AOZ1312 Single Channel USB Switch General Description Features The AOZ1312 is a member of Alpha and Omega Semiconductor’s single-channel power-distribution switch family intended for applications where heavy capacitive loads and short-circuits are likely to be encountered. This device incorporates a 70 mΩ N-channel MOSFET power switch for power-distribution systems. The switch is controlled by a logic enable input. Gate drive is provided by an internal charge pump designed to control the power-switch rise time and fall time to minimize current surges during switching. The charge pump requires no external components and allows operation from supplies as low as 2.7 V. z Typical 70 mΩ (NFET) The AOZ1312 is available in an SO-8 or eMSOP-8 package and is rated over the -40 °C to +85 °C ambient temperature range. z 1.5A maximum continuous current z Vin range of 2.7 V to 5.5 V z Open Drain Fault Flag z Fault Flag deglitched (blanking time) z Thermal shutdown z Reverse current blocking z Packages: SO-8 and eMSOP-8 Applications z Notebook Computers z Desktop Computers Typical Application VIN OUT IN R1 10kΩ AOZ1312 Cin LOAD C2 0.1μF C1 22μF OC EN GND Rev. 1.1 July 2011 Page 1 of 13 AOZ1312 Ordering Information Maximum Continuous Current Part Number Typical Short-circuit Current Limit Enable Setting Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 1 Channel 2 AOZ1341AI AOZ1341EI AOZ1341AI-1 Active Low 1A 1A 1.5 A 1.5 A Active High AOZ1341EI-1 AOZ1342PI AOZ1342PI-1 1.5 A 1.5A 2A 2A AOZ1343EI* 1.5 A 0.5A 2A AOZ1312AI-1 AOZ1312EI-1 AOZ1310CI-1 EPAD MSOP-8 EPAD SO-8 Active High AOZ1343EI-1* SO-8 EPAD SO-8 0.75 A 1.5 A None 2A None Active High 0.5 A None 0.75 A None Active High Environmental EPAD MSOP-8 Active Low Active Low Output Discharge SO-8 Active High AOZ1343AI* AOZ1343AI-1* Package SO-8 No Green Product RoHS Compliant EPAD MSOP-8 SO-8 EPAD MSOP-8 SO-8 EPAD MSOP-8 SOT23-5 *Contact factory for availability AOS Green Products use reduced levels of Halogens, and are also RoHS compliant. Please visit for additional information. Pin Configuration AOZ1312 GND 1 8 NC IN 2 7 OUT IN 3 6 OUT EN 4 5 OC eMSOP-8 / SO-8 (Top View) Pin Description Pin Name Pin Number GND 1 Pin Function Ground IN 2, 3 EN 4 Enable input, logic high turns on power switch, IN-OUT OC 5 Overcurrent, open-drain output, active low, IN-OUT OUT 6, 7 NC 8 Rev. 1.1 July 2011 Input voltage Power-switch output, IN-OUT No connection Page 2 of 13 AOZ1312 Absolute Maximum Ratings Recommended Operating Conditions Exceeding the Absolute Maximum Ratings may damage the device. The device is not guaranteed to operate beyond the Recommended Operating Conditions. Parameter Rating Parameter Rating Input Voltage (VIN) 6V Input Voltage (VIN) Enable Voltage (VEN) 6V Junction Temperature (TJ) Storage Temperature (TS) -55 °C to +150 °C ESD Rating(1) +2.7 V to +5.5 V -40 °C to +125 °C Package Thermal Resistance (ΘJA) 2 kV eMSOP-8 60 °C/W SO-8 Note: 115 °C/W 1. Devices are inherently ESD sensitive, handling precautions are required. Human body model is a 100 pF capacitor discharging through a 1.5 kΩ resistor. Electrical Characteristics TA = 25 °C, VIN = VEN =5.5 V, unless otherwise specified. Symbol Conditions(3) Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units POWER SWITCH RDS(ON) tr tf Switch On-Resistance VIN = 5.5 V, IOUT = 1.5 A 70 135 mΩ Rise Time, Output VIN = 5.5 V, CL = 1 μF, RL = 5 Ω 0.6 1.5 ms VIN = 2.7 V, CL = 1 μF, RL = 5 Ω 0.4 1 Fall Time, Output VIN = 5.5 V VIN = 2.7 V FET Leakage Current Out connect to ground, VI(ENx) = 5.5 V, or VI(ENx) = 0 V -40 °C ≤ TJ ≤ 125 0.05 0.5 0.05 0.5 °C(2) ms μA 1 ENABLE INPUT EN VIH High-level Input Voltage 2.7V ≤ VIN ≤ 5.5V VIL Low-level Input Voltage 2.7V ≤ VIN ≤ 5.5V 2.0 V -0.5 0.8 V -0.5 μA ms II Input Current ton Turn-on Time CL = 100 μF, RL = 5 Ω 3 toff Turn-off Time CL = 100 μF, RL = 5 Ω 10 CURRENT LIMIT IOS Short-circuit Output Current 1.5 2.0 2.5 A IOC_TRIP Overcurrent Trip Threshold 1.6 2.3 2.7 A 0.5 1 μA 0.5 5 50 70 50 90 SUPPLY CURRENT Supply Current, Low-level Output No load on OUT, VI(ENx) = 5.5 V, or VI(ENx) = 0 V TJ = 25°C Supply Current, High-level Output No load on OUT, VI(ENx) = 0 V, or VI(ENx) = 5.5 V TJ = 25°C Reverse Leakage Current VI(OUTx) = 5.5V, IN = ground TJ = 25 °C Rev. 1.1 July 2011 -40 °C ≤ TJ ≤ 125 °C -40 °C ≤ TJ ≤ 125 (2) °C(2) 0.2 μA μA Page 3 of 13 AOZ1312 Electrical Characteristics (Continued) TA = 25 °C, VIN = VEN =5.5 V, unless otherwise specified. Symbol Conditions(3) Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units UNDERVOLTAGE LOCKOUT Low-level Voltage, IN 2 TJ = 25°C Hysteresis, IN 2.5 200 V mV OVERCURRENT OC Output low Voltage VOL(OCx) IO(OCx) = 5mA Off-state Current VO(OCx) = 5V or 3.3V OC_L Deglitch OCx assertion or deassertion 4 8 0.4 V 1 μA 15 ms THERMAL SHUTDOWN Thermal Shutdown Threshold 135 °C Recovery from Thermal Shutdown 105 °C Hysteresis 30 °C Note: 2. Parameters are guaranteed by design only and not production tested. 3. Pulse testing techniques maintain junction temperature close to ambient temperature; thermal effects must be taken into account separately. Functional Block Diagram IN OUT Gate Driver UVLO Comparator Current Limit 2.5V Thermal Shutdown EN OC Deglitch AOZ1312 Rev. 1.1 July 2011 Page 4 of 13 AOZ1312 Functional Characteristics Figure 2. Turn-Off Delay and Fall Time with 1μF Load (Active High) Figure 1. Turn-On Delay and Rise Time with 1μF Load (Active High) RL = 5Ω CL = 1μF TA = 25°C EN 5V/div RL = 5Ω CL = 1μF TA = 25°C EN 5V/div VOUT 2V/div VOUT 2V/div 200μs/div 200μs/div Figure 4. Turn-Off Delay and Fall Time with 100μF Load (Active High) Figure 3. Turn-On Delay and Rise Time with 100μF Load (Active High) RL = 5Ω CL = 100μF TA = 25°C EN 5V/div RL = 5Ω CL = 100μF TA = 25°C EN 5V/div VOUT 2V/div VOUT 2V/div 200μs/div 500μs/div Figure 5. Short-circuit Current, Device Enable to Short (Active High) EN 2V/div Figure 6. 0.6Ω Load Connected to Enable to Device (Active High) OC 2V/div IOUT 1A/div IOUT 1A/div 200μs/div Rev. 1.1 July 2011 2ms/div Page 5 of 13 AOZ1312 Functional Characteristics (Continued) Figure 8. Short Circuit Current Limit Figure 7. Inrush Current with Different Load Capacitance EN 5V/div VIN = 5V RL = 5Ω TA = 25°C EN 2V/div 220μF 470μF IOUT 500mA/div IOUT 500mA/div 100μF 1ms/div 20ms/div Typical Characteristics Figure 9. Supply Current, Output Enabled vs. Junction Temperature Figure 10. Supply Current, Output Disabled vs. Junction Temperature 0.50 70 Supply Current (μA) Supply Current (μA) 50 40 30 Vin=5.5V Vin=5V Vin=3.3V Vin=2.7V 20 10 0 -50 0 50 100 Junction Temperature (°C) 0.40 0.35 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0 -50 150 200 2.22 180 2.21 160 2.20 Threshold (V) 120 