Fan Motor Control 32-BIT MICROCONTROLLER FM3/0+ Family USER MANUAL Publication Number S6E1A1_AN710-00004 Revision 1.4 Issue Date Aug 3, 2015 U S E R 2 M A N U A L S6E1A1_AN710-00004-1v4-E, Aug 3, 2015 U S E R M A N U A L Target products This application note describes the following products: Series Product Number (Not Including Package Suffix) FM3 Series MB9AF132K FM0+ Series S6E1A1 Aug 3, 2015, S6E1A1_AN710-00004-1v4-E 3 U S E R M A N U A L Table of Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 4 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 9 1.1 Purpose…. .......................................................................................................................... 9 1.2 Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations ............................................................................ 9 1.3 Document Overview ............................................................................................................ 9 System Environment .................................................................................................................... 10 2.1 Hardware Environment...................................................................................................... 10 2.2 Software Environment ....................................................................................................... 10 System Firmware Design ............................................................................................................. 11 3.1 Firmware Architecture ....................................................................................................... 11 3.1.1 IAR Project File Architecture.............................................................................. 11 3.2 Firmware Flow Chart ......................................................................................................... 12 Event Function.............................................................................................................................. 13 4.1 Function List ...................................................................................................................... 13 4.2 Function Prototype ............................................................................................................ 14 4.2.1 void ClarkeTransform() ..................................................................................... 14 4.2.2 void ParkTransform() ........................................................................................ 14 4.2.3 void InvertClackeTransform() ........................................................................... 14 4.2.4 void InvertParkTransform() ............................................................................... 14 4.2.5 void Sensor_Parameter_Initial () ...................................................................... 14 4.2.6 void Motor1_Sensor_Offeset_Detect() ............................................................. 15 4.2.7 void Motor1_Sense() ........................................................................................ 15 4.2.8 void DT_Compensation().................................................................................. 15 4.2.9 void Dynamic_change_PWM() ......................................................................... 15 4.2.10 void Motor1_Elec_Brake () ............................................................................... 15 4.2.11 void FieldWeaken()........................................................................................... 15 4.2.12 int32_t LogicRightShift() ................................................................................... 15 4.2.13 unsigned long Sqrt () ........................................................................................ 16 4.2.14 void Lpf () ......................................................................................................... 16 4.2.15 void DifferParamsLpf ()..................................................................................... 16 4.2.16 void Initial_Motor1_FieldWeakPar ()................................................................. 16 4.2.17 void Initial_Motor1_BEMF_EstimPar () ............................................................ 16 4.2.18 void Initial_Motor1_RunPar () ........................................................................... 16 4.2.19 void Motor1_Init() ............................................................................................. 17 4.2.20 void Motor1_Start() ........................................................................................... 17 4.2.21 void Motor1_Stop() ........................................................................................... 17 4.2.22 void Motor1_Speed_Regulate () ....................................................................... 17 4.2.23 void Motor1_Limit_Calc ()................................................................................. 17 4.2.24 void Motor1_Theta_Generate () ....................................................................... 17 4.2.25 void Motor1_Process() ..................................................................................... 17 4.2.26 void PositionObserver () ................................................................................... 18 4.2.27 void Motor1_HandleError () .............................................................................. 18 4.2.28 void Motor1_Protect() ....................................................................................... 18 4.2.29 void Motor1_Run () ........................................................................................... 18 4.2.30 void NoStop_Start() .......................................................................................... 18 4.2.31 void Current_PI () ............................................................................................. 18 4.2.32 void Speed_PI () ............................................................................................ 19 4.2.33 uint32_t u32Q22_ArcTan() ............................................................................... 19 4.2.34 int32_t i32Q12_Sin() ........................................................................................ 19 4.2.35 int32_t i32Q12_Cos () ...................................................................................... 19 4.2.36 void Motor1_Res_Measure() ............................................................................ 19 4.2.37 void Single_Shunt() .......................................................................................... 19 S6E1A1_AN710-00004-1v4-E, Aug 3, 2015 U S E R 5. M A N U A L 4.2.38 void Comm_Duration_Calc() ............................................................................ 19 4.2.39 void Sector_Judge() ......................................................................................... 20 4.2.40 void abcon_map() ............................................................................................. 20 4.2.41 void SVPWM_Calc() ......................................................................................... 20 4.2.42 void Write_Motor1_MFT_Register() ................................................................. 20 4.2.43 void InitNVIC () ................................................................................................. 20 4.2.44 void InitGpio () .................................................................................................. 20 4.2.45 void InitADC () .................................................................................................. 21 4.2.46 void InitSysTime () ............................................................................................ 21 4.2.47 void InitWDT () ................................................................................................. 21 4.2.48 void Motor1_configPWM () ............................................................................... 21 4.2.49 void Motor1_SVPWM_Init () ............................................................................. 21 4.2.50 void Motor1_SVPWM_En () ............................................................................. 21 4.2.51 void Motor1_SVPWM_Dis ()............................................................................. 22 4.2.52 void Speed_Feedback() ................................................................................... 22 4.2.53 void Thermal_Protect() ..................................................................................... 22 4.2.54 void RMS_Calc() .............................................................................................. 22 4.2.55 void Motor1_StartSpeed_PI() ........................................................................... 22 4.2.1 void CAP_Charge () ......................................................................................... 22 4.2.2 void Main ()....................................................................................................... 23 User Interface ............................................................................................................................... 24 5.1 Customer Interface Variable List ....................................................................................... 24 5.2 Variable Definition ............................................................................................................. 