Go to 4.096V and Stay There. Hermetic Precision Voltage References Offer Stable Performance Over Time, Temperature and Humidity A stable voltage reference ensures consistent, predictable behavior and minimizes system calibration. Our latest innovation in voltage references, the LS8 package, provides outstanding long-term stability over time, thermal cycling and humidity. This 5mm x 5mm surface mount ceramic package is an alternative to large, through-hole metal cans, offering superior stability over plastic references. Based on our most popular precision voltage references, the LS8 family includes low dropout bandgap and buried Zener references. For instrumentation that demands the best possible performance over years or decades of operation, the LS8 sets a new standard in long-term stability. Improved Long-Term Drift LS8 vs. Plastic Package LS8 Voltage References Part Number LTC®6655LS8-2.5 Output Features 2.5V 0.25ppm Noise 2ppm/°C Drift 0.025% Accuracy –40°C to 125°C LTC6655LS8-4 4.096V LTC6655LS8-5 5V LTC6652LS8-2.5 2.5V 2µA Shutdown –40°C to 125°C LT®6654LS8-2.5 2.5V Supply up to 36V ±10mA Output LT6656LS8-1.25 1.25V 1µA Operation 10mV Dropout 5V 0.25ppm Noise ±10mA Output LT1236LS8-5 Info & Free Samples www.linear.com/6655 100 1-800-4-LINEAR PPM 0 LS8 Package Plastic Package –100 0 1000 2000 Hours 3000 video.linear.com/147 , LT, LTC, LTM, Linear Technology and the Linear logo are registered trademarks of Linear Technology Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.