OPTICAL CATALOG Version 14.8 Optical Table of Contents Single Layer Ceramic Capacitors (SLC’s) General Information Dielectrics, Environmental Tests, How to Order (Catalog Number Description) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-3 GH/GB Series – SLC’s with & without Borders (Maxi & Maxi+ X7R Dielectrics) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-5 GD Series – Ultra-Maxi X7R Dielectric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 GH/GB Series – SLC’s with & without Borders (X7S Dielectrics – Code Z) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 GH/GB Series - SLC’s with & without Borders (NP0, Temp Compensating & X7R Dielectrics) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-9 GHB/GH** Series – Dual-Cap & Multi-Cap Arrays (Multiple Dielectrics) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10-11 Ultra-Broadband Products GX Series – Ultra-Broadband Capacitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12-19 GLM Series – Ultra-Broadband SMT Inductors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20-22 GLN Series – Ultra-Broadband SMT Inductors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23-25 GL Series – Ultra-Broadband Resistors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26-27 GR Series – Ultra-Broadband Resistors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28-29 Optical Devices Crystal Etalon Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 Introduction to Microwave Capacitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31-42 NOTICE: Specifications are subject to change without notice. Contact your nearest AVX Sales Office for the latest specifications. All statements, information and data given herein are believed to be accurate and reliable, but are presented without guarantee, warranty, or responsibility of any kind, expressed or implied. Statements or suggestions concerning possible use of our products are made without representation or warranty that any such use is free of patent infringement and are not recommendations to infringe any patent. The user should not assume that all safety measures are indicated or that other measures may not be required. Specifications are typical and may not apply to all applications. 1 Microwave SLCs Single Layer Capacitor Series GENERAL INFORMATION AVX offers a complete line of Single Layer Ceramic (SLC) Capacitors with dielectric constants ranging from 14 (NP0) to 60,000 (X7R). Product offerings include standard SLC’s (with & without borders) in all dielectric families. Also available are Dual-Caps & Multi-Cap Arrays as well as specialized components for DC Blocking applications. Our Maxi & Maxi+ grain boundary barrier layer (GBBL) Single Layer Ceramics provide a combination of high capacitance, voltage rating and small footprints unmatched in the industry and are ideally suited for broadband bypass applications. Additionally, our “Z” dielectric (also a GBBL material system) offers a cost effective alternative to Z5U & Y5V dielectrics with a much improved temperature coefficient over an expanded operating temperature range of –55°C to +125°C. Standard terminations are Ti/W-Au and Ti/W-Ni-Au. All terminations are sputtered providing excellent surfaces for wire bonding and exceptional adhesion characteristics. Wire bond tests are performed on every material lot. Bond strength must meet a minimum of 6 and 20 grams for 1 and 2 mil Au wire respectively (as compared to MILSTD-883 limits of 3 and 8 grams) before being released to production (40 bonds with each wire size, zero failures permitted). All parts are capable of meeting or exceeding the environmental & mechanical specifications in Table II. In addition to an extensive offering of standard catalog devices, custom designs (and prototypes) are available upon request. Delivery of samples seldom exceeds two weeks once design parameters have been established. PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION (see individual sheets for more detail) GH 02 5 8 102 M A 6N Type/Style Size Voltage Rating Dielectric Code Capacitance Value Capacitance Tolerance Termination Code Packaging Code 2 Microwave SLCs Single Layer Capacitor Series GENERAL INFORMATION TABLE I - Dielectric Codes, Types & Product Styles ` Dielectric Constant (typ) NPO A 14 A 31 A 60 Temp 4 200 Comp 7 420 Y 650 X7R C 1,100 C 2,000 C 4,200 X7S Z 2,500 Z 5,000 Z 9,000 Z 14,000 Z 18,000 X7R 8 (Maxi) 20,000 X7R 9 (Maxi+) 30,000 X7R 0 (Ultra-Maxi) 60,000 Dielectric Type & Code Temperature Coefficient Temperature Range 0±30 ppm/°C -55°C to +125°C 0±30 ppm/°C 0±30 ppm/°C ±7.5% (non-linear) -55°C to +125°C -2000±500 ppm/°C -4700±1500 ppm/°C ±15% -55°C to +125°C Min Q at 1MHz ±22% -55°C to +125°C 10,000 660 660 400 200 400 40 40 33 30 ±15% -55°C to +125°C 30 Max.DF (%)* 1MHz 1KHz 0.01 0.15 0.15 0.25 0.7 0.3 N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.3 0.3 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 IR (Min) 25°C 105 Meg Ohms 105 Meg Ohms 104 Meg Ohms 104 Meg Ohms 104 Meg Ohms * Capacitance & DF are measured at 1MHz for values ≤100pF and 1KHz for capacitance values >100pF GH W GB W L L T T B TABLE II MIL Reference Parameter MIL-STD-883 MIL-STD-883 MIL-PRF-49464 MIL-PRF-49464 MIL-PRF-49464 MIL-STD-202 MIL-STD-202 Bond Strength Shear Strength Thermal Shock Voltage Conditioning Temperatue Coefficient Low Voltage Humidity Life Test Method or Paragraph 2011.7 2019 4.8.3 4.8.3 4.8.10 103 A 108 3 Microwave SLCs Maxi & Maxi+ Series: Single Layer Ceramics With & Without Borders GENERAL INFORMATION Maxi and Maxi+ are both AVX proprietary intergranular barrier layer dielectric formulations. Both use SrTiO3 as their major constituent and have dielectric constants exceeding 20,000 and 30,000 respectively. Grain boundary barrier layer (GBBL) capacitors have been well discussed in various literature sources and, while simple in principle, their resulting electrical properties are dependent on a complex combination of materials and process technology. AVX’s Maxi & Maxi+ dielectrics have the distinctive properties that are ideal for extremely broadband by-pass capacitors. This built-in feature gives these products a unique disspersive effect that is illustrated in the accompanying curves. AVX’s ability to control the prerequisite relationships between materials and process has resulted in dielectrics that make these Single Layer Ceramics especially well suited for applications requiring high frequency performance well into the millimeter band. All Maxi & Maxi+ dielectrics exhibit X7R temperature performance of ±15% from –55°C to +125°C. Electrical characteristics, as outlined in MIL-C-49464, will meet those specified for Class II dielectrics, rather than the less stringent Class IV, which typically describes GBBL dielectrics. Sample kits are available MAXI KIT Catalog # KITSLCK20KSAMPL includes 10 each: GH0158101MA6N, GH0158221MA6N, GH0258471MA6N, GH0358102MA6N, GH0458182MA6N MAXI+ KIT Catalog # KITSLCK30KSAMPL includes 10 each: GH0159331MA6N, GH0259751MA6N, GH0359152MA6N, GH0459302MA6N, GH0559602MA6N Capacitance Change with Temperature Impedance vs. Frequency 8 1 E+4 6 Impedance Typical Delta Cap (%) 4 2 0 -2 1 E+3 Typical 1 0 0 pF 2 2 0 pF 4 7 0 pF 1 0 0 0 pF 1 E+2 1 E+1 Q50 -4 1 E+0 -6 1 E+5 -8 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 Temperature ( °C) 4 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 1 E+6 1 E+7 1 E+8 1 E+9 Frequency (Hz.) 1 E+1 0 Microwave SLCs Maxi & Maxi+ Series: Single Layer Ceramics With & Without Borders DIMENSIONS: inches (millimeters) (L) Length (W) Width GH/GB01 .015±.005 (.381±.127) .015±.005 (.381±.127) GH/GB02 .025±.005 (.635±.127) .025±.005 (.635±.127) GH/GB03 GH/GB04 .035±.005 .050±.010 (.889±.127) (1.27±.254) .035±.005 .050±.010 (.889±.127) (1.27±.254) .007±.002 (.178±.051) .002±.001 (.051±.025) (T) Thickness (B) Border GH/GB05 .070±.010 (1.78±.254) .070±.010 (1.78±.254) GH/GB06 .090±.010 (2.29±.254) .090±.010 (2.29±.254) GH SERIES: MAXI SINGLE LAYER CAPACITORS WITHOUT BORDERS Cap (pF) Min Max 68 330 Cap (pF) Min Max 330 750 Cap (pF) Min Max 750 1200 Cap (pF) Min Max 1200 2700 Cap (pF) Min Max 2700 4700 Cap (pF) Min Max 4700 8200 GH SERIES: MAXI+ SINGLE LAYER CAPACITORS WITHOUT BORDERS Cap (pF) Min Max 330 390 Cap (pF) Min Max 390 1000 Cap (pF) Min Max 1000 1800 Cap (pF) Min Max 1800 3300 Cap (pF) Min Max 3300 6800 Cap (pF) Min Max 6800 10000 GB SERIES: MAXI SINGLE LAYER CAPACITORS WITH BORDERS Cap (pF) Min Max 51 220 Cap (pF) Min Max 220 560 Cap (pF) Min Max 560 1000 Cap (pF) Min Max 1000 2200 Cap (pF) Min Max 2200 4700 Cap (pF) Min Max 4700 8200 GB SERIES: MAXI+ SINGLE LAYER CAPACITORS WITH BORDERS Cap (pF) Min Max 220 330 Cap (pF) Min Max 330 820 Cap (pF) Min Max 820 1500 Cap (pF) Min Max 1500 2700 Cap (pF) Min Max 2700 6800 Cap (pF) Min Max 6800 10000 HOW TO ORDER GH 02 5 8 102 Type Code GH = w/o borders GB = w/ borders Case Size 01 02 03 04 05 06 Working Voltage Code 5 = 50 VDC Dielectric Code 8 = Maxi (k = 20,000) 9 = Maxi+ (k = 30,000) Capacitance Value EIA Cap Code in pF M A 6N Capacitance Termination Packaging Tolerance Code Code K = ±10% A = Au 6N = Antistatic M = ±20% (100 μ-in min) Waffle Pack Z = +80% -20% over P = +100% -20% Ti/W (1000 Å nom) also available N = Ti/W-Ni-Au 5 GD Series Ultra-MAXI Series The Ultra-Maxi Series is the latest addition to the AVX family of proprietary high k, inter-granular barrier layer dielectic systems. This series is similar to our Maxi & Maxi+ product offerings, but with the notable difference that the dielectric constant has been increased to 60,000 - double the previous high for our industry leading GBBL formulations. These new Single Layer Ceramic Capacitors, with X7R TCC and rated at 25VDC (-55°C thru +125°C), set a new standard for circuit miniturization. On average, the required board mounting area will be reduced by approximately two-thirds when compared to an equivalent capacitance value for our Maxi+ series. The UltraMaxi series offers an ideal solution for broadband bypass applications where high performance and the smallest footprint are the primary considerations. The Ultra-Maxi Series is RoHS compliant - as are all AVX SLC products. Terminations (Au over Ti/W) provide an excellent wire bonding surface and are compatible with conductive epoxy and Au/Sn eutectic solder attach. Samples and custom configurations are available on request. inches (millimeters) Style GD10 GD15 GD20 GD25 GD30 GD35 GD40 GD45 GD50 GD55 Length x Width ±.003" (0.076) .010 x .010 (.254 x .254) .015 x .015 (.381 x .381) .020 x .020 (.508 x .508) .025 x .025 (.635 x .635) .030 x .030 (.762 x .762) .035 x .035 (.889 x .889) .040 x .040 (1.016 x 1.016) .045 x .045 (1.143 x 1.143) .050 x .050 (1.270 x 