25 5.2.1 Motor1_Pole_Pairs ........................................................................................... 25 5.2.2 Motor1_Ld ........................................................................................................ 25 5.2.3 Motor1_Lq ........................................................................................................ 25 5.2.4 Motor1_Res ...................................................................................................... 26 5.2.5 Motor1_Ke ........................................................................................................ 26 5.2.6 Motor1_Kt ......................................................................................................... 26 5.2.7 Motor1_Kj ......................................................................................................... 26 5.2.8 Motor1_dki........................................................................................................ 27 5.2.9 Motor1_dkp ...................................................................................................... 27 5.2.10 Motor1_qki........................................................................................................ 27 5.2.11 Motor1_qkp ...................................................................................................... 27 5.2.12 Motor1_ski ........................................................................................................ 27 5.2.13 Motor1_skp....................................................................................................... 27 5.2.14 Motor1_Speed_Inc_Acceleration_Hz ............................................................... 27 5.2.15 Motor1_Speed_Dec_Acceleration_Hz ............................................................. 27 5.2.16 Motor1_OpenLoop_Inc_Current_APS .............................................................. 27 5.2.17 Motor1_OpenLoop_CurrentA ........................................................................... 28 5.2.18 Motor1_Orient_TimeS ...................................................................................... 28 5.2.19 Motor1_Force_Inc_Speed_Hz.......................................................................... 28 5.2.20 Motor1_CloseLoop_Speed_Hz ........................................................................ 28 5.2.21 Motor1_Initial_Speed_Pre_Close_Hz .............................................................. 28 5.2.22 Motor1_Detect_Direction_TimeS...................................................................... 28 5.2.23 Motor1_Inverse_Rotor_Brake_TimeS .............................................................. 28 5.2.24 Motor1_Pre_CloseLoop_TimeS ....................................................................... 28 5.2.25 Motor1_Pre_CloseLoop_Current_MinA............................................................ 28 5.2.26 Motor1_Pre_CloseLoop_Current_MaxA........................................................... 29 5.2.27 Motor1_Inc_SpeedAcc_TimeS ......................................................................... 29 5.2.28 Motor1_Inc_Speed_MAX_Hz ........................................................................... 29 5.2.29 Motor1_PWM_Brake_Inc_TimeS ..................................................................... 29 5.2.30 Motor1_Stop_Brake_CurrentA ......................................................................... 29 Aug 3, 2015, S6E1A1_AN710-00004-1v4-E 5 U S E R 6. 7. 6 M A N U A L 5.2.31 Motor1_Over_CurrentA .................................................................................... 29 5.2.32 Motor1_max_dcvoltageV .................................................................................. 29 5.2.33 Motor1_min_dcvoltageV ................................................................................... 29 5.2.34 Motor1_Error_keep_timeS ............................................................................... 29 5.2.35 Motor1_Field_Value.......................................................................................... 29 5.2.36 Motor1_Comp_MaxA ....................................................................................... 30 5.2.37 Motor1_Is_MaxA .............................................................................................. 30 5.2.38 Motor1_dead_timeUS ...................................................................................... 30 5.2.39 Motor1_PWM_Carry_Frequency ...................................................................... 30 5.2.40 Motor1_Current_Carry_Frequency ................................................................... 30 5.2.41 Motor1_speed_Max_RPM ................................................................................ 30 5.2.42 Motor1_speed_Min_RPM ................................................................................. 30 5.2.43 Motor1_Rotor_direction .................................................................................... 30 5.2.44 Motor1_Running_Level .................................................................................... 30 5.2.45 Motor1_Dynamic_PWM_Enable ...................................................................... 31 5.2.46 Motor1_PWM_Table ......................................................................................... 31 5.2.47 AD_OFFSET_NUM .......................................................................................... 31 5.2.48 AD_OFFEST_MAX_VALUE ............................................................................. 31 5.2.49 Motor1_Control_mode ...................................................................................... 31 5.2.50 MOTOR1_PWM_POLAR_AVAILABLE............................................................. 31 5.2.51 SYS_CLOK ...................................................................................................... 31 5.2.52 MOTOR1_SHUNT_NUMBER .......................................................................... 31 5.2.53 SPEED_FROM_OUT ....................................................................................... 31 5.2.54 VSP_MOTOR_START_V ................................................................................. 32 5.2.55 PULSE_FEEDBACK_ENABLE ........................................................................ 32 5.2.56 MOTOR1_IDENTIFICATION_ENABLE ............................................................ 32 5.2.57 MOTOR1_THERMAL_PROTECTION .............................................................. 32 5.2.58 MOTOR1_U_PIN.............................................................................................. 32 5.2.59 MOTOR1_V_PIN .............................................................................................. 32 5.2.60 MOTOR1_W_PIN ............................................................................................. 32 5.2.61 DC_V_PIN ........................................................................................................ 33 5.2.62 MOTOR1_SPEED_PIN .................................................................................... 33 5.2.63 ADC_Digit......................................................................................................... 33 5.2.64 ADC_REF......................................................................................................... 33 5.2.65 VDC_Amplifier_Multiple.................................................................................... 33 5.2.66 Motor1_Current_Rs .......................................................................................... 34 5.2.67 Motor1_Current_Amplifier_Multiple .................................................................. 34 5.2.68 Motor1_Pre_Charge_TimeS ............................................................................. 34 5.2.69 Motor1_Pre_Charge_Duty_Cycles ................................................................... 34 5.2.70 MOTOR1_BEMF_LPFK_MIN ........................................................................... 34 5.2.71 MOTOR1_BEMF_LPFK_MAX ......................................................................... 35 5.2.72 MOTOR1_BEMF_LPFK_MIN_HZ .................................................................... 35 5.2.73 MOTOR1_BEMF_LPFK_MAX_HZ ................................................................... 35 Interrupt Function ......................................................................................................................... 36 6.1 Function List ...................................................................................................................... 36 6.2 Interrupt Priority Configuration .......................................................................................... 36 System Debug Sample ................................................................................................................. 38 7.1 System Build ..................................................................................................................... 38 7.1.1 Demo Board Connect ....................................................................................... 38 7.1.2 Open Project .................................................................................................... 38 7.1.3 Configure Hardware and Software ................................................................... 39 7.1.4 Configure User Interface .................................................................................. 