Dielectric Characteristics Multilayer capacitors (MLC) and single layer capacitors are categorized by performance with temperature. Component selection is typically determined by dielectric performance, electrical environment and temperature stability. In determining the proper component for a specific application, the following information should be considered. Dielectric Type There are three basic dielectric classes (characteristics) available: DIELECTRIC PROPERTIES Dielectric Type Stability Class BP Ultra Stable (NPO and COG) Class I BQ, BR, BX and X7R Z5U and Y5V Stable Class II General Purpose Class II NPO (COG) Dielectric Characteristics Capacitor Selection Description Effects on electrical properties are minimal with temperature, frequency or time. Used in applications which require stable performance. Effects on electrical properties predictably change with temperature, voltage, frequency and time. Selected for applications where blocking, coupling, by-passing and frequency discriminating elements are used. Offers higher capacitance than Class I (COG). Exhibits a greater variation of properties with temperature. Dielectric constant is higher than Class I and Class II dielectrics. Extremely high capacitance per unit volume and used in general performance applications. Operating Temperature Range ........................... Temperature Coefficient ..................................... Dissipation Factor ............................................... Insulation Resistance: 25°C ............................ 125°C .......................... Dielectric Withstanding Voltage .......................... -55°C to 125°C 0 ± 30 ppm/°C .001 (0.1%) max. @ 25°C 106 Megohms 105 Megohms 50 to 200V, 2.5 x VDCW 201 to 500V, 1.5 x VDCW, or 500V*, >500V, 1.2 VDCW, or 750V* Aging Rate .......................................................... 0% per decade hour Test Parameters ................................................. 1 KHz, 1.0 ± 0.2 VRMS, 25°C 1 MHz for capacitance ≤1,000 pF * Whichever is greater Capacitor Size The capacitor body size impacts its utility to the design requirements in respect to capacitance value and voltage rating. Typically smaller units are less expensive and provide for greater space savings. Because mass affects the thermal response of the chips, size should be considered when selecting the attachment method to the circuit. TERMINATION MATERIAL Material Type Recommended Usage Silver Palladium Silver Nonmagnetic application requirements. Recommended for conductive epoxy and leaded attachment methods. For soldering applications, use solder reflow below 230°C. Most ductile of the available termination methods. Used in applications which will be leaded, to minimize thermal stresses. Temperature Coefficient Capacitance ppm 50 Upper Limit 25 Typical 0 -25 -50 -55 Lower Limit -25 0 25 50 75 Temperature °C 100 API TECHNOLOGIES • 8061 Avonia Rd. • Fairview, PA 16415 • Ph: 814-474-1571 • Fax: 814-474-3110 • eis.apitech.com API TECHNOLOGIES’ SPECTRUM CONTROL GmbH • Hansastrasse 6 • 91126 Schwabach, Germany • Phone: (49)-9122-795-0 • Fax: (49)-9122-795-58 125 CC18 Dielectric Characteristics Dielectric Characteristics Continued X7R Upper Limit Capacitance -55°C to 125°C ± 15% ▲ C max. .025 (2.5%) max. @ 25°C 106 Megohms 105 Megohms 50 to 200V, 2.5 x VDCW 201 to 500V, 1.5 x VDCW, or 500V*, >500V, 1.2 VDCW, or 750V* Aging Rate ........................................................ <2.0% per decade hour Test Parameters ................................................ 1 KHz, 1.0 VRMS ± 0.2 VRMS, 25°C % Operating Temperature Range .......................... Temperature Coefficient .................................... Dissipation Factor .............................................. Insulation Resistance: 25°C ........................... 125°C ......................... Dielectric Withstanding Voltage ......................... Temperature Coefficient 20 * Whichever is greater Capacitance 100 125 Temperature/Voltage Coefficient Upper TC Limit 10 Typical 0 -10 Lower TC Limit -20 Lower TVC Limit -25 0 25 50 75 Temperature °C 100 125 100 125 100 125 Temperature Coefficient Capacitance 40 Upper Limit Typical 0 -40 -80 -55 Lower Limit -25 0 25 50 75 Temperature °C Temperature Coefficient Capacitance 100 % -30°C to 85°C + 22% - 82% ▲C max. .050 (5.0%) max. @ 25°C 105 Megohms 50 to 200V, 2.5 x VDCW 250V, 1.5 x VDCW Aging Rate ........................................................ -2.0% per decade hour Test Parameters ................................................ 1 KHz, 1.0 VRMS ± 0.2 VRMS, 25°C 25 50 75 Temperature °C 80 Y5V Operating Temperature Range .......................... Temperature Coefficient .................................... Dissipation Factor .............................................. Insulation Resistance: 25°C ........................... Dielectric Withstanding Voltage ......................... 0 20 -30 -55 % +10°C to 85°C + 22% - 56% ▲C max. .030 (3.0%) max. @ 25°C 105 Megohms 50 to 200V, 2.5 x VDCW 250V, 1.5 x VDCW Aging Rate ........................................................ -2.0% per decade hour Test Parameters ................................................ 1 KHz, 0.5 VRMS ± 0.1 VRMS, 25°C -25 30 Z5U Operating Temperature Range .......................... Temperature Coefficient .................................... Dissipation Factor .............................................. Insulation Resistance: 25°C ........................... Dielectric Withstanding Voltage ......................... -10 Lower Limit % -55°C to 125°C ± 15% ▲ C max. + 15% - 25% ▲C max. .025 (2.5%) max. @ 25°C 106 Megohms 105 Megohms 50 to 200V, 2.5 x VDCW 201 to 500V, 1.5 x VDCW, or 500V*, >500V, 1.2 VDCW, or 750V* Aging Rate ........................................................ 2.0% per decade hour Test Parameters ................................................ 1 KHz, 1.0 VRMS ± 0.2 VRMS, 25°C Typical 0 -20 -55 BX Operating Temperature Range .......................... Temperature Coefficient .................................... Temperature Voltage Coefficient ....................... Dissipation Factor .............................................. Insulation Resistance: 25°C ........................... 125°C ......................... Dielectric Withstanding Voltage ......................... 10 50 Upper Limit Typical 0 -50 -100 -55 Lower Limit -25 0 25 50 75 Temperature °C API TECHNOLOGIES • 8061 Avonia Rd. • Fairview, PA 16415 • Ph: 814-474-1571 • Fax: 814-474-3110 • eis.apitech.com API TECHNOLOGIES’ SPECTRUM CONTROL GmbH • Hansastrasse 6 • 91126 Schwabach, Germany • Phone: (49)-9122-795-0 • Fax: (49)-9122-795-58 CC19