1.270) .055 x .055 (1.397 x1.397) Capacitance (pF) Min Max 200 300 300 600 550 1000 900 1500 1400 2000 1900 2700 2600 3500 3300 4400 4200 5400 5100 6500 Sample kits are available ULTRA-MAXI KIT Catalog # KITSLCK60KSAMPL includes 10 each: GD1030301ZAW, GD1530601ZAW, GD2030102ZAW, GD3030202ZAW Thickness: .0065±.001 (.165±.025) Capacitance Change with Temperature 8 6 Typical Delta Cap (%) 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 Temperature (°C) HOW TO ORDER GD 20 3 0 102 Z A W Type Code L&W (mils) Rated Voltage 3 = 25 VDC Dielectric 0 = Ultra-Maxi (k = 60,000) Capacitance EIA Cap Code in pF Capacitance Tolerance M = ±20% Z = +80 -20% Termination Au (100 μ-in) over Ti/W (1000Å) Packaging Antistatic Waffle Pack (400 per) 6 Microwave Single Layer X7S Capacitors Z Dielectric With and Without Borders GENERAL INFORMATION This grain boundary barrier layer (GBBL) system was developed as a replacement for conventional Z5U/Y5V dielectrics. With X7S temperature characteristics, the Z Series offers not only a significant improvement over the TCC of these two dielectrics, but does so over a much wider operating range of -55C to +125°C. Voltage ratings of 50 and 100VDC are available. The Z Series is offered in a range of five dielectric constants (2,500, 5,000, 9,000, 14,000 and 18,000) and products are available with & without borders. CAPACITANCE CHANGE WITH TEMPERATURE 40 X7S Typical Delta Cap (%) 20 Sample kits are available Z Dielectric KIT Catalog # KITSLCZDIESAMPL includes 10 each: GH015Z101MA6N, GH025Z221MA6N, GH035Z471MA6N, GH045Z102MA6N Samples of individual P/N's are also available 0 -20 -40 Z5U -60 -80 Y5V -100 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 Temperature (°C) 80 100 120 140 DIMENSIONS: inches (millimeters) Length & Width (T) Thickness (B) Border GH/GB01 .015±.005 (.381±.127) GH/GB02 GH/GB03 GH/GB04 .025±.005 .035±.005 .050±.010 (.635±.127) (.889±.127) (1.27±.254) .007+.002, -.001 (.178+.051, -.025) .002±.001 (.051±.025) GH/GB05 .070±.010 (1.78±.254) GH/GB06 .090±.010 (2.29±.254) Z DIELECTRIC GH WITHOUT BORDERS Cap (pF) Min Max 20 200 Cap (pF) Min Max 35 470 Cap (pF) Min Max 80 800 Cap (pF) Min Max 150 2000 Cap (pF) Min Max 300 3000 Cap (pF) Min Max 500 4700 Cap (pF) Min Max 70 700 Cap (pF) Min Max 140 1800 Cap (pF) Min Max 280 2700 Cap (pF) Min Max 470 4500 Z DIELECTRIC GB WITH BORDERS Cap (pF) Min Max 20 150 Cap (pF) Min Max 30 390 HOW TO ORDER GH 02 5 Z 102 M Type Code GH = No Borders GB = With Borders Case Size 01 02 03 04 05 06 Working Voltage Code 5 = 50V 1 = 100V Dielectric Code Z = X7S (k = 2.5K-18K) Capacitance EIA Cap Code in pF Capacitance Tolerance Code K = ±10% M = ±20% Z = +80% -20% P = 100% -20% A 6N Termination Packaging Code Code A = Au 6N = Antistatic (100 μ-in min) Waffle Pack over Ti/W (1000 Å nom) also available N = Ti/W-Ni-Au 7 Microwave SLC’s GENERAL INFORMATION In addition to the standard SLC products shown below, AVX is now able to offer bordered versions in these same dielectric families as detailed on the opposing page utilizing micron resolution photolithography and etching processes. With borders precisely defined, these parts will be beneficial in those applications that require enhanced visual definition during placement and wire bonding. Additionally, bordered devices have proven effective in reducing susceptibility to conductive epoxy electrode bridging. Custom designs to meet stringent circuit trace width matching requirements are available upon request. GH SERIES: SINGLE LAYER CAPACITORS WITHOUT BORDERS NP0, TEMPERATURE COMPENSATING & X7R DIELECTRICS DIMENSIONS: inches (millimeters) Case Code/Size Length & Width Thickness Min/Max Dielectric k A A A 4 7 Y C C C 14 31 60 200 420 650 1100 2000 4200 GH16 .015±.003 (.381±.076) Min 0.06 0.1 0.3 0.8 1.5 2.7 3.3 6.2 13 Cap (pF) Max 0.2 0.4 1 3 5.6 10 15 29 60 Tol* A A B C J K K K K GH18 GH26 .018±.003 (.457±.076) .025±.005 (.635±.127) .0045/.012 (.114/.035) Cap (pF) Cap (pF) Min Max Tol* Min Max Tol* 0.08 0.2 A 0.2 0.4 A 0.2 0.5 A 0.4 1 A 0.4 1.1 A 0.8 2 B 1.2 3.6 C 2.4 6.8 C 2.2 6.2 D 4.3 12 D 4.3 11 D 7.5 22 J 6.8 18 J 13 36 J 13 36 J 24 68 J 30 75 J 56 150 J GH35 .035±.005 (.889±.127) Min 0.4 0.7 1.5 4.7 8.2 15 27 47 110 Cap (pF) Max 0.9 2 4.7 13 22 43 75 130 300 Tol* A A B D J J J J J DIMENSIONS: inches (millimeters) Case Code/Size Length & Width Thickness Min/Max Dielectric k A A A 4 7 Y C C C 14 31 60 200 420 650 1100 2000 4200 GH50 .050±.010 (1.27±.254) Min 0.6 1.5 2.7 8.2 15 27 47 82 180 Cap (pF) Max 2 4.7 9.1 30 51 100 160 300 680 Tol* A B C G G G J J J GH70 .070±.010 (1.78±.254) .0045/.012 (.114/.035) Cap (pF) Min Max Tol* 1.3 3.9 A 3 8.2 B 6.2 16 D 20 56 G 33 91 G 62 180 G 100 300 J 220 560 J 430 1200 J GH90 .090±.010 (2.29±.254) Min 2.2 5.1 10 33 56 110 180 330 750 Cap (pF) Max 5.6 13 27 82 150 270 470 820 1800 Tol A C G G G G J J J Note: Tol* - Letter indicates tightest available 8 Microwave SLC’s GB SERIES: SINGLE LAYER CAPACITORS WITH BORDERS NP0, TEMPERATURE COMPENSATING & X7R DIELECTRICS DIMENSIONS: inches (millimeters) Case Code/Size Length & Width Thickness Min/Max (B) Border Dielectric k A A A 4 7 Y C C C 14 31 60 200 420 650 1100 2000 4200 GB15 .015±.002 (.381±.051) Min 0.06 0.1 0.3 0.9 1.5 2.7 4.7 9.1 20 Cap (pF) Max 0.1 0.2 0.4 1.3 2.4 4.7 7.5 13 33 GB20 GB25 .020±.002 (.508±.051) .025±.002 (.635±.051) .0045/.012 (.114/.035) .002+.002,-.001 (.051+.051,-.025) Cap (pF) Cap (pF) Min Max Tol* Min Max Tol* 0.1 0.2 A 0.2 0.3 A 0.3 0.4 B 0.4 0.7 B 0.5 0.8 C 0.8 1.3 C 1.5 2.7 D 2.7 4.7 M 2.7 4.7 M 4.7 8.2 M 4.7 9.1 M 8.2 15 M 8.2 15 M 15 24 M 16 27 M 27 47 M 36 62 M 56 100 M Tol* A A B D D M M M M GB30 .030±.002 (.762±.051) Min 0.3 0.6 1.2 3.9 6.8 12 22 39 91 Cap (pF) Max 0.4 1 2 6.8 12 22 36 68 150 Tol* A B C K K K K K K DIMENSIONS: inches (millimeters) Case Code/Size Length & Width Thickness Min/Max (B) Border Dielectric k A A A 4 7 Y C C C 14 31 60 200 420 650 1100 2000 4200 GB35 .035±.002 (.899±.051) Min 0.4 0.8 1.6 5.1 9.1 18 30 51 120 Cap (pF) Max 0.6 1.5 3 9.1 16 30 51 91 200 GB40 .040±.002 (1.016±.051) .0045/.012 (.114/.035) .002+.002,-.001 (.051+.051,-.025) Cap (pF) Tol* Min Max Tol* A 0.5 0.9 B C 1.1 2 C C 2.2 3.9 C K 6.8 13 K K 12 22 K K 22 39 K K 39 68 K K 68 120 K K 160 270 K GB50 .050±.002 (1.270±.051) Min 0.8 1.8 3.6 11 20 36 62 110 270 Cap (pF) Max 1.3 3 6.2 20 36 62 110 200 430 Tol B C D K K K K K K Note: Tol* - Letter indicates tightest available HOW TO ORDER GH 16 5 A 6R8 K N 6N Type Code GH = w/o borders GB = w/ borders Case Code Working Voltage 5 = 50WVDC 1 = 100WVDC Dielectric Code A = NP0* 4 = TC 7 = TC Y = TC C = X7R Capacitance Value EIA Cap Code in pF Capacitance Tolerance A = ±0.05pF B = ±0.1pF C = ±0.25pF D = ±0.5pF G = ±2% J = ±5% K = ±10% M = ±20% Termination Code N = Ti/W-Ni-Au Au (100μ-in min) over Ni (1500Å nom) over Ti/W (500Å nom) Packaging Code 6N = Antistatic Waffle Pack First two digits = significant figures or “R” for decimal place. Third digit = number of zeros or after “R” significant figures. NOTE: A Dielectric (k =60) is not RoHS Compliant". TC has advised me that A dielectrics with k = 14 & 31 are RoHS compliant. 9 Microwave SLCs Multi-Cap Arrays GENERAL INFORMATION AVX Multi-Cap Arrays can be manufactured with 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 capacitors on one single layer ceramic substrate. These arrays are available in our X7S (Z), Maxi and Maxi+ family of GBBL dielectrics and offer a broad range of capacitance values as detailed in the accompanying tables. These arrays have advantages over single components in the form of smaller overall size, reduced handling and lower average unit costs. They are, therefore, a good choice for broad-band bypass applications where circuit board layouts can utilize these configurations. The designs, shown along with the range of maximum capacitance values, represent typical parts. Since most applications require specific form factors, custom designs on all multi-cap arrays are available to meet individual customer requirements and are offered with quick turn around. No charge samples are generally shipped within two weeks of the design sign-off. Both standard and custom designs are available with borders for those applications where conductive epoxy run up exposes the parts to the possibility of shorting. Maximum capacitance per pad for bordered devices will be necessarily somewhat lower than shown on the adjacent page. 2 and 3 cap arrays can be designed with different capacitance values per pad in circuit designs where identical values pad-to-pad are, for one reason or another, not altogether suitable. Additionally, the dual-caps are available to match micro strip widths as dictated by circuit considerations. When mounted with the individual pads down, the need for wire bonding is eliminated. The maximum capacitance values indicated on the typical designs shown represent capacitance per pad. Mounted with both pads down puts two capacitors in series. The effective series capacitance (CEff), can be determined by 1/CEff = 1/C1 + 1/C2. Contact the factory or your local AVX representative. DUAL-CAP MULTI-CAP T G W G W T L L 10 Microwave SLCs Multi-Cap Arrays GHB SERIES: DUAL CAP SINGLE LAYER CAPACITORS DIMENSIONS: inches (millimeters) GHB2 .050±.010 (1.27±.254) .020+.000,-.003 (.508+.000,-.076) (L) Length (W) Width GHBY GHB3 Cap/Pad Min 25 200 270 (pF) Max 220 350 450 GHB5 .080±.010 (2.03±.254) .025+.000,-.003 (.635+.000,-.076) .030+.000,-.003 .040+.000,-.003 (.762+.000,-.076) (1.02+.000,-.076) .008±.002 (.203±.051) .005 min/.010 max (.127/.254) (T) Thickness (G) Gap Dielectric Z Maxi Maxi+ GHB4 Cap/Pad Min 54 430 600 (pF) Max 500 780 1000 Cap/Pad Min 65 520 730 (pF) Max 600 940 1200 Cap/Pad Min 88 700 980 (pF) Max 770 1200 1500 .050+.000,-.003 (1.27+.000,-.076) Cap/Pad Min 100 870 1200 (pF) Max 960 1500 1900 GH-SERIES: MULTI-CAP ARRAY SINGLE LAYER CAPACITORS DIMENSIONS: inches (millimeters) GH*2 Length - Code Length - Code Length - Code Length - Code (W) Width GH*Y GH*3 .065±.010 (1.65±.254) .090±.010 (2.29±.254) .115±.010 (2.92±.254) .140±.010 (3.56±.254) .025±.005 .030±.005 (.635±.127) (.762±.127) .008±.002 (.203±.051) .025x.015 .030x.015 (.635x.381) (.762x.381) .005 min/.010 max (.127/.254) (C) - 3 Caps (D) - 4 Caps (E) - 5 Caps (F) - 6 Caps .020±.005 (.508±.127) (T) Thickness Pad Size (nominal) .020x.015 (.508x.381) (G) Gap (All Arrays) Dielectric Z Maxi Maxi+ Cap/Pad Min 20 140 200 (pF) Max 120 200 300 Cap/Pad Min 25 170 250 (pF) Max 150 250 370 Cap/Pad Min 30 210 300 GH*6 .040±.005 (1.02±.127) .040x.015 (1.02x.381) (pF) Max 180 300 450 Cap/Pad Min 40 280 400 (pF) Max 250 400 600 HOW TO ORDER GH B 5 5 8 102 P A 6N Type Code Array Code B=2 C=3 D=4 E=5 F=6 Size Code 2 = .020" W Y = .025" W 3 = .030" W 4 = .040" W 5 = .050" W S = Special Working Voltage Code 5 = 50VDC Dielectric Code Z = X7S 8 = Maxi 9 = Maxi+ Cap Code EIA Cap Code in pF Cap Tolerance P = +100% -0% Z = +80% -20% Termination Code A = Au (100 μ-in min) over Ti/W (1000 Å nom) also available N = Ti/W-Ni-Au Packaging Code 6N = Antistatic Waffle Pack Dual-Caps M = ±20% available 11 GX01 Series Ultra-Broadband Capacitor ADVANTAGES APPLICATIONS • Ultra-Broadband performance • Ultra-Low Insertion Loss • Semi-Conductor Data Communications Customers • X5R & X7S Characteristics • Receiver Optical Sub-Assemblies • Excellent Return Loss • Transimpedance Amplifier Customers • Test Equipment Manufacturers The GX Series was developed specifically to address DC blocking issues from 160KHz (-3dB roll-off) to 40GHz. Most applications will experience resonance-free insertion loss of <0.4dB thru at least 40GHz. Insertion loss at higher frequencies is in part dependent on installation parameters. Using AVX’s patented precision thin film termination process, the part is designed to be completely orientation insensitive with a standard EIA 0201 footprint to minimize board space requirements. Both Ni/Sn and Ni/Au terminations are available to cover a wide range of attachment processes. All GX parts are RoHS compliant. Au terminated units are wire bondable. Users may, therefore, find these devices useful in bypass applications when wire bonding is a necessary part of the manufacturing process. More information can be obtained by contacting the factory or your local AVX representative. GX01 Series – Insertion Loss (S21) GX01 Series – Return Loss (S11) -0.2 50.00 40.00 -0.4 30.00 Magnitude dB Magnitude dB 0 -0.6 -0.8 -1 -1.2 -1.4 -1.6 -1.8 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 10.00 0.00 -10.00 -20.00 -30.00 (Typical) -40.00 (Typical) -2 20.00 40 -50.00 0.4 8 16 24 32 Frequency (GHz) Frequency (GHz) Test Parameters: All testing done on 10-mil thick Rogers R03006 Microstrip board, with device under test subtending a 10 mil gap in a 13.4 mil wide center trace (nominal 50 Ohm characteristic impedance) MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS 0.3 ± 0.03 (0.012 ± 0.001) 3 0.0 01) 8 ± 0.0 0.5 23 ± 0 (0. 0.3 ± 0.03 (0.012 ± 0.001) 12 51 0.0 002) 2 ± ± 0. 0 0.1 004 (0. 40 GX01 Series Ultra-Broadband Capacitor ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Capacitance Voltage Rating/Operating Temperature Dielectric Withstanding Voltage Insulation Resistance Temperature Coefficient 0.01 μF +100% - 0% 10 VDC @ 85°C; 6.3 VDC @ 125ºC 250% WVDC 10,000 Meg Ohms @ 25°C; 1,000 Meg Ohms @ 125°C 10 VDC X5R (±15%); 6.3 VDC X7S (±22%) HOW TO ORDER GX 01 ZD 103 P A T D Style Case Size 01 = 0201 Voltage/Dielectric ZD = 10VDC/X5R 6.3Vdc/X7S Capacitance 103 = 0.01μF EIA Cap Code in pF Tolerance P = +100% -0% Failure Rate A = Std Termination T = Ni-Sn (Standard) 7 = Ni-Au Packaging D = 4000 pcs 3" T&R D-500 = 500 pcs 3" T&R D-1000 = 1000 pcs 3" T&R 13 GX02 Series Ultra-Broadband Capacitor ADVANTAGES APPLICATIONS • Ultra-Broadband performance • Ultra-Low Insertion Loss • Semi-Conductor Data Communications Customers • X5R & X7S Characteristics • Receiver Optical Sub-Assemblies • Excellent Return Loss • Transimpedance Amplifier Customers • Test Equipment Manufacturers The GX Series was developed specifically to address DC blocking issues from ~16KHz (-3dB roll-off) to 40GHz. Most applications will experience resonance-free insertion loss of <0.5dB thru at least 40GHz. Insertion loss at higher frequencies is in part dependent on installation parameters. Using AVX’s patented precision thin film termination process, the part is designed to be completely orientation insensitive with a standard EIA 0402 footprint to minimize board space requirements. Both Ni/Sn and Ni/Au terminations are available to cover a wide range of attachment processes. All GX parts are RoHS compliant. Au terminated units are wire bondable. Users may, therefore, find these devices useful in bypass applications when wire bonding is a necessary part of the manufacturing process. More information can be obtained by contacting the factory or your local AVX representative. GX02 Series – Return Loss (S11) GX02 Series – Insertion Loss (S21) 0 0 -10 -0.4 Magnitude dB Magnitude dB -0.2 -0.6 -0.8 -1 -1.2 -1.4 -1.6 -20 -30 -40 -50 -1.8 (Typical) (Typical) -2 -60 0 10 20 30 40 0 5 10 15 Frequency (GHz) 20 25 30 35 Frequency (GHz) Test Parameters: Rogers RO4350 Board (T = 10 mils); Trace width = 22 mils; Gap = 24 mils; 50 ohm (nominal) characteristic impedance MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS 0.508 ± 0.1 (0.020 ± 0.004) .1 ) ± 0 04 16 0.0 1.0 40 ± 0 (0. 0.508 ± 0.1 (0.020 ± 0.004) 14 51 0.0 002) 8 ± ± 0. 2 0.1 005 (0. 40 GX02 Series Ultra-Broadband Capacitor ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Capacitance Voltage Rating/Operating Temperature Dielectric Withstanding Voltage Insulation Resistance Temperature Coefficient 0.1 μF ± 10% 16 VDC @ 85°C; 10 VDC @ 125°C 250% WVDC 10,000 Meg Ohms @ 25°C; 1,000 Meg Ohms @ 125°C 16 VDC X5R (± 15%); 10 VDC X7S (± 22%) HOW TO ORDER GX 02 YD 104 K A T 2 Style Case Size 02 = 0402 Voltage/Dielectric YD = 16VDC/X5R 10VDC/X7S Capacitance 104 = 0.1μF EIA Cap Code in pF Tolerance K = ±10% Failure Rate A = Std Termination T = Ni-Sn (Standard) 7 = Ni-Au Packaging 2 = 4000 pcs 7" T&R 2-500 = 500 pcs 7" T&R 2-1000 = 1000 pcs 7" T&R 15 GX03 Series Ultra-Broadband Capacitor ADVANTAGES APPLICATIONS • Ultra-Broadband performance • Ultra-Low Insertion Loss • Semi-Conductor Data Communications Customers • X7R Characteristics • Receiver Optical Sub-Assemblies • Excellent Return Loss • Transimpedance Amplifier Customers • Test Equipment Manufactures Ni-Sn and Ni-Au terminations are available to cover a wide range of attachment processes. All GX parts are RoHS compliant. Au terminated units are wire bondable. Users may, therefore, find these devices useful in bypass applications when wire bonding is a necessary part of the manufacturing process. More information can be obtained by contacting the factory or your local AVX representative. GX03 Series – Insertion Loss (S21) GX03 Series – Return Loss (S11) 0.0 -10.00 -0.5 -25.00 Magnitude dB Magnitude dB The GX03 Series was developed specifically to address DC Blocking issues from ~16KHz (-3dB roll-off) to 40GHz in applications requiring higher voltages than available in our other Broadband offerings. Rated at 50VDC from -55ºC to +125ºC with X7R TCC, GX03 products exhibit low insertion loss & excellent return loss. Using AVX’s patented precision thin film termination process, the part is designed to be completely orientation insensitive with a standard EIA 0603 footprint to minimize board space requirements. -1.0 -1.5 -40.00 -55.00 -2.0 (Typical) -70.00 (Typical) -2.5 0 0 8 16 24 32 8 16 40 24 32 40 Frequency (GHz) Frequency (GHz) Test Parameters: Testing to 40GHz performed on Rodgers R04350 microstrip board (T = 10 mils); Trace width = 22 mils: Gap = 24 mils; 50 ohm (nominal) characteristic impedance. Modelithics model developed through testing on several different substrates including Alumina (T = 5 mils) measured through 65GHz. THe modeled results presented for R04350 were for a pad width = 20 mils and a gap = 16 mils. MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS 0.86 ± 0.10 (0.034 ± 0.004) 0 0.1 04) 2 ± 0.0 1.5 60 ± 0 (0. 0.86 ± 0.10 (0.034 ± 0.004) 5 0.0 002) 8 ± 0. 0.1 07 ± 0 (0. mm (inches) 16 GX03 Series Ultra-Broadband Capacitor ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Capacitance Voltage Rating/Operating Temperature Dielectric Withstanding Voltage Insulation Resistance Temperature Coefficient 0.1 μF ± 20% 50 VDC @ 125°C 250% WVDC 10,000 Meg Ohms @ 25°C; 1,000 Meg Ohms @ 125°C X7R (± 15%) HOW TO ORDER GX 03 5C 104 M A T 2 Style Case Size 03 = 0603 Voltage/Dielectric 5C = 50Vdc/X7R Capacitance 104 = 0.1μF EIA Cap Code in pF Tolerance M = ±20% Failure Rate A = Std Termination T = Ni-Sn (Standard) 7 = Ni-Au Packaging 2 = 4000 pcs 7" T&R 2-500 = 500 pcs 7" T&R 2-1000 = 1000 pcs 7" T&R 17 GX0S Series Ultra Broad Band Capacitor ADVANTAGES APPLICATIONS • Ultra-Broadband performance • Ultra-Low Insertion Loss • Semi-Conductor Data Communications Customers • Excellent Return Loss • Receiver Optical Sub-Assemblies • Transimpedance Amplifier Customers • Test Equipment Manufactures The GX0S Series was developed to address DC Blocking issues from ~16KHz (-3dB roll-off) to 40GHz and was designed specifically for mounting on strip lines with widths less than 20mils. In most applications, insertion loss (as shown below) will typically fall in the range of 0.4dB. Insertion loss at frequencies higher than 40GHz will be in part dependent on installation parameters. These devices utilize AVX’s patented precision thin film termination process and are especially well suited for high volume solder assembly. Both Ni/Sn and Ni/Au terminations are available to cover a wide range of attachment processes. Au terminated units are wire bondable. Users, therefore, may find these devices useful in bypass applications when wire bonding is a necessary part of the manufacturing process. GX0S products (like all GX Series parts) are RoHS compliant. More information can be obtained by contacting the factory or your local AVX representative. GX0S Series – Return Loss (S11) GX0S Series – Insertion Loss (S21) 0.0 0 -10 Magnitude dB Magnitude dB -0.5 -1.0 -1.5 -2.0 -20 -30 -40 -50 (Typical) -2.5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 (Typical) -60 40 0 5 10 Frequency (GHz) 15 20 25 30 35 40 Frequency (GHz) Test Parameters: All testing done on 10-mil thick Rogers R03006 Microstrip board, with device under test subtending a 10 mil gap in a 13.4 mil wide center trace (nominal 50 Ohm characteristic impedance) Figure 1 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS 0.38 ± 0.05 (0.015 ± 0.002) 0.86 ± 0.05 (0.034 ± 0.002) Average Delta Cap (%) 0.13 ± 0.05 (0.005 ± 0.002) 8 0 -8 -15 -23 -30 0.33 ± 0.05 (0.013 ± 0.002) 18 -75 -50 -25 0 25 50 Temperature (ºC) 75 100 125 150 GX0S Series Ultra Broad Band Capacitor ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Capacitance Voltage Rating/Operating Temperature Dielectric Withstanding Voltage Insulation Resistance Temperature Coefficient 0.1 uF ±20% 6.3 VDC @ 85ºC, 4 VDC @ 125ºC 250% WVDC 10,000 Meg Ohms @ 25ºC, 1,000 Meg Ohms @ 125ºC 6.3 VDC (X5R), 4 VDC - See Figure 1 HOW TO ORDER GX 0S 6D 104 M A T D Style Case Size Special Voltage/Dielectric 6D = 6.3VDC/X5R 4.0VDC/125ºC (See Fig. 1) Capacitance 104 = 0.1uF EIA Cap Code in pF Tolerance M = ±20% Failure Rate A = Std Termination T = Ni-Sn (Standard) 7 = Ni-Au Packaging D = 4000 pcs, 3" T&R D-500 = 500 pcs, 3" T&R D-1000 = 1000 pcs, 3" T&R 