40 7.2 Motor Start-up ................................................................................................................... 43 S6E1A1_AN710-00004-1v4-E, Aug 3, 2015 U S E R 8. 9. M A N U A L 7.2.1 Code Rebuild.................................................................................................... 43 7.2.2 Download Code ................................................................................................ 43 7.2.3 Program and Motor Running ............................................................................ 44 7.2.4 Debug Motor Running Status ........................................................................... 45 7.2.5 VSP Modify Motor Speed ................................................................................. 47 7.2.6 Torque Control Mode ........................................................................................ 47 System Error Code Definition ....................................................................................................... 48 Additional Information ................................................................................................................... 49 Figures Figure 3-1: Relationship of the Files in Each Layer ................................................................................ 11 Figure 3-2: File Architecture in IAR Project ............................................................................................. 11 Figure 3-3: The Main Loop Flow Chart ..................................................................................................... 12 Figure 5-1: Motor Current Waveform when Braking ................................................................................. 25 Figure 5-2: Motor Current Waveform Detail .............................................................................................. 26 Figure 5-3: DC Bus Voltage Amplifying Circuit ......................................................................................... 33 Figure 5-4: Phase Current Sampling Circuit ............................................................................................. 34 Figure 5-5: Current Amplifying Circuit....................................................................................................... 34 Figure 6-1: Interrupt Priority Map.............................................................................................................. 36 Figure 6-2: Interrupt Priority Configuration Diagrammatic Sketch (FM0+) ................................................ 37 Figure 7-1: Front View of Demo Board ..................................................................................................... 38 Figure 7-2: IAR Project Interface .............................................................................................................. 38 Figure 7-3: Project Structure .................................................................................................................... 39 Figure 7-4: Hardware Parameters Configuration ...................................................................................... 39 Figure 7-5: Configure MCU Register, Interrupt and Motor Parameters File Structure .............................. 40 Figure 7-6: Define Motor Name ................................................................................................................ 40 Figure 7-7: Define Motor Parameters ....................................................................................................... 41 Figure 7-8: Motor PI Parameters .............................................................................................................. 41 Figure 7-9: Motor Start-up Parameters..................................................................................................... 42 Figure 7-10: Motor Protection Parameters ............................................................................................... 42 Figure 7-11: Motor Running Parameters .................................................................................................. 43 Figure 7-12: Code Rebuild (1) .................................................................................................................. 43 Figure 7-13: Code Rebuild (2) .................................................................................................................. 43 Figure 7-14: Download Code ................................................................................................................... 43 Figure 7-15: Running Button .................................................................................................................... 44 Figure 7-16: Variable Watch Window ....................................................................................................... 44 Figure 7-17: Parameters Watch Window .................................................................................................. 45 Figure 7-18: Start-up Current Waveform (100mA/1s/scale) ..................................................................... 45 Figure 7-19: Start-up with No Orient and Open Loop Mode Parameters.................................................. 45 Figure 7-20: Start-up with No Orient and Open Loop Current waveform (100mA/1s/scale) ..................... 45 Figure 7-21: Start-up with Orient and Open Loop Mode Parameters ....................................................... 45 Figure 7-22: Start-up with Orient and Open Loop Current Waveform (100mA/1s/scale) .......................... 45 Figure 7-23: Speed Loop PI Parameters (Over large) .............................................................................. 46 Figure 7-24: Motor Current Waveform in PI Parameters Over Large (100mA/1s/scale)........................... 46 Figure 7-25: Speed Loop PI Parameters .................................................................................................. 46 Figure 7-26: Motor Current when PI Parameters appropriately (100mA/1s/scale) ................................... 46 Figure 7-27: D&Q Axis PI Parameters ...................................................................................................... 46 Figure 7-28: Motor Current when D&Q Axis PI parameters larger (100mA/1s/scale) ............................... 46 Figure 7-29: D&Q Axis PI Parameters ...................................................................................................... 47 Figure 7-30: Motor Current when D&Q Axis PI parameters Smaller (100mA/1s/scale) ............................ 47 Figure 7-31: D&Q Axis PI Parameters (PI parameters appropriately) ...................................................... 47 Figure 7-32: Motor Current when D&Q Axis PI parameters appropriately (100mA/1s/scale) ................... 47 Figure 7-33: Knob of Demo Board............................................................................................................ 47 Aug 3, 2015, S6E1A1_AN710-00004-1v4-E 7 U S E R M A N U A L Tables Table 2-1: MCU Hardware Development Environment ............................................................................. 10 Table 2-2: MCU Software Development Environment .............................................................................. 10 Table 3-1: Project File Architecture ............................................................................................................ 11 Table 4-1: Function List Table ................................................................................................................... 13 Table 6-1: Interrupt Function Table ........................................................................................................... 36 Table 6-2: Interrupt Priority Table.............................................................................................................. 37 Table 8-1: Error Code Table...................................................................................................................... 48 8 S6E1A1_AN710-00004-1v4-E, Aug 3, 2015 U S E R M A N U A L 1. Introduction 1.1 Purpose This manual describes document architecture, demo connection and motor debug of Spansion DC Indoor Fan Motor solution. It can help you to understand and use Spansion Cortex M3/M0+ series MCU better. It can also provide some references to customers for development of new products. 1.2 1.3 Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations API Application Programming Interface FOC Field Oriented Control HW Hardware FW Firmware I/O Input and output RAM Random Access Memory Document Overview The rest of document is organized as the following: Section 2 explains System Environment. Section 3 explains System Firmware Design. Section 4 explains Event Function. Section 5 explains User Interface. Section 6 explains Interrupt Function. Section 7 explains System Debug Sample Section 8 explains System Error Code . Aug 3, 2015, S6E1A1_AN710-00004-1v4-E 9 U S E R M A N U A L 2. System Environment 2.1 Hardware Environment Table 2-1: MCU Hardware Development Environment 2.2 System Description MCU S6E1A1 Hardware FAN _Motor_SOLU-V0.2.1 Emulator J-Link V8 Motor type Fan motor 2#(RS:80Ω Ke:120; Ls:620) Software Environment Table 2-2: MCU Software Development Environment 10 Type Description PC System Windows 7 (64-bit) Software developing IDE IAR EWARM V6.6 S6E1A1_AN710-00004-1v4-E, Aug 3, 2015 U S E R M A N U A L 3. System Firmware Design 3.1 Firmware Architecture Figure 3-1: Relationship of the Files in Each Layer User layer Up Application layer Module layer Driver layer Down Global layer Each layer is independent. If the performance and independence will not be affected, the files in the lower layer can call the files in the upper layer. In most cases, the files in upper layer call the files in the lower layer. 