Application Note, V1.1, Aug. 2008 AP16147 XC22xx/XC22xxM Interfacing XC22xx-USIC_SPI to TLE6209R Microcontrollers Edition 2008-08-21 Published by Infineon Technologies AG 81726 München, Germany © Infineon Technologies AG 2008. All Rights Reserved. LEGAL DISCLAIMER THE INFORMATION GIVEN IN THIS APPLICATION NOTE IS GIVEN AS A HINT FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE INFINEON TECHNOLOGIES COMPONENT ONLY AND SHALL NOT BE REGARDED AS ANY DESCRIPTION OR WARRANTY OF A CERTAIN FUNCTIONALITY, CONDITION OR QUALITY OF THE INFINEON TECHNOLOGIES COMPONENT. THE RECIPIENT OF THIS APPLICATION NOTE MUST VERIFY ANY FUNCTION DESCRIBED HEREIN IN THE REAL APPLICATION. INFINEON TECHNOLOGIES HEREBY DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES AND LIABILITIES OF ANY KIND (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS OF ANY THIRD PARTY) WITH RESPECT TO ANY AND ALL INFORMATION GIVEN IN THIS APPLICATION NOTE. Information For further information on technology, delivery terms and conditions and prices please contact your nearest Infineon Technologies Office ( Warnings Due to technical requirements components may contain dangerous substances. For information on the types in question please contact your nearest Infineon Technologies Office. Infineon Technologies Components may only be used in life-support devices or systems with the express written approval of Infineon Technologies, if a failure of such components can reasonably be expected to cause the failure of that life-support device or system, or to affect the safety or effectiveness of that device or system. Life support devices or systems are intended to be implanted in the human body, or to support and/or maintain and sustain and/or protect human life. If they fail, it is reasonable to assume that the health of the user or other persons may be endangered. AP16147 XC22xx/XC22xxM-SPI AP16147 Revision History: Previous Version: Page V1.0 V1.1 2008-08 none Subjects (major changes since last revision) Initial Version Formal changes V1.1 We Listen to Your Comments Any information within this document that you feel is wrong, unclear or missing at all? Your feedback will help us to continuously improve the quality of this document. Please send your proposal (including a reference to this document) to: Application Note 3 V1.1, 2008-08 AP16147 XC22xx/XC22xxM-SPI Table of Contents Page 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................5 Purpose of Application Note............................................................................................................5 Scope ..............................................................................................................................................5 Prerequisites to understand App Note ............................................................................................5 Abbreviations ..................................................................................................................................6 2 SPI Overview .................................................................................................................................7 3 XC22xx/XC22xxM Hardware Overview........................................................................................8 4 Software Architecture.................................................................................................................10 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 Application Layer ........................................................................................................................10 System Clock Configuration..........................................................................................................10 Port Configuration .........................................................................................................................10 Interrupt Priorities and Service Routines ......................................................................................12 PWM Signal Generation (Sample)................................................................................................12 Hyper Terminal Communication....................................................................................................12 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 SPI Diagostic Handler.................................................................................................................13 Handler Option 1: ..........................................................................................................................13 Handler Option 2: ..........................................................................................................................13 Handler Option 3: ..........................................................................................................................13 7 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.5.1 7.5.2 Spi Driver Layer...........................................................................................................................13 Spi_Init ..........................................................................................................................................13 Spi_DeInit......................................................................................................................................14 Spi_WriteData ...............................................................................................................................14 Spi_ReadData ...............................................................................................................................14 Spi Driver Configuration ................................................................................................................15 Spi_Lcfg.c......................................................................................................................................15 Spi_Cfg.h.......................................................................................................................................19 8 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 Physical Layer .............................................................................................................................19 XC2287 USIC-SPI as master........................................................................................................20 