Industry’s Highest Efficiency, Qi version 1.1.2 Certified Wireless Power Transmitter Solutions Based on Power Application Controller (PAC)™ ICs ACTIVE-SEMI VALUE Qi version 1.1.2 Certified A11 Industry’s High Efficiency of 75% Industry’s Lowest Standby Power Lowest BOM Cost Solution Turnkey Solution with Firmware Scalable wireless power design based on PAC5220WP IC – scales from 5W to 150W output, AC-DC & DC-DC input with no additional ICs PAC™ IC FAMILY OVERVIEW Patented Multi-Mode Power Manager for Implementing Flyback, Buck, Boost Converters Patented Configurable Analog Front-End Application Specific Gate Drivers (Up to 52V for DC, and 600V for AC) PWM Engines Differential & Single-Ended PGAs Data Converters with Patented Auto Sequencers ARM Cortex M0 Processor SPI, I2C, UART Communication Single-IC Solutions for Wireless Power Charging Applications Active-Semi’s PAC5220WP IC from Power Application Controller (PAC) ™ family is highly optimized to enable single-IC Wireless Power Transmitter Applications. PAC5220WP includes all essential power management and analog peripherals such as, controllers for flyback AC-DC and buck, boost DC-DC conversions, up to 60V High-voltage gate drives to drive up to 3 halfbridges, PWM Controllers, single-ended and differential PGAs, ARM™ Cortex M0 processor, and SPI/UART/I2C communication needed for Wireless Charging Applications. PAC™ ICs IDEAL FOR WIRELESS POWER APPLICATIONS PAC5220WP Block Diagram of 5V Wireless Charger Solution SOFTWARE SUPPORT PAC5220WP IC Features Preloaded Firmware that is WPC Qi version 1.1.2 compatible; includes FOD, Guided positioning Feb 2014 Smallest Footprint, Single-IC Wireless Power Solutions Enabled with PAC5220WP IC from Active-Semi Contact your Distributor or email for Evaluation Kits 5V USB WIRELESS CHARGER WPC Qi version 1.1.2 certified PAC5220WP Based Transmitter for phones and mobile devices 5V input via USB Connector Integrated H-Bridge Coil Drivers Smallest footprint under 2” x 1.5” FOD, Guided positioning through LEDs and piezoelectric buzzer A1/A10 WIRELESS CHARGER WITH OFFLINE FLYBACK PAC5220WP Based Solution AC Line Input. Integrated Flyback Regulator Generates 19V Half-H Bridge Coil Driver Ref Design Integrates Alarm Clock And LCD Display A11 5V USB Wireless Charger Based on PAC5220WP IC EVK-PAC5220WP-Qi-xxA11-V1 (xx=HP for High Performance BOM Xx=LC for Low-Cost BOM) A1/10 Wireless Charger with Offline Flyback Based on PAC5220WP IC Evaluation Kit Available A6 3-COIL WIRELESS CHARGER PAC5220WP Based Solution 12 VDC Input. No Additional Power Supply ICs Needed 3 Half-H Bridge Coil Drivers Also Works With Single A6 Coil A6 3-Coil Wireless Power Charger Based on PAC5220WP IC Evaluation Kit Available A11 WIDE-INPUT CHARGER PAC5220WP Based Solution 8V – 40V Wide Input, Integrated Buck Converter Generates 5V Full H-Bridge Coil Driver Tiny 2” x 2” PCB A11 Automotive Wireless Charger Based on PAC5220WP IC Evaluation Kit Available For PAC5220WP Samples, Solution Kits, contact your Distributor, or email Active Semi International, Inc., 700 Central Expressway South, Suite 330, Allen TX 75013, USA