3.1.1 IAR Project File Architecture According to the firmware architecture model, the file in IAR project is composed of header file (.h), source file (.c) and the output file in build (.out). Figure 3-2: File Architecture in IAR Project Folder names are shown in Figure 3-2. The project includes five header folders and five source folders. The file in each folder is shown in the following table. Table 3-1: Project File Architecture Folder Name Description H01-Global Global function declaration, global variables and macro definition folder H02-Driver MCU function declaration, variables and macro definition folder H03-Module Event function declaration and variables definition folder H04-Application Application function declaration and variables definition folder H05-User Hardware parameters and software parameters and MCU configuration header file folder S01-Global Global function folder S02-Driver MCU driver function folder S03-Module Event function folder S04-Application Application function folder S05-User Hardware parameters and software parameters and MCU configuration source file folder Remarks: The file Chip_Init.c in S05-User is MCU configuration file; ISR.c is interrupt entrance function file; Vector_Table.c is interrupt entrance vector table file, Customer_interface.c is motor control parameters and configuration file. Aug 3, 2015, S6E1A1_AN710-00004-1v4-E 11 U S E R 3.2 M A N U A L Firmware Flow Chart The flow chart of main functions is shown in Figure 3-3. Figure 3-3: The Main Loop Flow Chart WdgHwCallback Start Start Initial Gpio Set fault flag and stop motor Initial PWM End Time Delay WdgSwCallback Start Initial ADC Motor Parameters Set Set fault flag and stop motor Initial WDT End Initial NVIC ISR_MFT0_FRT Start Initial Timer Update register OCCP Feed WDT End Stop? N DtifIntCallback Y Start Stop Function Set fault flag and stop motor Re-start? N End Y Re-start Function ISR_ADC_unit0 Start Start? N Y Start Function Get AD sample data End Communication RtUnderflowIntHandler Start Set Target Speed Running motor control If the function is selected, please enable the macro 12 End S6E1A1_AN710-00004-1v4-E, Aug 3, 2015 U S E R M A N U A L 4. Event Function 4.1 Function List Table 4-1: Function List Table Prototype Description Remark Clark Transform Park Transform Clarke Transform Park Transform N/A N/A InverseClackeTransform InverseParkTransform Inverse Clarke transform Inverse Park transform N/A N/A Sensor_Parameter_Initial Motor1_Sensor_Offeset_Detect Current sensor parameters initialization Current sensor offset detect N/A N/A Motor1_Sense DT_Compensation Current sensor function Dead time compensation algorithm function N/A N/A Dynamic_change_PWM Motor1_Elec_Brake Dynamic change PWM carrier frequency function Motor electronic brake function N/A N/A Field Weaken LogicRightShift Field weaken algorithm function Bit logic right shift function N/A N/A Sqrt Lpf Square root function One order low pass filter N/A N/A DifferParamsLpf Initial_Motor1_FieldWeakPar Differ parameters low pass filter Field weaken function initialization N/A N/A Initial_Motor1_BEMF_EstimPar Initial_Motor1_RunPar Position Estimator function initialization Motor run function initialization N/A N/A Motor1_Init Motor1_Start Motor total variables initialization function Motor start up function N/A N/A Motor1_Stop Motor1_Speed_Regulate Motor stop function Motor speed regulate function N/A N/A Motor1_Limit_Calc Motor1_Theta_Generate Motor limit voltage and current function Motor theta generate function N/A N/A Motor1_Process PositionObserver Motor control main loop algorithm function Position Estimator event function N/A N/A Motor1_HandleError Motor1_Protect Motor error handler function Motor protect event function N/A N/A Motor1_Run NoStop_Start Motor run and start up event function No stop to restart function N/A N/A Current_PI Speed_PI Current loop PI controller function Speed loop PI controller function N/A N/A u32Q22_ArcTan i32Q12_Sin Arctan function lookup algorithm Sine function lookup algorithm N/A N/A i32Q12_Cos Motor1_Res_Measure Cosine function lookup algorithm Motor resistance measure function N/A N/A Single_Shunt Comm_Duration_Calc Single shunt algorithm Vector time calculate function N/A N/A Sector_Judge abcon_map Sector judge algorithm function Effective vector distribution function N/A N/A SVPWM_Calc Write_Motor1_MFT_Register SVPWM algorithm event function MFT register value assignment N/A N/A InitNVIC InitGpio NVIC function mode initialization Initialization I/O port N/A N/A InitADC Initialization AD model N/A Aug 3, 2015, S6E1A1_AN710-00004-1v4-E 13 U S E R M A N U A L InitSysTime Clock mode initialization N/A InitWDT Watch dog mode initialization N/A Motor1_configPWM PWM carrier frequency configuration N/A Motor1_SVPWM_Init Motor1_SVPWM_En Motor function module initialization Enable SVPWM mode N/A N/A Motor1_SVPWM_Dis Speed_Feedback Disable SVPWM mode Pulse feedback motor speed N/A N/A Thermal_Protect RMS_Calc Thermal protection function Root mean square calculate N/A N/A Motor1_StartSpeed_PI CAP_Charge Motor start speed PI parameter adjustment Bootstrap capacitance prepare charge N/A N/A Main Main loop function N/A 4.2 Function Prototype 4.2.1 void ClarkeTransform() 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4 4.2.5 14 Prototype void ClarkeTransform(UVWAxiahCS *Input, AlphaBetaCS *Output); Parameter U-V-W stator coordinate variables, α-β stator coordinate variables Return N/A Description Clarke transform Remark N/A void ParkTransform() Prototype void ParkTransform(AlphaBetaCS *Input, dqAxialCS *Output); Parameter α-β stator coordinate variables, d-q rotating coordinate variables Return N/A Description Park transform Remark N/A void InvertClackeTransform() Prototype void InvertClackeTransform(AlphaBetaS *Input, UVWAxiahS *Output) Parameter α-β stator coordinate variables, u-v-w stator coordinate variables Return N/A Description Clarke inverse transform Remark N/A void InvertParkTransform() Prototype void InvertParkTransform(dqAxialS *Input, AlphaBetaS *Output) Parameter d-q rotating coordinate variables, α-β stator coordinate variables Return N/A Description PARK inverse transform Remark N/A void Sensor_Parameter_Initial () Prototype void Sensor_Parameter_Initial (void) Parameter void Return void Description Current sampling parameters initialization Remark N/A S6E1A1_AN710-00004-1v4-E, Aug 3, 2015 U S E R 4.2.6 4.2.7 4.2.8 4.2.9 4.2.10 4.2.11 void Motor1_Sensor_Offeset_Detect() Prototype void Motor1_Sensor_Offeset_Detect(void) Parameter void Return void Description Current sampling offset detect Remark N/A void Motor1_Sense() Prototype void Motor1_Sense(void) Parameter void Return void Description Current sampling event function Remark N/A void DT_Compensation() Prototype void DT_Compensation(void) Parameter void Return void Description Dead time compensation algorithm function Remark N/A void Dynamic_change_PWM() Prototype void Dynamic_change_PWM(void) Parameter void Return void Description Dynamic change PWM carrier frequency function Remark N/A void Motor1_Elec_Brake () Prototype void Motor1_Elec_Brake (void) Parameter void Return void Description Motor electronic brake function Remark N/A void FieldWeaken() Parameter void FieldWeaken(FieldWeakenS * FieldWeakenPar, signed long Q8_Vbus, AlphaBetaS *Motor_2sVoltage, signed long *Motor_idref, unsigned char MotorRunningStage) Field weaken parameters Return void Description Field weaken algorithm function Remark N/A Prototype 4.2.12 M A N U A L int32_t LogicRightShift() Prototype int32_t LogicRightShift(int32_t Qmdata, uint32_t Shiftbits) Parameter Data input/Data output, Aug 3, 2015, S6E1A1_AN710-00004-1v4-E data shift digits 15 U S E R 4.2.13 4.2.14 Return void Description Bit Remark N/A unsigned long Sqrt () unsigned long Sqrt (unsigned long Root) Parameter Data input/Data output Return void Description Square root function Remark N/A void Lpf () Parameter Lpf(int32_t BeforeLpfData, int32_t stc_lpfparams_t *pstcLpfParams) Input value, output value Return void Description One order low pass filter Remark N/A 4.2.17 16 *AfterLpfData, Parameter DifferParamsLpf(int32_t BeforeLpfData, int32_t *AfterLpfData, stc_differlpfparams_t *pstcLpfParams) Input value, output value, filter parameters Return void Description Differ parameters low pass filter Remark N/A void void Initial_Motor1_FieldWeakPar () Prototype static void Initial_Motor1_FieldWeakPar(uint32_t sample_freq) Parameter Carrier frequency Return Void Description Field weaken function initialization Remark N/A void Initial_Motor1_BEMF_EstimPar () Parameter static void sample_freq) Carrier frequency Return Void Description Position Estimator function initialization Remark N/A Prototype 4.2.18 void void DifferParamsLpf () Prototype 4.2.16 logic right shift function Prototype Prototype 4.2.15 M A N U A L Initial_Motor1_BEMF_EstimPar(uint32_t void Initial_Motor1_RunPar () Prototype static void Initial_Motor1_RunPar(uint32_t sample_freq) Parameter Carrier frequency Return Void Description Motor run function initialization