TLE6209R as SPI Slave ...............................................................................................................20 SPI Bus Interface ..........................................................................................................................20 Circuit Diagram .............................................................................................................................21 Spi Timing Diagrams.....................................................................................................................21 Sample Test Result Waveforms....................................................................................................23 9 Software Package .......................................................................................................................25 10 10.1 10.2 10.2.1 10.2.2 10.2.3 10.2.4 10.2.5 10.2.6 10.2.7 10.2.8 10.2.9 Appendix ......................................................................................................................................27 USIC Peripheral Module Overview ...............................................................................................27 Programming USIC Module for SPI Communictaion....................................................................28 Enabling USIC Channel ................................................................................................................28 Protocol Selection .........................................................................................................................29 Connecting input and output lines.................................................................................................29 Baud Rate Generation ..................................................................................................................31 Configuring the Shift Clock for data transmission or reception.....................................................32 Chip Select Configuration .............................................................................................................33 Timing Delays................................................................................................................................34 Interrupt Structure .........................................................................................................................36 Programming Control Registers....................................................................................................37 Application Note 4 V1.1, 2008-08 AP16147 XC22xx/XC22xxM-SPI Introduction 1 Introduction Embedded Microcontroller applications may require diagnostic information from various devices by using different kind of protocols. SPI protocol is one among them. In this context, one device (Slave) will provide Diagnostic information for the other device (Master) to process. Infineon XC22xx or Xc22xxM Microcontrollers can be used to process such diagnostic information’s. In embedded systems the SPI protocol is used as synchronous full duplex communication. The Devices communicate in master/slave mode where the master device initiates the clock to communicate data in either or both directions. To choose a particular in slave device, master has to send active slave select signal. 1.1 Purpose of Application Note This Application Note is intended to facilitate user to generate SPI protocol using XC22xx Microcontroller. An illustration provided in this application note is to interface XC2287 Microcontroller with TLE 6209R DCMotor controller. This should facilitate user to write there own application to generate SPI protocol using XC22xx or XC22xxM Microcontrollers. In this application note, the SPI protocol is used to set the control word and to extract the diagnostic information from the TLE7209R controller. 1.2 Scope The Application note provides information on • • • • Utilized XC2287 micro controller(as master) to interface TLE6209R(as slave) for illustration USIC peripheral of XC2287 microcontroller is used for SPI protocol generation Schematic or circuit diagram provided to interface XC2287 to TLE6209R The illustartion software package provided to interface TLE6209R The following information is part of Illustration software to facilitate interface between XC2287 and TLE6209R. But the details on these information’s are out off scope of this application note. • System Clock Generation • Port Pin Configurations • PWM Signal Generation • Running DC Motor using TLE6209R IC • USIC_ASC/UART- Software for Hyper Terminal communication 1.3 • • • • • Prerequisites to understand App Note Knowledge on SPI protocol Knowledge on XC22xx and XC22xxM microcontrollers Knowledge on peripheral module USIC Knowledge on XC2287 Easy Kit hardware Knowledge on TLE6209 H-Bridge Motor Controller Application Note 5 V1.1, 2008-08 AP16147 XC22xx/XC22xxM-SPI Introduction 1.4 Abbreviations Table 1 Abbreviations used in this App Note Abbreviation API ASC CCU6 CPU HW IFX PPP PWM MRST MTSR SFR SCLK SCU SCS SPI SSC SW UART USIC Application Note Explanation Application Programming Interface Asynchronous Serial Channel Capture Compare Unit6 (Microcontroller peripheral unit6) Central Processing Unit Hardware Infineon Technologies Pre Protocol Processor Pulse Width Modulation Master Receive Slave Transmit Mater Transmit Slave Receive Special Function Register Shift Clock on SPI bus System Control Unit (Hardware Module) System Configuration Software Serial Peripheral Interface Synchronous Serial Channel referred for SPI Software Universal Asynchronous Receiver and Transmitter Universal Serial Interface Channel (Peripheral Hardware Unit) 6 V1.1, 2008-08 AP16147 XC22xx/XC22xxM-SPI SPI Overview 2 SPI Overview The SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) has a 4-wire synchronous serial interface. • SCLK — Serial Clock (output from master) • MOSI/SIMO/MTSR/SDI — Master Output or Transmit, Slave Input or Receive (output from master) • MISO/SOMI/MRST/SDO — Master Input or Receive, Slave Output or Transmit (output from slave) • SS / SLSx — Slave Select Signal (active low; output from master) To communicate with any Slave Device, first master has to select Slave Device by using Slave Select Signal. Parameters called clock polarity and clock phase determine the edges of the master clock signal on which the data are driven and sampled. The following Figure 1 represents the Single Master and 3 Slave SPI