PICDEM™ Lab Development Board User’s Guide 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. DS40001369CB Note the following details of the code protection feature on Microchip devices: • Microchip products meet the specification contained in their particular Microchip Data Sheet. • Microchip believes that its family of products is one of the most secure families of its kind on the market today, when used in the intended manner and under normal conditions. • There are dishonest and possibly illegal methods used to breach the code protection feature. All of these methods, to our knowledge, require using the Microchip products in a manner outside the operating specifications contained in Microchip’s Data Sheets. Most likely, the person doing so is engaged in theft of intellectual property. • Microchip is willing to work with the customer who is concerned about the integrity of their code. • Neither Microchip nor any other semiconductor manufacturer can guarantee the security of their code. Code protection does not mean that we are guaranteeing the product as “unbreakable.” Code protection is constantly evolving. We at Microchip are committed to continuously improving the code protection features of our products. Attempts to break Microchip’s code protection feature may be a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. If such acts allow unauthorized access to your software or other copyrighted work, you may have a right to sue for relief under that Act. Information contained in this publication regarding device applications and the like is provided only for your convenience and may be superseded by updates. It is your responsibility to ensure that your application meets with your specifications. MICROCHIP MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WRITTEN OR ORAL, STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE, RELATED TO THE INFORMATION, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ITS CONDITION, QUALITY, PERFORMANCE, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR PURPOSE. Microchip disclaims all liability arising from this information and its use. Use of Microchip devices in life support and/or safety applications is entirely at the buyer’s risk, and the buyer agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Microchip from any and all damages, claims, suits, or expenses resulting from such use. No licenses are conveyed, implicitly or otherwise, under any Microchip intellectual property rights. Trademarks The Microchip name and logo, the Microchip logo, dsPIC, FlashFlex, flexPWR, JukeBlox, KEELOQ, KEELOQ logo, Kleer, LANCheck, MediaLB, MOST, MOST logo, MPLAB, OptoLyzer, PIC, PICSTART, PIC32 logo, RightTouch, SpyNIC, SST, SST Logo, SuperFlash and UNI/O are registered trademarks of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. and other countries. The Embedded Control Solutions Company and mTouch are registered trademarks of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. Analog-for-the-Digital Age, BodyCom, chipKIT, chipKIT logo, CodeGuard, dsPICDEM, dsPICDEM.net, ECAN, In-Circuit Serial Programming, ICSP, Inter-Chip Connectivity, KleerNet, KleerNet logo, MiWi, MPASM, MPF, MPLAB Certified logo, MPLIB, MPLINK, MultiTRAK, NetDetach, Omniscient Code Generation, PICDEM, PICDEM.net, PICkit, PICtail, RightTouch logo, REAL ICE, SQI, Serial Quad I/O, Total Endurance, TSHARC, USBCheck, VariSense, ViewSpan, WiperLock, Wireless DNA, and ZENA are trademarks of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. and other countries. SQTP is a service mark of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. Silicon Storage Technology is a registered trademark of Microchip Technology Inc. in other countries. GestIC is a registered trademarks of Microchip Technology Germany II GmbH & Co. KG, a subsidiary of Microchip Technology Inc., in other countries. All other trademarks mentioned herein are property of their respective companies. © 2009-2015, Microchip Technology Incorporated, Printed in the U.S.A., All Rights Reserved. ISBN: 978-1-63277-261-9 QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CERTIFIED BY DNV == ISO/TS 16949 == DS40001369CB-page 2 Microchip received ISO/TS-16949:2009 certification for its worldwide headquarters, design and wafer fabrication facilities in Chandler and Tempe, Arizona; Gresham, Oregon and design centers in California and India. The Company’s quality system processes and procedures are for its PIC® MCUs and dsPIC® DSCs, KEELOQ® code hopping devices, Serial EEPROMs, microperipherals, nonvolatile memory and analog products. In addition, Microchip’s quality system for the design and manufacture of development systems is ISO 9001:2000 certified. 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. PICDEMTM LAB DEVELOPMENT BOARD USER’S GUIDE Table of Contents Preface ........................................................................................................................... 7 Chapter 1. Overview 1.1 Introduction ................................................................................................... 11 1.2 Highlights ...................................................................................................... 11 1.3 PICDEM™ Lab Development Kit Contents .................................................. 11 1.4 PICDEM™ Lab Development Board Construction and Layout .................... 12 1.5 Target Power ................................................................................................ 14 1.6 Connecting the PICkit™ 3 Programmer/Debugger ...................................... 14 1.7 Solderless Prototyping Area Strip Configuration .......................................... 15 Chapter 2. Getting Started 2.1 Introduction ................................................................................................... 17 2.2 Prerequisites ................................................................................................ 17 2.3 The Software Control Loop .......................................................................... 17 2.4 MPLAB® X IDE and XC Compiler Download Instructions ............................ 19 2.5 Installing the Included Lab Files ................................................................... 20 Chapter 3. General Purpose Input/Output Labs 3.1 Introduction ................................................................................................... 21 3.2 General Purpose Input/Output Labs ............................................................. 21 3.3 GPIO Output Labs ........................................................................................ 22 3.3.1 Reference Documentation ......................................................................... 22 3.3.2 Equipment Required for GPIO Output Labs .............................................. 22 3.3.3 PICDEM Lab Development Board Setup for GPIO Output Labs ............... 22 3.3.4 Lab 1: Light LEDs ...................................................................................... 23 New Registers Used in This Lab ............................................... 23 Overview .................................................................................... 23 Procedure .................................................................................. 24 Testing the Application .............................................................. 31 3.3.5 Lab 2: Flash LEDs (Delay Loop) ............................................................... 31 Overview .................................................................................... 31 Procedure .................................................................................. 32 Testing the Application .............................................................. 34 3.3.6 Lab 3: Simple Delays Using Timer0 .......................................................... 34 New Registers Used in This Lab ............................................... 34 Overview .................................................................................... 35 Procedure .................................................................................. 38 Testing the Application .............................................................. 39 3.3.7 Lab 4: Rotate LEDs ................................................................................... 40 Overview .................................................................................... 40 Procedure .................................................................................. 42 Testing the Application .............................................................. 44 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. DS40001369C-page 3 PICDEMTM Lab Development Board User’s Guide 3.4 GPIO Input Labs ........................................................................................... 44 3.4.1 Reference Documentation .........................................................................44 3.4.2 Equipment Required for GPIO Input Labs .................................................44 3.4.3 PICDEM Lab Development Board Setup for GPIO Input Labs ..................44 3.4.4 Lab 5: Adding a Push Button .....................................................................45 New Registers Used in This Lab ................................................45 Overview ....................................................................................45 Procedure ..................................................................................49 Testing the Application ...............................................................53 3.4.5 Lab 6: Push Button Interrupt ......................................................................54 New Registers Used in This Lab ................................................54 Overview ....................................................................................54 Procedure .................................................................................56 Testing the Application ...............................................................59 3.4.6 Lab 7: Push Button Interrupt-on-Change ...................................................59 New Registers Used in This Lab ................................................59 Overview ....................................................................................59 Procedure ..................................................................................61 Testing the Application ...............................................................64 3.4.7 Lab 8: Using Weak Pull-Ups ......................................................................64 New Registers Used in This Lab ................................................64 Overview ....................................................................................64 Procedure ..................................................................................64 Testing the Application ...............................................................66 Chapter 4. Comparator Peripheral Labs 4.1 Introduction ................................................................................................... 67 4.2 Comparator Labs .......................................................................................... 67 4.2.1 Reference Documentation .........................................................................67 4.2.2 Comparator Labs .......................................................................................67 4.2.3 Equipment Required ..................................................................................67 4.2.4 Lab 1: Simple Compare .............................................................................68 New Registers Used in This Lab ................................................68 Overview ....................................................................................68 Procedure ..................................................................................69 Testing the Application ...............................................................70 4.2.5 Lab 2: Using the Comparator Voltage Reference ......................................70 New Registers Used in This Lab ................................................70 Overview ....................................................................................70 Procedure ..................................................................................72 Testing the Application ...............................................................73 4.2.6 Lab 3: Higher Resolution Sensor Readings Using a Single Comparator ...74 New Registers Used in This Lab ................................................74 Overview ....................................................................................74 Procedure ..................................................................................77 Testing the Application ...............................................................80 Chapter 5. Analog-to-Digital Converter Peripheral Labs 5.1 Introduction ................................................................................................... 81 5.2 ADC Labs ..................................................................................................... 81 5.2.1 Reference Documentation .........................................................................81 5.2.2 Equipment Required ..................................................................................81 DS40001369C-page 4 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. 5.2.3 Lab 1: Simple ADC .................................................................................... 82 New Registers Used in This Lab ............................................... 82 Overview .................................................................................... 82 Procedure .................................................................................. 85 Testing the Application .............................................................. 89 5.2.4 Lab 2: Audible Temperature Sensor ......................................................... 91 Overview .................................................................................... 91 Procedure .................................................................................. 93 Testing the Application .............................................................. 96 Chapter 6. PICDEM™ Lab Motor Control 6.1 Overview ...................................................................................................... 97 6.2 Procedure ..................................................................................................... 97 6.2.1 Motor Use and Programming .................................................................... 97 6.2.2 PWM Period .............................................................................................. 98 PWM Period .............................................................................. 98 Appendix A. Schematic A.1 PICDEM™ Lab Development Kit Schematic ............................................. 101 Worldwide Sales and Service .................................................................................. 103 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. DS40001369C-page 5 PICDEMTM Lab Development Board User’s Guide NOTES: DS40001369C-page 6 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. PICDEMTM LAB DEVELOPMENT BOARD USER’S GUIDE Preface NOTICE TO CUSTOMERS All documentation becomes dated, and this manual is no exception. Microchip tools and documentation are constantly evolving to meet customer needs, so some actual dialogs and/or tool descriptions may differ from those in this document. Please refer to our web site (www.microchip.com) to obtain the latest documentation available. Documents are identified with a “DS” number. This number is located on the bottom of each page, in front of the page number. The numbering convention for the DS number is “DSXXXXXA”, where “XXXXX” is the document number and “A” is the revision level of the document. For the most up-to-date information on development tools, see the MPLAB® X IDE online help. Select the Help menu, and then Topics to open a list of available online help files. INTRODUCTION This chapter contains general information that will be useful to know before using the PICDEMTM Lab Development Board. Items discussed in this chapter include: • • • • • • Document Layout Conventions Used in this Guide Recommended Reading The Microchip Web Site Customer Support Document Revision History DOCUMENT LAYOUT This document describes how to use the PICDEMTM Lab Development Board as a development tool to emulate and debug firmware on a target board. The manual layout is as follows: • • • • • • • Chapter 1. “Overview” Chapter 2. “Getting Started” Chapter 3. “General Purpose Input/Output Labs” Chapter 4. “Comparator Peripheral Labs” Chapter 5. “Analog-to-Digital Converter Peripheral Labs” Chapter 6. “PICDEM™ Lab Motor Control” Appendix A. “Schematic” 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. DS40001369C-page 7 PICDEMTM Lab Development Board User’s Guide CONVENTIONS USED IN THIS GUIDE This manual uses the following documentation conventions: DOCUMENTATION CONVENTIONS Description Arial font: Italic characters Initial caps Quotes Underlined, italic text with right angle bracket Bold characters N‘Rnnnn Text in angle brackets < > Courier New font: Plain Courier New Represents Examples Referenced books Emphasized text A window A dialog A menu selection A field name in a window or dialog A menu path MPLAB® IDE User’s Guide ...is the only compiler... the Output window the Settings dialog select Enable Programmer “Save project before build” A dialog button A tab A number in verilog format, where N is the total number of digits, R is the radix and n is a digit. A key on the keyboard Click OK Click the Power tab 4‘b0010, 2‘hF1 Italic Courier New Sample source code Filenames File paths Keywords Command-line options Bit values Constants A variable argument Square brackets [ ] Optional arguments Curly brackets and pipe character: { | } Ellipses... Choice of mutually exclusive arguments; an OR selection Replaces repeated text Represents code supplied by user DS40001369C-page 8 File>Save Press <Enter>, <F1> #define START autoexec.bat c:\mcc18\h _asm, _endasm, static -Opa+, -Opa0, 1 0xFF, ‘A’ file.o, where file can be any valid filename mcc18 [options] file [options] errorlevel {0|1} var_name [, var_name...] void main (void) { ... } 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. Preface RECOMMENDED READING This user’s guide describes how to use the PICDEM™ Lab Development Kit. Other useful documents are listed below. The following Microchip documents are available and recommended as supplemental reference resources. Readme Files For the latest information on using other tools, read the tool-specific Readme files in the Readme subdirectory of the MPLAB® X IDE installation directory. The Readme files contain update information and known issues that may not be included in this user’s guide. THE MICROCHIP WEB SITE Microchip provides online support via our web site at www.microchip.com. This web site is used as a means to make files and information easily available to customers. Accessible by using your favorite Internet browser, the web site contains the following information: • Product Support – Data sheets and errata, application notes and sample programs, design resources, user’s guides and hardware support documents, latest software releases and archived software • General Technical Support – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), technical support requests, online discussion groups, Microchip consultant program member listing • Business of Microchip – Product selector and ordering guides, latest Microchip press releases, listing of seminars and events, listings of Microchip sales offices, distributors and factory representatives. DEVELOPMENT SYSTEMS CUSTOMER CHANGE NOTIFICATION SERVICE Microchip’s customer notification service helps keep customers current on Microchip products. Subscribers will receive e-mail notification whenever there are changes, updates, revisions or errata related to a specified product family or development tool of interest. To register, access the Microchip web site at www.microchip.com, click on Customer Change Notification and follow the registration instructions. The Development Systems product group categories are: • Compilers – The latest information on Microchip C compilers, assemblers, linkers and other language tools. These include all MPLAB C compilers; all MPLAB assemblers (including MPASM assembler); all MPLAB linkers (including MPLINK object linker); and all MPLAB librarians (including MPLIB object librarian). • Emulators – The latest information on Microchip in-circuit emulators.This includes the MPLAB REAL ICE and MPLAB ICE 2000 in-circuit emulators. • In-Circuit Debuggers – The latest information on the Microchip in-circuit debuggers. This includes MPLAB ICD 3 in-circuit debuggers and PICkit™ 3 debug express. • MPLAB IDE – The latest information on Microchip MPLAB IDE, the Windows Integrated Development Environment for development systems tools. This list is focused on the MPLAB IDE, MPLAB IDE Project Manager, MPLAB Editor and MPLAB SIM simulator, as well as general editing and debugging features. 