AND8059/D A Comparison of LVDS, CMOS, and ECL Prepared by: Fred Zlotnick ON Semiconductor APPLICATION NOTE INTRODUCTION ECL is a high performance technology that has been available for the designer since the 1960s. It has always been at least an order of magnitude better in propagation delay and skew when compared with CMOS and TTL logic. ECL is fabricated with unsaturated logic and low–level differential drive. Its performance is a vast improvement over all other logic families. In the late 1960s, when the standard TTL family offered 20 ns gate delay and the CMOS 4000 family had delays of 100 ns or more, MECL–10K offered 1 ns delay. Since then, CMOS logic families have progressed remarkably and now offer approximately ∼2 ns delay. However, ECL logic is now at 150 ps delay, still 25 times faster than similar function CMOS. ECL and Positive ECL (PECL) are the same product. All ECL can be run as PECL. It was commonplace to run ECL at –5.2 V, but this was never necessary. Modern ECL is quite different from MECL–10K. There were three common schemes: –5.2 V, +5.0 V (PECL), and +3.2 V. Operating voltage is now down from 5.2 V to as low as 2.5 V. Unlike CMOS, bipolar ECL parts do not degrade with lower voltage. As long as the device is specified to operate at that voltage, performance is substantially the same at any voltage within the operating range. The critical speed/delay specifications on a modern low–voltage ECL device are the same at 2.5 V as 3.3 V. –5.2 V +5.0 V +3.2 V VEE VCC VEE ECL PECL ECL VCC VEE VCC ECL has used differential signaling since its inception. The output of an ECL device is taken from an emitter, and is normally about 50 Ω. Since the source impedance of the driver was a close match to most transmission wires, it was only necessary to terminate the line at the receiver input. This case represents a doubly–terminated transmission line, the ideal case. The signaling level is +/–.400 V. Designers using ECL logic usually designed 50 Ω traces or twisted pairs and terminated with a 50 Ω resistor. As with CMOS, today’s ECL is designed with very small, sub–micron transistors. Since older ECL (such as MECL–10K families) used junction isolation with large parasitics, large amounts of current were needed to overcome the parasitics. Modern ECL uses oxide isolation techniques, thereby reducing parasitics considerably and raising the operating range of the devices. Oxide isolation and the very high fτ of the devices combine to lower the power and raise the frequency of the device. Many of today’s ECL gates can be toggled at >3.0 GHz. CMOS technology was created in the 1960s and began life as the venerable 4000 series. CMOS was low power and slow. Clocking rates beyond 10 MHz was rare. These devices used 10 µ “metal gates.” As technology progressed, poly–silicon gates replaced metal gates and the geometry shrank to today’s sub–micron size. Products like ALVC/VCX use 0.5 µ or smaller geometry and offer 2 ns delay and 24 mA of drive. VCX parts have toggle frequency specifications of >150 MHz. CMOS became the workhorse of the semiconductor industry. One of the severe limitations to speed and power was the “rail–to–rail” operation of standard CMOS. A VCX or ALVC device, driving from rail–to–rail from a 3.3 V supply, swings in excess of 2.0 volts. In order to overcome the capacitance typically found on a bus structure, a terminating resistor is used. To get the fastest speed possible, a resistor of 100 Ω is usually selected to drive 24 mA per circuit. The parallel resistor needs to be this low to overcome the high shunt capacitance that can be found on the bus. A value of 100 pf or more is not uncommon. The resistor alone creates a load of 75 mW per circuit. An “X8” arrangement would be 560 mW. It is now clear that low voltage CMOS is not synonymous with low power. –2.0 V Figure 1. MECL–10 0K Same Product Used With Different Supply Options Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC, 2001 April, 2001– Rev. 0 1 Publication Order Number: AND8059/D AND8059/D 600 By reducing the output swing and driving terminated transmission lines, improvements can be made. Several years ago, a specification called LVDS was approved by the EIA. The EIA–644 specification specifies a voltage swing and set of voltage levels. Interestingly, EIA–644 does not specify the technology. Typically implemented in submicron CMOS, the LVDS products on the market initially promised high