Remark N/A S6E1A1_AN710-00004-1v4-E, Aug 3, 2015 U S E R 4.2.19 4.2.20 4.2.21 4.2.22 4.2.23 4.2.24 4.2.25 M A N U A L void Motor1_Init() Prototype void Motor1_Init(uint32_t Sample_freq) Parameter Carrier frequency Return Void Description Motor total variables initialization function Remark N/A void Motor1_Start() Prototype void Motor1_Start(uint32_t Sample_freq) Parameter Carrier frequency Return void Description Motor start up function Remark N/A void Motor1_Stop() Prototype void Motor1_Stop(void) Parameter Void Return void Description Motor stop function Remark N/A void Motor1_Speed_Regulate () Prototype void Motor1_Speed_Regulate (void) Parameter Void Return void Description Motor speed regulate function Remark N/A void Motor1_Limit_Calc () Prototype void Motor1_Limit_Calc (void) Parameter Void Return void Description Motor limit Remark N/A voltage and current function void Motor1_Theta_Generate () Prototype void Motor1_Theta_Generate (void) Parameter Void Return void Description Motor theta generate function Remark N/A void Motor1_Process() Prototype void Motor1_Process(void) Parameter Void Aug 3, 2015, S6E1A1_AN710-00004-1v4-E 17 U S E R 4.2.26 Return void Description Motor control main loop algorithm function Remark N/A void PositionObserver () Parameter PositionObserver(stc_observer_t *pstcEstParams, AlphaBetaS *pstc2sV, AlphaBetaCS *pstc2sC) Position estimator parameters Return Void Description Position Estimator event function Remark N/A Prototype 4.2.27 4.2.28 4.2.29 4.2.30 4.2.31 void void Motor1_HandleError () Prototype void Motor1_HandleError(stc_Protect_t *pstcProtectParams) Parameter Motor protection parameters Return Void Description Motor error status handler function Remark N/A void Motor1_Protect() Prototype void Motor1_Protect(stc_Protect_t *pstcProtectParams) Parameter Motor protection parameters Return void Description Motor protect event function Remark N/A void Motor1_Run () Prototype void Motor1_Run (void) Parameter Void Return void Description Motor run and start up event function Remark N/A void NoStop_Start() Prototype void NoStop_Start(void) Parameter void Return void Description No stop to restart function Remark N/A void Current_PI () Parameter void Current_PI(int32_t Ref, int32_t Input, int32_t *Output, stc_pid_t *PID_Par) Reference current, feedback current, PI output, PI parameters Return void Description current loop PI controller function Prototype 18 M A N U A L S6E1A1_AN710-00004-1v4-E, Aug 3, 2015 U S E R N/A Remark 4.2.32 4.2.33 4.2.34 4.2.35 4.2.36 4.2.37 4.2.38 void M A N U A L Speed_PI () Prototype void Speed_PI(int32_t Ref, int32_t Input, stc_pid_t *PID_Par) Parameter Target speed, feedback speed, target torque Return void Description Speed loop PI controller function Remark N/A int32_t *Output, uint32_t u32Q22_ArcTan() Prototype uint32_t u32Q22_ArcTan(int32_t i32Q8_Y,int32_t i32Q8_X) Parameter BEMF input, angle output Return void Description Arctan function lookup algorithm Remark N/A int32_t i32Q12_Sin() Prototype int32_t i32Q12_Sin(uint32_t u32Q22_Angle) Parameter Angle input,angle sine value output Return void Description Sine function lookup algorithm Remark N/A int32_t i32Q12_Cos () Prototype int32_t i32Q12_Cos(uint32_t u32Q22_Angle) Parameter Angle input, angle cosine value output Return void Description Cosine function lookup algorithm Remark N/A void Motor1_Res_Measure() Prototype void Motor1_Res_Measure(void) Parameter void Return void Description Motor resistance measure function Remark N/A void Single_Shunt() Prototype void Single_Shunt(void) Parameter void Return void Description Single shunt algorithm Remark N/A void Comm_Duration_Calc() Prototype Aug 3, 2015, S6E1A1_AN710-00004-1v4-E void Comm_Duration_Calc(SVPWM_CalculateS *Motor_SVPWMPar) 19 U S E R 4.2.39 Parameter SVPWM parameters Return void Description Vector time calculate function Remark N/A void Sector_Judge() Parameter void Sector_Judge(SVPWM_CalculateS *Motor_SVPWMPar, UVWAxiahS *Motor_3sVoltage) Three-phase voltage value Return void Description Sector judge algorithm function Remark N/A Prototype 4.2.40 void abcon_map() Parameter static inline void abcon_map(SVPWM_CalculateS *SVPWMPar) Vector value Return void Description Effective vector distribution function Remark N/A Prototype 4.2.41 void SVPWM_Calc() Parameter Void SVPWM_Calc(SVPWM_CalculateS *SVPWMPar ,AlphaBetaS *_2sV, UVWAxiahS *_3sV, AlphaBetaS *_2sV_Real) SVPWM parameters Return void Description SVPWM algorithm event function Remark N/A Prototype 4.2.42 void Write_Motor1_MFT_Register() Parameter void Write_Motor1_MFT_Register(SVPWM_CalculateS *SVPWM_Par) Effective Vector value Return void Description MFT register value assignment Remark N/A Prototype 4.2.43 4.2.44 20 M A N U A L void InitNVIC () Prototype void InitNVIC (void) Parameter void Return void Description NVIC function mode initialization Remark N/A void InitGpio () Prototype void InitGpio(void) Parameter void S6E1A1_AN710-00004-1v4-E, Aug 3, 2015 U S E R 4.2.45 4.2.46 4.2.47 4.2.48 4.2.49 4.2.50 M A N U A L Return void Description Initialization I/O port Remark N/A void InitADC () Prototype void InitADC(uint32_t Motor1_Sample_freq) Parameter PWM carrier frequency Return void Description ADC module initialization Remark N/A void InitSysTime () Prototype void InitSysTime (void) Parameter void Return void Description System timer initialization Remark N/A void InitWDT () Prototype void InitWDT (void) Parameter void Return void Description Watch dog mode initialization Remark N/A void Motor1_configPWM () Prototype void Motor1_configPWM(uint32_t parameter) Parameter Current loop frequency Return void Description PWM carrier frequency configuration Remark N/A void Motor1_SVPWM_Init () Prototype void Motor1_SVPWM_Init (void) Parameter void Return void Description Motor function module initialization Remark N/A void Motor1_SVPWM_En () Prototype void Motor1_SVPWM_En (void) Parameter void Return void Description Enable SVPWM mode Remark N/A Aug 3, 2015, S6E1A1_AN710-00004-1v4-E 21 U S E R 4.2.51 4.2.52 4.2.53 void Motor1_SVPWM_Dis () Prototype void Motor1_SVPWM_Dis (void) Parameter void Return void Description Disable SVPWM mode Remark N/A void Speed_Feedback() Prototype void Speed_Feedback(stc_speedfeedback_t *pstcSpeedParams) Parameter Pulse count value Return void Description Disable SVPWM mode Remark N/A void Thermal_Protect() Parameter void Thermal_Protect(stc_thermalprotection_t *pstcThermalParams) Thermal sensor parameters Return void Description Disable SVPWM mode Remark N/A Prototype 4.2.54 void RMS_Calc() Prototype Parameter 4.2.55 22 void RMS_Calc( int32_t angle, int32_t data,stc_rmsparams_t *rms) Motor rotor angle, motor one phase current, RMS function parameters. Return void Description Disable SVPWM mode Remark N/A void Motor1_StartSpeed_PI() Parameter void Motor1_StartSpeed_PI(stc_parameters_t *startspeedpi) Start speed PI adjustment function parameters Return void Description Disable SVPWM mode Remark N/A Prototype 4.2.1 M A N U A L void CAP_Charge () Prototype void CAP_Charge(stc_capparams_t *charge) Parameter CAP charge function parameters Return void Description Disable SVPWM mode Remark N/A S6E1A1_AN710-00004-1v4-E, Aug 3, 2015 U S E R 4.2.2 M A N U A L void Main () Prototype void Main(void) Parameter void Return void Description Main loop function Remark N/A Aug 3, 2015, S6E1A1_AN710-00004-1v4-E 23 U S E R M A N U A L 5. User Interface 5.1 Customer Interface Variable List Motor1: (Fan) Motor Parameters Motor1_Pole_Pairs Motor1_Ld Motor1_Lq Motor1_Rs Motor1_Ke Motor1_Kt Motor1_Kj PI Parameters Regulate information Motor1_dki Motor1_dkp Motor1_qki Motor1_qkp Motor1_ski Motor1_skp Motor1_Speed_Inc_Acceleration_Hz Motor1_Speed_Dec_Acceleration_Hz Motor Startup Parameters Motor1_OpenLoop_Inc_Current_APS Motor1_Openloop_CurrentA Motor1_Orient_TimeS Motor1_Force_Inc_Speed_Hz Motor1_CoseLoop_Speed_Hz Motor1_Initial_Speed_Pre_Close_Hz Motor1_Detect_Direction_TimeS Motor1_Inverse_Rotor_Brake_TimeS Motor1_Pre_CloseLoop_TimeS Motor1_Pre_CloseLoop_Current_MinA Motor1_Pre_CloseLoop_Current_MaxA Motor1_Inc_SpeedAcc_TimeS Motor1_Inc_Speed_MAX_Hz Motor1_PWM_Brake_Inc_TimeS Motor1_Stop_Brake_CurrentA Motor1 protection parameters Motor1_Over_CurrentA Motor1_max_dcvoltageV Motor1_min_dcvoltageV Motor1_Error_keep_timeS Motor1 running parameters Motor1_Field_Value Motor1_Comp_MaxA Motor1_Is_MaxA Motor1_dead_timeUS Motor1_PWM_Carry_Frequency Motor1_Current_Carry_Frequency Motor1_speed_Max_RPM Motor1_speed_Min_RPM Motor1_Rotor_direction 24 - Motor pole pairs - PMSM d axis phase inductance - PMSM q axis phase inductance -PMSM line resistor - PMSM Back Electromotive Force coefficient - PMSM torque const - PMSM moment of inertia - D axis current loop integral parameter - D axis current loop proportion parameter - Q axis current loop integral parameter - Q axis current loop proportion parameter - Speed loop integral parameter - Speed loop proportion parameter - Acceleration of speed loop - Deceleration of speed loop - Current vary step in open loop - Current value in open loop - Orient time - Open loop acceleration - Target speed when switching to closed loop - Speed initial value before closed loop - Detection time of rotational direction - Brake time of motor reversion - Time before closed loop - Minimum current before closed loop - Maximum current before closed loop - Acceleration interval - Maximum speed acceleration - PWM brake mode brake duty ratio pulse increase time - Motor braking stops when the motor braking current is low - Software over current point - DC bus over voltage point - DC bus under voltage point - Fault maintain time - Maximum current of field value - Dead time compensation offset balance current - Motor running maximum torque current - Dead time value - Motor start running PWM carry frequency - Current implement frequency -Motor running maximum speed -Motor running minimum speed -Motor running direction set S6E1A1_AN710-00004-1v4-E, Aug 3, 2015 U S E R M A N U A L Motor1_Running_Level Motor1_Dynamic_PWM_Enable Motor1_PWM_Table -Set motor running stage -Motor carrier dynamic change switching -Motor carrier frequency table 5.2 Variable Definition 5.2.1 Motor1_Pole_Pairs Data type: unsigned char Description: PMSM pole pairs Unit: none Measure method: Turn motor rotor manually, test motor three-phase terminal line voltage waveform, record turning revolution N and sine wave period number M, so Motor1_pole_pairs = M/N 5.2.2 Motor1_Ld Data type: float Description: PMSM d axis phase inductance Unit: mH Note: This parameter can be obtained from motor parameters or testing manually. 