100 80 60 Vin=2.7V Vin=3.3V Vin=5V Vin=5.5V 40 20 Rev. 1.1 July 2011 50 100 Junction Temperature (°C) 0 50 100 Junction Temperature (°C) 150 Rising Falling 2.19 140 0 -50 0 Figure 12. UVLO Threshold vs. Junction Temperature Figure 11. Rds(on) vs. Ambient Temperature Rdson (mΩ) Vin=5.5V Vin=5V Vin=3.3V Vin=2.7V 0.45 60 150 2.18 2.17 2.16 2.15 2.14 2.13 2.12 2.11 -50 0 50 100 Junction Temperature (°C) 150 Page 6 of 13 AOZ1312 Detailed Description The AOZ1312 is a member of Alpha and Omega Semiconductor’s single-channel power-distribution switches family. The AOZ1312 is intended for applications where heavy capacitive loads and short-circuits are likely to be encountered. Gate drive is provided by an internal charge pump designed to control the power-switch rise times and fall times to minimize current surges during switching. The charge pump requires no external components and allows operation from supplies as low as 2.7 V. Power Switch The power switch is a N-channel MOSFET with a low on-state resistance capable of delivering 1 A of continuous current. Configured as a high-side switch, the MOSFET will go into high impedance when disabled. Thus, preventing current flow from OUT to IN and IN to OUT. Charge Pump An internal charge pump supplies power to the circuits and provides the necessary voltage to drive the gate of the MOSFET beyond the source. The charge pump is capable of operating down to a low voltage of 2.7 Volts. Driver The driver controls the voltage on the gate to the power MOSFET switch. This is used to limit the large current surges when the switch is being turned On and Off. Proprietary circuitry controls the rise and fall time of the output voltages. Rev. 1.1 July 2011 Enable The logic enable disables the power switch, charge pump, gate driver, logic device, and other circuitry to reduce the supply current. When the enable receives a logic high the supply current is reduced to approximately 1 μA. The enable input is compatible with both TTL and CMOS logic levels. Over-current The over-current open drain output is asserted (active low) when an over-current condition occurs. The output will remain asserted until the over-current condition is removed. A 15 ms deglitch circuit prevents the over-current from false triggering. Thermal Shut-down Protection When the output load exceeds the current-limit threshold or a short is present, the device limits the output current to a safe level by switching into a constant-current mode, pulling the overcurrent (OC) logic output low. During current limit or short circuit conditions, the increasing power dissipation in the chip causing the die temperature to rise. When the die temperature reaches a certain level, the thermal shutdown circuitry will shutdown the device. The thermal shutdown will cycle repeatedly until the short circuit condition is resolved. Page 7 of 13 AOZ1312 Applications Information Input Capacitor Selection Power Dissipation Calculation The input capacitor prevents large voltage transients from appearing at the input, and provides the instantaneous current needed each time the switch turns on and to limit input voltage drop. The input capacitor also prevents high-frequency noise on the power line from passing through the output of the power side. The choice of the input capacitor is based on its ripple current and