussmann series photovoltaic application guide EATON Bussmann series photovoltaic application guide 49 Notes 50 EATON Bussmann series photovoltaic application guide Contact details Customer Satisfaction team Eaton's Bussmann business Customer Satisfaction team is available to answer questions regarding Bussmann series products. Calls can be made between: Monday - Thursday 7.30 a.m. - 5.30 p.m. GMT Friday 7.30 a.m. - 5.00 p.m. GMT The Customer Satisfaction team can be reached via: Phone: 00 44 (0) 1509 882 600 Fax: 00 44 (0) 1509 882 786 Email: [email protected] www.my.eaton.com Tailored just for you. Powerful online tools and resources get you the up-to-date information you need to work smarter, make informed decisions and streamline your transactions with Eaton. Get started today at www.my.eaton.com by clicking ‘Request User ID and Password’. • Easy to Navigate • Simple to Use • Real-Time Data. Online resources Visit www.bussmann.com for the following resources: • Product cross reference • Product profiles • Online catalogues for the latest United States and European catalogues. Application engineering Application Engineering assistance is available to all customers. The Application Engineering team is staffed by university-qualified electrical engineers who are available with technical and application support. Calls can be made between: Monday - Thursday 8.30 a.m. - 4.30 p.m. GMT Friday 8.30 a.m. - 4.00 p.m. GMT Application Engineering can be reached via: Phone: 00 44 (0) 1509 882 699 Fax: 00 44 (0) 1509 882 794 General technical enquiries: [email protected] High speed technical enquiries: [email protected] EATON Bussmann series photovoltaic application guide 51 At Eaton, we’re energized by the challenge of powering a world that demands more. With over 100 years experience in electrical power management, we have the expertise to see beyond today. From groundbreaking products to turnkey design and engineering services, critical industries around the globe count on Eaton. We power businesses with reliable, efficient and safe electrical power management solutions. Combined with our personal service, support and bold thinking, we are answering tomorrow’s needs today. Follow the charge with Eaton. Visit eaton.com/electrical. Contact your local Eaton office Electrical Sector Eaton’s Bussmann business Melton Road Burton-on-the-Wolds LE12 5TH Leicestershire United Kingdom [email protected] www.bussmann.com Eaton Industries Manufacturing GmbH Electrical Sector EMEA Route de la Longeraie 71110 Morges, Switzerland Eaton.eu © 2015 Eaton All Rights Reserved Printed in the United Kingdom Publication number: BR132006EN March 2015 Changes to the products, to the information contained in this document, and to prices are reserved; so are errors and omissions. Only order confirmations and technical documentation by Eaton is binding. Photos and pictures also do not warrant a specific layout or functionality. Their use in whatever form is subject to prior approval by Eaton. The same applies to Trademarks (especially Eaton, Moeller, and Cutler-Hammer). 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