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. DS40001369C-page 9 PICDEMTM Lab Development Board User’s Guide • Programmers – The latest information on Microchip programmers. These include production programmers such as MPLAB REAL ICE in-circuit emulator, MPLAB ICD 3 in-circuit debugger and MPLAB PM3 device programmers. Also included are nonproduction development programmers such as PICSTART® Plus and PICkit 2 and 3. CUSTOMER SUPPORT Users of Microchip products can receive assistance through several channels: • • • • Distributor or Representative Local Sales Office Field Application Engineer (FAE) Technical Support Customers should contact their distributor, representative or field application engineer (FAE) for support. Local sales offices are also available to help customers. A listing of sales offices and locations is included in the back of this document. Technical support is available through the web site at: http://support.microchip.com DOCUMENT REVISION HISTORY Revision A (February 2009) • Initial Release of this Document. Revision B (January 2011) • Updated for PICkit™ 3. Revision C (April 2015) • Updated for MPLAB® X IDE. • Added Chapter 6 for PICDEM™ Lab Motor Control. DS40001369C-page 10 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. PICDEMTM LAB DEVELOPMENT BOARD USER’S GUIDE Chapter 1. Overview 1.1 INTRODUCTION The PICDEM™ Lab Development Board supports Microchip’s 8, 14, 18 and 20-pin 8-bit MCUs including accommodation for PIC10F products in the 8-pin PDIP package. Dual-row expansion headers on either side of each socket provide connectivity to all pins on the connected PIC® MCU. A solderless prototyping area allows the user to explore a relatively large number of application examples without making permanent modifications to the board. Components permanently mounted to the board are interfaced using expansion headers to the user’s application via jumper wires. A variable supply voltage allows user’s to supply voltages between 1.2V to 5V to each of the PIC MCU connection sockets. 1.2 HIGHLIGHTS This chapter discusses: • • • • • 1.3 PICDEM™ Lab Development Kit Contents PICDEM™ Lab Development Board Construction and Layout Target Power Connecting the PICkit™ 3 Programmer/Debugger Solderless Prototyping Area Strip Configuration PICDEM™ LAB DEVELOPMENT KIT CONTENTS The PICDEM™ Development Kit contains the following items: 1. The PICDEM™ Lab Development Board 2. Lab component kit including: • (1) PIC16F616 DIP • (1) PIC12F615 DIP • (4) 10 kΩ Resistors • (4) 1 kΩ Resistors • (8) 470Ω Resistors • (4) 220Ω Resistors • (4) 100Ω Resistors • (1) 10 kΩ NTC Thermistor • (4) Green LEDs • (4) Red LEDs • (4) 1N4148 Diodes • (2) 0.1 µF Capacitors • (2) 1 µF Capacitors • (2) 10 µF Capacitors • (4) Push buttons • (10) 5" Jumper Wires • (10) 3" Jumper Wires 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. DS40001369C-page 11 PICDEMTM Lab Development Board User’s Guide • (10) 1" Jumper Wires • (4) IRFD9020 P-CH MOSFETs • (4) IRFD010 N-CH MOSFETs • (2) 100 kΩ Potentiometers 3. PICkit™ 3 Programmer/Debugger with USB Cable 1.4 PICDEM™ LAB DEVELOPMENT BOARD CONSTRUCTION AND LAYOUT The Low Pin Count USB Development Board and populated components are shown in Figure 1-1. FIGURE 1-1: PICDEM™ LAB DEVELOPMENT BOARD 1 2 5 3 8 10 4 6 7 15 11 9 16 12 13 14 1. PICkit™ 3 Programmer/Debugger Connection Headers (J13, J12 and J6) a) J13 dedicated to PIC microcontroller socket U5 b) J12 dedicated to PIC microcontroller socket U3 c) J6 dedicated to PIC microcontroller socket U2 2. PICkit™ Serial Analyzer Connection Header (J11) and Receptacle (J15) To use the PICkit™ Serial Analyzer, connect to appropriate PIC MCU expansion header using jumper wires from receptacle. DS40001369C-page 12 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. Overview 3. 32 kHz Crystal Oscillator (Y1) and Connection Header (J7) 4. VDD Connect/Disconnect Jumpers (J3, J4, J5) a) J3 jumper connects/disconnects VDD1 supply to PIC16F690 MCU in socket U2 b) J4 jumper connects/disconnects VDD2 supply to PIC16F819 MCU in socket U3 c) J5 jumper connects/disconnects VDD3 supply to PIC10F206 MCU in socket U5 5. Battery Clip Connection (BT1) for 9V Battery and Jumpers (J14) J14 jumpers connect/disconnect battery terminals for use in future lab on battery chargers. 6. 9 VDC Supply Connector (J1) and Connect/Disconnect Jumper (J2) 7. Power ON Switch (SW1) 8. 8-Pin PDIP PIC10F MCU Socket (U5) and Bilateral Dual-Row Expansion Headers (J10 and J18) Dual-row expansion headers provide connectivity to each pin on the PIC10F206 MCU populating socket U5. 9. 5V Brushed DC Motor 10. 18-Pin PDIP PIC MCU Socket (U3) and Bilateral Dual-Row Expansion Headers (J17 and J16) Dual-row expansion headers provide connectivity to each pin on the PIC16F819 MCU populating socket U3. 11. 8, 14, 20-Pin PDIP PIC MCU Socket (U2) and Bilateral Dual-Row Expansion Headers (J8 and J9) Dual-row expansion headers provide connectivity to each pin on the PIC16F690 MCU populating socket U2. 12. Solderless Prototyping Area 13. Bilateral Dual-Row Supply Headers (J22 and J23) Provide both VDD and VSS connectivity bilaterally to the solderless prototyping area. 14. 0.2 Watt, 8-Ohm Speaker (LS1) with Connection Header (J19) J19 connector used to connect speaker LS1 to user application using jumper wires. 15. Battery Positive (CP+) and Negative (CP-) Connection Header (J26) Provides connectivity of positive and negative battery terminals to the user application using jumper wires. 16. Variable VDD Potentiometer (R1) Potentiometer used to vary PIC MCU supply voltage from approximately 1.3V to approximately 5V. 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. DS40001369C-page 13 PICDEMTM Lab Development Board User’s Guide 1.5 TARGET POWER The PICDEM™ Lab Development Board can be powered in one of the following ways: 1. Using a 9–12 VDC power supply connected to connector J1 (Microchip part #AC162039 recommended) Ensure that connect/disconnect jumper J2 is in place. 2. Using a 9V battery connected to connector BT1 Ensure that connect/disconnect jumpers J14 are in place. 3. A PICkit™ 3 Programmer/Debugger connected to any one of the three PICkit Programmer/Debugger connectors J13, J12 and J6 (recommended for low-power applications only). Note: When using the PICkit™ 3 Programmer/Debugger as the power source, the variable VDD potentiometer (R1) will not vary the supply voltage. When using methods 1 or 2, each PIC microcontroller has an associated connect/disconnect jumper that, when in place, enables the positive supply voltage to the respective VDD pins. The VDD jumpers connect to the following PIC microcontroller sockets: 1. VDD1 (J3) connects/disconnects supply voltage to the PIC microcontroller populating U2. 2. VDD2 (J4) connects/disconnects supply voltage to the PIC microcontroller populating U3. 3. VDD3 (J5) connects/disconnects supply voltage to the PIC microcontroller populating U5. Using methods 1 or 2 enables the use of the variable VDD potentiometer (R1) to control supply voltages from approximately 1.3 to 5V. Rotating the potentiometer clockwise will raise the supply voltage while rotating the potentiometer counterclockwise will decrease the supply voltage. 1.6 CONNECTING THE PICKIT™ 3 PROGRAMMER/DEBUGGER The three PIC microcontrollers populating sockets U5, U3 and U2 have their own PICkit Programmer/Debugger (ICSP™) connectors so that each can be programmed or debugged individually. The ICSP connect to the following PIC microcontroller sockets: 1. ICSP1 (J6) connects to the PIC microcontroller populating U2. 2. ICSP2 (J12) connects to the PIC microcontroller populating U3. 3. ICSP3 (J13) connects to the PIC microcontroller populating U5. The PICkit Programmer/Debugger connects to the ICSP connector as shown in Figure 1-2. DS40001369C-page 14 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. Overview FIGURE 1-2: CONNECTING THE PICkit™ 3 PROGRAMMER/DEBUGGER TO AN ICSP™ CONNECTOR PICkit™ Programmer/Debugger Denotes Pin 1 ICSP™ CONNECTOR The PICkit™ 3 Programmer/Debugger is then connected to an available USB port on the PC using the included USB cable. 1.7 SOLDERLESS PROTOTYPING AREA STRIP CONFIGURATION The solderless prototyping area contains a variety of strips under the perforated plastic block. These strips “short” vertical rows of holes together as shown in Figure 1-3. FIGURE 1-3: SOLDERLESS PROTOTYPING AREA STRIP CONFIGURATION Solderless Prototyping Area Solderless Prototyping Area Showing Strip Connections 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. DS40001369C-page 15 PICDEMTM Lab Development Board User’s Guide NOTES: DS40001369C-page 16 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. PICDEMTM LAB DEVELOPMENT BOARD USER’S GUIDE Chapter 2. Getting Started 2.1 INTRODUCTION This chapter is intended to prepare the reader to complete the labs in the remaining chapters of this user’s guide. 2.2 PREREQUISITES The labs contained within this lab manual assumes the user: 1. Has a basic understanding of the C programming language. 2. Understands basic circuit analysis. 2.3 THE SOFTWARE CONTROL LOOP The labs used in this user’s guide implement a software control loop in various configurations, but always in the same sequence as shown in Example 2-1. FIGURE 2-1: MAIN() SOFTWARE CONTROL LOOP FLOWCHART FOR USED IN LABS main() Initialize() Get_Inputs() Decide() Loop Forever Do_Outputs() Timing() 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. DS40001369C-page 17 PICDEMTM Lab Development Board User’s Guide Each block of the software control loop represents a function that organizes tasks into logical, organized groupings that are called from the main function (main()). Notice the Initialize() is called only once while the remaining functions are executed repeatedly. This method organizes the embedded firmware application into a logic sequence of events: 1. Initalize(): - Initializes the microcontroller, the peripherals used in the application and any global variables used by multiple functions. 2. Get_Inputs(): - Obtains any input information either on-chip (from internal registers, etc...) or off-chip (pin voltage levels). 3. Decide(): - Makes decisions based on the input information gathered in the previous function to manipulate global variables. 4. Do_Outputs(): - Based on the decisions made in the previous function, this function outputs data onto the pins of the microcontroller or to registers within the device. 5. Timing(): - This function determines how fast the software control loop executes. Example 2-1 shows a typical main() calling the various functions that make up the software control loop. EXAMPLE 2-1: TYPICAL SOFTWARE CONTROL LOOP MAIN() USED IN LABS void main(void) { Initialize(); //Initialize the relevant registers while(1) { Decide();//Make any decisions Do_Outputs(); //Perform any outputs Timing();//Sets execution rate of the //Software Control Loop } } An infinity loop will be used by all labs in this user’s guide created using a while loop that repeatedly call the functions within the curly braces as long as there is power to the microcontroller. Global variables are used wherever needed in lieu of passing variables between functions. DS40001369C-page 18 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. Getting Started 2.4 MPLAB® X IDE AND XC COMPILER DOWNLOAD INSTRUCTIONS 1. The following steps outline how to download the latest version of the MPLAB® X IDE and XC compiler. It is strongly recommended that all open programs and applications are closed to expedite the installation process. 2. Using a PC that is connected to the Internet, navigate to the MPLAB X IDE download page at the following url: www.microchip.com/mplabx. 3. This page outlines the MPLAB X IDE and also features plug-ins that can be downloaded, User’s Guides and other useful information. 4. Scroll down to the Downloads section of the page and select the latest full release zip file for MPLAB X IDE vX.XX. 5. When prompted, select Run and the .exe file will download. FIGURE 2-2: RUN .EXE TO DOWNLOAD FILE 6. Once downloaded, the MPLAB X IDE Installation window should open. Click Next to proceed with the installation. 7. In the next window, read through the MPLAB X IDE License Agreement and ensure that the I accept the terms of the license agreement radio button is selected. Click Next to continue with the installation. 8. In the Installation Directory window it is recommended to use the default directory. Click Next to continue. 9. In the Select Programs window, choose which MPLAB X programs to install. (Only MPLAB X IDE is required for the labs). 10. Click Next in the Ready to Install window to start the installation (this may take several minutes to complete). 11. After installation is complete, the user will be reminded that the XC compilers are not installed. It is recommended that the user install the compilers at this point. Check the box and click Finish to continue. FIGURE 2-3: COMPLETE THE MPLAB® X IDE V2.30 SETUP WIZARD 12. The MPLAB® XC Compilers web page should open. If not, go to: www.microchip.com/mplabxc. 13. This page outlines the MPLAB XC compilers’ features and other useful information. 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. DS40001369C-page 19 PICDEMTM Lab Development Board User’s Guide 14. Scroll down to the Downloads section of the page and select the latest release file for MPLAB XC Compiler vX.XX. 15. Click Run to download and run the .exe file. FIGURE 2-4: RUN AND DOWNLOAD .exe FILE 16. Click Next in the MPLAB XC Compiler setup window. 17. In the next window, read through the License Agreement and ensure that the I accept the terms of the license agreement radio button is selected. Click Next to continue with the installation. 18. Select the Install compiler radio button in the Choose Installer window. Click Next. 19. Ensure the “Configure MPLAB XC8 Compiler as a network client” box is unchecked and click Next. 20. In the Installation Directory window it is recommended to use the default directory. Click Next to continue. 21. In the Compiler Settings window, ensure all boxes are checked. 22. Click Next in the Ready to Install window. 23. In the Licensing Information window, click Next. 24. Click Finish to finish installation. 2.5 INSTALLING THE INCLUDED LAB FILES The PICDEM™ Lab Development Kit product page http://www.microchip.com/DevelopmentTools/ProductDetails.aspx?PartNO=dm163045 has a .zip file called PICDEM Lab Development Kit Lab Directory and Solutions under Documents. This file provides a location for the user to save any projects created while completing the labs in this user's guide and contains solutions for each lab in a folder labeled solution. To install this folder, simply extract the contents of the .zip file to the C:\ directory. Note: DS40001369C-page 20 Lab folders must be installed to C:\ to be used by the MPLAB® X IDE. 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. PICDEMTM LAB DEVELOPMENT BOARD USER’S GUIDE Chapter 3. General Purpose Input/Output Labs 3.1 INTRODUCTION The following labs cover some of the fundamental features of the General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) peripherals available on the PIC16F690. As the name implies, these peripherals are used for general purpose applications that can monitor and control other off-chip devices. Some PIC® microcontrollers have multiple GPIO peripherals on-chip including the PIC16F690 used in the following labs. Therefore, the PORTx naming convention is used. Available ports on the PIC16F690 are: • PORTA • PORTB • PORTC Reading through the data sheet highlights some of the unique characteristics associated with each port and the reader is encouraged to explore these in greater detail once comfortable with the labs in this user’s guide. The labs will focus on two of the port peripherals: PORTC and PORTA. Labs will be naturally divided into two sections since these are General Purpose Input/Output peripherals: • Output Labs • Input Labs Output labs will introduce the reader to concepts necessary to configuring these peripherals for output to off-chip devices using applicable registers by lighting eight LEDs connected to the PORTC pins The Input labs will then add a push button interfacing to one of the PORTA pins to highlight concepts necessary for configuring these peripherals to receive information from off-chip devices. Finally, interrupts will be used to optimize the application for different purposes. 3.2 GENERAL PURPOSE INPUT/OUTPUT LABS • Output Labs: - Lab 1: Light LEDs - Lab 2: Flash LEDs (Delay Loop) - Lab 3: Simple Delays Using Timer0 - Lab 4: Rotate LEDs • Input Labs: - Lab 5: Adding a Push Button - Lab 6: Push Button Interrupt - Lab 7: Push Button Interrupt-on-Change - Lab 8: Using Weak Pull-ups 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. DS40001369C-page 21 PICDEMTM Lab Development Board User’s Guide 3.3 GPIO OUTPUT LABS 3.3.1 Reference Documentation All documentation on the PICDEM™ Lab Development Kit is available on the product’s page at www.microchip.com. • PIC16F690 Data Sheet (DS41262) - Section Option Register - Section Interrupt Control Register INTCON - Section 4: I/O Ports - Section 5: Timer0 Module • Timers: Timer0 Tutorial (Part 1) (DS51682) • Timers: Timer0 Tutorial (Part 2) (DS51702) 3.3.2 Equipment Required for GPIO Output Labs To complete the labs in this section, the following components are required: 1. 