communications. Figure 1 SPI Signals Application Note 7 V1.1, 2008-08 AP16147 XC22xx/XC22xxM-SPI XC22xx/XC22xxM Hardware Overview 3 XC22xx/XC22xxM Hardware Overview Note: XC22xxM is enhanced version of XC22xx Microcontroller. Unless otherwise mentioned, the information regarding XC22xx holds good for XC22xxM also. In this App Note XC2200 is referred for XC22xx micro. Note: XC2000/XE166 family microcontrollers containes USIC and CCU6 peripheral modules. In case user would like to interface TLE6209R using XC2000/XE166 family microcontrollers, user can use this APP Note TLE6209R-interface concept. The XC22xx devices are members of Infineon XC2000 Family with full featured 16-bit single-chip CMOS microcontrollers. The XC22xx combines the extended functionality and performance of the C166SV2 Core with powerful on-chip peripheral subsystems and on-chip memory units and provides a means for power reduction on various levels. The XC2200 derivatives are designed for Body Applications such as: • Body Control Module • Gateway • Door • HVAC Infineon’s XC2200 devices were specifically designed to fulfill the requirements of today’s and future body applications by providing high performance (control and DSP) at low power consumption. All XC2200 members are fully software and pin compatible. Designers of automotive body systems can choose the optimal combination of memory, peripherals, temperature, and packaging to match the application’s requirements. Infineon’s high quality standards make the XC2200 Controllers an ideal choice for flexible and future-oriented body systems. USIC hardware module is one among on-chip peripherals supported by XC22xx microcontroller. USIC is a flexible interface module that supports the serial communication protocols like ASC, SSC, IIC and IIS. The architecture of the XC2200 core combines the advantages of both RISC and CISC processors in a very well-balanced way. This computing and controlling power is completed by the DSP-functionality of the MACunit. The XC2200 integrates this powerful CPU core with a set of powerful peripheral units into one chip and connects them very efficiently. On-chip memory blocks with dedicated buses and control units store code and data. This combination of features results in a high performance microcontroller, which is the right choice not only for today’s applications, but also for future engineering challenges. The architecture of both XC22xx and XC22xxM microcontrollers can be seen in the below figures. Also user can see that, the marked red colored peripheral module (USIC Channels) is used for TLE6209R interface. Application Note 8 V1.1, 2008-08 AP16147 XC22xx/XC22xxM-SPI XC22xx/XC22xxM Hardware Overview Figure 2 XC22xx Architecture Figure 3 XC22xxM Architecture Application Note 9 V1.1, 2008-08 AP16147 XC22xx/XC22xxM-SPI Application Layer 4 Software Architecture The overall objective of this Application Note is to illustrate the process of SPI communication with TLE6209R. To achieve this, the below architecture is used. XC2000 Family Application Software SPI Diagnostic Handler SPI Driver 1 2 3 4 0 a1 Vcc1 b1 a2 b2 a3 b3 a4 GND b4 0 Figure 4 5 6 7 8 Startup Code, SCS driver for System Clock Generation, Port driver for Port Pins initilization Hyper Terminal Communication Code Sample PWM driver code Protocol Handler Protocol Generator USIC – SPI Physical Layer TLE 6209R 1 2 3 4 0 a1 Vcc1 b1 b2 a2 b3 a3 GND a4 b4 0 5 6 7 8 Software Architecture The details on each layer of Software Architecture can be found in the following chapters. 5 Application Layer This layer performs • • • • • The initialization of System clock, Port configuration, Setting Interrupt priorities and processing Interrupt Service Routines Sample PWM signal generation Hyper Terminal Communication 5.1 System Clock Configuration The USIC peripheral module clock and the required baud rate are basically derived from the System Clock configured. System Configuration Software is implemented to generate 80Mhz System Frequency. 5.2 Port Configuration The port pins configuration is necessary to route the signals from various peripheral units through the appropriate Microcontroller pins. Once the choice of the pins needed for the Spi Bus (USIC Channels) is made, the ports must be initialized with corresponding configuations. The programming descriptions of port-pins initialization is out of scope for this application note, but software has been provided. Application Note 10 V1.1, 2008-08 AP16147 XC22xx/XC22xxM-SPI Application Layer The following table represents the possible port pins that can be configured for each USIC Channel, Table 2 USIC Channel - MRST(MISO), MTSR(MOSI), SCLK Pin Connections USIC Channel MRST (MISO) MTSR (MOSI) SCLK OUT (Shift Clock) Chip Select U0C0 DX0A: P10.0 DX0B: P10.1 DX0C: P10.6 DX0D: P7.4 DX0E: P2.3 DX0F: P2.4 P 2.3 P 7.3 P 10.1 P 10.6 P2.5 P10.2 U0C1 DX0A: P10.0 DX0B: P10.7 DX0C: P10.14 DX0E: P 2.10 DX0F: P 7.3 P 2.8 P 7.4 P 10.5 U1C0 DX0A: P 0.0 DX0B: P 0.1 DX0C: P 10.12 DX0D: P 10.13 P 2.9 P 2.10 P 7.3 P 7.4 P 10.0 P 10.7 P 10.14 P 10.15 P 0.0 P 0.1 P 10.12 P 10.13 P 10.15 U1C1 DX0A: P 0.6 DX0B: P 0.7 DX0E: P 6.0 P 0.6 P 0.7 P 6.0 P 6.1 P 0.5 P 6.2 U2C0 DX0A: P 3.0 DX0B: P 3.1 DX0C: P 1.5 DX0D: P 1.6 DX0E: P 9.5 P 3.0 P 3.1 P 1.6 P 9.4 P 9.5 P 3.2 P 1.7 U2C1 DX0A: P 3.6 DX0B: P 3.7 DX0C: P 1.1 DX0D: P 1.2 DX0A: P 10.3 DX0B: P 4.5 P 3.6 P 3.7 P 1.1 P 3.5 P 1.2 SELO0: P 0.3, 10.6 SELO1: P 0.4,10.14 SELO2: P 0.5, 10.15 SELO3: P 0.7, 10.13 SELO4: P 1.0 SELO5: P 1.1 SELO6: P 1.2 SELO7: P 1.3 SELO0: P 0.4, 6.3 SELO1: P 0.3 SELO2: P 1.6 SELO3: P 1.5 SELO4: P 1.4 SELO0: P 3.3 SELO1: P 3.4 SELO2: P 3.5 SELO3: P 3.7 SELO4: P 1.3 SELO5: P 1.4 SELO0: P 3.4 SELO1: P 3.3 P10.4 P4.5 P10.14 P4.2 SELO0: P10.11 SELO1: P10.2 U3C0 Application Note P 0.2 P 10.11 11 SELO0: P 2.6, 10.10 SELO1: P 2.7 SELO2: P 2.11 SELO3: P 2.10,10.4 SELO4: P 3.4,10.9,2.12 SELO5: P 3.5 SELO6: P 3.6 SELO7: P 10.15 SELO0: P 2.7, 10.8 SELO1: P 2.6 SELO2: P 2.11 SELO3: P 2.12 V1.1, 2008-08 AP16147 XC22xx/XC22xxM-SPI Application Layer P4.6 U3C1 P2.11 P11.4 P11.2 DX0<A-G>: Pins for Input Stage. Lines A to G. SELO<0-7>: Slave Select Output lines 0 to 7 5.3 DX0A: P 2.10 DX0B: P 11.4 P11.0 SELO2: P4.4 SELO3: P4.1 SELO0: P11.1 SELO1: P11.5 Interrupt Priorities and Service Routines The Interrupt priorities for the various Interrupt Requests (In this case USIC Service Requests) will be set in Hwal_Irq.c file 5.4 PWM Signal Generation (Sample) To create open load