UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD TDA1519C LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT 22W BTL OR 2×11W STEREO POWER AMPLIFIER DESCRIPTION The UTC TDA1519C is an integrated class-B dual output amplifier with gain fixed at 40dB. It’s packed in a 9-lead plastic single in-line power package for Low thermal resistance and high heat dissipation. FEATURES * Two identical amplifiers with Identical differential input stages suitable for Stereo or BTL application. * Load dump, reverse polarity , short-circuit and over temperature protections * Fixed gain at 40dB with Good ripple rejection * Mute/standby switch with low switching current * Requires very few external components for Bridge -Tied Load (BTL) operation * No switch-on/switch-off pops * Low standby current (<100μA) ORDERING INFORMATION Ordering Number Lead Free Halogen Free TDA1519CL-H09-B-T TDA1519CG-H09-B-T TDA1519CL-H09-B-T Package Packing HSIP-9B Tube (1) Packing Type (1) T: Tube (2) Package Type (2) H09-B: HISP9B (3) Lead Free (3) G: Halogen Free, L: Lead Free www.unisonic.com.tw Copyright © 2010 Unisonic Technologies Co., Ltd 1 of 8 QW-R107-031.B TDA1519C LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT PIN CONFIGURATION PIN DESCRIPTION PIN NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 PIN NAME NINV GND1 PSRR OUT1 GND2 OUT2 VP M/SS INV DESCRIPTION Non-inverting input Ground 1(signal) Supply Voltage Ripple Rejection Output 1 Ground 2(substrate) Output 2 Positive Supply Voltage Mute/standby switch input Inverting Input UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD www.unisonic.com.tw 2 of 8 QW-R107-031.B TDA1519C LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT BLOCK DIAGRAM UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD www.unisonic.com.tw 3 of 8 QW-R107-031.B TDA1519C LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ABSUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25℃) PARAMETER Operating SYMBOL RATINGS 17.5 UNIT Supply Voltage VP V Non-operating 30 Load dump protected (Note 2) 45 AC and DC Short-Circuit Safe Voltage Vsc 17.5 V Reverse Polarity Voltage Vrp 6 V Non-repetitive Peak Output Current IosM 6 A Repetitive Peak Output Current IoRM 4 A Energy Handling Capability At Outputs (Vp=0V) Eo 200 mJ PD 25 W Power Dissipation Junction Temperature TJ 0 ~ +125 ℃ Storage Temperature TSTG -65 ~ +125 ℃ Note: 1. Absolute maximum ratings are those values beyond which the device could be permanently damaged. Absolute maximum ratings are stress ratings only and functional device operation is not implied. 2. During 50ms, tr ≥2.5ms THERMAL DATA PARAMETER SYMBOL θJA Junction-to-Ambient RATINGS 210 UNIT ℃/W DC CHARACTERISTICS (VP=14.4V, Ta=25°C, measured from test circuit, fig 1.) PARAMETER SUPPLY Supply Voltage DC Output Voltage DC Output Offset Voltage Total Quiescent Current MUTE/STANDBY SWITCH Switch-ON voltage Level Mute Voltage Level Standby Voltage Level MUTE/STANDBY CONDITION Output Voltage SYMBOL VP VOUT │ΔVOO│ IQ(TOT) TECT CONDITONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT 6.0 14.4 6.95 17.5 250 80 V V mV mA 6.4 2 V V V 20 mV 250 100 40 mV μA μA (Note 1) (Note 2) 40 VSW(ON) VMUTE VSTB VOUT 8.5 3.3 0 Mute mode; VIN(MAX)=1V; fi=20Hz ~ 15kHz Mute mode Standby mode DC Output Offset Voltage ΔVOO Standby Current ISTB Switch-ON Current ISW(ON) Note: 1. The circuit is DC adjusted at VP=6~17.5V and AC operating at VP=8.5~17.5V. 2. At VP=17.5 ~ 30V, the DC output voltage is≦0.5Vp. UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD www.unisonic.com.tw 12 4 of 8 QW-R107-031.B TDA1519C LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT AC CHARACTERISTICS (VP=14.4V, RL=4Ω, Ta=25℃, f =1kHz, unless otherwise specified.) PARAMETER SYMBOL STEREO APPLICATION (see fig.1) Noise output Voltage(RMS value) VN(O)(RMS) Input Impedance ON, RS=0Ω ON, RS=10kΩ Mute, (Note 4) POUT αCS | ΔGv(ub) | Gv(cl) Supply voltage Ripple rejection (Note 3) High Frequency Roll-OFF Low Frequency Roll-OFF Total Harmonic Distortion BTL APPLICATION (see fig 2) Noise Output Voltage (RMS Value) Input Impedance SVRR fro(h) fro(I) THD VN(O)(RMS) THD=0.5% THD=10% THD=0.5%, RL=2Ω THD=10%, RL=2Ω RS=10kΩ ON, f =100Hz. ON, f=1 to 10kHz. Mute, 100Hz to 10kHz. Standby, 100Hz to10kHz -1dB -3dB (Note 2) POUT=1W ON, RS=0Ω ON, RS =10kΩ Mute, Note 4 POUT Closed-Loop Voltage Gain Gv(cl) 50 4 5.5 7.5 10 40 39 40 45 45 80 20 25 THD=0.5% THD=10% THD=0.5%, VP=13.2V THD=10%, VP=13.2V TYP 150 250 120 60 5 6.0 8.5 11 0.1 40 MAX UNIT 500 μV 75 kΩ W 1 41 15 20 45 34 48 48 80 20 dB dB dB dB KHz Hz % 45 0.1 Bandwidth 20Hz ~ 20kHz. Zi Output Power(Note 1) MIN Bandwidth 20Hz~20kHz. Zi Output Power(Note 1) Channel Separation Channel Unalance Closed-loop voltage Gain TEST CONDITONS 200 350 180 30 17 22 13 17.5 46 700 μV 38 kΩ W 47 W dB On, f =100Hz On, f=1 to 10kHz SVRR dB Mute, 100Hz to 10kHz. Standby, 100Hz to10kHz High Frequency Roll-OFF fro(h) -1dB KHz Low Frequency Roll-OFF fro(I) -1dB, (Note 2) 45 Hz Bp THD=0.5%, POUT =-1dB 35 ~ Power Bandwidth Hz with respect to 15W 15000 Total Harmonic Distortion THD POUT=1W 0.1 % Note: 1. Output power is measured directly at the output pins of the device. 2. Frequency response is externally fixed. 3. Ripple rejection is measured at the output with a source impedance of 0Ω(maximum ripple amplitude of 2V). 4. Noise output voltage independent of RS (VIN=0V). Supply Voltage Ripple Rejection (Note 3) UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD www.unisonic.com.tw 5 of 8 QW-R107-031.B TDA1519C LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT APPLICATION INFORMATION Stereo application diagram BTL application diagram UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD www.unisonic.com.tw 6 of 8 QW-R107-031.B TDA1519C LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS PO Output Waveform UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD www.unisonic.com.tw 7 of 8 QW-R107-031.B TDA1519C LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT UTC assumes no responsibility for equipment failures that result from using products at values that exceed, even momentarily, rated values (such as maximum ratings, operating condition ranges, or other parameters) listed in products specifications of any and all UTC products described or contained herein. UTC products are not designed for use in life support appliances, devices or systems where malfunction of these products can be reasonably expected to result in personal injury. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. The information presented in this document does not form part of any quotation or contract, is believed to be accurate and reliable and may be changed without notice. UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD www.unisonic.com.tw 8 of 8 QW-R107-031.B