2. 3. 4. 8 – Light Emitting Diodes 8 – 470 resistors PIC16F690 populating socket U2 Assorted jumper wires 3.3.3 PICDEM Lab Development Board Setup for GPIO Output Labs The GPIO output labs will require that the PICDEM Lab Development Board be configured as shown in Figure 3-1 using the components listed in the previous section. FIGURE 3-1: PICDEM LAB SCHEMATIC FOR GPIO OUTPUT LABS J8 U2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 R8 470Ω R7 470Ω R6 470Ω LED8 LED7 LED6 R5 470Ω LED5 RC5 RC4 RC3 RC6 RC7 J9 RC0 RC1 RC2 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 R4 470Ω R3 470Ω R2 470Ω R1 470Ω LED4 LED3 LED2 LED1 VSS DS40001369C-page 22 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. General Purpose Input/Output Labs Special care should be observed when connecting the LED jumper wires to the expansion headers surrounding the PIC16F690, as the PORTC pins are not in sequential order. The 470resistors are used to limit the current across the LEDs to manufacturer specifications. Furthermore, the PIC16F690 Data Sheet electrical specifications (see Section 17.0) stipulate that each port pin should not source/sink more than 25 mA. The maximum output current sourced/sunk by all port pins combined should not exceed 200 mA. The 470 resistors keep all source current well within these specifications. 3.3.4 Lab 1: Light LEDs NEW REGISTERS USED IN THIS LAB To configure the peripherals used in this lab, the following registers are used: 1. PORTC Register: PORTC (Register 4-11 in Section 4 of the PIC16F690 Data Sheet). - 8-bit bidirectional port. 2. PORTC Tri-State Register: TRISC (Register 4-12 in Section 4 of the PIC16F690 Data Sheet). - Configures corresponding bits in PORTC as either input or output. 3. Analog Select Register High and Analog Select Register Low: ANSELH and ANSEL (Registers 4-4 and 4-3 in Section 4 of the PIC16F690 Data Sheet). - Configure associated pins for analog or digital input signals. OVERVIEW This first lab demonstrates how to output data from the PORTC peripheral on the PIC16F690 to its associated pins. LEDs connected to PORTC pins will light when the associated pin is driven high (approx. VDD) or turn the LED OFF when driven low (approx. VSS). The port peripherals will all default to input on start-up and will therefore need to be configured as output using the TRISC register. Also, PORTC pins RC0, RC1, RC2, RC3, RC6 and RC7 are configurable for both analog and digital signals. On start-up, any analog/digital functional pin is defaulted to analog. Therefore, this application will require that these pins be configured as digital by configuring the associated bits in the ANSEL and ANSELH analog select registers. FIGURE 3-2: MAIN() SOFTWARE CONTROL LOOP FLOWCHART FOR LAB 1 main() Initialize() Loop Forever Do_Outputs() 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. DS40001369C-page 23 PICDEMTM Lab Development Board User’s Guide Figure 3-2 shows the software control loop that will be implemented in this lab. At device power-up, the first functional block called from the main() is Initialize(). This function will initialize the PORTC peripheral as follows: • Clear the PORTC register data • Configure the ANSEL and ANSELH bits so that all associated PORTC pins are digital • Configure the associated PORTC pins as all output using the TRISC register Note: The PORT register should always be initialized to a known value before configuring the associated TRIS bit. This avoids unexpected voltage levels on the associated pins since at start-up port bit values are unknown. The next function called from main() is Do_Outputs(). This function will assign values to the PORTC register that will drive the associated pins high or low to light the LEDs connected. PROCEDURE The following steps will demonstrate how to create a new project in MPLAB® IDE. 1. Open MPLAB X IDE by selecting Start > Program Files > Microchip > MPLAB X IDE > MPLAB X IDE vX.XX. 2. In the MPLAB X IDE Toolbar, select File >New Project. FIGURE 3-3: DS40001369C-page 24 NEW MPLAB IDE PROJECT SELECTION 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. General Purpose Input/Output Labs 3. In the Step One window click “Choose Project”, and then select Microchip Embedded and Standalone Project and click Next. FIGURE 3-4: STEP ONE 4. In the Step One window, select “PIC16F690” from the Device drop-down menu and select Next to continue. 5. In the Step Two window, select Device window, select “Mid-Range 8-bit MCUs (PIC10/12/16/MCP)” from the Family drop-down menu and select “PIC16F690” from the Device drop-down menu. Select Next to continue. FIGURE 3-5: 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. DEVICE SELECTION DS40001369C-page 25 PICDEMTM Lab Development Board User’s Guide 6. In the Select Header window, select None from the Supported Debug Header drop-down menu and select Next to continue. FIGURE 3-6: HEADER SELECTION 7. In the Select Tool window, select “PICkit3” and click Next to continue. FIGURE 3-7: DS40001369C-page 26 TOOL SELECTION 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. General Purpose Input/Output Labs 8. In the Select Compiler window, select “XC8 (vX.XX)” and click Next to continue. FIGURE 3-8: COMPILER SELECTION 9. In the Select Project Name and Folder window, type a name for the project into “Project Name”. It is recommended to use the default location for “Project Location” and “Project Folder”. Choose the option “Set as main project” and select Finish to continue. FIGURE 3-9: 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. SELECT PROJECT NAME AND FOLDER DS40001369C-page 27 PICDEMTM Lab Development Board User’s Guide 10. In the left pane of the MPLAB X window under the Projects tab, right-click on “Source Files” and select “Add Existing Item”. FIGURE 3-10: SELECT PROJECT SOURCE 11. Browse to the GPIO_Lab1.c file, select it and click Select to add it to the project. Then double click GPIO_Lab1.c to open the file. 12. The MPLAB® IDE workspace should now be open. If the Project window is not visible, it can be opened by selecting View > Project. DS40001369C-page 28 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. General Purpose Input/Output Labs FIGURE 3-11: PROJECT WINDOW 13. Double click on the GPIO_Lab1.c source file in the Project window to open. 14. Copy/paste the code in Example 3-1 into the Initialize() section labeled: //ADD INITIALIZE CODE HERE. EXAMPLE 3-1: INITIALIZE() CODE FOR LAB 1 //Clear PORTC to a known state PORTC = 0b00000000; //Configure PORTC's ANALOG/DIGITAL pins as all Digital ANS4 = 0;//Associated with RC0 ANS5 = 0;//Associated with RC1 ANS6 = 0;//Associated with RC2 ANS7 = 0;//Associated with RC3 ANS8 = 0;//Associated with RC6 ANS9 = 0;//Associated with RC7 //Configure PORTC //i.e. 1 = Input, TRISC0 = 0;//Make TRISC1 = 0;//Make TRISC2 = 0;//Make TRISC3 = 0;//Make TRISC4 = 0;//Make TRISC5 = 0;//Make TRISC6 = 0;//Make TRISC7 = 0;//Make 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. pins as all output 0 = Output RC0 (pin 16) output RC1 (pin 15) output RC2 (pin 14) output RC3 (pin 7) output RC4 (pin 6) output RC5 (pin 5) output RC6 (pin 8) output RC7 (pin 9) output DS40001369C-page 29 PICDEMTM Lab Development Board User’s Guide 15. Copy and paste the code in Example 3-2 into the Do_Outputs() section labeled: //ADD DO_OUTPUTS CODE HERE. EXAMPLE 3-2: RC0 RC1 RC2 RC3 RC4 RC5 RC6 RC7 = = = = = = = = DO_OUTPUT() CODE FOR LAB 1 1;//Make 0;//Make 1;//Make 1;//Make 0;//Make 1;//Make 0;//Make 1;//Make RC0 RC1 RC2 RC3 RC4 RC5 RC6 RC7 (pin (pin (pin (pin (pin (pin (pin (pin 16) HIGH (approx. Vdd) 15) LOW (approx. Vss) 14) HIGH (approx. Vdd) 7) HIGH (approx. Vdd) 6) LOW (approx. Vss) 5) HIGH (approx. Vdd) 8) LOW (approx. Vss) 9) HIGH (approx. Vdd) 16. Copy and paste the code in Example 3-3 into the main() section labeled: //ADD MAIN CODE HERE. EXAMPLE 3-3: MAIN() CODE FOR LAB 1 Initialize(); //Initialize the relevant registers while(1) //Code within curly braces will loop forever { Do_Outputs(); //Perform any outputs } The project is now ready to compile and download to the PIC16F690. 17. In the MPLAB X™ IDE toolbar, the following symbols should be visible: FIGURE 3-12: TOOLBAR BUTTONS 1 2 Clean and Build Main Project Make and Program Device 18. Press Clean and Build Main Project to compile the code. 19. Provided no errors occur, press Make and Program Device to program the PIC16F690 device. DS40001369C-page 30 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. General Purpose Input/Output Labs TESTING THE APPLICATION Once programmed, the LEDs connected to the individual PORTC pins should now resemble the output shown in Figure 3-13. FIGURE 3-13: LAB 1 LED OUTPUT R8 470Ω R7 470Ω R6 470Ω R5 470Ω R4 470Ω R3 470Ω R2 470Ω R1 470Ω LED8 LED7 LED6 LED5 LED4 LED3 LED2 LED1 LED ON LED OFF VSS The solution for this project is located in the C:\PICDEM_Lab\GPIO_Labs\GPIO_Lab1\solution directory. 3.3.5 Lab 2: Flash LEDs (Delay Loop) OVERVIEW This lab implements a software delay to flash the LEDs connected to the PORTC pins on/off in one second intervals. As configured, the PIC16F690 executes 1 million instructions per second. At this rate, the software loop execution needs to be slowed down so that the LED flashing is visible to the eye. This is done using a delay routine within the Timing() functional block called from the main() software control loop as shown in Figure 3-14. FIGURE 3-14: MAIN() SOFTWARE CONTROL LOOP FLOWCHART FOR LAB 2 main() Initialize() Do_Outputs() Loop Forever Timing() The Timing() delay routine is shown in Figure 3-15. 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. DS40001369C-page 31 PICDEMTM Lab Development Board User’s Guide FIGURE 3-15: TIMING() DELAY ROUTINE FLOWCHART FOR LAB 2 TIMING() Create two 8-bit variables: • delay_var1 = 45571 • delay_var2 = 3 YES END delay_var2 - 1 = 0 ? NO delay_var1 = 45571 NO YES delay_var1 - 1 = 0 ? Two variables are used, delay_var1 and delay_var2. The delay_var2 is decremented by 1 each time delay_var1 is decremented from 45571 to 0. These values have been determined through trial and error using a test procedure detailed in the “Timers: Timer0 Tutorial (Part 1)” (DS51682) included on the PICDEM™ Lab Development Kit CD. This delay ties up the processor for one second when using the 4 MHz internal oscillator. The Initialize() configures the PORTC as follows: • PORTC - Set all bits in the PORTC register HIGH - Configure all PORTC pins as digital outputs The Do_Outputs() changes somewhat from the previous lab by implementing the XOR operator to toggle the value in each PORTC bit location each time through the software loop. The XOR operator is implemented in code as follows: RCx ^= 1; This translates to: “Make RCx equal to the current value in RCx XOR’d with 1” When a value is XOR’d with itself, the result is ‘0’ (i.e., 1 XOR’d with 1 = 0, 0 XOR’d with 0 = 0). When a value is XOR’d with a value different than itself, the result is ‘1’ (i.e., 1 XOR’d with 0 = 1). Therefore, each time through the loop PORTC bits will toggle from 1-to-0 or 0-to-1, depending on its current value. PROCEDURE Using the code developed in the previous lab, make the following changes: 1. Copy and paste the code in Example 3-4 over the Initialize() code from the previous lab. Note: DS40001369C-page 32 The reader may wish to create a new project as per the previous lab called GPIO_Lab2.mcp 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. General Purpose Input/Output Labs EXAMPLE 3-4: INITIALIZE() CODE FOR LAB 2 //Set all PORTC bits HIGH (to a known state) PORTC = 0b11111111; //Configure PORTC's ANALOG/DIGITAL pins as all Digital ANS4 = 0;//Associated with RC0 ANS5 = 0;//Associated with RC1 ANS6 = 0;//Associated with RC2 ANS7 = 0;//Associated with RC3 ANS8 = 0;//Associated with RC6 ANS9 = 0;//Associated with RC7 //Configure PORTC //i.e. 1 = Input, TRISC0 = 0;//Make TRISC1 = 0;//Make TRISC2 = 0;//Make TRISC3 = 0;//Make TRISC4 = 0;//Make TRISC5 = 0;//Make TRISC6 = 0;//Make TRISC7 = 0;//Make pins as all output 0 = Output RC0 (pin 16) output RC1 (pin 15) output RC2 (pin 14) output RC3 (pin 7) output RC4 (pin 6) output RC5 (pin 5) output RC6 (pin 8) output RC7 (pin 9) output The only change from the previous lab is that the PORTC bits are all set high to 1. 2. Copy and paste the code in Example 3-5 over the Do_Outputs() code from the previous lab to accommodate the XOR bit toggle. EXAMPLE 3-5: RC0 RC1 RC2 RC3 RC4 RC5 RC6 RC7 ^= ^= ^= ^= ^= ^= ^= ^= DO_OUTPUT() CODE FOR LAB 2 1;//XOR 1;//XOR 1;//XOR 1;//XOR 1;//XOR 1;//XOR 1;//XOR 1;//XOR current current current current current current current current RC0 RC1 RC2 RC3 RC4 RC5 RC6 RC7 value value value value value value value value with with with with with with with with 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3. Copy and paste the code in Example 3-6 into the Timing() section labeled: //ADD TIMING CODE HERE 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. DS40001369C-page 33 PICDEMTM Lab Development Board User’s Guide EXAMPLE 3-6: TIMING() FOR LAB 2 //--------DELAY 1second------------------------//Variable used in delay loop unsigned int delay_var1 = 45571; unsigned char delay_var2 = 3; //Nested while loops to implement a 1 second delay //Decrement delay_var2, if 0 jump out of loop while(--delay_var2) { //Decrement delay_var1, if 0 jump out of loop while(--delay_var1); } 4. Copy and paste the code in Example 3-7 over the main() code from the previous lab to incorporate the Timing(). EXAMPLE 3-7: MAIN() CODE FOR LAB 2 Initialize(); //Initialize the relevant registers while(1) { Do_Outputs(); //Perform any outputs Timing();//Sets execution rate of the //Software Control Loop } Compile the project. There should be no errors. TESTING THE APPLICATION Program the PIC16F690. The LEDs connected to the individual PORTC pins should now all flash on/off in 1-second intervals. The solution for this project is located C:\PICDEM_Lab\GPIO_Labs\GPIO_Lab2\solution directory. 3.3.6 Lab 3: Simple Delays Using Timer0 NEW REGISTERS USED IN THIS LAB in the To configure the peripherals used in this lab, the following registers are used: 1. Timer0 Module Register: TMR0 - Holds a count value of the number of selected edge transition of a clock source. 2. OPTION Register: OPTION_REG (Register 5-1 in Section 5 of the PIC16F690 Data Sheet). - Selects clock source used to increment TMR0 result register. - Selects clock source edge transition to increment TMR0. 3. Software configurable prescaler to determine the number of clock source edge transitions before incrementing TMR0 register value. DS40001369C-page 34 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. General Purpose Input/Output Labs 4. Interrupt Control Register: INTCON (Register 2-3 in Section 2 of the PIC16F690 Data Sheet). - Contains a flag that when 1, indicates a TMR0 register overflow has occurred. OVERVIEW To implement a more accurate delay, the Timer0 peripheral can be used. Timer0 is an 8-bit timer/counter that uses a clock source to increment an 8-bit register called TMR0. Since this register is 8 bits, it can increment up 28 = 256 times or 010 - 25510 (000000002 - 111111112) inclusive then rollover or overflow back to ‘0’. Whenever TMR0 overflows, a Timer0 Overflow Flag (T0IF) in the ITCON register is set to ‘1’. The OPTION register also features a prescaler that determines how many clock source cycles it takes to increment TMR0 by ‘1’. In this way, simply by tracking the T0IF, very accurate delays can be implemented. In this lab, the TMR0 register is configured to increment on the low-to-high transition of an available internal instruction clock on the PIC16F690. This internal instruction clock runs at the rate of the internal oscillator frequency FOSC divided by 4. Therefore, when the PIC16F690 is configured to operate using the internal 4 MHz oscillator, this internal instruction clock runs at a rate of FOSC/4 = 4MHz/4 = 1MHz. This is a period of 1/1MHz = 1 S. If it is known that TMR0 increments every 1 S, and it takes 256 internal instruction clock cycles to cause a TMR0 overflow (i.e., 0-255 inclusive), then Equation 3-1 can be derived: EQUATION 3-1: TMR0 OVERFLOW PERIOD USING FOSC/4 TMR0 Overflow Period = (4/FOSC) x 256 = 1 Second x 256 = 256 Seconds As mentioned, Timer0 also features a prescaler that can be configured to increment the value in TMR0 every 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, or 256 clock source transitions. Therefore, this feature can be added to Equation 3-1 to create Equation 3-2. EQUATION 3-2: TMR0 OVERFLOW PERIOD WHEN INCLUDING THE PRESCALER TMR0 Overflow Period = (4/FOSC) x 256 x prescaler Using a 1:32 prescaler setting as an example and a 4 MHz internal oscillator TMR0 Overflow Period = 1 S x 256 x 32 = 8.192mS Finally, TMR0 is a writable register. Meaning that a value can be added to the register to offset the number of counts it takes for the overflow to occur. Equation 3-3 demonstrates how to calculate the value to preload the TMR0 register with to create a 10 mS overflow period. 