and close load diagnostic error message it is necessary to provide PWM signal to TLE6209R IC. To generate PWM signal CCU6 hardware resource is utilized 5.5 Hyper Terminal Communication USB interface is used between PC and XC2287 easy kit to establish the Hyper Terminal communication. It is recommended for the user to go through XC22xx Easy Kit User Manual to know connection details and DIP switch positions to establish communication between PC and Easy Kit via USB-UART Bridge. USIC0 Channel0 (U0C0) is used for UART (ASC) communication in this application software. The port pins configuration used for hyper terminal communication is given in the below table. Table 3 Port Pins used for Hyper Terminal communication Port Pins P7.3 P7.4 SCLK (Shift Clock) Chip Select ALT3 Output : TXD (DOUT of U0C0) Input : DX0D of U0C0 The user has to do the following settings in the Hyper Terminal for establishing the communication Baud Rate: 19200, Parity: None, Data Bits: 8, Stop Bits: 1 Figure 5 Hyper Terminal Connection Application Note 12 V1.1, 2008-08 AP16147 XC22xx/XC22xxM-SPI Spi Driver Layer 6 SPI Diagnostic Handler This layer consists of software which facilitates the user to send the control word to TLE6209R and to display the received diagnostic data from TLE6209R. The menu for user interaction is shown in the below figure. Figure 6 SPI Diagnostic Handler Menu 6.1 Handler Option 1: • • • • Asks the user to enter the Control word to TLE6209R. Writes the entered control word on SPI bus. Reads the Diagnosis data from TLE6209R. Displays the diagnostic data 6.2 • • Handler Option 2: Writes the previously used control word on SPI bus Prints the diagnostic data previously read 6.3 Handler Option 3: This will de-initialize the SPI driver and takes the control back to main menu 7 Spi Driver Layer The SPI layer provides the following Application Programming Interfaces. 7.1 Spi_Init Table 4 Spi_Init() API Function Name Syntax Parameters (In) Parameters (Out) Description Application Note Spi_Init void Spi_Init(Spi_ConfigType *SpiConfigPtr) Spi_ConfigType *SpiConfigPtr Where Spi_ConfigType [ 7.5.1] is of struct type. None This API initializes Initializes all SPI relevant registers, variables for all configured SPI channels (i.e. uses all sub structures of main structure pointed by parameter SpiConfigPtr) This function has to be called before any other function call. 13 V1.1, 2008-08 AP16147 XC22xx/XC22xxM-SPI Spi Driver Layer 7.2 Spi_DeInit Table 5 Spi_DeInit Function Name Syntax Parameters (In) Parameters (Out) Description Spi_DeInit void Spi_DeInit(void) None None Service for SPI Deinitialization. Does De-initialization of all channels which have initialized via Spi_Init() API 7.3 Spi_WriteData Table 6 Spi_WriteData Function Name Syntax Parameters (In) Parameters (Out) Description Spi_WriteData void Spi_WriteData( uint8 SpiChannel, const uint8 *DataBufferPtr uint16 NoOfData ) SpiChannel - Spi Channel or configuration index DataBufferPtr - Pointer to source data buffer NoOfData - Number of Data’s to be transmitted None Service to transmit data on the SPI bus. Function initiates transmission, and continues transmission in the background. 7.4 Spi_ReadData Table 7 Spi_ReadData Function Name Syntax Parameters (In) Parameters (Out) Description Application Note Spi_ReadData void Spi_ReadData ( uint8 SpiChannel, uint8 *DataBufferPtr, uint16 NoOfData ) SpiChannel - Spi Channel or configuration index DataBufferPtr - Pointer to copy data received from TLE6209R or any configured slave device NoOfData - Number of Data’s to be received None This function copies data received from slave device to the pointer DataBufferPtr. 14 V1.1, 2008-08 AP16147 XC22xx/XC22xxM-SPI Spi Driver Layer 7.5 Spi Driver Configuration This section summaries all configuration parameters and their description. To configure the Spi driver, Spi_Lcfg.c and Spi_Cfg.h files have to be used 7.5.1 Spi_Lcfg.c The parameters which needs to be configured in Spi_Lcfg.c file are mentioned below Table 8 Spi_Lcfg.c configuration parameters Name of the parameter ShiftDirection Description This parameter defines the first starting bit or Shift direction of data words for transmission/reception. Type : uint16 Allowed Range : SPI_DATA_LSB_FIRST SPI_DATA_MSB_FIRST Attention: For TLE6209R Interface, SPI_DATA_LSB_FIRST DataWidth this parameter is configured as Data width: This parameter is the width of a transmitted data bits. Note that, the number of data bits transmitted/received is equal to configured value plus one. Type : uint8 Allowed Range : 0 to 15 Attention: For TLE6209R Interface, this parameter is configured as : 7 [i.e number of data bits transmitted/received = 8] AssignedUsicChannel Specifies the identification (ID) for a hardware USIC Channel (Microcontroller Dependent) Type : uint8 Allowed Range : USIC0_CHANNEL0 USIC0_CHANNEL1 USIC1_CHANNEL0 USIC1_CHANNEL1 USIC2_CHANNEL0 USIC2_CHANNEL1 USIC3_CHANNEL0 USIC3_CHANNEL1 Attention: For TLE6209R Interface, this parameter is configured as : USIC2_CHANNEL0 Note: The variants of XC22xx and XC22xxM microcontrollers are having various numbers of USIC channels. So it is recommended for the user to configure this parameter depending on the availability of USIC channels on a particular micro. Example: In XC2287 microcontroller USIC3_CHANNEL0 and USIC3_CHANNEL1 are not provided. Application Note 15 V1.1, 2008-08 AP16147 XC22xx/XC22xxM-SPI Spi Driver Layer SlaveSelectOut Slave Select Output line (Microcontroller Dependent) Type : uint8 Allowed Range : SLS_SELO0 SLS_SELO1 SLS_SELO2 SLS_SELO3 SLS_SELO4 SLS_SELO5 SLS_SELO6 SLS_SELO7 Attention: For TLE6209R Interface, this parameter is configured as : SLS_SELO0 Note: It is recomnded for the user to configure this parameter depending on the availability of Slave Select Signal pins in a particular microcontroller. ChipSelectPolarity This parameter defines the active polarity of Chip Select signal. Type : uint8 Allowed Range : SPI_CS_POLARITY_LOW SPI_CS_POLARITY_HIGH Attention: For TLE6209R Interface, this parameter is configured as : SPI_CS_POLARITY_LOW SCLKConfig Shift Clock Output Configuration: This parameter defines the Shift Clock polarity on which the data is shifted out or in. Type : uint8 Allowed Range : SCLKOUT_SCLK SCLKOUT_NOT_SCLK SCLKOUT_SCLK_DELAY_FPDIV SCLKOUT_NOT_SCLK_DELAY_FPDIV Attention: For TLE6209R Interface, this parameter is configured as : SCLKOUT_SCLK DividerMode Refer 10.2.5] for details on “Configuring