voltage ratings rather than its capacitor value. The input capacitor should be located as close to the VIN pin as possible. A 1 μF and above ceramic cap is recommended. However, higher capacitor values further reduce the voltage drop at the input. Calculate the power dissipation for normal load condition using the following equation: The worst case power dissipation occurs when the load current hits the current limit due to over-current or short circuit faults. The power dissipation under these conditions can be calculated using the following equation: PD = (VIN – VOUT) x ILIMIT Layout Guidelines Output Capacitor Selection The output capacitor acts in a similar way. A small 0.1 μF capacitor prevents high-frequency noise from going into the system. Also, the output capacitor has to supply enough current for a large load that it may encounter during system transients. This bulk capacitor must be large enough to supply fast transient load in order to prevent the output from dropping. Rev. 1.1 July 2011 PD = RON x (IOUT)2 Good PCB layout is important for improving the thermal and overall performance of the AOZ1312. To optimize the switch response time to output short-circuit conditions keep all traces as short as possible to reduce the effect of unwanted parasitic inductance. Place the input and output bypass capacitors as close as possible to the IN and OUT pins. The input and output PCB traces should be as wide as possible for the given PCB space. Use a ground plane to enhance the power dissipation capability of the device. Page 8 of 13 AOZ1312 Package Dimensions, SO-8L D Gauge Plane Seating Plane e 0.25 8 L E1 E h x 45 1 C θ 7 (4x) A2 A 0.1 b RECOMMENDED LAND PATTERN 2.20 5.74 2.87 1.27 A1 Dimensions in millimeters Symbols A A1 A2 b c D E e E1 h L θ Nom. 1.65 — 1.50 — — 4.90 3.90 1.27 BSC 6.00 5.80 — 0.25 — 0.40 — 0° Min. 1.35 0.10 1.25 0.31 0.17 4.80 3.80 Max. 1.75 0.25 1.65 0.51 0.25 5.00 4.00 6.20 0.50 1.27 8° Dimensions in inches Symbols A A1 A2 b c D E e E1 h L θ Min. 0.053 0.004 0.049 0.012 0.007 0.189 0.150 Nom. Max. 0.065 0.069 — 0.010 0.059 0.065 — 0.020 — 0.010 0.193 0.197 0.154 0.157 0.050 BSC 0.228 0.236 0.244 0.010 — 0.020 0.016 — 0.050 — 0° 8° 0.80 0.635 UNIT: mm Notes: 1. All dimensions are in millimeters. 2. Dimensions are inclusive of plating 3. Package body sizes exclude mold flash and gate burrs. Mold flash at the non-lead sides should be less than 6 mils. 4. Dimension L is measured in gauge plane. 5. Controlling dimension is millimeter, converted inch dimensions are not necessarily exact. Rev. 1.1 July 2011 Page 9 of 13 AOZ1312 Tape and Reel Dimensions, SO-8 Carrier Tape P1 D1 P2 T E1 E2 E B0 K0 A0 D0 P0 Feeding Direction UNIT: mm Package SO-8 (12mm) A0 6.40 ±0.10 B0 5.20 ±0.10 K0 2.10 ±0.10 D0 1.60 ±0.10 D1 1.50 ±0.10 E 12.00 ±0.10 Reel E1 1.75 ±0.10 E2 5.50 ±0.10 P0 8.00 ±0.10 P1 4.00 ±0.10 P2 2.00 ±0.10 T 0.25 ±0.10 W1 S G N M K V R H W UNIT: mm W N Tape Size Reel Size M 12mm ø330 ø330.00 ø97.00 13.00 ±0.10 ±0.30 ±0.50 W1 17.40 ±1.00 H K ø13.00 10.60 +0.50/-0.20 S 2.00 ±0.50 G — R — V — Leader/Trailer and Orientation Trailer Tape 300mm min. or 75 empty pockets Rev. 1.1 July 2011 Components Tape Orientation in Pocket Leader Tape 500mm min. or 125 empty pockets Page 10 of 13 AOZ1312 Package Dimensions, MSOP8_EP1 Gauge Plane D Seating Plane L2 L 2 L1 E2 E E1 D1 c 1 A A1 