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. DS40001369C-page 35 PICDEMTM Lab Development Board User’s Guide EQUATION 3-3: CALCULATING A TMR0 PRELOAD VALUE TO GENERATE A 10MS OVERFLOW PERIOD Desired TMR0 Overflow Period = (4/FOSC) x (256 - Preload Value) x prescaler Using a 1:64 prescaler setting, a 4 MHz internal oscillator and requiring a 10 mS overflow period: 10mS = 1 Second x (256 - Preload Value) x 64 10mS/(1 Second x 64) = 256 - Preload Value Preload Value = 256 - [10mS/(1 Second x 64)] Preload Value = 99.75 rounded up becomes 100 Note: Therefore, to produce a 10 mS overflow period, using the internal instruction clock with a 4 MHz internal oscillator and a TMR0 prescaler value of 1:64 requires that TMR0 be preloaded with a value of 100. The software flowchart to implement a 10 mS delay is shown in Figure 3-16. FIGURE 3-16: DELAY_10MS() USING TIMER0 Delay_10mS() Clear the TMR0 overflow flag (T0IF) Preload TMR0 register with 100 NO T0IF = 0? YES END The maximum overflow period that can be achieved using Timer0 only utilizes a 1:256 prescaler is as shown in Equation 3-4. EQUATION 3-4: MAXIMUM TMR0 OVERFLOW PERIOD TMR0 Overflow Period = (4/FOSC) x 256 x prescaler using a maximum prescaler setting of 1:256 and the 4 MHz internal oscillator TMR0 Overflow Period = 1 S x 256 x 256 = 65.5mS DS40001369C-page 36 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. General Purpose Input/Output Labs Therefore, to implement delays greater than 65.5 mS, a counter variable is implemented as shown in the flowchart of Figure 3-17 for a 1-second delay. FIGURE 3-17: DELAY_1S() USING TIMER0 Delay_1S() Create an 8-bit variable counter and initialize to 0 counter < or = 15? YES END NO Clear the TMR0 overflow flag (T0IF) Clear the TMR0 register NO T0IF = 0? YES Increment counter value by 1 counter variable value determined as follows: 1 second/65.5mS = 15.25 or rounded down to 15 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. DS40001369C-page 37 PICDEMTM Lab Development Board User’s Guide The Initialize() now configures the PIC16F690 peripherals as follows: • PORTC - Set all bits in PORTC high - Make all PORTC pins digital output • Timer0 - Use the internal instruction clock (FOSC/4) as the TMR0 register clock source - Increment TMR0 register on low-to-high transition of FOSC/4 - Assign the prescaler to Timer0 and configure to increment on every 256th transition of FOSC/4 PROCEDURE Using the firmware developed in the previous lab, make the following changes: 1. Copy and paste the code in Example 3-8 at the top of the main firmware source file under the heading labeled: /**SUPPORT ROUTINES**********************************/ EXAMPLE 3-8: DELAY_1S() CODE FOR LAB 3 /*--------------------------------------------------------Subroutine: Delay_1S Parameters: none Returns:nothing Synopsis:Creates a 1S delay when called ---------------------------------------------------------*/ void Delay_1S(void) { //Create an 8-bit variable called counter //and initialize it to 0 unsigned char counter = 0; while(counter <= 15) { //Make sure the T0IF is cleared T0IF = 0; //Clear the TMR0 register TMR0 = 0; //Sit here and wait for Timer0 to overflow while (T0IF == 0); ++counter; } } 2. Copy and paste the code in Example 3-9 into the Initialize() over the code from the previous lab. DS40001369C-page 38 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. General Purpose Input/Output Labs EXAMPLE 3-9: INITIALIZE() CODE FOR LAB 3 //Set all PORTC bits HIGH (to a known state) PORTC = 0b11111111; //Configure PORTC's ANALOG/DIGITAL pins as all Digital ANS4 = 0;//Associated with RC0 ANS5 = 0;//Associated with RC1 ANS6 = 0;//Associated with RC2 ANS7 = 0;//Associated with RC3 ANS8 = 0;//Associated with RC6 ANS9 = 0;//Associated with RC7 //Configure PORTC //i.e. 1 = Input, TRISC0 = 0;//Make TRISC1 = 0;//Make TRISC2 = 0;//Make TRISC3 = 0;//Make TRISC4 = 0;//Make TRISC5 = 0;//Make TRISC6 = 0;//Make TRISC7 = 0;//Make pins as all output 0 = Output RC0 (pin 16) output RC1 (pin 15) output RC2 (pin 14) output RC3 (pin 7) output RC4 (pin 6) output RC5 (pin 5) output RC6 (pin 8) output RC7 (pin 9) output //Configure Timer0 as follows: T0CS = 0; //Use the internal instruction clock //FOSC/4 as the clock source T0SE = 0;//Increment TMR0 on low-to-high //FOSC/4 transition PSA = 0;//Assign the prescaler to //Timer0 //Configure Timer0 prescaler to increment //TMR0 every 256 FOSC/4 clock transitions PS0 = 1; PS1 = 1; PS2 = 1; 3. Finally, copy and paste the code in Example 3-10 into the Timing() over the code from the previous lab EXAMPLE 3-10: TIMING() CODE FOR LAB 3 Delay_1S(); //Call the 1 second delay 4. The remaining code from the previous lab remains the same. Compile the project. There should be no errors. TESTING THE APPLICATION Program the PIC16F690. The application should behave exactly as it did in the previous lab. Using an oscilloscope to test individual PORTC pin level transitions would be useful to analyze the accuracy of the delay. The solution for this project is located in the C:\PICDEM_Lab\GPIO_Labs\GPIO_Lab3\solution directory. Note: More in-depth tutorials on the Timer0 peripheral are covered in “Timers: Timer0 Tutorial (Part 1)” (DS5162) and “Timers: Timer0 Tutorial (Part 2)” (DS51702) files included on the PICDEM™ Lab Development Kit CD. 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. DS40001369C-page 39 PICDEMTM Lab Development Board User’s Guide 3.3.7 Lab 4: Rotate LEDs OVERVIEW This lab shifts a high bit in the PORTC register from right-to-left each time through the software loop sequentially lighting the LEDs connected to the PORTC pins in 1-second intervals as dictated by the Timing(). This lab adds some new functional blocks to the main() software control loop as shown in Figure 3-18. FIGURE 3-18: MAIN() SOFTWARE CONTROL LOOP FLOWCHART FOR LAB 4 main() Global Variables: • 8-bit LED_Output Initialize() Decide() Loop Forever Do_Outputs() Timing() The addition of an 8-bit global variable (can be manipulated by any function) called LED_Output is used. This variable will be acted upon by the new Decide() by shifting a high bit in LED_Output from right-to-left each time this function is called. The flowchart for the Decide() is shown in Figure 3-19. FIGURE 3-19: DECIDE() FLOWCHART FOR LAB 4 Decide() LED_Output variable initialize to 0b00000001 in Initialize() LED_Output = 0b10000000 or LED_Output = 0b00000000 ? YES LED_Output = 0b00000001 NO Shift contents of LED_Output variable left by 1 bit position END DS40001369C-page 40 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. General Purpose Input/Output Labs The Decide() first checks the current value in LED_Output conditions: for two specific • Is the Most Significant bit ‘1’? This means that on the next shift, the contents will be all ‘0’s. • Is the value currently a ‘0’? If either condition exists, the function re-initializes LED_Output to set the Least Significant bit. Otherwise, there will be a period when none of the LEDs are lit. The shift is implemented in code as follows: LED_Output <<= 1; This translates to: “LED_Output is equal to the current contents of LED_Output shifted to the left by 1 bit position” Conversely, to shift the bit to the right the code would be as follows: LED_Output >>= 1; The Do_Outputs() will then assign the contents of the LED_Output variable to the PORTC register and whichever bit is high will light the connected LED. (See Figure 3-20.) FIGURE 3-20: RESULTS OF DO_OUTPUT() First time through main(): LED_Output variable 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PORTC 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 Do_Outputs() assigns LED_Output to PORTC Initialize() determines initial contents of LED_Output Corresponding LED lights Next time through main(): LED_Output variable 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 PORTC 0 0 0 0 Decide() shifts contents of LED_Output Left by 1 bit position 0 0 0 1 0 Do_Outputs() assigns LED_Output to PORTC Corresponding LED lights The Initialize() now configures the PIC16F690 peripherals as follows: • PORTC - Initialize PORTC so that the seven Most Significant bits are ‘0’ and the Least Significant bit is ‘1’ - Make all PORTC pins digital output • Timer0 - Use the internal instruction clock (FOSC/4) as the TMR0 register clock source - Increment TMR0 register on low-to-high transition of FOSC/4 - Assign the prescaler to Timer0 and configure to increment on every 256th transition of FOSC/4 • Initialize the LED_Output variable to ‘0’ 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. DS40001369C-page 41 PICDEMTM Lab Development Board User’s Guide PROCEDURE Using the code developed in the previous lab, make the following changes: 1. The LED_Output variable will need to be declared before it can be used. Copy/paste the code in Example 3-11 to the beginning of the source file under the section marked: //-----------------DATA MEMORY-----------------------EXAMPLE 3-11: LED_OUTPUT VARIABLE DECLARATION FOR LAB 4 unsigned char LED_Output;//Variable used to set/clear PORTC bits 2. Copy and paste the code in Example 3-12 over the Initialize() code from the previous lab. EXAMPLE 3-12: INITIALIZE() CODE FOR LAB 4 //Clear PORTC to a known state PORTC = 0b00000001; //Configure PORTC's ANALOG/DIGITAL pins as all Digital ANS4 = 0;//Associated with RC0 ANS5 = 0;//Associated with RC1 ANS6 = 0;//Associated with RC2 ANS7 = 0;//Associated with RC3 ANS8 = 0;//Associated with RC6 ANS9 = 0;//Associated with RC7 //Configure PORTC pins as all output //i.e. 1 = Input, 0 = Output TRISC0 = 0;//Associated with RC0 TRISC1 = 0;//Associated with RC1 TRISC2 = 0;//Associated with RC2 TRISC3 = 0;//Associated with RC3 TRISC4 = 0;//Associated with RC4 TRISC5 = 0;//Associated with RC5 TRISC6 = 0;//Associated with RC6 TRISC7 = 0;//Associated with RC7 //Configure Timer0 as follows: T0CS = 0; //Use the internal instruction clock //FOSC/4 as the clock source T0SE = 0;//Increment TMR0 on low-to-high //FOSC/4 transition PSA = 0;//Assign the prescaler to //Timer0 //Configure Timer0 prescaler to increment //TMR0 every 256 FOSC/4 clock transitions PS0 = 1; PS1 = 1; PS2 = 1; //Initialize LED_Output to all zeros LED_Output = 0b00000000; DS40001369C-page 42 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. General Purpose Input/Output Labs Changes from the previous lab include PORTC initialization so that all bits are ‘0’ except for the Least Significant bit (LSb) and the initialization of the LED_Output variable. 3. Copy and paste the code in Example 3-13 into the Decide() section labeled: //ADD DECISION CODE HERE EXAMPLE 3-13: DECIDE()CODE FOR LAB 4 //First check if LED_Output variable has most significant bit //set to 1 or if LED_Output variable is all 0's. //If so, re initialize the LED_Output variable so that the //least significant bit is set to 1 and all other bits are //cleared to 0 if((LED_Output == 0b10000000) || (LED_Output == 0b00000000)) LED_Output = 0b00000001; //If neither of these conditions are true, simply shift //the LED_Output variable's contents to the Left by 1 bit //position else LED_Output <<=1; 4. Copy and paste the code in Example 3-14 over the Do_Outputs() code from the previous lab. EXAMPLE 3-14: DO_OUTPUTS() CODE FOR LAB 4 //Assign the manipulated contents of the //LED_Output variable to the PORTC register PORTC = LED_Output; This code simply assigns the contents of the LED_Output variable to the PORTC register. 5. Copy and paste the code in Example 3-15 over the main() code from the previous lab to incorporate the Decide(). EXAMPLE 3-15: MAIN() CODE FOR LAB 4 Initialize(); //Initialize the relevant registers while(1) { Decide(); //Make any decisions Do_Outputs(); //Perform any outputs Timing();//Sets execution rate of the //Software Control Loop } Compile the project. There should be no errors. 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. DS40001369C-page 43 PICDEMTM Lab Development Board User’s Guide TESTING THE APPLICATION Program the PIC16F690. The LEDs connected to the individual PORTC pins should now all flash on/off sequentially from right-to-left in 1-second intervals. The solution for this project is located C:\PICDEM_Lab\GPIO_Labs\GPIO_Lab4\solution directory. 3.4 in the GPIO INPUT LABS 3.4.1 Reference Documentation PIC16F690 Data Sheet • Section 2: Memory Organization • Section 4: I/O Ports • Section 5: Timer0 Module 3.4.2 Equipment Required for GPIO Input Labs To complete the labs in this section, the following components are required: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1 – push button 8 – Light Emitting Diodes 1 – 10 k 8 – 470 resistors PIC16F690 populating socket U2 Assorted jumper wires 3.4.3 PICDEM Lab Development Board Setup for GPIO Input Labs The GPIO input labs will require that the PICDEM Lab Development Board be configured as shown in Figure 3-12 using the components listed in the previous section. DS40001369C-page 44 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. General Purpose Input/Output Labs FIGURE 3-21: PICDEM LAB SCHEMATIC FOR GPIO INPUT LABS VDD J8 U2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 RC5 RC4 RC3 RC6 RC7 R9 10 kΩ J9 RA2 RC0 RC1 RC2 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 SW1 VSS R8 470Ω R7 470Ω R6 470Ω R5 470Ω R4 470Ω R3 470Ω R2 470Ω R1 470Ω LED8 LED7 LED6 LED5 LED4 LED3 LED2 LED1 VSS The only change from the previous section is the inclusion of a push button connected to RA2 with associated pull-up resistor. 3.4.4 Lab 5: Adding a Push Button NEW REGISTERS USED IN THIS LAB To configure the peripherals used in this lab, the following registers are used: 1. PORTA Register: PORTA (Register 4-1 in Section 4 of the PIC16F690 Data Sheet) - 8-bit bidirectional port 2. PORTA Tri-State Register: TRISA (Register 4-2 in Section 4 of the PIC16F690 Data Sheet) - Configures corresponding bits in PORTA as either input or output OVERVIEW This lab expands upon Lab 4 by adding a push button interface to change the direction of the sequential shift in the PORTC register. 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. DS40001369C-page 45 PICDEMTM Lab Development Board User’s Guide Mechanical switches play an important and extensive role in practically every computer, microprocessor and microcontroller application. Mechanical switches are inexpensive, simple and reliable. However, switches can be very noisy electrically. The apparent noise is caused by the closing and opening action that seldom results in a clean electrical transition. The connection makes and breaks several, perhaps even hundreds, of times before the final switch state settles. The problem is known as switch bounce. Some of the intermittent activity is due to the switch contacts actually bouncing off each other. Also, switch contacts are not perfectly smooth. As the contacts move against each other, the imperfections and impurities on the surfaces cause the electrical connection to be interrupted. The result is switch bounce. The consequences of uncorrected switch bounce can range from being just annoying to catastrophic. The classic solution involves filtering, such as through a resistor-capacitor circuit, or through resettable shift registers. These methods are still effective but they involve additional cost in material, installation and board real estate. Debouncing in software eliminates these additional costs. One of the simplest ways to switch debounce is to sample the switch until the signal is stable or continue to sample the signal until no more bounces are detected. How long to continue sampling requires some investigation. However, 5mS is usually adequate, while still reacting fast enough that the user will not notice it. The software flowchart for this application is shown in Figure 3-22. FIGURE 3-22: MAIN() SOFTWARE CONTROL LOOP FLOWCHART FOR LAB 5 main() Global Variables: • 8-bit variable LED_Output will be used to light the LEDs connected to PORTC • 1-bit variable direction used to determine the direction of the sequential LED flashing 0 = shift PORTC bits right-to-left 1 = shift PORTC bits left-to-right Initialize() Get_Inputs() Decide() Loop Forever Do_Outputs() Timing() The Initialize() now configures the following: • PORTC - Configure PORTC pins as per the previous labs • PORTA - Clear PORTA register. - Configure RA2 as a digital input pin (see Registers 4-1 and 4-2 in Section 4.1 of the PIC16F690 Data Sheet). DS40001369C-page 46 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. General Purpose Input/Output Labs • Timer0 will be configured to implement the 5mS delay as follows: - Use the internal instruction clock FOSC/4 as the TMR0 clock source. - Increment TMR0 on the low-to-high transition of FOSC/4. - Assign the prescaler to TMR0 and configure 1:64. • Initialize the LED_Output variable to ‘0’ • Initialize the direction bit variable to ‘0’ - This is a global variable that will be manipulated by the new Get_Inputs() and used to determine PORTC shift direction by the Decide(). A new function called Get_Inputs() is used to check the RA2 pin voltage. Referring to Figure 3-12, the RA2 pin connected to the push button (SW1) is pulled to VDD using a 10 k resistor. This pull-up resistor eliminates noise on the pin that could trigger “false” push button presses. The second terminal of the push button is connected to VSS. In this way, when a user presses the push button the voltage present on RA2 will transition from VDD (high or ‘1’) to VSS (low or ‘0’). The software flowchart for the Get_Inputs() is shown in Figure 3-23. FIGURE 3-23: GET_INPUTS() SOFTWARE FLOWCHART FOR LAB 5 Get_Inputs() RA0 = 0 ? YES Delay_5mS() Debounces signal on RA2 NO NO Contents of direction remain unchanged RA0 = 0 ? YES END Toggle contents of direction Referring to the flowchart in Figure 3-23, the Get_Inputs() first checks the voltage level on the RA2 pin. If the voltage is logic low (= 0 or VSS), a 5mS delay is implemented using a new support routine called Delay_5mS() to allow any switch bouncing to settle. The Delay_5mS() is based off of the Timer0 peripheral as discussed in Lab 3. The software flowchart for Delay_5mS() is shown in Figure 3-24. 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. DS40001369C-page 47 PICDEMTM Lab Development Board User’s Guide FIGURE 3-24: DELAY_5MS() SOFTWARE FLOWCHART FOR LAB 5 Timer0 configured in the Initialize() as follows: • Using the internal FOSC/4 (4MHz/4) clock source • TMR0 increments on low-to-high transition of FOSC/4 • Prescaler configured for 1:32 Delay_5mS() Clear the Timer0 overflow flag (T0IF) Preload the Timer0 result register (TMR0) with 100 NO T0IF = 1 (i.e., TMR0 overflow) ? YES TMR0 preload value determined as follows: END Desired Timer0 Overflow Rate = (4/FOSC) x number of counts to overflow x prescaler 5mS = 1Seconds x (256 – TMR0 preload value) x 32 TMR0 preload value = 256 – 5mS = 99.75 rounded to 100 1Seconds x 32 The RA2 pin voltage is then checked again. If still low, a push button press is indicated and the direction bit variable is toggled. Otherwise, the direction value stays the same. The Decide() then uses the current direction value to determine which direction to shift the contents of the LED_Output global variable. The Decide() software flowchart is shown in Figure 3-25. DS40001369C-page 48 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. General Purpose Input/Output Labs FIGURE 3-25: DECIDE() SOFTWARE FLOWCHART FOR LAB 5 Decide() YES direction = 0 ? LED_Output = 0b10000000 or LED_Output = 0b00000000 ? YES NO LED_Output = 0b00000001 or LED_Output = 0b00000000 ? NO YES NO LED_Output = 0b10000000 LED_Output = 0b00000001 Shift contents of LED_Output left by 1 bit position Shift contents of LED_Output right by 1 bit position END Similar to the previous lab, Decide() checks the LED_Output variable value before executing the shift to ensure that the variable is not all 0’s or that the Most Significant bit, for a left shift, or Least Significant bit, for a right shift, are not ‘1’, indicating that the shift that follows will fill the LED_Output variable with 0’s. The Do_Outputs() simply assigns the contents of the LED_Output variable to the PORTC register lighting the connected LEDs accordingly. PROCEDURE Using the firmware developed in the previous lab, make the following changes: Copy/paste the code in Example 3-16 into the top of the firmware source template under the section marked: //--------------------DATA MEMORY---------------------- EXAMPLE 3-16: VARIABLE DECLARATIONS FOR LAB 5 unsigned char LED_Output;//Variable used to set/clear PORTC bits bit direction;//Variable to select direction of shifting LEDs 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. DS40001369C-page 49 PICDEMTM Lab Development Board User’s Guide 1. Copy and paste the function code in Example 3-17 into the top of the firmware source template under the section marked: /**SUPPORT ROUTINES************************************* EXAMPLE 3-17: DELAY_5MS() CODE FOR LAB 5 /*--------------------------------------------------------Subroutine: Delay_5mS Parameters: none Returns:nothing Synopsis:Creates a 5mS delay when called ---------------------------------------------------------*/ void Delay_5mS(void) { //Make sure the T0IF is cleared T0IF = 0; //preload the TMR0 register TMR0 = 100; //Sit here and wait for Timer0 to overflow while (T0IF == 0); } 2. Copy and paste the code in Example 3-18 into the Initialize() over the code from the previous lab. DS40001369C-page 50 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. General Purpose Input/Output Labs EXAMPLE 3-18: INITIALIZE() FOR GPIO LAB 5 //Clear PORTC to a known state //Set the