Shift Clock for Data Transmission / Reception” Divider Mode: Normal Divider or Fractional Divider Type : uint16 Allowed Range : SPI_NORMAL_DIVIDER SPI_FRACTIONAL_DIVIDER Attention: For TLE6209R Interface, this parameter is configured as : SPI_NORMAL_DIVIDER STEP Application Note Refer [ 10.2.4] to know more on the impact of this parameter selection on baudrate generation. Step value to facilitate required baud generation Type : uint16 Allowed Range : 0 to 1023 16 V1.1, 2008-08 AP16147 XC22xx/XC22xxM-SPI Spi Driver Layer Attention: For TLE6209R Interface, this parameter is configured as : 191 PDIV Refer [ 10.2.4] to know more on the impact of this parameter selection on baudrate generation. Baud Reload Value based on the SPI System Clock and the configured baud rate Type : uint16 Allowed Range : 0 to 1023 Attention: For TLE6209R Interface, this parameter is configured as : 4 CTQSEL Refer [ 10.2.4] to know more on the impact of this parameter selection on baudrate generation. Input Clock selection for time quanta counters (Transmitter and Receiver) and also for generating leading and trailing delays. Type : uint16 Allowed Range : CTQ_SEL_FPDIV CTQ_SEL_FPPP CTQ_SEL_SCLK CTQ_SEL_MCLK Attention: For TLE6209R Interface, this parameter is configured as : CTQ_SEL_FPPP PCTQ Refer [ 10.2.7] to know more on the impact of this parameter selection on timing delay generation. Pre-Divider for Time Quanta Counter : Divider factors to generate the Leading delay and trailing delay Type : uint16 Allowed Range : 0 to 3 Attention: For TLE6209R Interface, this parameter is configured as : 0 DCTQ Refer [ 10.2.7] to know more on the impact of this parameter selection on timing delay generation. Denominator for Time Quanta Counter : Divider factors to generate the Leading delay and trailing delay Type : uint16 Allowed Range : 0 to 31 Attention: For TLE6209R Interface, this parameter is configured as : 4 CTQSEL1 Refer [ 10.2.7] to know more on the impact of this parameter selection on timing delay generation. Input Clock selection for time quanta counters and also for inter word delay and next frame delays. Type : uint16 Allowed Range : CTQ_SEL_FPDIV CTQ_SEL_FPPP CTQ_SEL_SCLK CTQ_SEL_MCLK Attention: For TLE6209R Interface, this parameter is configured as : CTQ_SEL_FPDIV Refer [ 10.2.7] to know more on the impact of this parameter selection on timing Application Note 17 V1.1, 2008-08 AP16147 XC22xx/XC22xxM-SPI Spi Driver Layer PCTQ1 delay generation. Pre-Divider for Time Quanta Counter : Divider factors to generate the inter word delay and next frame delay Type : uint16 Allowed Range : 0 to 3 Attention: For TLE6209R Interface, this parameter is configured as : 0 DCTQ1 Refer [ 10.2.7] to know more on the impact of this parameter selection on timing delay generation. Denominator for Time Quanta Counter : Divider factors to generate the inter word delay and next frame delay Type : uint16 Allowed Range : 0 to 31 Attention: For TLE6209R Interface, this parameter is configured as : 0 PassiveDataLevel Refer [ 10.2.7] to know more on the impact of this parameter selection on timing delay generation. This parameter defines the output level at the data output pin when no data is available for transmission. The configured value or level is the output with the first relevant transmit shift clock edge of a data word. Type : uint16 Allowed Range : SPI_PASSIVE_DATA_LOW SPI_PASSIVE_DATA_HIGH Attention: For TLE6209R Interface, this parameter is configured as : SPI_PASSIVE_DATA_HIGH InputVector This parameter defines the input data source for the corresponding input line for the used Usic Channel Type : uint16 Allowed Range : SPI_SELECT_DATALINE_A SPI_SELECT_DATALINE_B SPI_SELECT_DATALINE_C SPI_SELECT_DATALINE_D SPI_SELECT_DATALINE_E SPI_SELECT_DATALINE_F SPI_SELECT_DATALINE_G SPI_SELECT_DATALINE_H Attention: For TLE6209R Interface, this parameter is configured as : SPI_SELECT_DATALINE_A Note: Use SPI_SELECT_DATALINE_H for the input to make always High To under stand how this parameter is utilized refer section :[ 10.2.3] Application Note 18 V1.1, 2008-08 AP16147 XC22xx/XC22xxM-SPI Spi Driver Layer 7.5.2 Spi_Cfg.h The parameters which needs to be configured in Spi_Cfg.h file are mentioned below Table 9 Name of the parameter SPI_HW_FIFO_USAGE Description This parameter defines whether Spi driver has to use USIC HW FIFO or TBUF and RBUF for data transmission and reception. Type : #define Range : OFF ON Attention: For TLE6209R Interface, SPI_HW_FIFO_USAGE is defined with : OFF SPI_CHANNEL_NAME This parameter is the symbolic name to be used in place of SPI channel while calling different API’s. This symbolic name allows accessing Channel data. This informs the configuration index Type : #define and type casted value with (uint8) Example : #define SPI_CHANNEL_TO_TLE6209R ((uint8)0) #define SPI_CHANNEL_SLAVE_X ((uint8)1) #define SPI_CHANNEL_SLAVE_Y ((uint8)2) Attention: For TLE6209R Interface, SPI_CHANNEL_WITH_TLE6209R is used as symbolic name for Spi Chanel 0 MAX_NUM_OF_SPI_CHA NNELS This parameter defines number of configured SPI channels Type : #define and type casted value with (uint8) Example : #define MAX_NUM_OF_SPI_CHANNELS ((uint8)3) Attention: For TLE6209R Interface, only single SPI channel is used. So it has been defined with ((uint8)1) USICx_CHy_SPI Where x [Usic Module] = 0 to 3 y [Channel number] = 0 to 1 This parameter defines whether user configured particular USIC Channel for SPI driver. If user uses, then make it to ON otherwise OFF Type : #define Attention: For TLE6209R Interface, the following definitions have been used. #define USIC0_CH0_SPI #define USIC0_CH1_SPI #define USIC1_CH0_SPI #define USIC1_CH1_SPI #define USIC2_CH0_SPI #define USIC2_CH1_SPI #define USIC3_CH0_SPI #define USIC3_CH1_SPI 7.5.3 (OFF) (OFF) (OFF) (OFF) (ON) (OFF) (OFF) (OFF) Code Generator Tool (Spi_ConfigTool.xls) Along with this App note, Excel VB based tool is been provided. This tool will facilitate the user to generate Spi_Lcfg.c and Spi_Cfg.h configuration files. To understand usage of this tool, refer section [ 10.3]. Application Note 19 V1.1, 2008-08 AP16147 XC22xx/XC22xxM-SPI Physical Layer 8 Physical Layer The physical layer consists of • • • XC2287 Microcontroller as a master. TLE 6209R as a Slave device. SPI bus interface 8.1 XC2287 USIC-SPI as master XC2287 is one of microcontroller in the family of XC22xx, which has been used to communicate with TLE6209R device. In this application USIC channel is programmed to work as SSC or SPI protocol. Refer Appendix section [ 10.1] for details on USIC hardware peripheral module that is used for SPI communication. 