19 GLM Series Ultra-Broadband SMT Inductors AVX, the industry leader, in introducing the new 506WLS Series High Frequency Ultra-Broadband Inductor (UBL). This unique component provides low insertion loss and an excellent match over multiple octaves of frequency spectrum. The 506WLS is ideal for ultra-broadband DC decoupling networks and bias tee applications in optical communications systems and equipment using high-speed digital logic. LEAD-FREE COMPATIBLE COMPONENT FEATURES Operating Frequency Part Number ADVANTAGES DIMENSIONS 9.5 MHz (-3 dB roll-off) through 40+ GHz typ. 6.6 MHz (-3 dB roll-off) through 40+ GHz typ. 3.3 MHz (-3 dB roll-off) through 40+ GHz typ. 2.1 MHz (-3 dB roll-off) through 40+ GHz typ. 1.1 MHz (-3 dB roll-off) through 40+ GHz typ. GLMR47KAT1A • Ultra-Broadband Performance • Ultra-Low Insertion Loss • Flat Frequency Response • Excellent Return Loss Through 40 GHz • Unit-to-Unit Performance Repeatability • Rugged Powdered Iron Core Insertion Return Loss Loss shunt mounted shunt mounted GLMR70KAT1A GLM1R1KAT1A GLM2R0KAT1A GLM3R8KAT1A Operating Temperature Range ≤0.5 dB, typ. 20 dB, typ. -55ºC to +125ºC ≤0.5 dB, typ. 20 dB, typ. -55ºC to +125ºC ≤0.6 dB, typ. 22 dB, typ. -55ºC to +125ºC ≤0.4 dB, typ. 20 dB, typ. -55ºC to +125ºC ≤0.4 dB, typ. 25 dB, typ. -55ºC to +125ºC RECOMMENDED FOOTPRINT mm (inches) 0.76 (0.030) Terminal is configured to facilitate attachment close to inductor tip. 0.51 (0.020) 2.67 (0.105) 0.75 ± 0.12 (0.030±0.005) 1.62 (0.065) 2.032 (0.080) 3.226 (0.127) Part Number Size Length (L) Width (W) Height (H) GLMR47KAT1A GLMR70KAT1A GLM1R1KAT1A GLM2R0KAT1A GLMR70KAT1A M M M M M 3.226 (0.127) 3.226 (0.127) 3.226 (0.127) 3.226 (0.127) 3.226 (0.127) 2.032 (0.080) 2.032 (0.080) 2.032 (0.080) 2.032 (0.080) 2.032 (0.080) 2.670 (0.105) 2.670 (0.105) 2.670 (0.105) 2.670 (0.105) 2.670 (0.105) Cu Wire Size Number (AWG) of Times 38 22 40 27 42 34 44 46 47 64 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATION Part Number Inductance Rated Current (RDC max. Resistance (IDC max.) GLMR47KAT1A GLMR70KAT1A GLM1R1KAT1A GLM2R0KAT1A GLMR70KAT1A 0.47 μH, typ. 0.70 μH, typ. 1.10 μH, typ. 2.00 μH, typ. 3.80 μH, typ. 815 mA* 619 mA* 438 mA* 227 mA* 182 mA* 0.19 Ω, typ. at +20ºC, 10 mA Current 0.32 Ω, typ. at +20ºC, 10 mA Current 0.64 Ω, typ. at +20ºC, 10 mA Current 1.60 Ω, typ. at +20ºC, 10 mA Current 3.70 Ω, typ. at +20ºC, 10 mA Current *Current for 100ºC Temperature rise 20 0.84 (0.033) 0.51 (0.020) 2.16 (0.085) 0.89 (0.035) Notes: Inductance: measured at 1 MHz, 0.1 Vrms, 0 mA dc with HP4291A impedance analyser Current Rating: based on a 100ºC temperature rise from a 25ºC ambient Wire: Copper, plated with gold 20 μ in. ±5 μ in. GLM Series Ultra-Broadband SMT Inductors AVAILABLE PART NUMBERS HOW TO ORDER GL M R47 K A T 1A Series Case Size Iductace Code (μH) 3 significant digits for inductance R = Decimal point Inductance Tolerance ±10% Failure Rate Termination T = Tin Termination Packaging 1A = Tape & Reel GLMR47KA51A GLMR70KAT1A GLM141KAT1A GLM240KAT1A GLM348KAT1A GLMR47KAT1A Insertion Loss (S21) Return Loss (S11) GLMR70KAT1A Insertion Loss (S21) Return Loss (S11) 21 GLM Series Ultra-Broadband SMT Inductors GLM1R1KAT1A Insertion Loss (S21) Return Loss (S11) GLM2R0KAT1A Return Loss (S11) Insertion Loss (S21) GLM3R8KAT1A Insertion Loss (S21) 22 Return Loss (S11) GLN Series Ultra-Broadband SMT Inductors AVX, the industry leader, in introducing the new 506WLS Series High Frequency Ultra-Broadband Inductor (UBL). This unique component provides low insertion loss and an excellent match over multiple octaves of frequency spectrum. The 506WLS is ideal for ultra-broadband DC decoupling networks and bias tee applications in optical communications systems and equipment using high-speed digital logic. LEAD-FREE COMPATIBLE COMPONENT FEATURES Operating Frequency Part Number ADVANTAGES DIMENSIONS 2.8 MHz (-3 dB roll-off) through 40+ GHz typ. 1.6 MHz (-3 dB roll-off) through 40+ GHz typ. 1.3 MHz (-3 dB roll-off) through 40+ GHz typ. 700 KHz (-3 dB roll-off) through 40+ GHz typ. 400 KHz (-3 dB roll-off) through 40+ GHz typ. GLN1R4KAT1A • Ultra-Broadband Performance • Ultra-Low Insertion Loss • Flat Frequency Response • Excellent Return Loss Through 40 GHz • Unit-to-Unit Performance Repeatability • Rugged Powdered Iron Core Insertion Return Loss Loss shunt mounted shunt mounted GLN2R0KAT1A GLN3R3KAT1A GLN6R0KAT1A GLN10R7KAT1A Operating Temperature Range ≤0.4 dB, typ. 17 dB, typ. -55ºC to +125ºC ≤0.5 dB, typ. 17 dB, typ. -55ºC to +125ºC ≤0.5 dB, typ. 17 dB, typ. -55ºC to +125ºC ≤0.4 dB, typ. 48 dB, typ. -55ºC to +125ºC ≤0.4 dB, typ. 17 dB, typ. -55ºC to +125ºC RECOMMENDED FOOTPRINT mm (inches) 0.76 (0.030) Terminal is configured to facilitate attachment close to inductor tip. 0.51 (0.020) 2.972 (0.117) 1.32 ± 0.127 (0.052 ± 0.005) 5.72 (0.225) 2.87 (0.113) 2.87 (0.113) 3.39 (0.133) Part Number Size Length (L) Width (W) Height (H) GLN1R4KAT1A GLN2R0KAT1A GLN3R3KAT1A GLN6R0KAT1A GLN10R7KAT1A N N N N N 6.223 (0.245) 6.223 (0.245) 6.223 (0.245) 6.223 (0.245) 6.223 (0.245) 3.378 (0.133) 3.378 (0.133) 3.378 (0.133) 3.378 (0.133) 3.378 (0.133) 2.972 (0.117) 2.972 (0.117) 2.972 (0.117) 2.972 (0.117) 2.972 (0.117) Cu Wire Size Number (AWG) of Times 38 40 40 48 42 61 44 78 47 110 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATION Part Number Inductance Rated Current (RDC max. Resistance (IDC max.) GLN1R4KAT1A GLN2R0KAT1A GLN3R3KAT1A GLN6R0KAT1A GLN10R7KAT1A 0.47 μH, typ. 2.00 μH, typ. 3.30 μH, typ. 6.00 μH, typ. 10.7 μH, typ. 694 mA* 494 mA* 350 mA* 236 mA* 150 mA* 0.33 Ω, typ. at +20ºC, 10 mA Current 0.65 Ω, typ. at +20ºC, 10 mA Current 1.29 Ω, typ. at +20ºC, 10 mA Current 2.85 Ω, typ. at +20ºC, 10 mA Current 7.10 Ω, typ. at +20ºC, 10 mA Current 0.84 (0.033) 0.51 (0.020) 2.16 (0.085) 0.89 (0.035) Notes: Inductance: measured at 1 MHz, 0.1 Vrms, 0 mA dc with HP4291A impedance analyser Current Rating: based on a 100ºC temperature rise from a 25ºC ambient Wire: Copper, plated with gold 20 μ in. ±5 μ in. *Current for 100ºC Temperature rise 23 GLN Series Ultra-Broadband SMT Inductors HOW TO ORDER GL Series N Case Size 1R47 Iductace Code (μH) 3 significant digits for inductance R = Decimal point K Inductance Tolerance ±10% A Failure Rate T Termination T = Tin Termination AVAILABLE PART NUMBERS 1A Packaging 1A = Tape & Reel GLN1R4KA51A GLN2R0KAT1A GLN3R3KAT1A GLN6R0KAT1A GLN10R7KAT1A GLN1R4KA51A Insertion Loss (S21) Return Loss (S11) GLN2R0KAT1A Insertion Loss (S21) 24 Return Loss (S11) GLN Series Ultra-Broadband SMT Inductors GLN3R3KAT1A Insertion Loss (S21) Return Loss (S11) GLN6R0KAT1A Insertion Loss (S21) Return Loss (S11) GLN10R7KAT1A Insertion Loss (S21) Return Loss (S11) 25 GL Series Ultra-Broadband Inductor ADVANTAGES APPLICATIONS • Ultra-Broadband Performance • Communication Customers • Ultra-Low Insertion Loss • Receiver Optical Sub-Assemblies • Excellent Return Loss Through 40 GHz • Transimpedance Amplifier Customers • Flat Frequency Response • Test Equipment Manufacturers • Part to Part Performance Repeatability • Rugged Powdered Iron Core The GL Series was developed specifically to deliver repeatable and reliable Ultra-Broadband performance up through 40 + GHz. The GL Series of inductors provide Ultra-Low Insertion loss, excellent return loss and extreme part to part performance repeatability. The pyramid shape of the GL Series provides for maximum inductance in the space available. The GL Series was developed using a powdered iron core and gold plated terminations that allow for easy use in hand solder applications. The combination of Flat Frequency Response with the Ultra-Low Insertion loss makes this an ideal component for optical data systems, transimpedance amplifers and test equipment. MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS H L inches (mm) Inductance (μH) L H # of Turns 2 6 11 0.102 ± 0.002 (2.59 ± 0.051) 0.182 ± 0.003 (4.62 ± 0.076) 0.182 ± 0.003 (4.62 ± 0.076) 0.065 ± 0.002 (1.65 ± 0.051) 0.073 ± 0.002 (1.85 ± 0.051) 0.072 ± 0.002 (1.83 ± 0.051) 46 Turns #44 AWG Cu 80 Turns #44 AWG Cu 110 Turns #47 AWG Cu ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Operating Temperature: -55ºC to + 125ºC Inductance (μH) 2 6 11 26 Operating Frequency Range 2.3 MHz to 40 GHz 880 KHz to 40 GHz 500 KHz to 40 GHz Insertion Loss Return Loss Rdc (Ω) @ 20ºC, 10 mA current IDC (mA), dc max. Number of Turns Cu Wire Size (AWG) 0.5 dB typ. 0.6 dB typ. 0.4 dB typ. 17 dB typ. 18 dB typ. 18 dB typ. 1.45 2.90 7.00 250 200 115 46 80 110 44 44 47 GL Series Ultra-Broadband Inductor HOW TO ORDER GL Style 6R0 Inductance First 2 significant digits for inductance K Tolerance K = ± 10% A Failure Rate 7 Termination 7 = 15-25μ in., Gold Plate B Packaging B = 1 piece in plastic box AVAILABLE PART NUMBERS GL2R0KA7B250 GL6R0KA7B200 GL110KA7B115 GL2R0KA7B250 GL6R0KA7B200 GL110KA7B115 TEST PARAMETERS: All testing performed on 10 mil thick Rogers RO4350 microstrip board, with the GL Leads connected between the microstrip trace and the underside ground plane (nominal 50 ohm characteristic impedance) 27 GR Series Ultra-Broadband Resistors AVX is pleased to introduce the GR Series next generation of surface mount UltraBroadband Resistors. This product was designed with our proprietary Glass Sandwich Flexiterm® Technology, (GSFT). The Flexiterm® is a surface mountable automotive qualified termination that adds an extra margin against damage due to flexture during installation. The GR Series has been designed with high quality selected materials that yield excellent performance. This product is ideal for use in Optical Transceiver Modules or any application requiring excellent ultra-broadband performance. FEATURES APPLICATIONS MARKETS • Frequency Range: DC to 20GHz • Optical Transceiver Modules • Opto-electronics • EIA 0402 Case Size • Broadband Receiver • Automotive • Power Rating: 125 mW • TOSA/ROSA • Telecom • Operating Temperature:-40ºC to +125ºC • Wideband Test Equipment • Broadband Jamming for EW • 100% Laser Trimming for Tight Tolerances • Low Noise Amplifier • Satellite Communication • RoHS Compliant • Mixers • MMIC Amplifiers • Directional Couplers • Ultra-Broadband Splitters and Combiners SPECIFICATIONS Resistor Detail Outline EIA 0402 Package Glass wafer sandwich Standard Resistance Value (Ω) 25Ω, 50Ω, 100Ω, 200Ω Resistance Value Range From 25Ω to 400Ω Termination Flexiterm® (Ag/Epoxy), NiSn plated Power Rating 125 mW Operating Temperature Range -40ºC to 125ºC Tolerance 1% GR Series Flatness vs. Frequency Magnitude (dB) – Modeled -5.90 -6.01 -6.12 -6.23 -6.34 -6.45 -6.56 -6.67 -6.78 -6.89 -7.00 1 3.9 6.8 9.7 12.6 15.5 18.4 21.3 24.2 27.1 Frequency (GHz) Modeled with HFSS using Rogers 3003 substrate, with a thickness of 10 mils and a line