least significant bit to 1 so that it can be //shifted through PORTC = 0b00000001; //Clear the PORTA register to a known state PORTA = 0b00000000; //Configure PORTC's ANALOG/DIGITAL pins as all Digital ANS4 = 0;//Associated with RC0 ANS5 = 0;//Associated with RC1 ANS6 = 0;//Associated with RC2 ANS7 = 0;//Associated with RC3 ANS8 = 0;//Associated with RC6 ANS9 = 0;//Associated with RC7 //Configure PORTC pins as all output //i.e. 1 = Input, 0 = Output TRISC0 = 0;//Associated with RC0 TRISC1 = 0;//Associated with RC1 TRISC2 = 0;//Associated with RC2 TRISC3 = 0;//Associated with RC3 TRISC4 = 0;//Associated with RC4 TRISC5 = 0;//Associated with RC5 TRISC6 = 0;//Associated with RC6 TRISC7 = 0;//Associated with RC7 //Configure PORTA bit RA0 as Digital input ANS2 = 0; TRISA2 = 1; //Configure Timer0 to overflow every 5mS T0CS = 0; //Select FOSC/4 as Timer0 clock source T0SE = 0; //Increment TMR0 on rising clock edge PSA = 0; //Assign prescaler to Timer0 //Select a 1:32 prescaler PS0 = 0; PS1 = 0; PS2 = 1; //Initialize the direction flag to shift bits from //right-to-left //(i.e. 0 = Shift PORTC bits from right-to-left // 1 = Shift PORTC bits from left-to-right direction = 0; //Initialize LED_Output to all zeros LED_Output = 0b00000000; 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. DS40001369C-page 51 PICDEMTM Lab Development Board User’s Guide 3. Copy and paste the code in Example 3-19 into the Get_Inputs() at the section labeled: //ADD GET_INPUTS CODE HERE EXAMPLE 3-19: GET_INPUTS() CODE FOR GPIO LAB 5 //Check for a push button press (i.e. RA2 = 0) if (RA2 == 0) { Delay_5mS(); //Delay to debounce //Check if push button is still pressed if(RA2 == 0) direction ^= 1; //If so, toggle the //direction bit } //Otherwise keep direction the same as it was else direction = direction; 4. Copy and paste the code in Example 3-20 into the Decide() over the code from the previous lab. EXAMPLE 3-20: DECIDE() CODE FOR GPIO LAB 5 if(direction == 0) { //First check if LED_Output variable has most //significant bit set to 1 or if LED_Output variable is //all 0's. //If so, re initialize the LED_Output variable so that //the most significant bit is set to 1 and all other //bits are 0 if((LED_Output == 0b00000001) || (LED_Output == 0b00000000)) LED_Output = 0b10000000; //If neither of these conditions are true, simply shift //the LED_Output variable's contents to the Left by 1 //bit position else LED_Output >>=1; } else { //First check if LED_Output variable has the least //significant bit set //to 1 or if LED_Output variable is all 0's. //If so, re initialize the LED_Output variable so that //the least significant bit is set to 1 and all other //bits are 0 if((LED_Output == 0b10000000) || (LED_Output == 0b00000000)) LED_Output = 0b00000001; //If neither of these conditions are true, simply shift //the LED_Output variable's contents to the Right by 1 //bit position else LED_Output <<=1; } DS40001369C-page 52 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. General Purpose Input/Output Labs 5. The Do_Outputs() code from the previous lab stays the same. 6. Copy and paste the code in Example 3-21 into the Timing() over the code from the previous lab. EXAMPLE 3-21: TIMING() CODE FOR GPIO LAB 5 unsigned int delay_var = 9997; //Keep looping until the delay_var is // equal to zero (should take 10mS) while(--delay_var); Note: This lab now utilizes a 10 mS delay to time the software control loop. 7. Copy and paste the code in Example 3-22 over the main() code from the previous lab. EXAMPLE 3-22: MAIN() CODE FOR LAB 5 Initialize(); //Initialize the relevant registers while(1) { Get_Inputs();//Evaluate inputs Decide();//Make any decisions Do_Outputs(); //Perform any outputs Timing();//Sets execution rate of the //Software Control Loop } 8. Compile the project, there should be no errors. TESTING THE APPLICATION Program the PIC16F690. Once programmed, the LEDs connected to PORTC should sequentially light from left-to-right in 10 mS intervals. When the push button is pressed, the LEDs should change directions and sequentially light from right-to-left. Continuously pressing the push button will change the direction each time. It should be noted that the push button press inconsistently changes the direction of sequential flashing. The problem here is that the firmware performs a technique called “Polling” to check the state of the RA0 pin that connects to the push button. Therefore, the state of RA0 is checked only once each time through the software control loop when the Get_Inputs() is called. This polling is subject to the timing of the software control loop and will lead to push button presses being missed. If the Timing() remained at the 1-second delay as implemented in the previous lab, this would have made matters worse. The next labs will remedy these issues through the use of interrupts. The solution for this project is located C:\PICDEM_Lab\GPIO_Labs\GPIO_Lab5\solution directory. 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. in the DS40001369C-page 53 PICDEMTM Lab Development Board User’s Guide 3.4.5 Lab 6: Push Button Interrupt NEW REGISTERS USED IN THIS LAB To configure the peripherals used in this lab, the following registers are used: 1. OPTION Register: OPTION (Register 2-2 in Section 2 of the PIC16F690 Data Sheet) - Selects the edge transition on RA2/INT that will trigger an interrupt. 2. Interrupt Control Register: INTCON (Register 2-3 in Section 2 of the PIC16F690 Data Sheet) - Enable interrupt functionality on the PIC16F690. - Enables the RA2/INT external interrupt. - Contains a flag that indicates the external interrupt has occurred. OVERVIEW This lab expands upon Lab 5 by adding an interrupt that will occur each time the push button connected to the RA2 pin is pressed. As mentioned, polling a bit is heavily reliant on a number of factors such as the size of the firmware and the timing of the software control loop. Polling does have its uses. However, there may be times when an event, such as pressing a push button, requires immediate attention. This is where the interrupt comes in. As the name implies, an interrupt acts as a sort of alarm. When the Central Processing Unit receives an interrupt, it immediately stops what it is doing, saves where in the code it was before the interrupt, performs code or firmware defined by the user in the event of an interrupt called an Interrupt Service Routine (ISR), and then returns to the previous task it was performing prior to the interrupt. So, why not use interrupts all the time? The answer is mainly cost. In order to implement an interrupt for a specific function, the user may need to purchase a microcontroller with a peripheral that accommodates the interrupt. This increases the cost of the application. In some cases, polling a bit may be the way to go. Other cases may require the interrupt thereby justifying the added cost of a particular peripheral. The RA2 pin associated with the PORTA register features an external edge-triggered interrupt capability (note the INT designation on the PIC16F690 Pin Diagram in Table 5 of the data sheet). The interrupt is configurable to occur on either the rising-edge (i.e., signal on RA2 pin transitions from low-to-high) or the falling-edge (i.e., signal on RA2 pin transitions from high-to-low) of the voltage on the RA2 pin. If the selected edge transition is detected on RA2, the CPU then services the interrupt before returning to the code it was executing prior to the interrupt. Referring again to Figure 3-12, the push button connected to the RA2 pin is pulled high when not pressed. Therefore, the interrupt will be configured to trigger on the high-to-low transition indicating a push button press. The INTCON register contains the enable (INTE) and flag (INTF) bits for the RA2 external interrupt. These bits indicate to firmware the condition that caused an interrupt to occur. The other bits and accompanying registers are used for other peripheral features on the microcontroller. The Global Interrupt Enable bit (GIE) is a sort of master switch that allows interrupts, if individually enabled, to be used by the microcontroller. The OPTION register features the Interrupt Edge Select (INTEDG) bit that will be used to indicate the edge transition that will trigger an interrupt. The software flowchart for this lab is shown in Figure 3-26. DS40001369C-page 54 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. General Purpose Input/Output Labs FIGURE 3-26: MAIN() SOFTWARE CONTROL LOOP FLOWCHART FOR GPIO LAB 6 main() Global Variables: • 8-bit variable LED_Output will be used to light the LEDs connected to PORTC • 1-bit variable direction used to determine the direction of the sequential LED flashing 0 = shift PORTC bits right-to-left 1 = shift PORTC bits left-to-right Initialize() Decide() Loop Forever Do_Outputs() Timing() Note the removal of the Get_Inputs() from the previous lab. This code will now be handled by an Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) whenever the push button is pressed. The PB_PressISR() flowchart is shown in Figure 3-27. FIGURE 3-27: PB_PRESSISR() FOR LAB 6 SHOWING SWITCH DEBOUNCE PB_PressISR() NO INTE and INTF bits set ? YES Clear INTF flag RA2 pin = 0 ? YES Delay for 5mS NO direction = direction NO RA2 pin = 0 ? YES RETURN 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. Toggle direction DS40001369C-page 55 PICDEMTM Lab Development Board User’s Guide Referring to the flowchart in Figure 3-27, the PB_PressISR() replaces the Get_Inputs() used in Lab 4 with a few additions. At the beginning of the ISR, the INTE and INTF bits are first checked to ensure that the RA2/INT external interrupt is indeed enabled and that the flag is set indicating that an RA2/INT external interrupt has occurred. Determining the source of an interrupt becomes especially important if multiple peripherals are configured to cause an interrupt. The ISR then clears the RA2/INT external interrupt flag so that subsequent interrupts will be registered. The ISR then performs the RA2 check along with the debounce routine that was discussed in the previous lab. PROCEDURE Using the firmware developed in the previous lab, make the following changes: 1. Copy and paste the Interrupt Service Routine in Figure 3-23 at the top of the firmware source file under the section labeled: /**INTERRUPT CODE***************************************/ EXAMPLE 3-23: PB_PRESSISR() CODE FOR GPIO LAB 6 /*--------------------------------------------------------Subroutine: Interrupt Service Routine Parameters: none Returns:nothing Synopsis:Execute this code on any interrupt ---------------------------------------------------------*/ void interrupt PB_PressISR(void) { //Check to see if the interrupt was caused by //the external interrupt on RA2 //If so, clear the external interrupt flag //to allow subsequent interrupts to be detected if(INTE && INTF) INTF = 0; //Check to see if the RA2 pin is 0 //(i.e. push button pressed) if(RA2 == 0) { //If RA2 is 0 delay for 5mS to filter //any switch bounce Delay_5mS(); //Check to see if RA2 is still 0 //If so, toggle the direction bit if(RA2 == 0) direction ^= 1; } //If RA2 is not 0, keep direction value //the same as it was else direction = direction; } DS40001369C-page 56 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. General Purpose Input/Output Labs Note: To indicate a function that should be used whenever an interrupt occurs, the interrupt function qualifier is needed. This qualifier is specific to the HI-TECH C Compiler. 2. Copy and paste the code in Example 3-24 into the Initialize() over the code from the previous lab. 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. DS40001369C-page 57 PICDEMTM Lab Development Board User’s Guide EXAMPLE 3-24: INITIALIZE() CODE FOR GPIO LAB 6 //Clear PORTC to a known state //Set the least significant bit to 1 so that it can be //shifted through PORTC = 0b00000001; //Clear the PORTA register to a known state PORTA = 0b00000000; //Configure PORTC's ANALOG/DIGITAL pins as all Digital ANS4 = 0;//Associated with RC0 ANS5 = 0;//Associated with RC1 ANS6 = 0;//Associated with RC2 ANS7 = 0;//Associated with RC3 ANS8 = 0;//Associated with RC6 ANS9 = 0;//Associated with RC7 //Configure PORTC pins as all output //i.e. 1 = Input, 0 = Output TRISC0 = 0;//Associated with RC0 TRISC1 = 0;//Associated with RC1 TRISC2 = 0;//Associated with RC2 TRISC3 = 0;//Associated with RC3 TRISC4 = 0;//Associated with RC4 TRISC5 = 0;//Associated with RC5 TRISC6 = 0;//Associated with RC6 TRISC7 = 0;//Associated with RC7 //Configure PORTA bit RA0 as Digital input ANS2 = 0; TRISA2 = 1; //Configure Timer0 to overflow every 5mS T0CS = 0; //Select FOSC/4 as Timer0 clock source T0SE = 0; //Increment TMR0 on rising clock edge PSA = 0; //Assign prescaler to Timer0 //Select a 1:32 prescaler PS0 = 0; PS1 = 0; PS2 = 1; //Initialize the direction flag to shift bits from //right-to-left //(i.e. 0 = Shift PORTC bits from right-to-left // 1 = Shift PORTC bits from left-to-right direction = 0; //Initialize LED_Output to all zeros LED_Output = 0b00000000; //Configure for external interrupts on RA2 INTEDG = 0; //Interrupt to occur on High-to-LOW //transition of RA2 voltage INTE = 1; //Enable the external interrupt INTF = 0; //Clear the external interrupt flag GIE = 1;//Enable interrupt capability on the //PIC16F690 ***ALWAYS DONE LAST***** It should be noted that the Global Interrupt Enable bit (GIE) is set last in the Example 3-24. This ensures that interrupts will not occur during the Initialize(), having adverse consequences on code operation. DS40001369C-page 58 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. General Purpose Input/Output Labs 3. Copy and paste the code in Example 3-25 into the main() over the code from the previous lab to remove the Get_Inputs(). EXAMPLE 3-25: MAIN() CODE FOR GPIO LAB 6 Initialize(); //Initialize the relevant registers while(1) { Decide();//Make any decisions Do_Outputs(); //Perform any outputs Timing();//Sets execution rate of the //Software Control Loop } 4. The remaining code remains unchanged from the previous lab. Compile the project. There should be no errors. TESTING THE APPLICATION Program the PIC16F690. The application should behave as it did in the previous lab. Only this time, the change in LED flashing direction should now be more responsive to push button presses due to the interrupt added. The solution for this project is located in the C:\PICDEM_Lab\GPIO_Labs\GPIO_Lab6\solution directory. 3.4.6 Lab 7: Push Button Interrupt-on-Change NEW REGISTERS USED IN THIS LAB To configure the peripherals used in this lab, the following registers are used: 1. Interrupt-on-Change PORTA Register: IOCA (Register 4-6 in Section 4 of the PIC16F690 Data Sheet). - Configures PORTA associated pins that will generate an interrupt when a change in voltage level is detected. 2. Interrupt Control Register: INTCON (Register 2-3 in Section 2 of the PIC16F690 Data Sheet) - Enable interrupt functionality on the PIC16F690. - Enables PORTA/PORTB change interrupts. - Contains a flag that indicates that a PORTA or PORTB change interrupt has occurred. OVERVIEW This lab adds a different kind of interrupt associated with the General Purpose Input/Output peripheral called interrupt-on-change. Rather than simply interrupting the CPU on a single edge transition on the RA2 pin, an interrupt will now occur on any edge transition. Therefore, when the push button is pressed and/or released, an interrupt will occur. This lab will use these concepts to shift the flashing LEDs from left-to-right while the push button is pressed and from right-to-left when the push button is released. Each PORTA and PORTB pin is individually configurable as an interrupt-on-change pin. Control bits in the Interrupt-on-Change PORTA register (IOCA) enable or disable the interrupt function for each pin. 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. DS40001369C-page 59 PICDEMTM Lab Development Board User’s Guide The INTCON register is needed as well to implement the interrupt-on-change feature. Again the GIE bit needs to be set to enable any interrupts used on the microcontroller. To configure for an interrupt-on-change, the PORTA/PORTB Change Interrupt Enable bit (RABIE) must be set along with the individual enable bits in the IOCA register. On an interrupt-on-change for configured pins, the PORTA/PORTB Change Interrupt Flag bit (RABIF) will be set. To detect a logic change on a port pin, the firmware needs to know what has changed. Therefore, PORTA must be read before an interrupt-on-change can occur. Reading PORTA retains, or latches, the current value on the RA2 pin for later reference. In the event that the signal on the RA2 pin changes and a mismatch with the reference value occurs, an interrupt will result. The main() software flowchart for this lab remains the same as that in Figure 3-27 of the previous lab. The Interrupt Service Routine changes since it now must determine whether the interrupt occurred due to a high-to-low or low-to-high transition on pin RA2. The ISR flowchart is shown in Figure 3-28. FIGURE 3-28: PB_PRESSISR FLOWCHART FOR LAB 7 pb_pressISR() RABIE and RABIF bits set ? YES RA2 pin = 0 ? Clear RABIF flag NO YES NO RA2 pin = 1 ? Delay for 5mS Delay for 5mS RA2 pin = 0 ? NO YES NO RA2 pin = 1 ? direction = 1 direction = 1 Read PORTA RETURN DS40001369C-page 60 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. General Purpose Input/Output Labs The PB_PressISR() now checks to see if the voltage level on RA2 has changed state from a 1-to-0 or from 0-to-1. Each condition will change the direction that the LEDs flash sequentially. Note that the direction bit toggle used in previous labs has been replaced by assigning either a ‘1’ for the left-to-right direction or ‘0’ for the right-to-left direction. As discussed earlier, the PORTA register must be read before the first interrupt can occur and at the end of each subsequent ISR execution to ensure that the microcontroller has an up-to-date reference to measure the current state of the RA2 pin. The Initialize() for this lab configures the peripherals and interrupts as follows: • PORTC - Clears PORTC - Configures all pins as digital output • PORTA - Clears PORTA - Configures RA2 as a digital input • Timer0 - Uses the FOSC/4 as clock source - Increment TMR0 on rising FOSC/4 clock edge - Use Prescaler at 1:32 • Global Variables - Initialize direction to ‘0’ - Initialize LED_Output to ‘0’ • Interrupt - Enable RA2 Interrupt-on-Change - Enable change interrupts in INTCON by setting the RABIE bit - Clear the RABIF change interrupt flag in INTCON - Enable Global Interrupts by setting GIE - Read PORTA to latch current value on RA2 for reference PROCEDURE Using the firmware developed in the previous lab, make the following changes: 1. Copy and paste the code in Example 3-26 into the PB_PressISR() over the code from the previous lab. 