A2 b e 0.10mm Dimensions in millimeters RECOMMENDED LAND PATTERN 0.75 1.9 1.9 0.65 4.35 0.35 Dimensions in inches Symbols A Min. 0.81 Nom. 1.02 Max. 1.12 Symbols A Min. 0.032 Nom. 0.040 Max. 0.044 A1 A2 0.05 0.76 — 0.86 0.15 0.97 A1 A2 0.002 0.030 — 0.034 0.006 0.038 b c D 0.25 0.13 2.90 0.30 0.15 3.00 0.40 0.23 3.10 b c D 0.010 0.005 0.116 0.012 0.006 0.118 0.016 0.010 0.120 D1 e E E1 E2 L 1.55 — 0.65 TYP. 3.00 4.90 — 0.55 1.8 0.06 3.10 5.10 1.8 0.70 D1 e E E1 E2 L — 0.07 0.026 TYP. 0.116 0.118 0.120 0.185 0.192 0.20 0.05 — 0.07 0.016 0.022 0.028 L1 L2 θ1 0.90 0.95 1.00 0.25 BSC — 6° L1 L2 θ1 0.035 θ2 — θ2 — 2.90 4.70 1.3 0.40 0° 12° — 0.037 0.039 0.010 BSC 0° — 6° 12° — Notes: 1. All dimensions are in millimeters. 2. Dimensions are inclusive of plating. 3. Package body sizes exclude mold flash and gate burrs. Mold flash at the non-lead sides should be less than 6 mils each. 4. Dimension L is measured in gauge plane. 5. Controlling dimension is millimeter, converted inch dimensions are not necessarily exact. Rev. 1.1 July 2011 Page 11 of 13 AOZ1312 Tape and Reel Dimensions, MSO8P_EP1 Carrier Tape P1 Section B-B' P2 D1 D0 K1 E1 E2 R0.3 Max E B0 A0 4.2 3.4 K1 T K0 R0.3 Typ. Feeding Direction Section B-B' UNIT: mm Package MSOP-8 P0 T 0.30 ±0.05 B0 3.30 ±0.10 A0 5.20 ±0.10 K1 1.20 ±0.10 K0 1.60 ±0.10 D0 D1 ø1.50 ø1.50 +0.1/-0.0 Min. E 12.0 ±0.3 E1 1.75 ±0.10 E2 5.50 ±0.05 P0 8.00 ±0.10 P1 4.00 ±0.05 P2 2.00 ±0.05 Reel W1 S G N M K V R H W UNIT: mm Tape Size Reel Size M N W 12mm ø330 ø330.00 ø97.00 13.00 ±0.50 ±0.10 ±0.30 W1 17.40 ±1.00 H K ø13.00 10.60 +0.50/-0.20 S 2.00 ±0.50 G — R — V — Leader/Trailer and Orientation Trailer Tape 300mm min. Components Tape Orientation in Pocket Leader Tape 500mm min. Notes: 1. 10 sprocket hole pich cumulative tolerance 0.2. 2. Camber not to exceed 1mm in 100mm. 3. A0 and B0 measured on a plane 0.3mm above the bottom of the pocket. 4. K0 measured from a plane on the inside bottom of the pocket to the top surface of the carrier. 5. Pocket position relative to sprocket hole measured as tue position of pocket, not pocket hole. 6. All dimensions in mm. Rev. 1.1 July 2011 Page 12 of 13 AOZ1312 Part Marking AOZ1312AI-1 (SO-8) Part Number Code Assembly Lot Code Fab Code & Assembly Location Code Year Code and Week Code AOZ1312EI-1 (MSOP8_EP1) Part Number Code Year Code and Week Code Fab Code & Assembly Location Code Assembly Lot Code This datasheet contains preliminary data; supplementary data may be published at a later date. Alpha & Omega Semiconductor reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice. LIFE SUPPORT POLICY ALPHA & OMEGA SEMICONDUCTOR PRODUCTS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED FOR USE AS CRITICAL COMPONENTS IN LIFE SUPPORT DEVICES OR SYSTEMS. As used herein: 1. Life support devices or systems are devices or systems which, (a) are intended for surgical implant into the body or (b) support or sustain life, and (c) whose failure to perform when properly used in accordance with instructions for use provided in the labeling, can be reasonably expected to result in a significant injury of the user. Rev. 1.1 July 2011 2. A critical component in any component of a life support, device, or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life support device or system, or to affect its safety or effectiveness. Page 13 of 13