8.2 TLE6209R as SPI Slave The TLE 6209R is an integrated power H-Bridge for driving bidirectional loads such as DC-Motors. Operation modes forward, reverse and brake are invoked by two control pins PWM and DIR. Protection and a reliable diagnosis of over-current, open-load, short-circuit to ground, to the supply voltage or across the load are integrated. The SPI protocol is used for bidirectional communication with the control unit. Application note covers only the SPI communication part for setting the control information and extracting diagnostic data from TLE 6209R chip. For more details about the TLE6209R please refer to the TLE6209R Data Sheet 8.3 SPI Bus Interface To set control word for TLE6209R and to retrieve diagnostic data from TLE-6209R, the USIC module always acts as master device on the SPI bus which will provide shift clock for SPI communication. Control words are shifted out of the USIC module into the TLE6209R using line “Master Transmit Slave Receive” (MTSR). The diagnostic data from TLE6209R will be read on line “Master Receive Slave Transmit “(MRST) in sync with Shift Clock. The 8-bit programming word or control word is read in via the SDI serial data input of TLE6209R and this is synchronized with the serial clock input SCLK. The status word appears synchronously at the SDO serial data output which is read by USIC-SPI Master. At each SPI transmission, the diagnosis bits as currently valid in the error logic are transmitted. Figure 7 SPI Bus Interface Application Note 20 V1.1, 2008-08 AP16147 XC22xx/XC22xxM-SPI Physical Layer 8.4 Spi Timing Diagrams Figure 8 Standard Data Transfer Timing Figure 9 Timing for diagnostic error detection Application Note 21 V1.1, 2008-08 AP16147 XC22xx/XC22xxM-SPI Physical Layer 8.5 Circuit Diagram The circuit diagram used to interface XC2287 with TLE6209R is given below Figure 10 Circuit Diagram for XC2287 to TLE6209R interface Application Note 22 V1.1, 2008-08 AP16147 XC22xx/XC22xxM-SPI Physical Layer 8.6 Sample Test Result Waveforms Figure 11 Diagnostic data without error Figure 12 Diagnostic data during Power Supply Fail error Application Note 23 V1.1, 2008-08 AP16147 XC22xx/XC22xxM-SPI Physical Layer Figure 13 Diagnostic data during Open Load Error Application Note 24 V1.1, 2008-08 AP16147 XC22xx/XC22xxM-SPI Software Package Descriptions 9 Software Package Descriptions There are two software packages which are provided along with this Application note. XC22xxSpi_TLE6209R_TaskingClassicSoftware : • This package is been developed to use Tasking Classic Tool Suit • The package has been verified with compiler version 8.6r2. • cstart.asm file used for startup code • Made COMPILER_TYPE as TASKING_CLASSIC in Hwal.h file to use package with Classic Tool chain • classic_compiler_option.opt is the option file used for Tasking Classic EDE compiler settings XC22xxSpi_TLE6209R_TaskingViperSoftware : • • • • This package is been developed to use Tasking Viper Tool Suit The package has been verified with compiler version 2.2r5 cstart.c and cstart.h file used for startup code Made COMPILER_TYPE as TASKING_VIPER in Hwal.h file to use package with Viper Tool chain The content and descriptions of source files are mentioned in the below table. Table 10 Usage of Source Files File Name DemoApp_Main.c DemoApp_Main.h DemoApp_Spi.c DemoAppSpi.h Hwal.h Application Note File Contents This file contains the main demo application [main() function definition] This file does the following tasks 1. Calling API’s for (a) System Clock Initialization (b) Port Initialization (c) Interrupt Priority Initialization (d) Initialization for Hyper Terminal Print 2. Displays Main Menu and asks for Spi communication demo application entry Header file for DemoApp_Main.c. This file contains demo code for Spi Diagnostic handler. This file does the following tasks 1. Calls API for Spi driver initialization 2. Displays menu for the user to set control word for TLE6209R and also provides information on Diagnostic data received from TLE6209R Header file for DemoApp_Spi.c. This file exports Hardware Abstraction or Physical Layer common (a) Global compiler dependent macros (b) Type Definitions (c) Definitions for various Interrupt or Trap Vectors (d) Function definition of Sys_Protection() : Useful while accessing protected registers of micro controller. (e) This file contains COMPILER_TYPE definition. Whenever user would like to change the compiler, then it is recommended to change the definition here. Example : Whenever user would like to use Tasking Classic Tool chain, then define COMPILER_TYPE as #define COMPILER_TYPE (TASKING_CLASSIC) In case user would like use the software with Tasking Viper tool set, then define the COMPILER_TYPE as #define COMPILER_TYPE (TASKING_VIPER) 25 V1.1, 2008-08 AP16147 XC22xx/XC22xxM-SPI Software Package Descriptions Note: The software suit is having definitions for Tasking Classic as well as Tasking Viper. In case user would like to use the suit with other compiler, it is recommended user to define the compiler dependent macros separately. Hwal_Irq.c Hwal_Irq.h This file contains the code to initialize the used Interrupt priorities Header file for Hwal_Irq.h file. This file contains definitions of various used Interrupt Priorities. Whenever user would like to change the priority of USIC interrupt requests, this file can be used Mcureg,h This file can be used whenever user would like to include own developed sfr file. Port.c This file contains the function definition for Port Pins initialization Port.h Header file for Port.c. Exports definitions to configure Port pins using file Port_Cfg.h file Port_Cfg.h User configuration file for Port driver: This file provides user to configure various port pins. User can change this file according his/her need to initialize the port pins Pwm_Ccu6.c This file contains the PWM Signal Generation code using CCU6 HW Pwm_Ccu6.h Header file for Pwm_Ccu6.c RegXC22xx_Usic.h This file exports SFR file for USIC register definitions. Struct based register definitions can be found in the file SCS_Poweron.c This file contains System Clock Generation code SCS_Poweron.h Header file for Scs_Poweron.c. SCS_Config_Poweron User Configuration file for SCS driver .h Spi.c SPI driver Function implementation Spi.h Header file for