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. DS40001369C-page 61 PICDEMTM Lab Development Board User’s Guide EXAMPLE 3-26: PB_PRESSISR() CODE FOR GPIO LAB 7 //First, check if the interrupt occurred as a result of an //RA2 change interrupt. If so, clear the RABIF flag so //that subsequent interrupts can occur if(RABIE && RABIF) RABIF = 0; //Check the push button connected to RA0 pin. If 0, then a //push button press is indicated if(RA2 == 0) { //Delay for 5mS to filter switch bounce Delay_5mS(); //if RA2 is still 0 then change the direction flag if (RA2 == 0) direction = 1; } //Check the push button connected to RA0 pin. If 1, then a //push button release is indicated if(RA2 == 1) { //Delay for 5mS to filter switch bounce Delay_5mS(); //if RA2 is still 1 then change the direction flag if (RA2 == 1) direction = 0; } //Otherwise, keep the direction bit the same as it was else direction = direction; //Read PORTA to latch RA2 value for the next interrupt PORTA = PORTA; 2. Copy and paste the code in Example 3-27 into the Initialize() over the code from the previous lab. DS40001369C-page 62 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. General Purpose Input/Output Labs EXAMPLE 3-27: INITIALIZE() CODE FOR GPIO LAB 7 //Clear PORTC to a known state //Set the least significant bit to 1 so that it can be //shifted through PORTC = 0b00000001; //Clear the PORTA register to a known state PORTA = 0b00000000; //Configure PORTC's ANALOG/DIGITAL pins as all Digital ANS4 = 0;//Associated with RC0 ANS5 = 0;//Associated with RC1 ANS6 = 0;//Associated with RC2 ANS7 = 0;//Associated with RC3 ANS8 = 0;//Associated with RC6 ANS9 = 0;//Associated with RC7 //Configure PORTC pins as all output //i.e. 1 = Input, 0 = Output TRISC0 = 0;//Associated with RC0 TRISC1 = 0;//Associated with RC1 TRISC2 = 0;//Associated with RC2 TRISC3 = 0;//Associated with RC3 TRISC4 = 0;//Associated with RC4 TRISC5 = 0;//Associated with RC5 TRISC6 = 0;//Associated with RC6 TRISC7 = 0;//Associated with RC7 //Configure PORTA bit RA0 as Digital input ANS2 = 0; TRISA2 = 1; //Configure Timer0 to overflow every 5mS T0CS = 0; //Select FOSC/4 as Timer0 clock source T0SE = 0; //Increment TMR0 on rising clock edge PSA = 0; //Assign prescaler to Timer0 //Select a 1:32 prescaler PS0 = 0; PS1 = 0; PS2 = 1; //Initialize the direction flag to shift bits from right-to-left //(i.e. 0 = Shift PORTC bits from right-to-left // 1 = Shift PORTC bits from left-to-right direction = 0; //Initialize LED_Output to all zeros LED_Output = 0b00000000; //Configure for RA2 Interrupt-On-Change IOCA2 = 1; //Enable RA2 interrupt-on-change RABIE = 1; //Enable change interrupts RABIF = 0; //Clear the change interrupt flag GIE = 1;//Enable interrupt capability on the //PIC16F690 ***ALWAYS DONE LAST***** //Read PORTA to latch the current RA2 voltage level PORTA = PORTA; 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. DS40001369C-page 63 PICDEMTM Lab Development Board User’s Guide 3. All remaining code from the previous lab is unchanged. Compile the project. There should be no errors. TESTING THE APPLICATION Program the PIC16F690. The LEDs connected to PORTC should now flash sequentially from left-to-right when the push button is released and flash from right-to-left when the push button is pressed. The solution for this project is located in the C:\PICDEM_Lab\GPIO_Labs\GPIO_Lab7\solution directory. 3.4.7 Lab 8: Using Weak Pull-Ups NEW REGISTERS USED IN THIS LAB To configure the peripherals used in this lab, the following registers are used: 1. OPTION Register: OPTION (Register 2-2 in Section 2 of the PIC16F690 Data Sheet) - Enables PORTA/PORTB weak pull-ups to be used on the PIC16F690. 2. PORTA Weak Pull-Up Register: WPUA (Register 4-5 in Section 4 of the PIC16F690 Data Sheet) - Selects which PORTA pins will have weak pull-ups enabled. OVERVIEW This lab expands on the previous lab by adding weak pull-ups to remove the 10 k used previously to tie RA2 pin to VDD. Each of the PORTA pins (except RA3) and PORTB pins, has an individually configurable internal weak pull-up. Essentially, these weak pull-ups perform the same task as the resistor connected to the RA2 pin and push button as shown in Figure 3-12 only internal to the microcontroller. This feature can be used to decrease component counts in the circuit. Clearing the PORTA/PORTB Pull-up Enable bit, RABPU, in the OPTION register will enable weak pull-ups on any PORTA pin selected using the Weak Pull-Up PORTA register (WPUA). The only change needed to the PICDEM Lab Development Board Schematic shown in Figure 3-21 is to remove the 10 kresistor connected to both the push button and pin RA2. The Initialize() is all that needs to be changed in firmware by adding the following configurations: • Select RA2 to have a weak pull-up by setting the Weak Pull-Up Register bit WPUA2 in the WPUA: PORTA Register. • Enable the PORTA/PORTB Pull-up Enable bit (RABPU) in the OPTION register by clearing it. PROCEDURE Using the firmware developed in the previous lab, make the following changes: 1. Copy/paste the code in Example 3-28 into the Initialize() over the code from the previous lab. DS40001369C-page 64 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. General Purpose Input/Output Labs EXAMPLE 3-28: INITIALIZE() CODE FOR GPIO LAB 8 //Clear PORTC to a known state //Set the least significant bit to 1 so that it can be //shifted through PORTC = 0b00000001; //Clear the PORTA register to a known state PORTA = 0b00000000; //Configure PORTC's ANALOG/DIGITAL pins as all Digital ANS4 = 0;//Associated with RC0 ANS5 = 0;//Associated with RC1 ANS6 = 0;//Associated with RC2 ANS7 = 0;//Associated with RC3 ANS8 = 0;//Associated with RC6 ANS9 = 0;//Associated with RC7 //Configure PORTC pins as all output //i.e. 1 = Input, 0 = Output TRISC0 = 0;//Associated with RC0 TRISC1 = 0;//Associated with RC1 TRISC2 = 0;//Associated with RC2 TRISC3 = 0;//Associated with RC3 TRISC4 = 0;//Associated with RC4 TRISC5 = 0;//Associated with RC5 TRISC6 = 0;//Associated with RC6 TRISC7 = 0;//Associated with RC7 //Configure PORTA bit RA0 as Digital input ANS2 = 0; TRISA2 = 1; //Enable Weak Pull-ups on RA2 WPUA2 = 1; RABPU = 0; //Enable PORTA/PORTB Pull-ups //Configure Timer0 to overflow every 5mS T0CS = 0; //Select FOSC/4 as Timer0 clock source T0SE = 0; //Increment TMR0 on rising clock edge PSA = 0; //Assign prescaler to Timer0 //Select a 1:32 prescaler PS0 = 0; PS1 = 0; PS2 = 1; //Initialize the direction flag to shift bits from right-to-left //(i.e. 0 = Shift PORTC bits from right-to-left // 1 = Shift PORTC bits from left-to-right direction = 0; //Initialize LED_Output to all zeros LED_Output = 0b00000000; //Configure for RA2 Interrupt-On-Change IOCA2 = 1; //Enable RA2 interrupt-on-change RABIE = 1; //Enable change interrupts RABIF = 0; //Clear the change interrupt flag GIE = 1;//Enable interrupt capability on the //PIC16F690 ***ALWAYS DONE LAST***** //Read PORTA to latch the current RA2 voltage level PORTA = PORTA; 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. DS40001369C-page 65 PICDEMTM Lab Development Board User’s Guide TESTING THE APPLICATION Program the PIC16F690. The application should operate exactly as it did in the previous lab. Only this time with the absence of the 10 kpull-up resistor. The solution for this project is located in the C:\PICDEM_Lab\GPIO_Labs\GPIO_Lab8\solution directory. DS40001369C-page 66 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. PICDEMTM LAB DEVELOPMENT BOARD USER’S GUIDE Chapter 4. Comparator Peripheral Labs 4.1 INTRODUCTION The following labs cover some of the fundamental features of the Comparator 1 peripheral found on the PIC16F690 including some unique applications. These peripherals are very useful mixed signal building blocks as they provide analog functionality independent of program execution. The labs in this section will demonstrate this functionality, then introduce intelligence to implement a relatively high resolution temperature sensor measurement application. 4.2 COMPARATOR LABS 4.2.1 Reference Documentation All documentation is available on the PICDEM™ Lab Development Kit accompanying CD-ROM: • PIC16F690 Data Sheet (DS41262) - Section 4.0: I/O Ports - Section 5.0: Timer0 Module - Section 6.0: Timer1 Module - Section 8.0: Comparator Module • Introduction to MPLAB IDE and HI-TECH C PRO for the PIC10/12/16 MCU Family Lite Mode Compiler Tutorial (DS41322) 4.2.2 Comparator Labs The labs that will be implemented in this chapter are: • Lab 1: Simple Comparator • Lab 2: Using the Internal Comparator Voltage Reference • Lab 3: Higher Resolution Sensor Readings Using a Single Comparator 4.2.3 Equipment Required To complete the labs in this section, the following components are required: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 2 – 10 kresistors 4 – 470 resistor 1 – 100 kpotentiometer 4 – Light Emitting Diodes 1 – 1N4148 diodes 1 – 1 F capacitor PIC16F690 populating socket U2 Assorted jumper wires 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. DS40001369C-page 67 PICDEMTM Lab Development Board User’s Guide 4.2.4 Lab 1: Simple Compare NEW REGISTERS USED IN THIS LAB To configure the peripherals used in this lab, the following registers are used: 1. Comparator C1 Control Register 0: CM1CON0 (Register 8-1 in Section 8 of the PIC16F690 Data Sheet) - Enables Comparator C1. - Configures Comparator output polarity. - Enables the Comparator result to be available internal only or on the C1OUT pin (pin 17). - Select inverting and non-inverting Comparator 1 reference input sources. OVERVIEW In this lab, Comparator 1 on the PIC16F690 is configured to perform a simple compare. A potentiometer connected to the inverting input (C12IN0-) of the comparator will be compared against the 2.5V connected to the non-inverting input (C1IN+) from a simple voltage divider circuit. An LED connected to the output of Comparator 1 (C1OUT) will light or turn off as follows: • inverting reference > non-inverting reference = C1OUT is low = LED OFF • inverting reference < non-inverting reference = C1OUT is high = LED ON The PICDEM™ Development Board configuration schematic is shown in Figure 4-1. FIGURE 4-1: SCHEMATIC FOR COMPARATOR LAB 1 VDD J8 U2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 C1IN+ C12IN0C1OUT J9 R1 10 kΩ 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 R2 10 kΩ VDD VSS R3 100 kΩ R4 470Ω LED1 VSS VSS The software flowchart for this lab is shown in Figure 4-2. DS40001369C-page 68 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. Comparator Peripheral Labs FIGURE 4-2: MAIN() SOFTWARE CONTROL LOOP FLOWCHART FOR COMPARATOR LAB 1 main() Initialize() Loop Forever Wait As mentioned in the introduction, comparators on the PIC16F690 are able to function independent of software logic. Therefore, all that is needed is to call the Initialize() from main() to activate the peripheral. The Initialize() configures Comparator 1 as follows: • • • • • Turn on Comparator 1 Make the Comparator 1 output available on the C1OUT pin Select pin C1IN+ as the non-inverting reference Select pin C12IN0- as the inverting reference Configure the C1OUT pin as an output PROCEDURE Using the Project Wizard, create a new project using the PIC16F690 entitled Comparator_Lab1.mcp as was done in previous labs. Once completed, open the Comparator_Lab2.c source file in MPLAB and do the following: 1. Copy/paste the code in Example 4-1 into the Initialize() section labeled: //ADD INITIALIZE CODE HERE EXAMPLE 4-1: INITIALIZE CODE FOR COMPARATOR LAB 1 //Initialize Comparator 1 as follows: //Turn comparator 1 on C1ON = 1; //Make the comparator output available on the //C1OUT pin C1OE = 1; //Select the non-inverting pin (C1IN+) as the //non-inverting reference input for the comparator 1 C1R = 0; //Select the C12IN0- pin as the inverting reference C1CH0 = 0; C1CH1 = 0; //Since the comparator 1 output shares the same pin //as PORTA bit 2, configure the corresponding TRISA2 bit //as an output TRISA2 = 0; 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. DS40001369C-page 69 PICDEMTM Lab Development Board User’s Guide 2. Copy and paste the code in Example 4-2 into the main() section labeled: //ADD MAIN CODE HERE EXAMPLE 4-2: MAIN() CODE FOR COMPARATOR LAB 1 Initialize(); //Initialize the relevant registers while(1); Note: The inclusion of the while loop forces the microcontroller to sit and wait at a “known” instruction. At start-up, the contents of the program memory are unknown. Without the while loop, the microcontroller will continue to run through each address in program memory executing whatever resides at a particular address. This could have adverse effects on the application. 3. Compile the project. There should be no errors. TESTING THE APPLICATION Program the PIC16F690. The LED connected to the C1OUT pin should light when the voltage present on the C12IN0- pin is less than the 2.5V present on the C1IN+ pin and turn off when the 2.5V is exceeded. The solution for this project is located in the C:\PICDEM_Lab\Comparator_Labs\Comparator_Lab1\solution directory. Note: This application uses two pins that are used during the programming process (ICSPDATA and ICSPCLK). The jumper wires connecting these pins to the application circuit may need to be disconnected while programming if there are problems with the MPLAB IDE connecting to the PIC16F690. 4.2.5 Lab 2: Using the Comparator Voltage Reference NEW REGISTERS USED IN THIS LAB To configure the peripherals used in this lab, the following registers are used: 1. Voltage Reference Control Register: VRCON (Register 8-5 in Section 8 of the PIC16F690 Data Sheet). - Enables either the Comparator Voltage Reference or the 0.6V constant reference as the non-inverting reference input to Comparator C1 or Comparator C2. - Selects either a High or Low resolution 16-level voltage range. - Enable a 0.6V reference. - Uses three bits to configure the reference voltage level. OVERVIEW This lab expands on Lab 1 by utilizing the internal Comparator Voltage Reference (CVREF) feature on the PIC16F690. The CVREF provides an internally generated voltage reference that can be used by the Comparator 1 non-inverting reference input so that external components are not needed such as the resistor voltage divider used in the previous lab. The CVREF features: • • • • • DS40001369C-page 70 Independent comparator operation Two 16-level voltage ranges Ratiometric with VDD Fixed 0.6 reference option Output clamped to VSS 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. Comparator Peripheral Labs The CVREF has two ranges with 16 voltage levels in each range. Range selection is controlled by the CVREF Range Selection (VRR) bit in the VRCON (Voltage Reference Control Register) along with the CVREF Value Selection bits (VR<3:0>). The Value Selection bits hold a value based upon some simple calculations to set the internal reference voltage. The CVREF voltage is determined using Equation 4-1: EQUATION 4-1: CVREF OUTPUT VOLTAGE VRR = 1 (Low-Range): CVREF = (VR<3:0>/24) x VDD VRR = 0 (High-Range): CVREF = (VDD/4) + (VR<3:0> x VDD/32) This lab will implement the low-range calculation by setting the VRR bit in VRCON equal to 1. Equation 4-2 demonstrates how to calculate the VR<3:0> values, using the low-range method, to obtain a 2.5V internal reference. If higher resolutions are required, the high-range method should be used (see Section 8.10.2 in the PIC16F690 Data Sheet (DS41262). EQUATION 4-2: CALCULATING A 2.5V INTERNAL REFERENCE (LOW-RANGE METHOD) VRR = 1 (Low-Range): CVREF = (VR<3:0>/24) x VDD Known: desired CVREF = 2.5V, VDD approximately 5V Therefore: 2.5V = (VR<3:0>/24 x 5V 2.5V/5V = (VR<3:0>/24) (2.5V/5V) x 24 = VR<3:0> VR<3:0> = 1210 or 11002 VR0 = 0 VR1 = 0 VR2 = 1 VR3 = 1 The Initialize() from the previous lab now must configure both the Comparator 1 peripheral and the CVREF as follows: • • • • • • Turn on Comparator 1 Select CVREF the non-inverting reference for Comparator 1 Continue to use the C12IN0- pin as the inverting reference Turn on CVREF Select the low-range feature Set the CVREF Value Selection bits as per the calculation in Equation 4-2. Changes to the PICDEM™ Development Board configuration schematic for this lab are shown in Figure 4-3. 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. DS40001369C-page 71 PICDEMTM Lab Development Board User’s Guide FIGURE 4-3: SCHEMATIC FOR COMPARATOR LAB 2 VDD J8 U2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 C12IN0C1OUT J9 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 R3 100 kΩ R4 470Ω VSS LED1 VSS PROCEDURE Using the firmware developed in the previous lab, make the following changes: 1. Copy and paste the code in Example 4-3 into the Initialize() over the code from the previous lab. DS40001369C-page 72 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. Comparator Peripheral Labs EXAMPLE 4-3: INITIALIZE CODE FOR COMPARATOR LAB 2 //Initialize Comparator 1 as follows: //Turn comparator 1 on C1ON = 1; //Make the comparator output available on the //C1OUT pin C1OE = 1; //Select the internal voltage reference //as the non-inverting reference voltage C1R = 1; //Select the C12IN0- pin as the inverting reference C1CH0 = 0; C1CH1 = 0; //Initialize the internal voltage reference as follows: //Turn on the CVref output and route to the C1Vref input //of comparator 1 C1VREN = 1; //Use the comparator voltage low range feature VRR = 1; //Set the comparator voltage reference value selection //to 2.5V by making the VR<3:0> bits equal to 12 or //binary 1100 (see lab manual for equations) VR0 = 0; VR1 = 0; VR2 = 1; VR3 = 1; //Since the comparator 1 output shares the same pin //as PORTA bit 2, configure the corresponding TRISA2 bit //as an output TRISA2 = 0; 2. The main() stays the same as the previous lab. 3. Compile the project. There should be no errors. TESTING THE APPLICATION Program the PIC16F690. The application should behave exactly as it did in the previous lab with the exception of less components used. The solution for this project is located in the C:\PICDEM_Lab\Comparator_Labs\Comparator_Lab2\solution directory. 