performance and low power. Some of the more exuberant promoters have foretold the death knell of ECL rather prematurely. LVDS, like CMOS, accomplishes its high performance by using small voltage swings and matched transmission lines. Some devices are available that use a scheme similar to what has been shown. The transmitter is a push–pull set of N–Channel transistors fed from a current source. The current source is limited to 3.5 mA and drives +/–350 mV into the receiver. The receiver is a differential amplifier with a threshold of about 100 mV. If the signal exceeds this threshold, the receiver switches. Since the predominant power is dissipated in the resistor, the power is simply the Vcc voltage multiplied by the current, or 13 mW/driver. Devices such as the one above can transmit signals perhaps as high as 200 MHz over tens of meters. This signaling scheme can be integrated into ASICs/FPGAs and ASSPs. Compared to standard CMOS, there is quite a reduction of power. Signaling beyond 200 MHz is now available. How does this compare to modern ECL? EIA–644 is useful for point–to–point communications, but is not very useful for point–to–multipoint communications. A new specification called Bus–LVDS (BLVDS) was created. It was thought that since the transmit/receive I/Os are high impedance, all that was necessary was to doubly terminate. Nearly all manufacturers of BLVDS parts recommend 27 Ω double termination. This requires about 12 mA to get the required voltage swing of +/–200 mV. It is then evident that the power per output section is about 40 mW. An octal device would require 320 mW (∼ approximately 100 mA at 3.3 V) to drive the terminating resistors. The LVDS388 is an 8–bit, octal transceiver manufactured in submicron CMOS technology. The manufacturer specifies its operation to 200 MHz and provides the following chart at 3.3 V. POWER (mV) 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 FREQUENCY (MHz) Figure 2. LVDS388 The driver must match the load for the signals to propagate cleanly. Strip lines and transmission lines typically have characteristic impedances of 50–100 Ω. Since the receiver is a comparator with 100 mV sensitivity, the transmitter needs to drive 250 mV or so to accommodate losses on the line. Indeed, the original notes1 from National Semiconductor show a 3.5 mA driver and a 100 Ω termination. This implies that the power needed to be about 15 mW (from a 3.3 V supply) per driver. The 100 Ω case is valid for point–to–point applications. However, the BLVDS, or multipoint, case is quite different. Cox, et al. [2], show that a multipoint system consists of a length of open transmission line with a large number of discrete capacitors spaced uniformly along the line. Since the driver is high impedance, a source termination is needed at the driver and a load termination is needed at the farthest end. This concept is the same whether the transmission line is balanced (differential) or single–ended. In this diagram, the 12 pf loads are the assumed loads of each receiver plus the capacitance of the bus and board. The loads are uniformly distributed along the length of the bus. Cox, et al., make a very reasonable assumption that the diagram can be represented by a uniformly distributed capacitance. They show that the characteristic impedance of a 50 Ω line reduces by a factor of 3. Since the receiver sensitivity remains the same, the receiver needs to see the same voltage at its input. With an open stripline impedance of 50 Ω, the new Zo is about 15Ω. 2 AND8059/D d = 10 in. or 25.4 cm RT RT A B Tx 12 pF 12 pF 12 pF 12 pF 12 pF 12 pF 12 pF 12 pF 12 pF 12 pF I = 10 in. or 25.4 cm Figure 3. It takes seven times the current to drive 15 W, compared to the nominal 100 Ω lines that were originally mentioned [2]. Each driver consumes 75 mW. A by–eight driver is, therefore, >500 mW, or 150 mA (at 3.3 V). The manufacturer’s data sheet shows these values, as well. A comparison of various devices from four manufacturers was performed. The devices were: MC100LVEP111 from ON Semiconductor, for ECL; 92CK16 (one of six clock buffers) and 92LV090A, a 9–channel bus transceiver from vendor “A,” and LVDS388, an 8–bit bus transceiver from vendor “B” for BLVDS; and FCT3805, an 8–bit clock distribution device from vendor “C” for CMOS. Each specification comes from the original vendor’s data sheet. The following table displays the results. Table 1. Device Comparison Part Type No. of Circuits 100LVEP111 92LV090A 92CK16 LVDS388 FCT3805 Clock Distrib Bus Trans Clock Distrib Line Recvr Clock Distrib 10 9 6 8 2x5 Units Outputs No. of Pins 32 64 24 38 20 Manufacturer ON Vendor “A” Vendor “A” Vendor “B” Vendor “C” Bipolar CMOS CMOS CMOS CMOS ECL BLVDS BLVDS BLVDS LVTTL Differential Differential Differential Differential Single–ended 400 300 300 300 2200 mV Technology Signaling Levels Inputs Signal Swing p to p Power Supply 2.5, 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 Volts Fmax 1500 50 125 200 100 MHz Current Drain 100 170 100* 160 (Note 2.) ~100 mA 250 (Note 1.) 