Spi.c. This file contains definitions for the user to configure the required value for the Spi driver. Spi_Cfg.h and Configuration files for SPI driver. Spi_Lcfg.c Std_Types.h Contains various data type definitions Test_Print.c Contains various API’s to communicate with Hyper Terminal. Test_Prin.h Header file for Test_Print.c. Usic_Irq.c This file contains the USIC Interrupt Service Routines start.asm or cstart.c These files contain compiler dependent start up code. and csart.h For Tasking Classic Tools Chain : start.asm is used For Tasking Viper Tool Chain : cstart.c and cstart.h files are used Application Note 26 V1.1, 2008-08 AP16147 XC22xx/XC22xxM-SPI Appendix 10 Appendix 10.1 USIC Peripheral Module Overview XC22xx Microcontroller family provides various number of USIC peripheral modules viz USIC0, USIC1, USIC2, USIC3 etc. Each USIC module provides 2 independent communication channels and each channel can be configured as one of the supported protocols like ASC, SSC, IIS, IIC. The user can program each communication channel with the desired protocols during run-time. The protocol can also be changed during run-time without a reset. Example: 1. XC2287 supports USIC0, USIC1, USIC2 modules 2. XC2287M supports USIC0, USIC1, USIC2, USIC3 modules The main advantage of using USIC module includes • Higher flexibility through configuration with same look-and-feel for data management • Reduced complexity for low-level drivers serving different protocols • Wide range of protocols, but improved performances (baud rate, buffer handling) The Universal Serial Interface Channel (USIC) module is based on a generic data shift (DSU) and data storage structure (DBU) which is identical for all supported serial communication protocols. Each channel supports complete full-duplex operation with a basic data buffer structure (one transmit buffer and two receive buffer stages). In addition, the data handling software can use FIFOs. The protocol part (generation of shift clock/data/control signals) is independent from the general part and is handled by protocol-specific preprocessors (PPPs). The USIC’s input/output lines are connected to pins by a pin routing unit, so the inputs and outputs of each USIC channel can be assigned to different interface pins providing great flexibility to the application software. All assignments can be done during runtime. The general structure of USIC module is as shown in the below figure Figure 14 General structure of USIC Hardware Module Application Note 27 V1.1, 2008-08 AP16147 XC22xx/XC22xxM-SPI Appendix 10.2 Programming USIC Module for SPI Communication The below steps are followed to configure USIC Channel as SPI master. • • • • • • • Activate USIC Channel. SSC / SPI protocol selection for the activated USIC Channel. Connecting Input and Output lines. Generating the required Baud Rate. Configuring Shift Clock for Data Transmission/Reception. Chip Select Configuration. Programming the control registers. 10.2.1 Enabling USIC Channel To enable the USIC channel, MODEN has to be set. While writing 1 to MODEN, BPMODEN should also be set. So code line looks like. UxCy_KSCFG = 3U. Where x is USIC module number and y is channel number Figure 15 Enabling USIC Channel – Register Usage Application Note 28 V1.1, 2008-08 AP16147 XC22xx/XC22xxM-SPI Appendix 10.2.2 Protocol Selection To select the SSC/SPI protocol CCR.MODE register field has to be programmed with the value one. Figure 16 Protocol Selection – Register Usage 10.2.3 Connecting input and output lines The I/O associated with the USIC-SSC peripheral must be configured to route the signals through the appropriate Microcontroller pins. The master receive slave transmit (MRST) pin must be configured as an input. The chip select (CS), SPI clock (SCLK), and master transmit slave receive (MTSR) pins must all be configured as outputs. Input Structure: In order to provide a wide range of flexibility in signal routing, each input signal can be selected from a vector of 7 input signals (the signal input H is a permanent internal 1). The different elements of an input vector are numbered A, B, C, D, E, F, and G. In turn the data input vector is connected to port pin for reception of data. Figure 17 Input Structure Application Note 29 V1.1, 2008-08 AP16147 XC22xx/XC22xxM-SPI Appendix Input Control Register: The input control registers contain the bit fields to define the characteristics of the input stages. Figure 18 Input line selection – Register usage Application Note 30 V1.1, 2008-08 AP16147 XC22xx/XC22xxM-SPI Appendix 10.2.4 Baud Rate Generation The Baud rate generator provides the frequencies needed for the different protocols. Each channel has independent baud rate generator. To generate the required baud rate following formulae can be used Where Normal Divider or Fractional Divider mode can be selected using FDRL.DM register field STEP is equal to programmed FDRL.STEP register field value PDIV is equal to programmed BRGH.PDIV register field value PPPEN is equal to programmed BRGL.PPPEN register field value fSSC or fSCLK is the generated Shift Clock or Baud rate fSYS is System Clock Frequency Figure 19 Formulae for baud rate generation (Shift clock frequency selection) Application Note 31 V1.1, 2008-08 AP16147 XC22xx/XC22xxM-SPI Appendix 10.2.5 Configuring the Shift Clock for data transmission or reception The Shift Clock configuration allows the SPI clock signal to be adjusted to meet the requirements of the device connected to the microcontroller. Due to the multitude of different SSC applications, in master mode, there are different ways to configure the shift clock output signal SCLKOUT with respect to SCLK. This is done in the block SCLKCFG (shift clock configuration) by bit field BRGH.SCLKCFG, allowing 4 possible settings, as shown in figure below. Figure 20 Shift Clock Configuration Application Note 32 V1.1, 2008-08 AP16147 XC22xx/XC22xxM-SPI Appendix 10.2.6 Chip Select Configuration The slave select (chip select) signals indicate the start and the end of a data frame and are also used by the communication master to individually select the desired slave device. The polarity of chip select signal is configured depending upon the slave device to which it has to communicate. In master mode, a master slave select signal MSLS is generated by USIC using the internal slave select generator. In order to address different external slave devices independently, the internal MSLS signal is made