width of 24 mils, representing data for 100 Ohms. 28 30 GR Series Ultra-Broadband Resistors HOW TO ORDER GR 02 100 0 F T NC F T Series Case Size Resistance Value (Ω) 3 significant digits Multiplier R = decimal point multiplier Tolerance F = 1% Termination T = NiSn Plated Compensation NC = Non-Compensated Temperature Coefficient of Resistance -50 to -150 ppm/ºC Packaging T = Tape & Reel The above part number refers to a GR Series 0402, 100 Ohms, F tolerance (1%), NISn Plated Non-Compensated, with a TCR of -50 to 100 ppm/ºC, with Tape and Reel Packaging. RESISTOR MATERIAL (TaN) PROPERTIES Sheet Resistance (Ohms per Square) 30 to 100: Cover Glass TCR ppm/ºC Flex Termination (AG Epoxy) Plated with Ni/Sn -50 to -150 MECHANICAL DIMENSIONS W L Epoxy T t Glass Substrate t inches (mm) Size (EIA) Lenght (L) Width (W) 0402 0.039 ±0.004 (1.00 ± 0.10) 0.020 ± 0.004 (0.50 ±0.10) Thickness (T) Terminal (t) 0.020 ± 0.004 (0.50 ± 0.10) 0.010 ±0.006 (0.25 ± 0.15) 29 Optical Devices Crystal Etalon Filters Crystal Etalon Filter has consisting of plate with refection coating on the both sides. We offer high precision Etalon Filters based on the unique production of synthetic crystals, processing, grinding and film formation technologies. FEATURES APPLICATIONS • Wideband • Thermally turnable laser module • High precise FSR • Measurement equipment • Miniaturization • Temperature characteristic product of three types PROPERTIES Kyocera offers three types of Etalon Filters with different temperature characteristics. C TYPE N TYPE W TYPE Wavelength Shift on Temperature Change Minimum Small Large Amount of Wavelength Shift ±0.15 pm / ºC typ. 5.4 pm / ºC typ. 15.1 pm / ºC typ. Temperature Characteristics EXAMPLE OF SPECIFICATION ITEM Material SPECIFICATION UNITS Crystal – Wavelength 1520 to 1620 nm Outline Dimensions 1 to 10 square nm 50 / 100 GHz FSR Extension Ratio On discussion (Reflectivity) Please consult us for specifications other than the above. 30 dB % Introduction to Microwave Capacitors Microwave Capacitors in MICs Typical Microwave Circuit Applications Microwave MLC, SLC, or Thin-Film capacitor applications in MIC circuits can be grouped into the following categories: • DC Block (in series with an MIC transmission line) • RF Bypass (in shunt with transmission lines) • Source Bypass (in shunt with active device) • Impedance Matching This chapter discusses these applications and the performance parameters of microwave capacitors affecting these applications. DC Block In the DC block application, the chip capacitor is placed in series with the transmission line to prevent the DC voltage from one circuit from affecting another circuit. The capacitance is chosen so that the reactance is only a fraction of an ohm at the lowest microwave frequency of interest. The largest value capacitor is used as long as the self-resonant frequency is still much higher than the highest frequency of interest. RF Bypass The RF bypass application is used to effectively short out the RF to ground. The capacitor value is also picked to be as large as possible without approaching the self-resonance of the capacitor. Source Bypass The source bypass application is the same as the RF bypass except the capacitor is used in conjunction with an active device. In this application the chip capacitor is butted up to the source of the microwave FET device mounted on the MIC circuit. This is done to minimize the length of the wire bond from the source of the FET to the capacitor. The shorter the wire bond, the lower the corresponding inductance. The top side of the capacitor should be completely metallized so that the bond wire from the FET to the edge of the capacitor is minimized. The height of the capacitor must be less than or equal to the height of the FET, usually about 0.005 inches. If the capacitor is higher than the FET, the capacitor will interfere with the bonding tool when wire bonding to the FET. Impedance Matching The impedance matching application is to use the chip capacitor to provide the required reactance at a specific point in the circuit. This is usually the most critical application in terms of the capacitor maintaining a tight tolerance over temperature and from unit-to-unit. The other applications only require that the capacitance for the DC block and RF bypass maintains a low reactance and the tolerance can be as much as ±50%. Whereas the impedance matching function often requires ±1% tolerance. In general, microwave capacitors should have the following properties: • Low-loss • Operate very much below the self-resonant frequency • The power handling capability should be commensurate with the expected power performance of the circuit • Capable of wire bonding and gap welding • Low variation of capacitance over temperature • Low unit-to-unit variations in capacitance • Low dimensional variations from unit-to-unit Typical SLC applications in MIC circuits are shown in: RFIN R D C C D SIMPLIFIED RF SPECTRUM 500 MHz DISTRIBUTED NET LUMPED NET C ELF. VLF. LF 60 cm 3 GHz WAVEGUIDE SYSTEMS COAXIAL SYSTEMS 10 cm C D D RFOUT C R R D MF. HF VHF UHF SHF. EHF 300 KHz 3 MHz 30 MHz 300 MHz 3 GHz 30 GHz 1 km 100 m 10 m 1m 10 cm 1 cm AM BROADCAST FM BROADCAST BIAS Figure 2. Typical MIC Microwave Attenuator Hybrid with SLC’s. “C” indicates SLC locations. SATELLITE (COMMERCIAL) Figure 1 31 Introduction to Microwave Capacitors Microwave Parameters Scattering Parameters Generally, transmission and reflections coefficient measurements completely characterize any black box or network. Transmission and reflections parameters — attenuation (gain), phase shift, and complex impedance — can be described in terms of a set of linear parameters called “scattering” or “s” parameters. Knowing these characteristic parameters, one can predict the response of cascaded or parallel networks accurately. Unlike y or h parameters which require short circuit and open circuit terminations, “s” parameters are determined with the input and output ports terminated in the characteristic impedance of the transmission line which is a much more practical condition to obtain at RF and microwave frequencies. To summarize, “s” parameters are more useful at microwave frequencies because: 1. Equipment to measure total voltage and total currents at the ports of the networks is not readily available. 2. Short and open circuits are difficult to achieve over a broadband of frequencies because of lead inductance and capacitance. Furthermore, these measurements typically require tuning stubs separately adjusted at each frequency to reflect short and open circuits to the device terminals, and this makes the process inconvenient and tedious. 3. Active devices such as transistors and negative resistance diodes are very often not short- or open-circuit stable. There are four scattering parameters for a two-port network: S11, S12, S21, and S22. S11 is the reflection coefficient at the input port with the output port terminated in a 50 ohm load. S12 is the reverse transmission coefficient in a 50 ohm system. S21 is the forward transmission coefficient in a 50 ohm system. S22 is the reflection coefficient at the output port with the input port terminated into a 50 ohm load. The reflection coefficients can be directly related to the impedance of the device by the equation: Eq.1. ZIN/ZO = (1 + S11)/(1 - S11) where ZIN= input impedance ZO = characteristic impedance of the transmission line This equation also defines the Smith Chart. Return Loss Return loss is the ratio of the incident power to the reflected power at a point on the transmission line and is expressed in decibels. The reflected power from a discontinuity is expressed as a certain number of decibels below the incident power upon the discontinuity. It can be shown that 32 return loss can be related to the reflection coefficient and VSWR: Eq. 2. RL (dB) = 10 * log (Pinc/Pref) = 20 * log (Einc/Eref) = 20 * log (1/Rho) Eq. 3. Rho = (VSWR - 1)/(VSWR + 1) Eq. 4. VSWR = (1 + Rho)/(1 - Rho) where Rho = reflection coefficient RL = return loss Pinc = power incident Pref = power reflected Einc = voltage incident Eref = voltage reflected VSWR = voltage standing wave ratio By the above equation, when the reflection coefficient is 1, the return loss is zero. In this case, no signal is lost and all the signal incident upon the discontinuity was returned to the source. As the reflection coefficient approaches zero, the return loss approaches infinity. That is, the more perfect the load, the less the reflection from that load. The return loss can be improved by an attenuator. Assume that we connect a perfectly matched 3 dB attenuator into a short circuit as shown in Figure 3. PINC SHORT CIRCUIT PREF 3 dB ATTEN P REF ____ = -6 dB PINC Figure 3 The indicated 100 mw is decreased to 50 mw at the output of the 3 dB attenuator. This 50 mw is reflected from the short circuit back through the attenuator in the reverse direction and one-half of this reflected power is lost in the 3 dB attenuator. The reflected power at the input is 25 mw. Notice the return loss is equal to twice the attenuation because it is the “round trip” loss. This example shows that VSWR is decreased when attenuation exists on a transmission line and also that a high VSWR can be decreased by placing an attenuator in the line. Mismatch Loss Mismatch loss is a measure of power loss caused by reflection. It is the ratio of incident power to the difference between incident and reflected power and is expressed in dBs as follows: Eq. 5. Mismatch loss (dB) = 10 * log [Pinc/(Pinc - Pref)] = 10 * log [1/(1-Rho = 2)] Introduction to Microwave Capacitors Microwave Parameters (1) N SWEEP GENERATOR (2) GPC-7 SWR AUTOTESTING (3) SMA GPC-7 TO SMA (4) SMA (5) GPC-7 GPC-7 TO SMA DUT (6) GPC-7 ATTEN (7) DET (8) SCALAR ANALYZER REFLECTION (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Wiltron 6647A 10MHz - 18GHz sweepers Wiltron 560-97-A50 OSM 2082-2700-00 Device under test OSM 2082-2700-00 OSM 7082-6193-10 Wiltron 560-7A50 TRANSMISSION Test set-up for: ______________ (1) Insertion loss (2) VSWR Figure 4 The mismatch loss for various values of VSWR is tabulated as follows: Table I VSWR 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.50 1.70 2.00 2.50 3.00 Mismatch Loss 0.00 dB 0.04 dB 0.12 dB 0.18 dB 0.30 dB 0.51 dB 0.88 dB 1.25 dB Insertion Loss Measurement Insertion loss is measured by the substitution method. The insertion loss of the measurement system is used as a reference. Then the DUT (Device Under Test) is inserted into the setup and the new insertion loss is measured. The difference between the two losses is the insertion loss of the DUT. The insertion loss is measured using the test setup as shown in Figure 5. In order