5.2.3 Motor1_Lq Data type: float Description: PMSM q axis phase inductance Unit: mH Note: This parameter can be obtained from motor parameters or test results. Measure method: When motor is running, brake motor manually and measure the phase current waveform. The current waveform is shown in Figure 5-1. Then Lq is calculated by using braking phase current. This method is only applicable to SPM motor. Figure 5-1: Motor Current Waveform when Braking Aug 3, 2015, S6E1A1_AN710-00004-1v4-E 25 U S E R M A N U A L When motor braking, the phase current waveform detail is shown in Figure 5-2 Figure 5-2: Motor Current Waveform Detail Considering Ke, Rs and Motor1_pole_pairs are known, record the following data when motor braking: The frequency of current waveform: F The current falling time: T The current amplitude changes in falling time: A The peak-peak current: A0 So Lq is calculated as follows, Motor1_Lq = (F*60/ Motor1_pole_pairs* Motor1_Ke/1000 - Motor1_Res* A0/2)*T/A 5.2.4 Motor1_Res Data type: float Description: PMSM line resistor Unit: Ω Measure method: Test any two phases of resistance using multi-meter, record three test results Ruv, Rvw, Ruw, so Motor1_Res = (Ruv +Rvw+ Ruw)/3 5.2.5 Motor1_Ke Data type: float Description: PMSM Back Electromotive Force coefficient Unit: V/Krpm Measure method: Turn motor rotor rapidly, test motor three-phase terminal line voltage waveform, and choose a relatively stable range of line voltage amplitude, record voltage peak-peak value and frequency in the range. Motor1_Ke = V* Motor1_pole_pairs*5.8934465/F 5.2.6 Motor1_Kt Data type: float Description: PMSM torque constant Unit: N·m/Arms 5.2.7 Motor1_Kj Data type: float Description: PMSM moment of inertia Unit: Kg·m2 26 S6E1A1_AN710-00004-1v4-E, Aug 3, 2015 U S E R 5.2.8 M A N U A L Motor1_dki Data type: float Description: D axis current loop integral parameter Unit: none Range: about 0.3 5.2.9 Motor1_dkp Data type: float Description: D axis current loop proportion parameter Unit: none Range: about 0.3 5.2.10 Motor1_qki Data type: float Description: Q axis current loop integral parameter Unit: none Range: about 0.3 5.2.11 Motor1_qkp Data type: float Description: Q axis current loop proportion parameter Unit: none Range: about 0.3 5.2.12 Motor1_ski Data type: float Description: Speed loop integral parameter Unit: none Range: about 0.0005 5.2.13 Motor1_skp Data type: float Description: Speed loop proportion parameter Unit: none Range: about 0.3 5.2.14 Motor1_Speed_Inc_Acceleration_Hz Data type: float Description: Acceleration of speed loop Unit: Hz 5.2.15 Motor1_Speed_Dec_Acceleration_Hz Data type: float Description: Deceleration of speed loop Unit: Hz 5.2.16 Motor1_OpenLoop_Inc_Current_APS Data type: float Description: Current vary step in open loop Unit: A Aug 3, 2015, S6E1A1_AN710-00004-1v4-E 27 U S E R 5.2.17 M A N U A L Motor1_OpenLoop_CurrentA Data type: float Description: Current value in open loop Unit: A 5.2.18 Motor1_Orient_TimeS Data type: float Description: Orient time Unit: s 5.2.19 Motor1_Force_Inc_Speed_Hz Data type: float Description: PMSM open loop acceleration. According to motor inertia, the greater inertia of the motor is, the smaller the parameter value becomes. Unit: Hz 5.2.20 Motor1_CloseLoop_Speed_Hz Data type: float Description: Target speed when switching to closed loop. The parameter value is greater than or equal to the minimum frequency of the motor. Unit: Hz 5.2.21 Motor1_Initial_Speed_Pre_Close_Hz Data type: float Description: PMSM target speed before close loop, if the value is less than minimum close loop speed, system uses the open loop reference current and current acceleration as the close loop premise. If the value is greater than or equal to the close loop target speed, system will start up with prepared close loop model. Unit: Hz 5.2.22 Motor1_Detect_Direction_TimeS Data type: float Description: Detection time of rotational direction. If set the value to zero, system will close brake function by default. Unit: s 5.2.23 Motor1_Inverse_Rotor_Brake_TimeS Data type: float Description: PMSM rotor break duration, which is based on the motor current and the speed in the breaking moment. Unit: s 5.2.24 Motor1_Pre_CloseLoop_TimeS Data type: float Description: Time before closed loop Unit: s 5.2.25 Motor1_Pre_CloseLoop_Current_MinA Data type: float Description: Minimum current before closed loop Unit: A 28 S6E1A1_AN710-00004-1v4-E, Aug 3, 2015 U S E R 5.2.26 M A N U A L Motor1_Pre_CloseLoop_Current_MaxA Data type: float Description: Maximum current before closed loop Unit: A 5.2.27 Motor1_Inc_SpeedAcc_TimeS Data type: float Description: motor open loop speed increase interval Unit: s 5.2.28 Motor1_Inc_Speed_MAX_Hz Data type: float Description: motor maximum speed acceleration Unit: Hz 5.2.29 Motor1_PWM_Brake_Inc_TimeS Data type: float Description: PMSM PWM break duty acceleration, if the value is greater than 2S, system uses the zero vector break mode as default; if the value is less than 2S, system uses the PWM break mode. The less the value is, the greater the effect becomes. Unit: S 5.2.30 Motor1_Stop_Brake_CurrentA Data type: float Description: Motor braking stops when the motor braking current is smaller than “Motor1_Stop_Brake_CurrentA”. Unit: S 5.2.31 Motor1_Over_CurrentA Data type: float Description: Software over current point Unit: A 5.2.32 Motor1_max_dcvoltageV Data type: unsigned short Description: DC bus over voltage point Unit: V 5.2.33 Motor1_min_dcvoltageV Data type: unsigned short Description: DC bus under voltage point Unit: V 5.2.34 Motor1_Error_keep_timeS Data type: unsigned short Description: DC bus under voltage point Unit: V 5.2.35 Motor1_Field_Value Data type: float Description: Maximum current of field weaken Unit: A Aug 3, 2015, S6E1A1_AN710-00004-1v4-E 29 U S E R 5.2.36 M A N U A L Motor1_Comp_MaxA Data type: float Description: the dead time compensation value of current Unit: A 5.2.37 Motor1_Is_MaxA Data type: float Description: Motor maximum current Unit: A 5.2.38 Motor1_dead_timeUS Data type: float Description: PWM dead time Unit: us 5.2.39 Motor1_PWM_Carry_Frequency Data type: unsigned short Description: PWM carrier frequency Unit: Hz 5.2.40 Motor1_Current_Carry_Frequency Data type: unsigned short Description: Motor control algorithm frequency Unit: Hz 5.2.41 Motor1_speed_Max_RPM Data type: unsigned short Description: Maximum speed Unit: RPM 5.2.42 Motor1_speed_Min_RPM Data type: unsigned short Description: Minimum speed Unit: RPM 5.2.43 Motor1_Rotor_direction Data type: unsigned char Description: Motor rotate direction Unit: none Range: 0->clockwise, 1->anticlockwise 5.2.44 Motor1_Running_Level Data type: unsigned char Description: Motor running level Unit: none Range: 0->Brake, 1->Orient, 2->Open loop, 3->Closed loop, 4->Set running speed 30 S6E1A1_AN710-00004-1v4-E, Aug 3, 2015 U S E R 5.2.45 M A N U A L Motor1_Dynamic_PWM_Enable Data type: unsigned char Description: switch of the Dynamic PWM function Unit: none Range: 0->disable, 1->enable 5.2.46 Motor1_PWM_Table Data type: unsigned short Description: the carry frequency of per frequency Unit: KHZ 5.2.47 AD_OFFSET_NUM Data type: macro definition Description: Stationary phase current will be sampled 2 AD_OFFSET_NUM times, before the AD middle voltage is calculated. Unit: None 5.2.48 AD_OFFEST_MAX_VALUE Data type: macro definition Description: AD middle voltage maximum offset Unit: None 5.2.49 Motor1_Control_mode Data type: macro definition Description: Motor1 control mode switch Range: 0: Speed 1: Torque 2: VF 3: VF_Diagnose 5.2.50 MOTOR1_PWM_POLAR_AVAILABLE Data type: macro definition Description: Motor1 control PWM output polarity Range: 0: LOW_POLAR 1: HIGH_POLAR 5.2.51 SYS_CLOK Data type: macro definition Description: MCU main frequency Unit: MHz Range: 0—20MHz 5.2.52 MOTOR1_SHUNT_NUMBER Data type: macro definition Description: The number of sampling resistor Unit: none Range: 1, 2, 3 5.2.53 SPEED_FROM_OUT Data type: macro definition Description: modify the source of motor target speed Unit: none Range: 0: from the UART or debug set 1: from the out AD Aug 3, 2015, S6E1A1_AN710-00004-1v4-E 31 U S E R 5.2.54 M A N U A L VSP_MOTOR_START_V Data type: macro definition Description: The voltage threshold value of motor start in Vsp control speed model. Unit: V Range: 0-5V 5.2.55 PULSE_FEEDBACK_ENABLE Data type: macro definition Description: motor speed count uses pulse counting model or not, if the parameter is enabled, there are 12 PWM cycle feedbacks from pin ‘P61’ in one motor mechanical cycle. Unit: none Range: 0 – disable; 1 – enable. 