560 330 528 330 mW Pin to Pin Skew 10 50 50 100 350 (Note 3.) ps Part to Part Skew 100 1600 2500 1000 500 ps Prop Delay 400 2000 2800 2500 3500 ps Power Disp 1. @ 2.5 Volts 2. 200 MHz, 3.3 Volts 3. 100 MHz, 30 pf 3 AND8059/D 600 10 meters or more. Even for these applications, modern ECL drivers can drive low impedance cables, such as 75 Ω RG–6, beyond 1 GHz hundreds of meters. This compares to 250 MHz for LVDS. ECL was always thought to be very high power. However, modern submicron geometry has brought ECL operating voltage down as low as 2.5 V and current drain down as low or lower than CMOS (either TTL or BLVDS). This is true, even though CMOS operates at one–fifth the speed. LVDS has borrowed some concepts, such as differential comparator input, from ECL and improved standard CMOS. However, the technology cannot compete in either speed or power skew with submicron ECL. Ohm’s law still rules: if a device needs to drive a small resistor value, then large currents are needed. ECL is lower power in many applications and will operate at five to ten times the speed. Xilinx [3], the world’s leading FPGA supplier, supports nearly all high–performance standards. The following is a quote from their Virtex product line description. “LVPECL clocking becomes an essential requirement as FPGA system clock frequencies exceed 100 MHz. The Virtex–E device supports high–performance LVPECL clock inputs for global and local clocking with frequencies in excess of 300 MHz.” 500 400 300 200 100 0 LVEP111 92LV090A 92CK16 75LVDS388 FCT3805 Figure 4. Power Consumption at Maximum Speed for Various Devices Conclusion BLVDS has high power consumption. The LVDS388 device runs at 200 MHz, but consumes over 500 mW. The doubly–terminated 27 Ω resistors cause much of the power consumption. This requires about 18 mA per driver to achieve a differential voltage high enough to meet the input requirements (∼300 mV). With eight devices, this implies 144 mA, which is very close to the specifications shown on the data sheet. BLVDS has pin–for–pin skews that are two to four times worse than ECL. The part–to–part skew is five to ten times worse than ECL. BLVDS has extended the range of CMOS operation from 100 MHz to as high as 250 MHz. The technology can be integrated onto ASICs and ASSPs, extending the range of these parts. It can be used to drive transmission lines References: 1. LVDS Manual, National Semiconductor: Spring, 1997 2. “Basic Design Considerations for Backplanes”, Application Note SZZA016, Texas Instruments, Cox, Ammar and Balsubramaniam: June, 1999 3. Xilinx website, description of I/O support: 4 AND8059/D Notes 5 AND8059/D Notes 6 AND8059/D Notes 7 AND8059/D Virtex is a registered trademark of Xilinx, Inc. ON Semiconductor and are trademarks of Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC (SCILLC). SCILLC reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. SCILLC makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does SCILLC assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation special, consequential or incidental damages. “Typical” parameters which may be provided in SCILLC data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including “Typicals” must be validated for each customer application by customer’s technical experts. SCILLC does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. SCILLC products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the SCILLC product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. Should Buyer purchase or use SCILLC products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold SCILLC and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that SCILLC was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. SCILLC is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. 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