to accurately measure the insertion loss, source VSWR and load VSWR must be extremely Iow. It is assumed during calibration (loss of the measurement system with the DUT removed from the test setup) that the VSWR of the generator and the load does not contribute any mismatch losses. As discussed in the section on mismatch loss, any VSWR above 1.2:1 may cause a minimum error of 0.04 dB. In addition, the two VSWRs may be additive or subtractive depending on the phasing of the reflections. For example, source and load VSWRs of 1.2:1 can add to create an error of 0.08 dB. The mismatches usually exhibit themselves as amplitude ripple as a function of frequency. It is important when measuring low insertion losses that precautions are taken to ensure low source and load VSWRs and to keep the mismatch losses due to the two VSWRs to a small fraction of the expected insertion loss of the DUT. In using the scalar network analyzer it is a temptation to normalize the amplitude response regardless what the actual response is during calibration. It is advisable to eliminate the amplitude ripple first before normalizing the scalar analyzer. One way is to make use of the fact that VSWRs can be improved by the use of matched attenuators. Often, 10 dB attenuators are placed before and after the DUT to provide a minimum of 20 dB return loss which corresponds to source and load VSWRs of less than 1.20:1. This will reduce the uncertainties due to mismatch losses to less than 0.02 dB. Return Loss Measurement The return loss is measured by the following method: The test port is terminated by a short circuit so that all the incident power is reflected. A detector on the bridge measures this power and this power is used as the reference for the incident power. The test port is then terminated by the DUT and the reflected power now measured. The difference between the power levels is the return loss. SWR BRIDGE INCIDENT POWER DETECTOR Figure 5. Return Loss Measurement: Establishing a Reference 33 Introduction to Microwave Capacitors Microwave Parameters SWR BRIDGE INCIDENT INPUT DUT REFLECTED 50 OHM TERMINATION Decibels DETECTOR DUT IN PLACE Figure 6 • All incident power is reflected at the short circuit. • The detector measures the reflected power. • An SWR bridge usually has a directivity of 35 to 40 dB. In other words, only a minute fraction of the incident power reaches the detector (the dotted line path) that is not reflected off the short circuit. • The DUT is substituted for the short circuit and the opposite port is terminated by a matched termination (50 ohms). • The reflected power depends on the DUT and is sensed by the detector. • The return loss is the difference between this reflected power and that measured with a reference short circuit. • A significant improvement in calibrating a 0 dB return loss reference by averaging the short circuit and open circuit reflected powers. • The dotted line in the figure below shows the reflections due to an open circuit. • The solid line in the figure below shows the reflections due to a short circuit. • Since the phase difference between short circuit and open circuit is 180 degrees. • By taking the average between these two voltages, the actual full reflection is very closely approximated. AVERAGING THE SHORT CIRCUIT AND OPEN CIRCUIT REFERENCES FOR HIGHER ACCURACY SHORT OPEN A B C C1 B1 A1 E0 f1 f2 ACTUAL FULL REFLECTION PREFERRED REFLECTION CALIBRATION Figure 7 34 Note that the insertion loss and return loss can be measured simultaneously by using the dual trace feature of the Wiltron Scalar Analyzer. Furthermore, the two measurements can be done by using a controller such as the HP85 computer for semi-automatic testing. The calibration for 0 dB return loss can be improved by averaging the short circuit and open circuit reflected powers. Since the phase difference is 180 degrees, the average closely approximates the actual full reflection. The decibel, abbreviated “dB,” is one-tenth of the international transmission unit known as the “bel.” The origin of the bel is the logarithm to the base 10 of the power ratio. It is the power to which the number 10 must be raised in order to equal the given number. The number 10 is raised to the second power, or squared, in order to get 100. Therefore, the log of 100 is 2. The decibel is expressed mathematically by the equation: Eq. 6 dB = 10 * log (P2/P1) P2 = larger power P1 = lower power The use of log tables can be avoided in practical applications where exact values of the power are not required. One only needs to know that a factor of 2 is equal to 3 dB and a factor of 10 is equal to 10 dB and the rest of the conversions are derived from these two relationships. The use of dBs reduces multiplication into an addition. For example: 3dB = 2 6dB = 2 x 2 = 4 9dB = 2 x 2 x 2 = 8 10dB = 10 20dB = 100 The technique is based on the fact that 3, 6, and/or 9 dB can be added or subtracted (in some combination) to any decibel value. Adding or subtracting 10 to a decibel value simply multiplies or divides the number by ten. Examples: 1. 17dB = 20dB - 3dB 20dB is 10dB + 10dB or is equal to 100. 3dB is equal to 2 Therefore, 20 dB - 3dB = 100/2 = 50 2. 36dB = 30dB + 6dB 1000 x 4 = 4000 Decibel: The decibel is not a unit of power but merely is a logarithmic expression of a ratio of two numbers. The unit of power may be expressed in terms of dBm, where “m” is the unit, meaning above or below one milliwatt. Since one mw is neither above nor below 1 mw, 1 mw= 0 dBm. Nepers: An alternate unit called the neper is defined in terms of the logarithm to the base “e.” e = 2.718. 1 neper = 8.686dB 1dB = 0.1151 neper Introduction to Microwave Capacitors Electrical Model Capacitance Microwave chip capacitors, although closely approximating an ideal capacitor, nonetheless also contain parasitic elements that are important at microwave frequencies. The equivalent circuit is shown below: C RS LS Figures 9 and 10 also show the point of series resonance (LS in series with C), and parallel resonance (LS in parallel with CP). RS QP2 INDUCTIVE LS RS P Z () S RS CP 1 ___ C CAPACITIVE Figure 8. Equivalent Circuit of a Microwave Capacitor where, C = desired capacitance LS = parasitic series inductance RS = series resistance CP = parasitic parallel capacitance, Rp, the parallel resistance is not shown as it is of concern only at dc and low frequencies. The primary capacitance, C, is typically determined by measurement at 1 MHz where the effects of Rs, Ls, and Cp become negligible compared to the reactance of C. The value of C determined at this low frequency is also valid at microwave frequencies when the dielectric constant has a very low variation versus frequency, as is typical in the modern dielectrics employed in microwave capacitors. The equivalent impedance of the capacitor at any frequency is: 1 Eq. 7. Zs = 1 sCp + 1/s Rs + sLs + Cs where s = j2f, f = frequency Series and Parallel Resonance Ideally, the impedance magnitude of a series mounted capacitor will vary monotonically from infinite at dc to zero at infinite frequency. However, the parasitics associated with any capacitor result in a nonideal response. Figure 9 shows the magnitude, :Z (F):, as a function of frequency. Figure 10 shows Z(f) on the Smith Chart, which includes magnitude and phase. Eq. 8. In general, an impedance is represented by Z=R + j X. The Smith Chart maps the entire impedance half plane for R > 0 into the interior of a unit circle. The Smith Chart is a mapping of the reflection coefficient, S11, of an impedance. S11 = (Z- ZO) / (Z + ZO). ZO is a reference impedance, typically 50 ohms, and is in the center of the chart. The central horizontal axis is for X = O, with R < 50 to the left of center, and R > 50 to the right of center. 1 ___ CP RS QP2 Figure 9. SLC Impedance Magnitude vs. Frequency SERIES RESONANCE j50 j100 j25 j150 j10 0 j250 10 25 50 PARALLEL RESONANCE 100 150 250 500 -j10 -j250 -j150 -j100 -j25 -j50 COORDINATES IN OHMS FREQUENCY IN GHz Figure 10. SLC Impedance on Smith Chart Because there is always some parasitic inductance associated with capacitors, there will be a frequency at which the inductive reactance will equal that of the capacitor. This is known as the series resonant frequency (SRF). At the SRF, the capacitor will appear as a small resistor (RS). The transmission loss through a series mounted capacitor at its series resonant frequency will be low. At frequencies above the SRF, the capacitor begins to act like an inductor. When used as a DC block, the capacitor will begin to exhibit gradually higher insertion loss above the SRF. In other words, the capacitor will cause a high frequency rolloff of its transmission amplitude response. When used as an RF bypass, as for the source of an FET, the inductance will cause the FET to become unstable which can cause oscillations or undesirable effects on the gain response of the FET amplifier. Beyond the SRF, there is a frequency called the parallel resonant frequency (PRF). This occurs when the reactance of the series inductor equals that of the parallel capacitor. 35 Introduction to Microwave Capacitors Electrical Model At this parallel resonant frequency, the capacitor will appear as a large resister whose value is RPRF defined as: Eq. 9. RPRF = Rs x QP X QP; where, QP = 1/RS WP/CP WP = 2fPRF The parasitic parallel capacitance is usually very small which results in a parallel resonant frequency that is much higher than the series resonance. For capacitor usage in RF impedance matching and tuning applications, the maximum practical frequency for use is up to 0.5 times the SRF. For DC filtering and RF shorting applications, best performance is obtained near the SRF. At frequencies above the SRF, but below the PRF, the SLC can be used as a low loss inductor with a built-in DC block for bypassing and decoupling. The series resonant frequency (SRF) of an SLC can be measured by mounting the capacitor in series on a 50 ohm transmission line as shown in Figure 11. CHIP CAPACITOR 50 ohm LINE 50 ohm LINE Figure 11 At its series resonant frequency (SRF), the SLC will appear as a small resistance. This measurement can be performed with a vector network analyzer such as the Hewlett Packard 8510. The SRF is at the frequency for which the phase of the input reflection coefficient, S11, is crossing the real axis on the Smith Chart at 180 degrees. The resonant frequency will be lowered by the inductance associated with the bonding attachment to the capacitor (i.e., bonding wires, ribbons, leads, etc.). The actual resonant frequency of the capacitor by itself can be determined by taking out the effects of the bonding attachment inductance. Using the low frequency measurements