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. DS40001369C-page 73 PICDEMTM Lab Development Board User’s Guide 4.2.6 Lab 3: Higher Resolution Sensor Readings Using a Single Comparator NEW REGISTERS USED IN THIS LAB To configure the peripherals used in this lab, the following registers are used: 1. Timer1 Control Register: T1CON (Register 6-1 in Section 6 of the PIC16F690 data sheet) - This register is used to control Timer1 and select various features of the module. In this lab the register will be used to enable Timer1 and select the clock source. OVERVIEW This lab expands on concepts discussed in the previous comparator lab by implementing intelligence to create a higher resolution temperature sensor measurement application. The comparator will be configured to operate as a simple relaxation oscillator with the addition of a few external components. The internal voltage reference will still be used to provide the non-inverting reference only this time the 0.6V Fixed Voltage Reference feature will be implemented. The basic oscillator circuit is shown in Figure 4-4. FIGURE 4-4: BASIC RELAXATION OSCILLATOR CIRCUIT V PIC16F690 0.6V + _ C12IN0- t C1OUT V t D1 C1 R1 VSS VSS Referring to Figure 4-4, at start-up, the capacitor connected to the inverting reference of Comparator 1 is completely discharged. Therefore, the voltage present on the inverting reference is 0V which is less than the 0.6V Fixed Voltage Reference on the non-inverting reference and Comparator 1’s output goes high. This rapidly charges the capacitor through the diode (D1) to a level approximately equal to VDD. Once the Comparator detects that the inverting reference input is greater than the 0.6V Fixed Voltage Reference, the output transitions low. The charge across the capacitor then discharges slowly across the resistor R1. Once the capacitor charge drops below the DS40001369C-page 74 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. Comparator Peripheral Labs 0.6V fixed reference, the cycle repeats and the system oscillates. The frequency of this oscillation is dependent on the RC time constant ( = R x C), or the time it takes to discharge the capacitor to 37% of its initial voltage. As either the resistance or capacitance decreases, so will effectively increasing the frequency of the oscillator. If the resistor is replaced with a Negative Temperature Coefficient (NTC) thermistor where resistance decreases as temperature increases, any temperature change would cause a shift in resistance with a subsequent shift in the frequency of the oscillator. This oscillator can be created quite easily by simply initializing the comparator and nothing more. However, with the addition of some intelligence and some additional peripherals, a high resolution sensor measurement application can be achieved. The PIC16F690 features a 16-bit timer/counter peripheral Timer1. This timer can either use the internal instruction clock (FOSC/4) as its time base or an external clock source on the Timer1 Clock Input (T1CKI) pin to increment two 8-bit registers, TMR1H and TMR1L, to obtain a combined 16-bit result. In this application, the oscillator described will be used as the Timer1 clock source. Therefore, the TMR1H:TMR1L will increment with each low-to-high transition effectively counting the number of pulses. The Timer0 peripheral features an interrupt-on-overflow (255-0) that will be used to provide a fixed time frame in which the TMR1H:TMR1L registers will count. On a Timer0 overflow interrupt, the Timer1 peripheral stops counting and the current value in the upper four bits of TMR1H will be output to four LEDs connected to PORTC pins RC3, RC2, RC1 and RC0. In order to obtain a usable result, it is important that Timer0 triggers an interrupt before the TMR1H:TMR1L result overflows. If the temperature to the thermistor changes, the oscillator frequency will shift resulting in a change in the number of counts the Timer1 peripheral was able to implement before the fixed Timer0 interrupt with a different result displayed on the LEDs. The schematic for this lab is shown in Figure 4-5. FIGURE 4-5: SCHEMATIC FOR COMPARATOR LAB 3 R1 100 kΩ U2 J8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J9 T1CKI RC3 R2 10 kΩ C12IN0C1OUT RC0 RC1 RC2 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 D1 1N4148 VSS C1 1F VSS R4 470Ω LED1 LED2 VSS 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. R5 470Ω R6 470Ω LED3 VSS R3 10 kΩ NTC thermistor VSS R7 470Ω LED4 VSS VSS DS40001369C-page 75 PICDEMTM Lab Development Board User’s Guide The software flowchart for this lab is shown in Figure 4-6. FIGURE 4-6: MAIN() SOFTWARE CONTROL LOOP FLOWCHART FOR COMPARATOR LAB 3 main() Initialize() Loop Forever Wait The Initialize() configures the PIC16F690 as follows: • Configure PORTC pins RC0, RC1, RC2 and RC3 and digital outputs • Comparator 1 - Enable Comparator 1. - Make the Comparator 1 output available on the C1OUT pin configuring TRISA2 as an output. - Route the CVREF output to the non-inverting reference input. - Select pin C12IN0- as the inverting reference configuring TRISA1 as an input. - Configure the C1OUT pin as an output. • CVREF Configuration: - Configure CVREF to route the 0.6V Fixed Voltage Reference to the non-inverting reference of Comparator 1. • Timer1 Configuration: - Select the T1CKI pin as the Timer1 clock source making TRISA5 an input. - Clear both Timer1 result registers TMR1H:TMR1L. - Turn on Timer1. • Timer0 - Select FOSC/4 as the Timer0 clock source. - Assign the prescaler to Timer0 and configure so that the TMR0 register increments every 256th clock pulse. - Enable Timer0 interrupt-on-overflow - Clear the Timer0 interrupt flag - Preload TMR0 with 10 (this ensures that a Timer0 interrupt will occur before the Timer1 registers overflow). - Enable Global Interrupts on the PIC16F690. The Interrupt Service Routine, TMR0_ISR(), is shown in Figure 4-7. DS40001369C-page 76 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. Comparator Peripheral Labs FIGURE 4-7: TMR0_ISR FLOWCHART FOR COMPARATOR LAB 3 TMR0_ISR() T0IF = 1 ? NO YES Clear T0IF Flag Turn off Timer1 Keep PORTC the same END Assign PORTC the T1MRH value shifted 4 bits to the right Clear the Timer1 result register pair TMR1H:TMR1L Turn on Timer1 The TMR0_ISR() first checks if a Timer0 interrupt has occurred (good programming practice). If so, then the Timer0 interrupt flag is cleared and Timer1 is turned off to stop counting the oscillator clock pulses on the T1CKI pin. Next, the 4 MSbs of the Timer1 16-bit result is assigned to the RC0, RC1, RC2 and RC3 pins to light the associated LEDs. Finally, the Timer1 result register pair are cleared and Timer1 is turned on to begin a new count. PROCEDURE Using the firmware developed in the previous lab, make the following changes: 1. Copy/paste the code in Example 4-4 into the top of the main firmware source file under the heading labeled: //----------------INTERRUPT CODE--------------- 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. DS40001369C-page 77 PICDEMTM Lab Development Board User’s Guide EXAMPLE 4-4: TMR0_ISR CODE FOR LAB 3 void interrupt TMR0_ISR(void) { //Check if Timer0 interrupt has occurred if(T0IE&&T0IF) { //if so, clear the interrupt flag T0IF = 0; //Turn off Timer1 (stop counting) TMR1ON = 0; //Assign the upper 4-bits of the 16-bit //result to PORTC to light the LEDs connected //RC0,R1,RC2 and RC3 PORTC = TMR1H>>4; TMR0 = 10; //Clear the Timer1 register pair TMR1L = 0; TMR1H = 0; //Turn Timer1 back to start counting again TMR1ON = 1; } else PORTC = PORTC; } 2. Copy and paste the code in Example 4-5 into the Initialize() over the code from the previous lab: DS40001369C-page 78 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. Comparator Peripheral Labs EXAMPLE 4-5: INITIALIZE CODE FOR COMPARATOR LAB 3 //Configure RC0,RC1,RC2 and RC3 as digital outputs ANSEL = 0b00001111; PORTC = 0; TRISC0 = 0; TRISC1 = 0; TRISC2 = 0; TRISC3 = 0; //Initialize PORTA pin connected to C12IN0TRISA1 = 1; //Make C1OUT pin an output TRISA2 = 0; //Configure the Comparator 1 as follows: //Turn on comparator 1 C1ON = 1; //Make C1OUT available externally C1OE = 1; //Connect the non-inverting reference to CVREF C1R = 1; //Connect the inverting reference to C12IN0C1CH0 = 0; C1CH1 = 0; //Configure the CVREF as follows: //Route CVREF output to Comparator 1 non-inverting reference VRCON = 0; //Enable the 0.6V fixed reference voltage VP6EN = 1; //Configure Timer1 as follows //Make T1CKI and input TRISA5 = 1; T1CON = 0; //Select T1CKI as Timer1's clock source TMR1CS = 1; //Initialize the 16-bit Timer1 register pair to 0 TMR1H = 0; TMR1L = 0; //Turn on Timer1 TMR1ON = 1; //Set up Timer0 as follows: //Use FOSC/4 for Timer0 Clock Source OPTION = 0; T0CS = 0; //assign the prescaler to TMR0 PSA = 0; //set up prescaler for 1:256 PS0 = 1; PS1 = 1; PS2 = 1; //Enable Timer0 Interrupts T0IE = 1; //Clear the Timer0 overflow interrupt flag T0IF = 0; //Preload TMR0 with 10 to keep overflow period //less than Timer1 overflow period TMR0 = 10; //Enable global interrupts GIE = 1; 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. DS40001369C-page 79 PICDEMTM Lab Development Board User’s Guide 3. Copy and paste the code in Example 4-6 into the main() over the code from the previous lab: EXAMPLE 4-6: MAIN() CODE FOR COMPARATOR LAB 3 Initialize(); //Initialize the relevant registers while(1); 4. Compile the project. There should be no errors. TESTING THE APPLICATION Program the PIC16F690. Adjust the R1 potentiometer until the LEDs begin to light displaying a binary value. Touching the thermistor should introduce heat, reduce the frequency of oscillation and increase the binary count on the LED display. Introducing cold to the thermistor should have the opposite effect thereby decreasing the binary count. The solution for this project is located in the C:\PICDEM_Lab\Comparator_Lab\Comparator_Lab3\solution directory. DS40001369C-page 80 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. PICDEMTM LAB DEVELOPMENT BOARD USER’S GUIDE Chapter 5. Analog-to-Digital Converter Peripheral Labs 5.1 INTRODUCTION The Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) peripheral allows conversion of an analog input signal to a 10-bit binary value representing that signal so that it can be used in firmware. The following labs cover some of the fundamental features of the Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) peripheral found on the PIC16F690 including some unique applications. 5.2 ADC LABS The labs that will be implemented in this chapter are: • Lab 1: Simple ADC • Lab 2: Audible Temperature Sensor 5.2.1 Reference Documentation All documentation is available on the PICDEM™ Lab Development Kit accompanying CD-ROM • PIC16F690 Data Sheet (DS41262) - Section 4: I/O Ports - Section 5: Timer0 Module - Section 9: Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) Module • Timers: Timer0 Tutorial (Part 1) (DS51628) • Timers: Timer0 Tutorial (Part 2) (DS51702) • Introduction to MPLAB IDE and HI-TECH C PRO for the PIC10/12/16 MCU Family Lite Mode Compiler Tutorial (DS41322) 5.2.2 Equipment Required To complete the labs in this section, the following components are required: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1 – 100 resistor 4 – 470resistors 1 – 1 kresistor 1 – 10 kresistor 1 – 100 kpotentiometer 1 – 10 kNTC Thermistor 4 – Light Emitting Diodes 1 – IRFD010 N-Channel MOSFET PIC16F690 populating socket U2 Assorted jumper wires 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. DS40001369C-page 81 PICDEMTM Lab Development Board User’s Guide 5.2.3 Lab 1: Simple ADC NEW REGISTERS USED IN THIS LAB To configure the peripherals used in this lab, the following registers are used: 1. ADC Control Register 0: ADCON0 (Register 9-1 in Section 9 of the PIC16F690 Data Sheet) - Configures ADC conversion result justification. - Select ADC reference voltage. - Selects ADC input channel (i.e., pin with analog voltage to be converted). - Starts ADC conversion and determines when ADC conversion is complete. - Enables the ADC peripheral. 2. ADC Control Register 1: ADCON1 (Register 9-2 in Section 9 of the PIC16F690 Data Sheet) - Determines ADC conversion clock. 3. ADC Result Register high: ADRESH (see Register 9-3 in Section 9 of the PIC16F690 Data Sheet) - Holds upper eight bits or upper two bits (depending on justification selected) of 10-bit ADC conversion result. 4. ADC Result Register low: ADRESL (see Register 9-4 in Section 9 of the PIC16F690 Data Sheet) - Holds lower eight bits or lower two bit (depending on justification selected) of 10-bit ADC conversion result. OVERVIEW In this lab, the ADC peripheral on the PIC16F690 is used to perform a simple conversion of an analog voltage present on pin 13. The voltage is varied using a 100 k potentiometer. This voltage is compared against a reference voltage to generate a 10-bit binary result via successive approximation stored into two 8-bit ADC result registers ADRESH and ADRESL. The ADC result is software selectable as either left or right justified as shown in Section 9.1.6 of the PIC16F690 Data Sheet. This application will configure the ADC result as left justified with the four Most Significant bits of the 10-bit result output to the RC0, RC1, RC2 and RC3 PORTC pins used to light connected LEDs accordingly.The PICDEM™ Development Board configuration schematic is shown in Figure 5-1. DS40001369C-page 82 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. Analog-to-Digital Converter Peripheral Labs FIGURE 5-1: SCHEMATIC FOR ADC LAB 1 U2 J8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 RC0 RC1 RC3 RC2 RB4/AN10 J9 VDD 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 R5 100 kΩ VSS R4 470Ω LED4 R3 470Ω LED3 VSS R2 470Ω LED2 VSS R1 470Ω LED1 VSS VSS The voltage reference is software selectable as either VDD or an external voltage applied to the external reference pin 18 (VREF). To minimize circuit complexity, this application makes use of VDD as the reference. The software flowchart for this lab is shown in Figure 5-2. FIGURE 5-2: MAIN() SOFTWARE CONTROL LOOP FLOWCHART FOR COMPARATOR LAB 1 Global variables initialized: • 8-bit variable LED_output will be used to light the three LEDs connected to PORTC main() Initialize() Get_Inputs() Loop Forever Decide() Do_Outputs() 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. DS40001369C-page 83 PICDEMTM Lab Development Board User’s Guide The Initialize() configures the peripherals as follows: • Ports - Configure pin 13 as an analog input (using TRISB4). - Clear the PORTC register. - Configure RC0, RC1, RC2 and RC3 pins as digital output. • ADC - Select ADC conversion clock FRC. - Configure voltage reference using VDD. - Select channel 10 as the ADC input channel (Pin 13: RB4/AN10). - Select result format left justified (10-bit result in ADRESH<7:0> and ADRESL<7:6>). - Turn on ADC module. Note: The ADC conversion clock is the time that will be used to convert the analog voltage present on pin 13 to a 10-bit value in the ADRESH:ADRESL registers. It takes 11 of these conversion clock cycles to perform a complete ADC. If the conversion clock period is insufficient, an incomplete ADC result will occur. The electrical specifications for the PIC16F690 state that the conversion clock must have a period of at least 1.5 Seconds or a frequency of approximately 667 kHz. The ADC module section of the data sheet specifies acceptable conversion clock frequencies depending on the main oscillator used to drive the microcontroller and should be referenced. In this application, a dedicated internal oscillator for the ADC module is used ensuring a conversion clock frequency of between 2-6 Seconds. (see Table 17-16 in Section 17 of the PIC16F690 Data Sheet). Next, the Get_Inputs() performs an ADC on the voltage present on pin 13. The internal capacitor connected to the input of the ADC peripheral needs time to charge to the voltage present on the pin. Therefore, software will need to implement a short delay to allow for this charging time. The ADC module section “A/D Acquisition Requirements” of the data sheet goes into great detail and includes an equation for selecting an appropriate acquisition time. For the purposes of this lab, a simple 1 mS delay should be more than sufficient. These parameters become important in high-speed applications where every S counts. The GO/DONE bit in ADCON0 is used to start the ADC process when set to ‘1’. This bit also serves as a flag that indicates when the ADC is completed (GO/DONE = 0). Therefore, the Get_Inputs() initiates an ADC by setting GO/DONE then sits and waits for the bit to clear, indicating a completed conversion. The software flowchart for the Get_Inputs() is shown in Figure 5-3. DS40001369C-page 84 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. Analog-to-Digital Converter Peripheral Labs FIGURE 5-3: MAIN() SOFTWARE CONTROL LOOP FLOWCHART FOR COMPARATOR LAB 1 Get_Inputs() Gives ADC capacitor time to charge Delay_1mS() Start conversion by setting GO/DONE bit YES Wait for ADC to complete GO/DONE = 1 ? NO END Following the Get_Inputs(), the 10-bit ADC result is now in the ADRESH:ADRESL registers. The Decide() assigns the ADC result value, shifted four bit positions to the right, to the LED_Output variable. Finally, the Do_Outputs() assigns the contents of LED_Output to the PORTC register that will light the LEDs connected to RC0, RC1, RC2 and RC3 accordingly. PROCEDURE Using the Project Wizard, create a new project called ADC_Lab1.mcp. Once completed, open the ADC_Lab1.c source file in MPLAB and make the following changes: 1. Copy and paste the code in Example 5-1 into the top of the main firmware source file under the heading labeled: //----------------DATA MEMORY--------------EXAMPLE 5-1: GLOBAL VARIABLES USED IN LAB 1 unsigned char LED_Output = 0;//assigned to PORTC to light //connected LEDs 2. Copy and paste the code in Example 5-2 into the top of the main firmware source file under the heading labeled: //----------------SUPPORT ROUTINES--------------- 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. DS40001369C-page 85 PICDEMTM Lab Development Board User’s Guide EXAMPLE 5-2: DELAY_1MS() CODE FOR ADC LAB 1 /*--------------------------------------------------------Subroutine: Delay_1mS Parameters: none Returns:nothing Synopsys:Creates a 1mS delay when called ---------------------------------------------------------*/ void Delay_1mS(void) { unsigned int delay_var = 98; //Keep looping until the delay_var is // equal to zero (should take 1mS) while(--delay_var); } 3. Copy and paste the code in Example 5-3 into the labeled: //ADD INITIALIZE CODE HERE DS40001369C-page 86 Initialize() section 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. Analog-to-Digital Converter Peripheral Labs EXAMPLE 5-3: INITIALIZE CODE FOR COMPARATOR LAB 1 //Configure Port: //Disable pin output driver (See TRIS register) TRISB4 = 1; // Configure pin as analog ANS10 = 1; //Configure RC0, RC1, RC2 and RC3 as digital output PORTC = 0; TRISC0 = 0; TRISC1 = 0; TRISC2 = 0; TRISC3 = 0; ANS4 ANS5 ANS6 ANS7 = = = = 0; 0; 0; 0; //Configure the ADC module: //Select ADC conversion clock Frc ADCS0 = 1; ADCS1 = 1; ADCS2 = 1; //Configure voltage reference using VDD VCFG = 0; //Select ADC input channel Pin 13 (RB4/AN10) CHS0 = 0; CHS1 = 1; CHS2 = 0; CHS3 = 1; //Select result format left justified ADFM = 0; //Turn on ADC module ADON = 1; 4. Copy and paste the code in Example 5-4 into the labeled: //ADD GET INPUTS CODE HERE 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. Get_Inputs() section DS40001369C-page 87 PICDEMTM Lab Development Board User’s Guide EXAMPLE 5-4: GET_INPUTS() CODE FOR ADC LAB 1 //Perform an ADC of potentiometer connected to pin 13 //Wait the required acquisition time Delay_1mS(); //Start conversion by setting the GO/DONE bit. GODONE = 1; //Wait for ADC conversion to complete //Polling the GO/DONE bit // 0 = ADC completed // 1 = ADC in progress while(GODONE == 1); 5. Copy and paste the code in Example 5-5 into the Decide() section labeled: //ADD DECIDE CODE HERE EXAMPLE 5-5: DECIDE() CODE FOR ADC LAB 1 //Assign the upper 4 bits of ADRESH to the lower 4 bits //of LED_Output LED_Output = ADRESH >> 4; //Shifts the bits in ADRESL 4 bits //to the right 6. Copy and paste the code in Example 5-6 into the labeled: //ADD DO OUTPUTS CODE HERE EXAMPLE 5-6: Do_Outputs() section D0_OUTPUTS() CODE FOR ADC LAB 1 //Assign contents of LED_Output to PORTC to light the connected //LEDs PORTC = LED_Output; 7. Copy and paste the code in Example 5-7 into the main() section labeled: //ADD MAIN CODE HERE EXAMPLE 5-7: MAIN() CODE FOR ADC LAB 1 Initialize(); //Initialize the relevant registers while(1) { Get_Inputs(); Decide(); Do_Outputs(); } 8. Compile the project. There should be no errors. DS40001369C-page 88 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. Analog-to-Digital Converter Peripheral Labs TESTING THE APPLICATION Program the PIC16F690. Turning the potentiometer connected to pin 13 should light the LEDs sequentially in a binary fashion. Note that these are the four Most Significant bits of the ADC result. Adding six more LEDs and I/O pins would allow the complete 10-bit value to be displayed. To determine the significance of each bit in the ADRESH:ADRESL 10-bit result, see Figure 5-4. FIGURE 5-4: ADC RESULT BIT SIGNIFICANCE 10-BIT ADC RESULT (ADRESH: ADRESL) 1 2 1 1 1 1 VDD 1 VDD 1 VDD 1 VDD VDD 1 VDD 1 VDD VDD VDD VDD 4 Note: 8 32 16 64 256 128 512 1024 Assumes that VDD is used as the ADC reference. If an external reference is used, the voltage present on VREF pin is substituted for VDD. Example: If following an ADC, the ADRESH:ADRESL contains the following 10-bit value: 10-BIT ADC RESULT (ADRESH: ADRESL) 1 1 = = 0 1 0 1 VDD + 2 1 4 VDD + 1 1 VDD + VDD 32 1024 1 5V 2 1 4 5V 1 5V 32 2.5V Note: 0 + + 1.25V + + 0.15625V + 0 0 0 1 Bit positions set to ‘1’ are added together 1 5V 1024 + 0.000488V = 3.911V (rounded to the nearest mV) Using a 5V reference voltage with a 10-bit provides a resolution of 0.000488V or 4.88 mV (5V/1024). 