5.2.56 MOTOR1_IDENTIFICATION_ENABLE Data type: macro definition Description: motor parameters identification function enable flag. Unit: none Range: 0 – disable; 1 – enable. 5.2.57 MOTOR1_THERMAL_PROTECTION Data type: macro definition Description: thermal protect function enable flag, if the parameters are enabled, when the temperature of the motor rises, the speed will slow down; if the temperature exceeds the max value, motor will stop running to protect itself. Unit: none Range: 0 – disable; 1 – enable. 5.2.58 MOTOR1_U_PIN Data type: macro definition Description: AD Channel to sample U phase current Unit: MCU pin Range: ANXX 5.2.59 MOTOR1_V_PIN Data type: macro definition Description: AD Channel to sample V phase current Unit: MCU pin Range: ANXX 5.2.60 MOTOR1_W_PIN Data type: macro definition Description: AD Channel to sample W phase current Unit: MCU pin Range: ANXX 32 S6E1A1_AN710-00004-1v4-E, Aug 3, 2015 U S E R 5.2.61 M A N U A L DC_V_PIN Data type: macro definition Description: AD Channel to sample DC bus voltage Unit: MCU pin Range: ANXX 5.2.62 MOTOR1_SPEED_PIN Data type: macro definition Description: AD channel to sample sliding rheostat to control motor speed Unit: MCU pin Range: ANXX 5.2.63 ADC_Digit Data type: macro definition Description: AD converter resolution Unit: bit Range: 1-bit, 12-bit 5.2.64 ADC_REF Data type: macro definition Description: ADC reference voltage Unit: V Range: 1.8V/3.3V/5V 5.2.65 VDC_Amplifier_Multiple Data type: macro definition Description: DC bus voltage amplifying circuit coefficient Unit: none Calculation process: as shown in Figure 5-3; VDC_Amplifier_Multiple = (R138+R39+R59+R62)/R62; Figure 5-3: DC Bus Voltage Amplifying Circuit Aug 3, 2015, S6E1A1_AN710-00004-1v4-E 33 U S E R 5.2.66 M A N U A L Motor1_Current_Rs Data type: macro definition Description: Current sampling resistance of Motor1 Unit: Ω Note: the shunt connect to IPM in circuit as shown in Figure 5-4; if use built-in shunt, please refer to IPM datasheet to get the shunt resistance. Figure 5-4: Phase Current Sampling Circuit 5.2.67 Motor1_Current_Amplifier_Multiple Data type: macro definition Description: Current amplifying circuit coefficient Unit: none Calculation process: as shown in Figure 5-5, Motor1_Current_Amplifier_Multiple = (R111//R110)/R115; Figure 5-5: Current Amplifying Circuit 5.2.68 Motor1_Pre_Charge_TimeS Data type: macro definition Description: IPM bootstrap capacitor charge time in motor start-up status. Unit: S Range: according to IPM characteristic and hardware parameters. 5.2.69 Motor1_Pre_Charge_Duty_Cycles Data type: macro definition Description: IPM bootstrap capacitor charge PWM duty Unit: None Range: 0~1 5.2.70 MOTOR1_BEMF_LPFK_MIN Data type: macro definition Description: the minimum of motor1 estimate filters K value Unit: None Range: according to motor characteristic, hardware and sensor circuit performance 34 S6E1A1_AN710-00004-1v4-E, Aug 3, 2015 U S E R 5.2.71 M A N U A L MOTOR1_BEMF_LPFK_MAX Data type: macro definition Description: the maximum of motor1 estimate filters K value Unit: None Range: according to motor characteristic, hardware and sensor circuit performance 5.2.72 MOTOR1_BEMF_LPFK_MIN_HZ Data type: macro definition Description: The minimum value of rotor position estimator’s filter Unit: None Range: equal to motor lowest run frequency 5.2.73 MOTOR1_BEMF_LPFK_MAX_HZ Data type: macro definition Description: The maximum value of rotor position estimator’s filter Unit: None Range: equal to motor lowest run frequency Aug 3, 2015, S6E1A1_AN710-00004-1v4-E 35 U S E R M A N U A L 6. Interrupt Function 6.1 Function List Table 6-1: Interrupt Function Table Function Prototype 6.2 Description Remark WdgHwCallback Hard watch dog interrupt N/A WdgSwCallback Soft watch dog interrupt N/A ISR_MFT0_FRT FRT interrupt N/A DtifIntCallback DTTI interrupt N/A ISR_ADC_unit0 ADC0 interrupt N/A RtUnderflowIntHandler Base timer interrupt N/A Interrupt Priority Configuration 1. Interrupt Priority Map Figure 6-1: Interrupt Priority Map Main Loop Low High RtUnderflowIntHandler ISR_ADC_unit0 ISR_MFT0_FRT 36 DtifIntCallback WdgHwCallback Or WdgSwCallback S6E1A1_AN710-00004-1v4-E, Aug 3, 2015 U S E R M A N U A L 2. Interrupt Priority List Table 6-2: Interrupt Priority Table Interrupt Vector Priority M3 M0+ DtifIntCallback 0 0 WdgHwCallback Or WdgSwCallback 1 0 ISR_ADC_unit0 2 1 ISR_MFT0_FRT 3 2 RtUnderflowIntHandler 4 3 3. Interrupt Priority Configuration Location Figure 6-2: Interrupt Priority Configuration Diagrammatic Sketch (FM0+) Aug 3, 2015, S6E1A1_AN710-00004-1v4-E 37 U S E R M A N U A L 7. System Debug Sample 7.1 System Build 7.1.1 Demo Board Connect When you get a Fan Motor board as shown in Figure 7-1, please connect as follows: ① Power supply interface; ② Emulator debug interface; ③ Motor three phase line interface; ④ GUI debug interface. Figure 7-1: Front View of Demo Board ① ④ ② ③ 7.1.2 Open Project Firstly, run IAR Embedded Workbench, click “File->Open->Workspace”, choice the project name “ArmInverterPlatform.eww”, the opened project interface is show in Figure 7-2. Figure 7-2: IAR Project Interface . 38 S6E1A1_AN710-00004-1v4-E, Aug 3, 2015 U S E R 7.1.3 M A N U A L Configure Hardware and Software 1. Configure Motor Interface Location When you change the motor or hardware, please modify the related file as shown in Figure 7-3. Figure 7-3: Project Structure The file configures hardware, software, parameters, and MCU information. 2. Configure hardware parameters as shown in Figure 7-4 Figure 7-4: Hardware Parameters Configuration Aug 3, 2015, S6E1A1_AN710-00004-1v4-E 39 U S E R M A N U A L 3. Configure MCU Register, Interrupt and motor parameters location. As shown in Figure 7-5; Figure 7-5: Configure MCU Register, Interrupt and Motor Parameters File Structure Configure MCU Frequency, Interrupt, Watch dog, AD and MFT and so on. Set motor parameters and startup parameters and motor protect parameters and so on. Configure the interrupt service function. Configure interrupt vector table. 7.1.4 Configure User Interface Configure Motor Type 1. Define the motor type in file “Customer_Interface.c”, For example: define the motor name to “Fan_Motor_Type_2”, as shown in Figure 7-6; Figure 7-6: Define Motor Name 40 S6E1A1_AN710-00004-1v4-E, Aug 3, 2015 U S E R M A N U A L 2. Please copy and paste a data set as shown in Figure 7-7, modify the motor pole, reluctance, inductance and induction constant. In this project, we do not care about torque constant and inertia constant. Motor parameter can be obtained from motor factory directly, or measured by the user. Figure 7-7: Define Motor Parameters Configure PI Parameters You do not need to modify the default PI parameters, when the motor is running, system can modify the PI parameters of speed loop and current loop automatically according to motor running state. The PI parameters of speed loop are based on motor inertia, and the PI parameters of current loop are based on the resistance and inductance. The detail information is shown in chapter Figure 7-8: Motor PI Parameters Configuration Start-up Parameters 1. Start-up with orient and open loop; set the orient duration and open loop current; 2. According to motor inertia and motor minimum operation frequency, set the acceleration and close loop frequency with open loop; 3. Start-up with anti-wind, define the detect direction times; a. Do not need Start-up with anti-wind, define it to zero; b. Need start-up with anti-wind function, define the detect direction times as a non-zero value. In principle, if the time can satisfy the direction detection, please set the time as short as possible, the typical case is 0.2S. 4. Start-up with close-loop, set Pre close loop time and prepare close loop current. For the detail of open loop acceleration and maximum speed with open loop and PWM break duty cycle, please refer to chapter 5.2. Aug 3, 2015, S6E1A1_AN710-00004-1v4-E 41 U S E R M A N U A L Figure 7-9: Motor Start-up Parameters Configuration Protection Parameters Configuration principles: according to the characteristics of motor, the threshold of current and voltage can’t cause damage to motor. Figure 7-10: Motor Protection Parameters Configure Running Parameters 1. Set the field weaken current: a. If the voltage of power supply and back electromotive force can run the motor at maximum speed, set the field weaken current to zero; b. Otherwise, set the field weaken current according to your requirements. Theoretically, the field weaken current is not over 60% of total current. 2. Debug and confirm the maximum of dead time compensation and threshold according to motor characteristic: a. Dead time compensation should depend on IPM or MOSFET hardware performance. Theoretically, the time should be as short as possible in order to eliminate harmonic and control error; 3. Set the motor maximum current according to system power; 4. Configure motor start-up frequency and current loop carrier frequency according to motor characteristic: a. Please use the default parameters if the electromagnetic noise and start-up performance are acceptable; b. If you enabled the function of dynamic adjustment the carrier frequency online, this function can turn the motor run with proper carrier frequency to eliminate electromagnetic. 