It’s HIP to be Open Implementation Convert your CUDA Code to C++ Using AMD’s New HIP Tool The world of HPC as it exists today consists of many GPU-accelerated applications that use the proprietary CUDA language and infrastructure. The problem with using proprietary software is that it is almost always tightly controlled and its source code is most often kept secret, and with CUDA, the hardware options are limited to one vendor. AMD, a strong proponent of open source and open standards, has created a new tool that will allow developers to convert CUDA code to common C++. The resulting C++ code can run through either CUDA NVCC or AMD HCC compilers. This new Heterogeneous-compute Interface for Portability, or HIP, is a tool that provides customers with more choice in hardware and development tools. How does HIP’s portability compare to OpenCL™? Both AMD and our competitors support OpenCL™ 1.2 on their devices, and this can be used to write portable code. HIP offers several benefits over OpenCL: Developers can code in C++, and mix host and device C++ code in their source files. HIP C++ code can use templates, lamdbas, classes, etc. HIP API is less verbose than OpenCL, and C++ is familiar to CUDA developers. Because both CUDA and HIP are C++ languages, porting from CUDA to HIP is significantly easier than porting from CUDA to OpenCL. HIP uses the state-of-the-art development tools on each platform: on competitor GPUs, HIP code is compiled with NVCC and can use nSight profiler and debugger. HIP provides pointers and host-side pointer-arithmetic. HIP provides device-level control over memory allocation and placement. HIP offers an offline compilation model. CUDA RT + NVCC AMD GPU Basic HCC support to make porting easier Can utilize #ifdef for complicated cases and/or performance tuning Supported APIs HIP provides: Devices (hipSetDevice(), hipGetDeviceProperties(), …) Memory management (hipMalloc(), hipMemcpy(), hipFree(), …) Streams (hipStreamCreate(), hipStreamWaitEvent(), hipStreamSynchronize(), hipStreamDestroy(),…) Kernel launching (hipLaunchKernel is standard C/ C++ function replacing <<< >>>) CUDA-style kernel indexing (hipBlockIdx, hipThreadIdx, …) HIP Code ISA Strong subset of CUDA RT functionality, focused on most commonly used functions like memory management, events and streams Events (hipEventRecord(), hipEventElapsedTime(), etc) Code Conversion Workflow Diagram AMD HCC C++ Compiler Header maps hip* calls to CUDA RT or HSA RT Device-side math builtins (200+ functions covering entire CUDA math library) NVIDIA NVCC Compiler Error reporting (hipGetLastError(), hipGetErrorString(), …) ISA NVIDIA GPU HIP DATA SHEET Application Accelerated App Region hip_runtime.hpp HCC RT + Compiler CUDA RT + NVCC New HIP layer provides portability Example Code Conversion Cuda Code cudaMalloc((void **) &m_cuda, Size * Size * sizeof(float)); cudaMemcpy(m_cuda, m, Size * Size * sizeof(float),cudaMemcpyHostToDevice ); gpu_kernel<<<dimGridXY,dimBlockXY>>>(m_cuda,a_cuda,b_cuda,Size,Size-t,t); cudaThreadSynchronize(); cudaMemcpy(m, m_cuda, Size * Size * sizeof(float),cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost ); cudaFree(m_cuda); __global__ void gpu_kernel(float *m_cuda, float *a_cuda, float *b_cuda,int Size, int j1, int t) { … } HIP-ify hipMalloc((void **) &m_cuda, Size * Size * sizeof(float)); hipMemcpy(m_cuda, m, Size * Size * sizeof(float),hipMemcpyHostToDevice ); hipLaunchKernel(gpu_kernel, dim3(dimGridXY), dim3(dimBlockXY), 0, 0, m_cuda,a_cuda,b_cuda,Size,Size-t,t); hipDeviceSynchronize(); hipMemcpy(m, m_cuda, Size * Size * sizeof(float),hipMemcpyDeviceToHost ); hipFree(m_cuda); __global__ void HIP_FUNCTION(gpu_kernel, float *m_cuda, float *a_cuda, float *b_ cuda,int Size, int j1, int t) { … } HIP_FUNCTION_END Learn more about AMD and the Heterogeneous computing at OpenCL is a trademark of Apple Inc. used by permission by Khronos. HIP DATA SHEET