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. DS40001369C-page 89 PICDEMTM Lab Development Board User’s Guide Since this lab outputs the four Most Significant bits of the ADC result and VDD is used as the reference voltage, the LED display should correspond with the following voltage levels shown in Table 5-1. TABLE 5-1: CORRESPONDING VOLTAGE ON PIN 13 RELATED TO LIT LEDS (1 = LED ON, 0 = LED OFF) LED4 LED3 LED2 LED1 pin 13 Voltage 0 0 0 0 < 0.3125V 0 0 0 1 > 0.3125V 0 0 1 0 > 0.625V 0 0 1 1 > 0.9375V 0 1 0 0 > 1.25V 0 1 0 1 > 1.5625V 0 1 1 0 > 1.875V 0 1 1 1 > 2.1875V 1 0 0 0 > 2.5V 1 0 0 1 > 2.8125V 1 0 1 0 > 3.125V 1 0 1 1 > 3.4375V 1 1 0 0 > 3.75V 1 1 0 1 > 4.0625V 1 1 1 0 > 4.375V 1 1 1 1 > 4.6875V or greater Note: The greater than symbol (>) is required since the lower six bits of the ADC result are not shown using LEDs. The solution for this project is located in the C:\PICDEM_Lab\ADC_Labs\ADC_Lab1\solution directory. DS40001369C-page 90 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. Analog-to-Digital Converter Peripheral Labs 5.2.4 Lab 2: Audible Temperature Sensor OVERVIEW In this lab, the ADC peripheral on the PIC16F690 is used to alter the frequency of Pulse-Width Modulated Waveform (PWM) in relation to the temperature sensed by a thermistor connected to the input of the ADC peripheral. The PWM waveform is generated by simply toggling the RC0 voltage level high and low. The thermistor is used to create a voltage divider in conjunction with a 1 k resistor to vary the voltage into the ADC input. This thermistor is a Negative Temperature Coefficient type (NTC) meaning that as the temperature of the device increases, the resistance effectively decreases. The voltage drop across the thermistor is converted by the ADC and the ADRESH result then used to manipulate a TMR0 preload value (see GPIO Lab 3) that will be used in the Timing() to vary the execution speed of the software control loop and ultimately the frequency of the PWM waveform. The PWM will be connected to an N-Channel MOSFET used to drive the 8speaker on the PICDEM Lab Development Board. The schematic for this lab is shown in Figure 5-5. FIGURE 5-5: SCHEMATIC FOR ADC LAB 2 VDD U2 J8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J9 RC0 RB4/AN10 R3 100Ω 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 J19 SP+ SP- R2 10 kΩ Thermistor LS1 Q1 IRFD010 N-Channel MOSFET VDD R1 1kΩ 8Ω VSS R4 10 kΩ VSS VSS Referring to the schematic in Figure 5-5, the RC0 connects to the gate of the IRFD010 N-Channel MOSFET Q1. Resistor R4 pulls the gate input low ensuring the transistor will remain OFF until a high voltage level is present on the RC0 output. When the PWM transitions high, Q1 is ON and current flows through the 8 speaker. The 100 R3 resistor is used to limit the current through the speaker to maintain manufacturer specified power ratings. In this way, any change in temperature around the thermistor will alter the frequency of the PWM, thereby changing the audible frequency emitted from the speaker. 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. DS40001369C-page 91 PICDEMTM Lab Development Board User’s Guide The audible frequency range is between 20-20000Hz. Therefore, the Timing() delays from a maximum of 4.096 mS (244.1 Hz) to a minimum of 1.536 mS (651 Hz). These values are determined using the internal instruction clock (FOSC/4) as the TMR0 clock source with a prescaler of 1:16. Other values could easily be used as long as the frequency of the PWM remains within the audible range. The software flowchart for this lab is shown in Figure 5-6. FIGURE 5-6: MAIN() SOFTWARE CONTROL LOOP FLOWCHART FOR ADC LAB 2 main() Global variables initialized: • 8-bit variable TMR0_preload will be used to vary the delay in Timing() to alter the frequency of the PWM output on RC0 Initialize() Get_Inputs() Loop Forever Decide() Do_Outputs() Timing() The Initialize() configures the peripherals as follows: • Ports - Clear PORTB. - Configure pin 13 as an analog input (using TRISB4). - Clear the PORTC register. - Configure RC0 pin as digital output. • Timer0 - Select the FOSC/4 internal instruction clock as the Timer0 clock source. - Increment TMR0 on the low-to-high transition of FOSC/4. - Assign the prescaler to Timer0 and configure at a rate of 1:16. • ADC - Select ADC conversion clock FRC. - Configure voltage reference using VDD. - Select channel 10 as the ADC input channel (Pin 13: RB4/AN10). - Select result format left justified (10-bit result in ADRESH<7:0> and ADRESL<7:6>). - Turn on ADC module. DS40001369C-page 92 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. Analog-to-Digital Converter Peripheral Labs Next, the Get_Inputs() performs an ADC on the voltage present on pin 13 using the same code as Lab 1 with one minor change. This application is very dependent on the timing of the software control loop. The 1mS delay used in Lab 1 to allow the hold capacitor on the input of ADC to fully charge to the pin voltage is excessive. Using the example given in Equation 9-1, Section 9 in the PIC16F690 Data Sheet as a reference, the acquisition delay time is shortened to 8 S which should be sufficient. The Decide() assigns the ADC result value, shifted three bit positions to the left, to the TMR0_preload variable. The Do_Outputs() assigns the current toggle bit value to RC0 that will transition the output accordingly. Finally, the Timing() clears the TMR0 overflow flag (T0IF), preloads the TMR0 register with the TMR0_preload value subtracted from 255. The function then waits until the T0IF is set high before returning to the main(). In this way, as the temperature at the thermistor increases, as will the frequency of the PWM. PROCEDURE Using the firmware developed in the previous lab, make the following changes: 1. Copy/paste the code in Example 5-8 into the top of the main firmware source file under the heading labeled: //----------------DATA MEMORY--------------- Note: Be sure to paste over the code from the previous lab. EXAMPLE 5-8: GLOBAL VARIABLES USE IN ADC LAB 2 unsigned char LED_Output = 0; //assigned to PORTC to light //connected LEDs bit toggle = 0;//Used to generate waveform on RC0 unsigned char TMR0_preload = 0; //Varied by ADRESH to change //frequency of //waveform on RC0 2. Copy and paste the code in Example 5-9 over the Initialize() code from the previous lab: 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. DS40001369C-page 93 PICDEMTM Lab Development Board User’s Guide EXAMPLE 5-9: INITIALIZE CODE FOR ADC LAB 2 //Configure Port: PORTB = 0; //Disable pin output driver (See TRIS register) TRISB4 = 1; // Configure RB4 as analog pin as analog ANS10 = 1; //Configure RC0, RC1, RC2 and RC3 as digital output PORTC = 0; TRISC0 = 0; ANS4 = 0; //Configure Timer0 as follows: //Select the FOSC/4 internal instruction clock //as the clock source for TMR0 T0CS = 0; //Increment TMR0 value on low-to-high transition //of the FOSC/4 T0SE = 0; //Assign the prescaler to TMR0 PSA = 1; //Configure the prescaler to increment TMR0 //at a rate of 1:16 PS0 = 1; PS1 = 1; PS2 = 0; //Configure the ADC module: //Select ADC conversion clock Frc ADCS0 = 1; ADCS1 = 1; ADCS2 = 1; //Configure voltage reference using VDD VCFG = 0; //Select ADC input channel Pin 13 (RB4/AN10) CHS0 = 0; CHS1 = 1; CHS2 = 0; CHS3 = 1; //Select result format left justified ADFM = 0; //Turn on ADC module ADON = 1; 3. Copy and paste the code in Example 5-10 over the Get_Inputs() code from the previous lab: DS40001369C-page 94 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. Analog-to-Digital Converter Peripheral Labs EXAMPLE 5-10: GET_INPUTS() CODE FOR ADC LAB 2 unsigned char counter = 2; //Give ADC hold capacitor time to charge //This works out to approximately 8uS while(--counter > 0); //Start conversion by setting the GO/DONE bit. GODONE = 1; //Wait for ADC conversion to complete //Polling the GO/DONE bit // 0 = ADC completed // 1 = ADC in progress while(GODONE == 1); 4. Copy and paste the code in Example 5-11 over the Decide() code from the previous lab: EXAMPLE 5-11: DECIDE() CODE FOR ADC LAB 2 //Shift the ADRESH result to the left //by three bit positions and assign to //TMR0_preload TMR0_preload = ADRESH<<3; //XOR the toggle value with 1 toggle ^= 1; 5. Copy and paste the code in Example 5-12 over the Do_Outputs() code from the previous lab: EXAMPLE 5-12: D0_OUTPUTS() CODE FOR ADC LAB 2 //Assign the toggle value to RC0 pin RC0 = toggle; 6. Copy and paste the code in Example 5-13 into the Timing() section labeled: //ADD TIMING CODE HERE EXAMPLE 5-13: TIMING() CODE FOR ADC LAB 2 //Clear the T0IF T0IF = 0; //Subtract the TMR0_preload value from 255 and //then use to preload TMR0 TMR0 = 255 – TMR0_preload; //Sit here and wait for TMR0 to overflow while (T0IF == 0); 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. DS40001369C-page 95 PICDEMTM Lab Development Board User’s Guide 7. Copy and paste the code in Example 5-14 over the main() code from the previous lab: EXAMPLE 5-14: MAIN() CODE FOR ADC LAB 2 Initialize(); //Initialize the relevant registers while(1) { Get_Inputs(); Decide(); Do_Outputs(); Timing(); } 8. Compile the project. There should be no errors. TESTING THE APPLICATION Program the PIC16F690. An audible tone should emit from the speaker. Pinching the thermistor should introduce body heat to the component, thereby increasing the frequency of the speaker output. Colder temperature sources applied to the thermistor should reduce the speaker output frequency. The solution for this project is located in the C:\PICDEM_Lab\ADC_Labs\ADC_Lab2\solution directory. DS40001369C-page 96 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. PICDEMTM LAB DEVELOPMENT BOARD USER’S GUIDE Chapter 6. PICDEM™ Lab Motor Control 6.1 OVERVIEW This chapter demonstrates the use of the motor included on the PICDEM™ Lab Board. By using the correct output from the PIC16F690 chip and modifying the period and pulse width of a PWM (square wave), it can be controlled how quickly the motor turns. For this stage, the following items are needed: • • • • • 6.2 PICDEM Lab Board IRFD9020 P-channel MOSFET Resistors: 10 kΩ and 330 Ω Wires PIC16F690 microcontroller PROCEDURE 6.2.1 Motor Use and Programming The motor and the resistors should be connected as shown in Figure 6-1, using pin 5 on the PIC16F690 microcontroller. FIGURE 6-1: CONNECTION OF MOTOR AND RESISTORS VDD MOTOR 330 Ω P-Channel MOSFET Pin 5 (PIC16F690) 10 KΩ After opening the MPLAB X application, a new project can be created, with MotorPWM.c as the source file. Another option would be to copy and paste the source code snippet in Example 6-1 into the MPLAB X application. 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. DS40001369C-page 97 PICDEMTM Lab Development Board User’s Guide EXAMPLE 6-1: SOURCE CODE SNIPPET #include <pic.h> // #pragma config statements should precede project file includes. // Use project enums instead of #define for ON and OFF. // CONFIG #pragma config FOSC = EXTRCCLK function on RA4/OSC2/CLKOUT pin, #pragma config WDTE = ON #pragma config PWRTE = OFF #pragma config MCLRE = ON MCLR) #pragma config CP = OFF is disabled) #pragma config CPD = OFF protection is disabled) #pragma config BOREN = ON #pragma config IESO = ON Switchover mode is enabled) #pragma config FCMEN = ON Monitor is enabled) // RC // // // Oscillator Selection bits (RC oscillator: CLKOUT on RA5/OSC1/CLKIN) Watchdog Timer Enable bit (WDT enabled) Power-up Timer Enable bit (PWRT disabled) MCLR Pin Function Select bit (MCLR pin function is // Code Protection bit (Program memory code protection // Data Code Protection bit (Data memory code // Brown-out Reset Selection bits (BOR enabled) // Internal External Switchover bit (Internal External // Fail-Safe Clock Monitor Enabled bit (Fail-Safe Clock //----------------------------------------------------------------------------//----------------------------------------------------------------------------main() { OSCCON = 0b00101111; // Osc is set to 2 MHz TRISC = 0b00100000; // bit 5 = 1 temp disables PORTC RC5/CCP1 on PIC16F690 PORTC = 0b00000000; // Clear PortC port PR2 = 124; // sets the period or PWM frequency to 4 kHz (0.25 ms) T2CON = 0b00000100; // sets postscaler and prescaler to 1 // These two registers determine the pulse width (CCPR1L:CCP1CON<5:4>) CCPR1L = 0b00111110; CCP1CON = 0b00101111; TRISC = 0b00000000; // bit 5 = 0 enable output PORTC TRIS RC5/CCP1 ECCP high while(1); } 6.2.2 PWM Period The formula for the period of the pulse-width modulator (PWM) can be found in “PIC16F631/677/685/687/689/690 Data Sheet 20-Pin Flash-Based, 8-Bit CMOS Microcontrollers with nanoWatt Technology” (DS41262), Section 11.3.1. A part of this section has been included below. PWM PERIOD The PWM period is specified by the PR2 register of Timer2. The PWM period can be calculated using the formula in Equation 6-1. EQUATION 6-1: PWM PERIOD PWM Period = PR2 + 1 4 T OSC (TMR2 Prescale Value) Note: DS40001369C-page 98 TOSC = 1/FOSC 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. PICDEM™ Lab Motor Control When TMR2 is equal to PR2, the following three events occur on the next increment cycle: • TMR2 is cleared • The CCP1 pin is set. (Exception: If the PWM duty cycle = 0%, the pin will not be set.) • The PWM duty cycle is latched from CCPR1L into CCPR1H. Note: The Timer2 postscaler is not used in the determination of the PWM frequency. EQUATION 6-2: PULSE WIDTH Pulse Width = CCPR1L:CCP1CON<5:4> T OSC (TMR2 Prescale Value) EQUATION 6-3: DUTY CYCLE RATIO CCPR1L:CCP1CON<5:4> Duty Cycle Ratio = ----------------------------------------------------------------------4 PR2 + 1 The CCPR1H register and a 2-bit internal latch are used to double buffer the PWM duty cycle. The double buffering is essential for a glitchless PWM operation. The 8-bit timer TMR2 register is concatenated with either the 2-bit internal system clock (FOSC) or with the two bits of the prescaler, to create the 10-bit time base. The system clock is used if the Timer2 prescaler is set to 1:1. When the 10-bit time base matches the CCPR1H and 2-bit latch, then the CCP1 pin is cleared. As indicated in Example 6-1 that includes the code snippet, the oscillator frequency has been set to 2 MHz. By setting PR2 to 124, the period set out is 4 kHz. EQUATION 6-1: PWM PERIOD 1 PWM Period = 124 + 1 4 --------------------- 1 = .00025s 2000000 1 ---------------- = 4000 Hz .00025 The duty cycle is set by a combination of the registers in CCPR1L and CCP1CON. It uses all eight registers from CCPR1L and registers 4 and 5 from CCP1CON. For example, in the beginning the duty cycle is 50% (half the period). Hence, the value in the equation for pulse width needs to be 250. In binary, 250 is 11111010, the two Least Significant bits go into registers 5 and 4 in CCP1CON, while the remaining bits go into CCPR1L. EQUATION 6-2: 50% DUTY CYCLE AND PULSE WIDTH Period .00025s 50% Duty Cycle: ------------------ = ------------------- = .000125s 2 2 1 PulseWidth = ??? --------------------- = 0.000125s 2000000 .000125 2000000 = 250 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. DS40001369C-page 99 PICDEMTM Lab Development Board User’s Guide The remainder of CCPR1L is used to modify certain aspects of the PWM. In the code snippet in Example 6-1 the CCPRL1 register has been set as: “CCP1CON = 0b00101111;” Bits 7 – 6: 00 → Single Output Bits 5 – 4: — → Least Significant bits for pulse width Bits 3 – 0: 1111 → PWM mode; P1A, P1C active-low; P1B, P1D active-low Note: Active-low is used due to a PMOS transistor. To increase the motor speed, a 75% duty cycle can be implemented. EQUATION 6-3: 75% DUTY CYCLE AND PULSE WIDTH MODULATOR 75% Duty Cycle: Period 0.75 = .00025 0.75 = .0001875s 1 Pulse Width = ??? --------------------- = 0.0001875s 2000000 .0001875 2000000 = 375 In binary, 375 is 0101110111. Therefore, 01011101 goes into CCPR1L and 11 goes into registers 5 and 4 in CCP1CON. The remainder of CCP1CON needs to be left unchanged. After entering these values into the code snippet in the MPLAB X application, the programming of the motor can start and this can be heard running at a faster speed. The pulse width can also be changed to a different value by using the equations provided for programming the motor. DS40001369C-page 100 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. C10 15pF XT1 XT1 J1 J17 Y1 J7 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 32 kHz 2 DJ005B 3 C11 15pF XT2 XT2 RA2 RB3 RB2 RB1 RB0 VPP2 RA4 RA3 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 2PHDR 9V BT1 RA2 RA0 RA1 RB3 RB2 RB1 RB0/INT Vss MCLR PIC_18P RB4 RB5 RB6 RB7 VDD OSC2/CLKOUT 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 SP+ SP- 0.1 UF RA4/TOCKI OSC1/CLKIN RA3 U3 LS1 CDMG13008L-02-ND VBAT CN- CP+ S1G VCC D5 D3 S1 R5 D1 1 J2 S1G J26 270Ω PWR ON 2PHDR C1 IN R1 U3_RB4 U3_RB5 VDD2 J19 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 VPP2 ICSPCLK2 ICSPDAT2 VDD2 9 4 10 8 3 0.1uF ICSPCLK2 1 5 4 3 2 1 7 J16 J8 6 R2 330Ω C7 22 UF 1 J14 CCW 2 CW OUT 4 D4 2 C3 2 1 ICSPDAT2 OSC2 OSC1 RA0 RA1 VBAT 3352T-1-102 3 OUT 2 LM317MSTT3G D2 U1 ADJ 1 3 1 1N4148WS C6 6 5 4 3 2 1 VDD1 VDD1 ICSP2 J12 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 ICSPCLK RB6 RB5 RB4 RC2 RC1 RC0 RA2 RA1 RA0 J10 4 3 2 1 8/14/20p MCU RB7 RC7 RC6 RC3 RC4 RC5 RA3 RA4 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 VDD3 J5 VSS 20 VDD2 2 RA5 U2 VDD2 J4 VDD3 1 VDD ICSPDAT GND VDD VPP RB7 RC7 RC6 RC3 RC4 RC5 RA3 RA4/RB4 RA5/RB5 C2 0.1uF VDD1 J3 ICSPDAT1 GP2-U5 VDD3 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 ICSPCLK3 C4 0.1uF RB6 RB5 RB4 RC2 RC1 RC0 RA2/RB2 ICSPCLK1 1 2 J9 4 3 2 1 U5 6 5 4 3 2 1 ICSPCLK ICSPDAT GND VDD VPP GP0/ICSPDAT/CIN+5 NC VSS BP3/MCLR/VPP PIC10F204_206-I_P GP1/ICSPCLK/CIN- GP2/T0CKI/COUT/FOSC4 VDD NC ICSPCLK1 ICSPDAT1 VDD1 VPP1 ICSP1 J6 5 6 7 8 ICSPDAT3 VPP3 6 5 4 3 2 1 PICkit™ Serial J11 4 3 2 1 J18 SDO/RS SCL/SCK SDA/SDI SDI SCK SDA SCL ___ ICSPCLK3 ICSPDAT3 VDD3 VPP3 VDD 6 5 4 3 2 1 SDO SPI CS +5V GND +5V GND I2C™ ___ ICSP3 J13 ICSPCLK ICSPDAT GND VDD VPP RX TX +5V GND ___ ___ USART PICkit™ Serial Header CS/TX Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6 Receptical J15 6 5 4 3 2 1 A.1 10uF 1N4148WS PICDEMTM LAB DEVELOPMENT BOARD USER’S GUIDE Appendix A. Schematic PICDEM™ LAB DEVELOPMENT KIT SCHEMATIC DS40001369C-page 101 PICDEMTM Lab Development Board User’s Guide NOTES: DS40001369C-page 102 2009-2015 Microchip Technology Inc. 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