available externally via up to 8 SELOx output signals that can be configured by the block SELCFG (select configuration). SLSx or SELOx signal become active a certain time before the communication starts (leading delay Tld) and become inactive again a certain time after the transfer of the last bit (trailing delay Ttd). If data frames are transferred back-to back one after the other, the minimum time between the deactivation of the slave select and the next activation of a slave select is programmable (next-frame delay Tnf). If a data frame consists of more than one data word, an optional delay between the data words can also be programmed (inter-word delay Tiw). Figure 21 USIC - SPI Bus information Application Note 33 V1.1, 2008-08 AP16147 XC22xx/XC22xxM-SPI Appendix 10.2.7 Timing Delays The various formulae which can be used to generate timing delays are as given below Where Normal Divider or Fractional Divider mode can be selected using FDRL.DM register field STEP is equal to programmed FDRL.STEP register field value CTQSEL is equal to programmed BRGL.CTQSEL value PCTQ is equal to programmed BRGL.PCTQ register field value DCTQ is equal to programmed BRGL.DCTQ register field value fSYS is System Clock Frequency Tld is Leading Delay Ttd is Trailing Delay Figure 22 Leading and Trailing delays (tdelay) Application Note 34 V1.1, 2008-08 AP16147 XC22xx/XC22xxM-SPI Appendix ((PCTQ1 + 1) * (DCTQ1 + 1) * (1024 – STEP) * (PDIV + 1)) Tiw/Tnf = If Normal Divider fSYS If CTQSEL = 0 ((PCTQ1 + 1) * (DCTQ1 + 1) * (1024 ) * (PDIV + 1)) Tiw/Tnf = If Fractional Divider fSYS * STEP ((PCTQ1 + 1) * (DCTQ1 + 1) * (1024 – STEP)) Tiw/Tnf = If Normal Divider fSYS If CTQSEL = 1 ((PCTQ1 + 1) * (DCTQ1 + 1) * (1024 ) ) Tiw/Tnf = If Fractional Divider fSYS * STEP ((PCTQ1 + 1) * (DCTQ1 + 1) * (1024 – STEP) * (PDIV + 1) * 2) If Normal Divider Tiw/Tnf = fSYS If CTQSEL = 2 ((PCTQ1 + 1) * (DCTQ1 + 1) * (1024 ) * (PDIV + 1) * 2) If Fractional Divider Tiw/Tnf = fSYS * STEP ((PCTQ1 + 1) * (DCTQ1 + 1) * (1024 – STEP)) * 2 Tiw/Tnf = If Normal Divider fSYS If CTQSEL = 3 ((PCTQ1 + 1) * (DCTQ1 + 1) * (1024 ) ) * 2 Tiw/Tnf = If Fractional Divider (fSYS * STEP) Where Normal Divider or Fractional Divider mode can be selected using FDRL.DM register field STEP is equal to programmed FDRL.STEP register field value CTQSEL1 is equal to programmed PCRL.CTQSEL1 value PCTQ1 is equal to programmed PCRL.PCTQ1 register field value DCTQ1 is equal to programmed PCRL.DCTQ1 register field value fSYS is System Clock Frequency Tiw is Leading Delay Tnf is Next Frame Delay Figure 23 InterWord and NextFrameDelay (tdelay) Application Note 35 V1.1, 2008-08 AP16147 XC22xx/XC22xxM-SPI Appendix 10.2.8 Interrupt Structure The notification to the user about events occurring during data traffic and data handling is based on: • Data transfer events related to the transmission or reception of a data word, independent of the selected protocol. • Protocol-specific events depending on the selected protocol. • Data buffer events related to data handling by the optional FIFO data buffers. An interrupt can be generated if the corresponding enable bit is set. The interrupt node pointer bit field allows defining which output line becomes active at which event (grouping of event to a single signal possible). Figure 24 Interrupt Structure Only receive interrupt which belongs to the category of Data Transfer interrupt is used in this application. The Receive interrupt can be activated each time a received word becomes available in the receive buffer. Application Note 36 V1.1, 2008-08 AP16147 XC22xx/XC22xxM-SPI Appendix 10.2.9 Programming Control Registers The details of control register PCR (PCRL and PCRH) used to program for SPI communication is mentioned below Figure 25 Protocol Control Register Application Note 37 V1.1, 2008-08 AP16147 XC22xx/XC22xxM-SPI Appendix 10.3 Code Generator Tool (Spi_ConfigTool.xls) The below given steps needs to be followed to generate the Spi_Lcfg.c and Spi_Cfg.h files using Spi_ConfigTool 1. Open Spi_ConfigTool.xls file with Macros Enabled Figure 26 Config Tool Menu : Enable Macros before opening Excel 2. After clicking Enable Macros: the following menu will be displayed. Here user has to select the required number of Spi channels to be configured. Example: Assume that user would like to use two SPI channels. So select 2. select: 1st option to configure the 1st channel or select: 2nd option to close the window [if user feels, don’t want to do anything] Figure 27 Config Tool Menu : Number of SPI Channels selection 3. After clicking 1st option, the following menu (with default configuration values) will be displayed. In this menu, user can change the required configuration. To configure next SPI channels (in this case 2nd channel), user can use red colored button. Application Note 38 V1.1, 2008-08 AP16147 XC22xx/XC22xxM-SPI Appendix Figure 28 Config Tool Menu : Configure for next channel 4. After clicking configure next (2nd) channel button the next channel configuration menu will be displayed as shown below Application Note 39 V1.1, 2008-08 AP16147 XC22xx/XC22xxM-SPI Appendix Figure 29 Config Tool Menu : Generate Config Files In this way, user can configure all the channels (note: the number of channels was been decided during step-2). After configuring all the channels, in the nth or Maximum channel configuration menu [In this case configuration of 2nd channel], user can see “Generate Config Files” button. 5. After clicking “Generate Config Files” button the following menu will be displayed with the default path for the generation of configuration files being the location of Spi_ConfigTool.xls file. In this menu, user can change the location in which the configured Spi_Lcfg.c and Spi_Cfg.h files needs to be generated. Figure 30 Config Tool Menu : Selecting directory for config files generation Application Note 40 V1.1, 2008-08 AP16147 XC22xx/XC22xxM-SPI Appendix 6. After clicking “Generate SPI Config Files” button, the below menu will be displayed. Figure 31 Config Tool Menu : After generating config files After this user can see the generated Spi_Lcfg.c and Spi_Cfg.h files in the path mentioned. 7. If the user wants to re-generate Spi_Lcfg.c and Spi_Cfg.h files, user can use the below main menu option in Excel sheet. Figure 32 Config Tool Menu : To regenerate confg files Attention: This tool is tested on Windows-2000 Platform. Application Note 41 V1.1, 2008-08 Published by Infineon Technologies AG