of the primary capacitance alone, the inductance of the capacitor can be derived from the resonant frequency. With AVX SLC’s, the inductance is low enough so that the practical operating frequencies achieved can be beyond 20 GHz. 36 Equivalent Series Resistance The equivalent series resistance is the RS in the electrical model. At the SRF, the ESR can be readily determined on the Smith Chart display of the capacitor’s impedance. However, the ESR is not necessarily constant with frequency and its value is typically determined by an insertion loss measurement of the capacitor at the desired frequency. The insertion loss is a combination of reflective and absorptive components. The absorptive component is the part associated with the value of the ESR (i.e., the loss in RS). Because of the low values of ESR in microwave capacitors (on the order of 0.01 ohm), the insertion loss measurement is very difficult to make, but can be made with a test fixture similar to that shown in Figure 11, but with the input and output 50 ohm impedances transformed down to some more convenient impedance level, Rref, to obtain a more accurate measurement. When used as a DC block in the transmission line test fixture, the forward transmission coefficient, S21, and the input reflection coefficient, S11, can be measured to determine: Eq. 10. Dissipative Loss. DL=(1-:S11:^2)/(:S21:^2) Eq. 11. Reflection Loss. RL=(1-:S11:^2) where S11 and S21 are expressed as complex phasors. From the dissipative loss, DL, the ESR can be determined as: Eq. 12. ESR = Rref * [1 - SQRT(DL)]/[1 + SQRT(DL)] The ESR typically increases with operating temperature and self-heating under high power. This increase can be seen directly in the lab by measuring the insertion loss of the capacitor as a function of temperature. A low ESR is especially necessary in SLC’s when used in series with transistors in low noise amplifiers, high gain amplifiers, or high power amplifiers. For example, an ESR of 1 ohm in series with a base input impedance of 1 ohm would result in a serious compromise in ampIifier gain and noise figure by up to 3 dB. Power Rating The RF power rating of chip capacitors is dependent on: • Thermal Breakdown • Voltage Breakdown Thermal Breakdown Thermal breakdown is self-heating caused by RF power dissipated in the capacitor. If the resultant heat generated is greater than what can be conducted away through the leads or other means of heat sinking, the capacitor temperature will rise. Introduction to Microwave Capacitors Electrical Model As the capacitor temperature increases, the dissipation factor and ESR of the capacitor also increase which creates a thermal runaway situation. The small signal insertion loss is used to determine the percentage of power which is dissipated in the capacitor. For instance, if the insertion loss is: 0.01 dB then .2% of the incident power is lost as heat 0.10 dB then 2% of the incident power is lost as heat 1.00 dB then 20% of the incident power is lost as heat The capacitor will heat up according to the amount of power dissipated in the capacitor and the heat sinking provided. Even very low ESR, 0.01 ohm at 1 GHz, can be significant when passing power through a series mounted capacitor into a typically low impedance bipolar transistor base input with an input impedance of only 1 ohm. If 1% of 10 watts is dissipated in the capacitor, this 100 milliwatt of power causes a very large increase in the capacitor temperature dependent on its heat sinking in the MIC circuit. Voltage Breakdown The voltage breakdown also limits the maximum power handling capability of the capacitor. The voltage breakdown properties of the capacitors is dependent on the following: • dielectric material • voids in the material • form factor • separation of the electrodes Most microwave capacitors have a DC voltage rating of 50 VDC. This is much greater than typical DC voltages of 3 to 15 volts present on an MIC circuit. Dielectric Constant Measurement at Microwave Frequencies The measurement of dielectric constants at low frequencies is easily done by measuring the capacitance of a substrate of known dimensions and calculating the dielectric constant. The resonance method is used in measuring dielectric constants at microwave frequencies of metallized ceramic substrates. This is based on the model of the high dielectric constant substrate as a parallel plate dielectrically loaded waveguide resonator. By observing the resonant frequencies and knowing the dimensions of the substrate, the dielectric constant is calculated by fitting the resonances into a table of expected fundamental and higher order modes. This method can be measured by connecting the corners of the substrates to the center conductors of either an APC-7 or Type N connector. The test setup is the same as for insertion loss measurements. This method as described in the literature for an alumina substrate with a dielectric constant of approximately 10 and a substrate height of 0.025 inches can be measured to an accuracy of 2%. The Napoli-Hughes Method uses an open circuit assumption for the unmetallized edges which can be radiative. This inaccuracy is reduced if thinner substrates or if higher dielectric constant substrates are used which will tend to reduce radiation. Higher accuracy can be achieved by metallizing all six sides of the substrate except for the corners where the RF is coupled to the substrate. This method as reported by Howell provided more consistent results. m=2 2L ___ f W 0 2f0 L ___ f W 0 m=1 f0 m = 0 FROM AUTO SWEEP GENERATOR TESTER n=1 2 3 DETECTOR SCALAR ANALYZER 4 Figure 12 Figure 13 Dispersion Curve of a Rectangular Resonator Test Configuration for Resonance Measurements 37 Introduction to Microwave Capacitors Transmission Lines Propagation Constant and Characteristic Impedance Standing Waves The incident waves of voltage and current decrease in magnitude and vary in phase as one goes toward the receiving end of the transmission line which has losses. The propagation constant is a measure of the phase shift and attenuation along the line. • attenuation per unit length of line is called the attenuation constant. (dB or nepers per unit length) • phase constant, phase shift per unit length. (radians per unit length) • angular frequency, 2 * pi * f (R+jwL) - complex series impedance per unit length of line. (G+jwC) - complex shunt admittance per unit length of line. Eq. 13. Z0 for lossless case: Z0 =冑 L⁄C ជ WAVE CIRCUIT X D E1 2E1 1 3 10 2 Ei 2 3 RESULTANT (a) Standing waves on the lossless transmission line: An incident wave will not be reflected if the transmission line is terminated in either matched load or if the transmission line is infinitely long. Otherwise, reflected waves will be present. In other words, any impedance will cause reflections. Let us consider the case of a lossless transmission line terminated in a short line. In this case all of the incident wave will be reflected. See Figure 15. The dotted sine wave to the right of the short circuit in the diagram indicates the position and distance the wave would have traveled in the absence of the short circuit. With the short circuit placed at X, the wave travels the same distance back toward the generator. In order to satisfy the boundary conditions, the voltage at the short circuit must be zero at all times. This is accomplished by a reflected wave which is equal in magnitude and reversed in polarity (shown by the superimposed reflected wave and the resultant total voltage on the line). Note that the total voltage is twice the amplitude of the incident voltage at a quarter wavelength back toward the generator and the total voltage is zero at one-half wavelength from the short. DISTRIBUTED PARAMETER MODEL OF A SECTION OF TRANSMISSION LINES: 1 SHORT E1 11 r⌬x 6 3 2 5 l⌬x g⌬x 2 4 4 3 c⌬x 1 Er (b) RESULTANT SHORT 3 12 ⌬x 2 4 where G = Conductance per unit length R = Resistance per unit length C = Capacitance per unit length L = Inductance per unit length ⌬X = Incremental length 2 4 3 2Ei (c) 7 1 7 6 5 4 3 2 2 3 4 5 6 6 5 4 3 2 7 1 SHORT 1 Figure 15 2 3 4 5 6 PURE TRAVELING WAVE V + 1 I 7 (d) (e) Figure 14 This figure shows generation of standing waves on a shorted transmission line. Dotted lines to the right of the short circuit represent the distance the wave would have traveled in absence of the short. Dotted vectors represent the reflected wave. The heavy solid line represents the vector sum of the incident and refected waves. (d) and (e) represent instantaneous voltages and currents at different intervals of time. 38 AMPLITUDE X DISTANCE ALONG LINE V = Instantaneous voltage I = Instantaneous current Pure traveling waves: V & I in the lossless case are in phase. V & I also reverse polarity every half wavelength. Figure 16 Introduction to Microwave Capacitors Transmission Lines Open Circuit: FIELD ORIENTATION OF A COAXIAL LINE E I H V• ± DIRECTION OF PROPAGATION Figure 17 At a distance of one-quarter wavelength from the short, the voltage is found to be twice the amplitude of the incident voltage, which is equivalent to an open circuit. Therefore, this same distribution would be obtained if an open circuit were placed a quarter wavelength from the short. In the case the first node is located a quarter wavelength from the open and the first antinode is right as the open. The node-to-node spacing remains half wavelength as is the antinode-to-antinode spacing. Voltage Standing Wave Ratio: TWO WIRE RECTANGULAR WAVEGUIDE MICROSTRIP COAXIAL RIDGED WAVEGUIDE CIRCULAR WAVEGUIDE CROSS SECTIONAL CONFIGURATIONS OF VARIOUS TYPES OF GUIDING STRUCTURES Figure 18 The total voltage pattern is called a standing wave. Standing waves exist as the result of two waves of the same frequency traveling in opposite directions on a transmission line. The total voltage at any instant has a sine wave distribution along the line with zero voltage at the short and zero points at half wave intervals from the short circuit. The points of zero voltages are called voltage nodes and the points of maximum voltage halfway between these nodes are called antinodes. The voltage standing wave ratio is defined as the ratio of the maximum voltage to the minimum voltage on a transmission line. This ratio is most frequently referred to as VSWR (Viswar). E + Er 1 + Rho Emax = i = Eq. 14. VSWR = Emin Ei - Er 1 - Rho where Rho = reflective coefficient If the transmission line is terminated in a short or open circuit, the reflected voltage, E r, is equal to the incident voltage, E i. From the above equation the reflection coefficient is 1.0, and the VSWR is infinite. If a matched termination is connected to the line, the reflected wave is zero, the reflection coefficient is