5. Modify the speed range according to motor characteristic; 6. All the parameters in Figure 7-11support change online, you can modify it to control your motor to get the best state conveniently. 42 S6E1A1_AN710-00004-1v4-E, Aug 3, 2015 U S E R M A N U A L Figure 7-11: Motor Running Parameters Hardware Parameters Configuration For the detail of hardware parameter configuration, definition and calculation, please refer to the chapter 5.2. 7.2 Motor Start-up 7.2.1 Code Rebuild In IAR environment, select the project name “ArmInverterPlantform”, and right-click. Then select “Rebuild All”, or click “Project->Rebuild All”, as shown in Figure 7-12 and Figure 7-13. Figure 7-12: Code Rebuild (1) 7.2.2 Figure 7-13: Code Rebuild (2) Download Code When rebuild code passed, left click “Project->Download and Debug” or according to Figure 7-14, click the shortcut button to enter the debug interface. Figure 7-14: Download Code Aug 3, 2015, S6E1A1_AN710-00004-1v4-E 43 U S E R 7.2.3 M A N U A L Program and Motor Running As shown in Figure 7-15 click “ ” or press “F5” to run program, in this status, program can respond to your command and return the status and data. Figure 7-15: Running Button Right click “View->Live Watch” to enter the interface, type the global variable names in “Live Watch” window. Such as: “Motor1_RunPar”, as shown in Figure 7-16. Expansion the structure variable “Motor1_RunPar”, type a non-zero value to “Q0_TargetSpeed_RPM” and press “Enter”, the motor can be start-up. When motor start-up finished, we can modify the parameters as mentioned before according to the current waveform in oscilloscope. Figure 7-16: Variable Watch Window 44 S6E1A1_AN710-00004-1v4-E, Aug 3, 2015 U S E R 7.2.4 M A N U A L Debug Motor Running Status Debug Start-up Set different parameters according to start-up modes, for example: 1. Prepare Close Loop Start-up Mode (default mode) Set the parameters as shown in Figure 7-17: Figure 7-17: Parameters Watch Window Figure 7-18: Start-up Current Waveform (100mA/1s/scale) 2. Start-up with no orient and open loop mode Set the parameters as shown in Figure 7-19. (Modify the “Motor1_Orient_TimeS” & “Motor1_Initial_Speed_Pre_Close_Hz” value on the basis of Figure 7-17) Figure 7-19: Start-up with No Orient and Open Loop Mode Parameters Figure 7-20: Start-up with No Orient and Open Loop Current waveform (100mA/1s/scale) 3. Start-up with orient and open loop mode Set the parameters as shown in Figure 7-21. (Modify the “Motor1_OpenLoop_Inc_Current_APS” value on the basis of Figure 7-19) Figure 7-21: Start-up with Orient and Open Loop Mode Parameters Aug 3, 2015, S6E1A1_AN710-00004-1v4-E Figure 7-22: Start-up with Orient and Open Loop Current Waveform (100mA/1s/scale) 45 U S E R M A N U A L Debug PI Parameters Adjust the PI controller parameters according to motor status and current waveform, for example: 1. Speed Loop a. Set a group over large PI parameters, as shown in Figure 7-23, the motor current waveform as shown in Figure 7-24. Figure 7-23: Speed Loop PI Parameters (Over large) Figure 7-24: Motor Current Waveform in PI Parameters Over Large (100mA/1s/scale) b. Set a group PI parameters appropriately, as shown in Figure 7-25; the motor current waveform is shown in Figure 7-26. Figure 7-25: Speed Loop PI Parameters Figure 7-26: Motor Current when PI Parameters appropriately (100mA/1s/scale) 2. Current Loop a. Set a group over large D&Q Axis PI parameters, as shown in Figure 7-27, the motor current waveform is shown in Figure 7-28, the current ripple and electromagnetic noise is very heavy. Figure 7-27: D&Q Axis PI Parameters (PI parameters over large) 46 Figure 7-28: Motor Current when D&Q Axis PI parameters larger (100mA/1s/scale) S6E1A1_AN710-00004-1v4-E, Aug 3, 2015 U S E R M A N U A L b. Set a group too small D&Q Axis PI parameters, as shown in Figure 7-29, the motor current can’t follow the reference current, the system enter error, the motor current waveform is shown in Figure 7-30. Figure 7-29: D&Q Axis PI Parameters (PI parameters too small) Figure 7-30: Motor Current when D&Q Axis PI parameters Smaller (100mA/1s/scale) c. Set a group appropriately D&Q Axis PI parameters, as shown in Figure 7-31, the motor current ripple is very little and follow the reference current very nice, the motor current waveform is shown in Figure 7-32. Figure 7-31: D&Q Axis PI Parameters (PI parameters appropriately) 7.2.5 Figure 7-32: Motor Current when D&Q Axis PI parameters appropriately (100mA/1s/scale) VSP Modify Motor Speed To achieve the VSP modify motor speed, you need to follow below steps: Step 1: Define the parameters “SPEED_FROM_OUT” and “VSP_MOTOR_START_V” in ‘Hardware_Congig.h’ file, as shown in below: #define SPEED_FROM_OUT 1 #define VSP_MOTOR_START_V 0.8 Step 2: “Rebuild All” the project and “Download and Debug”, close the IAR workbench; Step 3: Twist the resistance knob clockwise or anti-clockwise slowly, as shown in Figure 7-33 to record the motor speed; Figure 7-33: Knob of Demo Board 7.2.6 Torque Control Mode To achieve torque control mode, you need to follow below steps: Step1: Run motor in “speed” mode at any speed; Step2: set the value of “Motor1_Startup.PMSM_Control_mode” to “1” in “Live Watch” window; Step3: change the value of “Motor1_2rCurrentRef.Q12_q”; in this step, motor speed is determined by the value of “Motor1_2rCurrentRef.Q12_q”; Note: the “Motor1_2rCurrentRef.Q12_q” value need to be greater than 500 and less than 1400; Aug 3, 2015, S6E1A1_AN710-00004-1v4-E 47 U S E R M A N U A L 8. System Error Code Definition Table 8-1: Error Code Table Error Code 48 Error Type Remark 0x00 Motor initial state or status normal none 0x01 Over DC voltage none 0x02 Under DC voltage none 0x04 Soft over current none 0x08 Hardware over current none 0x10 Motor Loss phase none 0x20 No connect the motor none 0x40 AD offset error none 0x80 Software none 0x100 Lock the motor none 0x200 Handle the error none 0x400 Hardware watchdog none watch dog S6E1A1_AN710-00004-1v4-E, Aug 3, 2015 U S E R M A N U A L 9. Additional Information For more Information on Spansion semiconductor products, visit the following websites: English version address: Chinese version address: Please contact your local support team for any technical question America: [email protected] China: [email protected] Europe: [email protected] Japan: [email protected] Other: Aug 3, 2015, S6E1A1_AN710-00004-1v4-E 49 U S E R M A N U A L S6E1A1_AN710-00004-1v0-E Spansion Application Note FM3/0+ Family 32-BIT MICROCONTROLLER Fan Motor User Manual February 2015 Rev. 1.0 Published: Edited: 50 Spansion Inc. Embd System Plat Dev-Embd Solution S6E1A1_AN710-00004-1v4-E, Aug 3, 2015 U S E R M A N U A L Colophon The products described in this document are designed, developed and manufactured as contemplated for general use, including without limitation, ordinary industrial use, general office use, personal use, and household use, but are not designed, developed and manufactured as contemplated (1) for any use that includes fatal risks or dangers that, unless extremely high safety is secured, could have a serious effect to the public, and could lead directly to death, personal injury, severe physical damage or other loss (i.e., nuclear reaction control in nuclear facility, aircraft flight control, air traffic control, mass transport control, medical life support system, missile launch control in weapon system), or (2) for any use where chance of failure is intolerable (i.e., submersible repeater and artificial satellite). Please note that Spansion will not be liable to you and/or any third party for any claims or damages arising in connection with above-mentioned uses of the products. Any semiconductor devices have an inherent chance of failure. You must protect against injury, damage or loss from such failures by incorporating safety design measures into your facility and equipment such as redundancy, fire protection, and prevention of over-current levels and other abnormal operating conditions. If any products described in this document represent goods or technologies subject to certain restrictions on export under the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Law of Japan, the US Export Administration Regulations or the applicable laws of any other country, the prior authorization by the respective government entity will be required for export of those products. Trademarks and Notice The contents of this document are subject to change without notice. This document may contain information on a Spansion product under development by Spansion. Spansion reserves the right to change or discontinue work on any product without notice. The information in this document is provided as is without warranty or guarantee of any kind as to its accuracy, completeness, operability, fitness for particular purpose, merchantability, non-infringement of third-party rights, or any other warranty, express, implied, or statutory. Spansion assumes no liability for any damages of any kind arising out of the use of the information in this document. ® ® ® TM TM Copyright © 2014 Spansion. All rights reserved. Spansion , the Spansion logo, MirrorBit , MirrorBit Eclipse , ORNAND and combinations thereof, are trademarks and registered trademarks of Spansion LLC in the United States and other countries. Other names used are for informational purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective owners. Aug 3, 2015, S6E1A1_AN710-00004-1v4-E 51