CTSPD SERIES SURGE PROTECTIVE DEVICES Features Ɣ7KH5$96XUJH$EVRUEHULVDSSOLFDEOHIRUWKH protection of many types of electrical equipment. The RAV has the following features: 1) Large capacity surge protection. 2) Fast response time. 3) Good endurance to repetitive lightning. 4) Small electrostatic capacity. 5) No environmentally hazardous materials. 3 pole type 2 pole type ƔDimensions 3 pole type Applications E A C B Ɣ7HOHSKRQH3%;:LUHOHVVEDVHVWDWLRQ Ɣ2SWLFDOWUDQVPLVVLRQHTXLSPHQWV Ɣ&$79WUDQVPLVVLRQHTXLSPHQWV Ɣ)LUHDODUPV\VWHPVDQG+RPHVHFXULW\V\VWHPV Ɣ5R+6UHVWULFWLRQFRPSOLHG D* ij±0.1 2 pole type ƔCircuit D* A 2 pole type B 3 pole type E L1 C L2 *Dimension of elementary part C T S P D Type D Standard type High Impulse discharge Current Type None S 3 pole type 2 pole type Electrical Specifications Nominal Max. Line Line Voltage Type Model Number Voltage 50/60Hz 50/60Hz Model Number CTSPD-125D14 CTSPD-125D20 3 pole CTSPD-250D14 CTSPD-250D20 CTSPD-125D14S CTSPD-125D20S 2 pole CTSPD-250D14S CTSPD-250D20S Rated Voltage 14 20 CTSPD-125D14 3 pole CTSPD-125D20 CTSPD-250D14 CTSPD-250D20 CTSPD-125D14S 2 pole CTSPD-125D20S CTSPD-250D14S CTSPD-250D20S Unit: mm Dimensions (mm) ƔModel numbering system Series name D* ij±0.1 Impulse Sparkover Voltage 10/200μs 3,000V A max. 20 21 13 14 B max. 22 25 22 25 20 25.5 20 25.5 C min. D 10 8±1 10 10±1 E max. 17 23 17 23 17 23 17 23 Residual Voltage 10/200μs 200A Impulse Impulse Discharge Insulation Capacitance Life Test Voltage 1MHz Resistance 10/200μs 8/20μs max. (pF) DC100V 400A 1 time Between Between Between Between Between Between (times) (A) L-E L-L L-E L-L L-E L-L DC Operating Voltage 2,000V/s AC125V AC150V >300V >300V <800V <1,500V <550V <1,100V AC250V AC300V >500V >500V AC125V AC150V >300V - <800V - <550V - AC250V AC300V >500V - <1,300V - <1,000V - >0 <3pF >0 <3pF <1,300V <2,000V <1,000V <1,600V 124 9,000 15,000 9,000 15,000 4,500 7,500 4,500 7,500 1,000 1,000