zero, and the VSWR is zero. 39 Introduction to Microwave Capacitors Incorporation of Capacitors into Microwave Integrated Circuit Hybrids A Microwave Integrated Circuit Hybrid (MIC) is a microwave circuit that uses integrated circuit production techniques involving such factors as thin or thick films, substrates, dielectrics, conductors, resistors, and microstrip lines, to build passive assemblies on a dielectric. Active elements such as microwave diodes and transistors are usually added after photo resist, masking, etching, and deposition processes have been completed. MICs usually are enclosed as shielded microstrip to prevent electromagnetic interference with other components or systems. This section will discuss some of the important characteristics of MICs, such as: • MIC substrates • MIC metallization • MIC components MIC Substrates: Microstrip employs circuitry that is large compared to the wavelength of the frequency used with the circuit. For this reason, the etched metal patterns often are distributed circuits with transmission lines etched directly onto the MIC substrate. Figure 19 shows the pertinent dimensional parameters for a microstrip transmission line. For the current discussion we are most interested in the higher microwave frequencies. The MIC circuit design requires a uniform and predictable substrate characteristic. Several types of substrates in common usage are: alumina, sapphire, quartz, and beryllium oxide. Key requirements for a MIC substrate are that it have: • Low dielectric loss • Uniform dielectric constant • Smooth finish • Low expansion coefficient STRIP CONDUCTOR W h DIELECTRIC • Dielectric Constant: Increase of the dielectric constant of the substrate will decrease the ZO of the microstrip line. Table II shows a brief listing of substrate properties. Table II Material Relative Dielectric Constant, Er Loss Tangent at 10 GHz Thermal Conductivity K, in W/CM/ Deg. C Alumina Sapphire Quartz Beryllium Oxide 9.8* 11.7 3.8 6.6 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.3 0.4 0.01 2.5 *Alumina Er depends on vendor and purity. The dependence of ZO to the above parameters is as shown: Eq. 15. ZO(f) = 377 * H/(W)/Sqrt (Er) where, H = height of the substrate W = width of the microstrip conductor Er = dielectric constant of the substrate A graph of ZO versus W/H for several values of dielectric constants is shown below: 1000 Z0 - MICROSTRIP IMPEDANCE (⍀) Microwave Integrated Circuit Hybrids 500 400 300 200 2.3 2.55 100 4.8 6.8 50 40 10 30 20 10 5 4 3 2 GROUND PLANE Figure 19. MIC Microstrip Outline The characteristic impedance of the microstrip line is dependent primarily on the following: • Width of the conductor: Increase in the width “W” of the conductor will decrease the ZO of the microstrip line. • Height of the substrate: Increase in the height “H” of the substrate will increase the ZO of the microstrip line. 40 1 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 1 2 3 4 5 7.5 10 20 30 40 50 100 MICROSTRIP W/H Figure 20 The most popular substrate material is alumina which has a dielectric constant of between 9.6 and 10.0 depending on the vendor and the purity. Other substrates are used where the specified unique properties of the material (beryllia for high power, ferrites for magnetic properties) are demanded by design. Introduction to Microwave Capacitors Incorporation of Capacitors into Microwave Integrated Circuit Hybrids MIC Metallization: Capacitors: MIC metallization is a thin film of two or more layers of metals. A base metallization layer is deposited onto the substrate, another layer may be optionally deposited on top of this, and then a final gold layer is deposited onto the surface. The base metallization is chosen for its adhesion to the substrate and for compatibility with the next layer. The base metallization is usually lossy at microwave frequencies. The losses due to this metallization can be kept to a minimum if its thickness does not exceed one “skin depth” of the metal. Skin effect defines a phenomenon at microwave frequencies where the current travelling along a conductor does not penetrate the conductor but remains on the surface of the conductor. The “skin depth” indicates how far the microwave current will penetrate into the metal. The “skin depth” is smaller as the frequency increases. By keeping the lossy metallization as thin as possible, more of the microwave current will propagate in the top metallization gold layer and loss is minimized. Typical metallization schemes used in the industry are: • Chromium-Gold: Cr-Au • Nichrome-Gold: NiCr-Au • Chromium-Copper-Gold: Cr-Cu-Au • Titanium-Tungsten-Gold: TiW-Au • Others A lumped capacitor can be realized by the parallel gap capacitance of an area of metallization on the top of the substrate to the ground plane. Values of capacitance that can be obtained by this method are usually less than a few picofarads. At microwave frequencies if the capacitor size in any one dimension begins to approach a quarter-wavelength, a resonance will occur. Large values of capacitance can be achieved with a dielectric constant between the capacitor plates while maintaining the small size required for MIC circuits. Chip capacitors can be fabricated on substrate with a dielectric constant up to 5000. This higher dielectric constant allows a much smaller size capacitor for a given capacitance value which is a very desirable feature both from the real estate aspect and the self-resonance aspect. MIC Components: Microstrip has advantages over other microwave circuit topologies in that active semiconductors and passive components can easily be incorporated to make active hybrid circuits. It is possible to mix high and low frequency circuitry to attain a “system-on-a substrate.” Passive Components: On MIC circuits, the passive components are either distributed or lumped elements. The distributed components are usually realized by etched patterns on the substrate metallization. The lumped components are capacitors, resistors, and inductors; and whenever possible components are derived by etching them directly on the MlC metallization thin film. Chip components are used when they offer advantages such as: • Component values are beyond that realizable by thin film techniques on the MIC substrates, • Smaller size is required, • High power capability is required. Capacitors, resistors, and inductors are discussed in the following: Resistors: MIC resistors are often realized by using a resistive base layer on the MIC substrate metallization, and by etching the proper pattern to expose the resistive layer in the MIC circuitry. The exact value of the resistor is determined by: • resistivity of the resistive base layer, and • length and width of the resistor. Thin film resistive base layers are usually the following: • tantalum nitrite, or • nickel-chrome (nichrome). When chip resistors are used, they are mounted and connected in the same way as the chip capacitors. Inductors: Inductors are often realized by using narrow etched microstrip lines which provides inductance on the order of 1 to 5 nanohenrys. Higher values up to 50 nanohenrys are obtained by etching a round or square spiral onto the MIC metallization. Even higher values can be obtained by using wound wire inductors or chip inductors which are wire coils encased in a ceramic. Both types of discrete inductors are attached to the circuit by the same means as the capacitors. 41 Introduction to Microwave Capacitors Incorporation of Capacitors into Microwave Integrated Circuit Hybrids Active components: The active devices in the MIC circuit can be made of entirely different materials than the substrates and are usually attached to the substrates by eutectic soldering or conductive epoxy. Typical active devices on MIC circuits are the following: • GaAs FETs • Bipolar Transistors • Schottky Barrier Diodes • PIN Diodes • Various other Semiconductors The active devices can be either in: • a plastic or ceramic package with metal leads, or • chip form. The packaged devices are commonly used at a lower frequency range than the chip devices since they exhibit more parasitic circuit elements that limit their performance at higher frequency. The advantages of packaged devices are protection of the devices during transport and mounting, ease of characterization, and ease of mounting onto the MIC circuit. Chip Component Attach: The methods of attachment of the chip components to the substrate are usually by: • eutectic solder die attach, and • epoxy die attach. 1. Eutectic Die Attach The eutectic die attach method can be used with several alloys. Eutectic defines the exact alloy combination at which the solidus to liquidus transition takes place at one particular 42 temperature. Other combinations have transition states with wider temperature ranges. For instance, the eutectic temperature for the following alloys are: Table III Alloy Gold Germanium Gold Tin Eutectic Composition Eutectic Temperature 88% Au 12% Ge 80% Au 20% Sn 356°C 280°C For best results, the eutectic attach is performed under an inert gas atmosphere, typically nitrogen, to reduce oxidation at high temperatures. The eutectic must be selected so that the die attach operations will not interfere with prior soldering operations and itself will not be disturbed by subsequent process steps. The metallization should be able to undergo 400°C without any blistering or other adhesion degradation. 2. Epoxy Die Attach The epoxy die attach method uses silver or gold conductive particles in an epoxy. The epoxy for chip attach on MIC circuits is a one-part type which cures at temperatures of from 125°C to 200°C. The curing time is a function of temperature. A cure time of 30 minutes at 150°C is a good compromise for high reliability and a reasonable cure time. Chip Components Interconnection: The chip components are interconnected to the MIC circuit by means of: • wire bonding, and • miniature parallel gap welding. AMERICAS EUROPE ASIA-PACIFIC ASIA-KED (KYOCERA Electronic Devices) AVX Greenville, SC AVX Limited, England Tel: 864-967-2150 Tel: +44-1276-697000 AVX Northwest, WA AVX S.A.S., France Tel: 360-699-8746 Tel: +33-1-69-18-46-00 AVX/Kyocera, Asia, Ltd., Hong Kong AVX Midwest, IN AVX GmbH, Germany Tel: +852-2363-3303 Tel: 317-861-9184 Tel: +49-0811-95949-0 AVX/Kyocera (S) Pte Ltd., Singapore KED Hong Kong Ltd. Tel: +852-2305-1080/1223 Tel: +65-6286-7555 AVX Mid/Pacific, CA AVX SRL, Italy AVX/Kyocera Yuhan Hoesa, South Korea Tel: 408-988-4900 Tel: +39-02-614-571 Tel: +82-2785-6504 AVX Northeast, MA AVX Czech Republic Tel: 617-479-0345 Tel: +420-57-57-57-521 AVX/Kyocera HK Ltd., Taiwan KED Hong Kong Ltd. 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